Under The Bed [Sign Ups]


Dragon Knight



The monster was lurking under all our beds.

That monster will soon strech his arms out from underneath,

grab our legs, and we'll be gone.

We all know that's going to happen soon enough, right?

He'll feast on our flesh and bones, then leave our corspes to rot under the bed.

If someone doesn't hurry and stop that thing, soon enough we'll all disappear.

That thing will come for us soon...


The Monster that lives under the bed has been dragging small little kids into his dark realm, the area known as the World Under The Bed, it is a gigantic cavernous area with all sorts of lost items sticking out of the walls from the left sock to the missing T.V. remote. He has been dragging kids under to gobble them up, but a few kids have escaped his grasp and are now stuck in the World Under The Bed trying to escape so they aren't eaten. However there is another problem, if they stay under the bed long enough they will also become monsters. There are already other small monsters that use to be kids attacking them and they have to find their way home. Luckily each kid manage to grab their favourite toy to help them fight off the monsters.

(Story made by me, @Forks & @Alexina)


-You must be a kid under 10 years old, young enough to believe in monsters under the beds.

-The creature got us while we were sleeping, so please dress in Pyjamas.

-You may have one toy as your "weapon" to fight back. They toys may be used in exaggerated ways such as my yo-yo which can be used as a grappling hook or to knock monsters on the head. The toys don't have super powers, you can just use them in an exaggerated way for example the Water Gun can blast away monsters, the pogo stick can make you jump super high, the jump rope can tie up monsters, crayons can be used to draw pictures on the walls to trick monsters, etc.

Please your toy must also be an old aged toy that is famous, otherwise it may be too complicated or gmy if you have a PSP or one of those new robots. So nothing like that, old school toys only please)

I reserve the right to reject a toy if it doesn't fit or could be used too powerfully.

- One toy each please.

-You may play some of the other monsters that use to be kids and they can be scary or silly, but the Monster Under the Bed, the main one can only be played by me and Forks.

-We are little kids so act like and you are encouraged to mispronounce words and be childish.

-Also it very much encouraged for fellow characters to know each other, like friends, same school or best yet be related. Either siblings or cousins... (Just ask the person who you want to be related to.)

Character Sheet Skeleton

Name: Full name please

Age: 10 or under only

Toy: Your toy and you may only have one.

Personality: Describe yourself

Looks: You can use pictures or describe

Pyjamas: Describe your PJ's

How You Got Kidnapped: A quick paragraph showing the night you got kidnapped and how you grabbed your toy.

Name: Miles "Trip" Lewson

Age: 7

Toy: Yo-Yo

Personality: Miles never liked his name and was always picked on by older kids, but since he was kidnapped he was forced to grow up. He's been stuck under the bed for like a bazillion years and has managed to survive, but lost a few friends. He helps out any new kids who happen to be dragged under, showing them the ropes of the World Under The Bed. He got the nickname from bullies because he was clumsy and he prefers it Miles.


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He keeps the hood up or down depending on his mood and it also has a pouch on his tummy for his Yo-Yo.

How You Got Kidnapped:

"But mom! I don't wanna go to sleep!"

"Hush Miles, it times for bed."

"But the monster under the bed is gonna get me!"

"There is no monster under the bed dear... I promise you."

"He is, I've heard him!"

Mile's mom bent down and looked under the bed.

"See, nothing there except your dirty socks..."

"He's hiding, I know he is under there and as soon as you leave he is gonna get me!!!"

"Miles, stop whining. There is no monster, now go to sleep!"

She kissed him on the forehead and left the room, leaving the door slightly ajar so some light from the hallway could peak through.

However soon enough Miles heard the sounds again.

"I'm gonna get you! I'm gonna gobble you up! I'm gonna use your bones to pick my teeth!"

Miles covered his face with his bed sheet, but it wouldn't protect him as the hand with the long claws reached out and grabbed Miles, pulling him under.

Miles fought and kicked as he tried to grab anything close by, he managed to grab his yo-yo on the floor and threw it so that it wrapped around the bed's one leg to try not be pulled down.

