Under The Bed {RP}

GG laughed at Trip and said, "That's wh ythey call you Trip! I finally understand!" she laughed some more and helped him up. "Hey guys, that's Trip and I'mm GG. She's Alice."
"Welcome to the World Under The Bed... you all better sit. It's time I explain wha is going on hewe..."

He grabbed a random old dusty pillow and moved to be used as a seat as he waited for the rest of them to sit down, so he could explain to them what was going on. He expected they would each find something to sit on before he would begin as he took a deep breath waiting for them, knowing this part was never easy.
Molly heard people running, so she quickly turned around in time to see a boy flying past her, then falling face first into the ground. She giggled at the sudden commotion, and watched a new girl extend her hand out to help him up.

Molly stared at the three new people who suddenly showed up. They introduced themselved, and seemed nice enough. Plus, that boy Trip- what an odd name Molly thought- seemed to know what was going on. It was better than her previous plan of walking around aimlessly, to say the least. Molly sat down on the filthy ground and waved at them all.

"Hi, I'm Molly! So, where exactwy are we?"
Trip took a deep breath ready to tell the whole story as they all gathered around.

"Well you remember how are mommies always said the Monster The Bed doesn't exist, well they were wrong... He does and he is the one who pulled us under here, he wants to eat us. He likes kids as snacks, this is literally Under The Bed, this is what it's like under every one's bed, that is why it's called The World Under The Bed. I've already been here for like forever since he pulled me down here, but I've managed to survive...

There are also other monsters here to beware of, but the worst part is... If you stay under here too long, you will start to become a monster yourself. I already saw it happen to a few of my friends..."

As he finished he took another huge breath having said the whole thing in one as he almost collapsed from lack of breath.
GG laughed and Trip collasped. While he was down, GG began to poke at him with the edge of her toes. "Yo, Trip? Trip?" She snickered as he was gasping for air.

"Mommy used to say never try to say anything in one breath." GG helped him up and wiped her hands on the ground. "I don't need any boy cooties!"
Trip smacked her hands away.

"Don't you get it! The Monster Under The Bed is gonna get us if we don't find a way outta here!"

He yelled at her angrily as his face turned red and his cheeks puffed out as he had jumped up and stared at her face to face with his just reaching a bit above her, his eyes glaring down into hers.
Suddenly there was a loud roar as some dust was kicked up the distance as the dust trail started heading towards the kids.

"Oh no... A Warty Hog!"

Trip yelled as he saw the horrid creature rushing for them with intent to kill.

The creature was grotesque and ugly, it had a robust round body completely covered in horrible large warts with yellow pus that could be sloshing around in them. It had four cloven legs and a short tail with a wart the end. It didn't have a face only a pig like snout for sniffing it's prey and large tusks for ramming into them, as well as a mouth lined with razor sharp teeth for devouring it's food.


Trip yelled out warning the others as the Warty Hog charged at them.
GG rolled out of the way, JUST in the moment, when her leg was about to be torn off. "Woah! Warty Hog looks like cousin Annie!" She laughed and stood uo to run to Trip. "Nah Nah Na Boo Boo! You can't catch me!" she stuck her tounge out and did the gesture with her hands.
Trip dove out of the way into a roll/trip combo as he skid across the floor and saw the creature chase after GG due to her mocking it as it rampaged after her roaring. From his laying position swung his yo-yo out to knock the Warty Hog's leg and trip it as it rolled but then continued to get up and chased after GG trying to chomp her as it got closer.
GG laughed and took it as joke. She pulled out her boomerang and swiped it at his head, "BOINK!" said GG as she hit him on the head. She continued to run and said, "That's Boomie for you!​"
Warty Hog growled as it was swiped against the face painfully only making it chase her more aggressively.

Trip realized how GG was not taking this serious and didn't seem to realize how much trouble she was in, as the creatures now enraged state was making it run faster and more violently, catching up towards her.

Trip immediately got up with the world almost flashing before his eyes as he clumsily ran out and tried to intercept the chase as he went between the two before the monster could reach GG getting in the way as it slammed into him, the tusk ripping through his pyjama's arm area as he was sent rolling back along the ground like a log as his right shoulder and upper arm were now covered in blood.
GG's laugh were to stop instantly as Trip's arm was torn. "YOU HOG!" she screeched. "DON'T YOU DARE DO THAT TO TRIP! ONLY I CAN DO THAT!" She ran behind the warty hog and began whacking it with the boomerang. "YOU FAT MONSTER! YOU'RE LIKE SARAH (her oldest sister) BEFORE SHE LEFT!" GG did a final blow and the boomerang got caught in the warty hog as it fell onto it's side. "Take that you [bleep]!" She began to laugh, not realizing she said a bad word, that her father always said to Sarah, whenever she'd come back home for a loan. She walked over to the laundry pile and tore some shirts apart and put them onto Trip's wounds. "Remember when I used to make you play doctor?" she grinned and wiped the blood off.
"Yea, you sucked at it..."

He winced in pain like a little baby holding his arm as his hand turned red and bloody.

The Hog had been beaten by GG's boomerang with a bruised face as it roar in anger and pain, swinging around trying to focus with it's eyes as GG had slapped it across the face. Once it could see properly again it charged them once more, even fiercer than before.

Trip saw the creature come again and threw his Boomerang into a pile of books, dirty clothes, remotes and coins to cause it to come tumbling down on the creature to bury it.

"We have to hurry and get out of here, that won't keep it down for long..."

