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Fantasy A Demon's Broken Promise | Accepting! | REMAKE |


Two Thousand Club

Even Freedom Comes With A Price.
The Founders

- No god-modding. I'm not going to abuse my rights as owner of the roleplay; however I do expect that everyone respects everyone else's limits on how far fighting or anything goes in the roleplay.

- Please posts all profiles into the designated area in the profile section.

- Post at the very least 3 to four lines. One liners are okay and all, however; try to post at least around a little more than one.

- You may play as many characters as you wish; as long as you are able to control them.

- By no means; NO FOUNDERS are allowed to be brought back into the roleplay. They are to remain dead. Any ideas for the roleplay are to please be discussed in the OOC thread...only if they affect a wide range of the entire roleplay itself.

- No Mary or Gary sues. Everyone has their own flaws one way or another.

- No text talking. This means, whenever you type out your posts. Do not do 'u' in replace of 'you.'

- Make sure to respect everyone within the roleplay. All drama and life problems should be kept at the door, it's fine to talk about it and such but do not being rude to anyone else. This roleplay is for fun.

- Most importantly. Have Fun!~

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The streets of Ravinca’s District are filled with its agitated members, crying out to shed the blood of the ignorant foolhardy Blood Moon. They were amassed outside of her home, crying up to her balcony to get their leaders presence. The large doors on her balcony open and she emerges, the crowd cheering as she makes her way to the edge of the balcony. “These fools…do they really wish to fight the Bloody Moon now?…” she silently sighed and shut her eyes for a moment before holding her hand out to her brethren. ”Hold your rage and listen…” as silence fell over the crowd she drew another breath and continued talking. “The Bloody Moon are the only ones standing between us and the humans. They are heavily armed and you still want blood…” they cried aloud, signaling that they didn’t care. She didn’t want to lose members to the Bloody Moon Clan but if they wanted to fight then that was their choice…and she would be right there on the field with them. Her closed eyes would open as she mentally prepared herself for the casualties.

”Then we shall take them on! We will show them our might and why we should be considered Haven’s protectors! They think we’re dangerous, that we’re unreasonable because we wish to protect ourselves and this city from the true monsters: the humans.” her short speech finishes and the roar of their cheers echo throughout the entire district. Families will lose their loved ones tonight…and they will not even blame her for it. Lysera holds her hand to the side of her, a swirl of green essence makes its way around her arm and into the palm of her hand. It’s a hand sized green skull that looks like its screaming in agony. She whispers something to it before sending it off towards the sky. It climbs up the dark cloudy sky to an unknown destination, it was a habit to send Vossir a message before going off to fight…in a way its like her message in a bottle. “Get ready to move out! We’ll take them on a fair field…” No tricks, no tactics, no bullshit. Just straight combat between Ravinca and Bloody Moon.

Ophelia was wandering around the city, not sure if she wanted to go in or not. Perhaps she NGIHT get hurt, or she might find a new friend. She liked the idea of a new friend. But getting hurt wasn't in her list. She turned her head as she looked about. She had a bell on her antlers, and some sold Chrismas ornaments hooked up on the small branch like bones. She purpously put them there, because she thought they looked too bland. Sure, it was trouble to put them on the top half of her antlers, but she managed. She smiled once she heard the small bell ontop of her head ring, giggling to herself as her hair turned to a warm and happy Amber colour.

She walked to the entrance, looking in. A small shiver crept up her spine, making her hair turn into a purple colour, signifying slight fright. But, none the less, she walked in the city called Haven, some of her old Christmas ornaments falling off as they were poorly placed, her bell ringing ever so slightly. She continued to walk, further and further in the city, her hair slwoly turning back to its green like blue colour, showing that she now felt Neutural. Her amulet glew magically, it being placed upon her chest, showing up quite easily against her white dress. It was hard to believe she was a demon.
Lanister stood atop a building, Yaro and Andrew at his sides. Beneath them were the masses of the Bloody Moon clan, each one silent as they took in their new leader. Though the Death of Adara was still fresh in their mind, Their loyalty was as steadfast to their new leader as it was to the old. The Human's in the clan were standing upright as well, ready and willing to fight and die for the clan. The Sight was inspiring to the three, though Lanister was the first to speak.

"For years, we have toiled underneath the heavy hand of oppression. Forced into servitude by those we sought to escape. Now, after years of struggle, we stand at the precipice before the greatest challenge of our age. My brothers and Sisters, tell me this: Should we allow these Abominations to live? Those that would rip away everything we fought hard to build, just for petty revenge on the young human race, who are simply children playing with fire?"He asked, as the masses began to yell defiantly against the Ravinica. "We showed them death when we slew Vossir in revenge of Lady Adara, and we shall slay Lysera, before she has a chance to destroy our people in a pointless war against the humans! Tonight, My brother's and Sisters, the Red moon of war shines on us proudly, and shall lead us to victory!" Lanister yelled, brandishing his sword. The Clan began their march towards the Ravinica.

Facing towards the tower in the center, Lanister simply spat on the ground. "They shouldn't be surprised.......Black Rose and Serpent's Kiss knew this was coming, and did nothing to stop it. Now is the eve of our victory. "He said.

Yaro watched as his clan marched onto war, pressing his hands to his chest. "Froxx, Heelinx, Trist, Phoust, Farthis...Ancestors, Grant that my hands be steady, my feet swift, and my magic strong.....Grant that I should not take a life that does not deserve it.....and should the worse come down to it....Grant me forgiveness. "Yaro said, as the shadows enveloped him, and he vanished for the field.

Troy looked towards Lanister, who nodded towards him, before placing his mask on, and his hood over his head. Jumping onto the wall, he began climbing up, and began roof-jumping towards the Ravinica force, silent as ever.



The earth trembles as the two armies made their way west to the long-abandoned section of the neutral zone, which was inhabited by countless feral demons. They would sense tension and war in the air and rather than be out and about they hid themselves like cowards. The animals feared their own deaths by the hands of the Ravinca and Bloody Moon’s strongest. Lysera stood at the peak at the head of the army of course, followed by her strongest demons by her side. Each were loyal as can be to the clan and each had their own grudges to settle against the Bloody Moon.

The leader’s eyes glowed fiercely her legion of demons growing antsy with each step they took in the feral zone; they thirsted for the blood of their enemies. Soon, the grey demoness spotted the blob that was the Bloody Moon Clan’s army, their banners waving proudly in the wind as they approached. Their marching was in time and it shook the ground with every united step. Both armies drew closer, a gap in the crumbled buildings forms and the sun shines through. The Lady of the Mist holds her hand out to her followers and begins to approach the center of the field.

“I must give your credit to your brainwashing techniques Lanister… Your fodder can pass for an…acceptable army…” she would chuckle slightly as her glowing yellow eyes pass over the mass of demons gathered behind him. Her nose fills with a disgusting odor and she can’t help but hold the bridge of her nose “And I see you brought your filthy mutts with you too…” she grumbles, referring to the humans. Her eyes find Yaro then Troy after “Oh and you brought your little boytoy and lapdog as well, how lovely~” Her body turns sideways as she motions to her own army, their feet stomping on the ground, weapons clanging in their hands, as their voices cry out strongly in the soon-to-be battleground. ”My clan wants blood…wants your head on a spoke Lanister… But I think I’d rather add your putrid soul to my collection and leave your body to the crows…” This was just a courtesy and a threat to Lanister…Lysera wasn’t leaving this field until Lanister was dead or she had won the war against his people…not unless it was a damn good reason. Her hand now clenched into a fist, she calms her rage trying to keep her regal yet sinister composure as she awaits Lanister’s response.

This was a courtesy…let the big demons talk while the children steel themselves for combat. The Ravinca forces were aching to shed some blood and that only made them stronger… ”Just a bit longer my children…” she thought with a sly smirk coming across her lips.

Lanister appeared out of a shadow-portal, created by Yaro. Lanister stepped forward, but maintained a fair distance. "I would love nothing more than to rip you apart right now......but, My second in command wishes to speak with you. "Lanister said. "It's a goddamn waste of time, but I'll allow it.....unlike your clan, I won't have him killed just for speaking his mind. "Lanister said, before looking towards Yaro, and stepping away. "Speak.....I grow tired of waiting." Lanister said, vanishing into the portal again.

