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Fantasy Union of the Six (Alternate) CS



Amoeba of Wisdom
Roleplay Type(s)
This is the basic character sheet for the RP. I allow creative freedoms and desire a wide variety of unique characters. You may add whatever codes you wish to give your CS that extra POP and are otherwise able to add any extra details about your character you deem fit. What is here is the required information. In other words the bare minimum.

If there are ANY questions at all, please dont hesitate to ask. I'm willing to work with everyone to create a unique character that fits into the world I have created and has a place here. From the most virtuous mage to the lowliest cutthroat.




Species/Race: (Please contact me if there is a custom or unique race you want to bring in that doesn't necessarily fall into high fantasy. Even if you have doubts.)

Kingdom of Origin: (Your character's birth kingdom. Not the kingdom they hold their allegiance to.)

Abilities: (Please be as detailed as possible here.)

Personality: (at least a paragraph)

History/Bio: (Every character that isnt a child has a story to tell. The older/more powerful the character, the longer and detailed I expect the history to be. If there are any doubts or if you need help, let me know.)

Job: (Your character's class)

Appearance: (How your character looks. Details go here. If you have a picture, please put it at the top. Anime, realistic, or real person. Whatever you wish.)

Weapons/Armor: (Detailed please. This is important due to the combative nature of the RP.)

Other: (Anything else you'd like to add. Music theme, quirks, fun facts, you name it. This is your space)
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Name: Luiza Morganthau (Lucy, to a very select few)
Age: 500
Gender: Female
Species/Race: Pureblood Vampire
Kingdom of Origin: Outskirts of Oceanius, has no real ties to the area or kingdom.

-Vampiric Tenacity
- Gifted in blood magic. She can use blood magic to make herself more energetic, but can also use it to debilitate enemies by slowing their blood stream down. Luiza is also trying to harness it in a more offensive way.
-Practices necromancy, used to mainly raise simple undead servants for menial tasks in the coven. Normally skeletons as they don't decay like fresh dead.
-Vampiric renown. Her name is well known within the ranks of other vampiric covens

Personality: Luiza is a cunning and renowned vampire, her many years of leading a vampire clan have turned her into both a capable leader and fighter. To most outsiders and mortals Luiza is somewhat snarky and ill tempered, preferring to have meetings be quick and free of small talk. But with those she trusts, as well as other vampires she is a more reasonable and considerate person, although still not passionate by any means. Although, should one win the trust of Luiza, they have made a powerful and loyal ally. Despite this, she maintains a sarcastic tone and thinks herself above many of the people she encounters.

History/Bio: Luiza was born to Anetta and Kavash Morganthau. Born into a smaller coven that was slowly starting to get forgotten she grew up understanding that if she didn't secure her position in the vampiric community then she too would be slowly forgotten by history, much like her coven. Luiza normally took a backseat in things as much of the attention had fallen on her much older brothers, who where both skilled combatants respectfully. However, Luiza had used this to her advantage, and would often spend time observing and studying the actions of the other vampires.

When one of her brothers fell in one on one combat with a half vampire of all people, there was suddenly more attention on Luiza. Once under the spotlight Luiza was much more active than her brothers, she was determined to elevate not only her own position but her covens as well. Those she couldn't bribe or threaten she seduced, and those she couldn't seduce she'd kill, this was a game of survival to her.

Soon however, the rapid growth of Luiza's coven was noticed by some fellow, lower covens who decided to band together and try to strike at her and steal her glory. While her still small family coven was attacked Luiza had not been present, and when she arrived she found her parents and remaining brother had been killed. However, killing the three vampires had taken a heavy toll on the smaller covens, and Luiza easily dispatched them.

After taking time to recover and silently mourn her now lost family she picked up right where she left off. Having now moved away from the water kingdom the start of her rebuilding was difficult, but with determination, some minor necromancy and the same tactics she has used prior her reborn coven rose again quickly, taking advantage of the now gone smaller covens. Now with a reborn coven, thralls and lessers to her command Luiza has become a name to be respected and feared among vampires.

The fact that her mission of survival and rebuilding spanned centuries has made her a very patient person, a person who'll happily wait for a mortal enemy to wither and die if need be.

Job: Countess of the Hauserit Covina


Weapons/Armor: (not her physical appearance) Oddly, her favored weapon is a warhammer, Gloomfiend

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Age: 483

Gender: Male

Species/Race: Arch demon

Kingdom of Origin: The Broken Legion

H I S T O R Y​
Deshwitat's history is like many before him. He was born from the incredibly difficult and rare union of two Arch Demons. His infancy and childhood was spent somewhat peacefully, albeit restrictive until his adolescence. It is a story as old as the history of Linhael itself. Everything is fine.... until it isn't. Eventually, someone caught wind a very dangerous pair of demons living in the woods just outside the Light Kingdom's borders and needed to be dealt with before they posed an even bigger threat. After all, they were already responsible for the disappearances of dozens in the last 15 years. They had attacked a merchant caravan and slaughtered them all, taking the wealth and supplies for themselves. Even a few children that were found half eaten were consumed by them.

At least, that is what the rumors said. Once word spread that there were Arch Demons nearby. One of the most dangerous monsters to every touch Linhael's sacred soil.

In reality, the rumors held no real weight and it was all fear mongering that eventually provoked a response from the monarchy to send an elite hunting party to exterminate them. As previously stated, monsters around the world have heard this tale before countless times, from countless eras, and from every kingdom. Not just the Light.

And so the classic ballad continues. The hunting party tracks down the two abhorrent demons. They corner them and a mighty battle ensues with the noble knights claiming a resounding victory. The bards sing of their success, the citizens breathe a sigh of relief and all is well once more.

The evil has been vanquished once again. Praise be.

This is where the story diverges from those all-to-common tales of monsters.

Young Deshwitat witnessed the murder of his family from afar and did the only thing he could do. Nothing. This was just how the world was and everyone knew that. That was what many monsters much older and wiser than him told him. Whether it was due to childish naivety or brash courage, Deshwitat decided that he was going to do everything in his power to right these wrongs. So many monsters had attempted to do just the same for many years and every single one met a bitter end. The reason for Desh's future success was due to sheer, dumb luck. He happened to be born with the right demonic abilities, at the right time, and at the right place for his plans to bear fruit.

He spent the next 400 years amassing power in secret. He would go out of his way to make use of his Harvest demon ability and add the life force and power of everyone he could to his own. Whenever wars or skirmishes between kingdoms emerged, Deshwitat would make his way there once the dust settled and drained an entire battlefield's worth of souls and then spend months in agony as the memories tore at his mind. Whenever a ruler died, whether it be by natural causes or by assassination, he would make his way over and absorb what little remnants of the soul remained. Even minor echoes of Royal souls was enough to give a significant boost in power and also almost kill him. In particular, those of the Water Kingdom seemed to have the most Ruler death's in the last few centuries and served his purposes well.

The amount of blood and bodies that were left in Lord Rubdich's wake as he gathered power were well beyond the thousands and it was only recently that he achieved enough to put his plans into motion. He gathered a sizable force of monsters and launched his campaign to create a kingdom that can not only rival the existing nations but also defeat them. A kingdom that would become a place where monsters and outcasts can call home. To say The Broken Legion used every dirty trick in the book to cause discourse and chaos among the other kingdoms would be an understatement and a large one at that. The hatred and fear against the "light dwellers" ran deep in the hearts of every monster and as such, there was little to nothing they weren't willing to do. Not only to carve a place in this world where they can live in peace but also to strike back against those who have universally hunted them since the beginning of written history.
The demon lord is actually a deceptively kind and good-natured man. On the rare occasions when he isnt away for battle, strategizing with his captains, or being tortured by the souls he has contained within his physical shell, He can be seen socializing with his followers, participating in drinking games, helping with fortification or even playing with the young orphaned children. He's a man who has suffered much, as all monsters have, and is willing to turn the literal world into his enemy to carve out a place for his people to call home.

As kind as he is, he can be equally ruthless and merciless if approached the wrong way. He has no tolerance for injustice and is quick to stomp out any problems that may appear in his army. He simultaneously rules with an iron fist and a gentle touch. Desh is a natural intellect and has not been successful (so far) in his war against the world with force alone. He is cunning and will always plan ahead before making a decision. Though when it comes to personal matters, he is quicker to act than to strategize. Desh always puts his people and his loved ones before himself and will often go out of his way to make sure of this. The man is not above using his power and making fatal threats if it is for the good of his family or his people. He is not above committing atrocities to ensure this. As he has proven in his rise to power.
Rule- Deshwitat has full control over shadows and all manner of darkness. He is capable of forming weapons, armor, shields, and all manner of armaments from the dark. Tendrils to bind his foes or spikes to impale those who would stand in his way. Spheres of dark, shadowy energy that pelt large group of knights into submission or bombard a battlefield. All shadows within his vicinity are an extension of the demon king's senses and will. As such, he is able to use darkness to "feel" out potential threats as long as he is actively searching for them or if they come very close.

Azure Flames- Being of demonic descent, Desh is capable of conjuring a unique, cobalt flame type known as daemon fire. It is known to be uncontrollable, even to the wielder himself and he only uses it when he wishes to completely wipe someone (or something) out. Light magic or pure elemental energies are capable of snuffing the demonic flames out. It is a self sustaining flame and if left unchecked, it will rage on until nothing remains but ash and soot.

Sin Harvest- Using dark magics, Deshwitat can harvest the souls of others and use their spiritual energy (or his own by use of blood) as a sacrifice to bolster his own abilities. He has spent centuries storing the essence of countless victims in preparation for the war and has only been gaining more strength with every battle. This is how he is able to lead from the front in every battle and match the power of the rulers. Even if it isn't by raw power, though it does come close. In doing so, Desh suffers the draw back of the most painful memory of the victims as if he was experiencing it himself. This leaves him crippled for several hours once the battle is over and the nightmares can last for years. They also live on, in part, within him and if they are strong enough, can constantly torment his deepest thoughts. By extension, Deshwitat can harvest a nonlethal amount from a willing participant (or give some of his own) to share memories through blood or spirit.

Overlord's Dominance- Desh is capable of weaving power into his words and forcing those who hear him to submit. He can exert his will on others and force them to do his bidding against their wishes. Only those whose strength is comparable to his own or whose power of will can push against the magic, can resist his command. (Players)

Demon Physiology- The lord of darkness has superhuman physical capabilities. He is not so much faster or stronger than someone who specializes in their respective fields but is still capable of matching them, even if he will eventually lose out. Generally what allows him to go toe to toe with fearsome physical threats like lycans, minotaurs, or golems is his tenacity and centuries worth of combat experience.

Demonic Sense- Demons have some sensitivity towards emotions considered negative and can feel them with the people in their immediate vicinity. Deshwitat is no exception.

Inherited Will of the Broken- Deshwitat's will is like the fires of hell itself, unyielding. He refuses to bow to anyone and it is his will alone, not his power, that has allowed him to last the better part of a century in open combat with the world's equivalent to divinity.

War Hero- Centuries of warfare will either swallow you in its flames or forge you into a warrior capable of leading armies into the maw of death time and time again. For Lord Rubdich, it is obviously the later. Centuries of combat, struggle, and evading death or capture have molded him into a warrior worthy of the title, "King of the Monsters".

Arch Demon Form- A trait shared by all demons who amassed enough power to become an Arch Demon is that they gain a new combat form. This form varies greatly from demon to demon as well as the abilities that come with it. In Deshwitat's case, it greatly enhances his prowess with darkness and shadows. This makes him powerful enough to hold his ground against Rulers for a period of time. The drawback is that the mode is exhausting to use and should only be used as a last resort. Once the demon has run out of stamina, it will have stop to recuperate its strength before using it again. Deshwitat is a unique case due to the power he has amassed from his soul collecting over the past few centuries and can stay at his maximum strength for quite some time before needing to rest.
Weapons/Armor: Lord Rubdich generally does not carry physical weapons or armor on him and instead manifests them with his Rule ability. The sharpness of blades or toughness of a shield is generally dependent on how much energy he invests into the shadowy armament he creates.

