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Fandom UA Class 1-C RP

This was the life, Handa was riding through the streets feeling the refreshing breeze blowing through his hair. The sun was shining and skies were blue. Sometimes he got lost in his own mind, peeking at the cityscape around him as it mingled with the light and picturesque backdrop. It was rare he came to the city. The buildings were tall, the people were... Now that he thought about it, they were looking at him oddly. Right, there was just one small problem. He was stood in the back of a muddy pick-up truck which was hauling some farm goods. As it rounded a corner he gripped at the bar on top of the cab. He'd gotten used to riding like this when herding sheep, so it was natural and exciting. The slight danger really gave him a rush.

Handa was heard before he was seen, the radio of the truck putting out some old school rock on ancient speakers that crackled. For a few hours he'd been hitching lifts between various friends of his father to get here; sometimes they were 'just heading this way', other times they were on errands which he'd help out with. As the truck came to a screeching stop in front of the school he lurched forward with a rock forwards and a wide grin. Quickly, he grabbed his large duffle bag and threw it over his shoulders. A hand grabbed the edge of the truck as he vaulted out, giving the cab a couple of hits on the metal to say he was safely off. "Hey, thanks for the ride Mr Watanabe!" The man gave a thumbs up before screeching off.

As he turned around, he felt a lump in his throat. Right. Hero school. Hero stuff. He ventured inside, looking around the campus for the dorms.
Asuka looked over at Mitsu, understanding that crowds make her uncomfortable. “ I know your pain, having wings that you can't hide has people always coming up to you to ask if you are related to hawks or if they can touch them, especially the creeps.” she said as she turned back to look at the students once more before answering her second question. “No I don't live around here, I was born in Fukuoka for about the first seven to eight years before being adopted and living in the countryside north of Sapporo Hokkaido since my adoption. I will have to agree with you that there is good hunting up there… since my dietary requirements revolve around unprocessed, pesticide free and completely organic foods which was a surprise for my parents. If you like, I could share some of the food they send to me with you. They will do this twice a month to make sure I have enough verite to choose from plus I would hate for it to go to waste if it's not used, ” she said as she omitted some parts about her Dietary requirements that most people would find revolting if they knew.

Norschtalen Norschtalen
Katja Glinka
Mentions: Lucius Cypher Lucius Cypher Zervo_ibisx2 Zervo_ibisx2 Norschtalen Norschtalen IG42 IG42 Dextra Dextra
UA Dorms

Suddenly thing took off as more and more students arrived and joined into various conversations. It was a bit more than Katja had expected, she had thought of more a trickle of people she could slowly deal with not a wave till classes started. The Yun girl was the oddest Katja didn't fully follow her comments. They were flowery and Katja while fluent wasn't aware if that was just a slang type or if the girl was just one of those that used many words to say very little. Well Katja was sure she could figure it out latter if Yun kept it up but Katja heard it no where else she was just a very wordy person.

With Donny returning The food was ready and it seemed drinks were being served in the dining area so they had a proper meet and greet going on. Knedle a Polish dish, Katja had not been sure what to expect but something European was not on the list. The chips which Katja had first learned of as fries from the Americans had also not been on her list. Well Katja had been eating nothing but Japanese lately so something closer to home was nice.

Then there was a rather angelic girl, though she lacked the presence one might expect of the messengers of god, she had the wings down that was for sure. Katja took one of the Knedle and took a bite " I must agree with Hika Mr Yang you are quite talented I was not expecting something from close to home" Katja admitted " The mangos were well worth their cost for this"

Katja rolled into the dining area seeing some of the others were leaving off to do their own thing " I guess i am not the only one a little overwhelmed by how many people came at once" Katja chuckled in good humor not teasing others by saying she to had been a bit over her head.
Mitsu "Katana Zero"
Location: UA Dorms
Mentions: SilverInu SilverInu
"Oh, fresh meat? That's nice. City food isn't bad but it's not the same as what's up north. I would love to share some with you, if you don't mind. Though... I'm not really good at cooking. Not as good as him at least." Mitsu motioned towards the chef who made the snacks. It was nice to meet a fellow northerner, though Mitsu suddenly also got worried. What if Asuka was another assassin sent by her brother? Mitsu never thought he would be so bold as to send someone to UA to kill her, but at the same time, this was exactly the sort of sneaky and underhanded thing he would do to end her. Looking around carefully, Mitsu debated how she wanted to deal with this. She had to make sure that Asuka was not, in fact, an assassin after her life, and while she was here in public she doubts any assassin would try to do anything. But at the same time, Mitsu needed to learn sooner than later. She had an idea.

