Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you


Cliche plots, the government is always the villain, the people persecuting the heroes are always bad guys, the scientists are experimenting on children for "SCIENCE" (dont think thats how science works)

D&D Alignment System: very few people actually consider themselves to be evil, and good is highly subjective.


"Evil" characters: most people have a reason for doing what they do that they believe to be good, an evil person probably has many good traits, even hitler.

"beautiful Innocent" characters. hard to take them seriously.
Overpowered characters. I know this has been said before, but I cannot stress this enough. One of the RPs I've been participating has a character that is half scorpion and half reaper. Their hair has a mind of it's own. They have time-traveling magic and can teleport. Plus, they can start fire whenever. They can also dodge any attack by my character (a demon). None of this was cleared by me. It's a Black Butler RP, so the supernatural things like that (reapers, demons, etc.) do exist, but half scorpion? Magic? Seriously?

Also, there's the 'oh so tragic past and is now super timid but is beautiful and a really kind person but everyone hates her and is bullied please love me' kinda character. I get that these types do exist in real life, but they are not that exaggerated. It's just kinda stupid to me... :T
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I haven't seen it happen very often, but I have seen people who use characters from fandoms in original RP's. That kind of gets on my nerves.
Hi guys! Not really here to rant, just wanted to say that I've been reading through these and agree with a lot of them, but I also enjoy simply looking through in an effort to better myself.

But anyway, now that I'm here, might as well.

~I can't get past when someone has horrible grammar in a roleplay. When someone makes a mistake in this field, it is just so glaringly obvious to me, and I find it exceptionally hard to get past.

~Can't stand it when people take over my character. Like seriously, I will toss you like a salad.

~One liners. Just no.


~When people use tragic back stories for pity/ their character has a tragic back story and somehow their character is still perfectly balanced. In real life, if your parents were murdered, you are not going to be a well balanced human being.

I will admit that I am a bit guilty of the character backstory being tragic and what not, but I never use it as an excuse for pity. I use it to further the plot by providing some insight as to why my character had no problem with doing what she's doing. I usually use it for my villain characters.
Im honestly tired of roleplays involving humans and another type of being, whether it be wizards, mutants, whatever where the humans are "oppressors" and the others are hunted/exterminated

I would like to see more roleplays where

a.superhumans or whatever are in a lab, but it truly is for safety purposes and they are treated as nicely as can be allowed without risking reality itself falling apart or whatever

b. they are hunted for a good reason.

C. Wizards/supers/whatever use the powers they have to become gods of humanity, using mind control and stuff, humans live in eternal fear or apathy as nothing they do even matters anyway because the others are so much better than them
I hate the kind of roleplayers who uses powers that don't even exist in that universe and use that to force relationships. For example I had a few years ago in SWTOR. A Twi'lek who knows 'magic' with both the Dark and Light side of the Force. And only love could keep her stable. She then asks a Jedi Knight to marry her (Jedi Code forbids that and that said Jedi follows that Code). Also being able to disintegrate entire objects without effort or destroying an entire room from stasis and having the ability to send people to hell. And learning all of that from the Voss, who don't even know that stuff, because it doesn't exist. And even if it does, they don't know it.

Also what I hate are people who think they know perfectly the lore. I had this TWICE. Both at SWTOR. My Jedi Knight had a padawan, however, due to my own lack of some of the knowledge about training a Padawan, my Knight was released from her Padawan without an actual reason In Character. And once about Jedi not using blasters. My alt, a Padawan had experience with blasters, after several months using one. I am suddenly told to remove the blaster, because 'Jedi don't use blasters', it's not common, but neither unheard of. Of course I refuse to just have it disappear for no reason.

I also hate it when people demand to let story of their own to go further, I had this once. A group of Jedi went to an orphanage to donate. However, they found a Force sensitive child. One of the Padawans wanted to take her with him without even asking the Council. He also gets in an discussion with a other orphan which gets dangerously close to escalation. When my character wants to interfere, he demands me OOC not to, even though my character outranks his. Even though that, I sent him away, because he was about to break the rules of the Jedi.

I also hate the kind of people who with roll-based fights, lie about their rolls. I saw this once, a fight and a poison dart was fired. The target just said a number above the enemy's rolled number without even rolling.

Also an anoying kind are those who think they can kill anyone they want, and to make it worse, they don't even emote properly. More like "player a kills player b and player c". I have seen this once, in a public bar/cantina
When roleplayers take your characters' actions personally.

"Your character is mean to me!"

"You mean your character?"
[QUOTE="Malibu Harpy]When roleplayers take your characters' actions personally.
"Your character is mean to me!"

"You mean your character?"