Desh surprisingly like pure things. Things like will-o-wisps, fairies, stars, pegasi and the like are generally things he will go out of his way to admire.



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  • Name: Gerdak Stunbar Genevieve Silmore.
    Title: Lady Enchantress.
    Age: 51 years of age.
    Gender: Female.
    Species/Race: Goblin.

    Job: Court Sorceress and arcane consultant for the High Auroran.
    Kingdom of Origin: Stjernenhjem - the kingdom of light and cradle of Luminosity.
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Age: 21

Gender: Female

Species/Race: Demon

Kingdom of Origin: The Broken Legion/Dark Kingdom

Rule: Like her father, Noblesse has control of shadows and over all darkness. However, Desh can use the shadows to create weapons, armor, or as an extension of himself/his senses. With Noblesse, she has her own take on the ability. With her shadows, she can become an elusive shadow herself. She uses the darkness to completely envelope herself, being able to melt into any casted shadow and travel along it.

Smoke n' Mirrors: Noblesse can temporarily become intangible. She can, for a moment, phase in and out of objects (or vice versa) in a sort of black, smokey display. This effect only lasts a couple seconds at a time. She's never held it for longer than 10 seconds, even that is a struggle. But she continues to learn and push her limits.

Combat Strategy: Noblesse learns more and more how to control the power of her abilities everyday but she has the mental game down. The girl is extremely intelligent and won't make a move until shes calculated and assessed every possibility of her situation before choosing the best odds. She prepares herself for anything, and by doing so always seems one step ahead. Some may call it luck, its just careful planning.

Demon Physiology: Thanks to her demonic lineage, the demon girl was born with superhuman strength, agility, and endurance. Not as much as the war-built vampires and lycans, but she can easily be equally matched to a lesser vampire/lycan. After that, she needs to rely on her wits.

Inherited Will: Noblesse's will, much like her father's, bends for no one. Once shes made up her mind, theres no stopping her. The only being that has a decent chance of changing her mind is Desh himself. Don't confuse it with stubbornness, she'll hear what others have to say and take it into consideration, but she'll stick to her morals and values and no one can bend her otherwise.

Hell Sword: Noblesse has a symbol/rune on the palm of her left hand thats used to summon a sword from the depths of the deepest pit in hell. Its the same sword everytime, and its hilt will appear to be sticking out of the symbol on her flesh when she calls upon it. All she has to do is pull it out. When she does the blade appears to be intangible wisps of shadow, but solidifies once held with both hands. This weapon is only borrowed, not owned, from an ancient, long forgotten demon that refuses to show its face on the surface...... (this displays in a flash of violet/purple flame)

Due to her lineage/pedigree, in the public eye Noblesse carries a collected, docile presence, appearing rather mature despite her youthful looks. Hiding her true emotion behind the shroud of an emotionless face, she learned this from her father. She never wants others to know what shes thinking, or even have the opportunity to guess. While her guard is still high, and until she decides whether you are friend of foe, you will always see this exterior. She can come off a little aloof at first, being straight to the point with little time for flattery or fluff and will have no shame in pointing it out, especially with any issues of importance or regal matters. If you manage to just scratch the surface youll find that she does have a sense of humor, and laughter is probably the best way to get her to warm up if you strike the right cords. If youve managed to make your way onto her black list theres very little you can do to redeem yourself. Her trust does not come easy, and can quickly be withdrawn if theres good reason. She is wary and cautious and can be a little frightening if you've managed to push her past her limit.

However, much like her father she does have numerous likeable and admirable qualities. Those close to her can find her to be patient, kind, and caring. She has a free spirit and a playful soul, with a touch of mischief that reveals itself as a glint in her eyes. Theres a gentle almost angelic softness about her. In contrast to what her face may show on the outside, she has a full emotional range and can be a little sensitive at times but will never admit it. She was raised to be fair, just, protective of friends/family, and is not one to sit idly by while others suffer. She can be an unforgiving enemy, but a generous ally.

When it comes to men (other than her father) she can be a bit of a feminist and quite stand offish. She doesnt quite know how act around the opposite sex, and she doesnt really care to know how. All she knows is that she can be just as powerful as any man and she isnt shy to prove just that. If need be, she'll put some in their place. With her father, however, its a whole different story. She is practically putty in his hands. She would do anything for that man and often reverts back to her childish ways around him. He is her best friend and she would prefer having drinks with him over flirting with any boy like any other girl. It would be an almost impossible feat to win her heart over.

Blood before love...

If we start from the beginning, Noblesse was born like any other child, with a mother and a father. It was common with demon families to suffer the loss of a new mother due to child birth. Thats just the way it was, and that's exactly what had happened. Noblesse was raised with out a mother, and she never complained, her father played both roles and she wouldn't have it any other way. As a child shed wonder about the mother she never met, but in fear of upsetting her father she never acted upon the inquiry, and didn't let it grow bigger than just a thought.

Fast forward some years, Noblesse has had time to grow and as the veil of innocence and naivety was lifted from her eyes with age, she's come to realize how crooked of a place the world turned out to be. Under all the fluff and frills of childhood, the outside world is not at all how she expected it. Theres violence, greed, blood shed, and just outright injustices. But what struck her the most was the realization of how others look at herself and her people. If anyone left the borders of the kingdom, they'd find nothing but poor treatment and death if it got that far. Why was it that way, she asked herself. Of course, she wasn't ignorant, she knew full well the calamitous capabilities of demons and other wicked, hellish races, she's heard the stories of how some terrorized human villages, committed murder with out reasonable cause, or were just flat out evil with catastrophic power. But there were individuals like that everywhere, so why are her people targeted to be so feared and hated? Now Noblesse shares the same vision as her father, to have peace and live freely from the tyranny of terror. Her focus grows larger, more big picture the older she gets and the more experienced she becomes. What was once a good and exciting world is now a show of horror. A shrouding veil is replaced by a lens of truth and her people are being chased out of any place or area that isnt the dark corner they came from, theyre slaughtered and persecuted with out being given any chance to prove they deserve otherwise. It just wasnt fair, not to Noblesse. Like any other part of the world, there are good and there are bad. But to subject everyone whos affiliated with one part of the world under the same accusations and treatment just isnt right. More than anything Noblesse just wants equal treatment and chances for the people around her, but knows she won't be able to win that entirely, thats like asking for world peace. Shes vowed to stand up for those who are good, but will never have the opportunity to prove so. She fights with those souls in mind.

However, she struggles everyday on how to do just that.

The demon in her encourages her to force and punish, if other kingdoms act on fear then she'll give them something to be fearful about. In contrast, her gentle soul chooses to be fair and beat the others at their own game, playing by their rules. Theres an internal tug-of-war in the young demoness, who still has so much to learn. Stand above others and prove that herself and her people have the qualities to be treated fairly, or succumb to the labels and chaos, and force her message onto those that refuse. In the mean time, she just wants an end to this war, and finally bring the dark dwellers to light and live freely, just as they deserve.


Description: Noblesse has a slender yet heavily feminine frame thats often hidden behind armor of some sort. Shes neither fragile/skinny nor particularly muscular or built. A perfect balance thanks to her active upbringing and training. Shes not one to flaunt her womanly, developed attributes and is actually quite embarassed to do so. Her fashion choices are usually pretty modest compared to most women her age or older. She has long, silky, silver hair (inherited from her father) that cascades down to her hips. Her face is probably the only thing that hasnt ditched the baby phase, at first glance she could pass to be younger than she really is, she was blessed with her mother's youth. Noblesse has two different colored eyes, one color from each parent, a very light gold/yellow and a pale blue on the verge of violet. Her lips are smooth and sweet, a perfectly pink tint that stands out against her fair complexion. She has a cheery, contagiously radiant smile when its genuine (if youre lucky or worthy enough to recieve it).

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 120

*** I will say that the photos do not show certain features I have in mind for her, being that she DOES have small horns on her head that look like this....

Weapons/Armor/Other Equip.:
Blade of Belegor: One of 3 blades used by a primordial demon, Demon of Chaos, Belegor. Some believe that Belegor doesn't even have a physical form that its just some sort of unseen entity. Then there are those that believe that Belegor does have a body, many bodies and forms. That he/she appears to you in the forms of the most chaotic things/people/situations in your life. Some think that Belegor has one body, but chooses to remain in hell in the form of a demon. No one truly knows for sure, but there are tales and legends that involve some of the first battles on Earth and Belegor, and that Belegor was known for having more than two arms and carried 3 weapons: The Trident, The Axe, and The Blade. Three instruments to carry out Belegor's work onto mortal beings. One, The Blade, is generously being loaned to our local, earthly, young demoness, Noblesse. How she's acquired it, can only be answered by her.
( I will post a pic)

Armor: She's mostly seen in armor except when behind the closed doors of her home. She'll change out of her armor depending on the occasion. Her armor isn't fully plated, it was made to allow her enough room to strike quickly and move freely while still keeping its protective function.
(I will also post a pic of this)

Ill think of other stuff....

-Her favorite color is white, as it resembles purity and is a reminder of hope for her
-She has a weakness for sweet foods, specifically pastries
-She gets upset when she's treated like a child...even though she kinda acts like one
-Enjoys reading in solitude
-Appreciates art in all forms: dance, music, poetry, etc.​

Fave childhood show has to be....uh....hmm....Fairly Odd Parents?
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Sophia De Lexington




Kingdom of Origin:
Dark Kingdom

Self Healing - This is what it sounds like, she's able to heal just about anything and everything on herself. Though, some things take longer than others. Broken bones could be a few hours, scrapes or bruises pretty much instantly.

Flamethrower - Anyone would think of a legitamate flamethrower with the name of this ability. But it acts as a flamethrower since Sophia is actually breathing fire like a dragon! Yep, she can breathe fire at will and can cause quite a bit of damage!

Burning Claw - Sophia grows claws which have licks of flames and radiates off heat. With one swipe she can make blood boil. The burn will hurt both inside the wound and out. Depending on the enemy, its possible that this ability wont work. Usually this keeps enemies distracted for her to get the final killing blow.

Fire Nova - Sophia is able to create a ball of fire which she can grow to about the size of a Elephant and cause a massive explosion. She can make small, medium and large (max) Fire novas.

Flame Whip - Sophia is able to summon up a whip of fire which she can use to either whip her enemies or use to capture enemies by their neck or their feet. Usually this would burn the enemy if she wills it to. Which mostly she does.

Telekinesis - She is able to levitate objects and bring them towards her as if she was some sort of witch. Though she mainly uses this for her personal use rather than battling.

Sophia is your average attendant, attending to every need of her boss, Desh. She's loyal, respectful and kind. Surprising for her race, right? She is very independant and also very daring. Though she does have a temper when the right buttons are pushed and can get pretty violent due to her demon nature. She loves to tease those close to her and joke with them from time to time. When she isnt attending the ruler, she is off doing her own thing such as visiting her best friend or going into town for a drink at a pub. Sometimes she's sitting in her room reading a book in the castle or relaxing in a bath while humming her favorite tune. For a Demon, she seems to do something that a creature of light would do.

When in town and sees children, she will never hesitate to talk to them or play a little bit of games with them because children and any other small creature were those she had a weakness to. She loves sweets even though she doesnt admit it. Hunting is where Sophia is able to show her true colors, capturing her prey and bringing it back to Desh's humble abode. Though, sometimes when given permission, she'd take them for herself to torture. Sophia loves naps and loves sitting outside a balcony, Her feet dangling and her eyes looking out in the distance. Despite being a demon, she loves flowers, bright ones and vibrant ones. Purple, blue, red, all kinds. Give her a bouqet of these and she'd love them forever...Or until they die that is. When completely lost in rage, she destroys everything within her path, men will be slaughtered, and blood will be everywhere. The only thing that anyone would hear is the screams, on top of the laughter coming from Sophia herself.