"You just got here right? I saw you come in a little while ago. Do you need some help unpacking? We can chat more upstairs, plus get out of this crowd a little."
Plus this way Mitsu can see if she can find any clue of her brother's involvement in Asuka's belongings. Even if she doesn't want to go, Mitsu can redirect Asuka to someone else and Mitsu can look for clues herself. Now that she knew the girl's name, finding her room should be easy enough.


Location: UA Dormitories
Mentions: Karcen Karcen , Anyone else in general

Donny was rather shy being somewhat the center of attention. Sure everyone was talking and chatting amongst themselves, but they praised him for his snacks, which he was thankful for. But what he was most thankful for were Katja's mangos: his food wouldn't be nearly as good without her high quality ingredients. While Donny always pride himself on making the best out of what little he had, if Katja was rich enough to casually offer these sort of treats, Donny knew he needed to befriend her. He didn't want to come off as the leech who hangs out with people because they had money though, so he had to think about how to approach this carefully. Probably would help if he actually talked and got to know her more.

Eating a few knedles for courage, Donny walked over to Katja and bowed his head a little. "T-T-T-Thank you so much for your m-m-mangos! They're the r-r-r-r-real star of the show h-here. Um, if you d-d-don't mind me asking, w-w-where did you get them? They.... They're the best mango's I've e-e-ever used! And um...." Donny realized he was just talking about cooking now and needed to redirect this into a more engaging conversation. But what could he say that wouldn't come off as dorky or creepy? His mind began racing for answers while being awkwardly silent, and eventually he just continued to ramble hoping he would hit some sort of interesting topic. "Y-Yeah, I figured I'd make them since, ya know, I didn't bring m-m-m-much food with me. Potatoes, rice, spices, t-t-that sorta thing. Was going to m-make some onigiri but I saw you and noticed some of your f-f-f-furniture and thought h-h-hey, that looks kinda um... Kinda foreign you know? Like um, Russian influenced. S-S-So I thought why not make something l-l-like that? I mean I know y-y-you d-didn't say anything and all and maybe I should've have a-a-assumed so um..." This was getting worse than Donny thought. He needed to change topics.

"Y-Ya know cooking isn't too hard i-i-i-if you use your quirks! Um, like the t-t-thing you did before, with the chairs and stuff. B-Bet you could be a great chef if you d-d-d-did that with food and stuff. Plus you know, u-u-using your quirks in you d-d-daily life, it's a good way to k-k-keep them sharp. R-R-Really learn how they work like uh, like uh multitool. Or something." Talking about quirks is usually something that grabs people's interests. He hoped that Katja would be willing to talk about hers a bit more to keep the conversation flowing, and maybe see if they can't pull any other folks in. Soon a strange girl arrived, talking about... Something. Donny wasn't sure if she was even talking to anyone. He just shrugged and continued on. "But uh, yeah! Been using my quirk for cooking a l-l-l-lot, since I was a y-y-youngin. Practice makes perfect, and all that."
Hikanari Ichibana
Location: UA Dormitory
Mentions: N/A


Hika sighed and shrugged. She suddenly wasn't feeling very social, so she decided to hide out in her room for awhile. At least, until it was less crowded. She took out her phone as she made her way to her room and called her father. The phone was answered, but it wasn't by her father. "Hika, dear. How are you? This is your neighbor, by the way. Mrs. Crogen." Hika was confused as to why their neighbor answered instead of her father. "Hi Mrs. Crogen. Where's Dad?" She heard shuffling on the other end and frowned. "Oh, he's asleep. I came to check on him and he was doing the usual. Within a few minutes, he was out cold. That man really needs to get off his lazy butt and get a job." Hika sighed. She knew what everyone thought about her father, but she was hoping the old woman wouldn't be as rude.

"Mrs. Crogen, Dad's doing the best he can right now. That's his way of coping. Besides, he can't handle a job right now. He already has so much on his plate. Can you please promise me you'll take care of him for me?" The old woman was quiet for a moment, then sighed heavily. "Don't worry. He's in good hands, dear. I'm sorry for what I said. That was wrong, considering his position." Hika smiled as she entered her room. "It's alright. Thank you for watching him for me. I owe you a round of bingo when I get home."

