True Crime: Streets Of Detroit


Seven Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


Character Sheet

Appearance (No Anime):




Weapon of Choice (Image & Name Required):

Rank (Look up Detroit Police Department Rankings):

Previous Division:

Personality (One Paragraph Minimum):

Biography (One Paragraph Minimum):​
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Appearance ~ <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/3706199_G.jpg.b5dca73db6a07fd480e497e8d2990501.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52470" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/3706199_G.jpg.b5dca73db6a07fd480e497e8d2990501.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name ~ Nicholas Mendoza


Nicknames ~ Nick, M, Soother


Age ~ 27


Weapon of Choice ~Surpressed Beretta 9FS2

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/gallery_2204_110_90657.jpg.351f87a1c7714a833e2b1e3a21408758.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52469" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/gallery_2204_110_90657.jpg.351f87a1c7714a833e2b1e3a21408758.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rank ~ Sergeant


Previous Division ~ Vice


Personality ~ Mendoza is a funny guy, always has been, very good with the ladies, smooth tounge. He earned nickname of "Soother" by talking down 3 teenagers who planned to commit suicide within 10 minutes as a rookie Police Officer, first day. He knows protocols by heart, and he is very straight tied, never being corrupt but at some times using police brutality, but this is rare.


Biography ~ Mendoza was born in Havana and moved to Detroit with his Family at the age of 14 to escape a ex-husband that had beat his mother. When they moved, the ex-husband followed them. When the man came to the Mendoza Residence, Mendoza, being the older brother of now 16, beat the man to death with a baseball bat. He was sent to prison for 46 years, tried as a adult, and when the War in Afghanistan began, Mendoza was, at the age of 20, drafted into the U.S. Military. After two tours in Afghanistan, he was honorably discharged and he went back to Detroit and bought a house with the money from Discharge. He looked for a job, and found that he could join the DPD without a high school diploma because of his experience in the Military, and that he did. He quickly proved himself in the DPD and after a while he was promoted to Vice after leading a raid on a Parnell's Soup Company who secretly sold heroin and marijuana. He spent a few months in Vice after being promoted to the S.T.A.R

On my honor,

I will never betray my badge,

my integrity, my character,

or the public trust.

I will always have

the courage to hold myself

and others accountable for our actions.

I will always uphold the constitution, my community and the agency I serve.



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KurtH6355 said:
Appearance ~ View attachment 119761
(Does that count as Anime?)


Name ~ Nicholas Mendoza


Nicknames ~ Nick, M, Soother


Age ~ 27


Weapon of Choice ~ Beretta

View attachment 119755

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rank ~ Sergeant


Previous Division ~ Vice


Personality ~ Mendoza is a funny guy, always has been, very good with the ladies, smooth tounge. He earned nickname of "Soother" by talking down 3 teenagers who planned to commit suicide within 10 minutes as a rookie Police Officer, first day. He knows protocols by heart, and he is very straight tied, never being corrupt but at some times using police brutality, but this is rare.


Biography ~ Mendoza was born in Havana and moved to Detroit with his Family at the age of 14 to escape a ex-husband that had beat his mother. When they moved, the ex-husband followed them. When the man came to the Mendoza Residence, Mendoza, being the older brother of now 16, beat the man to death with a baseball bat. He was sent to prison for 46 years, tried as a adult, and when the War in Afghanistan began, Mendoza was, at the age of 20, drafted into the U.S. Military. After two tours in Afghanistan, he was honorably discharged and he went back to Detroit and bought a house with the money from Discharge. He looked for a job, and found that he could join the DPD without a high school diploma because of his experience in the Military, and that he did. He quickly proved himself in the DPD and after a while he was promoted to Vice after leading a raid on a Parnell's Soup Company who secretly sold heroin and marijuana. He spent a few months in Vice after being promoted to the [New Division Name Here]
Yes, that counts as Anime. I'd prefer a Real-Life Photograph. Because if I make you an exception, I will have to let everyone else have Anime Photos too just to be fair. Once you change your Photo, I will accept your character.
KurtH6355 said:
Much better! Accepted! Like his smile too xD Any future commentary, please move to the OOC Chat. Thank you!



