Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

Scylla said:
So I posted an RP on ROBLOX only to get this as a single post:
First of all, I deliberately made it simplistic so that newer RPers wouldn't find it diffiuclt to read (it's most definitely not lore heavy). I didn't mean it to be cliche, because there weren't many RPs like that. If you're going to criticize my RP, at least give me constructive criticism.
i didn't know that you could roleplay on ROBLOX. my younger bro (like, 11 yrs old) plays on it a lot, but i told him he couldn't get on the chat because people on the internet can be horrible and he's too young that at this point, he'd take it really personally. (or, y'know, there's predators n stuff)

nerdyfangirl said:
Exactly. Like I mean yeah sometimes people might not be at the level of the rest of the roleplay and it's okay to tell them that. But don't be coming at me like your better than me then try to weasel your way into my roleplays.
You think my ideas are stupid than go make your own and leave me to my stupidity in peace.
yeah seriously like i don't understand the point? i mean, i can generally tell the difference between a troll and someone who genuinely thinks they have a right to give their opinion in your space, and i don't understand why either happens tbh.
You can roleplay on ROBLOX. There's the games, which are the dominant force of roleplaying on ROBLOX, and then there's a forum just about roleplaying.
rrrawrf said:
i didn't know that you could roleplay on ROBLOX. my younger bro (like, 11 yrs old) plays on it a lot, but i told him he couldn't get on the chat because people on the internet can be horrible and he's too young that at this point, he'd take it really personally. (or, y'know, there's predators n stuff)
yeah seriously like i don't understand the point? i mean, i can generally tell the difference between a troll and someone who genuinely thinks they have a right to give their opinion in your space, and i don't understand why either happens tbh.
I'm one of those people that's brutally honest. I've booted people from my RPs for being underwhelming. (Although I have very strict rules as far as posts go. So they knew what they were signing up for.)

I appreciate brutal honesty in regards to my posts.

That being said, there's a difference between being honest and being a dick.

I tend not to give my opinions unless they're asked for, and I'm firm believer that ANYTHING can be said nicely.
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Tryss said:
I'm one of those people that's brutally honest. I've booted people from my RPs for being underwhelming. (Although I have very strict rules as far as posts go. So they knew what they were signing up for.)
I appreciate brutal honesty in regards to my posts.

That being said, there's a difference between being honest and being a dick.

I tend not to give my opinions unless they're asked for, and I'm firm believer that ANYTHING can be said nicely.
yeah see like if someone in the roleplay isn't really meshing well with you/the rest of the group, the OP has every right to ask them to leave. but like, just try and do it nicely, like you said. no reason to be a jerk about it.
rrrawrf said:
yeah see like if someone in the roleplay isn't really meshing well with you/the rest of the group, the OP has every right to ask them to leave. but like, just try and do it nicely, like you said. no reason to be a jerk about it.
I usually give ample warnings.

The two times I have booted people has been because:

1. The person was a troll on OOC. Purposefully mentioning triggers, making fun of people with triggers, and just all in all being a real bitch. The person received one warning, and after that I was done putting up with their crap.

2. The person was rude to other players in OOC. The person's posts were routinely sub par, they didn't meet post requirements (it was a detailed RP, minimum post length was 15 sentences equally out to 3 paragraphs. The person routinely posted 2 paragraph responses with below a 10 sentence total.) They received 3 warning messages, the first two being very nice, the last one just stated that if they didn't show improvement within their next 2 posts they'd be kicked out.
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@Tryss your a heck of a lot nicer than me. I'm like you all get one warning. If you don't show signs of improving whatever it is you got a warning about than you're out.

That's in groups. Because I am not at all here for petty drama.

In 1x1s I'm much more easy going because I think it's just as likely that whatever the issue is was caused by a miscommunication on my part than it is something the person is doing intentionally.

Now I mean if your just out and out rude than I'm not going to put up with that whatever the situation. But again that's cuz I'm not here for other people's drama or lack of manners.
nerdyfangirl said:
@Tryss your a heck of a lot nicer than me. I'm like you all get one warning. If you don't show signs of improving whatever it is you got a warning about than you're out.
That's in groups. Because I am not at all here for petty drama.