"You'd better be practicing, deary. I'm getting better and better every day." Hika layed on her bed and laughed. "It's bingo, Mrs. Crogen. You don't need skill. I'd better get going. Thank you again." "No problem, dear. Good luck!" Hika hung up the phone and stared at the ceiling. Her mind wandered to her father, and she couldn't help but worry about him. Hika made a tiny ice figure of her father and stared at it. He'll be okay. Dad's tougher than he seems. He'll be okay, Hika.
“Oh I most definitely don't mind sharing any of the fresh meats or produce they ship here, I will most likely be getting the shipments in some time tomorrow with some decorations to make my dorm room feel a bit more at home. I hope to get some wagyu beef in this shipment, also I don't think i will ever be that good as the chef that is currently but I can make some stir fry, and a few other simple dishes but that about it, to be honest I’m a bit jealous of his skill but I also know that not everyone can be skilled at everything.” She said as she stretched a little bit causing her back to pop a few times before she stood up and carefully stretched out her wings also getting a pop or two from the joints before folding them closed again.

Yeah I did just arrive here, my stuff is up in my dorm room, but i don't see any issue with you helping me unpack, just a head up please don't grab my feathers at random or scare me you might get injured and i really don't want to have to explain to Recovery Girl why a new student came in with a missing finger, deep cuts or burns not to mention I would feel horrible if you got hurt. I can harden, sharpen, and heat them up to 260°C (500°F) at will and they stay at resting temperature of about 38°C (about 100°F) but it takes a bit of effort to get the temperature to drop to any lower than that” she said as she made a small gesture towards Mitsu fo follow her as she headed towards the steps to head to her dorm room. she only paused to see if Mitsu was following before continue on to her room where only her suitecase was waiting to be opened.

Norschtalen Norschtalen
Katja Glinka
Mentions: Lucius Cypher Lucius Cypher
UA Dorms

Katja as someone who was raised with money understood when someone was trying to get closer to you because of it. Katja expected it and in a way banked on it. She wanted some connections to heroes in the future so letting everyone know she had money and could be relied on was a great way to start those. It also showed her parents she knew how to network without help. They might have never doubted her ability in that, but still she wanted to show all she could do without being protected. Still as Donny spoke she didn't hear the greed of someone just interested in money, but he was clearly interested in her money. It was kind of funny no one noticed her name her her parents being on of the biggest multinational in the hero and civilian tech markets. Well who would expect someone like her with that kind of money wanting to be a hero?

" Well when your parents own Eternalis you can get things delivered with just a word" Katja teased wanting to see if Donny would recognize the name of her parents company. It would surprise her if he didn't as that was like saying your parents owned apple or amazon over a hundred years ago. Katja was also trying to speak casually like she would her maids, to see if it sounded rude. " And yes much of that is Russian made and shipped over, i had enough of Japanese designs at home and American designs are well American " Katja chuckled not hating things in American style but really that just meant bought from someone overseas for cheap

" As for my quirk, anything i touch i can bring to life and command, like the golems of Jewish myth, i have to say i stole a bit from them in naming, but i doubt anyone will mind. What about yours Mr Yang what is your quirk?" She asked switch to formal speech at the end.
Tajima Akemi
Using Katja to admire the tiny ice sculpture Akemi hummed thoughtfully, she recalled the dramatic ice powers the bicoloured looker from 1-A had shown in the sports festival and wondered if Hika's quirk had something else to it too. "Ah that's pretty. I'm Akemi, Tajima Akemi. My quirk let's me see through other people's eyes and also make them see things too." Plucking the snowflake from Katja's hand she closed her blank eyes and unseen to anyone but the three of them the ice silently grew upward spreading out to create an imitation of a tree with more snowflakes hanging from it's branches like fruit, the vision held for a moment then faded away.

Handing the real snowflake back her eyes lit up as Donny presented his snacks, furthering her curiosity about the guy she noted that he now seemed to have a more conventional number of eyes and limbs unlike when she had been watching his work in the kitchen. "Don't mind if I do 'Mr Yang'." She imitated Katja's uptight tone lacking the mystery boy's given name as she plucked some of the chips out of the bowl. "Must've been quite a lot of work to make this up all by yourself, I think you'd need at least four hands and eyes to get it all done." Smiling coyly she took a more roundabout approach to inquiring about his quirky nature.

Blinking twice while following the low flying sweetie as it flew past multiple sets of eyes Akemi needed a moment to decipher the newly arrived Yun's speech even with her experience in flowery language from her mother's legalese. "So 'only if you get caught huh'?" She translated as best she could. "Subtle heroes might get things done but it's the flashy ones with the biggest property damage insurance that get the fans going."