Yaro looked towards Lanister, before stepping forward, placing his staff on the ground, an obvious sign of non-aggression. "Lysera.....please, Let's not do this. "He said, holding up his hands as he stepped forward. "You know this isn't right......you know it, I know it, and so does many others. "He said, before looking towards Lanister in the field. "You both need to let go of your hatred, this feud is centuries old, hasn't there been enough blood spilled over this? I am angry about what happened as well, but this isn't helping anyone! "Yaro said, looking around, to make sure he wasn't about to be killed, before stepping forward.

" We can get past this, and we can prepare to defend ourselves against the humans. But this......conflict only weakens us. In trying to protect your clans, you'll lead us both to Slaughter! "Yaro said, making sure to stay in his spot. "Let us just talk this out, you can trust me. I can help, But only if you'll let me. "Yaro said.

Troy was atop a ruined building, along with several other human rifleman. They had their rifles aimed at the Ravinica, but they had their orders: If Ravinica stood down, they would as well, but if not, they were to fire without hesitation. Troy kept his finger off the trigger, and Lysera in his sight. Not aiming for the head.......He was aiming for her stomach. Even if he only got the one shot, it'd be a near-fatal wound. The Rounds he used were hollow-points, with holy water in the hollowed areas. "Wind.....-23. Sight-line clear......slow breaths...."Troy said to himself, patiently waiting.
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Lysera shuts her eyes once again as Lanister speaks his piece then leaves through the portal the mage created. As the young demon speaks Lysera opens her eyes and stares into his, never blinking once as he spoke. He spoke of peace between their people and gave the reason that if the bloodshed would not cease both clans will suffer. He just doesn't get it and he never will... Her brow furrowed in anger as this young demon wanted to reach a peaceful end. Honestly, what are the young ones learning in school these days?

"My goal is not to fight the Bloody Moon nor is it the destruction of Haven...I am trying to save our race from the humans who would commit genocide!" Her back would turn to Yaro's extended hand, her demeanor turning colder as she returns to her people. On her way back her head turns towards the building where Troy and his group were perched. She smelled his stench from a mile away...he was just one reason she wanted to see the humans dead. Humans had unlimited potential as they are not limited by their race's predisposition. They can be as chaotic and mischevious as the demons of old or graceful and good as the angels.

Lysera holds a fist into the air and the horde of Ravinca cries out, their shouts would send fear through the hearts of the pathetic humans beyond the walls...it's too bad that they were wasting their forces on their own kind than the killers beyond the walls. "And so it begins! Show them no mercy! Maim, tear, and break their bodies until we are victorious!" her voice booms across the field, the classic demonic ting in her voice as her army charges forth.

Troy's riflemen will be a problem...better allow the main force to concentrate on ripping the Bloody Moon to shreds than let them worry about some bullets stinging their flesh and breaking their bones. Her scaled claw points towards Troy and with some assistance from the magicians in the clan the forces on the building would come under fire by bolts of lightning, spears of ice, and balls of fire all while Lysera makes her way towards the base building.


Avaddon Angulis

As nightfall had spread throughout the whole city of Haven itself. A single male perched high above the central tower had kept to himself as he had brought his dark violet gaze down upon the large buildings below him; scanning the area for any possible dangers of an innocent civilian walking during this time of day being attacked by any of the feral demons that lurked the darkness. With no one in sight and peace filling the city streets; the hooded male simply gave a mental nod to himself that the night was calm for once. Just as he had sat there though, the sounds of pounding marching came to his attention from afar; arching a brow, the young male had turned his head towards the direction he had overhead the marching come from. "What is going on..?" As he whispered silently towards himself about the question; just as the hooded male stood to his own feet to prepared to head towards the sounds that seemed to come from one of the more dangerous sections of the city, the last thing that he had expected to come to his attention was the arrival of one of the Black Rose demon elites that served under none other then the leader; Avaddon, which just so happen to be none other then the male who stood at the edge of the tower as well.

As the demon male elite had made his appearance only to be upon one knee and his head faced downwards. He had arrived with an urgent report as to what was going on currently. "Sir! Reports came in from a scout near the Land of the forgotten section of the city. It seems the Bloody Moon and Ravinca clan have decided to go on an all out assault with one another. Miss Lysera and Sir Lanister have joined the battle as well. What are your orders?" Just as the elite spoke, a silent sigh would be the only response that came from the young demon leader as he had only turned his head over his shoulders to speak towards the elite behind him. "Gather the rest of the elites...and inform the clan to meet at the location of the battle. Take positions at all corners of the battle. You and the rest of the elites will meet at the center. Understood?" As the information had been given, the male had simply nodded before quickly vanishing in a flash of bright light from where he once kneeled before Avaddon. Going off to inform the other elites along with many rest of the clan members about the situation and orders that they had now received; Avaddon had once more been left alone upon the rooftop of the Neutral Tower in silence. "Lanister. Lysera. Just what do you expect to accomplish with this...?" Just as the words left his own lips, the demon leader wasted no time to simply step off the edge of the building before allowing his dark wings open up upon his back to allow him to burst forward into the skies to head towards the location of where the battle took place.


All the while, within the territory of the Black Rose, a small patrol of a single male demon and a female demon that had been part of the clan itself had been wandering down the streets to make sure anyone that might've been the streets during this time of night had a place to stay and weren't suffering to have to live on the streets alone. This had been an order from Avaddon himself, simply because he had known well enough how it had felt to be living alone on the streets and never wished it upon anyone else; due to this, The Black Rose clan had saved many lives on demons, mythical creatures as well as humans to help them find a home either within the clan or to help them towards the Neutral Tower where they were able to gain at least a home where they could stay and feel safe.

Just as the two demons had wandered around the streets, the last thing that came to their sight was none other than what seemed to be a small female child who had been alone. As the male demon arched a brow towards the sight, the two came to a halt as they waved their arms from afar towards the strange young child figure to see if they could get her attention without seeming aggressive in anyway.
"Uhm..hello? Miss? Are you lost?" Speaking up first was the female demon as she had continued to wave her arm towards the small female from afar the entire time. If the young female from afar was actually lost indeed and needed help; both of the patrol demons would make sure to bring as much assistance as they could in anyway possible.




Lanister would not yell out a battle-cry, he would not issue boastful threats.......He pressed his hands together, and closed his eyes, before extending his hands to the sky. Soon, two vibrant red and black spiked wings shot from him, and he darted towards the sky, looking more like the Demon Noble he was, more than a common demon. As his body vibrated with energy, his body soon exploded into Hellfire, as it swarmed his armor. He then pointed towards the approaching army. "Do not settle for killing them.......Break them"Lanister said, as his clan charged forward, the human's noticeably laying back.

The Forces clashed with Zealous Fury, and it soon became apparent why the humans stood back: To supplement for their lack of physical strength, they were using fire arms to suppress the demon horde. Only the ammunition was different: It was the same hollow point holy-water bullets. The human's were playing as support, to give their demon allies a better chance against Ravinica: Healers, Rifleman, and in the case of the closest ones, shields.

Yaro simply looked towards Lysera as the fight started, before speaking up. "If that is what you believe, then you are truly lost.....I am sorry this has to be this way."Yaro said, obviously meaning it, before using the shadows to pull back. He used them to speed towards the building, levitating as the bombardment of magic proceeded. Inside of simply blocking it, Yaro tried a different method: Deflection. Every spell he could reach, he smashed it back at it's caster's location, hoping to stem the tide of the assault. This resulted in fewer deaths, but still: Several rifleman were dead, and the building was weakening. Whats more, Yaro took a few blows himself, and he knew he couldn't last forever.

Yaro then looked at his spell-book, before chanting. "There exists Purgatory in the netherworld and fields of fire in the corporeal world. Fire discriminates not against good nor evil as it burns and purifies with ferocious mercy. All things must return to skull and bones. Let the cremation begin! "Yaro said, before looking towards Lysera. "Level 3 Flame art.....Incinerate!"Yaro said, as a large gout of snake-like coils of Blue fire shot towards Lysera.

