Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

Things people do that annoy me:

1) Center of attention roleplayers. Recently interacted with one, and she was annoying. Everyone had to like her character. Everyone had to want to be in her character's pants. Everyone had to focus on her all the time. Bugged the heck out of me.

2) Edgelord stuff. "I just started playing this game. My character has no experience in anything or any backstory, but they're a super elite assassin. I can kill you instantly without you even knowing I'm there. You have no chances to defend, because I'm just that good."

3) I can't stand it when people don't even care about the history or time period they're in. I was roleplaying on World of Warcraft once. I saw this: "*Comes own the stairs listening to Taylor Swift on her ipod*"

There's not really any types of roleplay I dislike except perhaps the kind where the person creating it makes it so it's all about them. Even though there are a ton of other people, it all revolves around their character being the most important thing since sliced bread. That goes back to number 1, though.

The single most annoying thing to me right now is this one person I roleplay with from time to time. Her character has her own language that only other deformed orphans speak. Whenever she's around, it's ALL ABOUT HER. People trying to understand her language. Usually, there's someone severely hurt, and she has to bring them or try to get help. It takes HOURS. People seriously dedicate HOURS to this. It really annoys me to no end, because I'll be in the middle of a roleplay this is very important to me. She'll come up, interrupt, and it's like...okay, we were RIGHT in the middle of something. Like, all 5 of us were in the middle of something. Do you really have to come in, talking gibberish for two hours right now?

I had a huge character progression event that I had been waiting on for several days, and she forced herself in about 5 minutes into it. So, I couldn't do a single thing, and everyone left. I had to wait several more days to even move my character. It sucked. She does this constantly to everyone. Can't stand it.
Telvin said:
3) I can't stand it when people don't even care about the history or time period they're in. I was roleplaying on World of Warcraft once. I saw this: "*Comes own the stairs listening to Taylor Swift on her ipod*"
You're telling me Taylor Swift isn't part of the WoW universe? I'm gobsmacked.
3) I can't stand it when people don't even care about the history or time period they're in. I was roleplaying on World of Warcraft once. I saw this: "*Comes own the stairs listening to Taylor Swift on her ipod*"

To add some more to the thread: Something that's not touched upon too much is when you're in group RPs or RP servers, you always have a few rather... Cliquey people. I understand that we all have friends and want to RP with specific people. Heck I myself would be likely to RP more with the 1x1 partner I've been RPing with for some time now as she and I seem to be comfortable and work with each other well. Nothing, however, would prevent me from trying to RP with others and expanding horizons. I've seen RPs set up where in the character select sheets, literally before any RP has started, people have already established that their characters are all but in love and are all but assured to hook up. The character relations consisting from both ends: "Well he/she is cute but I'm too shy to talk to him/her." Why do they do this? Well it seems the two who have done this really just want to RP with one another more than anything else. That particular example has exceptions, obviously. When you set up a romance RP and the characters are already married, for example, it makes sense that they love one another lol. My point here is that limiting your RP to 2-4 people and making a clique feels rude in group RPs where everyone is supposed to be involved and interact with others.

Another thing I want to touch up on is how criticism is treated as a bad thing. Hating. Most people who post in this thread rant about something that usually annoys us and I feel that mostly comes from many of us not feeling able to speak out against anything that bothers us. It's a shame, really. If you're not too rude there should really never be a stigma against asking to change something or speaking out that something makes you uncomfortable. We end up too defensive and see criticism of our characters as criticism of ourselves. I feel like this is the core reason we see so many: "Can cut down 5 bad guys in a few seconds with his all powerful Katana" types. Or just power and meta gaming in general.
It's a shame, really. If you're not too rude there should really never be a stigma against asking to change something or speaking out that something makes you uncomfortable.
I very much agree with this. I know for a fact that if I keep quiet about what bothers me, it greatly influences how much I enjoy the RP, so lately I've taken to just telling people if something bugs me.