While she'd been just as intrigued by Katja's apparent disability as she had been by Donny's abilities the mention of Eternalis finally gave clarity to the other thing that had been niggling Akemi about the pale girl. "So that's where I'd heard the name before, you could've practically bought a dorm building all to yourself rather than slumming it with us." Internally she did note that U.A. had managed to find funding for a full set of dorms very quickly at the same time the class Katja had slipped into was created.

Karcen Karcen PlusUltra PlusUltra Lucius Cypher Lucius Cypher Zervo_ibisx2 Zervo_ibisx2
Name: Haruto Shima
Hero Name: Arachknight
Interactions: IG42 IG42 krytonminu krytonminu
Mentions: Karcen Karcen Lucius Cypher Lucius Cypher Norschtalen Norschtalen Dextra Dextra IG42 IG42 SilverInu SilverInu Samevi Samevi PlusUltra PlusUltra (I think i got everyone in the group or around)

Haruto saw how all over the place Ryan was, though he wasn't sure if it was because he's excited or not. Either way he hasn't exactly been taking care of himself by the look of it, but Haruto didn't know if he should pry into his business. They are at most acquaintances so it might be rude to dig deep if it is deeper than being excited. Haruto noticed some movement closeby them due to his very many eyes. It seemed someone else was joining the twosome to make it a party. At a quick glance the new arrival had sharp claws and a nasty stinger. When he started speaking Haruto turned his head towards him in acknowledgement of his arrival.

"My name is Haruto Shima, it is a pleasure to meet both of you Ryan and Suzuki. Anyways I'm sure that grabbing a room is fine."

A smell wafted towards Haruto's nose, and it smelled delicious. Someone must already be putting the dorm kitchen to good use. He was very tempted to go floating down the corridor without a second hesitation. The only thing is that it would be rude to just walk away while they were having a conversation. It sure is a mouthwatering smell though....

"You guys smell that? It smells heavenly..."

Haruto couldn't take the smell anymore and casually skittered towards the source, almost as if he was floating like a cartoon character. It looked like his Spider's appetite got the better of him. He went downstairs to see a whole group of people, and he became nervous. Haruto doesn't deal well with large groups of people, especially if they don't like spiders. It wouldn't be a problem, if they weren't in the way of the kitchen and it's delicious treasures. It was time to take the high road and try to sneak on by. Haruto decided it was a brilliant idea to go to the kitchen by the ceiling, only problem was that he's a giant half-arachnid. Anybody with a sense of arachnophobia would probably freak out.


Location: UA Dormitories
Mentions: Karcen Karcen , IG42 IG42

Donny smiled politely, not really sure what Eternalis was. Despite his current career into heroism, Donny wasn't really up that up to date with more advance technology in the world. He barely keeps up with video games despite his hobbies. He just assumes that Katja's family runs a successful business, which makes sense considering how rich she was. "She really is an oujo-sama type..." Donny thought to himself. She also mentioned America, which made Donny curious if she's been there. "America huh? It's b-b-b-been a while since I've been to A-A-America. Still, R-Russian stuff is cool! B-B-Both uh, figuratively and literally. Heh." Soon however she asked a question Donny was loath to answer. What his quirk. It was both complicated, but at the same time Donny has rehearsed a simple answer for it. Another girl, Akemi if Donny heard correctly, hinted at his powers and Donny had to keep himself composed. Didn't want to spill all of his spaghetti at once.

"Uh, yeah. My quirk lets me make additional arms from my body." Said in a clear, somewhat well practiced voice, this was Donny's go-to answer to the question about his quirk. Indeed, that's usually how he uses it when he's in his civilian form. What it can actually do, of course, he doesn't explain, but he also doesn't need to. "K-K-K-Kinda makes me a handyman. Heh. Oh! And um, you can just call me D-D-Donny. Otherwise I m-m-might forget my own name!" Donny tried to add a bit of a joke to maintain the conversation. As he spoke however, he spotted someone he thought he recognized. A huge spider person, like some of the folks back home. But Donny quickly remembered that he was the only one from that village going to UA, so this one surely was from a different town. Which just made Donny all the more curious about him. However he could tell from the way the aracnid boy moved that he didn't want to be at the center of attention, which ironically just makes him more noticeable. But Donny would respect the intent and continue to maintain focus on himself.

