• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Universe (Multi-verse RP)


Senior Member
You are allowed up to 2 characters.

If you pick a cannon character (one that already exist) you can pick to have an OC or another cannon.

If you chose to make an OC, you are required to have a cannon character.

The reason for these rules is so that everyone else can have a character that they can look up on their background if someone doesn’t understand

Both characters can be from completely different universes, or the same.


Where they are from:





Crush (in your universe if any):




Personality and background:
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Name: Rosabel Garden (OC)

Where they are from: One piece- Zou

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Abilities: Candy Candy no mi. Her whole body is made of candy that she can harden and liquefy at extreme temperatures. She can break off parts of her body and they can become sweets for others to eat in emergency. Depending on the type of candy she becomes, her weight can change along with her appearance.


Crush (in your universe): Law Trafalgar

Likes: Pretty jewels, and cooking (though everything she makes ends up being sweet)

Dislikes: Spicy food, bugs, large bodies of water (fear of drowning)

Weakness: sea stone, can't swim. Animals (wild or domestic) she doesn't like fighting them, so she lets them eat pieces of her.

Personality and background: Cheerful and curious she left her home Zou, an island of human animal tribes, to see the world. Learning of pirates and their grand adventures she became enamored with them. She's easy to fool and manipulate due to her ignorance of the world, but if shes catches you messing with her, she’s hard to forgive. She’s was on her way to see Bepo, the talking polar bear of the heat pirates, in hopes of meeting her crush. However during a storm caused by the merge caused the ship she was on to sink, and arrived to the town.
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Name: Winry Rockbell (Cannon)

Where they are from: FMA: BH

Age: 17 (It’s still in the middle of Ed’s adventure)

Gender: Female

Abilities: Skilled Auto mail specialist, Mechanic, Amateur Surgeon


Crush (in your universe if any): Edward Elric

Likes: Creating Auto mail, working on machines, the smell of oil, spending time with Ed and Al, learning to cook, little children

Dislikes: Having her creations be destroyed, being disturbed while she’s working, stubborn men, people who don't appreciate what they have been given, guys shorter than her (In terms of romantic interest only)

Weakness: Lacks physical strength so can be captured easily, can let her emotions get the best of her under a pressure or distress (she almost shot scar if not for Ed stopping her)

Personality and background: Winry is a powerhouse of auto mail, training and working in Rush Valley, the home of auto mail fanatics. She does this to become the best auto mail mechanic she can be to help her childhood friends, Edward Elric and Alphonse Elric, on their journey. After tiring to bring their mother back to life, Ed lost an arm and leg, while Al lost his whole body.

Winry replaced the lost limbs with auto mail, and has been his mechanic ever since, going out on service calls when he contacts her. This girl has trudged though freezing cold climate to help her friend Ed. With him she can be hot tempered, but otherwise is rather polite with others. Her parents were doctors, so where little girls were playing with dolls, at her age she was reading medical books. Not that she can remember much, just bits and pieces. She was on a train to Rush Valley after servicing Ed’s arm and leg when a bright flash blinded her and found herself at Universe.
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Name: Henry (Canon)

Where they are from: Fire Emblem: Awakening, country of Plegia

Age: No idea, actually. Young? Probably like 20-something at most.

Gender: Man, though I could headcanon agender.

Abilities: Dark magic, curses, hexes


Crush (in your universe if any): I dunno. Probably anyone constantly covered in blood.

Likes: Blood, animals, crows, war… he’s got some problems.

Dislikes: Pain. Anything to sully his mood~

Weakness: Complete amorality-- little knowledge of right vs. wrong.

Personality and background: “A Plegian dark mage with a fetish for bloodshed and an indelible grin. While disarmingly optimistic, he shows a gruesome lack of mercy while on the battlefield.” - From the actual game.

He is always smiling, always cheerful, and always kind of creepy. He also frequently throws out jokes and puns that are sometimes funny, and sometimes.. not. He can become very protective of people or animals he likes.

