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Fantasy Unexpected Exile (Still looking!)


I drink coffee, oh and I love my fish waifus :>
In a kingdom, far, far away, sits a little rebellion, which is laying on top of a dormant curse. A volcano about to erupt, and to cast it's glowing hot magma over everything, anyone looked up to for guidance and support. The Empire of Crestodom, easily the strongest and largest country in all of the known world. People flock to it's always open borders from distant lands, just to get a taste of the endless fortune that pours out of it's open gates. No one is unhappy, even those very few poor people amidst the normal, and rich alike. When the Royal Military walks on by the crowded streets, there is never an upheaval, upset, or uproar. The people see them as their protectors, and the only thing standing between utter destruction, and continuous freedom and peace we know. The outer countries and kingdoms stopped trying to conquer this bastion of glory, and instead changed to offering as much support as they possibly could to continue it's ambitious growth. Truly, what could go wrong?...if it wasn't for the curse. Oh, my dearest dairy, this is most likely my last entry into you, and I hope you will treasure it as much as I shall. Hopefully one day, scholars may find this buried amidst the ruin, and learn of what we once were. I suppose I should detail in the most important factors into our downfall, if we shall avoid it in the future.

In case the rest of this dear book is burned or ruined, let me sign myself in. I, am Alseia Nochfolger, Zekund's apprentice, as he is the Royal Sorcerer. I've been under his care and tutoring, to prepare me to succeed him when the time came. Sadly, it came all too soon. I remember, starting almost three months ago, he began growing very...odd, in his behavior. He even started forming meetings with Ferraniad, the Royal Scientist of all people! I knew something big was happening, or at least, going to happen soon. However, since I was merely the apprentice, why tell me anything? Not like I'm important...sorry, emotions are tense right now. Anyways, my suspicions were accurate. The night before it happened...Zekund came up to me in my study, and told me something I could never forget. It's haunted my dreams ever since. "Alseia, everything is about to change. We couldn't stop it, no matter how hard we tried. Our demise is on the horizon, and it will be fair and just vengeance for our deeds. Please, take care of the Princess. Only you have the wisdom to save our future, and our past." Truthfully, my dearest dairy, I still don't understand why it happened. What deed is worth what occurred that day? Oh...now that I think about it, I'm certain history books will not detail the events with precision. I suppose I should tell you what it is, exactly, that went down that day.

I was awoken to alarm bells ringing everywhere, echoing throughout the entire city, possibly even further then that. No one bothered to tell me what happened. After all, I'm only the future Royal Sorcerer, why should I be kept in the loop? Took me a long time to put the pieces together, but here is what I know of it. Sometime during the night, with no eye witnesses of it occurring, the Emperor, and all his direct subordinates...disappeared. Gone, without the slightest trace. Almost like some unseen deity swept them from our world entirely, some foul magic...or curse. That's when I remembered what Zekund told me the night before. Truthfully, I hadn't taken it very seriously. While he was once a great and intelligent mind, over the months, he had become near insane. I feel like I know why now. I treated him so badly, when I knew nothing of the misery he had to deal with. I can only imagine, he was trying to find a way to overcome this impending doom. Even going as far as teaming with the Royal Scientist, just to find an answer. But now...it no longer matters. The Emperor, the Royal Sorcerer, the Royal Scientist, all the of the generals, advisers, prominent lords and ladies....the only people who could properly lead this kingdom, gone. The Princess is still here, but it's not like she knows how to rule. 