He did so by demonstrating his quirk. From his arms he produced four extra arms, just like last time, but without the extra eyes. He wasn't sure how Akemi noticed them but then again Donny wasn't trying very hard to hide them either, but Donny didn't want to bring it up less he reveal his true nature. "I can m-make more, but I usually just make f-f-f-four, since that's t-t-t-the easiest to manage. I can make them s-s-stretch and stuff, and they're p-p-p-pretty strong." Donny demonstrated their strength and strechiness by extending his arm to the ceiling, gripping the surface with his hand lifting himself, which hopefully gave the girls an idea of his strength since even if he was flesh and blood, Donny was a big boy. And he was able to do this with just one arm. Though he was cheating a little bit by making bone bristles on the palm of his hand to help grip the ceiling, but hopefully no one would notice from all the way up there. "T-They're useful for helping me g-g-get around and f-f-f-f-fight. Though I mostly use i-i-i-it to multitask. It's uh, how I w-w-w-w-was able to make f-f-food so quickly."
Kim Yun
: IG42 IG42

Letting her hand fall to her side and taking a relaxed stance Yun continues to watch over the room as its occupants interact, the normally imperceptible sound continuing to sound out with her presence. Her introduction was intended to both say and gain more than the words alone, observing the listener's reactions and gleaning if they either heard or listened. Regardless time would answer that regardless.

When she herself was finally addressed though they would crane a head towards the seemingly blind girl, seemingly being the choice word. The fact she commented on the appearance of the ice sculpture without touching it physically told her plainly she could perceive the world beyond the overwise glazed eyes.

"Caught True, though the rest less so. You could look at damage with different sights, subtle can be insidious and a far grander blight. Moreso the unknown can exceed the interest of the known no? The desire to know more is quite the spark indeed."

The smile remained present with the candy within her fingers dancing along with the flow of her words before making a wide sweeping motion gesturing across the dorm

"Though as for this domain, a slum it is far from, a veritable pyre of indulgence to the candle that was needed. Some would call it a misplaced excess when placed against other causes left in the cold. A matter of perspective really, and this house goes crackle with so many new."

Her head remains facing the blind girl's eyes though her ears pick up the goings on from the others still, such as the demonstration and tip-tapping of the roof.
Hikanari Ichibana
Location: UA Dormitory
Mentions: N/A

The longer Hika sat in her room, the more she got bored. She jumped out of bed and stretched. "Everyone's probably grouped together still. Which means I can scope out the dorms without running into anyone. Once I learn their personalities, I can choose my friends carefully." Hika peeked outside her door and looked around before stepping out and walking towards the stairs. She went down to the second floor and walked with her hands behind her head. Every now and then, she would make small icicles hanging from the ceiling just because she was bored. Hika was so bored, she considered going back to join the large group. Of course, she wouldn't. Large groups make her uneasy. She laughed softly as she thought about her mom.

Hika yawned as she explored. She took out her phone to check the time and sighed.
"It hasn't been long since I called Dad. Which means he's probably still asleep. If I had friends, I would call them. Oh well, look at the bright side. I'm at U-freaking-A. It's still hard to believe. Even harder to believe that I'm seriously talking to myself. If only Mom knew, she'd laugh and call me a nut. She wouldn't be wrong either." She laughed softly as she thought about her mom. Hika got lost in thought, now walking through the halls without paying attention to her surroundings.
Mitsu "Katana Zero"
Location: UA Dorms
Mentions: SilverInu SilverInu
Mitsu was starting to have doubts that this girl was really an assassin. Either that or she's just trying to trick Mitsu into thinking she's so incompetent she couldn't be an assassin. Mitsu didn't even ask Asuka about her quirk and she was willing to divulge it without any prompt. Strange to think that this girl could harden and ignite her feathers though. That doesn't sound like anything that a normal bird could do, so maybe Asuka was a phoenix instead. That was the only kind of bird Mitsu knew that was associated with flames. "I'll keep that in mind."

Following Asuka to her room, Mitsu would continue looking at Asuka to see if she could find any identifying marks on her. Mostly things like scars from training, or brands from her clan. While none from the main family have any distinguishable marks on them, some subordinate families do. That was how Mitsu was able to identify many of the assassins her brother had sent since they came from subordinate families, and bearing marks on their bodies symbolizing this. Though there were a few outside hires that came after Mitsu too, so Asuka could be one of them. Either way Mitsu kept to herself until she reached Asuka's room. She passed a white-haired girl who Mitsu is pretty certain was the one who could create ice, but simply gave her a nod before continue one. Once at the dorms Mitsu would help put things away, being particularly quick to open any boxes and containers to look for anything suspicious inside of them. Though Mitsu would try to be somewhat subtle about it.
Norschtalen Norschtalen

Asuka was none the wiser to Mitsu’s thoughts; she had just voluntarily offered this information just in case she tried to tap her on the wings to get her attention. At some point she had nothing really to hide other than the fact that her birth parents were a part of purest cult and she wanted nothing to do with that BS. Upon arriving at her dorm room she opened the door to allow Mitsu to enter her room first before following her.

