U.P.M.C. Ferrum [Inactive]

Not long passed before Grigory awoke. Restful sleep couldn't last long in a horror show like this. The first thing he saw after blinking away the drowsiness was the Felix's stony face. He knew that expression. It could mean nothing but bad news.
Rosco wandered around the ship for a good few hours after the escapades involving his helmet. He knew the situation at hand was most likely life-threatening, yet he still bumbled around like nothing had changed. Wandering the ship, he had come across countless bodies crushed or impaled by the twisted metal deathtrap that was now the UPMC Ferrum. An awful smell lingered the air, one that Rosco's father would most likely describe as, "Nasty shit, yo". Truly, this was the only description that could ever accurately explain the inconvenient situation poor Rosco got himself into.

Rosco eventually halted at what was supposed to be a door to get to deck 9, which was where he kept his Geoff Wilco's Greatest Hits CD, but instead he was met with the caved-in remains of it. The broken structure seemed familiar to Rosco, though. Really familiar actually.

Then, it hit him. Rosco realized he had been walking around in circles looking for this door, finding it, turning around, and then immediately forgetting it was blocked off for about 3 hours in total. He turned away from the cave-in and walked away, forsaking him to the vicious cycle he had repeated so many times. The only real constant in his mind was the feeling of thirst he developed while walking. He wasn't sure what deck he was on, but he knew there was no vending machine that could quell the thirst he was feeling.

At last, the cycle was broken when he heard the voice of a girl who was calling out for help. Rosco recognized the familiar sound of hydraulics that followed her voice. He sprung to the nearest air vent, ripped off the covering, and slithered his way inside toward the voice.

You see, the thing that motivated Rosco to help to the poor lass proved to get him in trouble more often than naught. For the thing that motivated him, in all aspects of his life, was his thirst. But he wasn't thirsty for any cold beverage or anything of the like.

Rosco was thirsty for love...
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Felix looked to Grigory and glanced around for a moment to make sure no one was around. He sighed deeply and rubbed his face. " Grigory... We don't know for sure but the most likely cause for the disaster was sabotage. I know you wouldn't do something like that. I don't know who did. So I would be especially careful about your past while all this shit is going on if i were you."
Working in the Reactor Room, Warik had busied himself trying to fix or replace broken circuit boards, replacing wires and starting the internal diagnostic. He was determined to do everything he could before Greg got down, couldn't let the kid have to do all the work it was going to take on his own. "This operation could take a few hours" Hey muttered pushing one of the energy coils (basically a giant power cord) back into the reactor. Just then he heard the monitor he signed into make the message received noise. Good that diagnostic is done. Heading over, he thought about how bad it could possibly be. "Hold on a sec, this isn't the diagnos... oh shit."

"To the Captain and Greg,

Didn't stay till Diagnostic finished, member of Engineering Team trapped on Deck 3 and I went there. Greg, get down here, good luck. -Edward Warik, Lead Engineer"

"To Ma,

I'm coming, try to conserve as much air as possible. If you have your standard outfit on, put the respirator on. Deck 4 is completely vac'ed. when I get there I'm going to have to vac your room. If there is anyone else there tell them to do the same. Be there ASAP. - Edward Warik, Lead Engineer"

And he ran again.
Dismay creased Grigory's face.

"You think the insurgents could have done this? They have enough trouble just holding on to the planet... I can not imagine that they would be able to hit a target so far out in space. Why do you think this?"
Greg was halfway down the stairs to the reactor when the message hit, He quickly replied, "Get that engineer fast we need all the help we can get." He continued down the stairway until he got to the reactor room, he began picking up where Warik had left of, Cables needed to be replaced circuit boards were fried from the initial overload that came from having such damage occur to so many floors. "C-26 system fried...gonna have to re-route through subsystem A-7c." He scratched his head, so much work and that was external connections and monitoring systems. The internal diagnostic was still running, and hadn't returned any results. All Greg could do right now was basic maintenance "Come on baby! I just need 10%... I just need 10% to get emergency systems running and not on batteries! with a little bit extra for the reserves! Come on baby work with me!"
Ma hunched up by the stairwell and waited patiently for some sort of rescue. She thought of checking the deck for other survivors but from what she had seen it had been nothing short of a miracle that she was still alive. After a few minutes she decided she might as well try her hand at an escape.