Honestly, she is just a child yet. How could a young girl, not even legally old enough to lead the country, supposed to do just that? Apparently, I'm not the only one who thought like this either. Sadly, most took it a bit farther than I. The kingdom fell into a deep sadness, which then morphed absurdly quickly into anarchy. Everyone began pinning the blame on the Princess, somehow believing that she planned all this just to become Empress before it was her proper time. Ludicrous, yes. But nonetheless, the rally cry was heard, and nearly everyone believed it. Even now, I can hear their chants for, 'justice', outside the castle walls. The guards have been trying to stop them all day, but they've been progressively falling back against the riots, and I fear that soon, all of us inside will be forced to sub come to the will of whatever the masses wish for. Hopefully a peaceful execution at best..."Please, take of the Princess. Only you have the wisdom to save our future, and our past". Why did you have to tell me that master? I'm just the apprentice. I barely know how to conjure spirits to my whim, let alone how to save our kingdom from these murderous peasants!...or, perhaps I'm thinking too large? Maybe, if I only focus on saving the Princess...we might have a future. Master, is that what you've been trying to tell me all along? 

Okay...my dearest dairy, I'm about to embark on the hardest, and stupidest adventure of all. Wish me luck. If nothing in history ever mentions me, let's hope it's for a good reason...


Hello people of RPN! It's been...awhile. But I'm back, looking for a group RP of all things. I know that I promised myself to never get into another one, but gosh dang it it all if I can't resist the allure of several people all working in harmony to create an adventure to remember. Anyways, there is a lot that the above text doesn't explain. So let me get into the nitty-gritty of the story behind this all. 

This all takes place in the Kingdom of Crestodom. Now, this country is ruled by either an Emperor, or Empress. There is no bigotry towards either gender ruling here, because it's been this way since the establishment of it's foundation. Presently, the Emperor has been ruling. He led the country from being fairly prosperous, to the biggest powerhouse in the known lands, bringing together all the other countries into a unification pact to retain peace and prosperity. But hey, if you think he did that by his own will and strength, you're sadly mistaken. His father before him, was known as the, 'Dark Prince'. Needless to say, at least according to legends and stories, the previous Emperor, towards the end of his life, delved into witchcraft and black magic. Turns out, it's true. He ended up finding a demon, and made a contract to make his Empire the strongest in all of the lands. He was so intent on it, that he never even listened to what the demon wanted in return for the power. This is what led his rule, and then the current Emperor's rule, to be so glorious. What the demon wanted however, was a mass soul sacrifice, worth the same equivalent to the power it gave to the kingdom. This would then result, in the Emperor, and all his direct underlings to be swept out of existence. The Royal Sorcerer, and the Royal Scientist learned of this three months before the beginning to this tale, and tried to find a way to stop it. They did come up with a plan, but their demise arised before they had a chance to accomplish it.

What ends up happening, is the Royal Scientist writes out the plans to reverse the curse, and leaves it for his apprentice. However, it's written in coordination with the Sorcerer, so the details don't really make sense. As in, it's deeply coded in magic sigils, to prevent normal people from decoding it. Thus, it'll come down to both of the apprentices working together, to figure out how to save their country. Sadly though, it won't be that simple. First off, the glaringly obvious. The Princess is going to be executed as soon as possible for her, 'crime', and most likely all those who were meant to serve her. You see, everyone important to the leadership of the thrown, has an, 'apprentice'. Someone they train from the beginning of their ruling for the Crown, so that when the next Prince or Princess ascends the thrown, the apprentices then ascend with them. This is to provide a fair retirement for the old advisers, and to give the new ones a good life serving their future Emperor/Empress. So, most people would logically assume, that the apprentices were conspiring with the Princess to make this all happen. Of course, we know that isn't true. But no one else does. Therefore, my character, the Sorcerer's Apprentice (haha), will take up her duty to lead the Princess, and the other apprentices, away from the castle in an unexpected exile. They will then all be forced to leave the kingdom, traveling to distant lands while they try to overcome the curse, and eventually get the Princess back on the throne. Properly, this time around. 

