Umbrage Asylum for the Insane

Well sounds good to me, what you think laney, day now ruined by lunch lol lets make this rp good so I have something to do for school instead of study for finals cus no thanks.≧◡≦
Lol, Kay. So, whaddya want to talk about? Also, restart or no?
Tanshin, whadda you you think of my student char? I'm kinda in need of knowing if I did a good char. Also, might make a third char, if everybody's find with it, y'know. Got a really great idea.
I'm up for a restart. It'd give me a way to throw in Miki, and if allowed and created by that time, my other char I've got in my head.
Yeah, I'm down for a restart as well. I came in late, so it's kinda confusing. :P
I'm also ok with a restart as long as i get to keep Blair and all of her adorkable perfection :3
The people who are not apart of this will be so confused lol
My third character'll have a strange connection with puppets... All I'll say for now, until I'm approved to create three chars.
Heh, true. I don't mind a third Character, just wait for Laneys input.
I have NO IDEA. I hate when I miss like 10 pages of something because I didn't get any notifications. I hope it's not happening to her xD

I think she's offline though, she said she had a test :P
Well, either way, I've got a great character in my head. Gonna find somewhere to write it down so I'm not forgettin' it xD
As long as you can handle it you can have more characters. Sorry guys doing my exam

We'll start over from the beginning when everyone is ready

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