Twisted Minds [Inactive]


The Master of The Music of The Night
Zabuza submitted a new role play:

Twisted Minds - The nastiest serial killer that ever lived has joined a special analysis unit to stop those like him

From February 14 2014 to December 30 2026 the serial killer Angel Jones aka "The Black King" terrorized all of the United States. He was caught by behavioral analyst Katty Downs at 5:27 PM and Angel has been keeping track. Months after his capture more and more psychotic criminals emerge. Katty does the unthinkable and asks "The Demon for help. Angel takes her offer and together they put criminals away that otherwise would claim more innocent lives, and perhaps. Along the way, even a demon could...
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Angel sat in his cell smiling. They had reopened Alcatraz just for him and it flattered him. Of course he had terrorized most of the world for 12 years straight. He could remember every little detail of every person he had tortured and killed. 'Mary Quinn she oh so willingly let him into her house. Maybe it was the way that he walked, or the way he talked with that slight hint of an Irish accent, or that his face looked as tho it was carved by angels. Unfortunately his heart was as black as hell. Angel spotted the husband Hank and smiled wickedly as he lunged towards Hank slamming him through the kitchen table. Angel has an animalistic way of attacking people and has been known to beat men much bigger than himself to death with his bare hands, including military men. Angel quickly subdued Hank and tied him to a chair. When Hank awoke he saw Mary and his two children, Dave and Brian, hanging from the ceiling tied from the arms. Hank looked at his family then looked around for the man who had attacked him and his family.

"Finally. I was afraid I had killed you before the fun could really begin," Angel Spoke from behind Hank. Hank stiffened at the sound of the man's voice. Angel walked in front of Hank and kissed, Hank's son, Dave on the head and smiled at Hank again. Angel pulled out his favorite knife, a 8 inch steel knife with a black blade, and...'

Angel was forced out of his memory by the sound of closing gates coming his way. Angel stood and looked at the two guards. One was 5'8 white 150 lb. with light brown hair and blue eyes, the other was 6'0 dark brown 180 lb. bald with chocolate brown eyes.

"What brings you here gentlemen?" Angel asked looking at them. "It's 2:37 so it isn't dinner time. So for the first time I must have a visitor," Angel said grinning. The guards looked that their watches and were amazed that even tho he didn't have a clock he always knew the day, month, year, and the exact time it was. The guards moved to the side to reveal a female that had come to talk to him. When Angel saw who it was his mouth curved into a devilish smile. "Hello Kitten. Long time no see,"
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Katty hated that smile. No, scratch that. Hate would be an understatement. He still looked the same. Tall, dark, handsome. The only flaw: he's also a psychopath that she caught exactly ten months ago. She knew it wasn't one of her best ideas. But it was the only thing she could think of. Boss wasn't happy with her. Everyone knew how ruthless of a killer Angel was. Ht tortured people to death and apparently, he loved it. Katty risked her life that afternoon when she took him down after he terrorized the entire United States for 12 long years.

Katty is a behavioral analyst as well as a trained cop. She works for a special unit of the FBI along with her partners hunting down criminals, especially the ones with psychotic problems. Taking down Angel had been one of her best achievements, but now it seems the city is full of psychopaths taking innocent lives. Which is why she is here. Such criminals have increased over the past few months and the ones trying to get them are killed as well. They already lost two of their most brave cops, and the DA didn't want to risk anymore lives. Being in her line for more than 12 years now, even Katty couldn't figure out the patterns of the recent murders that took place. Psychology 101 says that if you want to take down someone with psychological issues, think in their style. Basically, think like psychopath killers driven by the extreme urge to kill people. Well, that didn't exactly worked. So, Katty came up with the brilliant theory that the only one who can figure them out is someone of their own kind. Which brings us to here. She wasn't sure if Angel would agree to the plan, but then only she can keep up a conversation with him.

When Boss heard who was she was going to approach, everyone looked at her as if she had gone crazy. Partially, yes. Practically, no.