Henry was neglected by his parents. He became friends with animals to make up for this, and when the wolf that became his family was murdered by villagers, he massacred the town. He was sent to an elite mage school, where the abusive punishments exacted on students left him with a high pain tolerance, though a dislike of pain itself, and problems showing any expression other than a smile. He became a soldier for the war between Plegia and Ylisse, but betrayed Plegia and joined Ylisse’s ranks in order to prolong the war, since it looked like Ylisse would have lost very quickly without help.

While experimenting with a new hex for a buddy of his, other magic happened, and he ended up in Universe, without the faintest idea of how he and Gaius had gotten there.
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Name: Gaius (Canon)

Where they are from: Fire Emblem: Awakening, country of Ylisse.

Age: Something? Probably older than Henry. They don’t have ages in this I’m sorry.

Gender: Man

Abilities: Sneak-thievery, lying, making crafts, baking.


Crush (in your universe if any): Pretty sure his only love is sweets.

Likes: Candy. Sweets. Sugar. Baking. Card tricks & games.

Dislikes: Not having sugar. Killing innocents. Bugs.

Weakness: His obsession with sugar. He literally joined a war for a bag full of sweets.

Personality and background: “A cool and capable Ylissean thief who will take any job for the right price. He is absolutely obsessed with sweets and hides 50 varieties of ‘emergency snacks’ in his cloak.” - From the actual game.

Gaius is good at his job as a thief. He was known as “Sticky Fingers” or something like that on the streets, partially because of the sweets, and partially because of his deft abilities to pull the wool over someone’s eyes. He is calm and collected, and always tries to keep his good morals in tact. He will protect the lives of innocents, and do what he thinks is right when lives are on the line. Money, on the other hand.. well, that comes and goes. He basically only loses his composure when sugar is on the line.

He has been dragged into several schemes that he is not proud of, and spends a lot of his time trying to atone for them, while keeping himself alive. As such, he always keeps others in mind, even in his shady line of work.

He knew asking Henry for help multiplying the few candied figs he had left was a mistake. Magicked candy was dangerous candy, and lo-and-behold, now the creepy kid has magicked him to some unknown land. It didn't even look like his world. Is there candy here? You don't know! MaybE THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE SUGAR. DID YOU THINK ABOUT THAT? NO. YOU ONLY THINK ABOUT YOURSELF. Stupid Henry.
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Name: Yuri Lowell (Canon)

Where they are from:

Universe: Tales of Vesperia (Video Game)

City: Zaphias

Age: 21

Gender: Male (probably idk i have head canons but that doesn't matter right now)

Abilities: One-handed sword proficiency, One-handed ax proficiency, Fighting gauntlet proficiency, Acrobatics (back flips, front flips, etc.), Artes (special attacks)

Crush: None

Likes: Alone time, Repede (Yuri's dog)

Dislikes: Injustice, Zagi

Weakness: Impulsive, not the best with communicating before acting

Personality and background: Yuri is... kind of nice but also not. Sarcastic and cynical, Yuri enjoys teasing others, though he never jabs at topics that could seriously offend anyone who doesn't deserve it. He's not the calmest person, but even when his anger gets the best of him, he internalizes most of it. He's not the type to open up to people, but he isn't necessarily unfriendly.
"Wouldn't it be crazy if a monster just gobbled up your foot right now? Just a giant munch, and oops, no more foot."

~Yuri Lowell

Living in the Lower Quarter of the Imperial Capitol, Zaphias, Yuri spent his childhood with his close friend Flynn Scifo. However, their home was far from perfect. The Lower Quarter was in constant indigence due to the abuse and neglect its people recieved from the nobles of the Upper Quarter. The two children vowed to change the flaws of their country's government, and with that goal in mind, they joined the Imperial Knights in hopes of changing things from the inside. However, Yuri and Flynn were soon faced with a harsh reality: not even a knight had enough power to change the corrupt minds of the higher ups. Yuri left the knights in frustration, unwilling to work his way to the top. While his friend trudged towards promotions, Yuri became a founding member a guild called Brave Vesperia.