So far, most people take it well, but there have been cases (mostly before I got back on this forum) where it caused someone to break the RP off. Always sad when that happens, but I suppose if I bottled it up, I might have been the one to eventually pull the plug :')
Disco said:
Another thing I want to touch up on is how criticism is treated as a bad thing. Hating. Most people who post in this thread rant about something that usually annoys us and I feel that mostly comes from many of us not feeling able to speak out against anything that bothers us
I actually just like to vent and I chat. A lot of my posts are either things that pissed me off so much I have to tell someone about it or tear my hair out. And partly I just like to post genuine pet peeves.

It's not that I'm afraid to tell people about them I can border on rude at times because I am blunt about the things that really bother me.

But I still like go talk about those things even if I'm not actually working with any people that are currently doing whatever is pissing me off.
Disco said:
To add some more to the thread: Something that's not touched upon too much is when you're in group RPs or RP servers, you always have a few rather... Cliquey people. I understand that we all have friends and want to RP with specific people. Heck I myself would be likely to RP more with the 1x1 partner I've been RPing with for some time now as she and I seem to be comfortable and work with each other well. Nothing, however, would prevent me from trying to RP with others and expanding horizons. I've seen RPs set up where in the character select sheets, literally before any RP has started, people have already established that their characters are all but in love and are all but assured to hook up. The character relations consisting from both ends: "Well he/she is cute but I'm too shy to talk to him/her." Why do they do this? Well it seems the two who have done this really just want to RP with one another more than anything else. That particular example has exceptions, obviously. When you set up a romance RP and the characters are already married, for example, it makes sense that they love one another lol. My point here is that limiting your RP to 2-4 people and making a clique feels rude in group RPs where everyone is supposed to be involved and interact with others.
I bolded the parts I want to touch on.

1) Cliquey people are the death of RP. I'm currently on an RP server where two of my characters are heavily involved in Druidism. The feel right now there is so cliquetastic. People getting kicked out for having different opinions. People being excluded for OOC reasons. Things like that. It really gets my blood boiling sometimes.

One of my characters is on a task where I have to find ONE other person to help me, and I literally can't. I have tried for nearly a MONTH. Yet, people are so cliquey on that server most of the time that no one will even talk to me.

2) Man...That meta -- "They don't know each other, but my character and my best friend's character are going to meet and fall in love at first site." PSH. NO.

I'm married in real life, and I will only do relationship or romance RP with my spouse. We don't even do that in group RPs. If our characters happen to meet and reasonably get to know each other, and it's logical that they might develop feelings for each other (compatibility, racial customs taken into account), it's a big MAYBE. Even then, we do it legit. Not just some magical -- "We met yesterday, and we love each other" -- type of thing.
readingraebow said:
It's not that I'm afraid to tell people about them I can border on rude at times because I am blunt about the things that really bother me.
There's a difference between blunt and rude. You can give harsh and blunt criticism without being rude or condescending about it. Personally I prefer that over the tip-toeing approach that some people use. If my character/idea/whatever sucks, tell me, don't do the "one thing you did wrong, one thing you did right" type of criticism that we learn in middle school. It's better for me to learn that 99% of my character is bad, than to concentrate on that 1% that is decent.
Ok, something that really annoys me when I'm roleplaying with someone (not on this site) is when people roleplay in first person.

E.g. *I walk into the room*

Also those ** things really annoy me too.

Seriously, those people are not their own characters. I don't know, it just really gets on my nerves.
People who give up after one post. This is starting to worry me.