She reasoned that it was only way to bring in the criminals, that is taking Angel's help. IF he agreed. She knew this was a very rare chance. Also, a major risk. She was familiar with his twisted mind games. But he had principles. If she could just break him to that point, maybe, just maybe she could have a chance.

She looked to the guards and nodded at them, asking for privacy. That made Angel shoot another snarky comment, which she promptly ignored.

"First of all, I am not your kitten," Katty hissed at him looking straight into his eyes.

Even in her heels, he towered over her by a good four inches.

Calming herself, she said, "And I'm here because I have a proposition for you."
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Angel looked at her and smiled. He held Katty's gaze and stared into her green eyes. He always liked the color of her eyes. They always had captivated him in some way. As he looked upon her he smiled devilishly again. "Age 28, your height without heels is 5'9, and you weigh 141 lbs. True Kitten?" Angel said and then turned away walking towards the back of his cell. "And since you're here to see me, and it's not a social need my help Kitten, but I'm not sure if I want to." Angel said as he turned back towards her and wrapped his hands around the bars and smiled at her again. He took and deep breath through his nose and closed his eyes. After 12 seconds of this he slowly opened his eyes and looked right back into her eyes and smiled. "Flowerbomb By Viktor & Rolf a smell like candy that has a deceiving name. While there are a lot of floral notes in there, this perfume also is sugary sweet and amazing! It's got notes of patchouli, jasmine and rose, along with a splash of orchid and freesia. Nice choice Kitten. Smells wonderful." Angel stated as he turned his back to her and faced the wall again.

Angel started to think about why she was here. It wouldn't make sense if she needed his help with normal criminals. She could easily catch them if she need to. Then it hit him and he turned smiling widely when he looked her. He walked right up the bars, his eyes piercing into her soul.
"You need me to help you catch people like me. Don't you Kitten?" Angel said watching her reaction. Closely.
Katty was pretty sure her mouth was two seconds away from opening and touching the ground. She momentarily forgot how good Angel was. He didn't even bother to hear what she said. The top to bottom stare would make anyone cringe in fear, but she stood her ground. Showing her weakness was against her principle.

The man read her entire bio with just a stare. She looked up to find his dark brown eyes on her face. Mentally, she cringed. He was so intimidating that it took almost all of her will power to not run away. She stood up straight and looked him in the eye.

"Since you know what I'm here for, lets not waste any more time and go straight to the point," she closed her eyes for a second before continuing. "Yes, I need your help. So, the question here is will you help me put away all those psychotic people like you away?"

Katty held his gaze and watched closely. She knew exactly how to play his game.
Sam entered the house where the crime scene had taken place. He then showed his identification badge and began questioning. "So the victim had both kidney's removed before he was killed? This isn't the first one right?" The officer he was speaking to nodded. "We've had three others like this in the past two weeks. We can't recognize a pattern of any kind." Sam nodded. He went over to investigate the body. He picked up a metal rod and poked at the where the kidneys were. Nothing. They had had three other kills like this in the past two weeks. He wipped out his phone and called Katty. "Cmon pick up."

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Angel smiled at her slightly annoyed that she didn't acknowledge his complement. He turned and looked at the wall. He didn't even have a window for fear of him escaping. He took anothet deep breath inhaling Katty's sent again. He turned and looked at Katty again. "And what do I get in return Kitten?" Angel asked watching her closely. He knew she was temping him with freedom. "And don't think freedom will work Kitten. I can break out any time I want." Angel said moving close to the bars and hummed slowly then looked at her again. "Do you enjoy music Kitten?" Angel asked curiously.
What the hell? Music? Katty knew that Angel was trying to annoy her, but she brushed it off.

"Always the negotiator, aren't you Angel?" she answered calmly.

Suddenly her phone went off. It kept vibrating, so she turned away from Angel and fished it out of her pocket. Sam.