Yuri travelled across the world with Brave Vesperia, using guild missions to slowly erase the corruption in the world in his own way. However, after seemingly saving his world from demise, his troubles still weren't over. While re-exploring the Ghost Ship his group discovered on their travels, a deteriorating rope ladder to the crow's nest snapped, swinging him over to the water before he lost his grip and fell in. The impact with the water knocked him unconscious, and once he awakened, he was found himself in the town.

Name: Zagi Casimir (Canon, some information isn't real cuz there isn't a lot of info on this guy)

Where they are from:

Universe: Tales of Vesperia (Video Game)

City: Mantaic; Nordopolica

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Abilities: Dual wielding short blades/knives, Poison tolerance, Acrobatics (back flips, front flips, etc.), Artes (special attacks)

Crush: None (hopefully)

Likes: Fighting, winning, challenges, Yuri, lizards, ice skating.....

Dislikes: Interruptions, people who get in his way, people who don't listen to him, basically just people interacting with him when he didn't initiate it

Weakness: Doesn't accept defeat, self-destructive tendencies, probably clinically insane, severe anger issues

Personality and background: Zagi... Oh, jesus. Zagi isn't exactly normal. He has severe anger issues and a seemingly insatiable bloodlust. He has very violent tendencies and doesn't really find much interest in anything other than fighting. He is prone to emotional outbursts, most of which involve him flailing his weapons dangerously close to other's faces. Despite his violent personality, Zagi can be rather quiet and (dare I say) normal when he's alone or avoiding anything that could excite or anger him.
"Hey, don't let it end so easily, okay? Cause it's been a long time since I got to fight like this!"

~Zagi Casimir

Zagi grew up in two cities at once. Following his parent's obscure schedules, he would spend most of his summers in Nordopolica with his father, watching him compete in the Colosseum day after day until the summer tournaments ended. In the winter, he was shipped back to Mantaic where he was born to bare the dry air of the desert with his mother. Passed back and forth between two parents who raely actually socialized with him, he would attempt to gain their attention in many ways. Due to his lack of patience, helping with his mother's tailoring business only irritated her, worsening their relationship. When Zagi expressed an interest in learning to fight, his father responded with enthusiasm. Zagi continued to practice his skills for years, but as his skills rose, the Colosseum soon became too easy for him, and Zagi began the life of an assassin for the guild Leviathan's Claw.

Last he checked, he was dead. Or at least falling to his death. So waking up in a strange village with little memory of his last moments or how he arrived in the first place was quite a shocker. By the way, where in the world are his knives?


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Name: James Storm

Where they are from: Toronto, Ontario, Canada (modern day)

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Abilities: An exceptional artist and programmer, as well as a bass player. He is also very athletic and can parkour quite well, as well as a master class fencer.



Crush (in your universe if any):

Likes: Music, video games, sketching, toking, bass playing, and a wide variety of foods, animating, lounging around, meditation

Dislikes: artificial music like dubstep, pop, rap and hip-hop; seeing others killed over trivial things, most people until he gets to know them, being bothered when he's completely focused on something, the dreaded BSoD (Blue Screen of Death), Arseholes


Personality: James is very calculative, but can be sympathetic even though he shows almost no emotion in public. He tends to be very relaxed even in the most dire situations, and is not disturbed by the grotesque, gruesome, and bloody. He is fairly cynical of most people, and due to this he tends to be quiet.

Background: Originally from Dallas, Texas, James came from a middle-class family and moved to Canada to pursue a career in Game Design and Programming, and to master the arts of Parkour and Fencing. He had been doing quite well in life, until being seemingly departed from reality as was almost hit by a reckless driver
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Name: Frisk

Where they are from: UnderTale, The-Star-Hunter AU

Age: 25


Abilities: Fight(sword), Act, (bag)Item, X Mercy

Crush (in your universe if any): Sans


  • (His) Sans
  • Meditation
  • Cooking
  • Puns
  • Sleep


  • Fighting
  • Plants
  • Being Alone

Weakness: He doesn't follow Genocide path, So any fighting takes energy from him.

