Tyrant's Gaze: Lock&Key [Inactive]

Kass grinned, understanding the way the special weapon worked. "And besides, the way you're holding that would prevent either of those arrows from going anywhere." He took a step forward, confident in the knowledge that the arrows would end up hitting each other as they came off the bow.
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Sure enough, the guard loosed the arrows, and they ended up hitting each other and clang uselessly on the floor. Hope pretty much leaves the guard's desperate eyes, he lets the bow drop to the floor and throws down a rack of weapons before trying to unlock the gate to escape, but in his panic drops the key and it slides under the door and into the corridor. The guard lets his head hit the gate lightly, before turning around to speak again. "Alright, do what you want... I'm dead either way."
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"You kids are real tough, you know that?", Brutus' back was against the entrance, as he stood their casually. "That coward really left a bounty eh?", Brutus said looking at the weapons on the floor.

"You seem to take a fancy in that bow Kass; I've seen you use it in the rebellion. Pretty deft lad, pretty deft". He then walked around appraising all the weapons, however nothing was as heavy duty as Brutus wanted. Until his eye caught a hammer. "I-It's my hammer, how in the world did it get here. No wimp of a guard can wield my baby.", he was juggling the gargantuan hammer around.

He put it on his shoulder and looked at Ririchiyo. "So Lass would do ya fancy here?"
Kass grinned and carefully began cleaning his bow, as if worried about some sort of germs the guard might have gotten on it. "Yes, I do love my bow. What shall we do with our friend over here?" He jerked his head toward the terrified guard, and lightly tapped one of the arrows on the ground, shifting it to point toward the gate.
Brutus walks over to the guard and puts a hand on his shoulder. "Well since your'e dead either way lad, why dontchya help us in the rebellion? I don't think you like that wonderful man, Vapik either, do ya?". Brutus eyes were fixed on the guard in determination.
"I'm not going to betray Vapik." He says solemly, he takes off his helmet and places it on the side, the man's face looked as though it shouldn't even be able to stay together it had so many scars. "For one, he holds the Matriarch Axes, and hes hiding behind an army of heavily armed soldiers, so I'm not going to go against the most powerful person in Essa." He sighs lightly before rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I cant even defeat a f%$king door, let alone a King." He gestures towards the key he had dropped outside the door, just out of arms reach. The guard really looked as though he had given up on everything, but was certainly still stubborn on his belief of the King's power.
"I say we kill 'im." Ririchiyo put in. She perused the weapon selections carefully. If Brutus and Kass had found their weapons, hers was bound to be around here somewhere.

"Ah, here it is!" She sighed happily and made her way over to a metal case that was sitting upon one of the shelves. She pulled it down and sat with it in her lap, then preceded to open it. Inside were four sets of throwing spikes. And one tiny bottle of lethal poison she had gotten (illegally) of some far off island.
Brutus let go of the guard and nodded sombrely."Well lad I guess I can't change your mind then". He bent over and grabbed the key. He turned to Ririchiyo. "So you like knives eh lass?", Brutus peered at her emptying the box's contents and threw the key in her direction.

"We ready to go yet?".
"Just a moment." She caught the key between her index and middle finger, just before it reached her, then set it down next to the case. Ririchiyo already had the gloves on and the thigh holsters, so she just had to load the pockets. When every last needle way in place, she poured a drop of poison into each pocket and stood. She tossed the key up, caught it mid-air with a swiping motion, then inserted it into the lock.

"Now I'm ready to go."
Brutus stroked his beard and moved next to Ririchiyo. "Alright boy lets go, that bow is going to get dirty later on anyway", he addressed Kass; who was still cleaning his bow.

Brutus turned to the guard. "I guess we'll let you live. No use wasting time on that already miserable life of yers". He turned to Ririchiyo, "Am I right lass?".
"Least we could do is lock 'im in. I don't want some bilge rat scurrying off to tell his junk mates about our escape just yet. They'll find out eventually, this I am certain about, but at least we could by some time." She shot a murderous glare over her shoulder at the guard before turning around.

"Do what you will, but your choosing to let 'im live might cost us."
Brutus just didn't want to kill anybody if he didn't have to. "Well lassy I guess yer right, we can't just leave 'em here". Brutus saw some rope on a shelf he went over and grabbed it, he tied up the guard and then gagged him with piece of cloth he found. He whispered to him, "I'm lettin' you live boy, my offer for joining us is still on the table ya hear".

