• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Uncharted | Character Sheets


energy remains
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)



application info.

Required info will be:

- Expedition character or side character
- full name
- age
- gender/gender identity
- occupation
- residence (where they live currently)
- Bending type
- Level of Bending Mastery (if applicable).
- Special Skills
- history/bio
- personality description
- interests (optional)
- fears (optional)
- dreams/goals (optional)
- appearance: For this you can use either an anime styled picture or a written description, whichever is your preference.




Benders of the element of Fire. They possess the ability to create, shape, and control fire. Fire is described as the element of power and passion, it is aggressive and can overwhelm any who are untrained in its control. The original Firebenders were the dragons.



Benders of the element of Air. They possess the ability to create, shape and control air. Air is described as the element of freedom and peace, it is marked by incredible flexibility and the ability to follow the paths of least resistance. The original Airbenders were the Flying Bison.



Benders of the element of Water. They possess the ability to shape and control water. Water is described as the element of change, benders of this element are fluid and graceful, and deal with the flowing of energy. The original Waterbender was the Moon.



Benders of the element of Earth. They possess the ability to shape and control Earth. Earth is described as the element of substance, many Earthbenders are strong and grounded, and are able to endure much. The original Earthbenders were the badgermoles.



Individuals who do not possess any bending abilities. They may specialize in other forms of combat or abilities, ranging from sword fighting, chi-blocking, ranged weapons and more.



The link between the physical and spiritual world, master of all four elements.

extra information.

You can use whatever format or code you want for your character sheet so long as it has the required information present. Quality over everything else, I want to see deep and interesting characters who have motivations, dreams, desires, not just slabs of meat to throw at enemies if you know what I mean. If you have a concept you aren't sure about, message me here on RPN or reach out to me on the Discord, I'm always open to discussion.

Rules copied from the interest check

  • You are allowed to apply for more than one character, as long as you can handle them.
  • Your main-cast character is going to be somebody who has been invited by the leaders of the nations to partake in an expedition onto the Uncharted continent in order to explore it and attempt to find the Avatar. They honestly should be at least a little overpowered so I encourage you to have fun making them, all I ask is that you make them make sense.
  • Sub-bending styles are allowed so long as it makes sense for your character to have them. An example might be that you are playing a character that has mastered Earthbending and has now started to learn metalbending or lavabending. A novice would not know how to handle these styles.
  • Characters should be 18+, I may be willing to make exceptions to this rule for side characters, however your main plotline character should be an adult. If you are thinking of applying for a side character who is younger than 18, DM me either here or on Discord (once it's posted) and we will discuss the particulars.
  • Your character can only belong to one main bending style, there shouldn't be any characters who know both airbending and firebending, or earthbending and waterbending, etc.
  • Combat is going to be inevitable in a roleplay such as this, and there are two ways it can be worked out if it is between characters: the first is amongst yourselves, talk between yourselves to determine who would win a fight, and if you cannot come to a conclusion we roll dice or flip coins. Combat against the world/environment I will almost always let you decide for yourself unless I have a specific plan, which I will make apparent in OOC or through DMs.

♡coded by uxie♡
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Fumiko Sato
Age: 28

Gender: Female

Occupation: Senior R&D officer Sato Industries, Explorer, Member of the White Lotus

Role: Main Expedition Group

Home:United Republic of Nations

Bending Type: N/A

Special Skills: Engineering, Mechanics, Hand-to-hand combat, some chi-blocking, cooking, singing

Weapon: A prosthetic left arm from her elbow down of her own creation possessing several hidden features such as collapsable shield, taser, retractable blade and dart gun.

Pet: Tiger monkey "Ling Ling", her extra hand aid.


Brilliant and eccentric, Fumiko is a seemingly always a big ball of positive energy which never seems to run out therefore really seen just sitting down and relaxing. Her mind is always working with one idea after another, never staying on a thing for long, leaving behind many ongoing projects in search for the new idea. She works hard though and plays hard, looking for the next fun and pleasurable thing as quick as she searches her next project. Though generally bubbly and fun, she has some antisocial treats that can be off-putting to other, she has a high opinion of herself and cocky that might make it come off as arrogant, her pleasure seeking making her appear selfish, and she often uses her intelligence to manipulate others. Despite all that, she has a good heart beneath the blaster, she was raised to do the right thing and values the few friends who put up with her very much. She knows the importance of the next task ahead of her and dead set of completing.

Likes: Motorbikes, planes, singing, tinkering, spicy food, puzzles, excitement, exploring
Dislikes: most animals, interruption when being creative, sitting still, quiet times.


Fumiko was born in Republic City as a result of a one-night stand between a local woman from the Fire Nation family and a visiting Earth Kingdom businessman. Her father left the United republic unaware of his child, leaving Fumiko's mother to raise the child on her own. An act made more difficult due to the deeply traditional family her mother was from, Fumiko grandparents disowned both mother and child, forcing the pair to live in poverty. Fumiko's mother had little love for her child, often neglecting it and even attempting to abandon it several times, with only the help of some kind neighbours able to persuade her to take Fumiko back. This went on for three years of Fumiko's life before she was finally left at a local orphanage, never to see her mother again.

The orphanage was small and underfunded, but they cared for Fumiko as best as they could, finally showing the young toddler the care she had not shown her mother. She lived at the orphanage for the next few years, where she started to receive an education and was eventually found to be a bright child with a keen interest in anything mechanical, any toy she was given when broke apart and built back together, and she admired the occasional satomobile or bike that passed by the charity. She was also found to be a non-bender, something that caused her to be picked on by other orphans. She initially took the abuse before finally striking out in anger, getting her into trouble. Both events meant she had had very few friends growing up, but she seemed to not mind so much, seemingly taking solace in being by herself and doing things on her own.

A brewing triad turf war in the area caused considerable upending of Fumiko life in the orphanage. The constant fighting between the two triad groups had caused damage to the orphanage, and more than one of the orphans became involved in the gangs. Even Fumiko was drawn into the life, attracted by the vehicles the triads were driving. She attempted to have a closer look at one of the cars when she fell foul of its triad owner. An altercation occurred between her and the triad, but Fumiko could do little against the older and stronger man. He was about to show no mercy to the young girl if it were not for a blast of fire knocking the triad back, the source being a dark-skinned woman in water tribe garb. After the Water Tribe women defeated the tried, she turned to the young Fumiko, who was in awe of her. Korra helped the orphan back to the orphanage, and the pair chatted a little before she left. It was later that evening that Fumiko realised the water tribe woman was Avatar Korra herself.

After the turf war ended, Asami took an interest in the orphanage, becoming one of its patrons and funding the care of the children. Asami would visit often to check on her investment and to encourage the children for the next few years. Fumiko always looked forward to her visits, wanting to learn from her but also to see the very latest Satomobile Asami would drive. While Asami spoke with staff, Fumiko would sneak out to take a closer look at the car. Often, it was just a cursory look, as she was unable to access the inside. More than once, Asami caught her looking and noting the instance she had. One year, Asami came over with a new convertible. Fumiko could not resist opening the hood, taking a closer look at it, and taking it apart to see how it worked. She pulled one piece... Than the other... When Asami finally caught her, she had dismantled half the engine. Fumiko quickly began to reassemble it until Asami stopped her. Seeing Fumiko’s talent, she decided to take Fumiko as her apprentice.
Fumiko was overjoyed and gained the best of her education, focusing on her interest in engineering and invention. In addition, through Asami, she was introduced to the rest of the team avatar and their families, and through them, she found a new home and a chosen family. Something she had not truly had since her birth.