Though half of the forces were dead or injured, Troy maintained his post, as were his orders. Once the fighting began, Troy began unloading indiscriminately against Ravinica, not even bothering to aim for Lysera. He didn't aim for the tip of the spear (The front groups), he aimed for different spots: Catch them off-balance, leave holes in their defenses, weaken their structure. It was why he chose this spot for his snipers, as they could effectively bleed them from their position.
Ophelia seemed quite interested in the place itself, not minding that there want any people about . In the corner of her eye, she could see two people waving. She turned her head, and tilted it, a small Christmas ball had fallen off and bounced. She didn't seem to care. She flinched when she heard the females voice, blinking unsure ly. They coulda we her hair turn into purple once again. She shrugged at the answer, her white dress fluttering in the wind. She opened her mouth to speak, who little fangs being presentable. " Uhm.. I think I'm lost..?" She frowned, having confused herself.

Cauciously, she began to slwoly walk toward the two demons, the bell ringing. " Who are you guys? Are you friendly?" She asked, tilting her head in confusion. Her voice was soft, and she could hardly raise it, so she had to come closer, her hair went a darker purple as she went closer.




~*Arcelia Raiya Helios-Draca*~

When you allow hate to take over, you become the saddest person in the world.

The moon shone brightly within the light as the clouds drifted within the air. The sounds of battle echoed from the ruined cities of the demon city of Haven. It was normal so to speak, well, recently the fighting has become normal. Centuries had passed since the death of the Bloody Moon Clan, as well as the death of the Ravnica Clan. The fighting wasn't constant, but it was evident. Who knew that they would start the fight now, now of all times. There was a male on one of the buildings nearby as well as large groups of demons fighting each other within the feral lands. At least, they had the decency to use the feral lands and now the cities themselves, so many innocent people would die from the senseless fighting. From the building across the sniping squad, there sat a spider, a lone spider who appeared to be watching the war from afar. All four eyes watched as its eight legs shifted about, helping it move closer and closer each time, making sure to stay out of sight.

The spider was about the size of a small puppy, then again, it was a feral baby spider demon. His abdomen waved a bit over his head as he crept crawler, keeping in mind the larger demons overhead fighting, trying to keep away from the buildings that would be targeted by them. His smaller arms twitched a bit as he lowered his body and looked at the battlefield. "Mistress, there is something happening on the battlefield, they must really hate each other." The spider named Azel said telepathically as he crept a bit closer, blinking his four eyes once. Deep within the underbelly of the Feral city, there were large caverns of sewer pipes hanging from the ceiling. Some worked while others hung unhinged to the ceiling or other pipes. The sound of dripping water echoed with the dark tunnels of the Forgotten City. It wouldn't be long until two soccer ball sized glowing orbs were floating through the air. One was a hot pink color while the other appeared to be a light blue one. What made them more interesting was the fact the hot pink ball had spider legs while the other had a halo and wings. The two orbs hovered through the darkness, trying to find their mistress. For most feral demons, seeing the two would most likely make them hungry since they were souls after all. But they were protected by their mistress. Who they nicknamed Queen of Spiders.

"Mistress, Mistress! Did you hear?" The light blue soul called out into the darkness. Soon two eyes shot opened before turning her attention towards the flowing spheres in front of her. She blinked once before emerging from the darkness, her long silvery hair dangling from the sides of her head with a pair of large horned protrusion from her head, she lowered herself down from the ceiling, her human torso now visible for the souls to see. Her red-purple eyes staring towards the orbs. It wouldn't be long until she tilted her head a bit and five more eyes opened up under her. Two dinner plate sized eyes and three saucer-sized ones. "I heard. Thank you, Nilia." The female said with a soft tone in her voice, it echoed a bit in the tunnel as her body slowly emerged from the shadows. It wouldn't be long until a leg appeared, soon followed by another...then another...and another. Her whole body appeared, revealing a large spider-like body. Black and gray in color. The legs appeared to be covered in globs of black-grey hair with sharp points as her feet holding her up. Nilia, the angel-like soul, jumped a bit in the air before hovering over towards the young Arcelia and nuzzled her. Nolan, the spider-like soul, hovered over as well before sitting on the young queen's head. "Then let's go, let's go~" Nolan cheered as Arcelia only chuckled and started walking away, her sticky cod webs stretching and straining before snapping.

After a while, Arcelia rose her large body up, placing her hands on the large lid-like structure. Once opened enough, the young female allowed her torso to come out of the ground. On the outskirts of the large fighting area, she would "see" the two armies fighting. To her, however, all she saw was souls crashing and dying on the field. Her eyes narrowed with great sadness, sensing the pain the souls were going through. "What do you see Mistress?" Nolan asked, bouncing on her head. "Dummy, Mistress Arcelia can't see, remember?" Nilia hissed, "Oh, right, sorry." He said. Arcelia blinked once as she smiled softly, "It's ok, but what I see are souls fighting, I don't like it." She said leaning forward, her arms resting on the dirt covered road before resting her head in her clawed hands. Violence was never Arcelia's strong suit since violence was the one that caused her to live in the sewers and killed her family.

Nolan and Nilia watched in awe and fear, they could sense the strength coming from the battle, it wouldn't be long until the held behind the spider female, "You have nothing to worry, we are a good distance from the fighting. I won't let anything happen to you two." Arcelia said, blinking her eyes once, her abdomen wiggling a bit as she got comfy. Even if they were to come this way, all Arcelia had to do was to hide back in the sewers and stay there until she was able to eat again. "Ok Mistress." The two souls said in unison, trying their best to stay hidden. Azel, on the other hand, moved around a bit. Crawling away from the corner of the building and started making his away towards a pole before jumping on it and sat there for a moment, waiting to see where else he could go.
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Those fighting let out a cry of valor as the crimson of their enemies bathe their bodies. It is a massacre on both sides...the bodies continue to pile up and the souls of the departed flicker and eventually die. This is what Lysera saw until the blue flame dives towards her. It was the young Yaro who cast the spell...he was just speaking to her about peace yet he feels the need to attack now that his talk has failed? Pathetic.

Lysera's blade materializes in her hand and the blue flame that came towards her siphons around the weapon and fills the skull sockets on the blade. Her hand grips the blade tightly as the flame heats the blade, the sound of sizzling filling the area. Pain. The rush of blood from the pumping heart and the hypersensitivity adrenaline sends through the body...there was nothing else like it.

"You are such a fool Yaro to follow someone like him" she called up to him, a hateful sting in her tone. Though her hand trembles visibly at the pain of Yaro's spell, Lysera still manages to move it. Her blade rests itself on her left shoulder as her arm wraps across her chest. Her body torques back like a wind up toy and once the swing was released, the already crippled structure would groan at the blow, then another came...and another and another! Soon, the ruined building began to shake and crumble under the abuse of its foundation.

Of course she did not expect Lanister's prized possessions to be bested so easily by a falling building but at the very least a majority of their wretched riflemen will be injured or dead. In the rubble of the building she sees the carnage and a truly demonic smile claims her face as she hums to herself. After a few steps in the wreckage, agonizing screams come from seemingly no where as the souls of the dying were being pried from their bodies and added to her vast collection. Lysera now begins searching for where Yaro and Troy went, eager to continue their fight...

Meanwhile on the field of battle, as the forces of Ravinca and Bloody Moon clash a sizable group of Ravinca forces have driven their way towards Lanister, all prepared to charge head on at the leader even if it may end in their deaths. If one were to land just one blow on him, they could say that their death was not in total vain.


Lanister closed his eyes, as he held up his hands. The Flames that swirled around his body started twisting and bending around, before finally springing forth, striking at the group. Lanister did not expect the flames to kill them all, as to why he flew into the air right after, but he knew he'd at least make a dent in it. "You dared to kill our beloved Founder in cold blood, then you cry out in rage when we murder yours in kind. You are all hypocrites! "Lanister said, as he began summoning more fire into his hand. "Did you really think your laws would help you escape my wraith?! With all of our hellish hate together, we will burn you all! That is your fate! "Lanister then cast the large fireball towards the group.

