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Multiple Settings University for Uniquely Powered Individuals- IC



The lord of randomness and the warp
Today was the first day of the UUPI’s opening, such a facility was made out of a matter of necessity as the disappearance of upper-grade students both hero and villain had forced the institute to combine.

Currently, all students and staff were collected in one of the facility's seven training halls each designed to withstand most power discharges just in case. A raised platform at the one end of the hall, students all already in their seats the first-year students all put into one section while any returning students could just sit wherever. Behind the rows of students, there were some tables set up with drinks and a few little snack things. The principal stood upon the raised platform the fairly long-winded speech beginning to draw to a close. “So in conclusion, welcome to all new and returning students, please do keep out of too much trouble. I hope we can make the best of this... less than ideal situation... now feel free to mingle and chat students, all staff please leave to your respective staff rooms for faculty meetings” the principal concluded leaving the platform and the students to mingle for now.

though the speech was long-winded the reason for the merge between both universities was left very vague.. perhaps eventually the students would learn of this but now was a time for finding new annoyances and or friends.. or meeting old ones.. only time would tell.
Interactions: None (Open)

Minma's eyes were peeled on the principal as he gave his opening speech. A small laugh escaped Minma's mouth. "This is just ridiculous. How the hell does he expect us villains to get along with others? I wouldn't be surprised if an all out brawl broke out." He said it with a stern voice. He wasn't talking to anyone in particular, but the people around him heard him. Minma adjusted his shirt turning hard he walked towards the tables with snack and drink on them.

He picked up a cup and gulped it down. Besides throwing it away he placed another cup over it. "Pityful. They expect us to get along over tea and cookies like this is some royal palace meeting." A long sigh left his mouth. He moved his neck, cracking a few bones. He looked around him and saw some familiar faces. Some he had never seen before. If he hadn't seen them before he assumed they were part of the hero's league. He wondered how long they were going to have everyone cramped up in a room. There were villains who reeked up evil, then there were hero's who reeked of justice.

"Villains and heroes going to classes together. You hearing this? Over."

"No, wha? I was looking at this dude in front of me's yee-yee ass haircut, looks like male pattern baldness had a hatechild with a bowl cut. I'm having trouble ignoring my own reflection in the scalp, over," Jack replied, speaking aloud and without an ounce of tact into the earpiece she was sporting. Paired with it was a pair of sunglasses she was wearing indoors, black leather gloves, and a brand new suit. The fact that her best outfit made her look like a Secret Service agent was no accident, but if anyone asked, she planned on giving varying reasons why she was dressed the way she was. Such as being nine years late for her own bat mitzvah, being duel-enrolled at a school for FBI cosplayers, having a job interview to be a J Crew model, etcetera etcetera. Right then, a third voice overtook the channel.

"Seriously? They just announced that everyone from UUT is transferring here because of all the disappearances, smarten up! This stuff could be impo- No, nevermind, I see him now. What would you even call that style, the German Pretzel Bun? Is it like a big plus sign shaved from end to end of the scalp?"

"No, you're not close enough, it's more like a tic-tac-toe board. See? Two pairs of parallel lines. This guy is a freak... Over. Also you forgot to say over, over." At this point, Jack had her finger sticking out and pointing directly at the other student's head, making a spectacle out of their hair for the people around her, as well as those she was communicating with from across the room. "Whatever, heroes and villains, sitting in a tree, s-u-l-k-i-n-g. Not like anything's gonna be any different for us. Just keep your heads down and avoid making attracting too much unwanted attention. Over."

"Pfft, sure. Alright, the dean's finished. I'm getting something to eat, we didn't have breakfast."

Over a dozen miscellaneous, affirmative noises or phrases buzzed through the earpieces, sending them all into whining feedback. In unison, they were switched off, as each of their users emerged from the rear of the crowd and descended on the snack tables. Like harpies. 24 identical dapper young women all but claimed a table of pastries for themselves, while a 25th stood guard nearby, distinguished by the black 1's falsely tattooed on her cheekbones.
As the school's headmaster finally ended his speech, Lena couldn't help but wrinkle her nose in disgust as she glanced at the students around her.

The University for Heroes... the most prestigious hero academy in the world, joining forces with thugs and criminals... how revolting.

The idea of even sharing the same room as a villain nearly sent bile rising up her throat. It had taken her mother weeks of convincing Lena's father to not pull her out of the academy right away at the news... not that Lena had any say in the matter, of course.

It was clear that she wasn't the only one displeased at the idea of sharing classes with the opposite side...students left and right were muttering to themselves and one another. In the seat directly in front of her, she could hear a boy grumbling to himself.

"This is just ridiculous. How the hell does he expect us villains get along with others? I wouldn't be surprised if an all-out brawl broke out," he protested, his voice stern.

Lena's eyes widened as she realized she was sitting inches away from a villain. As she moved to shift further to the right, the little remaining space left on the bench was quickly taken by yet another student. She greeted the stranger with a tight smile before focusing her gaze on the ground. She was trapped.

As she looked around at the students, some exchanging scowls and even hushed threats, Lena had to admit that the boy had a good point. This was a terrible idea, arguably even more dangerous than simply letting the two opposing schools remain solitary. The students would kill each other before any mystery murderer would!

She was snapped out of her thoughts as the volume in the room began to rise. Students crowded to the buffet table and mingled with one another, exchanging gossip and complaints...it seemed that cliques were already being formed. For Lena, however, socializing was the last thing on her mind. Right now, all she wanted to do was go to her dorm and bury her face in a book. The stifling crowd of students; of hot, noisy bodies pressing on her at all sides was beginning to make her anxious. Lena fiddled with the leather satchel on her lap, desperately trying to distract herself from the nerve-wracking situation she was currently in.

This is awful.
interaction: xx_redacted_xx xx_redacted_xx Mentions: Kassandra Kassandra
jittering a little as he sat in front of the principal along with everyone else.. was a white-haired boy, who was wearing an oddly oversized shirt looking rather.. awkward just trying to process everything. his metal-covered hands making a plicking noise. this was Taric the boy was.. well aside from the merge between both universities.. he'd have to deal with villains too, but that wasn't his biggest issue. Right now Taric simply wondered what happened to his older sister she'd disappeared very recently, was that the reason for this merge of both universities? maybe?

looking up at the stage it seemed that the principal had finished everyone beginning to mingle about, a small smile forming on Taric's face now. maybe he could just try and mingle a little bit.. right? he'd not been too sure what exactly to do at the moment people passing by him towards the snack table one of the stranger displays was 25 identical version of the same girl it made Taric chuckle just a little bit, maybe things wouldn't be so bad right? it actually seemed kinda fun... Taric thought to himself trying to psych himself up to try and do some social interaction. He thought of walking over to the snack tables but not actually being able to eat... was... well a downside to any food side conversation and it only ever served to make him even hungrier, the boy didn't want to be swallowing up tables just now. getting up he'd just kinda wander for a little while seeing a girl who seemed a little uncomfortable.. Taric would take a seat next to her giving a half-hearted smile. "hey.. you doing ok?" he'd ask softly.

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