She was eventually given a role in Sato Industries R&D, a role she took on with great zeal, designing a new line of bikes when she was barely out of her teens. Her obsession for work did cause some concern, though, as she showed signs of recklessness. Fumiko ignored the concern, leading her to misstep and cause an explosion that caused her to use her left arm. The accident gave her pause for thought, but it did little to dampen her creativity. She took the loss of her arm as just another challenge she could invent to eventually produce her current arm.

Her connection to prominent individuals in Republic City piqued the interest of the media, which followed her keenly. Entering her adult years, Fumiko developed the image of the excentric playgirl and inventor; if she wasn’t in the lab inventing, she was out of parties of the rich and famous, which gained her some celebrity. Though this image endeared some to her, others criticized her for not taking her position seriously and not using it for the greater good. Fumiko did not care, though, as she was in something that would hopefully change the world for the better.
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At All Costs


water bender




Mina Nakamura


on expedition





Likes & Dislikes

+ water lilies + sweets + spicy foods
- fire - spiders - cramped spaces


ersonality and more.

Mina is known to be
quiet and reserved,
only speaking when spoken to.. Quietly listening and observing in the background of a crowded room. Once she feels comfortable with her peers, Mina can come out to be rather
sweet with a certain sense of humor.
Mina has a
deep sense of loyalty
to those she considers close to, putting her friends and family’s lives over hers even if they don’t deserve it. Her need to protect those she loves gives Mina inspiration to work harder for her dream to become a better healer. With this sense of loyalty and devotion, however, she can come off as overprotective and overbearing.. Sometimes naive, causing her be taken advantage of.
Due to an incident as an apprentice healer working in the fire nation, Mina had gained an irrational fear of fire. She had received a scar which she hides on the right side of her face across her eye. She holds no grudge against fire benders, but because of her trauma, she is wary of healing and/or working with fire benders as they use their abilities.


istory & Bending Mastery.

Mina grew up in a loving family living in the Southern Water Tribe. Considered blessed by her family for the gift bestowed by the moon goddess of silver, snowy white hair. She was treasured by her family as an only child, due to her mother being told she was never to have children to begin with. Mina was sheltered due to being born with a weak body at birth. Because of this, her father never prioritized her need to learn offensive bending that her tribe had been so commonly known for, instead, she was placed with her mother in the healing huts to learn how to become a midwife and healer for their tribe.. Growing up under the mentorship of other women and men learning to become a healer, Mina had found her niche and had begun studying on her own. Once she had grown healthier and gained more individual freedom, Mina devoted her time in the library and healing huts, practicing to better her skill– wanting to become useful to her father as well as the rest of her tribe despite her lack of knowledge of aggressive water bending. Once Mina had come of age, and was old enough to travel with her mother to the other four nations, Mina began to expand her knowledge on how to treat different wounds due to different circumstances resulting in her need to thrive, hungering for new opportunities to explore and learn about the world around her to prove to her family that she was more useful out in the real world..
Mina has grown to be an exceptional healer during her time training and learning under the mentoring of her mother in the southern water tribe and values herself as an asset to combat as a medic. Her focus with her bending is strictly defensive, with her top priority being that of the injured and getting them out of combat so that their wounds can be treated as quickly and effectively as possible. Her offensive skills are average at best however, she will hold her own and buy time for her team if and when absolutely necessary.