Sophia was a demon who was given life by taking another: Her own mothers. But this is how she came to be, being raised by her father. The man who she loved dearly and always wanted to protect. by the time she was 13, her father had already found a new woman and married her. Two years later, Sophia was told that the woman was with child. At first, Sophia was a little jealous at the fact because the attention wouldnt be on her much anymore. As the months went by, however, she became excited and got over her jealousy. After the nine months had gone by, her sibling was born. A baby brother. Or well, Half-brother. And by rarity, the mother lived. Being a 15 year old, she understood that some demons died, some lived and that it was part of the demon birthing-chain. But what she didnt understand is why she suddenly got shut out. Barely any attention was paid to her, no more fun trips, no more time to spend together, it was all about her baby brother. The happiness that she once had, had vanished and left her feeling unloved, empty. Alone.

How could her father just shut her out the way he did? Sophia couldnt wrap her pretty little head around it and it bothered her to no end. After trying to get back into the picture, she finally gave up when she saw no more home and became basically a ghost in her own home. Finally realising that her little brother had taken her place within the family. Going out and doing what she had to do on her own. Shopping, going on walks, she even hung out with one of her old teachers who knew combat training and taught her a few things. This was where she started to become her own person, keeping herself closed off to almost everyone and working as she needed to. Becoming an Attendant in the process. In becoming an attendant, she was hired to be one for a very rich demon. One of which who did nothing but abuse her and do cruel things without any regret for the young Demoness. Sophia managed to use this to her advantage and become stronger. In many ways she became stronger, but never showed the abuser just what strength she had contrained. Long years later, she was found by the Desh himself and was set free after what he witnessed with her ex boss. He was executed for such cruel punishment and abuse.

After she watched the fate of her ex boss she asked the King if she could be his attendant. Serve him with every need and every want. To her luck, he had accepted accepted and Sophia did everything for him. In fact, she still does till this very day. No matter what the job is, no matter how hard or easy it may be.

Attendant for Desh







Dont make her mad.



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Name: Vanth Eventide

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Species/Race: Human (possessed)

Kingdom of Origin: Born within the Broken Legion

Survival Instinct: Time on the street has led to experiences that have both almost killed Vanth, as well as saved her. During this time, she has developed a second nature for sensing danger. She knows when a situation will go from favorable to dangerous, when the best time to flee is and the odds of winning in a fight. Beyond this, Vanth has developed an impressive sneaking skill, the ability to pick most locks, and how to survive in the harshest climate conditions.

Knife Wielding: In her travels, the one item she has always kept by her side, the one thing she has never pawned or sold is an antique ritual knife, her last line of defense when a deal goes wrong, or she’s caught red handed with no where to go. The young girl has become surprisingly handy with the blade and it is kept on her person at all times.

Total Possession: Vanth has the ability to relinquish some control of her body to the soul trapped within her, giving her its power. The being then physically manifests itself from within her and lashes out at the enemy. In this form, Vanth can also pull from the demon’s power to accelerate healing of wounds taken in battle.

Demonic Takeover: When in battle the demon has the ability to swap hosts, crippling her opponent from the inside out, attacking the mind from within, but if used too often or on a more powerful opponent, it can leave her weakened, if not completely disabled for the rest of the battle.
Vanth had a rough start in life, being born into a rather “unique” situation. Her parents, while inconsequential in the grand scheme of things were extremely ambitious, clawing for any power they could grasp onto considering neither had any of their own. They were poor, desperate and naïve which lead to mistake that cost both of their lives and almost the life of their young impressionable daughter. They began to experiment with something they would soon realize they did not have the power to control.

The foolish humans were playing with powers far beyond what they could comprehend, in a desperate hope to produce a weapon to fight a war they had stumbled into. This experiment was the fruit of their desperation, and they began to experiment with the souls of demons, hoping to harness them and produce a way to use them against their enemies, a foolish attempt indeed.

As they were completing the harvesting, the tortured soul lashed out, killing those who had been causing its suffering, including both of Vanth’s parents. By the time the spirit had reached her however, between the torture and the experiments, it became too weak to attack and instead linked itself to the young girl in an attempt to stay in this realm. It succeeded, but the repercussions for the young girl have been crippling. During the merge, she who was once a simple human, lost all pigment in her skin and hair, her eyes turning a deep red entirely, pupils gone entirely, and two small semi-transparent horns appeared on the top of the young girl’s head, drastically changing her appearance.

With her life ripped out from under her and a second soul along for the ride, Vanth found herself on the streets with no way to care for herself and an ancient being in her head constantly trying to kill her. A young girl with no way to support herself and no one to turn to, she often was left with no other option than stealing what she needed to survive, though often it wasn’t enough. She often went without enough food or water, slept in the streets, or in old abandoned ruins, the only thing keeping her alive, the second soul within her. During these early years she had on more than one occasion tried to rid herself of the thing, simply to just die and let the suffering end, but with no way to sever the anchor and no one for the demon to make as its new host, she ultimately failed every time, the creature unwilling to fade from existence. The opposite was the case however when Vanth made her seldom trips into more populated areas. Often when the demon found a more fit, stronger host, it would take over desperately trying to escape its imprisonment by throwing Vanth into the closest danger it could find, throwing her down embankments, trying to drown her in a river, and even once trying to use her own blade against her. These attempts ultimately failed, the demon being too weak, and he would again become more dormant, giving Vanth the only few times of reprieve since the being had invaded her body.

Having been through several traumatic experiences at such a young age, Vanth tends to be rather reserved and defensive in nature. She is generally untrusting of most strangers, especially those of strong demonic presence. The young girl has spent most of her life scared and alone (except for the demon trapped inside her head), causing her to avoid social interactions when possible and keeping to the shadows.

These experiences have had their benefits however. Vanth is extremely resourceful, sneaking when the option is available, stealing when necessary and fighting when there is absolutely no other option. She wants no part in the war currently knocking at the kingdoms’ doorstep, simply having too much to worry about in her own head. This may come off as selfish, but Vanth’s only objective is to become separated from the being anchored to her.

This objective is both her greatest strength and weakness, for it has at times driven her close to madness. Sleep is nearly impossible, having the remnants of a demon that wants her dead keeping her awake with its constant shrieking at all hours of the night. Vanth’s state of mind has led to an overwhelming hopelessness she can’t seem to escape. She has tried, but the soul anchored to her keeps them from meeting their mutual end.

Job: Thief

Vanth has little to no pigment in her skin or long wavy hair, leaving it a stark white against her dark ruby colored eyes. She has a small frame, her growth stunted from malnourishment, leaving her at a rather small five foot for a human. Vanth has small horns at the top of her head, though if one looked close enough they would see that they’re actually partially transparent. In general, with her short stature and pale complexion, one could mistake her as a walking ghost.

Judgement: A dagger which Vanth has had since she was a young girl, it stays with her always and has gotten her through plenty of risky situations. The knife is curved, with a slim, pointed edge and the metal itself is golden, the detailed carvings looking as though the could jump off of the blade. The handle has similar carvings, but with a darker bronze coloring. She keeps it sharp and ready to use at all times.

Shadow Armor: After the demon has accepted Vanth as it’s host, she has developed the ability to encase herself or individual body parts in a shroud of shadow and smoke, strengthening her defense against physical attacks as well as preventing any unwanted invasions of the mind.
The remnants of the demon which Vanth is possessed by:


Favorite Cartoon: Teen Titans
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Logan Fellrikk
- GoldenEye - The Man in Yellow -
- Light Berserker -

Age: 73
Gender: Male
Species: War Elf
Kingdom of Origin: The Earth Kingdom​
Role: Knight equivalent of special forces, Executer
Appearance: 5’11, grey hair, yellow eyes, multiple scars and tattoos of varying intensities and designs

-An almost glass-cannon like damage dealer meant for close combat with intense speed and ferocity combined. Uses a no holds barred explosive fighting style dripping with disregard for self-preservation and any sort of objective other than kill. In Logan's case, he goes about this using 3 to 4 golden short swords of a rare and quite strong metal designed for chopping through blades, light armor, flesh, and bone with relative ease.
-Talks with a bold and brash persona, believes his enemies to belong in the trash, will pursue flares in conversation with a distaste for focusing on a singular topic. Keeps his enemies and allies off guard with a conversation style too jovial for a man as engrossed in the shedding of blood as he. Hated by diplomats, capitalists, and politicians everywhere for his men's insatiable plundering skills and his habit of upending business agreements.

Personality: A jovial and teasing battle maniac, Logan enjoys fighting but finds that the constant warring in the world is grating on his nerves. He's alright with killing but he’s found its a lot more fun, in the long run, to leave your opponents alive so they can come back and try and murder you again. Logan as an independent force is one to be reckoned with, but when backed by his mercenary company, you don't want to be on the same battlefield as him. Confident and bombastic in the heat of combat, Logan knows how to be loud and intimidating waving multiple flashing blades about, casting Earth magic and kicking ass literally, effective as a whole 4 score large infantry unit. Outside of combat, Logan retains his smile despite the lack of cover for his scarring; He wears the marks on his face proudly as he knows he can kill most anyone who might dare to mock him; Some consider him reckless or brutish, but he knows better, Logan just revels in his own strength. More than a little bit unhinged if you ask some.
-Will take the last donut with no remorse
-Doesn't take shit from no one, will probably end up vaporized by some angry god
-Enjoys chess occasionally, is not actually bad at it
-Only barely a man of his word, just because he doesn't speak lies doesn't mean they dont exist.

Motivation: Likes combat but wants to end the war.
Alignment: Chaotic good
Weapon: Carries several golden blades of an unknown and quite strong material on him at all times, skilled in martial arts and blessed with strength and speed far greater than that of a normal man. Likes melee combat the most but is a good shot with a bow and is quite adept in Plant magic.
- The Shining blades of Yeo: Four blades of a quite strong material lost to the sands of time. Logan found the blades while hiding within a small cave after his first mercenary company was destroyed. The blades were at the bottom of a shallow and murky pool within the depths of the narrow cavern, no rust or damage upon them at all. An old ghoul desiccated to the brink of destruction guarded the blades and fought to the bitter end to keep them. Logan had to rip the ghouls head off before it would stop. They haven't received any real damage as of yet and Logan rarely needs to sharpen them.
Equipment: A Whetstone for his blade, an old book of tattered pages and history of life in the Earth kingdom.
Abilities: Enhanced strength, speed and agility, tough as nails determined, enthusiastic for fighting.
- Ambidextrous
- Master Swordsman
- Skilled in command
- Effective ambusher
- Good at navigation
- Plant and Earth Magic of low level skill: Can summon vines to grapple opponents, flowers to poison and other plants to hinder and disturb. The Earth magic can be used to summon and control small amounts of stone and earth about the size of a couch or pillar at most.

