Uncivilized Providence - An Exalted Sci-Fi Game.

Still working on my concept but I'll probably be going Malefactor or Zenith(haven't quite decided which way to go with that yet). Question, what is the society on Talap like? Also what is the general civilization(not quite what I mean but the best word I can think off at the moment) level on it? Is it mostly untouched nature or are large portions of the forests cleared to make room for cities and such?
And here's my character's portrait. Enjoy (apologies for the image quality. I prefer to upload in jpegs for file size purposes).


P.S. Points to whoever figures out what I ripped the majority of the armor design off.
OK. Time for some information on Talap itself.

Planet Name: Talap

Region: Eastern Galactic Threshold

Climate: Cool, Moist

Gravity: 1.3G

Day Length: 30 Standard Hours

Year Length: 205 Local Days

Moons: 3

Sapient Species: Mortals: 75%, Sky People: 20%, Dragon Bloods: 5%

Population: 1.2 Billion

Government: Republic

Alignment: Internally divided, technically independent.

Capital: Belorim

Major Exports: Technology

Major Imports: Foodstuffs, Magical Materials

The following information requires your character to score the specified number of successes on an Int+Lore roll to know:

2 Successes: Talap is a major manufacturer of starships and other advanced technology. It is known for its gentle, rolling plains and its many scattered settlements. Its moons are terraformed, and contain numerous deposits of Jade and Moonsilver.

3 Successes: Talap has significant starship docking facilities, most in orbit. It can provide for the construction, maintenance, and support of starships of just about any currently available size. It is well guarded, and patrolled by highly trained security personnel.

4 Successes: The Political situation on Talap is deteriorating rapidly. It appears that the Realm is about to make moves to nationalize the shipbuilding industry here. A Realm naval blockade may be imminent, and rumors of Anathema among the population may draw the Wyld Hunt soon.

The following information requires the character to have scored the relevant number of successes on an Int+Bureaucracy roll:

3 Successes: The laws here are fairly strict. Just about everything is liscenced, adding significant sums to most purchases in liscencing fees. There is a Black Market, but it is very difficult to find, and would be very limited in selection.

The following information requires the character to have scored the relevant number of successes on an Int+Craft roll:

3 Successes: The technological capability of Talap is no slouch. Assuming you can get the proper liscences, you can order just about any modern technology.
At last, my preliminary character sheet.

Name: Nadana Reida

Caste: Dawn

Anima: A pale golden dragon with a red halo.

Motivation: Eliminate the caste social system of the Realm (in favor of a merit based system)

Intimacies: (WIP)


Strength 3

Dexterity 5

Stamina 3

Charisma 3

Manipulation 2

Appearance 2

Perception 3

Intelligence 3

Wits 3


*Archery 5

*Martial Arts 3

*Melee 4

*Thrown 1

*War 3

*Integrity 3

Presence 1

*Resistance 4

Survival 1

Lore 1

Medicine 1

*Athletics 3

*Awareness 3

*Dodge 3

Stealth 3

Linguistics 2 (Low Realm N; High Realm, Riverspeak)

Drive 2


Resources 1

Influence 2

Artifact 1 (Fire Pearl)


Compassion 2

Conviction 3

Temperance 2

Valor 3

Willpower 6

Essence 3

Personal 15/15

Peripheral 37/37


Heirloom (Assault Rifle, Rifle, SMG, Armor, Shield, Sword) 6


Known Anathema


Assault Rifle: Accuracy +0, Damage +5L, Range 150, Clip 30, Speed 5, Rate 3, Tags: W, S

Rifle: Accuracy +3, Damage +8L, Range 1500, Clip 4, Speed 6, Rate 1 (Bolt Action) Tags: P

SMG: Accuracy +1, Damage +3L, Range 50, Clip 50, Speed 5, Rate 3, Tags: S

Straight Sword: Accuracy +2, Damage +3L, Defense +1, Rate 2

Ashigaru Skirmish Armor: Soak +7L/+6B, Mobility -2, Fatigue 1, Bonuses: +2 Awareness, +2 disease/poison Resistance, 1 hour fresh air, +2 Stealth (+3 when still)

Target Shield: +1 to both DVs at range and melee

Fire Pearl (3/3)

Combat Stats:

Assault Rifle: Accuracy 10, Damage 8L, Range 150, Clip 30, Speed 5, Rate 3, Tags: W,s

Rifle: Accuracy 13, Damage 11L, Range 1500, Clip 4, Speed 6, Rate 1, Tags: P

SMG: Accuracy 11, Damage 6L, Range 50, Clip 50, Speed 5, Rate 3, Tags: S

Straight Sword: Accuracy 11, Damage 6L, Defense 10, Rate 2

Soak: 8L/9B


Parry DV 6 (5 without shield)

Dodge DV 6 (5 without shield)


2nd Archery Excellency

There Is No Wind

2nd Melee Excellency

Call the Blade

Dipping Swallow Defense

Whirlwind Armor-Donning Prana

Ox-Body Technique (-1, -2, -2)

2nd Athletics Excellency

Reflex Sidestep Technique

2nd Stealth Excellency


Favored/Caste Abilities - 15

Merits - 6

Essence - 7

Virtues - 3

Background/Picture/Theme + 9

Flaws + 7

Starting BP + 15

Oh, and as for a theme song, listening to the following whenever she's got the spotlight will greatly enhance your experience.
Feel Free. If power issues come up, I'll deal with them as they come. Only real requirement is that they're not -total- sociopaths...(I'm looking at you Grey <_<).
Well, I will have Compassion 3, so...

Though I will also have Conviction 3.

I would probably have each virtue at 3 if I could afford it.

EDIT: Can we learn Immaculate arts during play, or should I get it at game start? The idea is an Air Aspect who wants to master the martial nature of the storm, including the Night Breeze and Air Dragon styles.
I can't guarantee you access to a sifu, so you'd be homebrewing it if you want to learn on the fly.

I'd probably recommend you take it at chargen, backstory permitting of course.
Question: Do we automatically get 3 BP for submitting each of the things you mentioned, or is there a rewards scale sort of thing? If it's the latter, please get back to me on the stuff I put up.
The BPs are all or nothing. If you submitted them, take them. If i have issues with anything, I'll bring them up.

Like I said earlier, I reserve the right to make small edits to your respective backstories to make them better fit the story. ^_^

I'm also thinking of instituting a "Legality" system for equipment. Basically, to the Realm at least, each item'd be in one of the following categories:

Common/Legal: You can purchase as many of these as you like, no licenses needed.

Restricted: These are moderately difficult to obtain, possession and purchasing requires a license, not having said license would get you a small fine, and confiscation.

Military: These require special backing to obtain, though some places will allow you to purchase them with a license. Not having one will get you jail time, and confiscation.

Illegal: These things are available only on the Black Market, and are liable to get anyone caught with them significant penalties, ranging from heavy fines, moderate jail time, or in extreme cases, death on the spot.

Again, I do ask that you run what equipment you intend to take by me, I'll classify it and tell you what backgrounds you'll need to get it.
I really can't judge what's 'reasonable' in those overly complicated gun tables, so I'll just provide the following list:

Something under Rifles

Something under Assault Rifles

Something under Semiautomatic Pistols

A straight sword

A target shield

Either reinforced breastplate or lamellar armor.

I'd be willing to invest in the backgrounds for military-grade hardware, but given where the stuff is coming from, the backgrounds themselves will probably go away as soon as we see the Wyld Hunt.
Int + Lore roll for the planet details:

9,10,3,2,9,8,1,10,6,+0 - 7 successes.

I recommend this dice roller to anyone. It's astonishingly friendly to me.


Int roll as there is no Bureaucracy: 10,2,10,2,+0 - 4 successes

Int + Craft roll: 4,8,8,1,7,5,7,3,5,+0 - 4 successes

OK. So you're a walking arsenal. ^_^ Gimmie some details on the weapons! Crunch isn't quite so important to me as fluff is. Describe the weapons, and I'll figure out an appropriate statting for them.

I'll determine what to do with the backgrounds as we come to them. I'll PM you some more details.
Equipment wish list:

Colt peacemaker for making war

speed loaders for making war faster

Orichalcum breastplate for staying alive

A nice sword for stabbing and slashing in case making war gets too close
Again, like I said to Brickwall: Details man! Details!

"I want this Colt Revolver to be painstakingly crafted with Orichalcum handles, oversized bullets, and a barrel with Moonsilver engravings that transform into the likeness of the current victim's mother as a cosmetic effect!"