Yaro stood atop the wreckage, noticeably bruised from the buildings collapse. When spoken to, He only shook his head. "I do not follow him out of trusting for his leadership......Adara Rajani freed my people, and gave me a chance at something greater. I owe that woman, even in death, my loyalty and my life. I follow her will. "Yaro said, as he used the wind to dust himself off. He then went over to the rubble, and pulled out what appeared to be the body of Troy. "I've done what I can to try and convince you against this, but you've sealed your fate.

" All you've done is hasten the inevitable......Ask yourself this, Lysera: Did you really think we'd commit all our forces to the field? "Yaro said, closing the book he had, before holding up his staff. He then tapped Troy's body, and it would vanish into essence. It would then shoot up into the air, leaving a trail of smoke, and explode like a flare.

The real Troy was planting the last explosive on a stockpile of weapons, supplies, medicine, and other useful things. The force of 40 humans he had with was making good time on their mission: Already 5 caches were ready to blow, and this marked the 6th. They'd soon be onto the next one, but Troy saw the flare shoot up, signalling his cover was blown. "Everyone, pack it up, time to ex-fill out of here. "Troy said, as everyone began to move out of the Ravinica territory.
"Did you really think we'd commit all our forces to the field?"

Lysera felt time slow for her, she could hear each thump of her heart against her rib cage, each breath of air steadily filling her lungs. Her eyes widen as she realizes what it was that Yaro implied then her eyes began to glow brilliantly. Yaro was given to time to react as Lysera was gripping his throat tightly with her left hand, she was practically squeezing the breath from his frail body. Her mouth opens and a scream emits from deep within her, portraying the rage she feels for believing that the Bloody Moon would be honorable; what a fool she was. The pit of her maw begins to glow green as the singular banshee cry turns into a numerous garble of screams that fill his ears. Soon, Lysera slams the weak mage into the rubble, continuing to squeeze his neck tighter and tighter "I will make you watch as your precious home is turned to cinders...and your people will blame you..." she growls lowly into his ear, her blade pressing against his stomach slowly to keep him from resisting as his life was in her hands.

She was angered by the insolence of the Bloody Moon, in the beginning of that their feud innocents may have gotten hurt in the process, but, as the years went on there were always certain standards that Ravinca operated by; In a way it was like their very own code of honor. In this case a battlefield was chosen and the war was to be fought there. This was meant to keep collateral damage to unimportant segments of the city and to ensure the safety of the other clans as well as the innocents that live in each district. The blatant disregard for the safety of her people is what made Lysera so upset. The warriors want death to the Bloody Moon...the women and children in her district have nothing to do with this.

Lysera throws the mage into the debris he was weakened quite a bit...whether it was from his use of magic or being showered by chunks of stone, she could not tell. Her claws glow green and soon Yaro feels multiple bony fingers and rotting limbs wrap around his body, holding him securely to the ground. As he begins to sink into the ground, his sight is soon consumed by darkness as he is locked away in an unknown place for the time being. Though he may be in a time or place that is unspecified, Yaro can still hear the battle rage on as if he is there but is unable to move.

Lysera watches him sink under the concrete and she takes a large leap towards the battlefield, smelling the charred flesh of her warriors who tried to go toe-to-toe with Lanister. "Lanister..." Lysera began her voice low and drastically different from before. Her brow was furrowed with a serious intention to kill on her face. The surrounding forces soon created a massive bubble for which the two leaders could clash in, some staring in awe and fear before returning to the fight at hand. Shaking off the bit of green magic that had stuck to her hand she continues, "I see that I severely misjudged your character...How can you still call yourself the 'good guy' after all the suffering you've caused over the years?" Lysera's feet began move herself in a counter-clockwise direction in the area the demons had created for them. "While we're here dealing with your stubbornness and the others claim their hands are tied and swear to inaction more of our kind die beyond our walls everyday!" She kept it brief, not wanting to hear a long-winded speech again...not while her heart sank in fear and burned with anger. Gripping her sword tightly she charges at him, letting out a cry before she rushes at him with her scorched glowing blade. As she got closer to his hulking frame, she jumps into the air to perform a downward vertical slash.




Avaddon Angulis

As the dark haired demon leader of the Black Rose clan had continued on his way towards the large battlefield from above the dark clouds that were over the city in general. The more Avaddon had grown closer towards the area of the battle; in silence, the more of his own clan members had prepared their orders that were given from the elite that had returned to the home of the Black Rose. As each of them had moved swiftly throughout the darkness of the night, the Black Rose being known for also being one of the stealthiest of the four clans; had taken position in every corner and spot that surrounded the battlefield. It wasn't until the loud crash and booming sounds of a building coming down from afar that had caused the hooded demon to come to shock that the fighting was truly growing out of hand; cursing to himself at the fact that more and more lives were being stolen away from both sides of the Bloody Moon and Ravinca, it took simply that one act that caused Avaddon to increase his own speed in his flight to reach the battle sooner.

Just as a few moments had passed by, as expected; Avaddon would had finally come to the destination of the battlefield, and although at first it may not had seemed that his elites had arrived just as they were ordered to do so. The dark haired male wasted no time to immediately halt his flight by allowing his own pitch black feathered wings to vanish in an instant; this immediately causing the demon leader to immediately come descending downwards towards the center of the battle field from high above. Just as he did so, with the thought of just how many deaths and injured beings had been caused due to this fighting; it had slightly angered Avaddon only to cause him to create the once scattered dark clouds throughout the city to gather around the large battlefield to darken the entire area above those who had fought against one another. The only light that came from these dark clouds was the center of the battlefield in which was where none other then Avaddon had been descending from. Right as he came into sight of those who had actually stopped their battling to stare towards the strange darkness that surrounded them and only the single bit of light; six others who had been dressed in completely black cloaks had immediately appeared surrounding the one male coming downwards. These six were the elites of the Black Rose.

Right as the seven had made contact with the ground itself, the six elites that had landed upon the ground in a kneeled position had immediately stood straight back up; each of their faces hidden from underneath their cloaked hoods while the seventh; Avaddon who once made contact with the ground remained in his kneeled position. However, the instant his fist had touched the ground though, the once menacing dark clouds that covered the entire field of battle had instantly scattered in every direction to once more bring the bright white light of the moon upon the entire field yet again. This however was not the end of how Avaddon was planning on ending this battle. Rather, as soon as the clouds had scattered and silence was brought upon the field; having each of the members of the two clans staring towards the seven who now where simply there in the center of a raging war, the only word to leave the lips of the young dark haired demon was. "Enough!" With that single word, Avaddon wasted no time to raise his fist from the cement ground only to bring it crashing immediately back downwards in a large wave of pure strength; releasing his power over his own ice with a single strike.

In an instant, right from where the six elites stood guarding their leader; a large wave of a pure white gust had come rushing around the entire field. Just as the bitter cold wave came blasting passed each and every demon, human or mythical creature; the ground beneath each and everyone would've turned into complete white ice. Those who stood upon this would soon have from their own two feet slowly up their legs and straight over their entire body towards their throat being frozen in a pitch black form of what seemed to had been ice. As for the crumbling building, as it came down towards the ground; rather then having it crush many other and cause even further death; the wave of pure ice immediately crept it's way up the building, freezing over the metal poles and supports of the building that once kept the building together in place so that the debris would not come down but rather freeze in place. Avaddon had not expected this ability to trap the leaders for much longer then a few moments if they wished to had broken free or not; however, if they stayed in place and allowed themselves to be frozen, he would not complain either.

All the while, the clan members of those who had surrounded the entire battlefield from around the area had made sure to finally show themselves after their leader had made an appearance. Those with ranged weaponry had held their weapons to the heads of any and all demons or any beings in general who would've dared to try and take a shot at Avaddon or any frozen enemies of the opposing clan. At the sametime, nearby; many other demons had awaited for Troy to exit out from the building at nearly every exit with their weaponry of the Black Rose. Avaddon had planned to end this raging war currently and at least have a word with the two leaders before any more senseless bloodshed came to the clans. "Check upon the wounded...and see if you can save any of the dead." Just as Avaddon spoke, knowing well enough that even with the power of the elites who could actually heal; those who were far too gone into the world of death were probably already stolen by the leader of the Ravinca clan; Lysera and her ability to take the souls of the dead as her own weapon probably. Just as the six elites nodded their heads as they scattered throughout the now frozen field of battle; moving pass those who had been frozen to check upon those who were horribly injured as well as checking upon the dead as well. Healing those they could and showing respect to those they couldn't save in the end.