Bio: Born and raised on the border of the Light kingdom and Earth kingdom, Logan spent much of his early life in a verdant, beautiful land; and then it collapsed. After barely escaping the ruined and war torn land, the man came to the Light Kingdom capital as an immigrant finding work as a guard before signing up for a 20,000 strong mercenary company known as the Red Skull Division. Battling alongside the warriors in the unit for many years, Logan eventually found he adored the rush of adrenaline that came with battle. Over time and many campaigns, Logan picked up many skills and learned the intricacies of leading men and surviving combat. He apparently learned this last lesson quite well as later on his whole unit was annihilated by the Kingdom of Darkness with him as the only survivor. He says he holds only a slight grudge at this point despite having lost many close friends in the carnage; he says the loss inspired him to start his own unit, "The Golden Butchers", which in his apparent opinion has more than made up for it. He can be a bit of a bad liar at times. Is now looking to find the strongest nation and either join them or fight them to the bitter end.
Either way is fine with Logan.
The unit Logan currently leads is a 4,000 strong shock troop unit split into 4 Battalions. Command of the unit was given to Logan by his boss shortly before the destruction of the Red Skull Division. He has more soldiers under his command elsewhere but he dare not play his whole hand so early for whichever nation he comes to.
-Has a lot of mercenary connections
-Knows some former Earth Kingdom government officials and Light kingdom folk
-Connected to a Reincarnation Cult known as The Growing Way

Amazing World Of Gumball
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Name: Nadian Kashara
Race: Elavatum
Age: 238
Gender: Female

Kingdom of origin: Igneium

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    Nadian's white hair and gleaming scales are the signature look for the royal line. She is entirely covered in scales, with the bigger, stronger scales covering her tail and torso and thinning and shrinking as they near the face, neck, and hands. Her nails are sharp but shortened (a sign of civilization) and her teeth are pointed but shaved down as well, with her fangs barely observable unless her mouth is open. Her eyes are the same golden shade as her scales with the signature slit of a snake. Her tongue is rounded enough so that she can speak but is still forked.

✧Snake Endurance✧
The scales on Nadian's tail and torso are as hard as diamonds which can ward off most penetrating weapons. She also has increased strength, speed,and stamina compared to say a human. Her senses are also much better, especially her sense of smell which she uses her nose and tongue for. She also is able to sense body heat.

✧Temptress's Gaze✧
Gorgons are known for their hypnotizing stare, especially the women. Being an Elavatum means this gaze is increased tenfold, meaning Nadian can usually lasso in people much faster and even get them talking. Any loud distractions or the subject's willpower can deter the effects. Only one person at a time can be affected.

✧Kiss of the Serpent✧
venomous bites were used in the olden days when Gorgons were nothing more than hunters who had enlarged fangs. Over time they receded, with Elavatum's fangs vanishing almost completely. However, Nadian's line has kept theirs, albeit much smaller those of their ancestors, and the venom isnt lethal. Instead it paralyzes and causes hallucinations for a duration of about an hour. nadian is also immune to most poisons and venomous bites.

✧Elemental Control✧
Nadian is a child of the flame and has mastery of all things fire. She can create giant pillars, tornadoes, and tendrils of flame that can burn blue and melt most materials and living creatures. If her fire melts the ground and creates lava, she can manipulate it as well. She can shape fire to either serve as armor or defensive walls that burn things before they can even touch her.

✧Flame Absorption✧
Nadian can absorb fire attacks and use it to boost her own abilities and stamina temporarily. She can also negate other fire attacks or simply quench the flames.

Nadian can use her fire to create fiery beings under her control, although her control wanes after a period of time and depends on how many she has created.

✧Lava Manipulation✧
One unique power is Nadian's ability to manipulate lava/magma. It's often used as protection but can be used as powerful offensive attacks.

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Name: Victor Kashara

Age: 126

Gender: Male

Species/Race: Dark Elf

Kingdom of Origin: Oceanius

CQC Master- Growing up as harshly as he did means that Victor needed to learn how to survive under any circumstances. Add years of training on top of that and there are few that match Victor in skill, in hand-to-hand and dagger/knife combat.

Deception: One doesn't become the Master of Thieves in Linhael by being honest. Victor is a master of twisting the truth and spinning webs of lies and deception. Whether it be to sabotage his enemies, bring someone to see his side of things, or just to slip past a heavy guard patrol. His skill in deception and acting are legendary.

Sleight of Hand- The more you think you know, the less you actually see. The ability speaks for itself.

Enhanced Senses- Given his already heightened elven senses, Victor has not been able to speak. So, instead he's had to listen, see, feel and smell much more than others. This means these four senses are tuned to an extra fine point. Sharper than a razor's edge. Of course, this also means that sudden flashes of light or spontaneous loud noises will easily stun him if he wasn't expecting it.

Mind of a Tactician- One does not simply run a global underground operation of thieves. Victor is a strategist and his decades of leading this organization have only served to further improve his strategic mind. This functions very well both in and out of combat.

Stealth- Master thief and a dark elf. Nuff said. He's hard as hell to detect even for people within enhanced senses.

Silent Heart- Victor doesn't have much in the way of use of his water abilities but with extensive training, he has found himself being able to slow his heart beat to such a low, that he could be considered dead. This, coupled with his low body temp, has served him well in the past when he has had to fake a false identity's death.

Resistance to cold- Water kingdom passive attribute. Nuff said.

Elven nature- Normally, his elven blood would allow him to connect with animals but since he never had anyone to show him how, he found himself incapable of using it. Though, due to Victor's love of snakes, he was able to break that block and can commune with serpents or serpentlike creatures.

Victor is, as you would imagine, incredibly cold. He sees the world through a very icy scope due to his upbringing because he had everything taken from him and given no mercy time and time again. So, he naturally ended up being as emotionless and cold hearted as the Queen of Blood herself. Still, surviving as long as he did is a testament to his unbelievable will to live and thrive.

The man is as cold as he is intelligent; cunning. His personality is abrasive to say the best. There are very few people that he shows respect to and even less to people he GENUINELY respects, rather than out of necessity. While he is abrasive and cold, Victor is far from harsh or cruel. He does show kindness, mercy, and even pity to those in similar situations as him when he was a kid. He actually has a dislike for killing as well. He'd rather not take a life if he can help it. The "warmer" side of his persona is strictly reserved to those he considers family. In that tree, there are only three individuals who fit the bill. His wife and kids.

Victor was conceived and born in the underground of Oceanian Kingdom. In a world embroiled by war, his parents were worse off then most and thats saying something. His parents were street urchins that were living off of scraps and Victor came at a bad time. His birth was in the came just as the land was freezing over. When the time for slum rats was at its most dangerous. Naturally, his birth mother fell ill right after his departure from the womb and passed away in the night, her freezing corpse still desperately trying to keep nubile Victor warm. His father followed shortly after, leaving Victor orphaned within a few days of his birth. The current pickpocket was left in the clutches of his mother's arms for several days before a middle aged man by the name of Kandros Anguis had come across him and actually took pity. Victor was a poor sight, incredibly weak, cold, starving, and sick from the days that had passed by. He had already cried so hard and so loud that he had actually permanently damaged his larynx, which is one of the main reasons he doesn't talk much in the present. The poor child no longer had the strength to cry, though he still desperately clung to life. Kandros had to pry him out of his mother's necrotic grip and rush to the nearest healer.

It had been close but Victor's life was saved. Kandros had taken him in as his own child and raised him throughout the years. He owned a small inn that he liked to call Siren's Song that attracted all kinds of patrons. It served as a pseudo-bar in the world and a safe haven for many. Criminals, guards, mercenaries, vandals, hunters, and commonfolk. Even the occasional VIP would visit. Kandros was a sour and complex old man. He had very strange ideals and views of the world, with an incredibly strict demeanor but he never cut corners with Victor. He always spoke to him as if he was a grown man. While this may have never given Victor the chance to have a real childhood, he grew up quickly and was much wiser than his years told. He was taught how to run the tavern by himself by the age of 12 and the regulars addressed him as if he was the apprentice of the establishment. During his time there, he learned many interesting stories from the patrons. They told him great tales of war and triumph. About how someone was able to sneak into enemy territory and bring down an entire settlement (that no one had heard of) overnight based on information alone. Or how one man was able to fend off 7 trained bounty hunters at once. Most of them probably weren't true but they were tall tales that Victor greatly enjoyed. It was probably the only moment he got to be a kid.

Alas, peace is never eternal. One night, while Victor and Kandros were running the bar together, several vandals tried to ruin the bar for no reason other than they found it entertaining. The world was a cruel place now filled with even crueler people due to the war that had claimed so many. Victor did not know how to fight and Kandros was too old to handle multiple opponents. The Siren's Song was trashed and both old and young males were brutally beaten. The city "security" arrived several hours later to come across a deceased old man and a fatally broken child.

When he awoke, Victor realized how powerless he was. The Siren's Song had been burned to the ground and Victor lost the only home he ever knew along with the only Kin he ever had. He blamed himself for what happened and cursed his weakness. He vowed then, broken and distraught, to never let anyone trample upon him or his loved ones ever again. Homeless and bitter, Victor turned to pickpocketing and thieving to get by. The ravaged world didn't want a nearly mute, weak, homeless child and so he came to the decision, "If life wont give me a break, then I'll take it without asking."

The young child trained his body after he recovered for years until he was old enough to lead a band of thieves and hunters called Serpentine. They specialized in stealing anything worth anything and leaving absolutely no traces of their presence. Serpentine were also well-organized hunters as another source of payment.

The small elite group did not discriminate in their targets. They stole from guards, hunters, mercenaries, murderers, saints, Raiders, and even other thieves. They were ruthless, ghost-like, and wealthy as far as the thieves went. They were well-stocked on supplies and medicine for a group as small as theirs.

Through his experiences, Victor became an absolute master of stealth and deception. Having no voice forced him to listen far more intently than any normal person could. Victor's sense of sight and sound was sharpened to a needle sharp point.

He became a master of sleight of hand, hand-to-hand combat, dagger usage, and developed an incredible knack for strategy and tactics. His hunting job demanded he become a crack shot bowman as well. With his guidance and skill, his small cell of hunters became threats to be recognized.

Under normal circumstances, Serpentine would have been an infamous group of thieves/hunters and their deeds would be told across the kingdoms. The difference was that Serpentine had never left any traces of their presence. No one knew who they really were nor what they were truly capable of. They were the scary stories that men and women told each other while gathered around the campfire. With Victor earning the title, Hydra, king of the snakes among his peers.

There are now branches of Hydra's organization in every kingdom but the overall force remains as it began. A small, elite group of thieves and hunters that all work for the king of snakes.

A title that took a very ironic.... and literal connotation once the events that brought Queen Nadian to power unfolded. At first, it was obvious that the woman wanted him dead. Why wouldn't she? While it was indirectly, he was the cause for all of her sorrow and despair. Victor was just doing his job as a thief and as an informant but it gained a very powerful enemy. He wouldn't have been surprised if that was going to be the end of him right then and there. Still, the elf did not quiver nor shake before her fiery wrath. Successors in event of his untimely demise had been placed long ago and he had no one and nothing to leave behind. That's the kind of man he was for many, many years. A man with nothing to lose. That's why he was so good at what he did.

The Queen decided to spare him and instead, use him as an informant during the infantile stages of her rule. Nadian proved to be a much wiser and clear-headed ruler, unlike her sibling and with leadership and his hidden blade, the kingdom's situation made what could onlly be described as a 180. Despite being in the middle of a massive war.

As time went on, the Queen's ire towards him lessened a great deal. The relationship was what could be described as amicable. But slowly, something budded from it that neither parties had any real experience with. When it came to affection and love for another person, they were both as clueless as the other but through those learning moments, two heirs were brought into the fold. Twins that were raised much differently than the twins who came before them and had a much better future in sight.

Provided the war doesn't wipe everyone off the map...

Job: Thief/Informant


Victor more often than not wears simple but functional black leather armor. Strong enough to stop the average blade and maneuverable enough to not impede his agility. That being said, Victor will often change outfits to suit his environment when on incognito missions and only dawns the black thief gear for "work". Something he doesn't do much of anymore.

His weapons vary from missions to mission but he generally sticks with a hidden blade made of steel somewhere on his body. Always one as it is easier to conceal. Rarely will he openly carry a bow anywhere unless he is using another identity or persona for gathering information.

