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Fantasy Undead Crisis ~{Reboot}~



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/cc23c2bac0416f4feb3dae83518a9b76.jpg.c3f0cea75205e4f13bbdf42147b8b725.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119684" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/cc23c2bac0416f4feb3dae83518a9b76.jpg.c3f0cea75205e4f13bbdf42147b8b725.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

This is a Role-Play based during the very beginning of a Zombie Apocalypse which will affect the average lives of the elderly, adults, teenagers, and children alike. Each person will be thrown challenge by the ST (Story Teller) and will be expected to overcome these obstacles or they may end up as a delicious meat pie to the undead who walk throughout the earth with only one goal set in their partially rotted and demented mentality, and that is to spread the virus. Spread the virus and thrive off any kind of living flesh, whether it be from human or animal, they can't tell the difference and by the time they have eaten away most of the flesh, muscle, and organs, neither will you.

In this world which sufferers an Undead Crisis, There is much more than the undead to worry about. between the twisted minds of those who snapped under the cruel reality, Bandit and raider groups willing to easily erase any threat of their survival, to blood-harvesters which are hose who are so desperate to survive they trick and capture those seeking shelter and result to cannibalism themselves. Nevertheless, not all has to be bad. Occasionally it is possible to find a trade caravan willing to spare a few items to help with your survival for small price, and the military are currently still launching care packages full of medicine, food rations, water, ammo, weapons, and a various of items which could no doubt prove to be useful in your current condition.

With the world crumbling around your feet, do you have what it takes to survive? Or will your mind snap under the brutal conditions and kill those you've grown close to during the outbreak, or maybe even become a Zombies 5-star meal. How you survive in the world which has fallen under an Undead Crisis is up to you.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Gen-X-sticker-jpg.jpg.af92ab086c478c1a280bffd339881c22.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119683" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Gen-X-sticker-jpg.jpg.af92ab086c478c1a280bffd339881c22.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Don't Be Rude - A good role-play is based on its community and if that turns sour than no one will want to post in worry they will offend and drama will be started for no reason. So please avoid any if not all Drama in OOC (Drama between characters is welcome)

• Do Not God-mode - God-modding is when a character features god-like abilities, such as invincibility or mind control, or other unrealistic powers that don't fit with lore. It's also considered god-modding to refuse death in fights or ignore role-players in scenarios in which said role-players are attempting to attack you. Nobody's good at everything; try and keep yourself in check.

• Do Not Overpower Yourself - Being "overpowered" is more or less what it sounds like giving something or someone an unreasonable, unfair, unrealistic, or unbalanced amount of power, especially when it interferes with the ability of players around you to have fun.

• Do Not Meta-game - Meta-gaming is when a player applies OOC-retrieved information to their IC character, such as participating in a war that you only saw was stated to be happening on a clan's thread on the forums, or hearing whispering because you saw the text, and knowing a character's name because you saw their username. This is the most commonly broken rule of role-playing and most infuriating for many.

• Do Not Auto (Auto-hit, Auto-kill, etc) - Auto-hitting is when a player performs an action without giving the affected players a chance to respond. For example, running up to somebody and saying *Stabs in the heart* then running off would be auto-hitting. Auto also applies to non-combative actions to which another player might have a reaction. Saying, *The black knight slips past the guards and into the castle,* while white knights are guarding the entrance to the white knight's castle would be auto-walking on the premise that, in all likelihood, those knights would stop you before you got past them. This can easily be fixed with a simple rewording. Add "tries to" or "attempts to" to clarify that your character intends to perform said action, but his success depends on the responses of those around him. More advanced role-players will go into detail with their actions and emphasise their attempts. This is a frequently broken rule by newer role-players.

• Do Not Power-play - Power-playing occurs when a player operates someone else's character without the other player's consent. The most blatant example of this would be a player writing, "Your character falls off the cliff when he walks up to it." As you can see, you take active control of what the other character does. Not only is this not fair to the other player, but it's also discouraged because often players will misconstrue the behaviours and personalities of characters they didn't design. Power-playing goes into more subtle situations, however. Saying, "Sally charges Jack so fast that he wouldn't be able to react enough to avoid it," can also be considered a violation of this rule since Sally's player has controlled Jack's abilities, possibly in a way that doesn't accurately represent his character. The appropriate way to word Sally's attack would be, "Sally charges Jack so fast that it's unlikely he could totally dodge it without equal speed." This leaves it up to Jack's player whether or not Jack is actually capable of avoiding Sally

• Do Not Play Mary-Sues

A Mary-Sue is a specific kind of character that is usually considered literarily reprehensible and otherwise unpleasant for others to play alongside. A Mary-Sue is any character (of any gender, age, race, or species) who fits one or more of these descriptions:

  • A character who’s too perfect, lacking realistic or logical flaws, or whose flaws do not affect them in real ways.

  • A character who’s exactly like their creator, except idealised or made “better”. (E.g. more attractive, smarter, given skills, abilities & powers the creator wishes they could have.) Essentially, the creator is inserting themselves into the story, but without the flaws, quirks & limits that make them interesting and real. Users are often discouraged from creating characters who would be described as, "He's based off me," especially since that comes with the extra risk of violating the avoid mixing the IC and OOC rule.

  • A character who’s far too powerful, especially whose abilities exceed that which is possible for his/her race in the setting of the story. Particularly if said character has abilities that do not exist within the boundaries of the story’s world. Often these characters are technically legitimate but are very, "Look at how unique and cool I am!"

  • A character who’s cliched, having qualities or characteristics that are overused by people trying to have a powerful/perfect/cool character.

If you agree to these terms and conditions, please sign below as shown in the example given.

"I _____, Hereby accept these rules and conditions.

Upon breaking any website or roleplay rules I am completely willing to receive any discipline seen. I also acknowledge that it was not the Role-Play host's fault, instead, entirely my own."



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