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Two Different Worlds

Mikkelle Sting

One Thousand Club
There were once a brother and sister who were the rulers of two different worlds. The brother was a dark and powerful master of our world. And the sister was the ruler of the Dream World, a wonderful place of splendor and purity. All of the subjects in the Dream World were those who would have fallen under the brothers rule if not saved by the sister. One such was Sapphire Brown, a kind girl who had grown up neglected by her family. Throughout her life a shadow was always somewhere near, the darkest shadow of all. The brother had protected her, she was a useful asset, and she was beautiful. So the sister rescued Sapphire and brought her to the dream world where her gift grew stronger and stronger. But tragedy struck hard. The sister died and the Dream World ceased to exist. Now that Sapphire and the others have returned to Earth, with the brother have Sapphire, as he always wanted?

Looking for male to role-play with.

Keep cursing and violence minimum.

Fade to black if needed.

Type at least to lines.

Don't join if your busy or if you don't get on very much.

Have fun! :3

Name: Sapphire Brown

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Powers: Anything she paints can come to life right off her paper.

Personality: Quiet, shy, clumsy, artistic, imaginative.

Likes: Animals, cute things, drawing, reading, writing, playing outdoors.

Dislikes: Tight and crowded areas, heights, being alone, mean people.


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Interesting idea, i believe your looking someone to play the brother? 
i can do that, want to talk details?
Name: Akio

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Powers: Control over shadows and darkness

Personality: Mysterious and dark, seemingly shows no emotion

Likes: Being surprised and a strong sense of character in a person

Dislikes: People he cares for getting hurt, people trying to deny him what he wants with no real reason.

Appearance: http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/ca989ce3b074f13729127f92def3e362/http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x66/Little-wisp/BlackAngel.jpg

(without wings most of the time, they are created from shadow on occasion)
Well, it's basically he's following her around in her daily life back on Earth and she starts to notice and a romance starts to come up between them. But at first they don't see eye to eye, he wants her to join him by conquering the world and she wants to keep it at peace. Anything else you need to know?
The sky in the dream world began to crumble as the sister took her last breath. People screamed and ran down the once beautiful streets now filling with darkness and disappearing into nothingness. Sapphire was hurrying down the street through the crowds, heading to her home. If I make it I might have a way out. she thought as her legs tired and in pain every time they hit the ground. Managing to get to the door she ran to her room and grabbed her favorite paint brush, dipping it into one of her jars of paint. Painting quickly she soon saw the paint working its magic. And she soon found she was no longer in her wonderful house, but in a dirty alleyway covered in mud.
When she appeared in this new world she heard wild dogs barking and soldiers patrolling. The brother was already aware of the sisters death and now had guards around to watch any stragglers. Meanwhile miles away the brother sat on a throne thinking about his sisters death. 'Sister, you were who always so full of light went dark and have left your people without protection. Dont worry i will take care of them in your passing.' He thought to himself. His captain walked in and bowed and the man stirred. "What news?" The captain lowered his head and said. "We have rounded up most of the dreamworld subjects but have still have yet to find Sapphire." The brother thought for awhile and got up. "I will not leave this to the guards, i will search myself." The captain kept his head lower. "Yes my lord." The brother left the room to find his prize.
Saphhire watched as the soldiers past her hiding place, clutching her paint and canvas in her hands. What are they looking for? They seem so cruel. she thought shivering at the thought of one of them catching her. Well, I think I am safe here. After all no one can see me.
Akio slid threw the shadows like they were his own, in a way they were because of his power. Here he was most at home with himself. He searched and found several stragglers but he had no interest in them, there was only one he wanted. He simply reported the stragglers to the guards and moved on. He searched threw hundreds of places within his kingdom but never grew impatient, after all he had been waiting for years already. Eventually he found her, in a single dark alley. The shadows condenses and formed his body behind her. "So you have arrived."
Sapphire jumped at the sound of Akio's dark voice and turned to him. The tattoo on his face scared her, but she wouldn't let him know that. Quickly painting a sword and tearing it from her paper she held it at his neck. "Who are you?" she said in a trembling voice, nervous what he might do to her but kept her confident expression.
He seemed slightly amused at the sword she took out. "What a interesting power, i can see why my sister wanted to keep it from me. My name is Akio, ruler of this world and master of shadows." He said with a small bow of greetings. He showed no fear or uneasiness at her sword, he was unafraid of her.
Sapphire could tell by his straight forward attitude her sword did not scare him. She tried to stay confident. "You may be the ruler of this world, but you do not rule over me. So just leave me alone, I will not do your bidding." she said in a stronger voice, but it was still somewhat weak.
He let out a low and clear laugh. "My sister is dead, we have been equal in power since time immortal, with her gone however nothing can match me. Why would i fear a sword." He said stepping forward and suddenly stabs his hand on the sword running it threw. "If it can not hurt me." He ribs his hand off the sword which sounds quite painful but then he shows you his hand which is covered in shadow for a moment then completely anew. "I do not mean to hurt you, for now all i ask is for you to follow."
Sapphire looked at him, squinting. "I would rather avoid the dark not follow in its footsteps." she said trying not to cringe at the hand he had used to stab himself. "Besides, I have a few little things your sister gave me." she said then held up the necklace that was in her hands. "The last source of light from The Dream World; in other words, immortality. So now I share equal power with you and I do not wish to follow you, so I won't." she said stubbornly, ready to stand her ground.
He seems temporary shocked for a moment then he suddenly becomes impassive again. "Even if that is so there is still a massive diverseness between us. Experience, i have fought longer then you have been alive against opponents with many times more skill then you. There is also a difference in will. Could you kill me to get what you want? To escape from here? You'd have to." He said his eyes looking at her as if eagerly awaiting her answer.
"Who said I was going to kill you. I don't kill people on the spot. It's kinda rude. Even if I strongly dislike them Or think they're irritating." she said crossing her arms. "And besides, if your the ruler of the world you of all people should know not to man-handle a girl against their will." she said strictly as if she was speaking to a disobedient child.
He just looked perplexed for a moment and just let out a clear laugh. This one was not cruel or condescending but one of general amusement. "I see, well then can i ask you to come with me for now oh last lady of the light, after all you have no where else to go and my castle is at least comfortable. Some of your people will be there as well while we organize them so this is beneficial for you too."
Sapphire tapped her chin for a moment, deep in thought. If I go with him, he might try something weird. Well I do have a lot of power in this locket. And I really don't want to stay in this alleyway. She looked up at him. "Well I guess I'll stay for awhile. But just until I can create a different world for your sister's people. They don't belong here. And neither do I." she said with her head held high. "And don't you DARE think about trying to do anything to me or any of the females of my people. You do not have authority over them, only I do. And as I said before you do not have authority over me." she said confidently and crossed her arms.
He smirked slightly amused. "Just come out and say what you'll think ill do next time, less room for confusion. And it took years of me and my sister fighting for her to make the dream world, dont make light of her achievements in that regard. Now will you stop acting like im your enemy and come alone." He offered his hand. "We will travel by shadow so i will need you to take my hand."
"I refuse to tell you. Those are things I should not speak of til I am a married woman." Sapphire said taking his hand hesitantly, still a little frightened by his foreboding presence and his cold touch.
He chuckled. "So sensitive for someone who has the power to create a world." When she took his hand he took a deep breath and then the shadows engulfed them, when they faded and she could see again they were in a side room in the castle near the throne room.
Sapphire wouldn't help but look in awe at the magnificence of the room. "What room is this?" she breathed. She had never actually beeen inside a castle, but his sister and her usually met at the gate.

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