Under The Bed [Sign Ups]

Yeah, like PyroWarrior said, I'd make the ball to bounce and hit monsters, or even use the paddle as a shield possibly? So that's all right?

And yeah, there's going to be a bunch of girls! (I knew I should have been a boy! xD )
[MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] [MENTION=3123]Chknut[/MENTION] [MENTION=2372]Alexina[/MENTION] How come you guys aren't posting?
[MENTION=2599]PyroWarriorZ[/MENTION] I thought I did recently... but I'll post ASAP.
Honestly, because I'm reading all the kid post and twitching lol. I'm used to being someone who watches after and such not being one and it's hard not to and figure out the proper way to play a kid.
[MENTION=2372]Alexina[/MENTION] [MENTION=3123]Chknut[/MENTION] [MENTION=3121]Edogawa Conan[/MENTION] Are you guys still with us, are you gonna post?
Nope! I have a better idea!


[MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION]









Please notcie if you'd like to join, you must post atleast three sentances per post!
Name: Edgar Laurence Winx

Age: 8

Toy: one of those paddle bat things with the ball attached

Personality: Describe yourself

Looks: View attachment 6738


How You Got Kidnapped:

'Leif.. can you read me a bedtime story?' Edgar asked his older sister. The teen smiled at him, walking in and ruffling his hair.

'Not tonight Eddie, I've gotta do some homework.' She said apologetically. Edgar pouted but shrugged anyway. He didn't mind all that much.

'Okay, I'll see you in the morning?' He asked, and she nodded, turning on the small green nightlight and kissing his forehead. Edgar smiled, he loved it when his sister looked after him when their parents were out. She always made him feel like he was a grown up and not some little kid. Leif smiled in return.

'Absolutely. Good night Eddie.' She turned the light off and walked out, leaving the door partially open. As Eddie settled down to sleep he knocked his favourite stuffed dinosaur off his bed and his eyes widened. Crawling out of bed, he slid onto the floor, searching for his toy. He caught sight of it just out of reach, rolled under the bed. Searching for something to use to pull it back, he grabbed his paddle bat, reaching under to flick the toy back to him. Suddenly a clawed hand grabbed his wrist, still clasping the paddle, and pulled him under before he could even call out for his sister's help.
♥ Thank you [MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] for inviting me ♥


Thomas 'Tommy' Jackson


4 AND a half.


Ball and jacks.


Tommy is a little boy who KNOWS what he wants. He also thinks he knows EVERYTHING. I mean, c'mon, he is four AND a HALF!



(Wouldn't let me post the actual pic for some reason QQ)


View attachment 6737

With fuzzy red matching slippers.

How You Got Kidnapped:

Tommy has been reluctant to sleep in his big boy bed for days since he heard something grumbling under there. Mommy and Daddy reassured him that it was just the heater warming up so he wouldn't get goose bumpers in his sleep. He didn't believe them. But no matter how much he begs and cries to sleep in their room, they keep saying no. Baby Sarah is in their room and they don't want him to wake her up when she sleeps. Tommy cries so hard, asking to sleep with them, he falls asleep. He was placed in his superman bed with his teddy close at side. In the middle of the night, his bed began to shake, waking him up. Before he could scream, his bed sheets were ripped off the bed and pulled under by It. Frantically, he grabbed for something to keep him from going under. His hand grabbed a blue bag full of jacks with bouncy balls. He never knew how to play the game, but liked making up his own. And now, that's all he has to protect himself in the world down under...

Let me know when I can post [MENTION=2599]PyroWarriorZ[/MENTION]
@IndubidablyAbi Accepted, it's called a Paddleball. You are not the first to ask for it, but the other guys stopped post so it's yours!

[MENTION=2645]Aerynne[/MENTION] Accepted, you may start posting!

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