Forum roleplays require some patience and perseverance. To see a person give up on a roleplay after the first or second post mainly because no one replies, it's...odd. I know roleplays are meant to have fun as a group, but we can't break rationality just to drag you in immediately. Be patient.
There was one GM on another site who threw a hissy fit because I made my character resemble an animal. Keep in mind that this RP had robots and I thought it was acceptable to make an animal robot.
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RP Content: Well, I absolutely cannot stand slice of life roleplays. I occasionally enjoy historical fiction or modern fantasy/supernatural. I'll even do the occasional superhero roleplay if I really just want a casual RP to unwind on. For the most part, however, I tend to gravitate toward fantasy stories with supernatural elements (ghosts, werewolves, vampires, demons, etc.) I just personally think it's a waste of creative potential to write about things that probably have happened/could happen. I'd much rather hear about the tales of Grozzlith the orc chieftan than the love triangle between Suzie, Jenna, and Ben while they battle the *cue sarcasm* worst enemy of all... algebra! Oh the horror! *sarcasm ends here*

As far as players, I think we've all pretty much come to the consensus that godmodders, always tragic backstories, love interests that make no sense, perfect characters that might have two or three flaws along the lines of "tends to sleep in a lot" (that's not a flaw imo), players that expect the rules to bend to their character's will, and similar things are signs of a bad roleplayer. I think the only personal problem I have with other players are those that expect every single aspect of a fantasy character to be realistic. If I want to make an over the top pirate that is obviously way more exaggerated and fantasized than pirates really were, then let me have my fun. I do agree that having every single pirate/bandit/enemy be over the top is a bit much, but for a main protagonist/antagonist I don't see the problem as long as there aren't like 4 players with over the top pirates, bandits, etc. It's fine for the backdrop "thug number 3" style characters to just simply be criminals because they're trying to scrape by, but let's be honest. A main antagonist who is only pillaging and plundering to survive isn't very exciting. The members of that antagonist's little group could have joined him just to survive, but I think there needs to be some over the top aspect to this bandit leader or leader of whatever type of group it is. So expecting main characters to be 100% realistic and just doing what they do to get by is a little constricting in my opinion. Let the other players live a little and have an over the top character as long as they aren't godmodding or making them perfect with little to no flaws. I know personally, I write to enact out fantasies and adventures that I wish I could be a part of. Every character I make is a little piece of some epic hero that I wish I could be. So telling me that it's not logical that my pirate character would be fairly wealthy since most real life pirates honestly weren't too rich is one major way to piss me off. As long as someone isn't making a character that has any of the aspects mentioned at the beginning of this paragraph, don't be a dick and tell them "oh, well that's not realistic." It's fantasy for a reason.
Naxtaroth said:
I know personally, I write to enact out fantasies and adventures that I wish I could be a part of. Every character I make is a little piece of some epic hero that I wish I could be. So telling me that it's not logical that my pirate character would be fairly wealthy since most real life pirates honestly weren't too rich is one major way to piss me off. As long as someone isn't making a character that has any of the aspects mentioned at the beginning of this paragraph, don't be a dick and tell them "oh, well that's not realistic." It's fantasy for a reason.
To expand on this people who try to bring real life issues into a roleplay. Like saying that making the central cast all females means I'm somehow tryign to shove feminism down your throat. Or I'm objectifying men or some other garbage. You know what maybe I just want to play all girls, what' the harm in that?
Naxtaroth said:
So expecting main characters to be 100% realistic and just doing what they do to get by is a little constricting in my opinion. Let the other players live a little and have an over the top character as long as they aren't godmodding or making them perfect with little to no flaws. I know personally, I write to enact out fantasies and adventures that I wish I could be a part of. Every character I make is a little piece of some epic hero that I wish I could be. So telling me that it's not logical that my pirate character would be fairly wealthy since most real life pirates honestly weren't too rich is one major way to piss me off. As long as someone isn't making a character that has any of the aspects mentioned at the beginning of this paragraph, don't be a dick and tell them "oh, well that's not realistic." It's fantasy for a reason.
Some people like realistic fantasy though. I think it's stupid to think of realism as a dichotomy; you don't have a switch that changes from realistic to non-realistic, but rather it's more like a slider. Depending on the GM, you might get a fantasy roleplay that is as realistic as possible (because some people like to roleplay fantastical scenarios while still being realistic), others prefer to take it less seriously, and some like something in between. None of those scenarios are wrong, what is wrong though is trying to enter a realistic roleplay and ignore all the realism that the GM is trying to accomplish, or going into a looser roleplay and demanding everything to be realistic.
readingraebow said:
To expand on this people who try to bring real life issues into a roleplay. Like saying that making the central cast all females means I'm somehow tryign to shove feminism down your throat. Or I'm objectifying men or some other garbage. You know what maybe I just want to play all girls, what' the harm in that?
I couldn't agree with you more :D