There is another serious complication to this, however. You see, magic and science, have always been at odds with one another. This is especially true, in Crestodom. You see, while the kingdom thrived by being as open and non-biased as possible, it couldn't do so perfectly. On top of that, it's foundations in it's initial establishment were heavily rooted in the concepts of magic. Therefore, all throughout the country, you'll notice how entire families, neighborhoods, and friends can be torn apart depending on their allegiance. These battling ideologies have only grown more intense, as the rise of science and the people's dependency on it grew. Outside of the kingdom, most countries are leaving the magical arts behind, choosing to set their future on science. As such, most outer kingdoms are in the Victorian Era, steampunk style. In Crestodom, only a handful of steam factories can be found, but the architecture in newer districts are noticeably leaning towards the Victorian style. This has outraged mages and sorcerers alike, causing any hope of unification, to be crushed forcibly. Not that science-lovers are any better, as they haven't tried at all to respect the traditions and customs of old nearly at all. With that said, you can only imagine how at odds the Royal Scientist and Royal Sorcerer's apprentices will be. Thus, them working together and figuring out the work left behind, will not be a simple matter. Neither can do it without the other, but they won't want to accept that fact.

So, what can magic and science do? Well, in this world, magic isn't quite...complicated. It's not simple either, though. Magic works in many ways, not one way being the same as another. But it's, 'simplicity', depends on the mastery of it from person to person. As in, the Royal Sorcerer could conjure up various spirits to his will, bend the elements to his use, and cast curses without any extra effort short of saying a few words, or even merely thinking on it. Only the most complex of rituals or curses, would he have needed to utilize tomes and sigils. Beginners, or even people who have been studying and training for years, might only be able to do simple magic, with tons of tomes, sigils, and sacrifices. Alseia, for example, is nowhere close to her former master. Neither however, is she so young to the arts. For her, she can utter forth enchantments, curses, and other things of such nature with a few strands of magical words. Any more complex curses or enchantments may require a tome or two. Far more advanced magical abilities for her, would require sigils, and very precise situations, to say the least. Only one type of magic comes easy, which is most easily explained as a mix between, 'filukinesis', and, 'dimensiokinesis'. Or, 'thread manipulation, and, 'dimensional manipulation', As in, she can create thread-like strands of pure dimensional energy, to entangle enemies, set up traps, and if assisted by tomes and sigils, perform a lot more functions. (More will be explained in future CS.) However, this is a rare case of talent, and having been trained by the literal master of magic, the Royal Sorcerer, personally. It's also worth noting, that not everyone can use magic. While every human is technically capable of using it, few can do it easily enough to make it practical. Most just give up, because it's too hard. Roughly only 1/4 humans bother with magic at all, and out of those few, only 1/3 can use it effectively. 

Science, on the other hand, is very easy. In fact, most people don't even need to be smart. They only need a few exceptional scientists to come up with new inventions, and a handful of engineers to make them come to life. Why bother with spend years upon years of hard research to make your crops grow slightly faster, when you can get fertilizing system built for a small amount of money, and hardly anytime spent at all? As you can see, the appeal of science is understandable. Which is mostly why, few people bother with magic anymore, and more are coming over to support the progression of science. But the question you must be asking is, 'how advanced is the tech in this current world?' Basically put, think of any steampunk story/game/show, and you got it. Steam powered zeppelins, massive factories, and the like. But to be more specific, here goes nothing. Clockwork engineering is massively popular, for many different things. One of the most widely used uses, is clockwork robots. Things that are actually fairly advanced. Not to the level of self conscious, or even close. But enough so, that they can perform various duties without much supervision. For a better reference, think of the Clockwork Soldiers from Dishonored 2. Further, is the stance of firearms. Most people still use swords, and others crossbows. But firearms are becoming more widely used, in today's world. They're terribly accurate, spread-shooting like crazy. Even still, if you need heavy hitting, easily concealed weapons, they are what people use. More accurate, single-firing muskets exist as well. (If you can't tell, I'm drawing heavy inspiration from the Dishonored series.) As said before, almost every outer country has embraced science, and thus seeing the Victorian innovation, is very common. Though keep in mind, it may come as a surprise to the apprentices, as they've likely never been out of the kingdom. 