Personality and background: Frisk is quiet and thoughtful man, being an ambassador of the Monsters of Underground requires this
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Vultuzmaar said:
Name: James Storm
Where they are from: Toronto, Ontario, Canada (modern day)

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Abilities: An exceptional artist and programmer, as well as a bass player. He is also very athletic and can parkour quite well, as well as a master class fencer.



Crush (in your universe if any):

Likes: Music, video games, sketching, toking, bass playing, and a wide variety of foods, animating, lounging around, meditation

Dislikes: artificial music like dubstep, pop, rap and hip-hop; seeing others killed over trivial things, most people until he gets to know them, being bothered when he's completely focused on something, the dreaded BSoD (Blue Screen of Death), Arseholes


Personality: James is very calculative, but can be sympathetic even though he shows almost no emotion in public. He tends to be very relaxed even in the most dire situations, and is not disturbed by the grotesque, gruesome, and bloody. He is fairly cynical of most people, and due to this he tends to be quiet.

Background: Originally from Dallas, Texas, James came from a middle-class family and moved to Canada to pursue a career in Game Design and Programming, and to master the arts of Parkour and Fencing. He had been doing quite well in life, until being seemingly departed from reality (starting to be placed in the house) as was almost hit by a reckless driver
Approved but he's an OC so you also have to make a cannon character to officially join
[QUOTE="The Reaper Of Souls]WIP!!!

Name: Frisk

Where they are from: UnderTale, The-Star-Hunter AU

Age: 25


Abilities: Fight(sword), Act, (bag)Item, X Mercy

Crush (in your universe if any): Sans


  • (His) Sans
  • Meditation
  • Cooking
  • Puns
  • Sleep


  • Fighting
  • Plants
  • Being Alone

Weakness: He doesn't follow Genocide path, So any fighting takes energy from him.

Personality and background: Frisk is quiet and thoughtful man, being an ambassador of the Monsters of Underground requires this

Approved, you can make another cannon or OC if you want but since Frisk is cannon you are not required to do so
Yoshiya Kiryu (Canon)

Everyone has their own little internal world - a secret garden only they can enter. Each world follows its own internal logic - individuality. And the logic of one world means nothing in another. Understanding other people isn't hard.....It's Impossible.
Yoshiya Kiryu

Name: Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu

Title: Composer

Where they are from: The World Ends With You

Age: 15 in appearance; true age unknown

Gender: Male


His abilities outside of combat are not truly seen. As the Composer, it can be inferred Joshua also has several incredibly powerful abilities, such as the ability to move between dimensions and the ability to erase the whole of Shibuya. He is also shown to be able to stop objects in mid-air, such as when Minamimoto tries to shoot him. The full scope of his abilities is not revealed; he is known to be suppressing himself during his week in the game, and Kitaniji admits that he would be no match for Joshua if the two were to fight against each other without handicaps. However, given that erasing the Composer is the only way to become the Composer, Joshua is most likely not immortal (he may live forever, but he can be dethroned). His power in relation to an Angel's is not fully understood, though it is clear that Angels have a higher Vibe than he. Because of his high amount of Imagination, only the Composer retains the ability to reincarnate Players at the end of a Game. During the game, Joshua is revealed to be handicapping himself, not using his full powers, as stated during the dialogue between Megumi and Joshua as they decide to play a game. He is not bound by the rules of the Game, seeing how the Game is played in the UG, but he had lowered his Vibe in order to suppress himself, as well as change his appearance.



Crush (in your universe if any): None


  • Ramen
  • Games
  • Teasing people

Dislikes (Not much bothers him):

  • Having to do any work
  • Overly Serious people


His arrogance? No one really knows his limits or weaknesses.