"Downs," she stated as a hello after picking up the call.
"Hey so, I'm investigating the Kidney killer case, unfortunately by the time I got here another victim was claimed. Same M.O. as the others, his kidneys were ripped out. However this time he got sloppy." Sam said as he kneeled down and picked up a bloodied knife. "He left the murder weapon behind. So I'm going to scan it for fingerprints." Sam said as he stood straight up again. "I'll let you know what I get." Sam finished as he put the knife in a ziplock bag and sealed it. He got into his car and asked. "How's it going with Angel? He gonna cooperate?" Sam asked starting the car.

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Angel grinned until she turned her back on him. That insulted him and he wouldn't stand for it. Angel reached threw the bars and smiled. He reached into his mouth and pulled out a out a paper clip that her had hidden there when he was first imprisoned. He quickly used it to unlock the cell door silently. He moved like a ghost until he was standing right behind her and then he spoke. "I accept Kitten." He whispered into her ear.
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Katty listened intently as Sam went on with the details of the recent case they were handling. She shut her eyes for a moment when he mentioned the 'another' murder. This was the third one within two weeks. This was getting worse.

As he went on about the murderer being sloppy, it sounded unusual. Psychopaths were meticulous in their work. Look at Angel for example. Ten minutes with him and he could recite your entire bio. Leaving a weapon was not a psychotic thing to do. They are anything but sloppy.

"I don't think you'll get much from the weapon. The murderer is careful in whatever he's doing. If there is a weapon, then either someone is copying the real murderer or he wants us to find the weapon. Keep me posted about the reports though," she said into the phone.

"How's it going with Angel? He gonna cooperate?" Sam asked.

"Not much. I'm trying though," she stole a glance at Angel, who seemed to look right through her very soul.

After a 'be careful' from Sam, Katty put down the phone, stuffing it in her pocket. She took a deep breath, feeling like sh*t hearing about the murder. Damn they just don't stop, she thought.

She pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to work out any pattern that could relate the murders.
Angel grinned until she turned her back on him. That insulted him and he wouldn't stand for it. Angel reached threw the bars and smiled. He reached into his mouth and pulled out a out a paper clip that her had hidden there when he was first imprisoned. He quickly used it to unlock the cell door silently. He moved like a ghost until he was standing right behind her and then he spoke. "I accept Kitten." He whispered into her ear.
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Katty jumped at the sudden whisper in her ear. Turning around, she bumped right into Angel, who stood behind him.

She looked up at his dark brown eyes that pierced through her. She took a step back instinctively, at the same time he took a step towards her.

"H-how did you get out?" she asked, finding it hard to believe how on Earth did he escape without making any sound, while she stood not even two feet away.
Adrian leaned back in his chair quietly staring up at the ceiling, "I'm so bored..."

Other scientists in his wing turned and looked up from their lit screens or scopes. Adrian hoped that Angel would be recovered soon so he would be able to confront him and question his intentions. It had grown quiet in his laboratory, and the other scientists continued to look down at his intelligence due to his younger age. Adrian ran a hand through his orange hair before pushing forward to inspect his data once more, hoping to get word from Katty soon.
Sam went to the apartment room he had rented and locked the door behind him. He had set up machined in the building for the case, one of them in specific being the fingerprint scanner. He whipped out a tiny plastic square and pressed it against the hilt of the knife. When he removed it there was indeed a fingerprint. He placed it in the scanner and waited for a match. He went into the fridge and pulled out a beer bottle. He popped the cap open and and took a sip. He placed it on the counter and saw that the scanner had made a match. The image was of a man named Thomas Blake. Quickly Sam pulled out his cell and called Katty again. He hoped she picked up, she wanted updates.