As the elites had done this; the dark haired demon leader of the Black Rose had soon finally stood up to his own two feet as he turned his once plain crimson gaze had now turned from his single crimson hue while the other eye had shown it's pitch darkness to show his own disapproval of the fight that was about to occur between the two demon leaders.
"Lanister. Lysera. Stop this nonsense immediately. You two are acting like spoiled children! By the Seven Princes! Show some sort of respect for who you are and bring yourselves over here!" As he spoke, it was clear enough in his own voice his own demonic form had grown near releasing due to his distorted darkening tone.


The entire time, back towards the patrolling demons of the Black Rose who had met up with who seemed to had been a young demoness child. The male and female demon that stood there waving to her had nearly been unaware of the color change of her hair throughout the darkness of the night; it wasn't until she had spoken up on questioning whether or not she was actually lost as well as wondering who the two demons were and whether or not they were friendly. Just overhearing this and hearing the tone in the voice of the unknown female; the two patrolling demons had lowered their arms from their waving to return a warm and sincere smile towards the approaching child-like female. The first to speak up this time however was the male demon as he tilted his head slightly, leaning forward from where he stood as he had extended out a single hand to show some sort of kindness towards her.
"Oh dear...you're just a child aren't you..? Do not worry. We are friendly, we are patrolling guards of the Black Rose clan; here in Haven. Come, if you wish...we can bring you to our home of the Black Rose..and get you something good to eat. That is..if you're lost..if you have a home..we can help escort you home, if you'd like." Just as the male demon spoke, the female one that stood beside him had nodded her head in agreement while she kept the same warm and kind smile across her own lips the entire time as well. Knowing well enough that their leader; Avaddon was dealing with something else at the moment and meant he wasn't at the home; at the very least, they could help this child to the best of their ability until their leader had returned to help out the child himself.

Lanister saw as Lysera was about to strike him, about to respond in kind. When he heard the voice, he looked over, only to watch as his clan members were stunned, and he was frozen over. It was done by none other than Avaddon, Leader of the Black Rose demon clan. When he spoke of them acting like spoiled children, and for them to come here, Lanister simply glowed with rage. Soon, the Ice began melting, before exploding in small shards. Lanister then placed his weapon away, but did not let his guard down. "This does NOT involve you Avaddon! You lost the right to be involved when you chose inaction over the death of both of our clan's founders, and now you think you can storm in here, and try to involve yourself? Don't be so presumptuous!"Lanister said, before pointing towards Lysera. "This will not end until the spine of her hypocritical clan is broken, and I will see it done!"

Yaro did not fight back, even as the Hands drew him underground. He simply looked towards them, not caring if they could hear him, and said two simple words. "Thank you."

Troy would look towards the Black Rose officials. Orders were to plant the explosives, and move out. They had done the first part of their job, and now they could complete the second without effort. Throwing down the rest of the remaining explosives, Troy signaled for his men to stand down. They then held themselves up, to be escorted (and bound, if need be) to wherever they needed to go. If they'd search him, however, they'd notice he did not have the detonator.
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happydeath said:
The entire time, back towards the patrolling demons of the Black Rose who had met up with who seemed to had been a young demoness child. The male and female demon that stood there waving to her had nearly been unaware of the color change of her hair throughout the darkness of the night; it wasn't until she had spoken up on questioning whether or not she was actually lost as well as wondering who the two demons were and whether or not they were friendly. Just overhearing this and hearing the tone in the voice of the unknown female; the two patrolling demons had lowered their arms from their waving to return a warm and sincere smile towards the approaching child-like female. The first to speak up this time however was the male demon as he tilted his head slightly, leaning forward from where he stood as he had extended out a single hand to show some sort of kindness towards her. "Oh dear...you're just a child aren't you..? Do not worry. We are friendly, we are patrolling guards of the Black Rose clan; here in Haven. Come, if you wish...we can bring you to our home of the Black Rose..and get you something good to eat. That is..if you're lost..if you have a home..we can help escort you home, if you'd like." Just as the male demon spoke, the female one that stood beside him had nodded her head in agreement while she kept the same warm and kind smile across her own lips the entire time as well. Knowing well enough that their leader; Avaddon was dealing with something else at the moment and meant he wasn't at the home; at the very least, they could help this child to the best of their ability until their leader had returned to help out the child himself.
The dark black amulet set upon her cold chest, emitting a strong blue glow as she ht closer slowly.She stopped, not far fro them, looking at his hand with a confused manner as he held it out. She furrowed her eyebrows as her hand slowly touched his, gripping on it lightly. Her skin was soft and cold, almost angelical, other than a small dried up cut on her palm. Her hair calmly returned to its bright blue color, glowing as it showed her sparkling pale face. Her cheeks turned into a rosy color as she smiled, her small fangs showing once more. '' I wouldn't mind that! I don't have a home, Since I wander around.'' She smiled warmly, her hair turning into a light blue, Showing she was happy or showing she was comfortable. '' I'm Ophelia, Ophelia Gaster.'' She smiled, chuckling, her amulet glowing brighter with her hair. It wasn't her hair that was glowing- her skin was emitting a gentle white glow. It showed on the mans skin, a subtle glow running over his hand. '' Whats your names?"She said, letting go of his hand. In her other hand, was a white teddy bear, worn out. It had blood on it though, small splotches on its torso, face and arms. She slowly held both its arms now, with each hand. the teddy bear hung there, lifeless but meaningful.
Lysera was craving to spill some blood after the stunt Lanister pulled, but was denied as Avaddon made his appearance. The ice that had flooded the field encased her lower body mid-air and froze her joints; though it would not hold her long. Her hands were the first to break free of the ice, small shards sprinkling on the ground and more to come as the rest of her body thawed. With her body reclaimed from the ice, she fell, cracking the thin layer of ice on the asphalt once she landed. Looking around, the lesser demons were frozen in their spot and while they struggled to break free, none dared interfere with Avaddon or his elites.

The chill slowly wearing away, Lysera replies to Avaddon’s beckoning: ”You talk as if you are a scolding disappointed father Avaddon…” she said in an extremely displeased tone, she hates being talked down to. ”You should know by now, this will never stop. I do not see why you continue to interfere!” Self righteous bastard.

”…You lost the right to be involved when you chose inaction over the death of both of our clan's founders…”

Perhaps this is a matter they both can agree on. The remaining clans had no place in their war, not unless they were being directly effected. Lysera looked towards Lanister as his finger pointed towards her and he spouted his rage-filled words.

”This will not end until the spine of her hypocritical clan is broken, and I will see it done!”

”Do not act as if you are some ’noble savior’.” she hissed back at him, sarcasm oozing from her words. Once her piece was spoken to Lanister she turns her attention back to Avaddon and his puppets. ”Why are you here, other than to ruin our battle and ’save the city’ ?”

@Andraus @happydeath




~*Arcelia Raiya Helios-Draca*~

When you allow hate to take over, you become the saddest person in the world.

Arcelia continued watching from her safe distance, blinking once as she watched the small colorful lights of souls dance across the field. Seeing the living being slaughtered made the young spider demon feel sorry for them. They souls left their bodies and appeared to be confused. Nolan and Nilia watched as well, soon landing on the ground as they bounced about. "Mistress? What's going to happen to the souls?" He asked with great concern. Arcelia turned her head and looked down towards the hot pink colored soul. "I don't know. I just hope they will be able to find peace." She stated, resting her hands in the ground.

Soon, she shot her head up, seeing a tiny light colored soul come down and stopped the two from fighting. Arcelia's eyes widen a bit, sensing the power coming from them and from the size of the soul, it appeared to be the same size as the two leading fighters. "Wh-Who was that?" Nilia asked, moving a bit closer to the field of battle before Arcelia reached over and pulled the light blue soul back. "It must be the other leader and you two shouldn't get too close, I don't want you getting lost." Arcelia sighed softly before her stomach started growling. The spider female looked down towards her stomach and gently placed it on her stomach. She was hungry and she had to eat something. Nilia and Nolan looked towards Arcelia then themselves. "Don't worry, we'll get you something to eat." Nolan said before looking towards the battlefield.