Personality and background:

Joshua is extremely intelligent, boasting a refined taste in addition to vast knowledge of both the RG and the UG. Unfortunately, these traits are often overshadowed by his air of arrogance. He thinks and acts on his own, always keeping his intentions mysterious, and is difficult to predict. He also tends to tease when he is not sharing information. Joshua rarely gets truly worked up about anything, usually faking it even when he appears to be exerting effort. These snobby qualities always make him appear condescending and antagonistic—especially to Neku. Nevertheless, his long history with Hanekoma has ignited a bond of trust between the two. While much wiser and more mature than his appearance suggests, Joshua's attitude masks his deep-seated misanthropy, as he was willing to eradicate all life in Shibuya and often passively encouraged Neku to give in to his own hatred of others to help justify that decision. Deep down, Joshua is simply lonely. Hanekoma reveals that Joshua had been alone most of his life without many friends. At the end of the game, Hanekoma notes Joshua's sadness while looking down at his friends (Neku, Shiki, Beat, and Rhyme,) possibly because he is not able to attend the reunion. When Hanekoma asks about his feelings, Joshua remains silent and flees.

Ryu Kanaseda (Original Character)

I've made a promise that I have to keep, a promise I made long ago. I promised that, no matter what, I would live my life to the fullest. DO YOU REALLY THINK I'M GONNA TO LET YOU GET IN THE WAY OF THAT?! I'M RYU GODDAMN KANASEDA, AND I'M GONNA BURN YOU TO ASH.
Ryu Kanaseda (Talking to Yoshiya Kiryu)

Name: Ryu Kanaseda (rye-oo kah-nah-say-dah)

Title: Kaen Ten'nō (火焔天皇 Flame Emperor)

Where they are from: TWEWY

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Flame Emperor's Gauntlets:

Ryu possesses the ability to summon a weapon and piece of armor known as the Flame Emperor's Gauntlet. It is a large piece of armor that covers his entire arm, as well as boosting his strength. Normally, he only summons the right variant, but he is able to summon one for his left arm as well. The gauntlets grant the user pyrokinesis, and also have flame jets to boost the strength of its user's punches.

Flame Emperor's Greaves:

This is basically identical to the Flame Emperor's Gauntlet, except it's used for the legs. They do not augment the user's strength as much as the gauntlets, but they have more powerful flame jets to boost the users speed. Like the Gauntlets, he can summon one or two of them.




Combat (Shown With the Flame Emperor's Gauntlet)


Crush (in your universe if any): None


  • Fighting
  • Training
  • Studying


  • Losing
  • People who take advantage of others
  • Rudeness
  • Injustice


Over-exerting himself. If he fights too long, he runs the risk of depleting his blood sugar too much.

Personality and background:

Born in the Shibuya district of Tokyo, Ryu is a natural born fighter. He started training as a martial artist early in his life, and excelled at it. He continued studying, spending almost all of his time on his brutal training regimen. When he was 12, he started entering and winning various martial arts tournaments. Everything was coming up Haynes. That is, until that day.

It happened when he was 15. It was a moderate summer evening. He had just finished a martial arts competition where he had easily taken first place. Afterwards, he decided to go for a stroll to clear his head. Unbeknownst to him, the particular building he chose to pass by had a dangerous gas leak. Before he could know what happened, he was caught up in a blinding flash of light, and a deafening explosion. It was on that day, that he died.

When he next awoke, he was lying at the center of the Scramble Crossing at the heart of Shibuya. He had no memory of how he got there, and the only clue he had was a pin bearing a skull symbol. What Ryu did not know, was that he had been entered into the Reapers' Game, a test for those who die. The purpose of the game was to evaluate its "Players", and to judge whether or not they deserved a second chance at life. Ryu ended up making a pact with a young male by the name of Stiyl Magnus, as each player needed a partner to play the Reapers' game. After completing the seven missions of the week, the two proved victorious. However, it was later revealed that Magnus had entered the game illegally, as he had not died. The punishment for such an offense was erasure, and, although he tried valiantly, Ryu was not able to save his partner. Before he was erased, however, Magnus was able to give Ryu one last gift of thanks. As Ryu held his dying friend, Stiyl bestowed upon him the SafeGuards of the Flame Emperor: The Flame Emperor's Gauntlets, and The Flame Emperor's Greaves. With his dying words, Stiyl urged Ryu to live as good and as much as he could, for he would now be living for the both of them.