Other: He's a cold boi​
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Name: Mihai Morganthau

Age: Appears to be around 10

Gender: Male

Species/Race: Pureblood Vampire

Kingdom of Origin: Outskirts of Oceanius

-Minor blood magic
-Vampiric Tenacity to a smaller extent due to his young age

Personality: Mihai is normally a quiet boy, keeping to himself when in the presence of others, such as during a meeting where he attends with his mother, preferring to be seen and not heard especially when in the presence of other important vampires. However, in the presence of his mother or similar people he feels comfortable around he is generally a happy and chatty young vampire, no less curious and inquisitive of the wider world around him. Interestingly enough he maintains a shy curiosity when encountering outsiders, often wishing to know more about them and what they do in their own kingdoms.

History/Bio: Mihai's story is rather short by comparison to most vampires, being born to Luiza and a vampiric Count, affectionately known as Mad Otto, who fell in a battle not soon after, Luiza having then taken his war hammer to use as her own. Mihai knew very little want or pain growing up to a young boy, his every need and want catered to by Luiza and her handmaidens. Being born at a time of Luiza's growing power allowed for such luxuries to be in his life. This sheltered and pampered up bringing has lead him to become somewhat naive but the overwhelming protection given to him by his coven more than make up for his poor decision making at times. Mihai has spent most of his life in his coven, playing, learning, and many of the similar things that affluent children tend to do. Aside from his birth, Mihai has yet to make any notable mark on history

Job: Honorary Viscount

Weapons/Armor: A small ornate dagger he keeps on his person at all times
Other: Noted for his clean youthful looks, his mother Luiza is never far behind him, and he's noted to be the only one that can make her smile in a genuine way.
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Name: Eira Wren Hallewell

Age: 35

Gender: Female

Species/Race: Mountain Fae

Kingdom of Origin: Oceanius Empire

Healing: Eira can use her water magic to heal combat wounds soldiers take in battle. She can stitch together gashes and heal various other wounds like bone fractures. She is even capable of repairing more severe damage such as spinal injuries and other types of nerve damage.

Shield: On the battlefield, Eira can throw up barriers of water or ice in order to protect herself and the people around her, shielding her from combat to bide time to help her allies. It can also be used as a way to weaken more powerful attacks before they reach her or the victim.

Ice Armor: When in combat and about to take a physical blow, Eira can use ice to freeze over parts of her body to lessen the impact of the blow. Essentially, she creates a concentrated shield over the target area to lessen the blow. This helps protect her as she is rather weak physically.

Having spent a good first portion of her life in almost complete isolation, it is understandable that Eira is a rather quiet and reserved person, often only speaking when directly spoken to or when prompted. Rather than spending time with others, her nose can often be found wedged into some kind of book pertaining to magic or something of the nature. She keeps to herself primarily when not working, simply because it is what she is used to, not because she dislikes company. Eira is independent, strongly motivated and takes pride in the work that she does.

Once that barrier is broken and she gets passed her initial uncertainty for people, Eira is an extremely caring person. Naïve at times perhaps due to her inexperience in social environments, but she is well meaning and keeps the best interest of the people she works with in mind, a common trait in most healers.

With her patients and her trainees though she is an entirely different being. Rather than remaining quiet and cautious around others, she is stern and to the point. She will not tolerate any form of disobedience when it comes to a patient’s orders to heal properly and she does not take back talk and certainly will not allow slacking off in her midst. Eira takes healing extremely seriously and is very diligent in her work. Eira goes above and beyond for the people she heals but in return she expects the same 110% effort on their side as well.

Eira grew up in the snowy peaks on the outskirts of the Oceanius Empire. Isolated from most all civilization, she had never really interacted with more than a handful of people, including her mother. There is where she began to develop her powers, realizing her gift for the healing magics at a rather young age. She spent many years alone with her mother, honing her skills and developing her magic to both survive and to help others.

For a time, she was content with this life, no war at their door, just a simple life, but over time Eira became restless (as most young adults often do) and she decided she wished to venture elsewhere, to learn more than she could in such an isolated environment. Eira realized she had not reached her full potential and for that reason, she began her journey down the mountain she had known her entire life.

The journey was hard, but the young fae girl had grown accustomed to the harsh conditions of the snowy peaks which she called home. Her survival instinct kept her alive in the frigid temperatures and the dangerous storms. Before long, she reached her first real experience of civilization. This new experience was both jarring and exciting for the young girl at the time. Eira made many blunders when she first arrived, but over time she began to grow accustomed to the constant buzz of the empire, making her living here and there through various odds and ends and helping people when she could.

Her original plan of exploring the world slowly faded to the back of her mind as she settled in this new place. Eventually her curiosity towards the healing arts lead her to joining the famous Oceanius Empire’s military where she began to study more about her gifts and the capabilities she possessed. She improved greatly in the first few years and gained a small reputation for her skill and knowledge in the craft.

Job: Oceanius Empire Healer

Eira has a slim figure, slightly below average height, but her posture makes her seem a bit taller than she actually is. Her long black hair falls to the middle of her back, but she often keeps it tied back for work. The contrast of her dark hair emphasises the paleness of her skin and eyes. Her eyes are the color of clouded ice. She is very well kempt and properly dressed, ready to go on a moment’s notice.

Eira doesn’t carry any physical weapons other than her medical supplies. However, in more pressing situations she may conjure a stake like icicle as a last-ditch effort to protect herself in physical combat. Her armor is lightweight, it is more focused on mobility rather than on protection because as a healer she would not normally see the front lines of battle.
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Sebastien Iroh/Mr. Roh
The Merchant of Harvest - Noctus Illumni Castium Fo - Mr. Roh - Corpse Watcher
-Merchant/Master Arcane Researcher-

Kingdom of Origin: Earth/Water Kingdom border
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Motivation: "I WILL triumph over the carrion and misery that infests this world, and perhaps, after my victory, I will share the spoils of my conquest with the rest of you. Of course, that depends on how willing you are in assisting me. I will achieve Nirvana, with or without you."
"I desire the truth of things, don't stand in my way parasite. I promise I will enjoy stomping you into a bloody stain."
"Don't interrupt me when im cookin."

Age: 38
Species: Human Rumored to be a revenant of sorts (?)
Gender: Male
Physical Traits: 6'3, 168 lbs, brown eyes
Equipment: Carries a strange large staff and countless bags and pouches for miscellaneous items
Weapon: A large carving knife, Powerful magic, a merchant's silver tongue, The Mantle of Redesign

An adventurous and quite crazy intellectual who thinks of himself as above the common man, Roh is a master Arcane Researcher in the nation of Oceania. With an arrogance honed by suffering, Sebastien Iroh The Merchant of Suffering and Corpse Watcher of the Oceanian Coasts provides a service very appreciated in the realm of Oceania. A weapons manufacturer, doctor and researcher of powerful old magics and artifacts, Sebastien is curious, studious, attentive with a tongue that oozes contempt and casual bitterness. Roh bows to very few and never serves anyone with the intention of doing so for very long, unless their interests are very much aligned. Oceania and Iroh are both very lucky to be so compatible, as otherwise, they'd most certainly be at odds.

Roh has found many benefactors and generous merchants who are oh so willing to generate large sums of cash for Iroh's long work.
Slow and methodical are words to describe Mr. Roh but vicious and steadfast suit him better when in need of intensity. The Merchant of Harvest's work is one in much need of abundant energy as the work is quite old and much forgotten. Sebastien is coming close to a solution of sorts however, with time and attention along with some possible outside help, he will find the answer to his much-despised problem. Sebastien is confident in his work and will do anything to see it come to fruition, so he is entirely and utterly willing to do as much work and of whatever sort asked of him by the Oceanian Empire.
-Bright, diligent with a resourceful survivalist attitude, Roh is good at adaptation
-A fan of tragedies and historical dramas
-Chews his pencils ruthlessly
-Impatient and angry with the world

Sebastien Iroh is an Arcane Researcher in service of the Oceanian Court, studying and learning war magic and eldritch abilities to further the ends of the Empire. Born on the Water and Earth Kingdom border towards the end of Earth's lifespan, Sebastien grew up in a war zone caring nothing for national allegiance in a world torn asunder. Using his wits and a violent temper along with a little amateur magic, Sebastien escaped his life of poverty and desperation to become an academic, studying magic history and Ancient Knowledge. Using newfound knowledge, a degree from a prestigious magic college and a ruthless streak honed by the horrors of war Sebastien then entered the realm of politics. Working behind the scenes, using lies and deceit, murder and theft, all things Roh has become efficient in the use of as a player in the politics of Oceania.

The Oceanian Imperial Court is not a place for those not accustomed to violence and cunning like it were an everyday chore. Luckily for Roh, some of the skills found and trained in a war-torn wasteland can be used fairly well in the suffocating world of political intrigue. Adapting to the climate thick with espionage and assassination further sharpened the senses of the academic, making him into one helluva mean bastard. Roh's connections in the underworld are one of his greatest assets allowing him access to assassins of the highest grade and products of excessive rarity and quality.
Currently intrigued to a fanatic degree with the idea of continuous life and biological weapons.
-The type that'd mercilessly execute enemy prisoners if unsure of his own life's security
-Doesn't sleep much but when he does, it's to a good book and probably during the day
-Favorite food is toasted bread and jam, favorite drink is the mimosa


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Name: King Otrygg Dawnahmmer.

Age: 298

Gender: Male

Species/Race: Dwarf

Kingdom of Origin: Oshus.

Abilities: Like all dwarfs, Otrygg is a strong and sturdy individual. However, unlike most, Holbris has blessed him with the gift of forging. And while he doesn't have direct control over metal and fire, the supernatural talent he has with using the latter to shape the former into many shapes. This gift, however, comes with a condition. Holbris will possess Otrygg, giving him a creation that the king of the dwarfs must create at any cost. One of these creations is his warhammer, the Hammer of the Dawn.

Personality: A veteran of the Home War, Otrygg has come far, considering he was fairly recently busting their skulls open with his war hammer. He is a ruler that wears his heart on his sleeve, a trait that dwarfs find to be trustworthy. For the most part Otrygg is an outspoken and charismatic leader, one that does not like to sit idly on the throne and is often close to the front lines. He'd be closer if the generals, officers, and lieutenants hadn't "suggested" he let them lead in his stead.

History/Bio: Raised during the civil war of Oshus dubbed The Home War, Otrygg's early life was filled with training to fight and actually fighting. Especially since he was born into the Clan Ehtan, one who boasts having some of the best warriors. But he was still nothing more than a wee beardling when Elysium marched upon Oshus and took it. And during their direct rule, there are many records of him having directly leading several... outbursts. And because of this renown he had accumulated during the direct occupation, the clans unanimously elected Otrygg as their newest king. And, as is tradition, he dropped his clan name of Ehtan, an action meant to show he was unbiased in his decisions.

Job: Dwarf King of Oshus

  • Hammer of the Dawn: Though simple in appearance, the Hammer of the Dawn is made of the rarest materials and reinforced with magical runes. A silver head with gold accents and a backwards facing spike made of ram horn reinforced with Mithril (perhaps the only Mithril in the entire mountain) and runes with an Orichalcum studded, royal pine haft. And perhaps because it was made during a god fueled passion, it glows with a dull light that seems to brighten while in battle. Some say this is to signify the loyalty Holbris has towards Lumin, those people are not dwarfs.
  • Blacksteel Armor: Passed down from king to king and seeming to mold itself to it's newest wearer, the secret to the creation of Blacksteel has vanished from Mt. Equinox. Blacksteel is significantly stronger than normal steel, and is surpassed only by the legendary (and equally rare) metals such as Adamantine, Mithril, and Orichalcum.