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/a8649efb6caa985e71cd852bbb24fac7.jpg.87068489faf266372e7fd8e90dbc8ba6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52263" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/a8649efb6caa985e71cd852bbb24fac7.jpg.87068489faf266372e7fd8e90dbc8ba6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Amaterasu Chiharu Kawashima


Ama, Terra


Weapon of Choice:
Custom Beretta 92FS

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c26dd519c_BERETTA20PURPLE20DRAGON.jpg.345f9e623a8a59fe86a3b5ad91579292.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52265" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c26dd519c_BERETTA20PURPLE20DRAGON.jpg.345f9e623a8a59fe86a3b5ad91579292.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Rank: Lieutenant

Previous Division:
Special Weapons And Tactics


On the outside, Amaterasu may seem like a Battle-Hardened Police Officer, but deep down underneath her ice-cold exterior, she is gentle, soft and caring towards others, especially her Family and fellow Police Officers. She has the uncanny ability to tell if someone is lying, and is considered by fellow officers to be a living lie detector. She is not hesitant to call someone if she knows that they are lying. Even if someone is telling the truth, she often shows doubt, which often leads to friction between her and her fellow officers. Most Officers who are considered corrupt tend to fear her. However, being an Honest person comes at a cost; her unwillingness to lie, even if it is to prevent something horrible from happening. In addition to being a supposed human lie detector, Amaterasu is an excellent negotiator, knowing how to reach out to others, whether it be a troubled youth or a hardened gangster, able to even talk to them at their level. Empathetic, she always attempts to resolve any given situation before implementing the use of lethal force. When it comes to suicide, she tends to react very personally, which is the result of events within her dark past.


For Lieutenant Kawashima, every day is a battle against corruption and decay. Prior to becoming a Police Officer, Amaterasu grew up within a Working Class Family of Japanese Immigrants, where her Mother was a Business Owner and her Father was a Police Officer. Around the time she was fifteen, her Father died in the line of duty, which would have an adverse effect on her life. In the remainder of her High School Years, she bore a heavy heart. Most of her Junior Year would be spent in and out of suspension over the simple fact that people would say they dislike or hate cops, which she would take to heart and very personally because her late father was a cop. Her responses to the negativity towards cops when she was a youth tended to be very volatile and harsh. Despite all the corruption and brutality, Amaterasu's respect for men and women of the law never faltered. Following her graduation from the University of Michigan, Amaterasu immediately applied to Police Academy. Following her graduation from the Academy, her Mother left the United States and returned to South Korea. Within the next year, she graduated top of her class. Following her first year as a Cop, Amaterasu was recommended for S.W.A.T and joined the Division as a Crisis Negotiator. Two years later, her Boyfriend of seven years committed suicide as the result of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. This event would trigger Amaterasu to descend into depression and it became increasingly difficult for her to focus on her career. A year following her loss, she shot an unarmed man in a vehicle and broke down right after. A month later, she was cleared for duty. After spending four long and hard years on SWAT, Amaterasu is placed within a newly formed Special Tactics And Response (S.T.A.R) Division of handpicked Police Officers as its leader.

On my honor,

I will never betray my badge,

my integrity, my character,

or the public trust.

I will always have

the courage to hold myself

and others accountable for our actions.

I will always uphold the constitution, my community and the agency I serve.



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Appearance (No Anime):


Name:Charles Bellard

Nickname(s): Charley


Weapon of Choice (Image & Name Required): FN five-seven suppressed/laser sighting


Rank: Investigator

Previous Division:Vice/undercover

Personality: Not much to say about him, he is you basic nice guy when his out of cover. Personable and respectful, always wanting to do thing for and with his partners and help the community as best as he can. On the other hand he can be cold hearted sometimes, not having any qualms about lying to people especially when undercover and kill or betray people he meets during his work without second thought. At least that how it seems, he hides his true feeling regarding the relationship he makes while undercover to himself.

Biography: Son of Haitian immigrants to Detroit, Charles early life was filled with poverty and crime. He and most of his friends were at some point in there life and some still are. Charles got out of crime early thanks to quick intervention and stern parenting from his parents. Still this life experiences left an impression on the young lad and had little prospects in school, the only thing he knew was crime but didn't want to be criminal. Policing seemed like a natural choice earning a reputation as an effective undercover officer, able to switch between vastly different personas in an instant. This and his intimate knowledge of Detroit gangs makes him a valuable asset to the division.