♡coded by uxie♡
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fluticasone fluticasone
full name
junko ozawa
lowkey bi
mother, earthbending teacher, vigilante
republic city
character status
bending type
earth, sub lava
Junko is considered a master earthbender ever since she was 16, quite the young prodigy at that time. Though, as the daughter of two probenders, who were each masters of their element, it was to be expected of her. While she's known to be able to lavabend since her early teen years, she mastered it just shy of reaching 20, after two whole years of focusing on learning the ability at a remote volcanic island. She's no where near mastering metalbending, only a "skilled beginner" as she would call herself; just competent enough to call herself a practicing metalbender, as someone with her reputation. Her bending style is a mix between traditional earthbending and some martial-arts inspired probending moves.
Her special skills include tracking (as in following in another's trails), seismic sense, and she's got quite the knowledge of plants (e.g which are edible, which are poisonous), as botany is one of her more prominent hobbies. If you could count alert as a skill; she's perceptive, and seem to get a sixth sense on danger, a feeling on when or where it will happen, so she can make sure to be there for it.
art credit
Junko cares greatly about how she appears to the world; she feels like there's always eyes on her, the weight of the social pressure, as the president's son's wife and daughter of two retired multi-champion probender. She dresses neat and feminine, leaning towards the more formal look, with the preference of a certain style of suits that's it's almost trademarked to her at this point. (example1, example2, example3) Being an earthbender, she follows the tradition of primarily wearing earth-tones, though sometimes she can be seen in red, too, showing homage to her firebending mother, or greys or black, honoring her nonbender husband's family.
Standing only a bit taller than the average height, she boosts it a little more by wearing kitten heels. Though if not for appearance's sake, she'd much prefer going barefoot everywhere. She's quite fair-skinned, showing her fire heritage, with clear green eyes of an earth blooded descent. She keeps her medium length slightly wavy black hair (that's already starting to grow greys) in a low bun or pony most of the times. As for accessories, she likes to keep it simple, with just either a necklace, a pair of earrings, a gold or jade bangle, or none at all.
While teaching and/or bending, she wears more old-schooled & traditional earth kingdom clothing. Baggy pants and barefoot, way more practical, how she actually prefers to dress. During the expedition, she'd be dressed this way, too.
Her facial features are already sharp genetic-wise, and made even more so by her natural/resting frowning face. Her angular brows almost in constant furrowed state, her face only relaxing near kids, her own or otherwise. In social situations, especially with important people around, as the ones she's in tend to be, her expression is less angry/stressed and more plastered polite smile.
Jun is perceptive, her senses wired to always be alert and ready for danger. She's always got a strong sense of justice, and makes sure to act on it, sometimes making her reckless and self-sacrificing, prioritizing others or the general population above her, especially her son, which she can get over protective of, and would do anything for. She knows she'll need to learn to let him experience the world and make decisions of his own, but for now he's still (quite literally) her little baby. Ever since having her own child, she's became more maternal, causing her to show more grace and becomes increasingly more lecturey. She can be quite bossy at times, unintentionally becoming very "mother knows best". Most of the times it's brought up by the panic of wanting to control a situation before it gets worse. But when she's in trouble of her own making, she gets defensive and refuses help, very untrusting of the helping hand offered, rightfully so.
She's impatiently patient, meaning she'd let things run their course, but if she could help them move along faster, she would. She rarely shows her restlessness, but would pace and fidget subconsciously. She was very hotheaded in her teen years, but she likes to think she's grown enough as a person to be able to control her anger now. She really is generally a cool, calm and collected person now, just don't anger, annoy, or bother her too much.
One thing that hasn't change at all through her years is her stubbornness. She'd always fight her way through, resilient and headstrong, unyielding; her anarchist side shining through. Oh, and also, her sharp tongue, though it rarely sees the light of day the past few years, as she's learned to bite them.
Junko knows most people, especially in her current social circles, only tolerate her for her status, and her pretty face. How powerful she is helps, sure, but it's rarely known or mentioned now. She hates to, but she could act civil, make small talk, pretends to care when she needs to. Living years amongst those from a higher class has unknowingly made her have a certain aura of arrogance, albeit suitably (not for her status but for her hard earned skills).
Junko was a rebel prodigy, turned politician's wife. As a kid, she's always been rowdy, was prone to getting into (or starting, really) fights. Being a kid of two probenders will do that to you. Her parents encouraged and supported her in every way. This did make her a bit spoiled for quite some time, but she grew out of it. She was loud and very vocal about a new thing she finds interesting every other week, until one sticks with her. As her training progresses, so does her activism, for just about anything, as the world was quite fucked up. Before a problem is solved, another one seems to rise up. So, she decided to dedicate using her bending for good.
She was always quite the powerful kid. Discovering earthbending at the three years old, to the (short lived) disappointment of her firebender mother, her father wasted no time in starting her training. With their connections, she managed to study under the best earthbending master there was. Though he almost dropped her as she did not seem to be able to focus for a while, she eventually became a master herself, at just 16 years old. Then was when she started to focus on her "afterschool activity", vigilantism. She's been doing that ever since she reached teenage years and gained more freedom of her free time. Her earthbending teacher knew of it, but he did not forbid her to do so (not that he'd succeed), nor did he encourage it. Republic City's law enforcements were good, of course, but they mostly focus on the high profile cases, leaving its general citizens, especially those less fortunate, to fend for themselves. Until Junko decided to pick up their slack.
Until she got caught. Her parents were surprised, but not really, still, they managed to pull some strings so she was let off by just a warning, and the promise of jail time if she were to continue. The mere slap on the wrist was more like a slap to the face to her, who realized her parents are just like the people she's been protecting others from, those who could get away with anything if they wanted to. So, to distance from them, she left Republic City.
After having no steady roof over her head for a few months, she finally settled on a pretty remote island, which happened to be volcanic. There, she decided to stay for a couple years, to master lavabending by herself. Stubborn as she is, she eventually became confident enough in her skills to bestow the title lavabending master to herself. The deciding factor, though, was when she managed to help the locals by stopping the volcano from destroying their village. That also made her miss helping the general public, hiding behind a mask or not, so she decided to go back to her hometown.
She wasted no time in getting back to business. The then 20 years old promised herself she'd be more careful and only does her vigilante shit at night to lessen the risk of getting caught. Reluctant to go back to her house and her parents, she decided to live by herself, tutoring novice earthbenders to earn money.
Things went smoothly for a few years, and she's grown quite a reputation for herself, then known as Master Earthbender Jun. She didn't use her full name, in hopes of shedding her history altogether, but alas, her parents found her eventually, and she was forced to return home. Now retired, they decided to build her a full blown bending school. So she started officially teaching there.
...And she hated it. Her students there were mostly the children of the people she was trying so hard to avoid, she left the city. Which would've been fine, if they were truly interested in mastering earthbending for the good of it. But they just want power, prestige. She tried to get some scholarship students in, but they were protested away by the other students' and their parents. So she taught half-heartedly, and her presence at the school with her name on it became rarer and rarer, for she'd rather busied herself with her heart's true calling..... until she got caught again. And this time, they slapped her wrists with a pair of handcuffs, and put her behind bars.
Not even a week of being detained, she was freed, though this time, not fully, as she's given a different kind of life sentence. The one that comes with a ring on her finger.
Somehow, her parents managed to know enough people to know the president himself, and struck a personal deal. Truly an amazing feat for mere retired probenders, though she was not surprised, as she now sees them as who they are, successful social climbers. The exchange of her record for her hand in marriage was made.
Junko's life changed drastically, and she adjusted, or more precisely, was made to adjust. With way more eyes than she's used to on her now, it was hard for her to leave without them knowing, let alone doing as her heart desires. So it stopped for a while. Impatient in nature, she grew restless, but she prevailed, putting a different mask this time, becoming the picture perfect politician's wife. Not that his husband's an active politician. He was a good enough person, even though she doesn't even see him often, only a few times a week. Who knows what he's up to, but she quickly assumed that him being that seclusive, it couldn't be anything good. His social status didn't exactly help her view of him. Still, she didn't resent him personally, so they were civil enough, when they do meet.
A couple years passed, and her restlessness grew more with each passing day, threatening to boil over. So she decided to do something about it. It took her long enough, but she continued once again, doing the thing that got her caught twice, and trapped in the loveless marriage she's in. This time, she doesn't care anymore if she's caught.
It felt as if as soon as the clock striked midnight on her 25th birthday, both her in laws and parents demanded a child of her. "It's been long enough," they said. Has it really? And they didn't even ask if she wanted one. She gave them a stern refusal, but they gave her an even stronger rebuttal. She'd be free to do as she pleases, albeit on the down low, so long as she gives them a grandchild. So she did.
She expected to hate her child. Throughout the pregnancy, she sure did. It gave her nothing more than sickness, bloating, and soreness all over, after all. And that wasn't even the unsavory parts. To her surprise, her husband stepped up, coming out of his shell more often, always ready to help his pregnant wife. And then her son was born. And she couldn't abandon him, to "do as she pleases". So she became a devoted mother.
After a year, her little warrior was big enough and she's fully recovered back to her normal self, she took them on their word and continued on her vigilantism. Again and to no one's surprise, they didn't like that, and once again try to shackle her down, by signing her up for this expedition, saying it's "perfect for her", and it's "basically what she wants anyway". She has heard of this supposed expedition before, but was reluctant to sign herself up, not knowing how long it'd take, and what it'll cost her. Not now that she has a child to think of. But now, with her teeth gritted, she has no choice but to go.
- The Ozawa Bending School is still a thing, the teachers are now just Jun's dad and mom, and no less famous than when she's there. Even more now, maybe.
- Jun's mom, Keiko Ozawa, is 61, a waterbending master, retired probender. She mastered waterbending after she retired. Jun's dad, Boma Ozawa, 67, retired probender, was the equivalent of a trust fund kid in Republic City. They're both alive. Junko doesn't have siblings.
- Her vigilante costume. But barefoot or just wearing something like yoga socks instead of soled shoes. And a mask that covers most of her face.
- She still teaches earthbending, just taking one protégé at a time, to those she deems deserving. Ones that are at least as much the anarchist as she is.
- Her marriage is not totally loveless. At the very least, there's respect, either one way or mutual. They both are great parents though.
- Her vigilante persona is known as "Onna" (女), literally meaning "lady", as when asked who she is by those she just saved, she used to (cheekily) answered "I'm just a lady"
- a very light sleeper
- her favorite flowers is lilies
- she has a garden of flowers and poisonous plants
- she's not school smarts, she just weirdly knows a lot about soil & plants, and pretty well-read
likes & dislikes
+ coffee (black), tea (black, green, oolong), night time, classical music
- hot & humid weather, parties, cooking, driving, carbonated drinks, overly sweet or sour food & drinks
- botany & gardening
- vigilantism
- anarchism
- flower-arranging
- reading (classics, poems, historical, textbooks & encyclopedias)
dying young, anything (bad) happening to her son, freefalling
a just world
no more crimes, both blatant and especially hush hush ones; to build a better world for her son and all future generations.
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fluticasone fluticasone
Sun Feng
Sun Feng
none - most often referred to as Sun, or Master Feng by his students.
male (he/him)
Republic City
Ba Sing Se
personal earthbending teacher for the Huong family
character status
expedition character
Standing at 5'10" and weighing about 165 lbs, Sun Feng boasts an athletic build. His hair is a medium length black cut into a choppy bob style with blonde underdye, usually worn up and out of his face. His eyes are an earthy yellow-brown that appears bright golden in direct sunlight.
He prefers to wear loose fitting, comfortable clothes that do not impede him in any way. Like most Earthbenders, he also does not wear traditional shoes, but can sometimes be seen wearing foot coverings with no soles. He has a few small ear piercings made from glass.
Sun Feng is very much a product of his environments, shaped by the hands that raised him, and many they were. He is proud of his upbringing, proud of his skills and boasts often, and to anyone who will listen. Make no mistake, though, there is no emptiness to his boasts and he is the kind of person that will back it up. He's also quite competitive, finding any excuse he can to make a competition of things. Say you can eat more fire flakes? He'll double up, even at the detriment of his stomach and taste buds. He is loyal to and protective of those he lets into his life, clinging to them as though they'd vanish in thin air. To make a friend of Sun Feng is to make a friend for life, no matter your faults or short-comings.
Sun is also highly optimistic, choosing always to see the good in things, even when it may sometimes seem impossible to find those things. That said, he can be somewhat easy to anger, and he often releases his anger in highly physical ways. Never against another person, mind you, unless they punched first, but he can be quite destructive to an environment if he's pissed off. Another thing to know about Sun, and a way to pretty easily get him to do things you want him to, is that he's quite materialistic, reveling in riches and goods. He'll also never turn down a free meal.
Likes: gold, bao buns, jasmine tea, pro-bending
Dislikes: Republic city, orange, bitter foods, flying
  • Power Disc
  • Metalbending crafts and craftsmen
  • He's quite interested in Fire Nation culture, and is especially interested in witnessing an Agni Kai.
Praesent lacinia sem vel ante euismod, nec mollis nisi tincidunt. Cras semper justo a sapien aliquam rhoncus. Mauris facilisis suscipit mattis. Sed vitae ipsum a ipsum eleifend suscipit et ac quam. Praesent sed nibh quis turpis sodales dignissim. Mauris purus turpis, fermentum at scelerisque sodales, ornare nec ante.
Fusce at purus id dolor fringilla commodo quis a ipsum. Pellentesque dapibus consequat elit, imperdiet tincidunt purus auctor at. Sed eget lectus et lorem mattis rutrum sed ac orci. Cras a auctor ipsum. Vivamus eleifend nisi sed turpis venenatis, consectetur euismod ante viverra. Donec massa tortor, posuere lobortis ornare vel, semper in metus. Praesent non nulla et odio eleifend pharetra in vel dolor. Ut mauris leo, sollicitudin at aliquet non, ornare a velit. Fusce in urna metus.
Etiam non nisl in sapien rutrum rhoncus. Maecenas ut ornare dui, cursus fermentum felis. Fusce sodales in magna at volutpat. Phasellus eu lectus at lectus tincidunt accumsan faucibus id nibh. Etiam tincidunt arcu in purus imperdiet, id malesuada ipsum accumsan. Nam mattis dolor sed ipsum tempor sagittis. Aliquam ut nisl nec enim feugiat ultrices at faucibus ipsum. Mauris et lorem ac nibh viverra feugiat.
Nulla facilisi. Duis fermentum magna quis leo pretium, ac interdum felis scelerisque. Integer sed erat ex. Sed mattis vulputate massa. Nam dapibus accumsan dictum. Nulla in nisi elementum, elementum tellus eget, sollicitudin sapien. Proin vulputate condimentum quam et egestas. Duis aliquam, urna in elementum maximus, neque felis pharetra est, dapibus mattis justo nulla non erat. Curabitur mauris risus, accumsan id lectus semper, varius viverra mi.
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fluticasone fluticasone
Basic Info
Tashi Noli
cis female; she/her
Tashi doesn't have a dedicated residence as she tends to travel all over in search of adventure. She is an Airbender and her level of skill is considered advanced. She has no occupation but happily volunteers her time to help others whether it be in Republic City or elsewhere, and she does it for free, just wanting the satisfaction of making others happy.
As far as special skills are concerned, Tashi is an expert when it comes to flight and uses her personal glider to get around. Despite traveling alone, she is great with others and has excellent persuasion skills. She is also skilled in self defense and uses a wooden staff to protect herself and others. She is nonviolent and tends to take the diplomatic approach when it comes to resolving conflicts with others.
Tashi is one to talk her way out of a sticky situation: her skills of persuasion and diplomacy are strong and she has a way of using empathy as well as building rapport with others in order to calm them or sway them to her side of the argument. The last thing she wants to do is actually fight, and even then she doesn't go on the offensive but rather she defends herself and others with her bo staff. She realizes that sometimes it has to come to that, try as she might to avoid it, but she still hates it.
She is an explorer at heart, and wants to chronicle her journey through the world to make it into a book one day. Her hopes and dreams include becoming a famous Airbender Explorer who dared to chart the unknown and record it all down for future generations. She has a personal library back home full of World History and Geography books that she loves to read, and she loves to study flora and fauna as well in her spare time.
Aside from reading and studying various forms of life and biology, she loves writing in her journal and presents it in a way where it's like an adventure story, because she wants something to engage the reader once the time comes to write a book about her explorations. But as much as she loves to discover new things, there are quite a few fears she has as well. She is a bit superstitious and has to knock on her wooden staff three times before entering an area she's never been in before. She's also afraid of the dark and cannot sleep without a light present somewhere. She also has a strong fear of dying young but her drive to accomplish her dream keeps her going even when the situation seems a little risky.
Tashi was born into a new generation of Airbenders that would take up the mantle and restore the population of the Airbenders after the Harmonic Convergence. She and other female Airbenders went off to be raised and trained in their skills at the Eastern Air Temple, which had not been used since before the 100 years war long ago. From an early age, Tashi was vibrant, curious and wanted to know more about the world around her. Try as she might to leave the temple to discover new things, she was promptly brought back and scolded for it.
It wouldn't be until she turned eighteen when she was able to leave the temple, trained in airbending as well as with a bo staff to strictly defend herself with, for Airbenders were ones who embraced peace above all else. While she did come back home often enough, Tashi went out in search of exploring new places and meeting new people, studying animals and plants along the way and making notes on everything and everyone she encountered. After reading a few books on explorations and expeditions, she decided to write one herself, keeping a journal that details her exploits.

