Uncivilized Providence - An Exalted Sci-Fi Game.

And I still have a slot or two open. If I didnt send PMs your way, its probably cause I dont have enough to go on yet. Get something up for me. ^_^
Looking at this, and i am very interested.

Concept is hunter/infiltrator for hire, working mainly for peoples wanting to rise up against thier oppressors. Probably a Changing Moon lunar, with a solar bond heavy backstory. What is your take on user created martial arts, specifically Wind cutting blade style from the exalted wiki site (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/inde ... lade_Style). Also, what would i have to do to be able to travel via these wyld pockets the silver pact use?
And Forum Request made. Tacolicious: Gimmie some more details if ya would please. Real-time contact info is earlier in this thread if you so choose to use it. ^_^

Everyone else: If you have ideas, feel free to grab me. It's open until I state otherwise.
This sounds fun, and I have a guy forming in my head. A rocket scientist obsessed with perfecting personal air/spacecraft (Why? Flying is really cool, that's why). How hard would a Warbird be to obtain/maintain, and what are its limitations? He could be perfecting a bird capable flight in vacuum and atmosphere, trying to make them available to the everyman, or just making himself the fastest, most powerful one he can just because he wants to have the coolest ride, failing any need or possibility of extreme improvement.

For now though, I need to get some sleep, I need to get up early this afternoon.

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