On my honor,

I will never betray my badge,

my integrity, my character,

or the public trust.

I will always have

the courage to hold myself

and others accountable for our actions.

I will always uphold the constitution, my community and the agency I serve.
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Name: William Davis

Nickname(s):Will, Billy

Age: 28

Weapon of Choice:Charter Arms .44 Special Bulldog


Rank: Corporal - since he had never had a true rank until now.

Previous Division: Homicide(Fired), FBI academy teacher and part time FBI profiler(Quit).

Personality: Will is a rather dark and quiet individual who has many 'demons' as such. His time in the FBI dealing with profiling killer after killer has changed him mostly because he can get into the mind frame of a serial killer, he can think like them this is because of he has pure empathy and a condition known as Fantasy Prone Personality or FFP for shot in a sense he has an "overactive imagination" mixing that with his pure empathy allowing him to mentally recreate the murders he is investigating, however the more he uses his profiling ability the more he can think like a serial killer not always a good thing. Will has a more nice side to him however he rarely lets it been seen since he doesn't like people to become friendly with him in case he does get stuck in the mind of a serial killer. Will can also be very manipulative normally getting what he wants.

Biography: William has many demons in his past, demons he prefers not to bring up unless he has too. For Will life his almost like an hallucination and always has been, he could see things like no one else when he was younger and remember almost everything. During his younger days he thought being able to look at the evidence and guess what happened to the cookie jar was great however later on in life that talent would get him in many situation not only involving cookie jars. Will grew up poor in Louisiana, eventually moving to New Orleans, where he became a homicide detective however he lost that job due to him not being able to draw his weapon when the time was for him to do so. Will left New Orleans to attend graduate school in forensic science at George Washington University. After attaining his degree, William went to work for the FBI's crime lab. Following exceptional work both in the crime lab and in the field, William was given a post as teacher at the FBI Academy. During his career in the FBI, William was given the title of 'Special Investigator' while he is in the field as technically he didn't pass the mental state to pass the FBI screening. After years of having his certain mind frame used over and over it began to show and Will became almost a different man. Leaving New Orleans and moving to Detroit Will wanted a new clean start not as a cop but upon buying a house in Detroit Will was approached with the propitiation of joining this Special Tactics And Response most thought Will would decline after all he left the FBI to try and sort out some of his 'demons' but he didn't he accepted, for a man like Will the force is everything.


Will has a unique psychological ability that he refers to as "interpreting the evidence". In reality, he is able to assume the state of mind a murderer has after visiting the crime scene and recreates the thinking (as well as the actions) with himself as the killer in order to understand more about them. Unfortunately, the ability to do this shows profound risk to his psyche and can lead to psychological issues

On my honor,

I will never betray my badge,

my integrity, my character,

or the public trust.

I will always have

the courage to hold myself

and others accountable for our actions.

I will always uphold the constitution, my community and the agency I serve.
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ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Appearance (No Anime):

Name:Charles Bellard

Nickname(s): Charley


Weapon of Choice (Image & Name Required): FN five-seven suppressed/laser sighting


Rank: Investigator

Previous Division:Vice/undercover

Personality: Not much to say about him, he is you basic nice guy when his out of cover. Personable and respectful, always wanting to do thing for and with his partners and help the community as best as he can. On the other hand he can be cold hearted sometimes, not having any qualms about lying to people especially when undercover and kill or betray people he meets during his work without second thought. At least that how it seems, he hides his true feeling regarding the relationship he makes while undercover to himself


On my honor,

I will never betray my badge,

my integrity, my character,

or the public trust.

I will always have

the courage to hold myself

and others accountable for our actions.

I will always uphold the constitution, my community and the agency I serve.
Bills352 said:

Name: William Davis

Nickname(s):Will, Billy

Age: 28

Weapon of Choice:Charter Arms .44 Special Bulldog


Rank: Corporal - since he had never had a true rank until now.

Previous Division: FBI academy teacher and part time FBI profiler.