Soko Mizai

Age: Twenty-eight

Gender: Male

Occupation: Missionary/Representative

Role: Main Expedition Group

Home: Southern Water Tribe

Bending Type: Fire

Bending Mastery: Moderate/Incomplete

Special Skills: Bone carving, leather making, snow sculpting, wood working, metal working.


From a young age Soko traveled with his mother from place to place, nation to nation, helping those in need. He and his mother were both part of a missionary outreach group that sought to end hunger and suffering throughout the nations. His father had grown weary of such a life and left them when Soko was only two, having been fed up with the inability to settle down.

By the time of his mother's death Soko had reached the age of eighteen and made the decision to stay in the last place they had gone to help, the Southern Water Tribe. Though it was far from how it use to be, growth is not without its pains. Every nation no matter the size has people who go hungry, or those who are in need of some form of aid.

Soko spent the next ten years in the Southern Water Tribe helping all that he could. Sending petitions to the Capital, beseeching those with power to send supplies or food. He started a small organization and his popularity within the Tribe grew and grew and he was soon a very recognizable face throughout the entire city.

He now runs a medium scale operation within the Southern Water Tribe making sure those who need help gets it, making trips to the Capital in person as a unofficial representative and sharing his ideas with their people in hopes that one day every nation can accomplish what he set out to do.


Soko has been heavily influenced by the people he has met and the places he has been, most of all by the people of the Southern Water Tribe. He has the fiery passion of a Firebender, but the calm precision of a Waterbender. His forms flow like the waves causing his flames to be smooth and glow a soft blue. He is tenacious when it comes to helping others, and he is willing to unleash hell upon those who would seek to cause harm.


