Uncivilized Providence - An Exalted Sci-Fi Game.


One Thousand Club
So, I was sitting, bored in my home, thinking about potential story ideas, when suddenly, during a chat with Axelgear that I started thinking of just about every sci fi show/game I've experienced. Well, this chat resulted in a slightly altered Scenario for Exalted, one of Space Travel, Science, Magic, great for your standard Space Opera.

Here's a summary.

As normal, In The Beginning, there was the Wyld, and Primordials and Fair Folk Warred constantly. In order to have a respite from the constant warfare, one day (though days didn't exist yet), they decided to create a world with rules, constancy, etc. etc.

This world took the form of a vast void, nailed into place with the intangible Poles of Reality, with countless stars and planets thrown into the mix. And the Primordials seeded life on these worlds, creating their ordered and structured Universe. The Gods were then created to govern each aspect of this Universe, from Sol Invictus, the God of All Stars, to Luna, Goddess of Moons, the Maidens, all the way down to the god that ensured that that particular plant in the corner grew properly.

Time passed, and of course, the Gods grew discontent with their slavery, all that jazz, and they decide to rebel, and we all know how this ends. The differences here: The Celestials number 10 times as many as opposed to Creation, but this makes up an even smaller percentage of the population of the Universe, given its sheer vastness. The first Black Holes emerged, creating doorways of inescapable gravity leading to a dark, twisted Underverse where the restless dead dwelt. The Yozis were then banished to another plane of existence, which is still called Malfeas.

The Solars were among the first to travel between the myriad worlds, for the powers they wielded were best suited for traversing the immense distances involved. After the Primordial War, they began an era of construction and empire-building that resulted in the First Age.

The greatest achievement of this time is the construction of the Gate network. For the first time, ships crewed by anyone, mortal or Exalt, were able to pass through these Orichalcum and Starmetal monstrosities, inscribed with countless prayers to the Maiden of Journeys, to instantly get to the system on the other side. Though Solars were still the only ones able to move around freely without the Gates in their Titan ships, the Gate network allowed for Galactic Civilization to truly thrive for the first time.

Sadly, as the Great Curse matured, this age was not meant to last. The Usurpation happened, and the Solar Exaltations were sealed in a meta-reality mantained by a massive, hidden jade structure in deep space. This Prison kept the Solars out of the Universe for millennia, as the Sidereals of the Bronze Faction and the Dragon Blooded host tried desperately to keep everything under control. They managed with great effort to create their own Gates, massive, ugly structures of Jade that expended double the power for a quarter of the range, but they worked dammit. Exploration was dramatically slowed where it didn't stop altogether, as the Dragon Bloods lacked the ability to traverse the galaxy without the gates on any timescale short of lifetimes.

Life continued. Then the Great Contagion hit. Not even shutting down Gates helped against that. Then the Fair Folk started invading through the Gates. Swaths of the Universe were rendered unreachable, and even the mighty Shogunate seemed poised to fall. Then the Scarlet Empress came along and managed to get control of the Universal Defense System, and push the Fae back.

Then she disappeared. Undead forces finally reach the Jade Prison, smash it, and the Solars are back. The Realm is fracturing. Abyssals/Infernals appear. Egads!

It's been five years since then, and we focus our attention on the planet Talap, a small forested world with 3 moons in the Threshold Cluster towards Galactic East. The world is prime shipyarding real-estate, and rumors abound that The Realm is about to make their move to nationalize this industry.

You are all Exalts, newly Chosen, and on the planet Talap for one reason or another. Tensions are mounting between the local government and the Realm, and the rumors state that the system is about to undergo a blockade, plus there are rumors that they know of your presence, and will be sending a Wyld Hunt...

Basically, I'm open to most character concepts, so long as they could all conceivably work together (IE: The PCs can at least tolerate each other).

I'll take six characters. All starting-level Exalts. I'll use the Domino's Rules thingy for Lunars.

Small fighter-type ships are OK, but I intend to give the party a resident Cool Ship relatively quickly in the Campaign.

Tech level is high. Some magitech devices are common enough to simply be purchased with money. You can even purchase weapons from The Realm, if you so choose, and had the correct liscences. Equipment-wise, I'll just have you guys state what you want, and I'll state what backgrounds you'd need.Use these rules for guns.

Sail is now called Piloting. I'll be using that for the piloting of large ships and vehicles.

Ride is now called Drive. I'll be using that for smaller, car-like vehicles, and living mounts as well.

I'll give 3 BPs for a detailed backstory, 3 BP for a Picture, and 3 BP for a Theme Song. I reserve the right to make small edits to each to better fit the setting.

Backstories must include -why- your character is on Talap, and basically stranded there, for now.

I'm taking a good deal of inspiration from Cowboy Bebop, Star Wars, EVE Online, EV Nova, and a few other sci-fi themes.