Personality: Will is a rather dark and quiet individual who has many 'demons' as such. His time in the FBI dealing with profiling killer after killer has changed him mostly because he can get into the mind frame of a serial killer, he can think like them this is because of he has pure empathy and a condition known as Fantasy Prone Personality or FFP for shot in a sense he has an "overactive imagination" mixing that with his pure empathy allowing him to mentally recreate the murders he is investigating, however the more he uses his profiling ability the more he can think like a serial killer not always a good thing. Will has a more nice side to him however he rarely lets it been seen since he doesn't like people to become friendly with him in case he does get stuck in the mind of a serial killer.

Biography: WIP

On my honor,

I will never betray my badge,

my integrity, my character,

or the public trust.

I will always have

the courage to hold myself

and others accountable for our actions.

I will always uphold the constitution, my community and the agency I serve.
Once you guys finish your Character Sheets, you will be accepted and the roleplay can begin!
Character Sheet

Appearance (No Anime):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.9718b908e960a7d1c6d486b84d1b328d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52487" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.9718b908e960a7d1c6d486b84d1b328d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.e61c211fd7b86a7e500d476d1e505103.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52492" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.e61c211fd7b86a7e500d476d1e505103.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Carlos Kane

Nickname(s): Ghoul

Age: 23

Weapon of Choice (Image & Name Required):

• Raging Bull

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.e1e6430faa6ae168b2bca07c4235e4a8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52488" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.e1e6430faa6ae168b2bca07c4235e4a8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

• M4 Carbine - Custom

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.459424a93581693704dab47489d56942.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52489" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.459424a93581693704dab47489d56942.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rank (Look up Detroit Police Department Rankings): Corporal

Previous Division: Oakland

Personality (One Paragraph Minimum):

- Carlos is a sarcastic and usually witty asshole. He has his charms; but he takes life for a ride any chance he gets. He's only a cop for the potential money he could earn on the other side of the law, so don't expect him to run into a burning building to rescue a child.

Biography (One Paragraph Minimum):

- Carlos was at the age of 17 when circumstance demanded he join the Army as a 19D Cavalry Scout. The officers and NCO's technically liked his style, so he was a fast tracker; being only 21 when he made Staff Sergeant, pulling dirty tricks whenever he could to get ahead. After his deployment to Afghanistan however; he changed. He started getting lazy, not giving a shit about the minor things; getting him negative marks, and almost a loss of his rank. The first chance he got, he honorably discharged from the army and became a simple cop in Oakland; hoping to cruise through life, bagging criminals. He saw the amazing potential an officer of the law had to make money in the proses, and he's been on the warpath ever since. He's done multiple qualifying schools in the military:

• Airborne

• Air Assault

• Pathfinder

• SERE (Evading enemy capture; and learning how to handle being captured.)

• Advanced Rifle Marksmanship

• Combative's Levels 1-3

He's also a bearer of a Combat Action Badge. (CAB)

On my honor,

I will never betray my badge,

my integrity, my character,

or the public trust.

I will always have

the courage to hold myself

and others accountable for our actions.

I will always uphold the constitution, my community and the agency I serve.

If you don't understand what a Cavalry Scout is, here's a short informative video:

(( Wanted to be as brief as possible with the bio; a lot of shit goes down in 5 years in the military. ))



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[QUOTE="Kai Ghoul]Character Sheet
Appearance (No Anime):

View attachment 120154

View attachment 120163

Name: Carlos Kane

Nickname(s): Ghoul

Age: 23

Weapon of Choice (Image & Name Required):

• Raging Bull

View attachment 120156

• M4 Carbine - Custom

View attachment 120157

Rank (Look up Detroit Police Department Rankings): Corporal

Previous Division: Oakland

Personality (One Paragraph Minimum):

- Carlos is a sarcastic and usually witty asshole. He has his charms; but he takes life for a ride any chance he gets. He's only a cop for the potential money he could earn on the other side of the law, so don't expect him to run into a burning building to rescue a child.

Biography (One Paragraph Minimum):

- Carlos was at the age of 17 when circumstance demanded he join the Army as a 19D Cavalry Scout. The officers and NCO's technically liked his style, so he was a fast tracker; being only 21 when he made Staff Sergeant, pulling dirty tricks whenever he could to get ahead. After his deployment to Afghanistan however; he changed. He started getting lazy, not giving a shit about the minor things; getting him negative marks, and almost a loss of his rank. The first chance he got, he honorably discharged from the army and became a simple cop in Oakland; hoping to cruise through life, bagging criminals. He saw the amazing potential an officer of the law had to make money in the proses, and he's been on the warpath ever since. He's done multiple qualifying schools in the military:

• Airborne

• Air Assault

• Pathfinder

• SERE (Evading enemy capture; and learning how to handle being captured.)