But seriously, when people do bring these real-life issues into roleplays, it gets annoying fast.
I do not remember whether I answered to this yet or not. Then I will answer (again?)

- non-documented mental illnesses. They usually are just special snowflake characters played by special snowflake players who most likely self-diagnosed themselves lots of diseases they do not have. They just think it is cool to have schyzophrenia or autism, but their character actually do not act like someone who does have these disorders. I can include most "non-binary" and transtrenders characters here.

- People who want romance everywhere. Actually, I hate the whole "pairings" thing, when the whole roleplay turns around "X falls in love with Y".

- Roleplayers who think you are dumb and stupid if you do not write 7 paragraphs per reply. I love dynamic roleplay with real conversations, and it is just not possible to have a real conversation if you have to write 7 paragraphs per roleplay. Also, lots of roleplayers here are beginners with English. And even beyond that, I am here for the "roleplay", like, playing a role, developing a character and a story, and not just writing novels with tons of uneeded descriptive details. When I want to write, I write, and when I want to roleplay, I roleplay.

- Roleplays including real people. How would you react if some strangers on the internet did weird roleplays including you?

- Mindreaders. People who do not understand the narrative parts in a roleplay are not supposed to be read by their characters.

- The character who had a terrible life. Like, they were raped by every one, or their parents were killed in front of their eyes, or they starved their whole life along... And they are constantly whinning and reminding others about how terrible their life was and how everyone should have pity for them

- The bad boy who killed his parents for no reason at all, just because he has no feeling at all and is so dark inside. They are so dark and so mean they do not know what love is (their player will insist a lot on this), yet they will fall in love with the first pretty yaoi male they will meet.

- That attention seeker girl who will faint for no reason at all just for everyone to be around here trying to save her. I've seen this a lot, but the worst one was in a horse roleplay (yup I did these when I was 12 years old...). So, this female horse fainted, and how did the other horses react? They made her a heart massage, of course! Horses. Doing heart massages.

- The great villain who is mean only to be mean. Like, he is born a villain, he is just a mean psychopat and will set fire to orphanages just to laugh at it.
I dislike excessively flowery writing. Be descriptive, yes, but do you REALLY need 18 adjectives for your character's hair? Really?
My biggest annoyance; honestly is when people don't interact or make themselves available for an interaction. Especially when I post an opened introductions and their character is off doing who the hell knows somewhere else.
I have encountered so far is an RP that dies after 10 pages (or less), we got to the first scene or two and suddenly everyone but me had been abducted by aliens. I'm pretty sure everyone I have RP with have tiny attention spans to where the entire story needs to be done in less than 24 hours.
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Alright, here is yet another thing that I must add to my ever growing list annoyances.

I hate it when people make a character that doesn't fit in to the world. It is usually because they want to be a special snowflake, but it messes up the tone of the RP. If it is a dark and gritty RP then don't bring in that character that just loves everyone and would never hurt a soul. Bullcrap, this is a kill or be killed world, no one would be that nice. They wouldn't be that nice and still be alive.
It bothers me when roleplayers themselves cannot learn to flow, luckily i found a group of people whose primary value is flowing about 2 or 3 years ago lol. So now we are friends.