The Queen he rules beside, though a thorn in his side, leaves him alone when it comes to matters of war. And for his part, he leaves her be when it comes to economic affairs.
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Brunhilde Wælcyrie
Sigridrifa Karà "Driffy" Wælcyrie
The Wolf of Oceanius / The Fallen Valkyrie Knight

  • Age: 34

    Gender: F

    Species/Race: Halfling (Half-Elf and Half-Human)

    Kingdom of Origin: Stjernenheim Oceanius

    Half-Elven Blood - Being born to Human and a Elvenkind parents, her blood ties allow her to connect with nature, however due to the trauma she endured in her past, she wasn't able to master it, Though, due to her fondness for Hippogryphs and Wolves thanks to the help of her husband, she has able to grasp of knowledge on it and allows her to commune with the two species.

    Basic Hippogryph Riding - Trained by her Husband in riding Hippogrpyhs, she has basic knowledge of riding one, this is boosted by her Half-elven blood ability.

    Master Swordsman - Her reawakening by Patricia as well as being personally trained by her led to Driffy becoming a master at the art of sword fighting.

    Extraordinary strength - The training she endured caused her to gain great feats of strength, while most assume it to be the cause of her half-elven blood, it is actually caused by the training given to her by Patricia and it proved to be an effective ability that lets her move in armor unhinged by the fact of its weight or being able to lift heavy objects and toss them with force.

    Adept Marksmanship - During her training to be the first Overseer of the first Blackscales, she was given training in utilizing the Empire's favorite ranged weaponry, the Bolter, her constant use of the Bolter allowed her to be proficient in ranged combat.

    High Endurance - This was the result of her abuse from many years ago as well as her training during the starting days of the Blackscales, Driffy has an unusual endurance which allows her to tank some hits and fight longer than usual, this was evident during the Wallachian coup where she took on a squad of Mages on her own before Patricia and the rest of the Blackscales arrived to assist. this is boosted by the Armor of the Alicorn.

    Magic Resistance - Her Half-elven blood allows her to take some magic attacks and resist weaker magic based spells.

    Alpha Wolf of Oceanius - As the Overseer of the Schwartze Company in charge of protecting the princess, She studied in great detail on ground defensive tactics as well as ground offensive tactics, her authority is absolute unless Patricia gives them orders personally.

    Personality: Driffy is shown to be an empathetic and caring person who avoids inflicting unnecessary damage and doesn't want to hurt most people emotionally, although she is usually described as emotionless and terrifying by others giving her the nickname of the Wolf. Although highly competent in battle, she is not combative and will only fight due to her orders or wanting to protect those she cares about. Driffy tends to act as a big sister and mentor figure to those younger than her especially to Patricia's children and the juniors of the Blackscales, although she tends to be submissive towards Patricia herself.

    History/Bio: A Former Valkyrie knight from the Kingdom of Stjernenheim turned right-hand woman for the royal family of Oceanius, Sigridrifa left her home at an early age of 14 after gaining her Knightly status and went on a fateful journey along with a group of adventurers that will change her life. While out in the fields near the borders of the Kingdom of Oceanius, her party was ambushed by a band of brigands, they fell one by one until Sigridrifa was the only one left standing, demoralized and exhausted from the fighting, Sigridrifa was eventually overwhelmed by the brigands and was captured along with her Mage companion who managed to survive the ordeal.

    During her captivity with the brigands, she and her Mage companion were respected by their captors, treating them well and took care of them before a man came in to the brigand camp and asked if they have any captives, She watched as the Brigand Leader spoke to the man and pointed at her and her surviving companion. The man looked at the two and gave the brigand leader a large sack of gold and told them they'll serve as sex slaves at a brothel before being knocked out by the slavers with an unknown powder and transported to the brothel. Upon arrival at the brothel, her handlers thought she was too young to be a prostitute and that her mage companion would be better off being the one instead, however, the Madame knew that there were plenty of high paying customers among her clients that would be interested in such youth. This was the worst part of her life, she experienced countless rapes, pregnancies and abortions and her body became scarred from the abuse of her brutal customers one of which caused her to lose vision on her right eye despite of her circumstances, not all of her customers were brutal one of which had her be persuaded to give birth to a child whom of which would indirectly help her in the future.

    On that fateful night, a crackdown of illegal enslavement occurred and the Praetorian Guards led by the Crown Princess herself forced their way into the brothel after a tip from a spy in the brothel told them about the illegal slaves and among them was a young girl being sexually abused. The Praetorian Guards arrested the management of the brothel upon sighting Sigridrifa, who was cowering by the corner of her room with signs of abuse all over her. The sight of her angered the Crown Princess from the inside and made sure that the Brothel was closed forever with the Madame and those who are responsible be locked up in an icy prison where they are severely punished for their deeds.

    Eventually she was taken in by the crown princess as her informal lady-in-waiting and was recovering from the abuse she endured, not all is good however, her trauma from the abuse caused her to recess into a pitiful girl who couldn't fight for herself to which greatly annoyed the crown princess but she knew something must be done to reignite the snuffed flame within Sigridrifa and return the knight that she was and not the wench she is now.

    With the crown princess's encouragement and training, eventually the flames of the warmaiden reignited within Sigridrifa which bellowed a proud laughter from the crown princess as the brothel wench that she took in became the knight in shining armor once again. Because of this however, Sigridrifa swore loyalty to the crown princess and kept training and training until that day where she was called upon by the crown princess herself into the prison and was rewarded with taking revenge on those who ruined her life. Her most defining moment is during the Wallachian coup d'état where she worked with Patricia's operations in crushing the rebellion, Her skill and loyalty as well her new found merciless methods led to the founding of the first Blackscales of the Oceanius under the command of the Crown Princess Patricia, eventually Sigridrifa became the first Overseer and led the first Blackscale Company, conducting black operations and other clandestine missions by the orders of the crown princess. She eventually married a well respected Aerial Knight by the name of Gerhard Flynn Bertholdt who passed Patricia's trials and was blessed with a daughter named Kara and and two years later a son named Charles with the two becoming the first Generation Nobles of the Waelcryie family.

Favorite Childhood show?
damn. i dunno... lots really but has to go to Mobile Suit Gundam.


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Sigridrifa Karà "Driffy" Wælcyrie
The Wolf of Oceanius
View attachment 648600

  • Age: 34

    Gender: F

    Species/Race: Halfling (Half-Elf and Half-Human)

    Kingdom of Origin: Stjernenheim Oceanius

    Half-Elven Blood - Being born to Human and a Elvenkind parents, her blood ties allow her to connect with nature, however due to the trauma she endured in her past, she wasn't able to master it, Though, due to her fondness for Hippogryphs and Wolves, she has able to grasp of knowledge on it and allows her to commune with the two species.

    Basic Hippogryph Riding - Trained by her Husband in riding Hippogrpyhs, she has basic knowledge of riding one, this is boosted by her Half-elven blood ability.

    Master Swordsman - Her reawakening by Patricia as well as being personally trained by her led to Driffy becoming a master at the art of sword fighting.

    Extraordinary strength - The training she endured caused her to gain great feats of strength, it is unknown if its because of her Half-elven blood or the training given to her by Patricia but it proved to be an effective ability that lets her move in armor unhinged by the fact of its weight or being able to lift heavy objects and toss them with force.

    Adept Marksmanship - During her training to be the first Overseer of the first Blackscales, she was given training in utilizing the Empire's favorite ranged weaponry, the Bolter, her constant use of the Bolter allowed her to be proficient in ranged combat.

    High Endurance - This was the result of her abuse from many years ago as well as her training during the starting days of the Blackscales, Driffy has an unusual endurance which allows her to tank some hits and fight longer than usual, this was evident during the Wallachian coup where she took on a squad of Mages on her own before Patricia and the rest of the Blackscales arrived to assist.

    Magic Resistance - Her Half-elven blood allows her to take some magic attacks and resist weaker magic based spells.

    Wolf of Oceanius - Being the Progenitor of the Blackscales and her aggressive pack-like tactics in commanding the blackscales completing clandestine missions, Her authority is high and respected by the Blackscales second only to Patricia who Driffy follows without hesitation.

    Personality: Driffy is shown to be an empathetic and caring person who avoids inflicting unnecessary damage and doesn't want to hurt most people emotionally, although she is usually described as emotionless and terrifying by others giving her the nickname of the Terminator. Although highly competent in battle, she is not combative and will only fight due to her orders or wanting to protect those she cares about. Driffy tends to act as a big sister and mentor figure to those younger than her especially to Patricia's children and the juniors of the Blackscales, although she tends to be submissive towards Patricia herself.

    History/Bio: A Former knight from the Kingdom of Stjernenheim turned right-hand woman for the royal family of Oceanius, Sigridrifa left her home at an early age of 15 after gaining her Knightly status and went on a fateful journey along with a group of adventurers that will change her life. While out in the fields near the borders of the Kingdom of Oceanius, her party was ambushed by a band of brigands, they fell one by one until Sigridrifa was the only one left standing, demoralized and exhausted from the fighting, Sigridrifa was eventually overwhelmed by the brigands and was captured along with her Mage companion who managed to survive the ordeal.

    During her captivity with the brigands, she and her Mage companion were subjected to light abuse by their captors before a man came in to the brigand camp and asked if they have any captives, She watched as the Brigand Leader spoke to the man and pointed at her and her surviving companion. The man looked at the two and gave the brigand leader a sack of gold and told them they'll serve as sex slaves at a brothel before being knocked out by the slavers and transported to the brothel. Upon arrival at the brothel, her handlers thought she was too young to be a prostitute and that her mage companion would be better off being the one instead, however, the Madame knew that there were plenty of high paying customers among her clients that would be interested in such youth. This was the worst part of her life, she experienced countless rapes, pregnancies and abortions and her body became scarred from the abuse of her brutal customers one of which caused her to lose vision on her right eye.

    On that fateful night, a crackdown of illegal enslavement occurred and the Praetorian Guards led by the Crown Princess herself forced their way into the brothel after a tip from a spy in the brothel told them about the illegal slaves and among them was a young girl being sexually abused. The Praetorian Guards arrested the management of the brothel upon sighting Sigridrifa, who was cowering by the corner of her room with signs of abuse all over her. The sight of her angered the Crown Princess from the inside and made sure that the Brothel was closed forever with the Madame and those who are responsible be locked up in an icy prison where they are severely punished for their deeds.

    Eventually she was taken in by the crown princess as her lady-in-waiting and was recovering from the abuse she endured, not all is good however, her trauma from the abuse caused her to recess into a pitiful girl who couldn't fight for herself to which greatly annoyed the crown princess but she knew something must be done to reignite the snuffed flame within Sigridrifa and return the knight that she was and not the wench she is now.

    With the crown princess's encouragement and training, eventually the flames of the warmaiden reignited within Sigridrifa which bellowed a proud laughter from the crown princess as the brothel wench that she took in became the knight in shining armor once again. Because of this however, Sigridrifa swore loyalty to the crown princess and kept training and training until that day where she was called upon by the crown princess herself into the prison and was rewarded with taking revenge on those who ruined her life. Her skill and loyalty as well her new found merciless methods led to the founding of the first Blackscales of the Oceanius under the command of the Crown Princess Patricia, eventually Sigridrifa became the first Overseer and led the first Blackscale Company, conducting black operations and other clandestine missions by the orders of the crown princess.

    Her most defining moment is during the Wallachian coup d'état where she sided with Patricia's take over of the government and laid the foundation of her iron rule of Oceanius. She eventually married a well respected Aerial Knight who passed Patricia's trials and had a daughter named Kara.

So two things.

One is that, just so you're aware, elves arent inherently stronger (physically) than humans. I know it said "it is unknown if it is because etc" but just in case you werent aware. Also, please read the rules in the OOC tab for the final piece of the CS

The second is less of an issue and more of an inconsistency. In her appearance, it says that she lost her right eye because of a fight with Wallachian mages. But in her bio, it says she lost the eye during her time as a prostitute by one of her more brutal clients. So if that could be clarified please?
  • Name: Freja Kreimhildr.
    Titles: The Unrelenting, Dawn Song, War Maiden, Winged Cruelty, Winged Fury of the Forsaken Island.
    Age: 128.
    Gender: Female.
    Species/Race: Valkyrie.

