Tyrant's Gaze: Lock&Key [Inactive]

Kass flinched at Richiryo's voice from behind him. He'd gotten so absorbed in the gentle sounds of the arrows and the bow that he'd forgotten she was there. And then the pain he'd been blocking out came crashing in, and he shuddered. His bow slipped from his hands, and he fell backwards. "Owww....."
(OOC: Well, I was kinda waiting for Brutus to say something, but I think hes left us... so yea, if you guys are still interested I'll keep posting. I think i'll take over Brutus' character since Awesomepants kinda fell off the universe.)

Seeing his enemy wounded made Vapik smile in delight, though his guards didn't need his orders to know that he wanted the intruders killed. Throughout the castle, a loud metallic bell could be heard, alerting the rest of Vapik's army to the trio, and calling for their assistance. With the three hopelessly outnumbered, Vapik figured that he had won, as he usually did, and so with a maniacal laughter he turns away from the battle and retires to his chamber, confident that his soldiers would annihilate the three. They would be quickly outnumbered and surrounded, and as such would need to think of something quick.
"Kass!" Ririchiyo called out. She moved forwards to help him but the sound of pounding feet distracted her. Guards were swarming the room like a cloud of locusts. Her grip suddenly tightened around her spikes and she whipped out three others, throwing them with deadly accuracy at the oncoming guards in one fluid motion.

"Are you alright?!" She called out.
Kass groaned, realized that there was more guards on the way, and tried to get back up. His vision was going black. It was kind of hard to believe that crossbow bolts could cause so much pain, but then, there was a lot of them. Those guards were pretty good shots. "No." He managed to say, as he pushed the pain out of the way. Getting out of here was definitely at priority, and no matter how much it hurt, they needed to run. "We need to go."
The sounds of trampling feet almost enveloped the sound of bells as Vapik's army marched to eliminate the intruders in the throne room, though an entire army for three people might have seemed a bit of overkill... Regardless, the soldiers were quick to almost flood the hall. Brutus takes a look around, before swearing lightly under his breath and kneeling down besides the wounded Kass, though he still towered over the boy. "Listen 'ere, lad, ye gotta be stayin' awake now, you may be our last change, ya hear?" He says quickly, looking around at the guards, they were approaching quickly, but keeping their blades at a distance from the giant of a man, though one unfortunate one got a little too close and was swatted away. "Take the lass and fly off, I'm way too big for yer to carry me, so I'll stay 'ere and distract 'em while yer get outta here. I ain't askin'." With that said, he gets up to tower over the surrounding guards and let off a menacing growl, though Vapik's archers were almost finished reloading, it didn't deter him from taking a mighty cleave through the guards, attracting as much attention as he could.
"That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard from a sober man! I don't give a damn about how big you are, there is no way you can take on this many people alone! Come on just run out with us! Kass doesn't even look capable of flying let alone carrying someone." She huffed the last bit to herself as she suddenly appeared next to them, having successfully evaded the pack of blood-thirsty meatheads. Her glasses flashed as she turned her head to examine Kass. It looked to her that he was having a tough enough time pushing the pain away, forget actually moving.

"Hey, if you can, maybe just you should escape. I mean you're a great help but you can't do jack shit right now." Ririchiyo spoke directly to Kass head turned to face him but body poised to attack.

(OOC- Sorry for swearing, but I didn't actually read a no cussing rule.... :)
Kass frowned, and looked around through squinted eyes. There was a heck of a lot of guards...he sighed, and pulled himself painfully to his feet. There was a lot of places along the path they took that could have avoided this, but here they were now. Ah, sweet fate. He carefully picked up his bow. "My vote is that we all run." Plucking a crossbow bolt out of his wing, Kass fired it at one of the crossbowmen as he retreated toward the door out.
Ririchiyo watched as Kass pulled himself up. He's tough. Her eyes flickered to Brutus, who was mowing down guards left and right. Him too. She hmphed to herself, noting how weak she was compared to the two of them. If she had been shot like that, she'd have been down for the count. And there was no way she could take out that many guards at once. She backed towards the door slowly keeping her eyes in front of her but not behind. With her mind somewhere else she was an easy target.
The few guards that still had crossbows let loose their bolts, though Brutus managed to swat a few aside with his hammer, some still snuck through his defence and stuck in shoulder, though he hardly even winced at the wound. With a grunt, he slams down one of the nearby guards before nodding to Kass and following them out the door, though the closer they got to the door, the more guards that filled the hall. It seemed almost never-ending, though none had the audacity to block the door itself from the group, though as the guards filled the hall, they became bolder with their attacks, a few even running up to slash and Kass and Ririchiyo.
Kass fell back with a yelp as a sword grazed his shoulder. His automatic reflexes kicked in, and his wing smacked the guard in the face, leaving a few of the crossbow bolts stuck in his face as well. Kass's head hit the door, and he landed on his rump, his non-injured wing covering his face. It was annoying to be so weak at a time like this, not to mention the fact that he would take a few days or more before he could fight, or even fly again. His vision went dark as he felt himself falling backwards with the door.

[Okay, you may have to carry him...though he does only weight less than a hundred pounds...]
Ririchiyo stepped to the side of the swing and halted it with the padded leather of her wrist holster. The blow jarred her a bit but she moved quickly and sank a poison soaked needle through the guards helmet and into the soft skin beneath it. She turned as Kass fell on his rear and dodged another attack stepping backwards until she was even with him. "You alright?" The fact that he seemed to faint was a clear answer. "So, no then. Brutus! We need to move! Kass fainted....I think." She cupped her hands around her mouth and hollered this information to Brutus. If Kass wasn't conscious, then someone would have to carry him. And there was no way in Hell Ririchiyo would be able to that, even if he looked light as a feather.
Brutus rolls his eyes as Kass collapses from his wounds, it seemed apparent that he would have to do the heavy lifting, as usual. Growling deeply at a few guards that were closing in and threatening to finish Kass off, he reaches out with a giant hand to haul Kass' limp body off the ground and fling him over his shoulder, looking around briefly as a warning to the guards not to mess around with him, he turns back to Ririchiyo with a more pleading look. "I dun think we aren't gonna make it out if we don't start runnin' now, lass." He says quickly before turning towards the gate leading out into the city, snorting like a mad bull and stamping his feet like he was going to charge through the gate. Though that's exactly what he started doing, not caring if anyone was in the way or not.
[Huh. Since no body is posting, I'll just post]

The storm winds were terrifying, sending Kass first one way, then the other. A jagged fork of lightning cracked with a thundering sound toward the ground nearby. He veered away, startled, only to see a dark shape rear up in front of him. His eyes widened in terror, fighting the tempest and storm in an attempt to get out of the way in time. His leg clipped the object, and Kass screamed wordlessly as a jagged pain ran through his leg. Then lightning struck again, coursing through his veins. In that instant, everything was on fire.

Kass felt something strange though, as if a calm peace had descended along with the lightning. Everything was clear to him. An evil king. A prison filled with mucky water. The song of arrows as they flew through the air, and the answering whistle of crossbow bolts. What were they really fighting for? Glory? Freedom? Or simply because they disagreed? Was it right to argue with a king? Or was there a reason why Vapik didn't seem right? The news of the king's death flashed through his mind's eye. A murder. And Vapik had been the first one to find out. No evidence could be brought against him, but now Kass knew why they fought. It was to redeem the wrongs, to avenge their late king who had treated them so well.

Kass's leg twitched as he was carried by Brutus. It was bouncing, and he seemed to be still feeling the pain through his unconsciousness, but after a sudden twitch, he relaxed, a slight smile showing his face.
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