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Fandom Undertale - A Different Story


The Purple Soul
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The game that changed it all. with a unique storyline, hundreds of fans, and a beautiful soundtrack.


But what if that wasnt what happened?


What if there never was a Toriel, Asriel, Asgore, Sans, Papyrus....


But different people in there place...


Your OCs are now part of their own version of Undertale, with almost the same story!



This page is for the Neutral Ending. After this, if it finishes, I will post topics of True Pacifist and Genocide.
Long ago, two races ruled the Earth - monsters and humans. War broke out between the two races, and the victorious humans sealed the monsters away under a mountain. Years pass, and soon the monsters faded into nothing more than myth for the humans. Though one legend, above all else, holds true to this day: those who climb Mt. Ebott alone never return. 

Lark should have listened. He knew he should have. And yet, the boy hadn't. The fall had been long, but surprisingly not very painful. Brushing himself off, he checked over himself for any cuts and bruises. Pulling a bandage out from a pocket, he placed it over a small cut on his knee. Lark had landed in a bed of flowers of some sort. He supposed they were venus flytraps, but thinking on that made him stressed out slightly, so he pushed himself to his feet, taking with him a stick laying in the grass. The area around him was cavernous, ancient-looking pillars reaching up through the area. Before him was a corridor of some kind, and Lark didn't hesitate to leave the patch of plants behind him.

"W-wait!" a girl's voice called out, and Lark turned to see someone who hadn't been there before. A girl, perhaps slightly older than him, standing where he had been laying. She shuffled her feet anxiously, looking away nervously. "Can... can I come with you?" she asked, to which Lark nodded. As the girl drew closer, Lark noticed she was partially transparent. He would have startled, if it wasn't a slow discovery. Her feet didn't entirely touch the ground as she moved, making her a few inches taller than she should be. Lark tilted his head curiously, but didn't say anything. She might be a ghost, but it was rather hard to tell. Could others see her? Probably not...

Turning, Lark continued down the corridor, approaching a small patch of grass bathed in sunlight, which bore a singular venus flytrap.


- Croi -

Croi had been feeling particularly restless as of late, just wondering when the next human would fall and curious as to what sort of person they would be. He was feeding one of the Froggits that scattered the area on his way to his daughter's burial site. He was unsure of why the venus flytraps had overtaken the area but they seemed to cause no real harm so he allowed them to stay, besides that he didn't want to disturb the area in any way regardless. One had grown quite large and had a consciousness of it's own which Croi would usually question but the plant somehow had an odd sense of familiarity to him. While it usually did not speak to Croi very often he was aware that it had given itself the name of Snapper and seemed to be aware that there was someone there with him. He wished to learn more about this plant but it only seemed angered or distressed most of the time, what made him so frustrated?, that he had no idea of he was always kind to Snapper, he was just hard to understand at times. 

He gave the Froggit a warm beaming smile and then heard a thud. Now what could that be?... considering it sounded like it had come from the same direction as Sona's final resting place he came to the assumption that another human must have finally fallen. It had been quite awhile since the last human had arrived, the seventh human had lasted a bit longer than those that came before them but still met an unfortunate end... he hoped dearly that this time things would be different, if only this one would stay... deep down he didn't really expect them to but that wouldn't stop him from hoping they would stay out of harms way. He gave his farewells to the Froggit he had been feeding and started his walk towards the source of the noise prepared to greet the human like he had every one that came before them, hopefully this one would understand...
Snapper grinned slyly as a small menu appeared in front of him saying "Reset" and as he tried to click it it disappeared. "What!" he cried waving his vines in front of him trying to figure out what happened when suddenly he heard a thud. He spun around facing the sound and not to far away he could see the shadow of what looked to be a human. as they entered the light Snapper grinned watching them look around confused "well well well, what have we here" he said addressing the human as they stumbled forward. suddenly his vines appeared behind the human and began pushing them forward closer to him, and he licked his lips grinning evilly. "Its sssseems you has fallen, and boy must you be confusssssed." he said his vines slowly grabbing hold of their ankles trapping them in place "let me Introduce myself, I'm snapper the fly trap, and here why don't i help you out" he said engaging a battle with them, and a few thrones seemed to fly into the air behind him. The thorns then surrounded the human and snapper pointed to the red glowing heart on the humans chest with one oh his vines, "that is your sssssoul the very culmination of your being" he said the thorns moving closer his grin growing wider as he added "and if your sssssoul getssss hurt you lossse hp lose enough and you die" he exclaimed the thorns now moving in on them about to hit.

(sorry i stink at first posts)

@MattieLee @Noivian

- Croi -


Strange noises could be heard from up ahead, was that Snapper up to something again? why was it that he felt the need to intimidate others so much?, maybe it was because he seemed to be stuck there, or at least he would assume so he was a plant after all and it would make sense for him to be rooted to the ground, Croi never saw him move much so that was his assumption. He guessed things would get boring just sitting there all the time maybe that could be his reasoning - not that it made it right but then at least there was some sort of reason.

He frowned when he arrived to see the scene before him, there was indeed a human who appeared to have fallen and there was that darned plant there trying to take advantage of them. He may find the plant tolerable most of the time but he could be a bit nicer at times... scaring your guests is definitely not the way to go about things. He out reached his arm and then sent a bolt of electricity through the air at the plant who seemed to have this unfortunate soul in a corner at the moment. It wasn't strong enough to harm Snapper too badly just enough to get him to back off of his newfound guest. 

"That's enough!, now let them go" He demanded.

And with that he approached the human with a face of concern "Are you alright my child?, the nerve of some people... but don't you fret everything will be alright from here on out"

@BeebeTheWarrior @Noivian
Lark was taken aback when the venus flytrap started talking. Could plants talk down here? Was this this place, that had talking plants? Suddenly, vines pulled him closer, and he cried out in surprise, nearly falling off balance as he was pulled closer. He whimpered slightly, feeling the thorns dig into his ankles. That was going to leave marks. The world turned black and white, a red heart shape emerging from Lark's chest. He examined it, cupped it lightly in his hands gently as a numb tingling feeling traveled up his legs, momentarily offsetting the pain of being trapped. His soul, huh? Looking up, Lark noticed the thorns, and braced himself for more pain.

When said pain never came, Lark looked up to see what had interrupted the plant. It had been struck with electricity. When the vines receded from his ankles and the plant's attacker approached, Lark had half a mind to run back the way he'd come, despite knowing there was no way out there. He only hesitated when the ghost jumped forwards, exclaiming "Dad! Dad, it's me! Sona!" But despite her efforts, Lark's former suspicions had been confirmed. No one but he could see her, for whatever reason. Lark's face formed a sour look. To have a parent that couldn't possibly acknowledge you... Lark knew almost too well how that felt.

Looking to the approaching monster, Lark reconsidered his demeanor. The monster was an anthro fox, he knew that much. He seemed to have a fatherly air to him, so he couldn't be all that bad... right? Stepping forwards, so he was beside the now downcast Sona, Lark began to sign using American Sign Language. "Where am I? Who are you?" he asked.

MattieLee MattieLee Beebasaur Beebasaur Verdana Verdana Heim Heim Squad141 Squad141
Snapper recoiled when he was zapped with lightning knocking him back completely unrooting him. He glared at Croi letting out a hiss before retreating into the ground grumpily.
'I'll be back' he thought as he retreaded back a safe distance to watch them.
Noivian Noivian Verdana Verdana Heim Heim Squad141 Squad141 (Guess whos back. Back again. Beebes back Tell yo friends!)

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