With a heave she lifted her robotic fist and powered it on. It gave a whir as it came to life and she attempted to punch away at some of the debris blocking her path.
Robert returned his office, miraculously left intact after the impact. He took a deep breath and opened his holo station, straightening his tie while he waited for someone to answer. He waited. Nothing. Five minutes passed. Still nothing. "Hmm," he mumbled. He tapped the communicator on his wrist only to hear static. He stared blankly at the gadget only to violently throw it against the wall a moment later. He strolled out his room and down the stairs to find the captain talking to the doctor. "Captain, guess what!" he exclaimed. "Someone's jamming our fucking communications!"
Stairs were the worst. Warik had gone up and down for the past eternity it seemed. But they needed every hand they could get, even a fresh intern. Warik liked to know everyone on his team so he had spent some time working with Ma on some mundane tasks before all this. Best thing that she could do right now is help repair the hull on Deck 8, the next deck that was salvageable. Better to not set her to do things with the more delicate systems, untrained people making repairs were worse then no one making repairs. OK Deck 5 Stairwell, this is where things get tricky. Lock down the room, Open the lock on the Deck 4 section, Talk to Ma and warn here about the venting, open Deck 3, get her up to Deck 5 stairwell, seal off Deck 5 stairwell and get air in that room. Ok go. "Deck 5 sealed!" heard over the intercom, "Opening Deck 4, Warning not air detected." "Ok, get down to the Deck 3 entrance... At the door. HEY MA, CAN YOU HEAR ME?!?" Warik thought he heard so very loud smashing.
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The smashing immediately died down as Ma heard Warik and in turn lowered her fists. "Warik is that you? Yeah I'm down here! There's a whole lot of shit blocking my way though!" She sighed and tried to keep calm.
Rosco slithered through the ventilation shafts faster than anyone on minimum wage ever could. He was largely unsure of where he was, but that wouldn't stop him. Nothing could really stop Rosco. After crawling around for a good 10 minutes, he ventured into a sensitive part of the ventilation shaft and broke through the ceiling of Ma's room. As he fell, he performed a back-flip in the air, and landed on his feet in a graceful pose.

He approached a completely perplexed Ma, took off his beanie, and bowed.

"Yo" Rosco said in the most suave voice he could.
"OK, Are you wearing your uniform? If you are, put your respirator on, because this room I'm in has been Vac'ed and breached. If anyone else is there you should do the same. I'll help you move that Debris when I'm in there. I've got 25 or so minutes of air left. Get ready."
She was momentarily distracted by the sudden appearance of Rosco. "H-Hey there...?"

After hearing the instructions from Warik Ma nodded, though it didn't really matter seeing as he couldn't see her. She turned her respirator on and looked to Rosco, gesturing him to do the same.
Felix managed to say "God only knows" before Robert yelled at him " What? Robert is this some sort of fucked up joke? Who the hell has the ability to jam coms in deep space?!" He stood and tapped his handheld communicator on." Shit, we can only do short range. This whole thing is fucked!"
"We're not going to die here today," Alaric shook his head, emerging from deck 8. "Pull yourself together."

He turned back to face the captain, placing two large cases down in front of him. "Some of the best salvage from the armoury, two EVA tested suits. Could come in handy if maintenance needs a hand."
Grigory, keeping apace, was determined to find out why the captain had such suspicions.

"Who suggested sabotage?" he asked. "Such speculation is not wise until we have more information, surely!"
"One of the engineers said that it might be sabotage," Alaric pointed out. "If they say that it's a possibility, I think we defer to their knowledge on the subject of repair and damage. We can't act on anything yet, but it's good to have some contingencies."
Dusk nodded, "Yes it was me. My scans of the ship show this type of damage could only be done from the inside of the ship. Either that, or we are just really unlucky. However, my scientific readings are most interesting." He shakes his head as if here were disagreeing with someone, "This job, whoever did it, is a genius. They were able to cover any tracks that I would have been able to pick up, and any evidence was probably destroyed during the chaos, and allowed them to escape. If what I hear is true, and our communications are out, they are most likely the cause of that as well. Although, a sensor jammer that big would have to be very close to the ship for it to block everyone."