Trip got up woozily, knowing they had to skedaddle.
The darkness was everywhere. No night light. All dark. Tommy fell, so fast and so hard. Scarier than any slide he'd ever gone down (and he wasn't afraid of no slides!). THUD. Tommy stopped falling. His butt-butt was saved by a pile of sammiches in sammich bags, just like mom put them for picnics. Looking down at the sammiches, he picked one up, curious. About to bite into the Peebee and jay sammich, a big centipede crawled out of it, waving it's antenars in Tommy's face. Screaming, Tommy threw down the sammich and ran, his superman cape flying behind him. Where was he? He was in bed and now...he was in this scarey place. Slowing down, he looked around. There was piles of stinky laundry all over. Lots of garbage. Someone wasn't cleaning their room! Then Tommy remembered; he was grabbed and pulled down under HIS bed. Reaching into the pocket of his jamma pants, he felt the jacks and balls he had grabbed while he was stoled away from bed.

Looking around, Tommy's lip trembled. "Mommy?" he called, sniffling and wiping his nose in case any boogers tried to escape. "Mooooommmy!! Dadddy!!!" Tommy then proceeded to scream a the top of his long, sobbing, as tears rolled down his cheeks. "I wanna go home! I WANT MOMMY!"

[[Let me know if the structure isn't right. I'm trying to keep it still logical when it isn't dialogue, but I want to use terms that he would when referring to objects. ]]
Edgar, or Eddie, wandered around the strange place he had ended up in. He stared around in slight amazement, his eyes wide with excitement. He hadn't even known there was a whole other world under his bed. It made him giggle like, well, a little kid. He was naturally a curious little boy, and the idea that he had discovered a new place to play was an exciting one. He still held the paddleball in his hand as he saw the laundry lined walls of the strange new land, and he poked one curiously. His hand sunk into the wall.

'Hehehe that tickles.' He said, giggling and pulling his hand out. He liked this strange place. He wasn't scared, not that much. He figured that Leif would call him up to go back to bed again soon, and when she did, he'd be good and listen, because he could come back and play later. As he was walking he heard other voices and he ran towards them.

'Hey! You guys found this place too! Isn't it really cool!?' He exclaimed as a group of scared kids came into veiw. His beaming smile faltered slightly as he saw their expressions. 'Hey, what'sa matter? Did someone die or some'ting?'
Trip saw the kid coming up to them seeming to happy as held his shoulder in pain, the blood still dripping out. He looked to the boy Eddie seriously.

"Yea, us if we don't get out of here!"

He grabbed both of them as he ran off, dragging them along as he looked back to see the pile the Hog was buried under slowly shifting.

Another kid, there usually weren't so many.... Why was the Monster Under The Bed grabbing so many kids. He was in such deep thought not to mention it felt like the two kids weighed a bazillion tons, GG was the fat one! He was so focused he didn't looked ahead as he smashed into another kid, a boy screaming for his parents as he did another famous trip and went flying over him face forward.
Eddie was surprised by this kid's sudden actions. What was with that? Couldn't they stay and play a while?

'What d'ya mean us? That's a bit silly.' he said, and then wondered if it was a new game. He grinned again, running away from the monster, still under the impression that it was all a game.

'Ohhhh I get it! it's tag!' He said, giggling and tucking his paddleball into his pants so he could run faster.
(It was done fine [MENTION=2645]Aerynne[/MENTION], perfect. However for the record, Trip tripped over Tommy. You don't need to get in earshot when someone just crashed over you!)
GG looked at Eddie and said, "This isn't any game of tag. This is a kid's arm almos' cwapped up!" She held Trip's arm in the air, no matter what; even if it hurt. "Ya' see that line right there? A warty hog cut his arm. Too bad mommy isn't here to make it better!"
Tommy was utterly confused as he ran into a group of kids who were suddenly pulling him with them. "Whaaaaat?!" he cried, not understanding what they were talking about. "Warty? MOMMY!" The last word he did recognize. And he wanted to find her so bad. This place was strange and he did not like it. "Who you?"
Trip whined in pain as GG held his arm painfully as he pulled away from her giving her an angry glare.

"I'll 'splain later! If you want to live and not be eaten, follow us..."

He raced to a small hideout he and some old friends and crafted out of smelly old clothes, books, bed sheets and whatever else they could find. It was a small cave barely big enough for all of them, but it could be covered to hide them.

Once inside they could hear the roars of monsters outside looking for them.

Trip tied us his pyjamas to cover up the tear where blood was still leaking out to try and also tighten it up to stop the blood from icking out. Some black blood began to leak out, but Trip made sure to move his arm to the other side so they didn't notice and tied it up so no one would ever be the wiser.

"Welcome new kids, to the World Under The Bed..."

He said calmly and considering the situation, in a slightly eerie way.
Once in the make-shift cave, Tommy dropped to his butt, looking around wide-eyed. This place was gross and icky and he did NOT like it. The older boy seemed to know what was going on, but scared Tommy too. Stuffing his thumb into his mouth, he sucked, trying to stop his lip from quivering. "My bed not this big," he mumbled, not removing his thumb.
Eddie followed them all in confusion, convinced they were playing tag. When they were huddled in the strange fort he tilted his head, eyes widening.

'Ohhhh I know!! It's like hide and seek tips! We have to run away when we're found so they don't catch us!' He exclaimed, jumping up and hitting his head on the top of the fort. Hastily he sat back down.

'I like playin' games 'n all.. but I'm meant to be asleep in my bed right now.. and my sister will call for me soon.'
Trip threw an old sweat shirt at Eddies face to make him be quiet.

"No it's not a game of tag, it's a game of your gonna die!"

He shook the kid in an over reacting manner.

"Don't you remember the monster that dragged you here, he is going to eat you and have you for breakfast and for lunch and for supper and for dinner and for and for and for!"

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