Under The Bed {RP}


Dragon Knight

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The World Under The Bed is a massive underground realm made of mouldy and dusty rocks and sand, the caverns are endless and cliffs infinitely high. It is always dark and you can't even the sky or rather the top of the bed. The walls and ground are littered with the items lost under people's beds from left socks to the missing T.V. remote. Almost anything you can think of, among the scary little monsters that once use to be kids is the monster everyone fears, the big one. The Monster Under The Bed, he brought you here and he wants you for lunch!!!

Miles or Trip as he preferred to be called now, it use to be a nickname the bullies gave him, but since his friends started using it, he has come to prefer it. His friends are all gone now, dead, eaten or worse, become monsters. Though the Monster is always hungry, or always looking for new prey and surely he will bring a new kid down here soon, he won't be alone for long, but how long will last. Trip is tired of being alone....

Trip suddenly looks into the darkness as he hears a young girl screaming, a new kid. He rushes towards the screaming as he sees a girl falling. He flings his yo-yo to try catch her and pull her closer so that she might land in a pile of old laundry to soften her fall.
Georgia went down an endless hole. She felt her throat clenching and her eyes drying from pressure. She hoped the hole would soon stop or this was all a dream. Soon, she felt something wrap around her waist and pull her in. She screamed much more and soon stopped, and landed in a pile of yucky, grotesque landury. She pinched her nose at the horrible smell and said, "P.U!" Georgia stood up and looked at herself, she was okay! She looked around to find her savior, after all she did need to thank it for its help!
Trip ran over to the blonde girl who at first was unidentifiable covered in clothes, but as he peeled off the dusty clothes and revealed the blonde hair beneath he soon realized he recognized her.

"Hey are you o..... GG?!?! Oh crud, not you!"

He smacked his hand across his face, realizing this was his cousin from his mom's side. He remembered her parents coming over for picnics and barbeques and remembered what a spoilt brat she was and big cry baby. Always crying and whining if he did anything or touch any of her toys. She wouldn't survive here and besides, she was a girl and had icky cooties!
GG, excatly what Miles had thought, began crying. She pested over boys touching her, like everyone knows boys have cooties. She jumped back and said, "Miles? Don't touch me!" GG curled up her arms to keep the, away from Miles and she sniffled then said in a happier voice, "You are Miles right...?" GG examined him and concluded, this was her cousin Miles. From her father's side, he was always touching her toys and trying to get a hold of bommerang when she threw him around. "Don't touch Boomie!" she said tucking Boomie away into her pocket, safe from him.
Trip made sure not to touch her, he didn't want to.

"I don't want your stupid 'Boomie'! Never ave, never will! I'm a yo-yo-yo-er, -ee, yo-yo-ist, yo-y, nevermind! Besides, it's not Miles! It's Trip, Trip!"

He grumbled, ready to strangle her. He took a deep breath and counted to 10 like mommy told him to. However it only took till 2 for him to remember where he was, where they were.

His eyes saddened, realizing she was now stuck in this too. He couldn't let what happened to the others happen to her as well, she was whether he liked it or not, family. At least that is what mom said.

"GG, we need to get out of here. The monster will be here soon... He won't be happy another one got away..."

He said his voice, suddenly serious and worried.
GG was shocked at his rudeness and began crying.

"Since when did you care about me? And your name is Miles. MY-ALZ! Trip is a dum 'ole name!" she shouted. "The monster that took me away is coming for us? Then let's just leave!" she said proudly. "There is a way to get home right?" GG hesitated and took out her boomie and said, "RIGHT?!?!"

((Sorry for so much dialouge this time.))
"Firstly, I don't! Secondly it's Trip! TRIP-P! Fourthly, yea.... and Sixthly... I hope so..."

Trip had been searching for an exit out of this place for a long time. He didn't know for sure if there was a way out, but there had to be. If there was a way in, there had to be one out... He just had to keep following the clues.

Suddenly there was a loud roar that echoed through the dark cavern as Trip turned to see it.

"Looks like we might have some company, we had better go. I'd keep 'Boomie' close, you may need him."

He said with a mocking emphasis on Boomie, indicating they needed to leave.
GG sneered and followed him, wherever he was taking her. "Are we going home now?​"

(Sorry for one liner...)
(It's ok, one liners are acceptable. I'm not fanatical about it)

"We will try..."