When Ryu was finally returned to life, he felt an intense feeling of emptiness. Although they had known each other 7 days, Stiyl had been the first real friend he'd had. Because he'd been so obsessed with his training, he had pushed all others out of his life, becoming isolated and introverted. Playing the Reapers' Game had helped him to appreciate others, and to open up to other people. With his newfound second chance at life, Ryu vowed to fulfill the last wish of his partner, and to live life for the both of them.

One peculiar side effect from his time in the Game, was that he still retained the ability to see the UG (Short for "UnderGround", The plane of reality parallel to the real world, The RG, that is used for the Reaper's Game), even though he was alive again. He has not found out why this is the case.

((Holy Crap I am so sorry. I didn't intend for that History to be that long))

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Rhodus said:
Yoshiya Kiryu (Canon)

Everyone has their own little internal world - a secret garden only they can enter. Each world follows its own internal logic - individuality. And the logic of one world means nothing in another. Understanding other people isn't hard.....It's Impossible.
Yoshiya Kiryu

Name: Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu

Title: Composer

Where they are from: The World Ends With You

Age: 15 in appearance; true age unknown

Gender: Male


His abilities outside of combat are not truly seen. As the Composer, it can be inferred Joshua also has several incredibly powerful abilities, such as the ability to move between dimensions and the ability to erase the whole of Shibuya. He is also shown to be able to stop objects in mid-air, such as when Minamimoto tries to shoot him. The full scope of his abilities is not revealed; he is known to be suppressing himself during his week in the game, and Kitaniji admits that he would be no match for Joshua if the two were to fight against each other without handicaps. However, given that erasing the Composer is the only way to become the Composer, Joshua is most likely not immortal (he may live forever, but he can be dethroned). His power in relation to an Angel's is not fully understood, though it is clear that Angels have a higher Vibe than he. Because of his high amount of Imagination, only the Composer retains the ability to reincarnate Players at the end of a Game. During the game, Joshua is revealed to be handicapping himself, not using his full powers, as stated during the dialogue between Megumi and Joshua as they decide to play a game. He is not bound by the rules of the Game, seeing how the Game is played in the UG, but he had lowered his Vibe in order to suppress himself, as well as change his appearance.



Crush (in your universe if any): None


  • Ramen
  • Games
  • Teasing people

Dislikes (Not much bothers him):

  • Having to do any work
  • Overly Serious people


His arrogance? No one really knows his limits or weaknesses.

Personality and background:

Joshua is extremely intelligent, boasting a refined taste in addition to vast knowledge of both the RG and the UG. Unfortunately, these traits are often overshadowed by his air of arrogance. He thinks and acts on his own, always keeping his intentions mysterious, and is difficult to predict. He also tends to tease when he is not sharing information. Joshua rarely gets truly worked up about anything, usually faking it even when he appears to be exerting effort. These snobby qualities always make him appear condescending and antagonistic—especially to Neku. Nevertheless, his long history with Hanekoma has ignited a bond of trust between the two. While much wiser and more mature than his appearance suggests, Joshua's attitude masks his deep-seated misanthropy, as he was willing to eradicate all life in Shibuya and often passively encouraged Neku to give in to his own hatred of others to help justify that decision. Deep down, Joshua is simply lonely. Hanekoma reveals that Joshua had been alone most of his life without many friends. At the end of the game, Hanekoma notes Joshua's sadness while looking down at his friends (Neku, Shiki, Beat, and Rhyme,) possibly because he is not able to attend the reunion. When Hanekoma asks about his feelings, Joshua remains silent and flees.

Ryu Kanaseda (Original Character)

I've made a promise that I have to keep. It's a promise I made long ago. I promised that, no matter what, I would live my life to the fullest. DO YOU REALLY THINK I'M GONNA TO LET YOU GET IN THE WAY OF THAT?! I'M RYU KANASEDA, AND I'M GONNA BURN YOU TO ASH.
Ryu Kanaseda (Talking to Yoshiya Kiryu)

Name: Ryu Kanaseda (rye-oo kah-nah-say-dah)

Title: Kaen Ten'nō (火焔天皇 Flame Emperor)

Where they are from: TWEWY

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Flame Emperor's Gauntlets:

Ryu possesses the ability to summon a weapon and piece of armor known as the Flame Emperor's Gauntlet. It is a large piece of armor that covers his entire arm, as well as boosting his strength. Normally, he only summons the right variant, but he is able to summon one for his left arm as well. The gauntlets grant the user pyrokinesis, and also have flame jets to boost the strength of its user's punches.