Interests: Outside of his current occupation Soko interests include: learning about other Nations, practicing his firebending, reading, and making metal sculptures.

Fears: Soko isn't afraid of many things, but being trapped underground would be his greatest fear.

Goals: His goal in life is to carry on his mother's legacy in his own way and help as many people as he can.

Raman Baner

  • earthbender.jpegName: Raman Baner

    Status: Expedition Character

    Age: 25

    Gender: Male

    Residency: Ba Sing Se

    Occupation: Informant


    Eyes: Golden brown

    Hair: Sokka-length, curly brown hair

    Height: 6” 0’

    Weight: 190 lbs

    Skin: Olive toned

    Distinguishing features: Always seen with his goggles. When he uses Sand Sight or does a lot of sand bending, they help keep all the sand out of his eyes.​
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I can't code so I'm just using plain text here.

Expedition character
- full name:
Yei Sugi
- age: 23
- gender/gender identity: Cis female
- occupation: Athlete/Pro-bender
- residence (where they live currently): Republic City
- Bending type: Fire
- Level of Bending Mastery: Like most pro-bending athletes Yei possesses an aggressive and rather non-traditional style of bending, thus is difficult to classify. Certainly she would not be at the level that the more traditional benders would consider "mastery". She has, however, received some formal training from childhood back in the Fire Nation before relocating to Republic City.
- Special Skills: Lightning generation
- history/bio: Yei has humble beginnings in the Fire Nation. Although he had been a respected soldier, an injury forced her father into early retirement. It was disappointing to the man that his career had been cut short, but at least it had enabled him to settle down with his sweetheart and pick up on some of his craftsmanship skills. Some point during this time Yei was conceived and then shortly after she was brought into the world.

Practically right from birth Yei proved herself to be feisty and difficult to control. She was a naturally curious child, the type that is prone to getting into incidents: breaking objects, getting injured, etc. This innate nature of the child only increased tenfold when it was revealed that, surprisingly despite her parentage, that she was a bender. Now the family had to contend with stray flames potentially setting the place on fire. Additionally, they felt powerless to help the child to wield this power, thus beginning their search to find her a proper master.

The family had a modest income, mostly consisting of the father's military pension and whatever he managed to earn from his craft. However, he also had a reputation, one of respect and renown for his deeds during his military career. This made some bending masters eager to instruct his child, including some of the finest in the Fire Nation. Although many of the masters found the child difficult to control the family eventually found one suitable, an older and jaded man who was a military veteran himself. He became one of the few capable of instilling a sense of discipline in the wild girl.

During her training Yei picked up many of the traditional firebending techniques, including lightning generation. In fact, she proved herself to be something of a prodigy. The master became certain that she would move on to do great things in the world. Yet, despite all this instruction and praise the girl found her attention shifting to something else seemingly more trivial: the sport of Pro-bending. She came to like the fast paced and intense nature of the game, something she felt could finally keep up with her. As a result she began imitating some of the techniques utilized in the sport, rather non-traditional firebending techniques that did not win her master's approval. After some time he simply gave up on trying to train the girl at all. She simply stuck to her own ways, rather stubbornly, although she proved to be a formidable bender in her own right.

One day during a casual pro-bending match in the outskirts of her town, Yei was noticed. She was seen as being potential new and fresh talent, precisely what the sport needed. Soon afterwards she was recruited into a team. She performed well, quickly becoming a fan favourite. She also found herself climbing the ranks, eventually being asked to join one of the bigwig teams back in Republic City. It was an offer she could not refuse, both for the chance to play professionally and to see parts of the world outside of her own neck of the woods.

Soon Yei found herself settled in Republic City living as a professional athlete. She still retained a loyal fanbase and was known to be one of the top firebenders in the league, yet somehow it was not enough. She came to crave more in life: adventure. Fortunately for her, having a reputation came with opportunities. She found herself invited to join the expedition to search for the lost Avatar, yet another offer she could not refuse. Especially if it got her away from her monotonous life.
- personality description: Much like the element she wields Yei is a fierce individual. She is headstrong and perhaps even short-tempered. She is not one to back down from a fight either, especially when provoked. Surrender is also rarely an option for her as she is very much the type who has to prove herself and even get in the last word. Naturally, she excels at more offensive bending techniques.

Although she possesses this fierce attitude, Yei is principled. If she is given something worthy to fight for then she remains loyal to that cause. She will very much choose her battles depending on which side she believes is fighting for a righteous cause. She knows the history of her own nation and hopes to be a more positive reputation in the shadow of the former Fire Lord Zuko's ideals.

Perhaps unsurprising for someone in her profession, Yei has come to enjoy her time in the limelight. It has forged her into a rather extroverted individual who basks in the opportunity to get to know others. She is, at heart, a social butterfly. She enjoys making friends about as much as she enjoys the prospect of adventure. She is curious and a curator of the unknown, someone eager to jump into an unfamiliar situation (which can also come with the potentially fatal flaw of her not having a tendency to plan ahead).​
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636042d9cbc001bc5d4c2a67f7432c524c3672e4-1280x720 - Copy.pngExpedition character or side character: Expedition Character

Full name: Publicly: Lee Kishim/Privately: Tonatiuh

Age: 35

Gender: Male (he/him)

Occupation: Publicly: Junior Adjunct to the Fire Lord/Privately: Emissary of the Sun Warriors

Residence: Capital City, Fire Nation

Bending type: Firebender

Level of Bending Mastery: Master

To the general public, Lee Kishim is an average citizen of the Fire Nation. He was born in a small village and is the only child of a farmer and his wife. He entered the civil service as a young man and quickly became an adjunct in the court of the Fire Lord, serving mostly as a chronicler and recorder of official business.

In reality, Lee Kishim is the public alter ego of Tonatiuh, a Sun Warrior. He was born as the second son of the Sun Warrior chief. Tonatiuh was raised among the hidden tribe in the ruins of their ancient city, where he learned the pure nature of fire and the philosophy of the Sun Warriors. He studied the practical applications of firebending under the tutelage of his father. When the time came, he brought a spark of the eternal flame to the mountain looming over the ruined city. There, he was met by Ran and Shaw, two of the last living dragons. They judged his worth and found him deserving of the knowledge they held. Ran and Shaw bathed him in their rainbow flames. Tonatiuh saw the true meaning of fire and the power of the sun. He descended the mountain a full-fledged Sun Warrior.

From there, Tonatiuh became an assistant to his father and brother. He helped maintain the order and secrecy of the tribe. The small island rarely crossed the minds of outsiders, and they rarely came snooping around old stone ruins. Nearly five years ago, Tonatiuh was given a task by his father. Ever since the time of Avatar Aang and Fire Lord Zuko, the Sun Warriors’ philosophy had enjoyed a resurgence in the Fire Nation, and their secrecy and independence were honored by the succeeding Fire Lords. However, the world’s balance had been upended by the passing of Avatar Korra, the failure of a new Avatar to emerge, and the strange new lands. To better serve the tribe and the world, Tonatiuh would be sent to the court of the Fire Lord to serve as an emissary of the Sun Warriors, promote their philosophy, and aid however he could with the state of the world.

He was introduced at court under the alias of Lee Kishim, a minor adjunct with an unimpressive background. Throughout most days, he would sit behind a small desk off the side of the Fire Lord’s throne room, recording the work of the Fire Lord. However, when sent for, he would meet with the Fire Lord in secret to discuss the growing concern over the state of the world and the limited affairs between the Sun Warriors and the Fire Nation.