"Mommy! Help me!"

Miles yelled out as the string from his yo-yo unwinded and Miles was pulled down to the World Under The Bed...
(I'm in love with our RP now. <3)

Name: Georgia "GG" Lakes

Age: 7

Toy: Boomerang, we all knows what it does right? The boomerang is thrown and goes about two feet away and swings back. GG always manages to catch it.

Personality: GG is a cute and out going little girl. She is obbsessive over her possesion, the boomerang and never let's go of it. She can't seem to take a joke either. GG is a crybaby, who always cries over the little things. So she's an outgoing, cute, serious, crybaby.


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Pajamas: A small yellow night gown, with some cute hello-kitty slippers. She is also wearing a small robe that covers her whole body, it has a teddy beat design on it with a large pocket. It can fit her boomerang.

How you got kidnapped:

"Mommy, I'm going to sleep. Can you tuck me in?"

"Sure thing GG, let mommy go and get her glass of water first. Get into bed and shut off the lights."

"Okay, but I don't want to shut off the lights."

GG walked into the bright pink room that was filled with dozens of stuffed animals, that were mostly kangeroos. She laid onto her small bed, that could fit atleast two little children. She hugged her small boomerang and smiled. Her mother came in to tuck her in. She said goodnight and went to turn off the lights.

"Momma, don't turn off the lights please."

"Why not? When you keep the lights on, it will be harder to sleep."

"Because Mr.Monster will grab me."

"Silly girl, there is no such thing as monsters."

She smiled, that lovely glowing smile, one thing GG yet remembered. Soon as the lights turned out, and G's mother left, there were scratching noises. GG whimpered a bit and looked under the bed.

"BOO!" said a lump creature as it pulled her underneath.

"MOMMY!" she said screaming, as the creature pulled her down. She had things to discover, and a world to escape from. From this world, GG would change.


Sean Mathew Gillis






Sean is a very shy person around new people, but a moron around his friends. Most friends think he is a true moron, and stupid, but really his marks are high and reads lots of books, he is happy though, and very easy to get along with.


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How You Got Kidnapped:

I climbed in bed and turned of his light, his parents were away on vacation to a place named Cuba. They told me I was to young to go. It was only 7pm so I thought it would be ok if I stayed up a little longer to read. I stood back up and turned on my light. I grabbed my book, which was ones magic, recently Sean was interested in magic, and illusion and how they are done. I started my way back to my bed when I started to feel the floor shake,"Is it an earthquake?" I thought to myself. I continued holding onto my wall. "CoMe HeRe!" Something screamed at me, and giant hand flew out afterwards and grabbed my leg pulling me under the bed. I screamed for help crying for my mom and dad.

I do plan to join guys, I just am a touch tired, and lacking inspirations. I can start to fill out the profile and finish it tomorrow if you prefer, or just post it all tomorrow.
Rhomboid: I'll allow watergun or pop gun (you know with the corks), but if your lacking ideas I'd suggest and much rather prefer a Slingshot as a much better option, it's the toy version of the gun and you can exaggerate it as having infinite bullets, or rather you seem to always find a steady supply.

Alexina: Enjoy sleep, worry about it tomorrow.
Not sleeping. I get dizzy spells off and on, it comes from old age or so I joke. Not sure why. Just makes it hard to focus if that makes sense.
[MENTION=1698]Rhomboid[/MENTION] I read your charry and I'd like you to use He, Him, and his. Not 'I'. Thanks. I really would like that. Don't forget to spell check...
name: anita hailey

Age: 7

Toy: water gun

Personality: brave but still a crying baby

Looks: my hair is brown, my hair is short and I was white skinned (my mother is british and my father is japanese)

Pyjamas: white with blue stripes

How You Got Kidnapped:

it's happened when my parents are working late

"Anita! go sleep now! don't sleep on the sofa~~" said my older sister

and I said "no! I don't want to go sleep at my bed... everynight there is monster at my bed!"

"huh.... there is no monster, come here" she take me into the my bed

and I shouted and cried "no! I don't go there!"