I did not bring much with me from home since we will have a few days to settle in before classes start so i have a bit of time before it arrives and then the rest can be bought. Oh you are more than welcome to join me when i do go shopping if you are not busy.” she said as she walked over to her suitcase and opened it and pulled out her family photo that showed her adopted mom, dad and little brother. She smiled at the older woman that had long raven hair with bright cobalt blue eyes that stood at 173cm (5’7”) taller than herself before her eyes drifted to her father. He stood a wapping 220 cm (7’2”) making everyone else in the family look very short. He had sky blue hair that had a wind blown look to it with a matching well kept beard and built like a brick wall.

The last person in the photo was her little brother who was no more than about seven or eight that was sitting on her shoulders and carefully avoiding her fully extended wings as they stood in front of the mansions for a spring family photo earlier that year. Walking over to where one of the shelves were and placing the photo so that it would not get broken until her parents sent her some of her furniture so that she could redecorate and put it on a nightstand by her bed.
Katja Glinka
Mentions: Lucius Cypher Lucius Cypher PlusUltra PlusUltra IG42 IG42 Archdemon Archdemon
UA Dorms

Katja listened to the others the blind girl's power was interesting. Katja knew depending on the range that so many corporations would love to have her, even Katja already thought of how good of a spy she could be. Tajima was someone Katja would have to be on good terms with, given who knows what the girl might see if she looked through Katja's eyes. Haruto the spider boy was well spider that much was clear. While most feared spider Katja found no reason to do so real ones were cowards and people that identified as one were often in power. So Katja was okay with someone who was part spider. Donny answered , yet his answer was odd, he didn't stammer or umm at all. When someone started speaking differently they had practiced something, why would Donny need that? Well Katja wasn't going to pry Donny had to have a good reason. Yun didn't mention her power, or maybe she did? Katja could get the surface level of what Yun said, but she wasn't looking to break a code in another language. Hika had left already, well not everyone could stand meet and greets, Katja had suffered through way to many to find something like this boring or annoying.

Still the idea Katja was slumming it caused Katja to chuckle " Why would i want a dorm all to myself?" Katja asked " To separate myself from others?" She continued chuckling some more " No" she shook her head " Only someone with to much money and too little brains would do that. You are all future heroes and my family runs a company to cater to heroes. I need to be closer to you not distant" Katja admitted some part of her friendliness was contact gathering, but was there any difference between being a contact and a friend when it came to business?
Tajima Akemi
Using Katja to watch Donny's demonstration clapped a little with a slightly sly smile, clearly he was still hiding something about his quirk even as he hung from the ceiling trying not to get dislodged by a spidertaur boy rushing by. "Hmm yeah a man or woman of mystery can certainly be enticing." She said by way of reply to Yun, All Might certainly was or more soberingly used to be the best of both worlds with his explosive strength but also with wild speculation about the exact nature of the quirk. "With the scale of the other facilities here a dorm building is pretty small beans by comparison, just think of it as investment in our heroic futures."

Tilting her head towards Donny she smiled up at him sweetly. "Say Donny, I could use a 'handyman' when you have a minute, see hauling my stuff here was a pain and unlike some I can't make the furniture do it for me so if you could flex those many powerful arms for a moment I'd appreciate it."

Snickering along with Katja she waved away her earlier comment. "Oh I merely exaggerate, it's definitely more fun to be in the thick of it." She laughed out loud. "Ha well that's one way to get in touch with your customer base."

Realising Yun's gaze was still on her Akemi met the other girl's eyes as closely as she could manage. "See something interesting?"

Karcen Karcen PlusUltra PlusUltra Lucius Cypher Lucius Cypher
Kiyoshi and Kaori Mihara
Kiyoshi could be found walking down the halls of UA high school towards Nezu’s office. Upon entering the room, Kaori was already there just sipping some tea.

“Are- Are you kidding me? I literally left like five minutes before you!” he exclaimed. “If you told me you were gonna take a shortcut I would have waited!”

“Oh, please. You could use the exercise. Besides, I still walked the same distance. There just weren’t any obstacles in the way. I’m not that lazy.” His sister retorted

“Fine. Whatever. Suit yourself then.” he groaned. Being the youngest of the two, by only about 5.25 minutes had its perks, and its disadvantages. The main one being that he was always the butt of his sisters jokes. In all fairness, however, he always got back at her.
It was then that the principal entered the room.