I feel like this happens a lot when the character is a secret self insert. The roleplayer makes the character significantly different from themselves, but still creates a character who they want to be like. Thus, when your character is mean (or sometimes even if your character just does not get along with their character), they take it personally. Additionally, they will often interpret your character being mean to their character as you being mean to them. Which is very frustrating, and generally happens when people consider characters to always be a self insert of whoever is playing them. Sometimes, players outgrow this, but it would be nice if they didn't take things personally in the first place.
ApfelSeine said:
I feel like this happens a lot when the character is a secret self insert. The roleplayer makes the character significantly different from themselves, but still creates a character who they want to be like. Thus, when your character is mean (or sometimes even if your character just does not get along with their character), they take it personally. Additionally, they will often interpret your character being mean to their character as you being mean to them. Which is very frustrating, and generally happens when people consider characters to always be a self insert of whoever is playing them. Sometimes, players outgrow this, but it would be nice if they didn't take things personally in the first place.
Very well put. I agree completely. It's especially rough for others like me who create characters specifically to cause trouble a lot of the time. I even go so far as to ask people now before I play a character that mean now, too. It's a real shame, conflict is what makes a good plot progress imo.
[QUOTE="Malibu Harpy]Very well put. I agree completely. It's especially rough for others like me who create characters specifically to cause trouble a lot of the time. I even go so far as to ask people now before I play a character that mean now, too. It's a real shame, conflict is what makes a good plot progress imo.

That reminds me of another thing that can be very annoying in roleplays; a lack of diversity in casts. When I create a character in a roleplay, I often make a point to create a character who is significantly different. Either an optimist in a sea full of angsty people, or a mean spirited person in a cast comprised entirely of sweet and perfect (also angsty for some reason) people. Or an average person in a sea full of (angsty) special snowflakes. It's very frustrating when a roleplay is entirely full of people who are too similar. The roleplay gets stagnant fast when there is no diversity or conflict in the characters or plot.

Oh yeah, and did I mention the angst? There are many roleplays where no matter what kind of character it is, everyone has dead or abusive parents, or some major traumatic event that they went through. Even many experienced and talented roleplayers fall into the habit of giving their characters backstories like this, so I appreciate it a lot when roleplayers do something more creative. There's nothing particularly wrong with angst I suppose, but it's become a pet peeve of mine lately (mainly when it's used to garner sympathy points).
ApfelSeine said:
That reminds me of another thing that can be very annoying in roleplays; a lack of diversity in casts. When I create a character in a roleplay, I often make a point to create a character who is significantly different. Either an optimist in a sea full of angsty people, or a mean spirited person in a cast comprised entirely of sweet and perfect (also angsty for some reason) people. Or an average person in a sea full of (angsty) special snowflakes. It's very frustrating when a roleplay is entirely full of people who are too similar. The roleplay gets stagnant fast when there is no diversity or conflict in the characters or plot.
Oh yeah, and did I mention the angst? There are many roleplays where no matter what kind of character it is, everyone has dead or abusive parents, or some major traumatic event that they went through. Even many experienced and talented roleplayers fall into the habit of giving their characters backstories like this, so I appreciate it a lot when roleplayers do something more creative. There's nothing particularly wrong with angst I suppose, but it's become a pet peeve of mine lately (mainly when it's used to garner sympathy points).
That's why I moved over to 1x1s. All you need to do is find one like-minded writer and you can make an excellent cast. It just takes foreeeever to post. Though, I should say, a group with a good cast is still better because you don't know what the character will do next/there's less roleplaying with yourself involved.

I'm a little on the fence about traumatic back stories. I have one or two with one who are fully fleshed out and handle it differently, but none who are whiny. I also have one or two who are shy/awkward and I never play them anymore because I feel like I'm playing an impossible role to really give dimension to for a while. It's those who do it for sympathy, i.e. those who personify themselves into their characters, who make those who don't look bad when they do go that route. I particularly like making characters with sad upbringings into positive people. I'm a sucker for the hero who overcame the odds. It's not very common.

And, for that same person who bases their character on themselves, I made a trap character. I played a male pretty boy type who's nice to the girls until they either reject him or he gets what he wants. When he starts cheating on everybody, they all either get hyped and we all start plotting how he's gonna get caught or they get upset that he shouldn't be mean even though he's my character and I get the boot, lolol.
related to the above points of people who cannot distinguish between characters and themselves/other players. people who create mary sues whose sole purpose is to be the center of the attention and the driving force of the plot. like everything has to revolve solely around their character and your character is basically just there to be window trapping or arm candy.

like i'm not going to roleplay out some self-obsessed fantasy of yours. if you want to do that i suggest writing fanfiction where you can be in the limelight all you want.

a roleplay should be about two ( or more ) people telling a story. not about one person getting their way and everyone else being forced to follow along.

counter to that people that whine about being "bullied" by their partner when they never once contribute to the plot. like i'm sorry it's not being a bully when i constantly ask you for your input and only get "idk whatevs" in return. if you want something to happen in the roleplay than your going to have to actually ask for it. otherwise we're going to go with the ideas we have written out which all happen to be mine because i'm the only one contributing to the story.
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New pet peeve:

Characters that are clearly a rip off of someone else's character.

Like someone will make a pretty cool unique character, then someone else will basically hijack that character and change the avatar picture as well as name and submit it as their own work in either the same rp and somewhere else. Jesus Christ, that pisses me off to no end now that I've encountered it twice. Both have pretty much been in the same rp when I've seen it, but I imagine that people do it elsewhere too.

