Tyrant's Gaze: Lock&Key [Inactive]

"Oh this is infuriating!" She stopped and leaned against the wall. The hallway seemed to never end and it felt like they weren't getting anywhere.

"And yes I do hate the nobles. Packs of purebred fiends." She closed her eyes and sighed.
After a long stretch of hallway, a large wooden door finally shows itself on the left. A quick inspection would reveal that the door was unlocked and had a simple bronzish handle adorning it, and a fire was happily burning inside somewhere.

Not that the three would know, but the room held Vapik's commanders as they strategize and examine formations and war tactics silently in the room.
Brutus till now was following them silently. When he saw the door he said, "I don' s'pose any of ye know magic, do ya? We need to know what's inside without openin' that door".

"The stairs seem to lead back upstairs and some where up there is Vapik. Our only chance is through the door but it may just be a mistake going through". Brutus never thought so elaborately before, he somewhat surprised himself. "So what-da-ya-say?".
Kass shrugged. "I don't have magic. And there's no aerial access that we know of, so we might just have to take a chance." He grinned and stepped closer to the door, crouching beside it. "Or..." He held his hand up, indicating for them to be silent as he listened.
Ririchiyo tapped her foot impatiently. She was itching for a real fight, and she wasn't going to wait until she got home. She tried to restrain herself from beating the door down.

"Oh, hurry up! We don't have all day and it's about time we picked up this leisurely pace!" She hissed.
Behind the door, the Commanders were discussing strategics of battle over a warboard, with a bunch of little models that represented Vapik's forces and the Rebellion's forces. Vapik's models easily outnumbered the Rebellion's at least three to one. "...Thats all well and good." A soulless female voice says behind the door mid-sentence. "But even though that would work, we need to make sure we get at least a crippling amount of them caught up in it, if not all of them." A deeper male voice takes over quickly. "So, we need to make sure the bait is good enough to attract... Ssh! Did you hear that?" The voice hushes the others in the room, and Kass can hear footsteps approaching the door.
Kass panicked, and leaped back, drawing his bow in one swift motion. "Shoot!" He aimed at the door, ready to fire at whatever came through, after all, he sincerely doubted they would be friendly. Of course, Kass just hoped that his team mates could be as quick to react, as there was definitely not enough space to fly in the corridor.
Noticing Kass's quick retreat from the door, Ririchiyo flicked out her wrists and allowed the spikes to settle in throwing position between her fingers. She hopped back several steps and crouched down where there seemed to be the most shadow.

"How many are there?" She whispered.
A fairly well-built Commander in ornate armour opens the door with a loud creak, poking his head around the corner of his door and lays his eyes upon the three with their weapons up. He gives them a disappointed stare for a moment, before he points down the hallway they had just come from. "Ugh... Listen, you need to report to your Field Sargent for an assignment, not me, OK?" He says starkly before muttering something about foolish new recruits and slamming the door closed again.
Brutus put his hand on Ririchiyo's shoulder; "Hold it together lass, if we make haste and aren't careful, those guards of Vapik's are goin' to chop us up where we stand".

"You hear anything lad?", Brutus looked at Kass.
Kass had stopped short in surprise by the commander's reaction to them. What? Why...actually, his mistake may be a blessing. He slowly lowered his bow, and carefully took a step forward. Although, should I take a second chance? "I think that may be a strategy room or something. The dude who came through was obviously important...."
Ririchiyo shrugged her shoulders. The actions of the guard were surprising and it was hard to tell whether he made a mistake or let them go.

"Should we....head back the way we came? Because we really don't have much choice but the other two exits are a bust." She kept three spikes at the ready and dropped the others back into place.
Kass shrugged. "Well, this is obviously a dead-end, so I guess our only option is to go up, unless we want to fight." He took a step back from the door, and spoke in low tones. "So I guess up would be the best choice. I'm not sure I want to face off against the people in there, as they obviously have good hearing."
"I just hope that those stairs don't lead directly back to Vapik." Ririchiyo shuddered and tightened her grip on the spikes. She stayed on her toes and backtracked to where the path split off in three directions.

"Up we go I suppose."
With the marching outside and the generals down the hall, the worst stroke of luck for the group would have been if the stairs led back to Vapik's hall. And it did. Though fortunately, the stairs led them up to a sort of observatory that surrounded Vapik's throne room, if the group looked over the balcony, they would see Vapik silently reading his book, with guards standing at attention all around him. Vapik had the lightest smile on his face, though it was impossible to tell if it was from the book or if he was just enjoying the attention from the guards. The floor above Vapik's head linked all the way around, and there was a symmetrical set of stairs on the opposite side, with a large ornate front door to the right on the ground floor, though it was highly likely that opening the door would attract the guard's attention... unless they were distracted.
"That door, is our only way out but there's no way in hell we'll get by without them noticing us. We need someone who can distract them." Ririchiyo pulled several more spikes out and peered over the balcony.

