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Realistic or Modern Twitter Roleplay for Character Development


New Member
This is an idea that I'm bringing back because I got sick last time and wasn't able to start it.

I thought it'd be a lot of fun if a group of us got together and made Twitter accounts for our characters. Not only could we post statuses for them, but we also could retweet things that they'd like, follow accounts they'd be into, etc. It's a great form of character development.

Many years back, I did this with a group of roleplayers and it was a blast. Our characters had lengthy and intriguing encounters with one another. We had good grammar, correct spelling, detailed plots, so on and so forth. If anything, it was like script writing.

I loved this kind of roleplay because it was very spontaneous. My old group and I took our characters, all from different worlds, and put them together in one spot. As you can imagine, drama ensued, as well as romance, friendships, heartbreaks, etc. Secrets came out, there was betrayal, etc. It's like the soap operas of roleplay.

The best part is that it's very easy and accessible. Now that school's out, I work a lot more, and by the time I get home, I'm too tired to write out a multiple paragraph response to a roleplay. On Twitter, the replies are based solely on dialogue between characters, and it's much easier to respond like that with a sleepy brain and little energy.

If at least a few people are interested, I'd love to do something similar to what my old group and I did. We would all make Twitters for our characters and bring them together on there. They'd be from their original worlds, coming together online, and making friends (or enemies) with one another. I also would be totally open to brainstorming a distinct plot and world to put our characters in, if you'd find that more interesting, though. (:

Lastly, we make our accounts private, and only allow each other to follow us, to avoid deceiving anyone who isn't a roleplay account on the site.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! I'm sure I'm forgetting to mention something xP

Hope to hear from you soon! xo


Current Accounts:

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Totally down for this!! This seems really interesting
MePersonally MePersonally Semblance Semblance Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah ;Rain; ;Rain;

Yay, I'm so excited you guys are interested! (: if any of you are around currently, and want to make your character account now, totally go for it. This is mine: @ JustinValentinn

This roleplay is definitely still open and honestly, it probably can even remain open once we start, since it doesn't follow a strict plot. So if anyone else stumbles upon this and is intrigued, don't hesitate to let me know! The more, the merrier (:
MePersonally MePersonally Semblance Semblance Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah ;Rain; ;Rain;

Yay, I'm so excited you guys are interested! (: if any of you are around currently, and want to make your character account now, totally go for it. This is mine: @ JustinValentinn

This roleplay is definitely still open and honestly, it probably can even remain open once we start, since it doesn't follow a strict plot. So if anyone else stumbles upon this and is intrigued, don't hesitate to let me know! The more, the merrier (:
Could you explain more about the world/setting of this RP? (I.e. Is it modern day? Where should our characters be from? etc.)
I'm confused as to whether you want fandom characters in our world or original characters...let me know!
Could you explain more about the world/setting of this RP? (I.e. Is it modern day? Where should our characters be from? etc.)
I'm assuming it would be modern day, however, where your character is from would be totally up to you. For example, I took my character from Belgium and made him an account. When others add their accounts, the "plot" would be that our characters are making friends online. They'd talk and get to know each other, ask questions, since they're from different places and stories, etc. They'd post statuses about their life, for example: if my character is currently on the run, he might post a status about hating how he has to wait until he finds a library to check his timeline. In response to that, another character might reply and ask him why he has to do that, to which he can explain his situation, or perhaps even lie or keep it a secret, depending on what his personality is like.
My old roleplay group for this and myself eventually had our characters meet in person, and when that happened, we began to add actions in parentheses.
I can send a screenshot from that roleplay if you guys would like, so you can get an idea of what it was like. (:
I'm assuming it would be modern day, however, where your character is from would be totally up to you. For example, I took my character from Belgium and made him an account. When others add their accounts, the "plot" would be that our characters are making friends online. They'd talk and get to know each other, ask questions, since they're from different places and stories, etc. They'd post statuses about their life, for example: if my character is currently on the run, he might post a status about hating how he has to wait until he finds a library to check his timeline. In response to that, another character might reply and ask him why he has to do that, to which he can explain his situation, or perhaps even lie or keep it a secret, depending on what his personality is like.
My old roleplay group for this and myself eventually had our characters meet in person, and when that happened, we began to add actions in parentheses.
I can send a screenshot from that roleplay if you guys would like, so you can get an idea of what it was like. (:
Got it! This sounds really fun, I've never done something like this before

So did you have any certain plot events in mind or is it going to be strictly character driven with drama and stuff?
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Please let me know when we're going to start (quote and tag) So I can quickly make a character account
We should also make a List in twitter for all our characters
Got it! This sounds really fun, I've never done something like this before

So did you have any certain plot events in mind or is it going to be strictly character driven with drama and stuff?

Semblance Semblance Awesome! I feel as though it should start out as character driven stuff and drama, but if we eventually feel some plots sparking, we definitely could build upon one (:

Also, a list on Twitter is a great idea.

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