    Job: Commander in the legions of light, Warden of Sessrukyrst.
    Kingdom of Origin: Stjernenhjem - the kingdom of light and cradle of Luminosity.
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Name: Gaul Marik Orobos
Aliases: “Gravewalker” “Mickey”
Gender: Male
Species: Human (?)
Age: Looks 26 probably like 24 or 25

Role: Heir of the Earth Primal
Personality: A sturdy and very straightforward man, Gaul has an honest and very relaxed way about him. However, If you want his respect, you must earn it, and oftentimes the requirements for this vary immensely. Solid as oak, Gaul is a man that can be relied upon, he'd carry the weight of the world on his shoulders if he was asked. Thankfully Marik has strong shoulders and NEVER skips leg day. The son of the last descendant of an offshoot branch of the Earth Kingdom Royal family, Gaul should be more stressed out than he is, but right now he is just vibin. Honest and compassionate, the Earth noble is mostly just trying to survive as of this moment but holds goals of helping the Earth kingdom immigrants gain equal rights and protections. Was raised cursing the Fire and Water kingdoms along with The Broken Legion for their actions against the Earth Kingdom and the world; Marik doesn't particularly care that much about those things anymore, he just wants to keep what remains of his people safe.
Motivation: Wants to safeguard the Earth Kingdom and build up their strength. Slightly wants revenge on the Fire kingdom. Wants to join with the Light kingdom potentially.
  • A big softie towards his friends, very forgiving and friendly
  • Always hungry for the most part.
  • Likes hearing people talk about things they like, a good listener
  • Described as an all-around nice guy, the sort that you really wouldn't wanna assassinate
  • Fairly polite and courteous but also a lil odd at the same time but in a like endearing way
  • Skilled in CQC
  • Powerful Earth Wizard
  • Swordmaster
  • Shovel(?)master
  • Endless stamina and Resilience
  • Inhuman strength
  • Potential for cunning
  • Carries a lantern of the old Deep Earth Kingdom
  • A whetstone
  • A thick gold ring
Alignment: Neutral Good
Weapon: A big shovel that might be enchanted idk could be it glows green sometimes.
Carries a sword as well sometimes.
Other: Probably the Earth Primal
Bio: Born in hiding in the ruins of the Deep Earth Kingdom, Gaul was raised by a remnant of Earth kingdom Royal Guards that against all odds somehow escaped the devastation of the Earth nation. Dwelling in the ancient underground ruins of the massive Earth kingdom precursor nation, Gaul was raised for a time by the remnants of the guards in secrecy before the group joined a mining colony of Dwarves headed into Light Kingdom territory. Raised with his ancestry kept hidden until the age of 18, Gaul continued to train and work alongside the guards and Dwarves he calls family at this point. Still he wonders what his real family must've been like and worries for what remains of the Earth Kingdom.
Mentored and raised by a group of warriors and then a colony of hard laborers, Gaul is familiar with tough work and challenges and persistence is a quality he holds near and dear.
  • Doesn't know it but many of the EK refugees would still fight for him
  • Knows the remnants of the Royal Guard, which has been slowly rebuilding
  • Very easy to work with
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  • Name: Shandian Jiao-long.
    Titles: Mongrel Prince, The Last Shandian, Dragon Scale.
    Age: 35.
    Gender: Male.
    Species/Race: Half caste - Oni/human hybrid.

    Job: The only living descendent of the Shandian dynasty.
    Kingdom of Origin: Leisham, the home of sand and sky.

Name: Aldo Patricia Une

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Species/Race: Mountain Fae

Kingdom of Origin: Oceanius Empire

Bloodfrost - A rare form of Ice Manipulation where the mage is able to freely freeze the moisture content in a target's blood upon contact. Patricia mainly uses it to impale her enemies from within with their own frozen blood.
Summon Blizzard - A form of weather manipulation. Depending on the moisture and temperature of the surrounding air, Patricia can freely summon a blizzard to blanket the area.
Ice Manipulation - The ability to form, control, and manipulate ice. A higher level of focus is required compared to Water Manipulation.
Water Manipulation - The ability to control water and freely manipulate it into whatever shape or tool the mage can think up.
Frost Golem - The zenith of an ice mage's abilities. These golems have rudimentary intelligence, enough to follow simple orders or directly controlled by forming around the mage conjuring it. Patricia's takes the form of a 5-9m tall armoured knight named Kugel.
Healing Spring - A larger scale version of a healer's Soothing Waters ability. Patricia is able to heal a group of casualties by summoning a pool of healing water. Effective in healing cuts, lacerations, and burns while restoring their vigor.
Enhanced strength - Perhaps a blessing passed down from the Primals, those of the Imperial Royal Family tend to have near superhuman levels of strength. Patricia is capable and prefers using lances while on foot.
Skilled swordswoman - Having been trained from a young age in the art of swordplay, Patricia is more than comfortable with the usage of swords.
Tactician - As a future Empress, she would eventually be the one in charge of the Empire's military as a whole. As such, she learnt all aspects of warfare including naval and aerial. She's also in charge of her own personal soldiers, the Blackscales.
Alchemist - Patricia has always found an interest in alchemy and is skilled in identifying and mixing poisons. The Princess' Kiss powder used by Watchmen and Blackscales for riot suppression is a mix she devised during her student days.

Personality: Patricia is a woman with two very distinct sides. Her public persona and private persona can easily be two different people. To most, she's a strict and almost overbearing leader. A tyrant who expects all of her orders to be followed lest punishment awaits those who fail her. Sharp eyed and with a commanding tone, she exudes an aura of perfection when performing her duties as both Empress and Head Overseer of the Blackscales while expecting the same standard with her subjects. The ideal Imperial ruler.

On the other hand, she's a completely different person in private. A snarky, loving and almost playful sort, freely showing her affections to her family and those she can trust. She's even willing to listen to their personal thoughts, even if saying such things while in public would usually lead to their punishment. She would also freely speak her mind about the state of the Empire and secretly plans on reforming it for the benefit of all who live within its borders.

Aldo Patricia Une is the sole child of the current Emperor, Alba Cornelius Une, and Empress Consort, Marida Une. Being the sole heir to the throne and the turbulant state of the Empire due to constant warfare, she didn't have a proper childhood. Following her mother's sudden death when she was merely 10, she was put under the tutelege of Sir Bors and other tutors. She spent the next 6 years learning the art of the sword, magic, and other subjects important for a future Empress. This includes going around the Empire while incognito, something she requested to learn more about the people she'll lead one day. It was during this time that she became distant with her father, knowing full well his hand in her mother's death, and saw Sir Bors as more of a father figure.

At age 14, she gained another future friend in the form a Light Kingdom POW turned slave named Sigridrifa. Liberating the slave and taking her for her own after noticing a flickering ember in the poor wretch's eyes. That woman would eventually end up as Patricia's Royal Bodyguard and the Overseer of the Blackscale's Schwartz Company. She would also meet her future husband during her travels, literally going out of her way to make the former Cabin Boy's life a living hell during her cruise along the Empire's coastline. Patricia would often reflect on her travels and wistfully remembers them as the best years of her life. It was seeing the various slums and hovels during this journey that gave her an idea.

At age 16, Patricia put forward a rather radical idea during an Imperial Court meeting. A solution to the influx of colonial refugees and a way to bolster troop strength: recruit them and train them into an obedient personal army. And thus, the Blackscales was founded. The idea was met with resistance at first, nobody would support an army of outsiders and potential traitors but Patricia pushed for it and with a little nudging thanks to her title, the first Blackscale Company, Schwartz, was set up. Still, they were initially met with disain from the rest of the Oceanius military.

Until one day, the Wallachian Province took the opportunity to start a coup while a large bulk of the Home Guard is sent to shore up the frontlines. The Princess, then 17, personally lead her 150 men strong Schwartz Company to quell the Wallachian Rebels, a full sized army almost outnumbering them 10 to 1. With some help from the Wallachian Loyalists, the Blackscales crushed the rebellion and reclaimed Wallachia in the Empire's name. All within a month. This earned her the secondary title of Duke of Wallachia and the Province's capital serves as the Blackscales Headquarters and training ground.

Following the success of the Blackscales, she expanded their numbers and over the course of 14 years, eventually gained enough volunteers to form 5 full companies. All of them seeing action on the frontlines during those 14 years. The Emperor noticed how she slowly grew to be more powerful and secretly harboured a fear that she won't wait for him to pass to claim the throne. Much like how he did. She soothed his worries with a gentle voice and serene smile. For a moment, he believed her.

As the long chain of war started to die down, the Emperor fell ill from stress. For the next month, he was under the care of the best healers but Patricia would always be the one to give him his last dose of medicine before sleep. A way for the two to talk after she was done running the Empire in his stead. All it took was one addition to his medicine, the Emperor became paralyzed but aware of everything. Patricia revealed her real intentions. She wanted to change Oceanius for the better and he was an obstacle. Not only that but she wanted justice for her mother. So with a sweet smile she bode her father goodnight as he fell asleep one last time.

Within a week, word has spread around the Empire. The Emperor is dead and now Empress Aldo Patricia Une sits the throne. Soon all will change, only time will tell if it will lead the Empire to prosperity or ruin.

Job: Empress, Duke of Wallachia, Founder and Chief Overseer of the Blackscales, Mother

Helmwige - A personalized lance modelled after her father's Gungnir cavalry lance. And much like her father, she does use it while on-foot. Mostly used while fighting larger opponants. Has a resevoir of Tempest fuel within for its hidden flamer.

Grimgerde - Patricia's personal rapier. Used as both a sword and a tool to channel her ice magic, Patricia wields it with deadly efficiency.

Personal bolter (Unnamed)

-Patricia married a young Naval Officer Cadet and Noble, David Albert James Talver, at age 17. They were blessed with a son, Prince Alba Hamilton Une, sometime after the Wallachian Coup. Their daughter, Princess Atra Jacelyn Une, was born 2 years later.
-Patricia has used the name, Marwen Ashfell, during her travels in honor of her mother's family. She even gave her false identity a role within the Imperial Court.
-Patricia has made a small hobby on fixing broken things. Be it pottery, clothing, and in some cases, people. A habit she picked up from her mother.
-Her favourite food is freshly baked bread while her favourite drink is rosehip tea.
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Atlantia Stinger




Kingdom of Origin:
Oceanius Empire


- This ability is used by hand and is mainly used to dry her tail off when she gets out of the water. Think of this like a real hot hairblower evaporating water off.

Light Water Manipulation - She is able to manipulate water to a certain extent and is able to create decent waves with a wave of her hand. She is also able to pick up water in a orb-like form. Though she can make it as big as a basketball and as small as a marble (a little bigger than a marble).

Dolphin Communication - She's able to speak with dolphins underwater perfectly, while on land she can do the same but it sounds a lot more odd to those around her.

Whirlpool (Trident Equipped)- She can create a underwater tornado which makes the surrounding area harder to move in and slowly drag the person -that is directed at- into it. Causing them to spin out of control till the whirlpool disperses. Which is about after 5 seconds unless more power into it. (She's not strong enough, especially given her age.).

Trident Blast (Trident Equipped) - Atlantia is able to send a shot of energy through the trident and right at her opponent. Its a strong blast and depending on the opponent, it varies in how much damage it actually does.

Water Bullets - Atlantia is able to make marble sized water pellets in which she can send at high speeds to attack the target she wishes. Though this may not be lethal, it does hurt like a bitch because its a bunch of pellets almost all at once.

