• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Unearthed (OOC)

Good to know. Do you, or anyone else know any good art for Female Dwarves? I've found a few pictures, but I'm still deciding.
I really hate to say this but Pinterest is usually a good source for those kinds of pictures.
Think I found an image. I usually use google/pinterest to find that sort of art.
Ha! I finished.

Did everyone coordinate their journeys to arrive in Rivendell on the same day or something? Wouldn't at least someone have arrived early?
Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi listen 'ere, young grasshopper !
grabs an old cane
amalera did not fight o r c s to listen to this ! this. . . PREPOSTEROUS SLANDER

kidding, kidding

KSMI KSMI ; can't wait to see your character !

Abendrot Abendrot , by gods, even writing your name makes me cackle. but good, now you know the beauty that's p i n t e r e s t !

wickedlovely11 wickedlovely11 ; hi hi !
Rest in peace you beautiful being <3

Oh and just to say that i'm 2/3rds done with my post... fingers are down to the bone but i'm getting there nonetheless! :D
finally got there.. phew.. :-_-lines:
Seems that things have slowed down... :/:
Yeah, just a lil’. My apologies. Later tonight I’ll try to write a reply and pick it up again once more.
I'm here and still interested. I'm just in a creative deadzone and recently out of the hospital, the latter of which has really thrown me out of sorts. It's nothing major, don't worry, but I've been slammed by the experience anyway.

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