True Crime: Streets Of Detroit

[QUOTE="Shimakage Thunder]Normally I would decline, but the Character Sheet is very well done. And I never said anything about Amaterasu being an only child. So you're good to go. Accepted. Perhaps she will do well to serve as her much more volatile sister's moral compass or something ^^

Thanks and I am sure Asami is more willing to get her hands dirty and vocal about to Ama.;-)
Appearance (No Anime):

Name: Elizabeth Jordan

Nickname(s): Liz

Age: 22

Weapon of Choice (Image & Name Required): The Golden Gun from The Man with the Golden Gun


Rank First Lieutenant

Previous Division: Tactics

Personality: Elizabeth is Calm and collected, she thinks carefully especially when it comes to her work, as it is all consuming with her. Reserved and often never talking to anyone other than her partner or colleagues only if absolutely necessary, although she is opening herself to talking to others. She is quite sullen when it comes to maintaining peace in the city, having experienced sexual violence when she was 18, which caused her to join the police. Homicides interest her, she as a degree in clinical psychology, she enjoys getting into the killer's head. When angered, she can be somewhat trigger-happy.

Biography: Elizabeth was born in Detroit to an English homemaker and an Egyptian accountant, a rather wealthy family. She grew up feeling alienated from the other children at school, having encountered racial abuse from the children of far right-wing parents. Her life changed when she was 16, when her parents were violently murdered in a robbery gone wrong, with the thief proceeding to rape her. He attempted to escape, however he dropped his gun and Elizabeth used it to shoot him in the knee, having a good sense of aim. She called the police and claimed self-defense. A few years later, after spending the last year wandering aimlessly through life, she inherited her family's heirloom, a gun made of gold, it can only hold one bullet at a time. her Father being an excellent marksman. She uses it to honor her parents memory, using it to prevent the horrendous things that happened to her from happening to other people.

On my honor, I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character, or the public trust. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions. I will always uphold the constitution, my community and the agency I serve.
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I think Shimakage will ask you to use a more realistic Appearence and Weapon of Choice, but just me.

And by Division she means Vice, Patrol, Special Weapons and Tactics, so forth.
Appearance (No Anime):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-31_19-54-21.jpeg.80b75d31a754080e278f708b337b3eee.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54641" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-31_19-54-21.jpeg.80b75d31a754080e278f708b337b3eee.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Ryan Sherling


None currently

Age: 32

Weapon of Choice (Image & Name Required):

Honestly? He prefers hand-to-hand combat, which he is very well trained in. But you don't bring fists to a gun fight.

Beretta 92, always on person.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-31_19-17-27.jpeg.59d57342c52a8adbcdbf5d9e53f56161.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54628" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-31_19-17-27.jpeg.59d57342c52a8adbcdbf5d9e53f56161.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rank (Look up Detroit Police Department Rankings):


Previous Division:

CIA, a skilled operative, and one of the few who worked in the field. Fired for striking a superior officer.

Personality (One Paragraph Minimum):

Ryan is not a very likable individual... He is often demanding, ignorant, arrogant and condescending, he often flaunts his past around as if he's some superhero and is very unempathetic. He is also a very serious, and straight to business type of guy. Time at the CIA has made him never uestion orders, and to succeed no matter what. Though don't be fooled by his hard exterior, inside he is thoughtful, and loving. But regardless of his attitude, nobody can deny that Ryan can certainly perform, and isn't all talk.

Biography (One Paragraph Minimum):

Ryan Sherling is your typical Ex-Cia agent, and has lived a typical life for someone in his status. Born into a wealthy family and raised with love and adoration his future was always secure, his father was a big player in the CIA, and getting Ryan a place there was childs play. But what wasn't expected, was how damn good he was at his job. Despite his fathes best efforts, eventually Ryan was selected for the most dangerous international missions, ones with very high danger. Yet he always came back successful. Ryan climbed the ranks rapidly, and in his growing valuability to the CIA, he was given expert training in martial arts, and physical demands. Along with marksmanship, though he never was an incredibly good shot.

However, Ryan's rapid ascent throught the ranks meant his father gained even more renown, soon enough, he was aiming for the job as head of the CIA. Needless to say, the current man in charge did not like that. He employed a plot to keep his position, by sending Ryan on a suicide mission, with false information. Knowing that if he was killed then Ryan's father - overcome with grief - would not be able to take charge... But alas, Ryan was - against all odds - successful. After nearly burning to death in a desert wasteland. Upon contacting his father using a strangers cell phone because his radio was 'broken', Ryan was picked up. The first thing he did when reaching the base was strike the bastard who tried to kill him in the face.