• Advanced Rifle Marksmanship

• Combative's Levels 1-3

He's also a bearer of a Combat Action Badge. (CAB)

On my honor,

I will never betray my badge,

my integrity, my character,

or the public trust.

I will always have

the courage to hold myself

and others accountable for our actions.

I will always uphold the constitution, my community and the agency I serve.

If you don't understand what a Cavalry Scout is, here's a short informative video:

(( Wanted to be as brief as possible with the bio; a lot of shit goes down in 5 years in the military. ))

Ex-Military. Excellent. You are accepted. You may begin posting.

Character Sheet:

Appearance (No Anime):

Name: Tavien Shemlock

Nickname(s): Mr.Lock

Age: 26

Weapon of Choice (Image & Name Required):



Trunk of Cruiser

Mossberg 590


Rank (Look up Detroit Police Department Rankings):


Previous Division:

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

Personality (One Paragraph Minimum):

Tavien is a straight forward and rather blunt person when it comes to business matter and often times isn't very sensitive but still has a soft spot every so often. When hes off work he seems like your average Joe, even if he occasionally is a bit of an odd ball. He takes his work very seriously but the rules of the work not so much. He understands where the line stands and is the type of person to get as close to it as possible. But at the end of the day Tavien is loyal to his cause and he believes his purpose is to get his fellow officers home safely.

Biography (One Paragraph Minimum):

Tavien grew up with his poor family containing himself, his father, and his two sisters. His mother was always considered to be "MIA" or atleast thats what his father would always say when the kids asked about her. Tavien often times went to school, more often than most kids anyways. But even with the distraction of school Tavien always found a way to get into some sort of trouble. Tavien was reported for mugging several kids at knife point and was arrested by an Officer Hoffin. When arrested and being taken to the jail Tavien explained he did it only so he could eat for the night. Officer Hoffin felt some pity for Tavien and let him go. After the even Officer Hoffin took interest into Tavien and began to somewhat look over him in a way. Eventually Officer Hoffin and Tavien grew closer, they would occasionally go out and eat lunch, work out with each other, and generally do things of that nature. Officer Hoffin gave Tavien what he wanted which was a father in his life. A few years later Tavien received a letter saying that Officer Hoffin was shot and killed. He felt like he too had been shot. After this Tavien made the choice to join the Detroit PD in honor for his fallen father and in the hopes of making a difference.

On my honor,

I will never betray my badge,

my integrity, my character,

or the public trust.

I will always have

the courage to hold myself

and others accountable for our actions.

I will always uphold the constitution, my community and the agency I serve.
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Octavius said:
Character Sheet:
Appearance (No Anime):

Name: Tavien Shemlock

Nickname(s): Mr.Lock

Age: 26

Weapon of Choice (Image & Name Required):



Trunk of Cruiser

Mossberg 590


Rank (Look up Detroit Police Department Rankings):


Previous Division:

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

Personality (One Paragraph Minimum):

Tavien is a straight forward and rather blunt person when it comes to business matter and often times isn't very sensitive but still has a soft spot every so often. When hes off work he seems like your average Joe, even if he occasionally is a bit of an odd ball. He takes his work very seriously but the rules of the work not so much. He understands where the line stands and is the type of person to get as close to it as possible. But at the end of the day Tavien is loyal to his cause and he believes his purpose is to get his fellow officers home safely.

Biography (One Paragraph Minimum):

Tavien grew up with his poor family containing himself, his father, and his two sisters. His mother was always considered to be "MIA" or atleast thats what his father would always say when the kids asked about her. Tavien often times went to school, more often than most kids anyways. But even with the distraction of school Tavien always found a way to get into some sort of trouble. Tavien was reported for mugging several kids at knife point and was arrested by an Officer Hoffin. When arrested and being taken to the jail Tavien explained he did it only so he could eat for the night. Officer Hoffin felt some pity for Tavien and let him go. After the even Officer Hoffin took interest into Tavien and began to somewhat look over him in a way. Eventually Officer Hoffin and Tavien grew closer, they would occasionally go out and eat lunch, work out with each other, and generally do things of that nature. Officer Hoffin gave Tavien what he wanted which was a father in his life. A few years later Tavien received a letter saying that Officer Hoffin was shot and killed. He felt like he too had been shot. After this Tavien made the choice to join the Detroit PD in honor for his fallen father and in the hopes of making a difference.
Good character, but you're missing one key component.
(can happily change it if you dont like this @Shimakage Thunder.)