Flame Emperor's Greaves:

This is basically identical to the Flame Emperor's Gauntlet, except it's used for the legs. They do not augment the user's strength as much as the gauntlets, but they have more powerful flame jets to boost the users speed. Like the Gauntlets, he can summon one or two of them.




Combat (Shown With the Flame Emperor's Gauntlet)


Crush (in your universe if any): None


  • Fighting
  • Training
  • Studying


  • Losing
  • People who take advantage of others
  • Rudeness
  • Injustice


Over-exerting himself. If he fights too long, he runs the risk of depleting his blood sugar too much.

Personality and background:

Born in the Shibuya district of Tokyo, Ryu is a natural born fighter. He started training as a martial artist early in his life, and excelled at it. He continued studying, spending almost all of his time on his brutal training regimen. When he was 12, he started entering and winning various martial arts tournaments. Everything was coming up Haynes. That is, until that day.

It happened when he was 15. It was a moderate summer evening. He had just finished a martial arts competition where he had easily taken first place. Afterwards, he decided to go for a stroll to clear his head. Unbeknownst to him, the particular building he chose to pass by had a dangerous gas leak. Before he could know what happened, he was caught up in a blinding flash of light, and a deafening explosion. It was on that day, that he died.

When he next awoke, he was lying at the center of the Scramble Crossing at the heart of Shibuya. He had no memory of how he got there, and the only clue he had was a pin bearing a skull symbol. What Ryu did not know, was that he had been entered into the Reapers' Game, a test for those who die. The purpose of the game was to evaluate its "Players", and to judge whether or not they deserved a second chance at life. Ryu ended up making a pact with a young male by the name of Stiyl Magnus, as each player needed a partner to play the Reapers' game. After completing the seven missions of the week, the two proved victorious. However, it was later revealed that Magnus had entered the game illegally, as he had not died. The punishment for such an offense was erasure, and, although he tried valiantly, Ryu was not able to save his partner. Before he was erased, however, Magnus was able to give Ryu one last gift of thanks. As Ryu held his dying friend, Stiyl bestowed upon him the SafeGuards of the Flame Emperor: The Flame Emperor's Gauntlets, and The Flame Emperor's Greaves. With his dying words, Stiyl urged Ryu to live as good and as much as he could, for he would now be living for the both of them.

When Ryu was finally returned to life, he felt an intense feeling of emptiness. Although they had known each other 7 days, Stiyl had been the first real friend he'd had. Because he'd been so obsessed with his training, he had pushed all others out of his life, becoming isolated and introverted. Playing the Reapers' Game had helped him to appreciate others, and to open up to other people. With his newfound second chance at life, Ryu vowed to fulfill the last wish of his partner, and to live life for the both of them.

One peculiar side effect from his time in the Game, was that he still retained the ability to see the UG (Short for "UnderGround", The plane of reality parallel to the real world, The RG, that is used for the Reaper's Game), even though he was alive again. He has not found out why this is the case.

((Holy Crap I am so sorry. I didn't intend for that History to be that long))


Both approved
AnimeLover1116 said:
Approved, you can make another cannon or OC if you want but since Frisk is cannon you are not required to do so
I See there is another Sans... Do you think its alright if I do another Sans, AU means Alternet Universe.
[QUOTE="The Reaper Of Souls]I See there is another Sans... Do you think its alright if I do another Sans, AU means Alternet Universe.

Id prefer not to because it would get to confusing to follow sorry, first come first serve. You could always try his brother? xD
@Vultuzmaar I didn't get to read all ur bio when I was approving...It's still approved but please fix the ;ast pat in it where your referring to my other RP THE HOUSE
AnimeLover1116 said:
@Vultuzmaar I didn't get to read all ur bio when I was approving...It's still approved but please fix the ;ast pat in it where your referring to my other RP THE HOUSE
;ast pat?
Vultuzmaar said:
;ast pat?
lol dam key board

@Vultuzmaar I didn't get to read all ur bio when I was approving...It's still approved but please fix the *last *part in it where your referring to my other RP THE HOUSE

If you are still accepting I would like to join. Here is my (OC). Will post my canon character after this one.