Hopefully, this'll be awesome. ^_^ I look forward to seeing some character concepts.
As is probably obvious, I'm already interested. My submission is ready as soon as needed.

Darwinia Macklavie - Space Pirate, pilot of Golden Sovereign and an Exalted Objectivist!
You're asking on a forum full to the bone of nerds if a si-fi game will interest them.

Lets see, I was thinking about a fast speaking motormouth scientist but I'm already inflicting one on Saridonian anyway.

Lets try instead an ex child soldier who grew up in some sinister super soldier project thing and has escaped after exaltation. Kind of clueless on normal social intereactions. Hilarity ensues.

I have a few ideas for the ship's name: Normandy, Serenity, Ebon Hawk, Highwind....
"Gate system" totally tricked me into hoping for Stargate with Exalts. Oh well. It's still fun.

I'll be throwing my hat in, of course. Not sure yet with what.
TherealBrickwall said:
"Gate system" totally tricked me into hoping for Stargate with Exalts. Oh well. It's still fun.
I'll be throwing my hat in, of course. Not sure yet with what.
I don't know, the dragon blooded dynasts do have a lot in common with the system lords.
Name: Darwinia Macklavie

Player: Axelgear

Concept: Ninja Pirate Zombie Objectivist

Caste: Twilight

Motivation: To purge the Looters from the Galaxy

Anima: A burning golden dollar sign, backed by whirling gears


Age: Difficult to judge. Either a mature 16 or a very fresh-faced 20

Height: 5'5"

Gender: Female

Eyes: Gold-specked olive

Hair: Blonde

Weight: Roughly 130lbs. Right arm included, 140 lbs


Theme Music:

Physical (Secondary):

Strength: 2

Dexterity: 5

Stamina: 2

With the hands of a master machinist, Darwinia is capable of incredible precision, and her lightning reflexes are why she has survived so long as a pirate.

Social (Tertiary):

Charisma: 3

Manipulation: 1

Appearance: 3

Darwinia is an individualist and also a bit of an introvert. When she deals with people, it's always openly and honestly, which makes her hard to dislike. She's also fairly attractive, but her inability or simple unwillingness to be overtly feminine rarely allows for such attractiveness to be shown off.

Mental (Primary):

Perception: 3

Intelligence: 4

Wits: 4

Darwinia is bright and quick on her feet. Very little escapes her notice.



Archery: 0

Martial Arts (Favoured): 3

Melee: 0

Thrown: 0

War: 0


Integrity (Favoured): 4

Performance: 0

Presence (Favoured): 3

Resistance: 2

Survival: 0

Twilight (Caste):

Craft: 5 (Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Wood, Magitech, Glamour)

Investigation: 0

Lore: 5

Medicine: 0

Occult: 5


Athletics (Favoured): 4

Awareness: 1

Dodge (Favoured): 4

Larceny: 0

Stealth: 0


Bureaucracy: 0

Linguistics: 1 (Native: Low Realm. Additional Languages: Old Realm)

Ride: 0

Sail: 3

Socialize: 0

Essence: 2

Personal Essence: 13/13

Peripheral Essence: 25/31

Committed: 6

Willpower: 7


Compassion: 2

Conviction: 4

Temperance: 1

Valor: 3

Darwinia holds true to her values. She'd sooner end her life than she would give in to the Looters. Her ancestry also predisposes her to strong emotions and desires.

Limit Break:

Virtue Flaw: Destructive Rage of Conviction

Condition: As Red Rage of Compassion, but with someone violating Darwinia's personal convictions in a grand way. (I.E. Enslaving someone, robbing someone, etc.)


-Individual Liberties (Heartfelt Ideal)

-Profit (Goal in everything)


Dodge DV: 6

Dodge MDV: 7

Bashing Soak: 2

Bashing Hardness: N/A

Lethal Soak: 1

Lethal Hardness: N/A

Aggravated Soak: N/A



Second Ability Excellency: Cost: 2m. Duration: Instant. Abilities: Awareness, Athletics, Craft, Lore, Martial Arts, Presence, Sail


-Shadow Over Water: Cost: 1m. Duration: Instant.

-Seven Shadow Evasion (Conviction Flaw): Cost 3m. Duration: Instant.


-Crack-Mending Technique: Cost: 10m, 1wp. Duration: Instant.


-Golden Sovereign (Artifact 5 + Artifact 3 + Artifact 2 + Allies 4)

-The God Hand (Artifact 3)


-Golden Sovereign: Golden Sovereign is a one-of-a-kind warstrider. Equipped with an essence reactor that even Darwinia has been unable to quite figure out, the Royal Warstrider is forged of orichalcum and moonsilver, with the latter entirely composing its seams and joints. Capable of flight, Darwinia discovered, much to her surprise, Golden Sovereign can alter itself into the form of a spacecraft in an eye-blink, allowing it to traverse the space lanes and take the good fight to the interplanetary level. It is only able to carry one person, perhaps two in cramped conditions, but it is sufficiently capable as a vessel that it has become Darwinia's signature weapon in her assaults on trade routes.