This had various effects, allegations that the man had tried to kill Ryan eventually led to his resignation, his father, then took the position as the man in charge. Ryan however, was fired, despite all the good he did striking a superior officer was just too severe - apparently. But finding work after that was easy, his field record and father gained him immediate acceptance into the DPD... And with some strings pulled from his father, a straight skip to the rank of Commander.

On my honor,

I will never betray my badge,

my integrity, my character,

or the public trust.

I will always have

the courage to hold myself

and others accountable for our actions.

I will always uphold the constitution, my community and the agency I serve.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-31_19-18-25.jpeg.c547939dbd9f28093d576c3c2d38adb0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54629" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-31_19-18-25.jpeg.c547939dbd9f28093d576c3c2d38adb0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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GimmickPuppet said:
Appearance (No Anime):

Name: Elizabeth Jordan

Nickname(s): Liz

Age: 22

Weapon of Choice (Image & Name Required): The Golden Gun from The Man with the Golden Gun


Rank First Lieutenant

Previous Division: Tactics

Personality: Elizabeth is Calm and collected, she thinks carefully especially when it comes to her work, as it is all consuming with her. Reserved and often never talking to anyone other than her partner or colleagues only if absolutely necessary, although she is opening herself to talking to others. She is quite sullen when it comes to maintaining peace in the city, having experienced sexual violence when she was 18, which caused her to join the police. Homicides interest her, she as a degree in clinical psychology, she enjoys getting into the killer's head. When angered, she can be somewhat trigger-happy.

Biography: Elizabeth was born in Detroit to an English homemaker and an Egyptian accountant, a rather wealthy family. She grew up feeling alienated from the other children at school, having encountered racial abuse from the children of far right-wing parents. Her life changed when she was 16, when her parents were violently murdered in a robbery gone wrong, with the thief proceeding to rape her. He attempted to escape, however he dropped his gun and Elizabeth used it to shoot him in the knee, having a good sense of aim. She called the police and claimed self-defense. A few years later, after spending the last year wandering aimlessly through life, she inherited her family's heirloom, a gun made of gold, it can only hold one bullet at a time. her Father being an excellent marksman. She uses it to honor her parents memory, using it to prevent the horrendous things that happened to her from happening to other people.

On my honor, I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character, or the public trust. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions. I will always uphold the constitution, my community and the agency I serve.
Please do find a more Realistic Weapon...Sorry. I just don't see Cops using such an Exotic Contraption

[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Appearance (No Anime):
View attachment 125415


Ryan Sherling


None currently

Age: 32

Weapon of Choice (Image & Name Required):

Honestly? He prefers hand-to-hand combat, which he is very well trained in. But you don't bring fists to a gun fight.

Beretta 92, always on person.

View attachment 125388

Rank (Look up Detroit Police Department Rankings):


Previous Division:

CIA, a skilled operative, and one of the few who worked in the field. Fired for striking a superior officer.

Personality (One Paragraph Minimum):

Ryan is not a very likable individual... He is often demanding, ignorant, arrogant and condescending, he often flaunts his past around as if he's some superhero and is very unempathetic. He is also a very serious, and straight to business type of guy. Time at the CIA has made him never uestion orders, and to succeed no matter what. Though don't be fooled by his hard exterior, inside he is thoughtful, and loving. But regardless of his attitude, nobody can deny that Ryan can certainly perform, and isn't all talk.

Biography (One Paragraph Minimum):

Ryan Sherling is your typical Ex-Cia agent, and has lived a typical life for someone in his status. Born into a wealthy family and raised with love and adoration his future was always secure, his father was a big player in the CIA, and getting Ryan a place there was childs play. But what wasn't expected, was how damn good he was at his job. Despite his fathes best efforts, eventually Ryan was selected for the most dangerous international missions, ones with very high danger. Yet he always came back successful. Ryan climbed the ranks rapidly, and in his growing valuability to the CIA, he was given expert training in martial arts, and physical demands. Along with marksmanship, though he never was an incredibly good shot.

However, Ryan's rapid ascent throught the ranks meant his father gained even more renown, soon enough, he was aiming for the job as head of the CIA. Needless to say, the current man in charge did not like that. He employed a plot to keep his position, by sending Ryan on a suicide mission, with false information. Knowing that if he was killed then Ryan's father - overcome with grief - would not be able to take charge... But alas, Ryan was - against all odds - successful. After nearly burning to death in a desert wasteland. Upon contacting his father using a strangers cell phone because his radio was 'broken', Ryan was picked up. The first thing he did when reaching the base was strike the bastard who tried to kill him in the face.

This had various effects, allegations that the man had tried to kill Ryan eventually led to his resignation, his father, then took the position as the man in charge. Ryan however, was fired, despite all the good he did striking a superior officer was just too severe - apparently. But finding work after that was easy, his field record and father gained him immediate acceptance into the DPD... And with some strings pulled from his father, a straight skip to the rank of Commander.