"hey, hey anita, keep calm let me see first" "there is no any monster and even if there is monster I'll call my boyfriend and get that monster away!" says my older sister

well, that's make me calm for a while, but after my sister is go out for sleeping there is a big hands like a monster's hands pulling me!

and I was shouted and crying "No! No! Sister,help me!" but my sister isn't come, then I was blunted taking somthing and it was a water gun.
[MENTION=2599]PyroWarriorZ[/MENTION] What do you think, anyway, am I eligable to accept people?
[MENTION=3121]Edogawa Conan[/MENTION] It's accepted and to all people, Forks is allowed to accept people. I trust you will know which toys are acceptable and not over-powered.
Name: Crystal ‘Alice’ Lewis

Age: 8

Toy: Jump Rope


Alice has always been more of a proper girl. She loves playing jump rope and with her dolls, she especially loves having tea parties and playing dress-up. Known as her father’s little princess Alice started to go by her middle name after falling in love with the Alice in wonderland cartoon and movies. She liked to pretend at times that she was that Alice, and would go off on fun adventures using her mind.





How You Got Kidnapped:

Alice had heard noises before now, even thought she caught glimpses of hands and claw marks on her floors. For awhile though she would ignore such things. Monsters weren’t real she reminded herself, they’re silly, and everything had a good side. Even the Red Queen liked to play games like cricket, whatever cricket was.

It was one of those nights though where the fear was starting to get to her. She had just jumped down about to run into her parents room to ask to sleep with them when something managed to grab her leg. A shriek of panic left her lips as she felt whatever it was drag her under the bed. Her jump rope which rest on her nightstand was the only thing she managed to grab a hold of as she was struggling to grab on to anything trying to stop it. “Mommy!” She pleaded in tears “Daddy!” was the last words she would say before she was immerged beneath the bed.

@Forks You mean to say you wish to keep the rp in third person post, not first person.

((Heads up guys I can't do baby talk or too much kid talk, I think it under minds the children. I know 7+ year olds who have decent language skills.))
Don't worry about baby talk Alexina as you say at this age most of us can talk properly, it's just to sprinkled in whenever you want for entertainment.

Also for anyone who has been accepted, which everyone. Please feel free to jump in by falling or even having already landed and helping out Trip and GG.
Name: Molly rose Hamilton

Age: 5

Toy: Paddle ball

Personality: A real tomboy despite her adorable demeanor. She hates dresses, princesses, and anything girly. She loves adventure, and getting dirty. She's extremely tough for five year old girl.

Looks: Molly has rosy cheeks, dark brown hair, and blue eyes. She wears her hair in two loose pigtails, and has pins keeping her bangs back.

Pajamas: Wears long sleeves with pants for pajamas, with pictures of Winnie-the-Pooh all over.

How you got kidnapped:

Molly was dozing off for the second time this week while eating dinner.

"I think it's time you went to bed," her mom whispered.

Molly replied lazily through sleepy eyes. "I'm not tired."

"Okay. If you're scared of the monsters-"

"I'm not scared of anything!"

Molly immediately hopped out of her chair, got ready for bed in a flash, and not more than five minutes later she was fast asleep in her bed. Her mother peeked in the room, oblivious to the true horrors that took place under the bed, completely unaware that in the exact moment she turned her back to walk away, a hand reached out from under the bed and snatched Molly, dragging her into the deep depths of the world under the bed.

Is this okay?
[MENTION=3123]Chknut[/MENTION] That is fine, welcome to the RP. Please feel free to join us! Also with all these girls if Rhomboid doesn't join up, Trip is gonna be a lone island amidst a sea of little girls.... :(
I'd guess she can use it to whack monsters on the head with the ball from afar and repeatedly and maybe also as a shield to knock away some attacks. The point is to use them excessively.
I'm afraid the Night Light is not ok, it's not that light itself it's the fact night lights don't generally fly around. Your toy is simply exaggerated, it doesn't get magical powers. So your Night Light may be allowed to shine bright enough to blind monsters and be used as a light source, but no more. So either stick with that or choose another toy...

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