Or something like that.
I apologize if the story is too long or too tangential to the main plot, but I figured if I got something up now, we could discuss over it and fix the flaws.

Here it comes!

Name: Hurricane's Quill

Concept: Dark Creature Hunter

Caste: Full Moon Lunar

Theme Song: Soldiers of the Wasteland by Dragonforce

Our story begins a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away...or perhaps not.

Really, our story begins on a frozen planet, in a distant system. The story goes that one day, the natives of the planet, a race of werewolvian aliens in the Northern systems were travelling across the frozen wastes when, lo and behold, they were suddenly drawn by the sight of a lone bird, white as the snow they traveled on, circling over a snowdrift and chirping, as if trying to summon them to whatever could be there. Once they approached, their ears were harkened to the sound of a crying baby. Quickly digging away at the snow, they found themselves in the presence of a ruined pod and a baby in blue swaddling clothes inside.

This is the hero of our story.

Enter Hurricane's Quill: named so by the female that would eventually adopt him, Quill grew up among these aliens, learning their ways, their culture, their style of fighting. But all was not well in frozen planet-land. As you might have wondered, there were those among the aliens' number who questioned if they should consider Quill to be one of them, and those that didn't considered him to be inferior. Then Quill's stepmother, Ramei, gave him words he'll never forget. "If you truly believe that you will succeed, then do not let your words speak for you. Let your deeds stand as witness."

Two weeks later, Ramei was killed in a raid by the Fair Folk. His rage steeled into a dogged resolution, Quill decided to take the fight back to not only the Fair Folk, but to all creatures of darkness. Determined to prove himself as a warrior and become strong enough to avenge Ramei’s death, Quill stepped up his training, hoping to become a peerless weaponsmaster and the bane of all creatures not native to Creation.

Time passed, and though the blood of dark creatures coated the edge of his sword, Quill found his technique slipping. The hatred he had harbored against the dark creatures of the world that he blamed for the loss of his mother figure couldn’t hold up anymore, and even then, he was no closer to finding the Fair Folk responsible for her death to begin with. And then, one day, it all came to a head: on a particular job, Quill found himself in a major bind: he was taking on what was rumored to be a dark beast of hell that could change shape at will, but one whose carapace defied even modern weapons. Quill decided to attempt taking it on, but unfortunately, he found the accounts of the thing to be quite accurate, if maybe erring on a single point: it didn’t just take on the shape of animals. It took on animal parts. And now, it was obvious that Quill had bitten off more than he could chew at last.

But Fate decreed his story was not yet over.

Suddenly, he heard a voice in his head, telling him to calm his fury, and put aside his hate. Wait for the opportune moment. He almost didn’t, because he was wondering who the voice was. But at the last second, he did what he was told, and the last seconds seemed like eternity as Quill rammed the sword down the creature’s throat. The creature twitched, and fell dead.

Looking around, he found someone waiting for him: a woman clad in simple clothes, carrying a beautifully crafted silver bow and arrow, and eyes like a hawk. She told him it was time for him to realize that he was bound for greater things than this. And so, she kissed him on the forehead, transforming him forever. His hair, normally jet black, grew longer, thicker, and turned a shade of silver. His body felt lithe and powerful, like a wolf’s, and the silver disc upon his forehead sealed it all: Hurricane’s Quill had Exalted.

Thankfully, Quill was too far north to attract the attention of the Realm or the Wyld Hunt at the time, so he was then quickly approached by others not unlike him: they were members of what they called the Silver Pact, here to properly induct him as a member of the Lunar Exalted. Faced with the prospect of having to face Dragon-Blooded religious fanatics in due time, Quill accepted the proposal and was thus ritually tattooed in moonsilver lightning bolts and snowflakes.

That was two months ago, and to say that Quill’s undergone some major changes is an understatement. His raging hate cooled into aloof disdain, Quill travels from planet to planet, hunting dark creatures that threaten the galaxy. Recently, however, on the planet Talip, the Realm has begun to interfere with his jobs, a sure sign that they are attempting to crack down on the planet. And let’s just say Quill is very territorial when it comes to the monster hunting business…
Details on my equipment list:

1 assault rifle: A (some argue THE) standard weapon for Realm soldiers, this rifle is almost entirely lightweight composites. It has a bullpup configuration, to allow for compactness without sacrificing power. It still has Realm stamps on it, and is compatible with standard intermediate-power cartridges. Also, it is mounted with a small flashlight.