As Lee, Tonatiuh has adopted a meek and submissive personality. His shoulders hunch forward. He moves quickly from place to place and keeps his eyes trained on the ground. The illusion is complete with a pair of thick glasses and and oversized robes.

As Tonatiuh, he is a proud man. He stands tall and carries himself with quiet dignity. Having communed with the first firebenders, he is deeply connected to the spiritual side of bending. He believes in the redemption of foes and those who have transgressed. He would instead redeem and rehabilitate an enemy rather than outright kill them.

  • Astronomy
  • Arts
  • The loss of Ran and Shaw
  • The discovery of the Sun Warriors’ city


  • 1715739633711.pngName: Suzu Hamauzu
    Age: 29
    Gender/gender identity: Female/ (she/her but she is not picky)
    Occupation: Criminal Entertainer
    Residence: Fire Nation Capital
    Bending type: Air Bender

    Personality description:
    A girl of questionable nature, mainly why? This soft-spoken chatterbox is light hearted and the type to throw a cheeky joke to the wind. Suzu doesn’t really seem to sweat the small stuff and remains as fickle as the breeze itself. Laughing at jokes she doesn’t find funny to fit in, doing her best to mind her manners when the situation calls, and the type to let others take the spotlight. For Suzu happiness is the sound of harmony with those around her. How much of her personality is true or fake is a mystery to even Suzu herself.

    Below the surface is a brewing storm, a vague sense of unease Suzu can’t put words into. Her accepting nature and lack of desires gave birth to cowardliness. Her wish for harmony led to ignorance. Unable to rise to lofty heights Suzu finds herself in the eye of an emotional storm of her own making unsure if she should ask for help or lash out.

    [art is from Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent of Hasumi by Naoki Ikushima]
I'm putting the theme song here because the audio player won't work.



full name

Shu Ming


Vagabond | Independent Merchant




Female | She/Her


Ba Sing Se


October 10th


Earth Nation

  • hair

    Shu has long straight dark green hair that goes down to below her thighs. She usually keeps the hair down, but when back at the estate will let her servants style it up. Because she's had to style it for so long Shu enjoys leaving her hair down to freely hang.


    she has yellow/hazel eyes with a hint of green around the pupil.


    4'11" | 149cm


    170 LBS | 77kg


    Shu has natural tan skin, and a stout body figure.

♡coded by uxie♡

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Kalea Naeole

# Waterbender

# Main Expedition

♡coded by uxie♡

Full Name
Ayane Tanaka
Stage Name
The Star
Date of Birth
November 23rd
Hair Color
Strawberry Blonde
Eye Color
"After the blackness of night, Earth's star rises on the horizon, spreading her gold in every direction. She comes in the way that natural forces do, needing not invitation yet feeling her welcome. The light is her gift, bold and free, for anyone who cares to open their eyes in the dawn and watch the world awake. This is our sun, a fire ignited to bring warmth to creation and inspire us to seek our own beauty within."

- Angela Abraham
"My instruments are an extension of me, intertwined with my soul. All of my emotion, good or bad, has been felt through the pluck of a string and the breath of the air."
Her strawberry blonde hair, woven into intricate braids, frames her face with a soft, enchanting glow. Each braid captures the sunlight, highlighting the delicate interplay of gold and red hues. Her bright green eyes, sparkling with curiosity and warmth, seem to dance with the melodies she creates. As a musician, her hands, often adorned with subtle calluses, move with a practiced grace over her instrument, whether it's the strings of a lyre or the keys of a flute. Her presence exudes a harmonious blend of artistic spirit and natural beauty, captivating all who have the pleasure of witnessing her perform. She has a distinct fondness for light and airy clothes, particularly in the vibrant shades of orange and yellow. These colors, echoing the warmth of a sunrise and the brilliance of blooming flowers, seem to mirror her sunny disposition. She delights in fabrics that are soft and breathable, like chiffon or linen, enjoying how they drape effortlessly and move with the breeze.
Ayane radiates enthusiasm and creativity with her vibrant spirit. Her curiosity knows no bounds, leading her to explore new places and experiences with infectious excitement. Her expressive eyes light up with every new discovery, and her radiant smile is a testament to her love for life and the people in it. Interacting with those around her is made easier by her perceptive mind, enabling her to pick up on even the slightest changes in someone's demeanor. She thrives on connection and deeply values the relationships she forms, often becoming the glue that brings diverse groups of people together.

This social behavior has its downsides, though. Oftentimes, Ayane's eagerness to help spreads her thin, rendering her unable to successfully assist any of the involved personnel. This also leads to an overall neglect of her personal well-being, focusing on proving useful to others rather than herself. She struggles with feelings of inadequacy in all aspects of her life and masks her insecurity with an unyielding and almost overbearing sense of optimism. While this positive outlook may lift the spirits of her peers, it proves dangerous when facing undeniable defeat, making her appear naive and insensitive.

  • Sweet Buns
  • Storytelling
  • Dancing
  • Learning New Instruments
  • New Experiences

  • Blubbered Seal Jerky
  • Small Spaces
  • Isolation
  • Micromanagement
  • Past Dwelling
Click to Expand Backstory
"I still can't believe it. I mean, how long have we left this thing alone and now we're finally able to explore it. I think this'll be fun!"

"I wouldn't be so sure, Aya. I mean this could be dangerous...why not just head with us to the next job? We need you."

"I'm sorry, but I gotta go. You guys sound amazing without me, I promise. Think of how much good can come from this! I'll catch up later-"

And with that, she was off, leaving her newfound bandmate standing in disbelief. She felt a little bad, as she had promised this group she'd help them earn some extra cash at their next few gigs, but this was not something she could ignore! It feels like it's been forever since she's had something this exciting. For her to be chosen may have come as a surprise to her, but her peers would expect nothing less. Her almost master level of soundbending more than makes up for her lack of military training and her offensive style is unlike that of most airbenders.

A portion of those who share her bending class look down on her for this exact reason, including her own father. He tried extremely hard to steer his daughter towards the path of peaceful and conscientious bending practices; however, the tighter he held the reins, the more defying she got. She could never understand why it was so frowned upon to deviate from simply defensive tactics. And just because her attacks packed a little more of a punch doesn't mean she can't refrain from dealing a fatal blow. Once she showed promise in soundbending, the seventeen year old declined her father's guidance and began training herself.

During the light of day, she would venture out to the rocky beaches of the place she called home, Air Temple Island. It was there she would experiment with turning sound waves into weapons, changing their sharpness and density to damage and destroy her poorly handmade targets. Once the darkness fell, she would often sneak into popular nightlife hotspots, playing her music aloud for everyone to hear. This was not a pointless activity, though. She seized those moments as opportunities to practice her control and consistency when bending through different mediums. Performing so often allowed her to grow a rather positive reputation in the musical arts and she soon became admired amongst the general population.

Despite this, she still felt the heat of her fellow airbenders' disapproval and it ate at her subconscious. Growing up, she often dealt with the pressure and constant dissatisfaction of her father. The only time he ever showed an ounce of pride was when she proved herself on the field, providing him with an opportunity to boast his family's selflessness and skill. Unfortunately, this made a huge impression on her at such a young age, making her now think she is not good enough for anyone to like on her own and needs to make up for that by helping people in some way, shape, or form.

It could be interesting to know that this fear of uselessness and dislikability is partially what made her want to share her music with the world. To Ayane, music is not only a way to express herself, but a way to comfort and inspire others just as her mother had done for her as a child with her own songs. Though many like her music simply as a form of entertainment, there are still those who understand the intentions behind it and cherish it.

