Tyrant's Gaze: Lock&Key [Inactive]

Kass picked up one of the bones and twirled it between his fingers. "I might be able to pick the lock on those." He offered. "Not my best trait, but this is rather small, and ideal for it." He grinned.
"Eh?! Really?! Oh thank gawd! Hey, if you can do that, I'll untie those wings of yours." A devilish smile graced her lips, one she often wore when working or settling a deal. It was cool for her to know that even in these dark times, there were semi-nice people around. She splashed towards him, and held out her hands. But she also knew that none of them would hesitate in sacrificing her for their own needs. To be honest she would do the same. Hence the semi-nice thing.
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He took the small bone, and peered into the lock of the manacles. It wasn't all that complicated, after all, he'd picked his fair share of locks before, but it would be difficult, considering the fact that his own hands were limited. Carefully, Kass began fiddling with the mechanism, unlocking the cache. After a few minutes, he leaned back, grinning. "Done."
She flexed her wrists and cracked her knuckles. Then she set to work untying the hardy knots around his wings. The ropes fell loose and she wound them up then threaded them through her overalls' belt loop.

"Hey thanks for that. My weapons were confiscated or else I would have been able to do it myself." She walked up to the door and tried to peer through.

"Nice wings, by the way." She added absentmindedly.
Kass nodded. "Thank you for returning the favor." He stretched out his wings and folded them against his back. Walking over to stand beside Ririchiyo, Kass examined the mangled gate, looking for a weak point that could be broken through a large enough gap to squeeze through.
Ririchiyo rapped her knuckles against the metal, listening for hollow sounds. A pang echoed around the room as she found a rusted out bar. "I think if we apply enough force it should give." She tried leaning against it but to no avail. She sat back.

"Eh, mind lending a hand?"
Brutus, who was out cold for sometime got up. Clearing from his haze he saw Kass and Ririchiyo all shackle-free and he was still bound.

He jolted up and said sarcastically, "Well thanks for the help kids". He then presented forth his fettered limbs and pulled them apart. The chains broke, the metal flew balletic-ally and then hit the water splashing. He walked up to Ririchiyo and grabbed the metal bar she was holding, in one hand and ripped it out effortlessly.

"So, what now?", he asked.
"Now, we explore what lies beyond the door!" Ririchiyo cried dramatically. She peered inside the dark room.

"I, uh don't suppose either of you want to go first? I can handle thieves and drunkies but dark and creepy? Not my shtick."
"Kass here has a nice sense of humour, especially at times where your s'posed to be grave", Brutus patted Kass on the back almost making him topple over. "Well off you go boy!", Brutus said vivaciously.
Kass winced and glanced up at Brutus. "Thank you!" He slipped out between the now much larger gap in the bars and peered through the gloom. Kass really wished he had a bow in his hands right now. But, he didn't, so instead Kass got ready to jump into the air if he got attacked, not knowing any other way to defend himself.

[Actually, Ririchyro only untied his wings.]
The hallway following the door was dark and dingy, with only a few sparse torches that lined the wall to give any light at all. The walls were almost entirely drenched, and it seemed as though someone had been there fairly recently. The sound of someone whistling can be heard in the distance, though going to the sound would require the group to go up a particularly long distance of unlit stairs. There was always the option, of course, to ignore the sound and stairs altogether, and simply continue down the hallway to see where it leads.
Brutus tried to enter next. Too big he had to shimmy his way in, almost falling over Kass. "Do you think this is a good idea? This room doesn't look so auspicious to me", Brutus said; looking around the hallway.

"And what's that whistlin'? We aren't going up there, ya hear me boy?!", Brutus ironically sounded childish for his deep voice. He was clinging to Kass.
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Chuckling softly, Ririchiyo followed after them. The hallway was dank but not unlike the area where she lived. The whistling was rather neat and she found herself twirling her finger as if conducting it. She looked up the stairs, paused in front of them with her arms crossed over her chest.

"I think we should follow that. If the water level rises we'll be above it and the stairs go up, which means they lead to somewhere near the surface." She peered at Brutus and Kass then shrugged her shoulders.

"But if you're more content staying here I won't stop you." She jumped up onto the first stair and kept going.
"That girl is actually right, ya know", Brutus said almost sighing. "Well Kassy boy?!", Brutus grabbed Kass' shoulders, almost too tightly. "I don't want to go, but if you do...", Brutus looked down at Kass.
Kass shrugged. "I'll just scout ahead. Which direction do you guys wan to go?" He glanced up the stairs. "My only worry is that the whistling may be from a guard."
"Eh, don't be such a worry wart. He's really far away and if worse comes to worst, we can always have Brutus here snap his neck." She punched Brutus's arm for emphasis.

"Besides, I'm already on the stairs so we should go this way. I don't want to have to climb down." Even though she was only three stairs up.
"You've got spunk girl!", Brutus bellowed. Brutus let go of Kass and walked up a step. Actually he just felt a little less insecure with the girl, she had this confident vibe. "Lead the way lass!".

Brutus beckoned Kass. "Well laddy I think the girls smart. Plus you've got wings", Brutus winked at Kass.
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Kass laughed. "Alrighty then. Up we go." He followed the other two, making his way toward the front. He kept an eye out for anything that might be dangerous.
"Hm, yeah, I do don't I?" She smirked cockily. "Thanks Brutus." She had travelled a lot during her time and the people she just met were better companions than any of the others she'd had. She moved over as Kass passed her.

"I could really use a drink right now." She moaned.
As the group walks up the stairs towards the whistling noise, the stair-well gets darker and darker until its almost completely possible to see, though the whistling gets louder and louder. It seems as though the trip up the stair-well may have been a waste of time, but suddenly one of the guards quickly slams open a door, showering light into the pitch black, he takes one look at the group, stops whistling, and simply says. "...Shit."
Kass immediately lunged forward, knowing that if the guard got the door closed, they would be trapped. He slammed his wing into the guard, hoping to knock him awa y from the door as he landed in the doorway. "Quickly!"
The guard was caught by surprise, tripping over his feet and landing heavily on his back a few meters from the doorway. The door lead into a room that very much looked like an armory, with weapons and armor scattered all along the wall, surrounded by a much higher-quality steel cage to keep people out. The guard tries scrambling to his feet and picks up the nearest weapon, but it was much too heavy for him, though he still tries hauling it pathetically and pointing it at the intruders. "Stop right there!"
Ririchiyo stepped in after Kass and held her hands up in a calming gesture. She smiled at the jittery guard and waved her hands from side to side before resting them behind her head.

"Eh,eh! Settle down. We're not looking for a fight. And as a plus, if you let us through, then you get to walk out with your body in one piece!" She smiled again and winked.
"Oh yea? And if I let you go, I'll be lucky if I have a body at all!" The guard says desperately, he gives up with hammer he was trying to point at the three, and instead takes a bow that was resting on a nearby crate, one that Kass would likely recognize. He slides two arrows into the bow and pulls the string back it, though he still manages to look rather clumsy. "If you move, I'll shoot you."
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Ririchiyo opened her other eye and then narrowed them both at the man. Her arms came down and hung loosely at her sides. She tilted her head and a glare flashed over her glasses.

"Oh yeah? You're so nervous you couldn't hit a ten foot statue. Besides that, if you shot me, it would take time to reload, and by the that time your arms could by ripped off and thrown down those stairs."

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