1 rifle: This weapon is possessed by the best marksman in any fang in the Realm military, and is used to perform selective long range encounters (okay, most people just call it sniping, but it can certainly be done without the implied stealth or subtlety). It can be broken down into four pieces, all of which attach securely to the largest during storage to eliminate the need for a container. It has a scope and a range-finder (let's be honest, we love seeing that red dot on enemies' foreheads), and a fold-out mount for stability.

1 PDW (submachine gun, essentially): Though this type of sidearm is less favored in the Realm thanks to the availability of the cheaper carbines, the Realm PDW (they only ever made one kind) is still in use by many urban operations units, including the one Reida was re-assigned to. The bullpup configuration lets this weapon be the length of a grown man's forearm and fist, yet still be able to punch through body armor (it only uses armor-piercing rounds).

-All the firearms are relatively plain, looking mass-produced. They are, conveniently, gunmetal colored, and very minimalistic. The only things that are there serve to make them hurt people.

1 body armor: Light armor for special operations, this suit maintains all the flexibility it can without leaving too many vital regions unprotected. The black body glove regulates temperature as much as possible, and it is covered with sleek, geometric dark red plates. The wide manufacture makes every size available, and centuries of design have perfected it to make the soldiers look their best, all the better for making them more beloved by friends and respected/feared by foes. It isn't perfect for camouflage, but it is functional.

1 straight sword: Reida's preferred CQE weapon, this blade tends to see more cleaning than action. It is as plain as plain can be, no more than a metal blade on a metal handle. It is as much there to make Reida look dangerous as it is to make her actually dangerous.

1 target shield: This shield folds from a kite shape into a coffin shape for carrying and storage. When fully extended, it has openings to allow a firearm to rest, making it possible to shoot without giving up body cover (though it's useless with a sniper rifle, due to its length). It matches the body armor in color scheme and design, though the top and bottom connecters are gold-plated.

The armor and shield are fully depicted in my character portrait (unless you have a burning desire to see the armor's butt plate, in which case, shame on you :P ). Some of the weapons are depicted in...poor detail (I do not draw firearms much).
I suppose I should mention:

Weapon-wise, kinetic-bullet weapons and energy weapons do coexist here. There is always the time-tested and physics-proven destructive force in one moving object colliding with another. They are heavier though, and require ammunition.

Energy weapons are usually lighter, and draw energy either from internal capacitors (Essence Capacitors exist and are pretty ubiquitous here, full details are if/when peeps want them) or from the wielder themselves. They are a bit more fragile as well, usually requiring maintenance more frequently.

In short: If you can think of it, I'll probably come up with some excuse in the fluff to allow you to get it, and don't limit yourself to Energy. ^_^
I'll stick with my ballistic stuff. Low-maintenance, durable hardware is probably preferable all things considered. It's not like a soldier would be forgiven for complaining about the extra pounds anyway.
I'm also gonna shamelessly hijack a few of Khantalas's proposed Gun Tags.

W tag on a gun means that its automatic, and you can walk your fire to another nearby targets, nearby being within Dex+Archery yards of each other. You may split your attack roll's successes against each eligible target. Excellencies apply as per one single attack.

S tag on a gun means that you can lay down suppressive fire with it, basically any character exposed to fire in the target area is subject to an attack at a -3 penalty from the shooter for a maximum duration of the gun's Clip/Rate in ticks, after which the gun is empty and needs reloading. Friendly characters receive +2 DV against enemies attacking with ranged weapons from the target area as well.
The Shrike needs not your pathetic Realm weapons. The Shrike is armed with the glorious combat charms of mighty Autochthon's chosen (Anyone else seen the stats for Essence Pulse Cannons yet? THERE IS NO OVERKILL, THERE IS ONLY 'OPEN FIRE' AND 'MOTE-TAPPED').

I may brew up some mobility Charms to make The Shrike capable of short-range space flight - he needs no fighter craft, he is his own fighter craft. But naturally, self-propelled interplanetary flight would require Essence 6.

Don't worry, he won't be a sociopath unless SUDDENLY DISSONANCE. The Shrike merely believes he serves a higher purpose, and will have at least Compassion 2.