In 1x1s I'm much more easy going because I think it's just as likely that whatever the issue is was caused by a miscommunication on my part than it is something the person is doing intentionally.

Now I mean if your just out and out rude than I'm not going to put up with that whatever the situation. But again that's cuz I'm not here for other people's drama or lack of manners.
I try to be very nice.

Especially because I'm all for helping people develop their skills as a writer. That being said, don't join a detailed RP if you know you aren't a detailed writer. Like, if 5 paragraphs is a real stretch for you, just know that you're better off in casual.
Tryss said:
I try to be very nice.
Especially because I'm all for helping people develop their skills as a writer. That being said, don't join a detailed RP if you know you aren't a detailed writer. Like, if 5 paragraphs is a real stretch for you, just know that you're better off in casual.
Well for me it's like I have a set of guidelines clearly spelled out. If you can not adhere to these guidelines do not join my roleplay. It's not that I'm trying to be a bitch or anything it's that each of these guidelines where put there for a reason. It's why they're called Rules and not Suggestions.
nerdyfangirl said:
Well for me it's like I have a set of guidelines clearly spelled out. If you can not adhere to these guidelines do not join my roleplay. It's not that I'm trying to be a bitch or anything it's that each of these guidelines where put there for a reason. It's why they're called Rules and not Suggestions.
Yep. I usually have a full page dedicated to the rules in my RPs. It's how I make sure that everyone knows what's expected of them. And yet, I still somehow wind up with the people who want to write a few sentences and be done.
Tryss said:
Yep. I usually have a full page dedicated to the rules in my RPs. It's how I make sure that everyone knows what's expected of them. And yet, I still somehow wind up with the people who want to write a few sentences and be done.
Yeah those are the ones that don't read the rules or the settings or anything. They just want to roleplay and think - oh hey this looks cool let me join.

Which brings up another pet peeve of mine : don't be posting in a thread if you haven't actually applied to it. Whether there is a CS or not at least ask th GM before you post in their thread.
nerdyfangirl said:
Yeah those are the ones that don't read the rules or the settings or anything. They just want to roleplay and think - oh hey this looks cool let me join.
Which brings up another pet peeve of mine : don't be posting in a thread if you haven't actually applied to it. Whether there is a CS or not at least ask th GM before you post in their thread.

I've had people jump in randomly stealing someone's thunder without ever posting a CS, and I demand a VERY detailed CS to even be considered.
Tryss said:
I've had people jump in randomly stealing someone's thunder without ever posting a CS, and I demand a VERY detailed CS to even be considered.
Exactly. I mean I get not every roleplay requires an extensive CS and some let you just jump right in. But at least browse the tabs to make sure it's that kind of roleplay.
people who don't work with you!!

like, you know when you're trying to decide what to eat, and you're like "what about italian?? chinese??? mcdonalds????" and they're just like "idk man" and u just. augh. when people do that with rps. you give them something to work with, good length, plenty of things for them to do in response, and they just kinda shrug and twiddle their thumbs. that's the easiest way to kill an rp with me.

[okay, i'll admit it, i can never decide what to eat... but this is rping not eating and that was a metaphor]
When the GM uses tiny text and all lowercase.

Edit: I also don't like it when it's a fantasy RP and the only playable races are Tolkien copies (elves, dwarfs, and/or orcs) and maybe another humanoid race.
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Something that annoys me? I hate when particular roleplayers join a specific fandom roleplay but two pages in, you realize they know almost nothing about the fandom. Like, they will say stuff that doesn't even make sense-- but then they are over confident about their posts which annoy me because some of them are inaccurate to what the fandom is actually about.