He looked back to her, knowing she was worried and remembering the others. How afraid they were, how afraid they all were. However just because they were little kids, didn't mean they had to be afraid or not fight back.

"There might be more kids, the Monster Under The Bed likes to eat kids in a group. So he is on the hunt, other kids might be able to escape his grasp. We should try look for them."

He saw a half-eaten candy bar buried in the ground and picked it up as he took a bite and then handed it to GG.

"You better eat when you can, it's not easy to find food in this place. There is no snack time in the World Under The Bed..."
GG looked at the food and said, "Yuck... I just had din'r so I'm o-k." She smiled a bit and continued walking. "Does this place go on forever?" She looked around and saw a pile of bones. She ran back and said, "B-B-bones!" GG pointed to the bones, and trembled. "Does the monster not know to clean up?" (comedy will enlighten this lawl.)
"Well I've never seen Mommy Monster cleaning up with a vacuum, so no..."

He looked around, this place couldn't really go on forever, but sometimes it felt like it did and Trip was beginning to believe otherwise.

Suddenly they heard more grunting sounds as it echoed through the caverns, there were monsters around.

"We better keep moving or they will find us..."

As Trip stepped forward he suddenly fell down as his body began sinking, he had fallen into a pile of quick laundry as his body was slowly being pulled down into the mess of old clothes like quick sand as he struggled to get out, waving his hands around without much luck.
GG yelped as Trip began sinking into a pile of laundry. Then, she remembered something about quick sand in a book that she read. "Don't struggle or you'll be pulled in quicker!" she said loudly. She took out her large boomie and said "Hook your yo thing around my boomie!" Sh ehad a plan, hopefully it would work!
Not panic, how was he not suppose to panic! He was already past his chest in this stuff with his arms flailing around, he knew he didn't have a choice.


He dug into his pouch to pull out his yo-yo and then swung to wrap around her Boomerang as he was pulled deeper as his mouth was beginning to get covered as his body was sinking further.
GG began to pull out and sweat. "YOU'RE FAT!" said GG as she began pulling him out. "Lose some fat!" she ran all the way she possible could and Trip popped out of the laundry pile.
"I'm not fat!"

Trip yelled making him lose grip of the yo-yo as he sunk further before grabbing the string and helping to pull him out again. As he was pulled out he suddenly felt something yank his foot and start pulling him back in.

"Something's got me!!!"

He yelled as he was dragged back in by something stronger than GG.
Alice had managed to land and slide down a path of filth to survive the fall. Her jump rope her only tie to the world she knew she clung tightly too it, placing it over her shoulders some. “I want to go home.” She whined to herself as she eyes glanced about the disgust this realm held for her. It wasn’t nice at all like in the books, she fell down a long hole like the bunny hole, but this was no wonderland.

She was walking around, trying to figure out this new place only to overhear the cries of others. A giggle leaving her lips, not knowing they were in danger. They were fighting about weight, maybe this had a bit of wonderland in it after all. She skipped along towards the words only to spot the boy and girl when he screamed that something had him.

Taken in the site with shock she was over there in a flash when she realized it wasn’t polite to just stare. “You’re not wonderland creatures!” She protested as she unwrapped the jump rope from her shoulders and tried to toss some of it to the boy. “Maybe wrap this around you? Kick and such whoever is grabbing. Although kicking is bad, if it’s a bad man or stranger trying to grab you, you must kick with all your might.”

If he wrapped the rope or at least held it tightly she would find herself leaning back using all her weight. Not even thinking that if he let go or got free she would probably fall flat on her butt. “What’s going on here?!” She demanded in fear as she could feel the tears start to enter her eyes. “Wonderland isn’t like this, Neverland isn’t even like this! What is this place? I want to go home!” Sure it wasn’t the correct time to protest but it helped her pull for some reason. Like when she gave her mother and father fits, she was always a stubborn girl who usually got her way doing so.
"Welcome to a place called the.... the.... I DON'T REMEMBER." she said tugging onto the jump rope helping the girl. "He's Trip and I'm GG." GG tugged on the rope harder and smiled a bit. "YOU ARE A MILLION POUNDS TRIP!" she shouted.
"I'M NOT FAT!!!"