Dusk sat down in one of the corners, and began to tap some strange buttons on his robotic hand.

"However, I might be able to get some sensor equipment up. I have been working on a new scientific research project with my..." Dusk paused, trying to think of the best word to use, "partner, that can be used to detect different waveforms in the air, which it just so happens that sensor jammers use these waves. I wont be able to pinpoint the exact location, but I should be able to find the general location of this thing. I will need some help getting it set up, so if I could get someone to come down to my lab, it would be most appreciated."
"Great, at least we've been caught off guard bya proffesional," Alaric muttered dryly. "And communications are down as well? This day just keeps getting better and better."

Alaric sighed heavily, before looking back at Dusk.

"You say this jammer would have to be big. Just how big are we actually talking here? We talking person big? Tank sized? As big as the ship? Just what do you think we're dealing with here?"
Felix sat solemnly thinking of the question Robert asked him as everyone conversed around him. He wanted to answer "No we're not" But as of now he had no reason to believe that as true. He was scared to be honest terrified.
Dusk sat thoughtfully on the ground for a second before responding, "Well, calculating the size of the ship, and the amount of people that are aboard, the simple equation for this would be..." Dusk begins spouting off random numbers and equations for a few minutes, "and so, with all of that, I would say that this thing would have to be at least as big as a small spacecraft, such as a escort ship, but couldn't be larger than a science vessel. Or if, the person who did this accounted for all of the people who died then..." again, Dusk begins spouting off random numbers, "then it would have to be," He paused, "Wait, that can't be right."

Dusk stood up with a quick pace, a fearful look on his face.

"The jammer is on our ship."

He paused, looking around fearfully, he grabbed his head.

"It is nearby. But, we should find this thing fast, most of these things have a time limit, and use nuclear power to function. The controller, at any time could stop it, and, when he does..."

Dusk shook is head, "Lets just hope this ship has internal blast protection."

Dusk looked down to his hand.

"Damn, I'm late. If you will excuse me I will be in my office. If someone could, in about an hour, come down and help me set up this stuff. We will find this damn thing."
While the diagnostic was still running Gerg was in the midst of another project, He was checking maintenance shafts and deck integrity via the engineering panel, "Lets see...that portion of the deck could be sealed connected by that section of the maintenance tunnels...seal that door till that one section of the hull gets sealed...and connect to deck three...which if these sections get sealed suddenly...HAHA there's a plan!" He shot a quick message to the captain and engineering team,

While waiting for diagnostic to complete I did manage to plot a way for traversal between the upper a lower decks, downside, we'd need the power to enact emergency vacuum sealing routines, and would have fix part of deck 8, a small hallway on deck 5, and a section of deck 4... but from what I can tell...via some maintenance tubes on the other side of the ship that would be quick fixes, travel would be possible, though it'd take 4 times as long as the stairs and you'd be climbing ladders. Still this is only viable if we get the power running. and we'd have to patch up a few holes on deck 3... but we might have a potential floor and a half of space after a bit of work.

Greg Moray

With that done Greg returned to the cutting of wires and motherboard replacements. The work seemed endless, and it really was...How the hell this much damage could have been caused by a simple impact was mind boggling. He shot a message to Warik

Need second opinion...I may know my subsystems but the damage to the reactor...the fact that we've had to cut and replace such much cable and more than a few boards... I'm here scratching my head thinking about even though the impact would damage electrical systems, and there would be an overload. How the hell is there this much damage?! Part of the potential mysterious interloper on our ship?"
"Whoa whoa whoa, hold up," Alaric shouted, running after Dusk and placing a hand on his shoulder. "If you said nuclear, and there is a clear and present danger to this ship beyond the immediate damage, you better start figuring out where that thing is pronto. I don't care what you're later for, this takes priority. Understand?"
Dusk sighs. "Yah, fine. I can do that." Dusk stood there for a moment, thinking. "Wow," he said, "Damn. Your right. This takes priority. Besides, if I go up in flames from this thing, what would happen to Syd..." He looks up to see Alaric, "...her. Ok, lets get this thing figured out. Follow me please. I think I have just the solution."

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