Name: Nylana

Where they are from: Naruto Shippuden (Village Hidden in Boiling Water; Akatsuki Organization)

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Abilities: typical jutsus plus she is in the Jashinist cult so same ability as Hidan


Crush (in your universe if any): Kakuzu

Likes: sweets, blood, violence, more violence, and animals, singing and dancing

Dislikes: spiders and snakes, tourism

Weakness: children and fuzzy animals,

Personality and background:Nylana is slightly insane. She swings through moods pretty quickly. Nylana loves little kids and animals. She can be very kind and sweet. But, when she is angry, she tends to end up covered in blood. However, she rarely kills people, which is odd for a Jashinist.

Background: Nylana was on a mission. This was a bounty mission. She was with Kakuzu and Hidan. Nylana had decided to go ahead because of Hidan's constant bitching about the mission. She didn't understand why he was complaining so much. In the end, he still got to kill someone. That should have been the best thing ever for the sadomasochist male. She went to jump to the next branch of the tree and slipped. As she fell, her only thought was mentally cussing herself for being clumsy. Than, everything went black. She woke up to find herself in a strange village that she had never seen before. Her curiosity got the better of her and she went about exploring.
Name: Nelliel Tu Odelschwank (Nel) (canon)

Where they are from: Hueco Mundo (Bleach)

Age: unknown ( couldn't really find a definite age; she normally looks like a small child but can enter adult form due to an armband that Kisuke gave her)

Gender: Female

Abilities: transformation to adult form from child form; vomit (she claims its saliva in child form) acts as a weak healing agent; Cero Doble in adult form; can swallow Cero blasts in both forms and send it back; Zanpakuto: Gamuza; released form: looks like centaur and sword turns into double edged lance;


Crush (in your universe if any): Ichigo (kind of i mean she is really little and child like but she does have a strong affection for him)

Likes: Ichigo; sweets; children;

Dislikes: mean people

Weakness: (both a weakness and a strength) doesn't kill without good reason; compassionate

Personality and background: childlike, tends to say the opposite of what she means to say;She is the former 3rd Espada but suffers a bit of amnesia (or did anyways); She was traveling with Ichigo when she saw a fuzzy bunny. She stopped to watch it and was left behind. Looking wildly aroung, she saw who she thought was Ichigo. Instead, as she walked towards the person, it was an unknown man. She didn't recognize her surroundings at all now. She sniffed and than started to cry as she realized that she was lost and seperated from her friends.



Where they are from:

Russia(Metro 2033)






Not much other than combat and stealth skills, a slight telepathic connection with the Dark Ones.




Crush (in your universe if any):



Children, guns, his family, the old world, post cards of famous landmarks, daydreaming


The Dark Ones, radiation, Nazis. Goddamn Nazis. Water,


Loyal to the point where it can get him in serious trouble. Not good with people. Doesn't talk much at all.

Personality and background:

Artyom is nearly always silent and (in many ways) mysterious. Artyom, born shortly before the nuclear bombing occurred, was raised underground in Timiryazevskaya station until it was overrun by a massive horde of rats. Since then, he lives with his adoptive father Alex in VDNKh (Exhibition). When he was younger, Artyom and his friends Eugine and Vitali opened the hermetic door of a station north of VDNKh named Botanicheskiy sad. The opened gate allowed the Dark Ones to get inside a few years later, and because of the events taking place at this time, he would be branded as their "chosen one" to help the two species reunite. Later, he was recruited to help stop the Dark Ones, which were merely attempting to make contact with him. Near the end of his quest, at the top of a tower in Moscow, he was tasked with planting a laser guidance system to mark the home of the Dark Ones for nuclear missile strikes. The moment the missiles impacted was also the moment the multiverse collapsed.

Dark ones:

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