Rp's that bother me? Rp's that don't feel they have any emotion in them or substance, or potential substance, that they are just there to be there.
Unknown1 said:
It bothers me when roleplayers themselves cannot learn to flow, luckily i found a group of people whose primary value is flowing about 2 or 3 years ago lol. So now we are friends.
Rp's that bother me? Rp's that don't feel they have any emotion in them or substance, or potential substance, that they are just there to be there.
What do you mean flow? Like roleplayers that can work well together?
hmm Its hard to explain...

  • In the rp i've been in for about 2 years now, when someone makes a mistake like "oh his fur is blue," instead of complaining about it and refusing to respond, and in a way acting as if they are better then everyone. They post a response and it says something like "His brown fur ruffled in the wind as he ran at an alarming pace against the air." clarifying the truth that way rather then making complaints that no one cares about. Both of you know what the other means, so you flow with it rather then being a drama queen when no one cares. (sorry if that sounds offensive, i don't know how to explain it better)(making a notice of the fact he mistook his fur for blue isn't necessarily dramatic, it was just an example that i thought of at the moment) (please don't kill me people >.<)
  • Everyone then enjoys the rp, and its no longer about how 'technical' you are but how much fun you are having.
  • Flow enhances creativity in all members.
  • Another thing i mean is sort of just eating from the others post, for instance someone who is not capable of making long posts or does not like reading long posts ordinarily, their partner posts something extremely long and interesting and suddenly they are able to post something long and interesting themselves. When before they did not believe they could or wanted too.
  • ^^^ so i suppose that would mean roleplayers that can work well together. Not necessarily that they have the same style, but just a knowledge of each other to the point where they feel what they are rping.

Thats sort of the basis, its not exactly what i'm thinking of. If i remember what the real basis is i will tell you. >.>

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Unknown1 said:
hmm Its hard to explain...
  • In the rp i've been in for about 2 years now, when someone makes a mistake like "oh his fur is blue," instead of complaining about it and refusing to respond, and in a way acting as if they are better then everyone. They post a response and it says something like "His brown fur ruffled in the wind as he ran at an alarming pace against the air." clarifying the truth that way rather then making complaints that no one cares about. Both of you know what the other means, so you flow with it rather then being a drama queen when no one cares. (sorry if that sounds offensive, i don't know how to explain it better)(making a notice of the fact he mistook his fur for blue isn't necessarily dramatic, it was just an example that i thought of at the moment) (please don't kill me people >.<)
  • Everyone then enjoys the rp, and its no longer about how 'technical' you are but how much fun you are having.
  • Flow enhances creativity in all members.
  • Another thing i mean is sort of just eating from the others post, for instance someone who is not capable of making long posts or does not like reading long posts ordinarily, their partner posts something extremely long and interesting and suddenly they are able to post something long and interesting themselves. When before they did not believe they could or wanted too.
  • ^^^ so i suppose that would mean roleplayers that can work well together. Not necessarily that they have the same style, but just a knowledge of each other to the point where they feel what they are rping.

Thats sort of the basis, its not exactly what i'm thinking of. If i remember what the real basis is i will tell you. >.>

Yeah to be it sounds like your talking about synergy

the interaction of elements that when combined produce a total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual elements, contributions, etc.; synergism.

When people are willing to do their part to increase the whole while keeping ego and needless drama to a minimum.

The opposite is basically been dissected ad nauseum throughout this thread and include ( but is not limited to ):

God Player - who destroy role plays by defeating the central conflict in a single post

Special Snowflakes - it's all about them all the time. no excuses, no exceptions.

Twilighters - people who only want to play with people who are willing to be the Edward Cullen to their Bella Swan.

Fictional Characters - people who cannot distinguish the difference between their character and themselves // their partners and their partners characters

Trolls - people who enjoy just being assholes and instigating loud arguments because their childish idiots.
One time, like four years ago, I had someone join an rp of mine on another site. At first he seemed absolutely nice. But then I had one of my characters (who said rude things to everyone mind you), call his character ugly or something stupid like that. He flipped out and began posting messages on the thread cussing me out before quitting and blocking me. Talk about unnecessary. Yikes!

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