“Evening, Nezu.” Kaori said with a slight bow. “Is something wrong? Classes don’t start for a few days.”

“No, no nothing like that. I just have some schedule and assignment adjustments for this year. Take a look at these and tell me what you think.” The principal explained as he handed out a small file of papers to each of the two.

Upon reading them, Kaori nodded and looked up, then over at her brother who seemed less than pleased.
“I don’t mind my schedule at all.” she replied. “It’ll be an interesting change, to say the least.”

As she finished, Kiyoshi snatched her papers and skimmed over them. As he glanced through the papers he stopped, looked up, and frowned. “1-A?! She gets to assist with 1-A? Man, why can’t I do that!” he whined. “We both did it last year!”

“Yeah, but you kept pissing Aizawa off.” Kaori reminded him.

“She’s not wrong, Illusioner. He did complain about you, on occasion… Regardless, I think you’ll work well with our new class. It’ll be a new experience for all of us. Don’t fret, though, Kaori is only helping him out on occasion. I just think you two have.. clashing styles of teaching.”

“Are you serious? I’ll have a word with him about that later. He told me I was fine! If this is about that time that I had to make that elaborate illusion to trick that one kid into thinking he almost killed his classmate so he would chill out, I’m gonna lose it. It wasn’t real, anyways! Besides it hurt me more than it hurt him. It’s a good life lesson. He never told me that it was too rash! Oh! Or, If it’s about that time that I sent that same explosion kid to the infirmary and he scared that crying quirk kid from the third-year class to the infirmary, I swear I had nothing to do with that. I just dropped the kid off, came back, and Recovery Girl was trying to keep him from killing the kid!”

“We get it, Kiyoshi.” Kaori said as she shook her head. “You’re innocent. I don’t think that’s what he meant.”

Nezu nodded. “Mhm. I’m sure you’ll do just fine helping out Tatsuma Ryujin with the new class. You both can now be dismissed.”

“Wait, that guy?! Hold on- Hold on-“ Kiyoshi began to intervene.

“Thanks, Nezu. I’ll let you know if we encounter any problems.” Kaori interrupted. With that, she grabbed her brother by his shirt collar and began to drag him out.
Mitsu "Katana Zero"
Location: UA Dorms
Mentions: SilverInu SilverInu
Looking through Asuka's items as Mitsu helped unpack her things, there was nothing that would prove that she was a spy. So unless Asuka was playing some multilayered scheme to trick Mitsu by weaving some elaborate lie about her family, and intentionally showing her hand to get Mitsu under some false sense of security, Mitsu could conclude that Asuka wasn't secretly an assassin. She became much less stiff and simply listened to Asuka talk more about herself. "That's fine. I don't really need much. But if I'm not busy, I wouldn't mind just going to hang out." The family portrait made Mitsu feel... Nostalgic. In a strange, twisted way, she missed the time when her family were together. Despite the training and the violence that went with it, there was a sense of unity. Or maybe Mitsu was just so used to that lifestyle, this life with far more freedom but no direction felt confusing to her. Maybe Mitsu really just needed to find a family of her own.

Mitsu would continue to help Asuka put her things away. When they were finished for now, since there was still more things Asuka was expecting, Mitsu looked to the bird girl. "Do you have any more plans tonight? Maybe we can go do something. Head out into town or something. After class, of course."
Asuka looked back at Mitsu as she moved her now empty suitcase over and set it by her desk for the moment so that it would be out of the way for the time being. “ I really don't mind you tagging along when I go out shopping as it will be more fun with with some one there , and as for later i'm more than happy to head out and get food unless you want to see if the others want us to join them, if you want to go out what do you have in mind to eat?” she asked as she moved her feather like hair out of her face as it had fallen out of her braide.

Norschtalen Norschtalen
The rest of the week flew by as the rest of the new students of 1-C were brought into the dorms though there were a few new students who arrived near the end of the week but that was ok as long as they made it. Asuku has spent the remainder of her time getting to know the layout of the school grounds as well as attempting to get to know some of the other student body.

Asuku still could not believe that it was now the first day of the class. oh how she hated getting up early but she was willing to get up as she needed to get a jump start to the day by getting herself something to eat and to make sure she had all of her supplies for her first day. stepping into the kitchen after she was dressed in her uniform. She set to work looking about to find some of the ingredients that she needed to make herself a filling breakfast. finding what she needed she began to cook her meat so that outside looked cooked but was completely raw in the middle as she did not want to gross out some of her classmates on the first day. once her chicken was done she platted it with some rice and veggies before cleaning up her little mess so other could use the utensils again. she took a seat at the table and began to eat.
Suzuki Toshio

With a low growl Toshio uncurled from the tight ball he had formed around one of his pillows and hastily silenced the alarm on his phone, even with the volume turned down as low as he dared the sound was still a bit harsh on his sharp ears, kicking off the covers he stretched on top of the bed like a cat with a yawn.