That about sums it up, honestly. The entire plot, is pretty simple. There will be a few twists and turns, that I have planned. But otherwise, it's fairly straight forward. Go into exile, crack the code and figure out what happened to the Emperor, and restore peace with the Princess on the thrown. Or...is it that simple? We'll only know, if you accept the invitation to this world with me. My hand is extended, so now, will you take it? I hope you will, because I've been looking for someone just like you! Before I get on to the rules, and the kind of people I'm looking for, let me give a quick show to the characters that can be assumed by you all. Note: None of them are predestined, or created. As in, they're yours to make. However, some of them I have a few preferences, notes, or want to explain their relations between each other. I promise it'll be simple stuff. I want them to be yours, not mine. You'll understand once your read the following.

The characters:

  • (Potential Candidate.) The Princess. The girl who lost her mother years ago (the cause is up to you), the father who just disappeared, and the sudden kingdom that doesn't want her. How will she react? I have no idea, but whoever wishes to take this role, please make it realistic. The Princess will have an already established relationship with the Royal Protector, what it is however, is up to you and whoever ends up taking the Protector role. Otherwise, everything is open for you to determine. 
  • (Taken.) The Sorcerer's Apprentice. All jokes aside on the name, Alseia is the apprentice to the Royal Sorcerer. She'll be detailed in my CS later on, but here's a few things to note. Her relationship with the Royal Scientist's apprentice, will be...difficult. Neither her, nor them, will like one another. Even still, I would actually love if they, well...fell in love. Regardless of the specifics, if you're interested in the Scientist's spot, please PM personally, so we can talk about it. 
  • (Taken.) The Royal Scientist's Apprentice: I tried to come up with a creative name, sue me. Anyways, yes, the RSA. (Royal Scientist's Apprentice.) They'll be deeply intertwined with Alseia, for good or bad. Highly intelligent, but most likely only book smart. The specifics are up to you, of course.
  • (Potential Candidate.) The Royal Protector's Underling: Probably the only person with a two-sense. How you go about this character, I'm interested to see. That said, you'll have to be communicating with whoever takes the Princess' role, as you'll be tied together. (Not literally, unless Alseia helps out a little.) Keep in mind, this person will know how to fight, and will most certainly be the only source of major protection.
  • The Lord/Lady-in-training: This person will represent the aristocracy of the group, Princess aside. They'll most likely know the underside of the city, such as corrupt deals and deeds. Money, and anything relating to it, will be their mindset. Once more, the specifics will be up to you. But that's the general idea. I don't really have any preset-relationships for this character, so please use this freedom to make them however you wish!

That's everyone! Now, understand, I don't mean to intrude on anyone's creativity by what I said above. It's only meant as a guideline, and how I'd like to see most characters get used. After all, those are all the key roles needed to be filled. As far as the relationships go, again, just guidelines. There doesn't need to be romance period, let alone between the characters I specified it for. But please, please consider it. I'm currently a romantic buff, what can I say? (I blame my mother, who has almost exclusively watched Hallmark Movies...then again, I've also gotten heavy into romance anime. So what can I say?) That aside, below will be my rules and what exactly I'm looking for, partner wise. It will be a bit strict, as you'll soon find out. I apologize ahead of time, if it seems too...much. But I can compromise a little! Promise! 

What I'm looking for:

  • Literate partners. If you can post at least three paragraphs on average, perfect! The more, the better of course. But you must be capable of at least three. 
  • People who are truly interested in the idea, and not just hoping on board simply because. Similarly, I want people who can push the story forward. Don't get me wrong, I have a track set in place. But we can always go off the rails, as much as needed. I'll find a way to get us back. But I don't want that for a second, to keep anyone from throwing in a curve ball. In fact, if there's something big that might even change the entire story, feel free to PM about it! If it's a really good idea, we can totally go through with it.
  • I don't post often, honestly. I'm a once-a-week kinda person. So, I want partners who can at least post once a week, and are okay with others taking that long. If you post the very next day someone else does, that's fine. But please understand, that the others may not be capable of that. 
  • People who are open to possibilities. I'm a very erratic person, sometimes. I may come up with a random idea, and want to follow though with it. I'll never force anything down your throats, but please always keep an open mind to changes and twists, and similarly, be open to come up with them yourself as well.  