Trip managed to yell again as he was sucked down completely past his head just as the Jump Rope was thrown to him. He managed to grab it with his hand sticking out as they both pulled him. He kicked at whatever was pulling at him until it let go enough for the two girls to pull him out.

He crawled out and far away from the quick laundry as possible.

"Man.... I hate those things..."

He said as lay on the ground, huffing out of breath.

"Thanks for saving me you two... and welcome to the World Under The Bed"

He said to the new girl while still huffing and laying on the floor out of breath.
Alice glanced to GG a bit as she was spoken too, before back to the boy. “IDon’tRemeber, sure is a funny name for a place, but I guess most places are given funny names.” She frowned closing her eyes as she pulled as hard as she could, the rope starting to hurt her hand some even so she did what she could to twist it about her own body. “It’s nice to meet you both.” It was always proper to remember manners, and Alice was going to be a princess one day. She had to always be proper. Well, at least she believed she was.

The names filtered through Alice’s head as she pulled. They were amusing names in themselves. GG was just the same letter twice, and Trip, well that was more of a word than a name right? Now wasn’t the time to worry about that though. She was tugging with all her might until the boy got free and she ended up on her bottom.

Rubbing her sore rear some she glanced him and the other girl over before glancing to the pile of dirty clothes. “The world called IDon’tRemember. She told me that already.” Alice nodded feeling quite proud of herself as she inched closer to the clothes pile. “Is there a hole or something under it that you fell in?” That made more sense right?

Realizing she was just being rude Alice stood brush herself off and walked back over to join the two. “You’re very welcome Trip.” Manners were the number one thing any princess needed after all. “I’m Alice by the way. Now may I ask . . . .? How do I get home?” The poor child was trying to be brave; she always wanted to explore a land of wonder. But not some smelling gross place like this. This wasn’t a land that had talking flowers or fairies that could help you fly. This was an icky land, a land made more for boys, probably by boys.
"It's the World Under The Bed! We are under the bed!!! Under the bed! The Monster Under The Bed dragged you here and he wants to try eat you! Don't you get it! He's going to try eat all of us and pick his teeth with our bones! We are stuck in the World Under The Bed!"

He started yelling as he slammed his fists into the soft gross ground while still laying down having his tantrum, all of it finally getting to him. Being here so long and these not getting how *beep*ed they were, they were going to die just like all of the rest and they were stuck down and he still hadn't found a way out.
anita the one just get to the under bed world is running to search a portal to go back but she fall down and cried loudly "mommy, daddy, sister! where are you? I'm alone.... and this place is freaky!! sister, you lied!!!"
Molly's eyes fluttered open; she was still sleepy from the sudden wake up call. All she remembered was this sensation of falling, then waking up in this strange place. In her right hand was her paddle ball, her most favorite toy in the world! If she could of had anything from home at all, it would have been that. She sniffed the air, putting her finger on the faint smell of dirty socks, and week old food. "This pwace is weird," she whispered out to nobody in particular. In fact, the whole thing seemed too weird to be true, so a dream perhaps? Wherever she was, it seemed best to move forward, but she hadn't taken more than 5 steps when she saw a girl sprawled out on the ground in white and blue striped pajamas. Molly's first instinct was to see if she was all right, so she quickly ran until she stood directly in front of the girl. She looked older than her, so Molly wondered if she should really offer to help, but it seemed like the right thing to do. "Are you all wight?" she asked, extending her hand out to help the other girl up, "My name's Molly."
and anita say "yes, thank you, my name is anita..." and starts saying something weird " hey, you... you are not the monster that bring me to here and meet me now in disguise, right?"
Molly thought that was a strange question, but then remembered that this was a strange place.

"Of course I'm not a monster, I'm just a five yeaw old girl...." She trailed off, finally remembering the hands that grabbed her from her bed, and for the first time since she arrived she felt scared.

"Where exactly are we? This pwace gives me the cweeps!"
Trip heard more voices as he jumped up

"I told you, he likes to grab lotsa kids at a time!"

He rushed to the voices hoping it was some boys so he wasn't surrounded by these two girls all alone. As he ran past he saw it was simply TWO MORE GIRLS as he suddenly collapsed mid-run and fell to the ground literally skidding past the two new girls face first as he stared at them disappointed.

"Oh come on!"

He said as he skidded into some old books.

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