So yeah, basically that and the stupidly long, fluffy character sheets in Detail still annoy me. As well as people that do weird flowery introductions to their characters as if saying they've got blue eyes and black hair isn't edgy enough. They must have brilliant azure eyes that piece the soul and luscious raven hair. Posts like that still make me want to gouge my eyes out with a rusty spoon.
When people either;

Assume you are stupid/overlook you for not writing an entire novel per post.

Demand pretty elaborate post layouts because reasons (I'm fine with recycling a simple layout and jazzing it up a little, but I'm not going to spend 4 hours BBcoding elaborate flowers that twine elegantly around every corner of the post. I haven't got time for that.)

OR, when people see you write a lot, and just go TL;DR, or are intimidated/assume you are some kind of elite roleplayer.

Same goes for when I feel like using a nice layout and people are wary of approaching.

Write a few sentences in response to a paragraph. At least try.

( O.o )
It seems to be really difficult for roleplayers who like to be in the middle in terms of post length, since it's frustrating both when people write too much or too little. The problem with roleplays with too much description is that the pace can go very slowly and people end up losing interest. But at the same time, one line responses are often not very interesting and a lot of players get frustrated by them since they are sometimes not well thought out (or alternatively they're frustrated because that's not what they're looking for by going to a forum roleplaying site as opposed to a chatroom).

More so than post length however, I feel that the actual content is crucial to how enjoyable a roleplay is. Formatting and length can be adapted to, though it can be frustrating, as long as it's worth putting in the effort of what is required.

In a rp I am currently in, I'm getting increasingly frustrated by the other rper constantly leaving the scene. In a one on one roleplay, it makes very little sense to do that. You only have one person to interact with, so to have a character go off on their own defeats the whole purpose of a rp being interactive. At that point the person may as well just write their own story because there's no actual roleplaying being done.

It baffles me that some people do not bother to set up scenes in which characters are likely to interact with each other, and instead will have their character go off on their own or refuse to interact with another character. Creating an antisocial character is perfectly fine, but it shouldn't be impossible to get a reaction out of them. While it's the character who is ignoring the other character or leaving the scene, the other rper will undoubtedly get frustrated with how much work they have to put in for very little reaction. The other rper is essentially forced to have their character follow the other character around all over the place, regardless of whether or not that makes sense.
I agree Apfel. I like having the occasional antisocial angsty character for giggles, but it should def be possible to find them and go pester them. Angsty characters with no one to being able to make them even more angsty is no fun. (But seriously, it's like having a super chill Tsundere...)

I won't lie though, I've had several very outgoing characters try to make friends, and I don't mean barging in and screaming for someone to notice them, but often just trying to start conversations, and have them straight up ignored. That can be pretty annoying.
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WIP CS'. I'm not talking about when people just ask if they could work on certain sections/details later (like history, for example, because I can understand that), but literally when 75% of the CS doesn't exist.

There's a reason private workshop exists, lol.
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Apex said:
WIP CS'. I'm not talking about when people just ask if they could work on certain sections/details later (like history, for example, because I can understand that), but literally when 75% of the CS doesn't exist.
There's a reason private workshop exists, lol.
Yes! I've had people copy and paste the CS and post it with nothing filled out. And they usually never get filled out. Sometimes people just write 'WIP' and nothing else.
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In one fandom-based RP I did over Kik, I had one girl go absolutely ballistic on me because I was "taking over her character" and "controlling the RP" because I described her character as short (he is canonically pretty short)... I got really nervous because of how upset she got and tried to defend myself, but she kept getting mad at me throughout the RP for just about everything I did, e.g. responding in-character to her character's questions in a way she didn't like, writing responses that were too long, writing responses that were too short, taking more than ten minutes to respond, telling her I had to go to work, etc. Then when I told her I wasn't going to RP with her anymore because of her attitude, she tried to say she was just having a bad day (This had been going on for weeks).
Lol @kinkyelephants yeah I think some times people don't realize that they're dealing with actual human beings. Like they get so used to being shitty and having people just roll over and deal with it that when someone actually says something they have to do a back track because oh hey maybe I was being a bitch here and now I could actually face some consequences.

For me I think people who are what I call fanfiction writers. Where basically every part of the roleplay is controlled by them and it all has to go exactly according to their own internal checklist.

And forget about them telling you what said checklist is. Oh no your supposed to magically read their mind.

Otherwise like you said they just get nasty or they just blatantly ignore you and do whatever they want without your input at all.
Treating cliche plots/settings/themes like they're the worst thing in the world. I get it, it can be very silly and you tire of it quickly, but I like some cheese everyone once in a while. It's like sitting down to watch a rom-com. I just like to see if I can take a 'cheesey' theme and turn it into something awesome.

If it bothers people that much, they should simply just not do whatever theme they feel is cliche and move along. Same goes for cliquey characters, as annoying as they can be in a group RP. But if I feel like having a mean-girls type character, then I will, all in pink and the queen of the drama scene. Because cliquey characters can also be fun, if they're done right ( :) )
Glitzy/abitrary BB code formats strike me as "Hey, look at me! I like the color daffodil and yea why don't you click through this brochure?" Just give me the nuts and bolts of it and I'm good.

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