"I'll go unless one of you is dying to do it yourselves."

Without actually waiting for their response, she began to unwind the length of rope she had from Kass's wings. She looped it securely around the railing and her waist. Then she reached forward and snatched the dagger Kass had before stepping over to the railing.

"You two should head over to the door. That way you can make a quick escape. Oh! Don't forget to prop it open for me, because I do have a job to get back to."
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Just as Ririchiyo was about to rappel down to provide a distraction for the others, the doors burst open as one of the guards rushes through the doors panting. Fortunately he wasn't wearing a helmet, and his face is easily recognizable as the guard that Brutus tied up not so long ago. The guard puts his hands on his knees as he breathes heavily infront of the King, though Vapik uncharacteristically stands up immediately to see to the guard. Whatever the two are saying to each other was inaudible, as they were speaking in almost whispers, although it is more than likely that the guard was alerting Vapik that his prisoners had escaped, though with the door wide open and the surrounding soldiers all focused on him, it seemed as though it would have been better if he stayed tied up...
Kass frowned. "I think that the idea of providing a distraction might have just gone down the drain." He whispered. Wings unfolding to full length, he crouched at the edge of the balcony. "Should we just all make a run for it?"
"Oh thank goodness, because I really didn't want to risk my hide for anyone else's sake." Of course she wasn't telling the whole truth but it wasn't as if she was going to tell these two strangers that she was willing to risk her life for them. It would lame, and dealers don't do lame. Suddenly what Kass said sunk in.

"Oh yeah, we should probably run. Now." So she took her own advice and sprinted towards the door.
Kass leaped off the balcony, wings catching the air. It was nice to be in a large, unconfined space again. He laughed as the air sprang up to meet him, but he knew that he wouldn't laughing very long. Quickly, he rolled to one side before nocking two arrows on his bow. "If anybody moves, they'll get an arrow to the face!" Kass's voice didn't quite echo, but it was still pretty loud. He reverted to more of a standing position in the air and pointed them at the guards down below. This wasn't normally his thing, but Brutus and Ririchiyo seemed to have less of a chance of getting away as easy. After all, Kass could just break through a window and jump if need be.
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Vapik and the rest of the guards turn around abruptly to see the flying Kass with two arrows nocked in his bow. Vapik walks casually infront of his guards, who were scrambling behind their own backs for their crossbows. "Don't be a fool, Kass! Where will you go, even if you survive? Back into the cold wastes to find the Rebellion? You'll freeze to death before you find where they have moved to." Vapik shouts out in an almost victorious voice, as if he held all the cards in his hand. Though he was saying the truth, there was nothing stopping the group hiding out in the rest of the city below.
Frowning, Kass paused for a moment. He didn't want to kill, but these guards were obviously loyal to the traitor king. It was a moral dilemma, solved when Kass's little, reasoning voice in his head pointed out the fact that he'd warned him. So he fired. Two arrows arced downward at incredible speed, each headed toward a different guard that was obviously moving. Two more followed, each aimed at a different guard, and Kass kept the next round on the bow, having made his point. "It's a better chance than underneath a tyrant like thee." He dropped abruptly to the ground, landing in front of the entrance. "Who else wants some food?"

[i'm letting you decide if the arrows hit, although I believe they would have, considering Kass's skill. But these are all elite guards, so who knows....]
The first two guards were too busy getting their crossbows out to have defended themselves from Kass' attack, and so his arrows shudder through their armor, and they collapse to the ground. The first two were more prepared, both were able to avoid the arrows altogether with a rather amazing show of dexterity. With eight guards remaining, and their crossbows trained on Kass, Vapik lets of a smirk before the guards loose a hail of bolts. "Fire."

(OOC: I'll allow you the same courtesy whether or not the arrows hit.)
Kass almost lost it in a moment of indecision. Should he dodge, and one or two of the arrows might hit him, or he could block with a wing, preventing him from flying for a while, but the arrows would probably hit Ririchiyo if he moved. His brain registered that there wasn't enough time to dodge now, and his wing swept out, catching all of the bolts. Kass clamped down his jaw to avoid screaming in pain and giving Vapik the satisfaction he was looking for. It was on. He fired, allowing the arrows to arc gracefully through the air and high above everyone's heads. It looked as if they would go straight over everyone, or hit the ceiling, but instead they suddenly plummeted down with deadly accuracy, targeting more of the guards. More arrows followed, as Kass released volley after volley. His quiver was empty now, but that didn't bother him. He could shoot crossbow bolts just as well, and there was plenty for him to use.

[Kass's epic moment. He's gonna faint soon though.... xD ]
She had reached the door and turned to call out to Kass and Brutus. But what she saw was Kass blocking her from crossbow fire. She was a bit shocked by the move, but it jolted her into action.

"Are you going to stand there all day? We gotta get going you showoff!" She crossed her arms over her chest and let the spikes dangle precariously from her fingertips.

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