Nilia looked towards Nolan and the battle as well. "Well, it is easy pickings." She said with a soft gulp. Nolan bounced once as Arcelia looked towards the souls. "Wh-What are you two planning?" The Spider female asked, blinking once. "Don't worry, just know we are going to get you and the other spiders food." "B-But..." "Better something that is already dead then something that is alive, they make less noise." Nilia started before bouncing a bit, Arcelia looked down towards the ground her lower body crawling up a bit as she hid her face in her hands. "Azel, the mistrss is hungry. We need some bodies for her and the other spiders. You think you can message that?" Nilia asked telepathically. Azel looked towards the field from the pole before crawling down and leaped from building to the remains of the building. "Don't worry, I will get the food. Hunting time." He said back before is abdomen opened up a bit before letting out a loud screech.

His body wiggling about before jumping into a nearby manhole. From there, demon spiders crawled around under the ground. Some of them crawled through the area as some peeked outside, looking at the bodies over the battlefield. It wouldn't be long until a spider popped out of the ground and dragged a corpse under, the earth slamming shut once the body was in. The same thing happened to not too far as they dragged the bodies into the ground. Azel crawled the message of spider demons, making sure things were going smoothly.
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Avaddon Angulis

While he had continued to stand there with his dark gaze focused upon the two demon leaders of the opposing clans; the sight of how both Lanister as well as Lysera were able to break free from the ice was of no surprise to the dark haired male in anyway whatsoever. Even if Avaddon had been powerful, he was still in the same league just as the other leaders of the other three clans in power; this was something that had to be made sure of before the leader of any clan was chosen. To make sure that the new leader that would take up the spot of their rank would be able to be just as powerful as the others; just so that the balance of power would never be tipped to one side or any side would be much weaker then any other side in the end. Just as the two leaders had broken free of the ice; the first to speak up was none other then the leader of the Bloody Moon himself; Lanister. Listening to his own words, even if part of them were true enough that Avaddon had no real say to join this current battle; however the fact of the words that were stated on the death of the founders was something that slightly had pushed the buttons upon Avaddon as well. Although it was true, he had not taken action when the founders were ended up known to be killed; it did not mean he had not taken action without reasoning of his own. Knowing the same pain of losing the founder of his own clan; when they were none other then his own parents in the end, just hearing that he had taken no action to stop the death of their own founders slightly angered the male that he had been unable to take even any action to stop the death of his own founders of the Black Rose clan; having to just watch them be slaughtered before his own eyes on the spot. As those thoughts roamed the head of the young demon leader; his own single crimson hue from his eye had slowly yet surely began to fade into a pitch darkness to match his separate eye as well, simply another sign of his own corruption slowly yet surely giving signs that he was growing ever closer towards his own demise of turning into something close to a feral if not worse.

Soon enough, as a single touch of a palm upon his shoulder had caught his attention. Avaddon had nearly snapped himself back into reality as he quickly turned his head over his shoulder to find that it had been one of his elites; informing their leader about the amount of deaths that were surrounding the entire battlefield as well as informing that those that were wounded were being carried over to a safe location to be healed all at once by two of the elites. Simply nodding in response to the elite about what he had been informed about; with himself now returned to reality and realizing how he had been feeling; Avaddon had made sure to calm his breathing back to a normal pace to allow his own eye colors to change back to their original pure violet gaze once more before he would end up accidentally killing those that had been trapped in the ice that he had created due to his own negative emotions. This time, rather then continuing to speak in his still distorted tone of voice; the young demon leader's voice had once more returned to it normal tone as he stated his own facts towards both the leaders before him who were obviously angered and displeased with the appearance of him currently.
"I know that I will not be able to stop either of you from attacking one another now...or later on. Although I apologize for not stepping in during the time of our great founders' deaths of the Bloody Moon and Ravinca. What was I to do then..? I was still young at the time..and as you can all recall. The founders of my own clan were killed by an unknown enemy as well..unless you had forgotten yourselves. You both act as though I do not know the pain of the death of our great founders. Lysera...your founder had even become your lover; Lanister, your founder had trusted you with her own life just as you did with yours. Mine..were my own flesh and blood of my parents. Do you think I am not enraged about the fact that I was unable to stop the death of my own clan's Founders. Do you think I had wished to become a leader at my age?" As he had spoken, the elites and demons of the clan from the Black Rose who were close enough to hear their leader's words had remained silent as they kept their heads held downwards in respect and saddened about the thought that their founder was killed as well. The death of the founders was a great loss upon all of Haven, not just of one clan but all of the four founders together.

"I understand that this is a personal matter of all, especially since this was due to our founders having their differences upon the whole ideal about the humans. However, do you honestly think this is wise in the end? We guard this city; Haven from all dangers both from the inside and out, both humans and from mythical beings who believe us to be evil...and yet, us of all people...the demons that swore to protect those that live here within our city walls are battling one another. Shedding the blood of our own sisters and brethren, tearing the very same people we once swore to protect with our very own lives. Lanister, Lyersa...I know you have your differences and especially your own stories and pasts with one another of hatred...but do you ever believe..that possibly; before these very demons and people that serve under you..had decided to join our clans were once friends and family..? Although they might not recognize one another anymore...can you imagine how it must feel to have a friend slaughter another simply because it is their order..because it is their hatred blinded them simply due to the fued that has been between our clans for all this time..?" As the young demon spoke the entire time with the silence of the battlefield still among the demons along with the elites still gathering more of the wounded towards a safer location for the healing to be done the entire time.


As the small demoness child had approached the patrolling demon guards only to have the male demon continue to hold his palm out in kindness towards her. By the time the sight of her approaching the two; both the female and male demon soon came to realize the color of the child's hair was changing with each moment that she grew closer until it had become a bright bluish color in the end. Keeping their smile across their lips as she had ended up even touching the male's palm, the sight of the light that came from her had been a tad bit shocking although neither of the guards had actually stepped back in caution since she was still a child and they hadn't wished to frighten her in anyway. Simply hearing that she agreed to go with the two of them back to the home of the Black Rose since she didn't have a home of her own to go to, the female demon simply nodded her head in response at first as she stepped over closer to stand by the side of the male guard. Listening right after as the small child had introduced herself; the two soon stood up straight as the one to speak up was the male once more to introduce both of them.
"My name is Alexandro and this here is Maya. That's a really beautiful name Ophelia. C'mon..the home isn't too far from here. Let's get you inside and get you some nice hot food and something to drink.." As the male spoke, he would be the first to begin walking off towards the direction of the home of the Black Rose while the female demon guard had stayed by the side of the small female child just in case to guard and keep her company through the traveling.

While the female guard stayed by the side of the demoness named as Ophelia, it hadn't been long before the sight of the teddy bear that the child held onto firmly in both arms came to her attention. Raising a brow towards the stains upon the bear; her own emerald gaze had shifted between the bear and the young child multiple times to question her about the bear slightly. Rather then wondering as to where it came from in case it was a personal item of hers; the female demon known as Maya simply brought up small talk about it instead.
"Oh dear..looks like your teddy is all dirty. Would you like us to wash it when we get to the home?" As she had questioned about it, the young demon female guard had slowly helped herself to stand up straight as well; awaiting to begin walking by the child's side the entire time.