-God Hand: As much a multi-tool as a prosthesis, the God Hand is an orichalcum prosthesis of Darwinia's own design. Equipped with a built-in blade that can extend from numerous places on her hand and a number of small tools for assisting in various tasks, the hand functions just as well as Darwinia's original hand, while simultaneously being both weapon and tool-kit. This, in addition to being indestructible and therefore far more reliant than the original arm.

Speed 4 Accuracy +4 Damage +4L Defense +2 Rate 4 Attune 6m Tags P

The God Hand also provides 2 bonus successes on any Craft roll where it and its tools are used. The bonuses for orichalcum have been figured into the weapon stats.


-Known Anathema: The Golden Bandit, the Unrighteous Thief, the Disrespectful Pirate, the Laughing Robber, the Queen of Greed and Hesiesh's Hot-Pants are all names by which Darwinia is known throughout the galaxy and every one of them has a bounty price attached. She's still unsure as to how she got the last one.

Bonus Points:

-Virtues -3BP

-Abilities: -12 BP

-Specialties: -3BP

-Backgrounds: -13 BP

-Flaws: +7 BP

-Background/Image/Theme Song: +9 BP

-Basic BP: +15 BP

Math: 31 - 31 = 0

Total remaining: 0 BP

Sheet complete, barring whatever comes of something else.
"No way," Carter answered incredulously,"she's not real. The Anathema are just fairy tales the Immaculate Order try to use to make us poor working saps give 'em taxes." He stretched back in his seat, relaxing on the bridge of the ship. It was an ore transport vessel, carrying copper from a mine run by the Realm. They were not working for the Realm, of course; they were working for a company that merely took the profits of the labour of slaves.

"You've seen the pictures!" Tim replied with a surprised indignation. "How can you say that they're not real if you've SEEN the pictures? You've seen demons before. Why not demons like that?"

Carter chuckled. "Demons that possess people who just so happen to disagree with the Immaculate Philosophy? That can seem like great people but just want to lead you into evil? Sheesh, Tim, you don't see past the obvious much, do you?" He rolled his eyes and returned to his console.

"Maybe she's not a demon, but Mackavie's real. My cousin knew a guy whose convoy got attacked by her. No survivors." Mick spoke up, the third man on the bridge looking up from his console and getting up to walk over to the others, leaning on the back of their chairs.

"Oh c'mon, think about what you just said, Mick. If she leaves no survivors, how could there be a story?" Carter pointed out. "Simple: Some survived for a while but died later. Sheesh, Carter, use some sense, eh?" Mick rolled his eyes, slapping Carter on the back of the head with a laugh. Tim chuckled too.

"Alright, fair enough. Still, if she is real, where'd she come from?" Carter asked. "I hear she grew up in a Realm slave camp. Y'know, one of the bad ones that don't officially exist. You go in alive and get worked until you can't work anymore. Her mother was one of the elves, y'know?" Mick said, repeating a legend he'd heard.

"Oh c'mon... If she was in one of those death camps, how'd she survive? How'd she get out?" Carter asked skeptically. "No, no, I heard the same thing." Tim nodded in agreement with Mick, over the beep of the console. "She was really good with machines, loved 'em, so the foreman on the site kept giving her extra food and stuff, so she survived. He couldn't afford to lose his best mechanic, right? Then, one day, she loses an arm to the machines. That's a death sentence right there, but he figures he can't lose a girl who he's really gotten to like, so he puts her on a ship and sneaks her out of there with a metal shipment to this backwater somewhere."

Carter sighed, giving up on getting work done, turning to face them both. He couldn't defy his curiosity now and they were on auto-pilot to the gate anyway. "Alright, so she's off-world. Then what?"

"Well, she ends up on this little world out in the middle of nowhere, y'know? More a moon than world. Right on the border of the Wyld, so bad that people can't go out on the surface for more than a few hours at a time without gettin' all warped 'n' stuff. She's one of those Changelings, though, y'know? They don't get affected by that kinda junk. Thing is, the place is a commune, so they put her to work farming the outside for stuff." Tim continued, moving to sit on a flat part of the console, leaning back against the window out into space. "Doesn't sit with her, though. Communes go by the idea of 'From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs', but she's doin' all the work and wants to know why she's not gettin' more of the reward."

"I hear she was just greedy." Mick snorted at the story. "Got pissed off with helping people when she wanted it all for herself."

"Oh c'mon, would you wanna work in that kind of place, Mick?" Tim countered, as if defending a political hero. "Hey, I'm just sayin', if you do what she did because you don't like helpin' people, you're a dick in my book."