Oddly, I feel that the best theme music for him is the one I personally adopted recently:
Equipment Descriptions:

Quill's chief weapons were developed by a No Moon Lunar craftsman/sorcerer, Rovus Kermeki. Both of them appear to be a pair of double-barreled revolvers, much larger than most other firearms of its type, one silver named Dragon Breaker, the other ice-blue named Fae Buster. But Rovus also installed a nice little trick into these weapons: they conceal a pair of broadsword-style blades that can be extended at the push of a button. Rovus is currently working on a means to give Dragon Breaker a type of morphtronic weapons system.

A simple enough weapon, but it's seen Quill through a number of fights. It appears to be a long knife, it's grip made of leather strips wrapped around metal. The blade is capable of being thrown, but it is also capable in a close-combat situation and for stealth kills as well. It's one of two weapons that Quill still uses after Dragon Breaker and Fae Buster replaced most of his regular arsenal.

Quill isn't paranoid, but he knows that he's not exactly popular amongst the more 'civilized' sects of humanity, i.e. the Realm. Therefore, to protect himself, he comissioned Rovus to line the back of his trenchcoat with moonsilver armor. To other's eyes, it appears to be quite natural, being a blue trenchcoat marked with white symbols on the back, but underneath lies a sheet of moonsilver scale armor.

Quill still carries normal ammunition for Dragon Breaker and Fae Buster, but he also uses specialized bullets for dealing with the enemy of the week. He mainly carries orichalcum bullets for demons, white jade slugs for penetration, firedust rounds to make a bang, and iron bullets for those raksha that he hates so much.

Equipment-wise, Quill mainly uses a motorcycle to get around, one that Rovus outfitted with atmospheric travel and a small transport to jump from planet to planet when he's either looking for work or on a mission for the Pact or the Swords of Luna.
Equipment Descriptions:

The sword looks to be of aristocratic design, at least in the hilt and hand-guard. The hilt and hand-guard look old compared to the blade itself. The hand-guard carries an etching of the Porcello seal on it. The seal is comprised of a shield with a single sword sticking out of a serpent that is coiled around the shield. The blade seems brand new, no nicks or notches in it, and is jet black with a purple hue to the single cutting edge. The blade and hilt are covered with a substance that doesn’t seem to reflect the light, as to not draw attention to it.

The revolver is of an older design used by militia during the conflict of Aeron’s home planet, however it seems to have newer parts than what is warranted. It is a jet black and covered in the same anti-reflecting substance as his sword, but the sights have a low glow that while not easy to pick up, allows for the use at night. The revolver breaks open at the back and ejects spent shells to allow for quicker loading times with a designated speed loader. The most curious part about the revolver is the longer barrel and bayonet mount that allows for the use of the revolver like a long dagger in close combat. Usually this has the gun spun in the hand of the holder to a reverse grip so the blade is pointed down, and along with the barrel allows strikes to be deflected away from the user. It is not usually used for offensive capabilities, mostly to defend against blades.

The ammo used for the revolver is a larger caliber as it has stopping power as its main directive, as long as there are casings around, usually Aeron can make suitable bullets. Usually he carries around some armor piercing rounds to deal with the realms heavier infantry, and also a home made explosive round that is designed for anti-material use.

The speed lowers just all carry his initials on them, as in the resistance is good to know who’s stuff you accidently grabbed during an ambush.

Explosives usually carried: usually Aeron carries a few flash bangs useful for starting ambushes, a couple anti-personnel fragmentation grenades, and also non lethal goo grenades of his own creation. The goo grenade has been used to clog cannons, and to allow a quick escape if needed. The main purpose of the grenades are escape, and surprise as even a dummy frag grenade causes people to jump for cover, if the trap calls for actual killing, he usually prefers it to be his revolver or sword to shed the blood.

In a resistance movement everything has to be acquired, and the breastplate Aeron wears is no different. The ancient breastplate was once in a museum, and was worn once by a Night Caste exalted, and so came with an outer covering that hid the golden hue of the armor. Aeron came across it shortly after his exaltation and has been wearing it under his jacket ever since. The armor is etched with various designs in a language Aeron isn’t familiar with, but he hopes to one day come across someone that can interpret the armor’s message.

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