happydeath said:
As the small demoness child had approached the patrolling demon guards only to have the male demon continue to hold his palm out in kindness towards her. By the time the sight of her approaching the two; both the female and male demon soon came to realize the color of the child's hair was changing with each moment that she grew closer until it had become a bright bluish color in the end. Keeping their smile across their lips as she had ended up even touching the male's palm, the sight of the light that came from her had been a tad bit shocking although neither of the guards had actually stepped back in caution since she was still a child and they hadn't wished to frighten her in anyway. Simply hearing that she agreed to go with the two of them back to the home of the Black Rose since she didn't have a home of her own to go to, the female demon simply nodded her head in response at first as she stepped over closer to stand by the side of the male guard. Listening right after as the small child had introduced herself; the two soon stood up straight as the one to speak up was the male once more to introduce both of them. "My name is Alexandro and this here is Maya. That's a really beautiful name Ophelia. C'mon..the home isn't too far from here. Let's get you inside and get you some nice hot food and something to drink.." As the male spoke, he would be the first to begin walking off towards the direction of the home of the Black Rose while the female demon guard had stayed by the side of the small female child just in case to guard and keep her company through the traveling.
While the female guard stayed by the side of the demoness named as Ophelia, it hadn't been long before the sight of the teddy bear that the child held onto firmly in both arms came to her attention. Raising a brow towards the stains upon the bear; her own emerald gaze had shifted between the bear and the young child multiple times to question her about the bear slightly. Rather then wondering as to where it came from in case it was a personal item of hers; the female demon known as Maya simply brought up small talk about it instead. "Oh dear..looks like your teddy is all dirty. Would you like us to wash it when we get to the home?" As she had questioned about it, the young demon female guard had slowly helped herself to stand up straight as well; awaiting to begin walking by the child's side the entire time.
The little girl giggled and blushed, her hair going more of a pinkish tone. " T-Thank you! Not a lot of people think it's a nice name.. I don't know why. But your names are very nice!" She giggled lightly, her hair shifting to a yellow colour with a blue light tone to it. Her hair glided lightly in the air as she walked, like how water interacts with hair. She looked up at the female demon, tilting her head. She had big, blue glowing eyes. Basically everything on her glew. She looked more like a little angle, then a little demon. Her eyes unlocked off the girl, looking back forward. She yawned, her fangs bearing once again. She wandered how the place looked like. Would it be nice? It probably would be. She looked at the man curiously, b fore averting her eyes and looking at her surroundings.

She looked back up at the woman as she spoke, looking at her teddybear. " Yeah, it is dirty. It was from when I cut my lip and my cheek. I couldn't find a place to wash it though." She shook her head with a shrug.Now that she mentioned it, her scarrs looked much more dimmed than the rest of her skin. " My teddys name is Isah. It's also a nice name." She chuckled. The girls personality was showing quite obiously. Friendly, talkative, and could probably make friends with almost everyone, if they let her. She definatally wasn't a fighter.
Lysera’s eyes focus on Avaddon’s, catching the faint red glow in his eyes just as it slowly fades away. An interesting thing to behold, made her question just how different he believes he is from the warring rabble. His speech sang with clarity in Lysera’s ears, she could feel the emotion in each word he spoke. A deeply emotional leader, kind-hearted towards his people and always vigilant when it comes to the dangers inside the city. Of course she remembers how young Avaddon was when he took over Black Rose but if his parents had done more to prepare the boy rather than keep him hidden away from the inevitability…he would have been able to act. She continued listening to him, her eyes occasionally glancing over at the wounded who were being dragged away for healing Bloody Moon and Ravinca alike. She was surprised that none of the wounded tried to kill each other, both forces were exhausted from the battle…that and they knew that no fighting would be happening while Avaddon was around.

Lysera smiles faintly at Avaddon once he finished talking, everything he said was true but the question remained: why was the fighting continuing? It was a question she has asked herself for many many years after Vossir’s murder. The Bloody Moon wished for more blood to be spilled once their founder was killed. Then the Ravinca wished for blood to be spilt for Vossir’s death. The men who were a part of the conspiracy were given a fate worse than death, eternity in Lysera’s collection of souls. The demon leader finally opens her mouth and speak after carefully considering her words. ”Why do we fight? That is your question…” she sighs softly and folds her arms. “With the humans beyond our borders causing trouble for the city, we has chosen to step up and defend the small towns and villages beyond these walls. We are active outside of Haven than the other clans. Our kind beyond Haven must know that their suffering does not go unnoticed. The Bloody Moon stand against our progress in the outside world, and for that we defend ourselves and our goals. The humans must learn to accept the demons in their world and they will only learn by force.” Despite what the other clans may think, members of Ravinca are not violent towards the humans that live in other parts of the city, just distrustful of them; this is why the Ravinca do not allow humans within their territory.

After her response she looks towards the field of dead bodies before them, some bodies began to shift and then they would disappear from the field. The leader raised an eyebrow in curiosity and stepped a bit further from the others. It happened again, this time she noticed what was taking the bodies. Giant spiders. I suppose everyone has to eat… she thought to herself, but to feast on the dead while in the presence of those who commanded them…and even the remaining living was unacceptable. One of the giant spiders look at her as it lifted the piece of earth it was hiding beneath, Lysera glared fiercely at it causing it to scurry back into its hole. ”Pathetic creatures…” she murmurs to herself. There was not enough room to bury all the dead in the city, most of the time those who have died from the clan wars are cremated and given to their families, unless they wished for their bodies to be buried in the cemetery.

@Andraus @happydeath @Cheshire Grin
@Nunali @happydeath @Cheshire Grin

Lanister waited and listened as he heard Avaddon speak. Though he wanted to shout and scream in rage, Lanister felt the anger drain from him, and what hit him was worse than even the most burning of rage: Grief. Even now, this long after her death, the loss of their leader still burned deeply in Lanister's heart. Adara was a mother to him, a sister....a friend. Losing her, especially in the way it happened, made Lanister want to destroy everything in his path. Though he wanted to continue fighting, he couldn't bring himself to do it: The Fight was literally being drained from him. "You know this is who I am, Avaddon, it's what I was born as......"Lanister said, before shaking himself. The aura of power faded from him, signalling that he had lowered his strength.

Yaro would free himself from the earth, using the shadows to cut himself free. Having waited to hear his leaders talk, he then walked up to Lanister, and held out his hand. The Bloody Moon leader would hand him a detonator, which he would in turn walk up to Lysera, placing it in her palm. "This was our goal......As far as I can tell, only 6 were activated. Your people were never in immediate danger, it was your weapons and supplies: Lanister, despite my warnings- "Yaro said, giving him a piercing look. "Wanted to force a sit-down......He was aiming to force the Ravinica clan to yield by threatening the supplies they had, that they needed. Lysera, I understand your clan's pain, More than you may know, but this benefits no-one. Forcing the humans to accept us will only lead to more violence, and we'd just be stooping to their level. We're demon's, we are better than that. "He said, hoping to appeal to her.

".....As the representative for clan Bloody-Moon, I ask of you this again: Let us talk. "Yaro said, trying again to get her to agree to a meeting. "The humans are a threat, but they also can be our biggest benefit. They are unlimited in their potential: They can be the lowest slave, to the highest emperor. In a few short years, our researchers have learned so much from them, so why stop there?"He asked, obviously trying to show reason behind their decision, something that has not been done. " With them, we can understand things beyond our reach. This is a human world, and where they go, they can find things of interest to us, and show us what we don't know. Also, with human's working 'with' us, not beside or against us, it gives the rest of the human's something: Reason to doubt. Reason to think that not all of us are as bad as our hell-based counter-parts. Reason to think we're more than just mindless ferals."He said.

"...-and add that to the military benefit: We have humans that know how to fight, so we can learn their tactics, their strengths, and weaknesses. We can convince others to our cause, and crush those that would threaten us. We don't need to be a conquering army, just a reactionary force: If they attack us, We'd have every reason to crush them. "Lanister said, though he and Yaro shared an Argumentative look. Obviously, the Leadership in the Bloody Moon was divided on more than this issue, though it'd have to be for another time.

Lanister soon looked towards a few spiders that were trying to take off with the bodies of the dead. Having no patience to deal with them, or the restraint to think before he acted, Lanister launched a few fireballs towards them, pointedly aiming in front of them, not at that. "Filthy Scavengers. Leave our dead alone! "Lanister said. The bodies deserved cremation and to be given to their families, not as food for sewer demons.