"Hey, now, if someone takes your stuff-" Tim's response was more heated, but the brewing fight was neutralized by Carter interjecting. "Woah now, you two. Save the debating. What did she do?" He asked, quirking an eyebrow. "She blew up the damn colony. Tore up the whole thing, stole a ship and left. I hear she sold all the stuff she took and made a solid gold hand for herself." Mick answered, condemning the Anathema with a righteous tone.

"Bullshit! She saved them from pirates, but then they wanted to use the pirate's ships to rob other places. Share the wealth, y'know? So she blasted the place, took the ship and went to look for some big place she had seen in a dream. El Dorado, the city of gold, or some shit like that."

Carter paused, listening to this story with quiet amusement and then noticed neither of them were continuing. "O-kay? Where does being a pirate come in?" Tim's eyes lit up at that. "Well, that's the thing, y'see? Once she found the city, she brought back this really amazing ship and had a hand of solid gold and decided that she wanted to stop people from takin' what wasn't theirs."

There was a long pause, as Carter looked between the pair of them carefully. "... Like stuff taken from worlds that use slave labour?" They looked between each other nervously and cringed. "You're probably right, Carter... Probably just a fairy tale..." Mick muttered, getting up and walking back to his console, a cold shiver running up and down his spine. They all just focused on their work.

"Huh," Tim remarked, looking out the window, "that's an oddly bright star..." He pointed at a shining light in the distance. Carter didn't have the heart to correct him.


History: Born of a union between a mortal man and one of the Fair Ones, the Solar Pirate known as Darwinia Macklavie was marked from birth for an unusual life. One of the Fae-Born, her father was sentenced to death by labour for consorting with the Fair Folk and she, deemed an abomination, was cursed to the same fate. Darwinia only knows this because her father didn't quite finish dieing before the time she could remember. By the time she was able to work, around age five, he was dead and she was unsuited for hard labour in mines, so she found work in a machine shop.

Within a fairly short amount of time, Darwinia proved herself a capable mechanic and earned the favour of the shop foreman. For seven years, she worked in the machine shop repairing mining equipment, refining ore samples and occasionally even operating the special machines necessary for the jobs. Some years later, however, at the age of twelve, tragedy struck and cost Darwinia her right arm from the elbow down. This did not stop her from attempting to work in the shop but seriously limited her ability and, before long, it became obvious that the shop foreman could not continue to provide her with the benefits he had before. Rather than sentence her to a slow demise in the mines, however, he arranged for her transport off world, hidden amongst a shipment of ore.

She arrived on a backwater world so far from anywhere and so sparsely populated that it had no name, merely a number that she never bothered to memorize. So close to the Wyld that a person was in danger of mutation after a few continuous hours, the colony was entirely beneath the surface, where the protection of the essence of Earth shielded the inhabitants from the Wyld. There were, however, many useful plants on the surface and, being a Changeling, Darwinia could walk there fearlessly to retrieve these things to earn her keep. Her presence was of immense value to the colony.

It was here that young Macklavie had her first encounter with what she would describe as a more subtle evil. The maxim of From Each According to His Ability, to Each According to His Means seemed like a sort of kindness compared to the slave camps - perhaps she would finally get treated nicely for being herself and have her problems considered - but it swiftly proved to be the exact same kind of iniquity as her efforts were expropriated for the benefits of others. Always having felt things powerfully and seen things in black and white, she swiftly came to regard the place as another kind of evil but one far more easily endured. So long as they at least gave her the food to supply herself, she could at least pass the time educating herself as she picked plants on the planet's surface.

The big change and Darwinia's Exaltation came when, after three years of enduring the "tyranny of the incompetent", pirates attacked the small colony in an attempt to capture the valuable Wyld-tainted plants that it held. Under Darwinia's direction, the colonists not only resisted but actually defeated the pirates and proceeded to capture their ships. When word came to Darwinia that the colonists actually planned to then turn the pirate's vessels and weapons on other nearby colonies who "selfishly refused to share the wealth", she proceeded to turn the newly captured machinery against them and wiped the blight from the face of the Universe under the withering fire of essence cannons.

Darwinia, on the trail of her memories of a past life, proceeded to take the stolen pirate ship, damaged in the firefight, through a series of gates to an isolated, atmosphere-less moon where she found the hidden manse of her last incarnation. It was here she found Golden Sovereign and enough orichalcum and materials to create her new arm. After selling the pirate ship for materials, she has since become a terror of the space lanes, fighting those who would do injustice to others.

Now, after carelessly springing a trap and leading the Realm right back to her moon manse (which she detonated rather than let them get their hands on it), she fled to Talap. In a horrible string of bad luck, Realm ships in the area were already perfectly positioned to shoot her down, leading to her performing an emergency landing on the planet's surface.


If one had to describe Darwinia, she could be said to be vivacious. The girl has an irrepressible personality that tells those around her that there is no need for pain or sadness. Her passions are strong, her emotions deep and her morality crystal clear. With her, one has a feeling of certainty that no moment is wasted and every second of life is fulfilled.