When two different roleplayers fall in love the first encounter. I also dislike when someone has two characters and they make them have a romantic connection. You do you, but I frown upon that.
Many, many things, most of them listed in this thread. Such as godmodding, metagaming, etcetera. But I haven't come across those things much because of one thing: the insistence for 3+ posts all the time. I get it, you want a nice, detailed rp. But I want plot. I want action. I want feelings. Yes, you can get those things if you're both experienced rpers, but I've only been rping since November last year and my posts are usually just one nice paragraph that gets to the point, gives room for a reply, and gives me room to explain things more as the scene goes on. Because of my writing style, I don't often describe things like what types of clothing is being worn, or how expensive it is, or how shiny the floor is compared to the ceiling, unless it's actually important, so how the frell am I going to give you 3+ paragraphs when letting you see past my character's nervous body language and into their heads is something that will spoil the plot?

I adore plots and feelings; they're what I live for in the rp, but why should I tell you my character's shoe colour and type when it's never going to actually be a thing that's important? Blah, it just gets under my skin that there are so very few people willing to rp just because I can't regularly make their required post length, even if I've got a good plot and characters in mind. I can't be the only one with this problem, right? Or do I just need to always force myself to come up with details that distract from the point I'm trying to make?
"Useless character description"

Things like 'Crush' or 'Sexuality' might be the right thing to do on HIGH SCHOOL Roleplay, not an apocalypse one...

And also, It's more of an opinion, but I dislike the 'Personality' on the character sheet, because really... why I can I just reveal it on the RP? Do you really have to know exactly how my char acts when that's going to be noticed almost instantly on the first post?
Wuya said:
Something that annoys me? I hate when particular roleplayers join a specific fandom roleplay but two pages in, you realize they know almost nothing about the fandom. Like, they will say stuff that doesn't even make sense-- but then they are over confident about their posts which annoy me because some of them are inaccurate to what the fandom is actually about.
When two different roleplayers fall in love the first encounter. I also dislike when someone has two characters and they make them have a romantic connection. You do you, but I frown upon that.
Ah yes, the last one. I don't have that much of a problem when other people do it, but I personally wouldn't want to make my own characters fall in love with eachother. It would feel pretty weird in my opinion.
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Wuya said:
Something that annoys me? I hate when particular roleplayers join a specific fandom roleplay but two pages in, you realize they know almost nothing about the fandom. Like, they will say stuff that doesn't even make sense-- but then they are over confident about their posts which annoy me because some of them are inaccurate to what the fandom is actually about.
THIS. Okay, admittedly, a lot of the fandoms I like to RP are slightly leaning towards the obscure end of the scale, so to attract more people I try to explain all the relevant worldbuilding and such so that anyone can join, regardless of whether they're familiar with the work in question or not, but even then I get people blatantly disregarding established canon even when it's right there. I didn't write out a page explaining the ins and outs of Branch of Sin for you to come up with two completely unrelated forms your character's blood can take, one of which seems like it'd make them pass out from blood loss before they could actually do anything useful, dammit. >_>
@Wuya @ItsCursorBby related to this people who argue with you about the world building of an established roleplay. Whether it's canon or something you made up. They will argue against the already established rules of the universe just so their character can fit better.

Like I kid you not on another site we had this person try to join an X-men roleplay with a sentient wolf creature and it's human sibling from some kind of fantasy genre.

And then like argue about it when the GM tried to explain how that particular style didn't mesh with the established roleplay.
Grey said:
Players that won't read the damn lore and need to have it explained to them over multiple posts.
Roleplays including phrases such as 'D&D-like' where it's obvious no one has any idea what they're talking about, but also won't educate themselves if you literally hand them links.

Any player or GM who thinks quantity = quality.
dude, I totally feel you

I also hate role players that over emphasize sex scenes. like COME ON! who wants to RP THAT??
GMs who demand RPers to make their own CS. I don't care if they emphasized on the fancy coding, lacking a CS is usually the mark of them being lazy.
When the gm doesn't take control of a fight scene. I've seen three separate group rps die because of gms who wouldn't end a battle and go on with the plot.
assassinkid17 said:
RPers that do one on one RPs, only play one character, and expects the other player to be everybody else in the RP
Yeah, it's like you and your characters are just accessories to their little fantasy world. :/

I get that people have preferences, but you can't be so inflexible and expect a Role Play to last.

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