Personality: (at least a paragraph)
Atlantia is a very kind and generous mermaid, she will do what she can to help and take care of others if they are in need of it. Even mammals in the water and fish! Tia is a young girl who really doesnt like being mean or rude to other people, though if others ask for rudness, she would probably give it to them. She follows the rule of "Treat others how you want to be treated" and wont take any shit from anyone who treats her wrong. Tia is a very big explorer of the ocean and as a child, it's hard to protect herself so she grabs some friends to be with her and protect her on her crazy adventures. Now, given her kind nature, she cant help but be super curious. This can sometimes actually lead into her getting into some trouble. She's strong-willed and confident in her actions and words. Atlantia loves to eat shellfish, and because of this, her parents have to hold her back when they go shopping for fish because Tia will go on and beg for fish whenever she saw her favorite type. Tia is a loving mermaid and likes to make friends and others happy.

Atlantia is only 14 so she's only done so much in her life. Her family is those of merchants and they travel a lot while she stays home. But she does want to be like them one day!

Your usual mermaid.


Trident Later on

She's a friend of the Water Prince!

Name: Queen Caralyss

Age: 306

Gender: Female

Species/Race: Hysh

Kingdom of Origin: Oshus

Abilities: Caralyss is a gifted caster among the Hysh, able to quite literally weave spells as quickly as any Hysh Weaver, taking strands of Water magic and spinning them to whatever the situation may call for. However, it is her extensive spy network that she is most proud of. She likens her spy network to a web, one she sits comfortably in the middle of.

Personality: Caralyss is often seen as cold and calculating to the dwarf residents of Oshus, much like a spider. To the Hysh, however, these two traits are seen as motherly, for a mother must keep calm and make the best decision for her children. And that she does quite well, treating both Dwarf and Hysh alike as her children. This emotionless facade varies little, whether she knows the person well or not, though the way she speaks does get more relaxed around those she trusts.

History/Bio: Born with a strange pattern on her carapace, she was marked for greatness by The Weaver. Under the tutelage of the finest Hysh teachers, Caralyss was groomed to eventually take the position of Queen. And when the Old Queen eventually died due to her advanced age, Caralyss was thrown onto the throne. A fish out of water, she had to learn the more nuanced points of politicking herself, something she proved fairly adept at. And to keep herself from being caught off guard, she slowly and painstakingly constructed a spy network to keep her reliably informed on the going ons of the world outside Oshus.

Job: Hysh Queen of Oshus.

Weapons/Armor: The right word can cut just as well as the sharpest sword. And besides, she has guards to fight for her.

Other: Caralyss deals with most domestic affairs in Oshus, and pairs with Otrygg when handling foreign politics. And though he is a knot in her web, she cannot dispute his tactical superiority on the battlefield.
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"The Protector" "Guardian Spirit of the Mythos Mirror Pools" "Forest Spectre"

: 156

Gender: Female

Species/Race: Blooming/Flora Nymph

Kingdom of Origin: Earth

-Supernatural Growth/Plant Manipulation: Depending on the type of nymph, each nymph has their own unique abilities. Marah has the ability of growth. She can sprout flowers, vines, and trees from the ground and grow them as large/long as she likes, or control them to her liking. Fire is a natural counter.
-Energy Ball: Using flowers (either natural or magic grown) she can manipulate their photosynthesis abilities to gather the sun's rays and create a ball of energy than can cause a big enough explosion to take down multiple bodies with in the blast radius (about 13 feet in diameter). This ability can be exhausting if used too many times in succession (maybe do it a good 3 times before it becomes difficult)
-Petal Dance: An attack that rains a flurry of pink, razor-edged petals at the target, doing minor damage by making small cuts or slowing down the enemy.
-Guardian Mode: Probably her favorite ability that took years to master. Marah can grow/manipulate wood to cover her body and form armor. This thick armor makes her appear taller and more....monster-ish than the delicate nymph image she has. She's used this form to scare away hunters and other unwanted creatures from the Mirror Pools. Locals have dubbed her (in this form) the Guardian Spirit of the Mythos Mirror Pools. She can increase her defenses in this form by growing spikes/thorns, she can also stretch her limbs to attack numerous targets, and grow a shield in proportion to this form.
In this form she is about 7ft tall :3

*NOTE: Her environment plays a huge part in the effectiveness of her abilities. A dry, barren place like a desert makes it harder to make things grow, but a place with a lot of moisture can boost her abilities

Personality: High energy, anxious, and worrisome, Marah (pronounced just like Mara) is the epitome of all three words. She is cautious and very careful towards all things new and alien, which can come off as almost being fearful but she keeps herself open to new things...as long as its not too life risking. Most of her life Marah was sheltered in the small clearing of a large forest, and her small-world lifestyle left her very curious about life beyond the mirror pools. Though she lived closed-off, she's very accepting and open minded, she hates small thinkers, especially the arrogant and verbally opinionated ones. Sure she can be a little frantic and spazzy but she tries to keep calm, cool, and collected as best as she can.

Marah can sometimes show a few feminist colors from time to time. Being from a female-only background she was raised with a mentality that can be a little biased toward men and their tendencies.


History/Bio: Marah's father is unknown, as Nymphs tend to run a strictly matriarchal society. She was raised by a group of women, her mother being the oldest and therefore the independent leader of their small troupe. Because he was the eldest's daughter, mom was a little over bearing and over protective. At a certain age, most nymphs leave the coop and spread their wings away from home. As a sort of coming-of-age tradition, nymphs go on a pilgrimage to search for a special place that they will guard for many years and settle there. Deep, deep, in an Earth Kingdom forest, are what the forest nymphs call the Mythos Mirror Pools. Completely hidden by all sorts of exotic flora and large trees, the pools were said to have magical healing properties.


Job: Support

Appearance: At first glance, with her petite stature (no taller than 5'1") large, doe-like eyes, and pursed rosy lips, Marah resembles a porcelain doll. She has straight, golden, hair that drapes down to her hips, embellished with tiny flowers at her crown. The flowers will change from time to time, but she's almost never seen with out them. Her hairstyles vary from a long braid, two long braids, loose down, or, as she's more commonly seen with, half up-half down (as seen in pic above). Her nymph genetics gave her pointed ears, and a light, almost ethereal complexion that faintly glitters in direct sunlight, giving her a ghost-like, supernatural glow.

Armor explained in abilities section, no man-made weapons.

Other: None? maybe? for now?​
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  • 174f3d26959baae665cd6ccefef1d6b9.jpg

    Kingdom of Origin:

    Two hundred and one years old

    Male, Soul Elf

    Six foot seven.
    Two hundred pounds.
    Tattoos running down the right side of his face and torso.

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Were-Form body and tail (Credit to Original Artist):

WIngs (Credit to Original Artist):

Human Form Appearance (Minus the Sword, Credit to Deviantart Artist):

Name: Kamodo Daragorn (Kam Darag when he's around strangers or hiding his reptilianism)

Age: 126 (Mokole Live 400-500 years)

Gender: Male

Species/Race: Mokole (Were-Lizard)

Kingdom of Origin: Born to a Mokole nomadic tribe outside the kingdom of Igneium


Hand-to-hand combat - He is very proficient in unarmed combat as he has seen over 100 years of it both in training and experience.

Melee combat - same as hand-to-hand. He's very proficient and can use just about any throwing, striking and blocking instrument very well.

Adaptability - he can adapt to different environments and situations quickly.

Survival - Being in a nomadic tribe for 30 years has its perks. He can live off of the land as long as there are plants, animals or both in the area.

Bartering - He's an amazing bargainer and can haggle a lower price on at least half of what he buys.

Vigilance - not many things catch him off guard.

Strength - Only in his Were form. His strength is multiplied many times over his human form. For example, he can lift a small boulder with ease.

Mnesis - This is an ability that all Mokole have. It is the capability to draw from memories of past reptiles and enact their abilities. Few Mokole have the Rite of Eilodon (ROE), which allows the Mokole the ability to use Mnesis to physically transorm their body. Kamodo is one of those few.

The ROE is a powerful Mnesis ability. it is a direct exercise of the Mokolé's purpose as the Memory of Gaia. The Rite of the Eidolon allows the images (eidolons) contained in Mnesis to take shape. It is as real as the mind of the remembrancer who imagines it. In doing so, the Remembrancer can take the abilities of lizards past and temporarily use them today (i.e. use the carapace of the Ankylosaurus or the regeneration of the gecko). In order to use it, the Remembrancer must meditate at least once per week for 24 hours, two hours at a time with an hour break in between.

The ROE user may only summon two Mnesis abilities at once, and may use them as follows:

1-15 minutes : Three times per day, slight drain on stamina
One hour: Once per day, heavy drain on stamina
Three to five hours: Once per week, driven to unconsciousness for 72 hours after the ability is dispelled.

Using Mnesis can be dangerous, and if used for more than a few hours, the remembrancer can get lost in the memory, never to return to the waking world.

Permanent Attributes (Not Mnesis-Related). These were chosen by his parents at birth and gifted by a ROE Remembrancer:

Hollow bone - He is light, but the bones are as strong as forged aluminum. In comparison, normal Mokole bones have been known to bend steel with a single strike. Same strength and weakness as an aluminum baseball bat.

Leather Wings - He can fly and use the thin edge of the wing or thumb claw as a weapon. Flight is limited to his stamina. If he starts the day out with flying, he can keep it up for a few hours. If he's been walking, talking, running or fighting, the flight is limited based on his state of fatigue. i.e. If he can barely stand, flying is out of the question.

Jacobson's Organ - He can sense heat signatures up to 100 meters away

Sturdy Lung/Sturdy Tail - He can swim underwater up to 20 mph. Using his wings, he can increase that speed up to 40 mph. When swimming, he can hold his breath up to one hour. Stationary, up to two hours.

Personality: Kamodo is a solitary type. He is willing to talk after he has gotten to know you, but that takes quite awhile. He isn't angered quickly, unless you force him to do something he believes is immoral or you harm the innocent in front of him.

History/Bio: Kamodo was born outside Igneium, as the nation is more friendly to monster-types such as Mokole are. He was raised as a hunter, barterer, scavenger and warrior. The nomad life is not easy. He is accustomed to the city, as his tribe has entered many to trade the skins and meat of animals, as well as provide escort to many a nobleman or woman, regardless of race.

Mokole are a unique were-people, as they do not consider any race below them, Rather, they consider themselves to be protectors of Gaia and all the races therein. Kamodo encountered a nobleman from an elven city where religion is freely expressed in private. The reason for their encounter, well, he was a hired sword for the nobleman's caravan.

When he encountered the man's faith, his curiosity was piqued and he even read the holy text the man gave to him for free. After several years, he came to believe in Someone Higher than Gaia. Someone named Shiloh.

When Kamodo had reached the age of adulthood (30), he went out to prove himself by slaying a mighty beast and bringing back its hide. He was successful, and when he returned, his Wallow (Lizard den) was forsaken. He saw no blood. No sign of struggle. They were gone. The only thing he could think of was that his family believed he had forsaken Gaia to believe in this Creator, Shiloh. His family had expressed their disapproval of it early on. He's been wandering the land since.

Job: Mercenary


Human Form: 6'2" 250 lbs
Archid (Were) Form: 8'5" 562 lbs, Wingspan 18'
Suchid (Reptile) Form: 24 inches high, 16 feet long, 358 lbs


When in human form, his weapons of choice are a pair of 19" Bolo Machetes and throwing tomahawks. His armor in Human form is limited to a thin Ankylosaur breastplate that covers his front and back under his jacket, which was produced from one of his Remembrancers. His leather, metal-studded wrist and ankle gauntlets complete the set.

When in Archid form, he retains his weapons and uses them only when necessary, as his claws, mouth and wings are his primary weapons. He also retains the Ankylosaur front piece, as it is well known that most lizards have soft bellies. the hard scales on the rest of his body provides more than enough armor.

Fav Childhood Show:
DBZ Cell Arc

shadowz1995 shadowz1995
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