U.P.M.C. Ferrum [Inactive]

Greg gave a weak smile, "Sir I am an engineer, I'm usually the one to see the Shit hit the fan, and have to clear it off... if you can't keep your cool in most situations, and understand what is going on... get the hell off my team."
"I'll keep that in mind," Alaric chuckled. "Never did have much of a head for all this technical stuff you guys do. Never really spent much time with your type either. be interesting to see what does happen if this is sabotage if nothing else."
Dusk sat quietly in the dark corner of the common room.

"Who would do this to a simple mining ship?" He questioned, "It just doesn't add up. One of those tethers doesn't malfunction. Something must have happened."

He looked down to the sensors on his left hand.

"Yet, I pick up absolutely no strange readings. Whoever did this was good, and covered their trail nicely."

Trying to piece together all the data he had collected, Dusk had an frightening idea.

"This wouldn't be another attempt at my life, would it?" He shuddered, "This would be an easy target, especially with the low amount of security personnel. It must have been an inside job, someone here on this ship is not who they are claiming to be. I must be careful. But I still have to help the crew."

Standing up, he looked around the room to see all the injured crew members all being treated by the medics. "I have to do this, not for me, and not even for this crew," He paused, "I have to do this for her."
As they approach deck nine Felix removes his respirator. "And that's why we keep you on Greg, you know your stuff. Let's just hope everyone else does as well. Because something tells me reality has just slapped a lot of people in the face within the last hour." Felix never really smiled much but his naturally apathetic face seemed even more so in the last few moments. The shit has indeed hit the fan and he was right behind it. " If we live through the next few hours drinks are on me..."
"I believe you may have just signed your wallets death note on that one sir," Alaric chuckled, walking beside Felix and removing his helmet, before spying a man sitting in the corner, muttering to himself. What was his name again. Dusk?

"On your feet robocop," Alaric grabbed the man, hauling him up. "Captain Felix wants everyone to get ready, that includes you sunshine."
Grigory, having run out of patients needing immediate attention, noticed the small group and made his way over.

"That gash looks bad," he said, eyeing Greg's forehead. "Head wounds should not be left unattended. Come, I will help you. At the very least, you need antiseptic and a few moments off of your feet."
Warik approached those coming out of the stairwell, The Captain, Alaric, and ... oh thank god, another member of the Engineering Team. "We need all the hands we could get right now," he muttered to himself. That nasty cut on his head was looking bad, but a doc came over and took him for treatment. Finally reaching the group Warik said, "Captain, most of the hull on this Deck is repaired, I'm gonna move toward getting a permanent solution on the energy crisis coming our way. I hope our reactor wasn't hit to bad. If it was I'll send a message. And Alaric, you still owe me a drink."
Alaric froze instantly, his mind whiring as he thought back to when he and Warik had been searching the ship together.

"Wait, what?" he asked in disbelief. "I don't remember this wager. Plus...er...alcohol is bad for you in a crisis, yeah that's it. Just ask the doc, he seemed to know all about it earlier, for completely unrelated reasons too. Nothing to do with me."
"What is the plan, gentleman?" Dusk stated, and looking over to Alaric, "Ohh, and don't you ever call me that again," he stated sternly, although a small smile sprouted out from underneath his hood. "People call me Dusk for a reason."
"You're not in that much of a position to be making pseudo-threats, but I get the message," Alaric grinned. "When the captain buys us all drinks, you can tell me why you like Dusk, but right now, we're in the shit."
"Only if we survive," Alaric chuckled. "And only if you pull your weight. Personally, I want to find whoever sabotaged the ship, put a bullet in theirbrain, then have some time off. Maybe on a nice tropical planet. I hear Pokitaru is nice this time of year."
"Well at least later there will be drinks." Redirecting to the captain, "Sir, I'm going down to the Reactor now, I'll report the damages." And he went to the stairwell
"I shall try my best. Although, I don' think you want me firing a gun. I might break something important."Dusk laughs, "Isn't that your job? Anyways, are you going to need me for anything else, or shall I continue on, I might need help setting up some of my equipment. If one of you could help me, this investigation might be faster. Also, captain," He pauses, "I don't wish to take from your command, but could I recommend gathering everyone together, if they aren't. It will allow my sensors to scan everyone here on the shipper faster."
Greg was happy to get treated. the antiseptic was stung abit at first though quickly it fadded quickly and the short time off his feet did help Greg get his bearings. Though upon hearing the chief engineer say he was head to the reactor he couldn't help but yell, "Not Without me Warik! You know the subsystems on that thing are my one of my best areas of expertise!"
"Like you said, it's my job when it arises," Alaric nodded, stroking his rifle favourably, before slipping it onto the mag-lock on his back. "But for now, I don't have anything pressing to attend to, so I suggest we all stick together and head down to this reactor and see what we can do. Cap's probably going to have to spend some time getting everyone together, so we might as well be useful while he's doing that."
"To true, come to the reactor after that doc gives you the okay. I'm gonna check the physical damage and run a diagnostic. Usually helps to know what needs fixing." He said leaning out the doorway of the stairwell. "I'll send you that message I send to the Captain if that treatment takes to long."
"Just don't expect me to know the technical stuff you'll be talking about," Alaric smirked. "Give me weights to left, bad guys to shoot, but whatever you do,don't let me think."
Now that the wounded were treated and the mechanical work was beginning, Grigory was at a loss for occupation. As his adrenaline and medical fervor wore off, the exhaustion of the past few hours washed over him. All cots were occupied, so he left command to the most senior nurse at triage station, slumped against a wall in the corner, and slept.
Cleared for duty, Greg was again on his feet, he wasn't superman, but the constant adrenaline rushes sure made him feel like it. If he didn't get a heart attack by the end of this day it was going to be a miracle. Furthermore, if he got past today, he was going to kill his liver in the inevitable "Hurra we're not dead party/celebration." However that idea was far off in his head...the objective was the reactor, fix it, get it online, get power running. then the rest of the hull... last were going to be the engines. becasue unless everything else got fixed...then A. nothing would be able to power the engines, and B. if the engines got fired up...it may be enough to rip the ship in twain...but again pushed to the back of his mind. He had a reactor to help repair and Diagnose.
Felix waved the group odd and then started walking deeper into the deck to address his people for once since the whole ordeal started. But then he saw Grigory and decided that he deserved to know about the entire sabotage issue. He approached the man when everyone else was clear and sat next to him and began sipping from a flask waiting for the resident doctor to awake.
What... what's going on?

Ma sat up from where she had fallen on the floor. The room was filled with smoke and an alarm was blaring loudly, it was a wonder how it hadn't woken Ma before. Her back was aching, she had been laying in an awkward position for who knows how long. She managed to stumble up onto her feet and tried to absorb what was happening.

Smoke. Alarm. Yells. Corpses...

From what she could gather she was in danger. Ma made her way towards the nearest stairwell. The young engineer had been toying with her robotic fists down on the 3rd deck, they were currently on her, before she had been knocked out by what she assumed was the cause of the ship's damage. As she approached the stairwell she was immediately disheartened to see it blocked by debris. Unlucky much? Well, at least she wasn't as unlucky as the bodies sticking out from under the rubble. Before she could allow herself to panic she pulled her communicator out from her pocket.

"Hey, Ma here. Engineering intern. I'm stuck down on deck 3 and I'm... I'm not sure how long I can survive down here. Please send for help." She gulped and looked back towards the stairs. Hopefully help was on the way.

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