Darwinia's values tend to be fairly obvious. She's a staunch individualist and anyone who tries to lay claim to the efforts of another without justification will earn her enmity, while those who try to earn their goals morally, especially those who, like her, do it in opposition of popular opinion, will gain her friendship.

In short, Darwi is as dramatic and lively as one would expect from the child of the Fair Ones, but also has a strong sense of right and wrong.


"No friggin' way." The man in a thick red coat said with a laugh, wiping his chin of the beer that dribbled down it. "Honest. Sneaked right in, kicked those Realm bastards in the ass and ran off with their gold. I swear, they must've thought I was one of the Anathema!" The other one across the table replied, both breaking out laughing. They'd been swapping stories all night, talking about this victory and that where they'd robbed Realm ships, each one attempting to top the other all the way through while getting progressively more drunk.

To their side, a slender, more feminine figure sat leaned back with her feet on the edge of the table, nursing a flagon of some sweet-smelling liquor that she'd had since the beginning of the night. Her face was hidden, except for the small curve of a chin and a small line of a mouth. "What about you, girly? You've been quiet the whole night. Got any stories to share?" The man in red asked. "Leave 'er alone. She's just a girl, probably hasn't got many got many stories to tell at her age." The other one said, part defensive, part dismissive. Suddenly, the girl's feet slipped off the table and her chair leaned back into an upright position. "No, no," she interrupted, "I have one."

In a flash, she was up onto the table, cloak hurled aside. She hurled a coin at a jukebox, where it was caught by a trained cyborg monkey. "Number three!" She called to the monkey, who neatly inserted it into the slot and pressed a button. The room fell into quiet as she leaped onto the table and all eyes turned to this strange, pointed-eared ragamuffin. Suddenly, on her forehead, the mark of the Unclean blazed into view.

There was silence, but for a gentle hiss from the jukebox, as all stared dumbfounded at the Anathema who had made herself apparent in their tavern and began to monologue certain words. "Oh, better far to live and die, under the brave black flag I fly, than play a sanctimonious part, with a pirate head and a pirate heart." Her hand moved to her chest, over her heart, during the first set of words, then cast an imperious glance and accusing finger to all in the room. "Away to the cheating world go you, where pirates all are well-to-do; but I’ll be true to the song I sing, and live and die a Pirate King!" Then, the music kicked in.

"I am the Pirate King!" She sang, all the men in the saloon feeling strangely compelled to answer her with a chorus of "You are! Hurrah for the Pirate King!" She grinned, flashing teeth that were too sharp to be entirely human, bounding to another table, which was hoisted up by the five men there. "And it is, it is, a glorious thing to be a Pirate King! For I am a Pirate King!" The men holding the table spun and danced with the music as the chorus filled the room. "You are! Hurrah for our Pirate King!"

The two men sitting at the table she had burst forth from, carrying with her an improvised musical, were the only ones not feeling themselves demanded to join in, merely watching in stunned awe, as she crouched and seemed to speak to the men gathered around the table, almost whispering to them despite her voice carrying throughout the room. "When I sally forth to seek my prey, I help myself in a royal way. I sink a few more ships, it’s true, than a well-bred monarch ought to do; but many a king on a first-class throne, if he wants to call his crown his own, must manage somehow to get through more dirty work than ever I do! For I am a Pirate King!" The chorus repeated, her continuing to sing and dance, enjoying the adulation of the people around her as they all worked in time with the music.

When the musical number was over, she was wreathed in golden fire that did not burn. Landing back in her chair, she smiled at the men who had been on either side of her before and their stunned faces. They both knew who she was, her wanted poster stood on the wall for a whole talent of jade, and she had nothing but a cocky smile for them both.
"That's really the only story I've got for now." She said with a shrug, took another sip of her drink and placed her feet back on the table.

"Alright..." The man in red said slowly, nodding his head with great caution before looking between her and his partner. "So this one time, when I was out in the West, there I was sailing through the Neck..."

Backstory ready, along with two short stories!

Any chance of Alchemicals? No? No immense planet-vessel Autochthonia?




Ah, well. I am thinking one of two characters, aside from a potential Alchemical:

Darrus Riddick, rogue Slayer, mercenary soldier. Trapped on Talap following the crash of the prison ship in which he was being transported. Ruthless, disciplined, loyal only to himself and the highest bidder.


Vader The Eternal, rogue Defiler. A megalomaniacal man who intends for Talap to be the seat of his empire. Egotistical, ambitious, and cunning. Wears a lot of black, tends to kill subordinates with his telekinesis charms. Stranded on Talap having punished his pilot in such a way.
Character concept: Once one of the Realm's elite troopers, Exaltation robbed her of one of the greatest positions a mortal could hope for, but also, well, Exaltation. Now a fugitive with what she could manage to take along of her old equipment (any that didn't need technicians to keep up, at least), she searches for some kind of new purpose.

