Umbrage Asylum for the Insane

Satan is a demon of sin, wrath. Wrath does not praise wrath, but rather, creates more. Wrath punishes wrath by more wrath. Thus, the world of hell is filled with punishment.
You have questions, and I try and answer. Simple as that. Don't always expect a correct answer though, as I'm most specialized in the dark half of mythology and truths.
xD That was my impression when I got thinking about it.. But I still don't know. I didn't use the term praise, instead I used 'encourage', which I think gives the sense more of cultivation and growth of sin and corruption rather than praise.

And I share the same interests as you, Ultra; I have a thing for that kind of philosophy and also in psychology..
I can give psychology a try. I've always been a little good at understanding things most people don't, so I might be able to understand how the mind works a little.
So many points to hit and so little time...

LSD is a hallucinogenic. I should know as I just took psychology and we went over the different types of drugs, what they are and how they effect the mind.

(Though this is the least important)

Honestly guys this has gone so far off what I wanted it to be.

@UltraYuseke I would very much appreciate if you stay just a little longer. Blair to me is important and a really active student. Ultra your characters and their powers push the boundaries and are interesting to me and you clearly are working with me so please just stay as we work this out. I understand if you're out for the count and thats okay. I won't hold it against you. I considered leaving and I created it. Pathetic.
Well, everyone has a preference I guess :3

I shall have to leave you two to your philosophic ruminations, as I'm just heading off for now~

And thank you Laney for coming back and sorting it out, we all needed it.
@Flawless also don't leave. I have uet to see Leon and I really want to. Sadists and psychopaths are the best fun.

Moving on past that. This roleplay is going to take a turn for the better if I have any say about it. I don't particularly want to do a restart but I will be posting more to help move it along.

The Control Twins will help get others out but some students will be stuck and used as new experiments which will make it so we have two different plots going. Some running and getting captured and then others becoming the new trophies and exeriments of the lovely sadistic doctor.
sorry about the leaving message, it was a stressful class and i put over the edge by something. Im staying for to rp
..... laney . i tried to go back they did not accept and they ignored me anyway. so i might as well have left like ten pages ago. since they never included me. so i tried to join. and that just got them angry. well mostly ultra. and i really could be mean and point something out that would probably get me banned but i won't

also ultra i was just trying to be part of it.. and also how was i playing god of the rp? that is what i want to know befor i leave
Alexis, we can't include you if you're not even RPing. That was your fault. Also, we got angry because you tried to godmode. You didn't just try to go back. You argued over everything trying to do the impossible a lot before accepting it's impossible and moving on to something else impossible.

You weren't RPing at all up until you started trying to force your character and ideas.
[QUOTE="alexis the furry]i wasn't on at those times.
well he said i tried to control people and one of his characters. can litterally control people.

Exactly, meaning you weren't ignored, you just weren't RPing AT ALL.


[QUOTE="alexis the furry]well he said i tried to control people and one of his characters. can litterally control people.

None of my characters can control people. I can at most influence their actions. I can't actually control them.
She can do that, but in the end, it'd just screw her over. If she uses strings to make herself walk, the moment she even sits down, her legs are gone for good.

Not to mention she's not even aware of her own powers being strings, seeing as she controls nine puppets without knowing they're puppets or that she's controlling them.
I believe she is referring to Yuri.

And I understand Alexis and I'm sorry. I just think it might be for the best. There is too much strife and bad blood here.

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