He walked over to Ririchiyo, smiling. "That's do it".
Kass stood and grinned. "Fine by me. Let'sa go!" He laughed and slung his bow on his belt, grabbing a quiver as well. As an after thought, Kass also snatched a dagger and tucked it in his belt.
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The guard was no match for Brutus' strength, and so was basically helpless while he was tied to the chair. He looks at Brutus and rolls his eyes as he tries to convince him to go with them again, but he wasn't budging. He tries to say something, but it was muffled under the cloth, and try as he might the ropes were too well tied for him to escape, so he had no choice but to wait for someone to reach him.

The hallway had shifted from the dark and dingy dungeon area to the light stone bricks that the main castle was made from, unaffected by water of any sort whatsoever, and they were kept impeccably keen. The hallway went off in three ways, one of which went up another set of stairs, but that likely went back to the main hall where Vapik was. The other continued straight across and followed deeper into the castle, wherever that led, and the last path led out into the open sunlight.
"I guess we follow the light then eh?", Brutus said. "I've had enough of this mucky ol' castle", he said in exasperation. He shifted his hammer to his left shoulder and began walking towards the path that led to sunlight, not checking if the others were following.
The path led Brutus out into the side of the castle's main courtyard, it seemed as though their travels had brought him to far left of the castle, though the castle seemed fairly symmetrical. The main gates for the castle that led into the city below were wide open, though there were platoons of guards going about their formations, with a variety of blades. Most of the soldiers were arming themselves from a little hut just next to some stables, though it was unclear if the stables held any animals, there were certainly a few of the guards riding on horseback.
Brutus sighed and shook his head. He took a step back into the darkness. "I can't go out there and leave unnoticed. That's the exact opposite of what I do. They keep me to wreak havoc for god sake". He descended back a little further and plopped down, with his back against the wall.

Kass and Ririchiyo didn't seem to be following him. If they were here maybe just maybe they could devise a plan. He lingered in the hallway for sometime hoping that the other two would arrive, or he would have to go back down into that dreaded claustrophobic castle again.
"Hey hey, you ruddy giant! Wait up for me! I'm shorter than you, I got shorter legs!" And indeed she did. She was a good three feet shorter than him, standing at a proud five feet. She gestured to the path that led neither up nor out.

"I suppose we take this one. We could find some other way out. If it comes to it, we can scale the castle walls." She brushed a pesky strand of hair out of her face before adding bitterly,

"I left my dear casino in the care of some cranky ole coot who's going to drive all my customers away. As soon as we get out of here, I'm going to chug a big bottle of wine and kick the old hag out on her rear. Always messing up my business..."
Kass had been examining the set of stairs that went up, contemplating which way to go, when he realized that both his companions had disappeared. He sighed and heard voices drift down from the tunnel that led to natural light, so he took that route, bow at ready. "Hey guys." Kass squatted on the ground next to Brutus to get a good look at what was outside. He frowned. "Dang, I don't have enough arrows to take 'em all down. Their armour would get in the way too."
"We have no other choice then do we? Well lets go the other route. Lead the way kids", he said wanly and pointed down the hall.

He jumped up picked up his hammer and adjusted his belt on his rotund girth. "I'm ready", he roared; addressing no one in particular.
Kass quickly clapped his hand over Brutus's mouth and rolled his eyes. "Do you want to alert every single guard in the whole castle that we're over here?" He crouched and peered into the courtyard, checking to make sure nobody had noticed Brutus's loud voice.
Ririchiyo laughed. She picked absently at a piece of lint on her shoulder. She walked over to the two of them and clapped them both on the back. She smiled and whispered,

"If that's what he's like when he's sober, I think seeing him buzzed would be pretty hilarious. Though you," She pointed at Kass, "Don't really seem like a fun person either way." She drew her hands back to her sides and started down the final tunnel, the one that didn't go outside or up, without those two.
Kass shrugged and followed. "Can't say I even try." He nocked two arrows on his bow and let it hang loosely at his side. "You might be more edgy if you've lived my life." Kass grinned a little, and checked to make sure Brutus was coming. A large spider started to crawl down the wall, and Kass watched it out of the corner of his eye.
A smirked etched itself onto her lips. Edgy wasn't really a word she would to describe the boy, but it was close enough. The thought of him drunk made her chuckle loudly. That would be pretty funny to see! He's such a tightass, I bet he's real careful when it comes to making friends or even talking to people. Her silent teasing was clear on her face and she could barely restrain herself from laughing. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed the spider and with one quick movement had it pinned to the wall through its abdomen with a spike.

"I hate pests." She told it, as she pulled the spike out and it fell dead to the floor.
Kass raised an eyebrow as Ririchiyo started to chuckle. He couldn't tell what she was thinking, and he didn't really care. Glancing at the now dead spider, he commented "Must make it easy to hate nobles then, as they're pretty much rats." Moving ahead of her, Kass watched the hallway carefully, noting the signs of infrequent use.

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