Dawn Caste, and I'm gonna be stupid and try to use armor. Expect some equipment requisitions.

Holy crap. Is there a reason to have so many kinds of gun, especially since they all have ridiculous power disparity? I don't even know what I should be asking to have.
I already have this ridiculously funny Captain Future concept for an eclipse... I don't know if the US translators have had as much drugs as the french, but for us frog & snail eaters it was an unforgettable experience of cynism and self mockery... for the 6yo boy I was when I watched it.

The guy used to speak of himself with the third person, caesar-like... it was so hilarious that I am very interested in bringing that sort of fun into a space exalted game.
Concept: Night caste freedom fighter fighting against the realms expansion. He lost his cell and is trying to establish a resistance movement on this planet.

question: what craft would I need to make explosives to use? I see him more as a saboteur than a front line fighter, but plan on having him use a revolver and sword with the ambidextrous merit and throw various stun style explosives.
Okay, now this I cannot pass up. Here's a character concept I've been meaning to try out for a while now.

Hurricane's Quill: A dark creature hunter for whom the only thing quicker to reach than his swords is his hip flask of alcohol in his boot. Now that he's Exalted, however, he's ready to fight back against the Dragon-Blooded, which has been harassing him on his jobs and even trying to force him out of the monster hunting business.

Normally, Quill is meant to be a Full Moon Lunar, but this can be changed to fit the game accordingly.
Name: Aeron Porcello

Concept: Freedom Fighter

Motivation: Topple the Realm


Theme song: Revolt by Sepultera

“Obviously you don’t remember me.†a voice came from behind the soldier causing his skin to pale. Someone had got the drop on him, but how, he was sure he had checked every corner of the room he was supposed to clear. “Drop the rifle and sit down, I just want to talk…for now.†The voice said as the man turned around. As he set the rifle down and turned he was confronted with a revolver pointed at his head, and so the soldier sat down. “This meeting is a long time coming Captain, and it all started with your occupation on this world, do you remember that day five years ago? You were what, a Platoon Commander then? But this story goes back beyond that.â€

The story begins 15 years before that, with a happy family that was blessed with twin boys, and blessed they were. Both boys grew up healthy, in fact healthier than most, and both were their parents’ pride and joy. They grew up and looked to be headed for promising lives, and then the Realm decided this small place needed to be brought under their protection. The father saw the coming threat, and spoke of a peaceful solution. The brothers on the other hand, believed violence was going to be the only recourse. Over the next few months the boys went behind their family’s back to attend anti-realm meetings. When the realm’s fleet arrived the father met them as an ambassador, but the first platoon on the ground killed him where he stood when their commander got nervous. That commander was you, and the ensuing massacre against a supposedly hostile force got you a promotion.

Over the next three years the brothers took their revenge where they could, a military convoy here, a patrol there, anything related to the realm was a fair target. You know this part of the story, I mean you were put in charge of the city most these attacks were taking place, mainly because it was the site of your great victory. This next part you could probably tell better than I can, you used blackmail, extortion, torture, bribery and fear to get a few of the locals to turn against the resistance. You let leak an operation meant to kill civilians, knowing the resistance couldn’t allow it, preying on their one weakness, compassion.

So you went forward with your plan, which cost your forces dearly, but the elimination of the resistance was worth those losses, at least your initial estimates. How were you to know that these backwoods country bumpkins would burn their world down before they would ever surrender. You had to bombard your own troops, and leveled an entire city to stop them, but it was worth it. I mean you did kill or capture every resistance member right? You captured one brother, and transferred him off this rock on a prison transport, the other was killed in the bombardments.

So here is the plot-twist in our fairytale. That brother didn’t die, in fact he is now a favored of the gods. They seem to think his ruthless and sneaky nature deserved a gift. He spent the next year getting used to his new gifts, and plotting his revenge. Imagine his surprise when he found the hero that murdered his father, was the same man that slaughtered his friends and captured his brother.

“Now that same dead brother sits across from you, I know a bit theatrical but you play the card you are dealt.†The man says pulling his mask to reveal blue hair and green eyes, the same eyes the commander had seen five years ago and gave a fire order on. Panic gripped the soldier, he tried to make a sudden move for his gun, but found his body unwilling to follow orders. “Don’t bother, you’ve been dead for 10 minutes now. That coffee you had before the lights went out, didn’t it taste just a little off?†The man with blue hair gave a smirk and brought the revolver to its holster.

“Killing me doesn’t solve anything, your resistance is crushed, and there’s nowhere you will be able to hide on this planet, or a way off it, you won’t get away with this.†The soldier chokes out before erupting into a coughing fit wracking his body with pain as his insides feel on fire.