That's...it, really. Now, onto the rules!

  • For starters, no god-modding. Whether that be in a general sense, or a combat-sense. Things can't always go your way, that's realistic truth. So please be fair in this way. 
  • As well, no bunnying. You can't always dodge an attack, and you will take damage from time to time. When you do, make it realistic. A single punch won't break five ribs, but neither will a bullet do nothing more then fracture a bone. (Well okay, it might. But you know what I mean...)
  • No controlling other people's characters. Flat line. No exception. Unless, of course, that person gives you permission to do so. As far as NPCs are concerned, they're open to be controlled by anyone. I may make a few exceptions to this rule as the story progresses, but I'll make sure you guys know ahead of time.
  • No arguing, or being rude to others. 
  • Please always be courteous to your fellow partners. This isn't a rule, as much as it's an honest request from me. 
  • I require a CS from all who wish to join. That'll be in the official thread. For now, note that I will require an anime-styled picture. Even if you merely use it as an base, and enter in a description to further change or alter them, there needs to be one. 
  • Dark themes, harsh and crude language, and blood/gore is allowed. However, I want realism. The Princess isn't going to be cussing like a sailor, and the RSA isn't going to be ripping holes into people. 
  • Going off of that last note, please be true to the role you get. Fairly self explanatory.
  • This isn't first come, first serve. Even still, please post below which role you'd like. Whether you contact me through PMs, or in this thread, I'll require you to include a link to an example of your writing, as well as a CS you've made. Whether you make them specifically for this moment, or they're from a past post, it's fine by me. (Unless I know you, of course.) And if you want the RSA, please PM me personally. In the list above where it shows the character descriptions, you'll notice some have text before them. 'Taken', implies that the role already has a selected person. (While this isn't first come, and first serve, some people may get that spot early if I really like their work.) Other's will also have the, 'Potential Candidate'. This means, that someone has shown interest in that role, but isn't yet officially accepted. So please feel free to still shoot for that character, if you wish to.

All done! It's a lot, but necessary. Keep in mind, anyone who hasn't read the rules, will not be accepted. I do hope I don't sound to harsh, I don't mean to if I do! Thank you for taking your time to read this, have a good rest of the day~

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Im interested. If you would agree, I would like to be the royal protector's underling

The spot is open yes, however, someone else has shown interest in it. Still, feel free to apply!
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this seems really interesting, has the princess been taken yet? if not, could I join in some alternative way?
Hey, we're still looking for RPers to join. If you're interested, here's the link to the official thread.
Hey @TheGossipLink! I was wondering if you were still looking for RPers.

First of all, I really like the idea of this roleplay and the Lord/Lady-in-training seems very interesting. I did notice, however, that Lettuce said he was also interested in the role, but in the description it doesn't say there is a potential candidate for the role or that it is taken. So is that role still available?

Secondly, Have you possibly read the Ranger's Apprentice series? In those books there is a corps called The Diplomatic Service. Could you compare the Lord/Lady-in-training with the King's Couriers or is that something completely different than you had in mind?

If you are still looking for someone, I'll try to send you a CS and an example of my writing ASAP.

Sadly, I've never read that series. It sounds interesting though, is it something worth checking out?

That said, since I don't know, let me address your questions. Firstly, yes, Lettuce has shown interest. Truthfully, the error is on my part for not editing the list. That said, as I've mentioned before, it isn't first come, and first serve. More then one person can submit a CS for the role (unless otherwise specified), and I'll choose that which I consider the best and more suited for this RP. If you would like to still apply for the role, it isn't officially Lettuce's yet. 

On top of that however, there is the possibility of adding new roles other then those I initially created. Which ties in to my curiosity of this book series. If you don't mind, could you briefly explain what the King's couriers are in a PM to me?  

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