Appearance (No Anime):


Name:Dr Asami Kawashima

Nickname(s): Doc, Ice Queen.


Weapon of Choice (Image & Name Required):Her own hands and feet when that fails:


Taser x26

Rank (Look up Detroit Police Department Rankings):Senior Scientific Support Officer

Previous Division:State Police Crime Lab

Personality (One Paragraph Minimum):No nonsense and professional when on the job, knowing the importance that forensic can have in a criminal case. This coupled with a sarcastic and snarky manner does not make her well recieved with her colleagues and other officers though her capability makes up for it. She has a soft side though especially to those close to her like her sister often contacting her to see how she was doing, also takes a case personally wanting to help solve it for the families affected by it. Any mistake on their front she takes harshly on herself as well as those around her.

Biography (One Paragraph Minimum): Growing up Asami had always had an interest in science, finding fascination in all its disciplines and its explanations of how life works. Its was something that her parents encouraged her to do and worked hard to get her to university out of state majoring in biochemical sciences earning top grades. In the time she had lost her policeman father and due to financial constrains could come back for her fathers funeral or to comfort the remainder of her family which she felt guilty ever since and was determined to to make up for it. She heard her sister Ama was going into policing herself around the time Asami gained her doctored, Asami became concern for her sister not wanting her to end up the same way as their father. Despite several once in a lifetime opportunities in her chosen field, Asami returned to Detroit and took a job as forensic scientist to be close to her sister and tried to be of help during her troubles. Transition was slow for Asami but found solace in the work and became a cappable forensic scientists able to work both in the field and the lab.

On my honor,

I will never betray my badge,

my integrity, my character,

or the public trust.

I will always have

the courage to hold myself

and others accountable for our actions.

I will always uphold the constitution, my community and the agency I serve.
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
(can happily change it if you dont like this @Shimakage Thunder.)
Appearance (No Anime):


Name:Dr Asami Kawashima

Nickname(s): Doc, Ice Queen.


Weapon of Choice (Image & Name Required):Her own hands and feet when that fails:


Taser x26

Rank (Look up Detroit Police Department Rankings):Senior Scientific Support Officer

Previous Division:State Police Crime Lab

Personality (One Paragraph Minimum):No nonsense and professional when on the job, knowing the importance that forensic can have in a criminal case. This coupled with a sarcastic and snarky manner does not make her well recieved with her colleagues and other officers though her capability makes up for it. She has a soft side though especially to those close to her like her sister often contacting her to see how she was doing, also takes a case personally wanting to help solve it for the families affected by it. Any mistake on their front she takes harshly on herself as well as those around her.

Biography (One Paragraph Minimum): Growing up Asami had always had an interest in science, finding fascination in all its disciplines and its explanations of how life works. Its was something that her parents encouraged her to do and worked hard to get her to university out of state majoring in biochemical sciences earning top grades. In the time she had lost her policeman father and due to financial constrains could come back for her fathers funeral or to comfort the remainder of her family which she felt guilty ever since and was determined to to make up for it. She heard her sister Ama was going into policing herself around the time Asami gained her doctored, Asami became concern for her sister not wanting her to end up the same way as their father. Despite several once in a lifetime opportunities in her chosen field, Asami returned to Detroit and took a job as forensic scientist to be close to her sister and tried to be of help during her troubles. Transition was slow for Asami but found solace in the work and became a cappable forensic scientists able to work both in the field and the lab.

On my honor,

I will never betray my badge,

my integrity, my character,

or the public trust.

I will always have

the courage to hold myself

and others accountable for our actions.

I will always uphold the constitution, my community and the agency I serve.
Normally I would decline, but the Character Sheet is very well done. And I never said anything about Amaterasu being an only child. So you're good to go. Accepted. Perhaps she will do well to serve as her much more volatile sister's moral compass or something ^^

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