Writer's Note: Some key events from this character's life have been purposely omitted for possible use in roleplay.
Ema Tanaka
“Though the sun has set, she will always rise again.”
Ayane's mother remains her biggest source of support, always encouraging her to pursue whatever path she feels necessary to achieve her goals. She is more than accepting of her daughter's unique form of soundbending, enchanted by it even. Should one ever meet Ema, it would be clear where Ayane got her sanguine disposition from. She also makes a mean tofu curry that could satisfy even the pickiest of eaters!
Isamu Tanaka
“Those who do not strive for perfection, desire failure.”
Isamu is a father who lives by his tough love style of parenting. He was solely responsible for Ayane's training up until she discovered her knack for soundbending. At first, he was ecstatic that his daughter reached such a high level of bending mastery, but he felt conflicted once she started adopting an offensive style of bending. He demonstrates a cold and unapproving opinion towards her to this day.
Although her flying and spiritual projection are lacking, Ayane demonstrates a professional level of soundbending. Instead of using a staff or fans to focus her bending, she utilizes her instruments and occasionally her voice. Though she knows some defensive moves, much of her utility lies in her offensive capabilities. Here is just part of her repertoire:

Sound Scooter: A spherical "ball" of sound that can be ridden as a form of ground transportation.

Sound Dampening: A technique used to dampen the bender's own sound output for stealth purposes.

Tonic Wall: A basic soundbending technique that allows the user to create a wall of sound used to push aside enemy attacks.

Harmonic Vortex: A spinning funnel of sound of various sizes. This can be used to trap and disorient opponents or as a potent defense since it will deflect and repel any objects and can even throw them back at an opponent.

Melodic Chord: This attack takes three forms depending on the bender's precision and intent. I - A direct pulse or jet of noise generated by the bender's power rather than by momentum. II - A crescent-moon-shaped construct of sound capable of deflecting colossal projectiles. III - A focused, slicing sound wave that can cut through stone or timber with relative ease.

Sonic Scream: This move requires extremely good breath control to be employed effectively. Size and focus are more easily controlled, including narrow jets that can strike targets as small as insects, to large shock-waves capable of shattering objects as hard as metal.

  • N/A: Not yet obtained.


  • Lyre

  • Flute

  • Drum Sticks

  • Bandaging Rolls

  • Tuning Wrench

Ayane has had an interest in the musical arts since she was a little kid. She was seen many times singing and dancing with the other children during her free hours, pairing these songs with the stories their mentors passed down to them.
Due to her nomadic nature, she has no residence. She was last seen passing through Zaofu on her way towards Republic City.
There are still two extremely hard abilities she does not know how to successfully cast yet, being the only thing separating her from a master status. These will act as her two main bending goals that she must train towards. Concussing Strum - A highly destructive move in which a thin wave of sound travels quickly along the ground (or water), releasing a near-explosive power when coming into contact with anything in its path. Shock Wave: By encircling themselves in a spiraling shock wave, masters can travel at high speeds and even ascend near vertical drops.
Ayane hates sitting in complete silence and always feels she must fill the void with anything possible to keep her sanity.
Code by Nano
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Zenjiro Hayashi

  • Age: 24

    Gender: Male

    Occupation: Full-Time Police Officer, Part-Time Tavern Owner, Contract Engineer

    Residence: Northern Water Tribe > Earth Kingdom > Republic City

    Bending Type: Water

    Expedition Character

"The true mind can weather all the lies and illusions without being lost. The true heart can tough the poison of hatred without being harmed. Since beginningless time, darkness thrives in the void, but always yields to purifying light." -Lion Turtle
"We're all living together, even if most folks don't act like it. We all have the same roots, and we are all branches of the same tree." -Huu
basic information
Minh Bo
January 3rd
Place of Birth
Foggy Swamp
Waterbending, Plantbending, Healing, Training in Spiritbending
Bending Instructor
Republic City
Expedition or Side
Brown, goes to her midback, though she usually wears it up
Bright green

Minh is a highly curious individual who, like most other members of her tribe, believes that all living things are interconnected. She's very spiritual, often trying to communicate with the spirits of the world and help them out. She's incredibly respectful of nature and was training to become the next guardian of the sacred banyan grove tree.

She believes in fairness and since coming to Republic City, has regularly petitioned for a representative of the Foggy Water Tribe to be included on the City Council. Within her tribe she was often the voice of reason and patience and was the one to sort out disagreements in a way that was fair to both parties. She does take her time in thinking and does not always voice her opinion right away, giving people in Republic City the impression that she is slow.

She's highly protective of her friends and sacred/spiritual places and will do whatever she must to protect them if she believes they are in danger. In those situations, she can often act without thinking or getting the full situation, often times ending up fighting those who were not actually intending harm.
Minh was born into the Foggy Swamp Tribe of the Water Nation to Gia and Anh Bo. Her childhood was pretty standard, running around the swamp and exploring all that there was to see. She would often get lost within the swamp and end up at the sacred banyan grove tree with no clue how she actually got there. After the fourth time this happened, the tree's guardian and the tribe leader, Dieu, decided that Minh was being chosen by the tree as its next guardian.

Though Minh still found time to explore the swamp and get lost in its borders, she took her new position very seriously. She practiced her waterbending and plantbending with Dieu on a daily basis, slowly and surely getting better at the art. She also began training to be the next leader of her tribe, learning how to settle disputes and keep her kin safe and protected along with happy and well-fed.

At 16 she was considered a master of waterbending within her tribe and began teaching the tribe's children how to waterbend. Everyone thought she was going to become their next leader within the year, once Dieu announced her retirement. However, before that happened, the swamp showed Minh a vision. She saw a great city with vines growing through it. Though they were fairly isolated in the swamp, she knew at once that this city was Republic City and that the swamp was telling her to go there. Though it broke her heart to leave her tribe, she knew what she must do.

She set off at once for Republic City, along with two other members of her tribe who wished to see the famous city. Leaving her home was a culture shock for Minh, seeing people so disconnected from nature and from those around them. The need for money was especially confusing, as the Foggy Swamp Tribe had no need for such a thing. She also had no clue what she was supposed to do upon arriving at the city, or who she was meant to seek out within its landscape. For a time she floundered, working as a tour guide to the spirit wilds while she learned as much as she could about technology and living in the city. Once she got her feet under her and began accustomed to the city, she took on a second job as a waterbending instructor.

Minh began to get involved in the local politics and realized that the Southern and Northern Water Tribes both had representatives in the Council, but the Foggy Water Tribe wasn't even an afterthought. She knew people had migrated from the Swamp to Republic City in the years since the city had been founded, yet they had no voice in the government. She began lobbying and petitioning for the City to give them a representative, as they were a tribe of the world unto themselves. Though no representative for the Foggy Swamp Tribe was chosen, she became well-known in her neighborhood as one who helped with problems and wasn't afraid to demand better from the city itself.