Avaddon Angulis

After stating his entire mind about the whole situation of what had been going on along with the issue that he had been through himself for the reason why he had been unable to stop any of the death that had occurred to cause the feud between the two clashing clans. Avaddon had remained silent while the silence of the other demons that surrounded the battlefield continued to keep everything calm for the time being; the young male demon had not spoken any of those words to expect mercy or pity from anyone but rather to simply make them see truth in his words and show them how wrong their actions were to cause all this death and destruction. As the first to speak up out of everyone just so happened to had been Lysera; Avaddon's own dark gaze had soon brought his attention upon the female leader only to listen as to how she questioned him in response about his question as to why the two clans continued to battle one another out to what seemed like no end. Obviously enough, it took little more then small knowledge to know about the reason as to why the two had fought one another; to Avaddon, it was no doubt the fact that both sides had lost their Founders due to the opposite end causing the death. Lanister had lost Adara of the Bloody Moon while Lysera had lost Vossir of the Ravinca; both which had struck powerful blows to one another's clans as well as personal lives of the current leaders of each of the clans. At the time when this had occurred; Avaddon had only just recently been promoted to be the new leader of the Black Rose and he had still even been recovering from his traumatic experience of his own parents' death before his very own eyes. Although he had been told about the situation from the elites at the time, Avaddon had nearly been completely out of it and had still been confused about his whole life of what he was to do as a leader that he was unable to step in at the time being to do something about the whole issue.

As Lysera had simply continued in her speaking about the small homes and villages of demons that lived outside of Haven; even Avaddon had been well aware of these homes outside of the city walls that belonged to those who hadn't wished to step into the city to live with the others simply because they had preferred more of the open aired living space of a country life than to be surrounded by large buildings of a city. Knowing all too well, due to those who had lived outside of the city walls were open to any possible chance of attacks from the human race by those who held a deep hatred towards demons, Avaddon had not taken action simply due to the fact that he had to care for the city and with the issues of the feral demons at times, he had almost been unable to always step out of the city walls to protect those that were in need. If he could, he would've done whatever he could do to keep even those demons safe from harm as well. "Lysera. I see that you have devoted yourself and your clan to help protect those of our kind from within our walls of Haven as well as from those outside of Haven...and even if the Bloody Moon may stand within your way of these acts...You and Lanister must find a way to keep this struggle against one another from spreading out to cause bloodshed like this. No matter how you two wish to protect our kind from the human race; killing our own brethren will only prove us to be no different from the humans and show that our kind will only resort to violence to solve everything just as they see us of monsters." Speaking his mind to the response, the dark haired leader had made sure to shift his gaze between the two leaders to make sure to show that he had not been trying to target simply one of them but to explain to both of them.

Soon after, standing there with the silence that had fallen once more. Watching as to how Yaro had stood himself to approach Lanister and take some sort of device from Lanister after he had stated how Avaddon had already known as to why Lanister fought; if it were true as he had thought before, it had most likely been the same reason about the lost of the Founder of his clan. Watching as to how the male had brought the strange device over to hand it to Lysera, unaware about what the strange device had been within his hand to begin with was; Avaddon had simply kept silent to listen as to how the two had spoken with one another about the humans and what they had planed to do with them. Just as long as the thought of attacking the human race head-on was not the plan and simply as a protection against them when they were to attack, the dark haired leader would only keep silent for the time being about the conversation. Although Avaddon had not been the type to look at the human race as bad, he had not seen them as good either; if the race were to attack the demons, it was clear enough that it was out of self defense that the demons and their clan were to fight back to defend themselves. However, the simple thought of starting an all-out war against the human race was quite dangerous and something Avaddon would probably stand against.

For the time being, until the conversation was completely over and the two leaders could find common ground to stand upon to separate themselves from this battlefield, the other demons of the clan would remain completely frozen in place while the elites of the Black Rose simply continued to heal the wounded to the best of their ability. Gathering the dead into a completely separate group; while making sure to line their bodies neatly next to one another so that anyone who had wished to take them to the proper families could do so.


The entire time as the male guard demon had continued to lead the way back to the large home of the Black Rose; by the time the young girl had began to walk forward as well; Maya, the female guard had began to follow along side the small female child as well. As she had spoken up about how she had liked both the guards' names; the young woman would simply give a silent giggle in response before patting the child's hair that had constantly shifted it's color. She had not questioned this simply due to the fact that it was clear enough that the female child was probably a demon just like many of those who had lived within Haven were and that she had special abilities of her own in the end. Truly though, hair color changing was something new to Maya that she had never seen before; it was indeed quite interesting but she had not responded about that simply to make sure of not being rude in anyway. Rather as the trio had continued to grow nearer and nearer to the home of the Black Rose clan; once hearing that the stains upon the bear had come from none other then the child from her cutting her lip and cheek; concern fell upon Maya as she shook her head in response about the issue. "Oh dear..are you alright Ophelia? We'll make sure to get you healed up nice and good when we get to the home too. Don't worry, we'll make sure to give Isah there a good bath too, so that you two can be all nice and clean and be able to get some rest. We'll let you meet our leader when you wake up, hows that sound? Trust me, you'll love him. Our leader's name is Avaddon, he takes care of everyone in this area along with us; making sure to keep everyone safe from harm." Stating her own mind, it would only be a matter of time till they had come into sight of the large mansion home of the Black Rose in the distance.

On the outside of the home upon both sides of the path that lead straight towards the front entrance had been a large courtyard that had plenty of green grass to run and play upon along with a garden that had been planted everywhere upon the courtyard as well. The garden had many different exotic plants that had belonged to both demons and humans together. Even with this sight, the male demon guard continued to step forward until he had reached the front entrance; holding it open for both Maya and the female demon child to step in as well.



happydeath said:
The entire time as the male guard demon had continued to lead the way back to the large home of the Black Rose; by the time the young girl had began to walk forward as well; Maya, the female guard had began to follow along side the small female child as well. As she had spoken up about how she had liked both the guards' names; the young woman would simply give a silent giggle in response before patting the child's hair that had constantly shifted it's color. She had not questioned this simply due to the fact that it was clear enough that the female child was probably a demon just like many of those who had lived within Haven were and that she had special abilities of her own in the end. Truly though, hair color changing was something new to Maya that she had never seen before; it was indeed quite interesting but she had not responded about that simply to make sure of not being rude in anyway. Rather as the trio had continued to grow nearer and nearer to the home of the Black Rose clan; once hearing that the stains upon the bear had come from none other then the child from her cutting her lip and cheek; concern fell upon Maya as she shook her head in response about the issue. "Oh dear..are you alright Ophelia? We'll make sure to get you healed up nice and good when we get to the home too. Don't worry, we'll make sure to give Isah there a good bath too, so that you two can be all nice and clean and be able to get some rest. We'll let you meet our leader when you wake up, hows that sound? Trust me, you'll love him. Our leader's name is Avaddon, he takes care of everyone in this area along with us; making sure to keep everyone safe from harm." Stating her own mind, it would only be a matter of time till they had come into sight of the large mansion home of the Black Rose in the distance.
On the outside of the home upon both sides of the path that lead straight towards the front entrance had been a large courtyard that had plenty of green grass to run and play upon along with a garden that had been planted everywhere upon the courtyard as well. The garden had many different exotic plants that had belonged to both demons and humans together. Even with this sight, the male demon guard continued to step forward until he had reached the front entrance; holding it open for both Maya and the female demon child to step in as well.
When the woman had patted the child hair, it would shift to a red colour before returning to its blue, like a wave. She listened to the female speak, tilting her head as she listened to him. " Avv-O-dern?" She tired to pronounce it, but her slight accent thst no one could figure out had gotten in the way. She huffed, her hair turning a peachy color. " How do you say his name?" She asked, looking up at the to, her lips outed. But before they could reply, she leaned her head back and sneezed, covering her nose with her inner elbow. When she sneezed, an array of coloured washed through, and her skin flickered. It was almost like a light. She giggled, looking up. " Exuse me!" She smiled. Her hand then reached to her back as she began to its, black marks begining to show up on her dress. She couldn't see so it didn't concern her.

She looked about the courtyard , a curious and somewhat-scared-look on her face. " Woah.. This is your home?" She asked, her head tilting curiously. She gripped on Isah, she felt smaller than usual. " It's really big." She giggled lightly, her hair turning our one once again. Hr hair really gave away what she was thinking through Colours. Purple seemEd to be the frightened color. She walked with them, and watched as the male opened the door. She smiled in responce." thank you!" She smiled before walking in and looking around in the interior
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