Rolling off the bed he quickly threw on his pristine new uniform while fumbling with the tie. Grabbing his phone he saw that in his earlier fumbling he had put a large scratch across the screen, with a careful but obviously very well practiced motion he stripped off the damaged screen protector and replaced it with another.

Heading downstairs to the common area Toshio waved to the only person to get there before him, he wondered for a moment if he could have gotten way with hitting snooze if it was just the two of them.
"Morning Yuki-san!" Over the course of days since arriving he had eventually managed to learn the names of his classmates. "Having a good one?" In contrast to Asuka's varied breakfast he simply loaded the toaster with a couple of bread slices and poured himself a tall glass of milk.
Mitsu "Katana Zero"
Location: UA Dorms
Mentions: No one
As exciting as going to a hero school was, soon enough even someone like Mitsu gets into a routine of normalcy. Wake up early, do some light training, eat breakfast, go to school. After school, train, study, eat dinner, sleep. She met the others, or at least introduced herself to them, but largely kept to herself. It wasn't that Mitsu didn't want to make friends or anything, she was just a very boring person outside of the narrow scope of things she was good at. She didn't really know music or pop culture, nor was she that much of a foodie to really appreciate all the good meals being made for her. She was always respectful, but she never really went out of her way to explore or try anything new.

Today wasn't too much different. Waking early at 6AM, Mitsu began first by washing up, then did some light training. Stretches', a morning walk, and some combat forms in her room. When that was done Mitsu went downstairs to have a simple breakfast of freshly made rice with a fried egg. She did add some seasoning however, which she felt really spiced up the meal. Asuka was here, as well as someone Mitsu knew as Suzuki Toshio. She didn't know him personally, but she at least heard of his name. "Good morning." Mitsu would greet the both of them and join them for breakfast.
Hikanari Ichibana
Location: UA Dormitory
Mentions: N/A


Hika yawned as she woke up, looking around her room. She was getting bored with seeing it the same as when she arrived. Hika decided she'll get new stuff when she has the time. Maybe she'll take Kat-Chan with her. Only time will tell.

Hika got out of bed and changed out of her pajamas. Then, taking a deep breath, she left her room and went straight to the kitchen. She noticed three others that were already awake. Hika recognized them immediately as Asuka, Toshio, and Mitsu. At first, she ignored them, going to the kitchen for an apple. Then, she came back to them and took an open seat. "Morning guys. I'm surprised everyone isn't awake yet."

She takes a bite of the green apple and leans back, staring at the ceiling. Her mind wandered to her tasks for the day. No doubt today was going to be busy. Who knows if she'll have time to squeeze in shopping. Although, if she needed to, she could always sneak away. Hika took another bite and returned her gaze to the three students.


Location: UA Dormitories
Mentions: No one

Try as he might, old habits die hard. Due to his unique anatomy Donny had both a hard time sleeping, and needed less time sleeping, which ultimately resulted in a very strange sleep schedule that often just leaves him weirdly exhausted during the day and strangely energetic at night. It was a habit he knew he would need to grow out of at UA but these past few days made it hard for him to actually adjust. No matter how early he slept or not long her stayed up, he would always be awake and active between the hours of 2300-0300, and just a complete wreck between the hours of 0700-1200. He tried sleeping earlier, he's tried medicine, he's even tried hypnosis, but alas, the best he could do was just set up multiple alarms and deal with it.

After sleeping through three alarms and shutting down two, Donny would eventually be roused from his dreamless sleep of death, getting out of the barrel he calls a bed and goes to put on his skin suit. He makes himself a usual pot of cheap coffee, more of a thing for taste rather than function, since he knows he's going to feel like trash once 7 am rolls around. Once he had his coffee Donny would dress into a school uniform and head down stairs to eat breakfast.

Despite his considerable skills in the kitchen, Donny was ultimately a lazy person, especially in the morning. His breakfast was especially low effort, consisting of a pot of boiled water and two packets of his favorite brand of instant ramen. "Hmhpha... Morning y'all..." The big boy would grumble as he stood near the stove, sipping his coffee. He needed to do some groceries shopping, buy some more school supplies, and maybe contact some villagers in town to see how things are currently going back at home.

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