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Angel held up a paper clip and smiled at her. He heard her phone vibrate and reached into her pocket and pulled out the electronic device. He saw Sam's ringer ID and smiled answering the phone. "You found the man's prints on the murder weapon already Sammy? Impressive. When we go to his apartment he'll be dead with a note on his nightstand from the murder taunting you." Angel stated then tossed Katty her phone back to her and smiled widely at her. Then he gently grasped her chin and moved his own fave close to hers. "Don't be afraid of me Kitten. We're working together now." He said smiling then walked past her and towards the door. He stopped and turned to her. "C'mon Kitten we don't have all day." He stated bored.
Adrian stood up, his eyes burned from constantly staring into the texts and numbers which scowwered every part of his screen.

"I'm gonna get a coffee." He simply stated to the whole room before stepping out without another word. His steps where silent in the empty tiled hallway, passing multiple doors that he wished to explore.
Shaking herself out of the trance, Katty walked past Angel trying very hard to figure what the hell just happened. One minute she was talking on the phone and Angel was behind the bars, the next he was pulling her cellphone out of her pocket, answering Sam. Suddenly, something struck her. She abruptly turned around to face him

She asked, "Why are you helping me? If this is another way to find victims for yourself, then you're damn wrong Angel. Why should I believe you? How can I trust that you won't kill again?"

She looked up at him, staring right in his eyes.
Sam listened to what Angel said. Then he heard the phone get tossed, he then heard what Angel said and cringed. "Umm... katty? I'm still here." Sam said waiting for a response.

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Angel smiled and leaned within inches of her face, eye level with her. "Let's play a game. I'll answer any question you ask me. If in return I'm allowed the same courtesy." Angel said raising his right eyebrow looking into her soul. He loved playing these games. To give them what she wants he gets what he wants in turn. Now was she willing to make the deal? Angel would soon confirm what he knew that she would say. "Deal Kitten?" Angel asked smiling almost kindly. Almost.
Katty weighed her options. Not like she did have many choices. It she said no, it would mean Angel going back to jail and that meant more murders. She can't risk anymore lives. If she said yes... She knew Angel's mind games. They were one of a kind. She hadn't dealt with them for the last ten months, and honestly she missed them. She knew she was good enough for such stuff, but playing with Angel was different. Very different.

Taking a deep breath, she said, "Fine. Deal. But if you try to kill again, I'd find you and put you back in this hell hole. I did it once, I wouldn't mind doing it again."
Angel smiled at her threat. He was right. Like usual. "I won't kill for one reason and one reason only. As long as your alive I will not murder another person. I promise." Angel was known to be a very deceptive and methodical individual but he never did 2 things. He would not rape, and he would never break a promise. He smiled at her again and them straightened his back towering over her again. "My turn." Angel took another deep breath inhaling her scent again and opened his eyes. "Do you like music Kitten?" Angel asked watching her closely.
At this point Sam just hung up. "I guess I'll do this myself." Sam got into his car and drove to the man's house. He knocked. "Open this door, FBI!" Sam yelled, when there was no response he kicked the door down and pulled out a revolver. He scanned the room carefully, he slowly made his way into the living room and saw a dead body, it was the body of Thomas Blake. "Damn it." Sam said, Angel was correct. He picked up the note and it read, "Turn Around." Sam dropped the gun and the note as he turned with a left hook, he landed a direct hit on the criminal. The criminal hit the floor and Sam picked up the shotgun. "Stay down! You're under arrest!" Sam shouted with the gun pointed at him.

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Katty stared at Angel as he asked his question. She replied curtly, "No."

Which was the truth. Though she wasn't a music lover, but music soothed her. It always did. But she hated that. She hadn't listened to music since her father died nine years ago. She still remembered the sound of the guitar, as her father strummed the strings. It was her favorite memory.

She would never admit it to Angel though.

She swiftly turned around as her hair whipped in his face. She opened the door and waited for him to step out.
Angel sighed. "How unfortunate. I guess we're destined to hate each other forever." Angel shrugged and followed her out. Then he stopped as they left the building. He had a puzzled look on his face then looked towards Katty. "Kitten what are the chances of Sammy going after the kidney thief by himself?" Angel asked as he felt a strange twitch in his spin.

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