After years of saving money, she opening her own bending academy, where she taught Foggy Swamp style waterbending as well as plantbending. To grow the reputation of her school and to show that the Foggy Swamp Tribe, despite its preference for staying away from technology, was as valid as the other two Water Tribes, Minh began having friendly competitions with other bending schools within the city.
Minh wants to see the all of the Spirit Portals in the world

She prefers the traditional plant attire of her tribe and finds the clothing of the outside world to be restrictive, both physically and spiritually, but will still wear modern clothes because that is what is expected of her outside of the swamp, though she refuses to wear shoes unless absolutely necessary.
She prefers the food in Republic City to that of her home, she especially enjoys Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation food.
Minh is easily overwhelmed by technology and has a tendency to accidentally break things such as radios and phonographs while trying to understand them and how they work. She also does not use electricity in her apartment or school, opting instead to use candles, lanterns and natural lighting. She does not know how to drive and finds satomobiles to be terrifying.
Her dream is to return home to the Foggy Swamp Tribe and take over as the tribe's leader and the next guardian of the sacred banyan grove tree. She can sense that whatever purpose she was given in coming to Republic City hasn't been completed yet though, and looks forward to the day when it is.
code by @Nano
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Name- Otakemaru (Last name) Tenma (First name)
- 26
Gender identity - Male
Occupation- FIre-Bending Prodigy (No current occupation, traveling the world)
Residence- Used to live in the Fire Nation Capital. Now travels the world

Bending type
Fire Bending
Lightning Bending/Redirection

Bending mastery
Mastered Firebending, but continues to explore his evolution of a firebending style. Has picked up multiple techniques from his travels that he did not come in contact with while in the Capital. (Breath of Fire, Jet Propulsion, Body heat regulation)

Mastered Lightning Bending, at first against his will. But has come to accept it as a necessary skill along his path. Tenma rarely uses lightning bending as a means to keep himself centered. It takes a lot of skill, concentration, and spirit. Tenma often trains during thunder storms as a means to conceal his training, and to feel more connected to lightning as a result. Doing so has given Tenma permanent lichtenberg figures scars all across his back and peeking out from his shoulders towards his biceps.

special skills
Actually knows how to brew a good damn cup of tea.

Has a unsavory habit of being able to sneak around. This often leads to him sneaking up behind others and scaring them when they realize he's there. It's not intentional.

Evolved his firebending to incorporate the 3 other nations.

Sense the residual body heat/energy of people. Similar to a sense of smell that allows Tenma to remember people by, but instead gives Tenma the ability to assign people with certain attributes from their body heat/energy so he won't forget them. Tenma uses this as a means to form a connection and remember people, considering he's not so good at being sociable.
  • Air - Spiritual and freeing. condenses the flames to a fine-edge. Allows him to strike with faster, but weaker flames. Often employs long arc-like slashes from the tips of his fingers as a means of combat. Has observed the Air Nomads peaceful resolution of conflict and has embedded within this form with increased evasive capabilities.
  • Water - Flowing and harmonious. water employs much manipulation of the shape of fire. Small bullets of fire can be shot without much effort on Tenma's part. Forming great waves of fire to distract or disengage opponents from a battle. Claws of fire to extend the reach of attack.
  • Earth - Grounded and unbroken. Tenma's stance grows more resolute, and uses the terrain to his advantage. Often creating a dome of fire to protect allies and shield from outside forces, using powerful glob-like flames to push the offensive upon his opponents, or send a geyser of flames from beneath his feet towards an enemy.


Tenma was born in the Fire Nation Capital, and at a young age his gravitation towards firebending was easily discerned by his elders. At the age of 5 his prowess was shown, without much tutoring Tenma began to bend fire with such incredible understanding. It amazed his parents, and shocked his teachers both. Tenma on the other hand, understood not what made him so special. Bending fire was normal for any Fire Nation child yes? Why was it that he was treated so special? Well...He would lie if it didn't give him some exclusive perks. Being treated to fire flakes whenever he wished wasn't so bad.

Aged 10, Tenma began his training with a more strict, far more disciplined master. One that pushed a young and unsuspecting Tenma to his limits, and yet the young one still overcame his limits. Again and again Tenma would break every predisposed assumption of his skill. Though Tenma worked hard every day the question still probed the back of his head. Why?
Why was he training so hard. Why was he the sole focus of both this new master and his parent's hopes and dreams? What made Tenma so special? The days where Tenma asked for gifts and treats were well behind him now. Instead, Tenma just wanted--to be left alone. He just wanted some peace and quiet. It became blatantly obvious that the only time Tenma was allowed to find any form of comfort and solace was through school work. Once he returned home however, the training would resume once more.

In Tenma's teenage years, his life had been deconstructed piece by piece; No longer was there time to hang out with friends, no time for self-discovery, nor to piece together an identity that should have been forming since he was younger. No, the only goal, the only motivation was to train. Train, and be the best there is. There was no other option, Tenma's life would slowly but surely fade away. Leaving behind a husk of his identity that was a cold, socially inept, loner who gravitated towards power, mastery, and control. There was no escape from his parent's delusional dreams of making Tenma the most powerful firebender in existence. Inside there was a well of flame brewing deep with agitation inside of Tenma. A wish to escape their clutches and be free, to finally figure out who he is rather than be strung like a marionette. Alas, it is difficult for children to voice their inner feelings, and are often left unattended.

It all came to a boiling point when Tenma was training in Lightning Bending at the age of 15. His control was finnicky, but he had begun to get the hang of flowing with the incredible energy welled within his fingertips. A loose arc of lightning struck some livestock that had escaped a farmer. At first, Tenma felt ashamed while ready to face any form of punishment--but was met with gratification by the farmer. They were honored to be part of Tenma's training and begged Tenma to continue growing stronger...Had his own parents' delusions latched onto others already? People he had barely even known? How many people were aware of what Tenma was going through? Who? This...Was Tenma's breaking point.

He had to leave.

Tenma remained complacent for 5 more years, but that resentment grew deep. Deep enough for Tenma to hope upon never returning by the time he had finally left the Fire Nation Capital in the dead of night. Shrouded in a black cloak and hitching a ride with some caravaneers. Tenma rode with the caravan while toiling over one important aspect of his life up until now.
Was he the best? Could he truly be a master beyond his years? An innate talent and skill for Firebending? How could he be so sure?
That was what he wanted to find out. Alongside traveling the world and in searching for his identity once more, Tenma placed upon himself a burden of considerable weight. To be the best--he must challenge the views his parents so dutifully believed. Tenma would search for other strong and incredibly talented benders and non-benders alike in hopes of finding what inspires them to grow stronger: What motivations lie behind being strong? Who gives them strength? Where does it come from? Are you strong because of your talent, or is it because of who you are? Tenma would search for these answers from many strong people and when the time comes he would test his own personification of strength: So that he could claim the title through actual merit.

Now, 6 years later Tenma still searches for these answers. He has traveled far and wide, but still there is so much more to seek. Tenma continues to keep up with his training albiet with a more relaxed schedule than before.


Tenma has a very aloof and uninterested expression more often than not. Due to losing many years worth of development time on his own person, Tenma has had to play catch-up for the last few years. On the surface, Tenma seems very disengaged with others, preferring to stay away from interaction and stay out of the way of others. Tenma tends to be an observer- and often waits for the right time to give input in situations. His team-building skills are a bit off, as he has always had to rely on himself or his own skills to get by. Though he has grown better, there are still some areas of improvement. Due to meeting Minh, and growing attached to her he has began to shed some of his previous weaknesses in social interaction (sometimes by force). Under the surface, and held within his unimpressed exterior is a young man with incredible compassion, interests, goals in mind, and friendships to explore. He has a hard time trying to express these feelings to others but the desire is there. Tenma has a good heart, and yearns for the answers to a question that drives his character.

interests (optional)
A connoisseur of tea and how to make it.
Pai Sho player
Rain and watching the night sky.
Forging attachments to others.
Learning martial arts, so that he doesn't only rely on his bending.

fears (optional)
Returning home to be met with what he has grown to resent.
Failing to find the complete and most genuine form of his question.
Taking on a student of his own and failing to meet their needs, as he had been trained differently.

dreams/goals (optional)
To claim the title of strongest through actual merit.
Find out the source of strength from different people. What drives them, what makes them strong, and how?
Hopes to restore his identity as a person.

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