“I already have gotten away with it, and I’m getting off this planet by taking your personal ship, or did you forget your leave starts right…†The man hesitates looking down at his watch. “now. I really just wanted you to know the name of the family you killed and the man that will kill you. My father was Gunther Porcello, my brother is Dierks, and my name is Aeron. Enjoy your death, the pain will subside in a second.†Aeron says walking towards the door, as he reaches the door the alarms inside the building all sound deafening the soldier. He feels the pain subside as he looks to where the man stood moments before, and he sees a smoking revolver pointed at his head and feels blood streak down his face as he slumps over into his death.


Ten Days Later:

The rumors are that Talap is getting fed up with the realm, and so I find myself here. The ship I took from that world had to be scrapped so I could get a ticket here, the damn pig that I sold it to gave me a tenth what I thought I’d get, but such is the life selling Realm property to scallywags and rascals. Should be the prime place to start a little trouble for the regime, and who knows, maybe bring them down a peg. Long live the resistance.

Just wondering if I qualified for any BP before I filled out the rest of the character sheet, and flaws and merits allowed?
OK. To answer some questions:

Yeah, Autochton is out there. Currently floating in the middle of Deep Space, with special Gate requirements to access. I cant guarantee on-demand access to Vats complexes, but Alchemicals are welcome.

As for so many types of gun: Those're a baseline. Many, many, many types of weapons are out there. Custom stuff is -heavily- encouraged.

As for the Ship Name...(points at the title) ^_^ .

And Erakos, I like what I see so far. Gimmie a sheet. As for Explosives...that sounds like chemistry, so Water? I may have to take some altered Craft rules.

And some inspirational music:
Third and fourth potential characters, in that case:

Moonsilver Caste.

God-Machine Sustaining Shrike.



Selfless Hierophant Of Deepest Astral Night

Apostate Charms everywhere.

Any of the four concepts appeal? I'll happily develop any of them further, but I like them all too much to focus without a bit of ST nudging.
There's two decent types of Craft rules. One is to make Craft one ability with specialties for each type of craft (like Linguistics Specialties with extra languages). The other is to break it into three sub-groups (Mundane, Essence and Esoteric) that deal with various things.

I'm waiting for your answer on that before I finish spending my bonus points. Darwinia's almost ready.

Haku said:
For those who wish to take some dots in Craft, I'll handle craft like linguistics.
There is only 1 craft ability. Each dot of craft allows you to have a SEPARATE type of craft (air, earth, fire, water, wood, magitech, glossamer, fate....).

If you have craft 3, you will have 3 types of craft, which are considered to be at 3 ranks each if needed for rolls.
Here's Haku's version. Slightly like the Specialty one.
Adding my voice as interested. Concept will take a little while, but I'm an EvE player and this looks interesting.
I read the there's a mention for Exalted, but how about Dragon Kings and Mountain Folk? i already have a bit of a concept with the former ones, but i mostly just want to get some use out of my Scroll of Fallen Races.

Otherwise, i may try making a Lunar or an Alchemical
I got a quick question before I post my backstory.

Where are all the Lunars in all this? Is there an equivalent of the Silver Pact in all of this somewhere?
Grey: Lets see more about that Moonsilver caste one.

Madmal: I'm likely to just simply go "Absent Aliens" there, but beastmen, enhanced humans, etc. etc. do exist. I'd rather your character be some Exalt though.

Lord of The Storm: Yes, the Silver Pact does exist, though since the Wyld-at-the-edge-of-the-universe is difficult to get at, they've become masters of traveling around Wyld Pockets (which are co-terminous with each other, basically the principle behind the Gates and the reason the Fair Folk had such an easy time with their invasion, each Gate is a potential exit point with very short supply lines)

Lastly, should any of you desire to speak questions in real-time, my AIM name is Leastinsane221, MSN min@hapeman.com. Feel free to get in touch.

Physical (8)

Strength: XXX

Dexterity XXXX

Stamina: XXXX

Social: (4)

Charisma: XX

Manipulation: XXX

Appearance: XX

Mental: 6

Perception: XXX

Intelligence: XXX

Wits XXX



Dawn: 8

Archery(f) XXXX 2bp

Martial Arts

Melee (F) XXX

Thrown: (f) XXX

War: X


Integrity: X



Resistance(f) X

Survival: X

Twilight: 6

Craft(f) XXX

(water, Fire, Air )

Investigation XX

Lore X



Night: (Caste) 9

Athletics XXX

Awareness XXX

Dodge XXXX 4bp

Larceny XXX

Stealth XXXX 4bp

Eclipse: 2

Bureaucracy X




Socialize X

Specialties: (3 bp)

Craft: poisons, explosives

Melee: Swords

Archery: revolver

Stealth: Moving quietly

Thrown: grenades


Enemy 3 son of captain he killed

Wanted 3 (captains son put out bounties)

Merit: (10bp)

Ambidextrous 1bp

Quick-draw 4bp

Danger sense 5 BP


Contacts: XXX

Spies: XXX (Realm military

Artifact: X Orichalcum breastplate

(8L/8B Soak) (3L/3B Hardness)


1st archery

2d athletics

2d larceny

2d stealth

Essence arrow attack

Body Mending Meditation

Shadow over water

Seven Shadow Evasion

Flawlessly impenetrable disguise

Flawless pick-pocketing technique


Compassion: XX

Conviction XXX

(flaw: Heart of flint)

Temperance XXX

Valor X


Resistance against the Realm, His revolver

Willpower: 6

Essence 3 (7 BP)

Personal: 15



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I [ ]
Nadana Reida was once a commoner. She was born in the Blessed Systems, the center of all the universe. Her parents, and by extension the rest of her family, worked a soy farm on a rather insignificant planet. The Immaculate Philosophy says that people like the Nadana family are important because without them, the Empire can’t exist. Reida never really got that feeling. She was the youngest child, and she spent her life being looked down on by not just everyone else on the planet, but her own family. She was useless to them, just another cheap farmhand, but without the experience of her older siblings, practically not worth the food she was given. It didn’t matter how much work she did, or how hard she tried. She was a nobody. At the young age of 15, she enlisted.

Minimum-age enlistment wasn’t exactly an uncommon practice. Plenty of people knew that the military was their best option far before they were looking to get married or inherit their parents’ land (or what piece of it they could). But Reida wasn’t just another whelp. She burned to be somebody, to be recognized. If the Upright Soldier (the ideal to which all Realm soldiers aspire) could do the morning drills in 30 minutes, she would do them in 25. If her peers could hit the bullseye at 250 meters, she would do it at 300. She was the best. Three years after she finished basic training, she made sergeant. Two more years, and she was put on a special ops team. And after a meager year, she was looking forward to a recommendation to get into a military academy. She wouldn’t just be some enlisted soldier. She would be an officer: someone with station in both the military and society. Someone her family could never hope to be equal in status to.

Things, of course, went to hell.

The officers who knew Reida were born into the upper echelons of society. They paid to go to military academies out of secondary school. And they knew that if she got a commission, she would climb the ladder using them as footstools. At least one of them must not have appreciated it. Reida got transferred to a special ops unit in the Threshold Cluster. Urban reconnaissance and peacekeeping, not that it mattered. It was a dead-end post. Reida knew why she’d been sent there. Even the scale she was put in charge of knew why she’d been sent there. And now she was stuck. Doomed to be a no-name lieutenant working some no-name satrapy’s capital. And there was nothing she or anyone could do.

It is unlikely that the raiders intended to help Reida in any fashion. It is more likely that they had been planning to kill her and every other member of the military in the area, then abscond with as much stuff as they could. Perhaps they would have succeeded, too. Mortars struck out, destroying the rest of the fang Reida had been working with in an instant. She was trapped behind a lone standing pillar, with an entire raiding party advancing on her. There was nothing left to do but fight. She swung out from her position, wielding her assault rifle and her sword, charging in. She should have died in a hail of bullets, but they did nothing to stop her. What few even touched her suddenly quicksilver movements merely bounced off a radiant golden light. She tore through the raiders like a machine, leaving nothing but a pile of guts and metal. As she stood there, the battle won, she knew that she had become a Solar. She was one of the greatest warriors in all the world, no longer someone to be looked down on. She scored the mark of the Empire that had kept her down from her armor and shield, and she left. Now a fugitive Anathema, she found some dead-end planet and tried to stay hidden. But she failed, and was tracked down only a couple days after arriving, and there was no way off. Now she awaits the Wyld Hunt, knowing she’ll have to prove her prowess once again. And then, if she lives…who knows?

Yay, Dawn Castes. Finishing up my drawing and preliminary character sheet.
God-Machine Sustaining Shrike
The Shrike's previous incarnations were dedicated servants of Autochthon - worryingly so, in fact. There was a certain degree of consternation about his Exaltation, his soul having a reputation for fanaticism and violence. Likewise, however, his past lives had been heroic, in their own ways - always poking into places where they were not welcome, uncovering Void Cults, corruption, or simply things they were not to know. Similarly, they were noted for survivability - one of them surviving in a ventilation system for no less than three months. The Shrike gained access to the greater universe through blackmail and murder - and was praised for it. Discovering an Orichalcum Caste, Steam-Dancing Soryu, was in service to a Void Cult, the Shrike cut a deal - convince the Ministers to open the Gates, and the Shrike would leave without alerting anyone. After months of effort, and the aid of other Alchemicals, the Ministers relented. Soryu was later found splattered across his quarters, with proof of his betrayal provided by the Shrike.

The Shrike cannot quite explain why it was so vital to leave, knowing only that there is something he must find and restore to Autochthon. Something in people. Something that draws him to regard mortals with his cold, assessing gaze like a butcher examining fresh meat. Until he finds this mysterious goal, the Shrike has been wandering - and the last ship he traveled on abandoned him on Talap for being entirely too creepy.

The Inspiration for this one:



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