On my honor,

I will never betray my badge,

my integrity, my character,

or the public trust.

I will always have

the courage to hold myself

and others accountable for our actions.

I will always uphold the constitution, my community and the agency I serve.

Well, he seems too young to be a Commander, but his backstory provides an explanation, accepted. Don't forget to pick up a vehicle of your own Choice from the Compound.
Appearance (No Anime):

Name: Stefanie Scott

Nickname(s): Stef or Scott

Age: 32

Weapon of Choice (Image & Name Required): Glock 43


Rank (Look up Detroit Police Department Rankings): Detective

Previous Division: LAPD

Personality (One Paragraph Minimum): Stefanie is a person with a kind heart. She looks out for other people more than she looks out for herself. She'd rather die protecting a victim, than sit back and do nothing at all. Her loyalty lies with the people she works with, and she would do anything to protect them. She mostly throws herself into her work, so people mostly call her a workaholic. She's very secretive about herself and finds it hard to let other people in, but if she really likes you, she normally lets you know at least two things about herself. Normally he major things.

Biography (One Paragraph Minimum): When Stef was 5 years old her parents were killed in a car accident. Because of this she had to live in foster care the rest of her life until she turned 18. Within those 13 years, she spent a lot of times running away from the system. She had her fair share of crappy foster homes, therefore she's really great with kids because she knows how to take care of them. Every foster home she went into they used her as a babysitter and for a check. As soon as she turned 18 she found a job, and managed to barely put herself through college, but she made it. She graduated with a masters in Criminal Justice, and soon joined the police academy for the LAPD. By the age of 29 she had become a detective, and by the age of 32 she was handpicked for this unit.

On my honor,

I will never betray my badge,

my integrity, my character,

or the public trust.

I will always have

the courage to hold myself

and others accountable for our actions.

I will always uphold the constitution, my community and the agency I serve.
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[QUOTE="Aryn Harris]Appearance (No Anime):

Name: Stefanie Scott

Nickname(s): Stef or Scott

Age: 32

Weapon of Choice (Image & Name Required): Glock 43


Rank (Look up Detroit Police Department Rankings): Detective

Previous Division: LAPD

Personality (One Paragraph Minimum): Stefanie is a person with a kind heart. She looks out for other people more than she looks out for herself. She'd rather die protecting a victim, than sit back and do nothing at all. Her loyalty lies with the people she works with, and she would do anything to protect them. She mostly throws herself into her work, so people mostly call her a workaholic. She's very secretive about herself and finds it hard to let other people in, but if she really likes you, she normally lets you know at least two things about herself. Normally he major things.

Biography (One Paragraph Minimum): When Stef was 5 years old her parents were killed in a car accident. Because of this she had to live in foster care the rest of her life until she turned 18. Within those 13 years, she spent a lot of times running away from the system. She had her fair share of crappy foster homes, therefore she's really great with kids because she knows how to take care of them. Every foster home she went into they used her as a babysitter and for a check. As soon as she turned 18 she found a job, and managed to barely put herself through college, but she made it. She graduated with a masters in Criminal Justice, and soon joined the police academy for the LAPD. By the age of 29 she had become a detective, and by the age of 32 she was handpicked for this unit.

On my honor,

I will never betray my badge,

my integrity, my character,

or the public trust.

I will always have

the courage to hold myself

and others accountable for our actions.

I will always uphold the constitution, my community and the agency I serve.

Splendid. Please be sure to pick up a car of your own personal choice from the FBI Impound Lot. Accepted!

Name: Sebastian Holloway

Nickname(s): Seb, Holloway, Daddy (By his two children), Chief (When he was a Commander)

Age: 36

Weapon of Choice: Smith and Wesson Model 14-4

Rank: Lieutenant

Previous Division: IA

Personality: Sebastian is very wise. He is level-headed, calm, rational, and logical. He is also very knowledgeable about a variety of topics and well-versed in various genres. At times, he comes off as a bit arrogant. Despite the dangerous situations he finds himself in, he usually remains calm, but when he is angered, he will become very aggressive. He is seen by his co-workers as the "Brother-in-Arms" type of guy, but can sometimes act as a lone wolf or even just entirely separate from any official organisation.

Biography: Born on the 2nd day of August 1978, Sebastian Holloway lived a fairly standard suburban life. His father was a wealthy lawyer, who often discarded any sense of morality and justice for money and wins. He married Sebastian's mother, a beautiful housewife, not too long before they had their three children. For a long time, Sebastian attended the best private schools around London. One day, at age fourteen, he realised that his college held many more secrets than he could have imagined and set out to discover them with the help of a Scot, Jamie Fisher, and a Japanese-American, Yukimura Nagazawa. Together they formed the International Institute of School Secrecy and Espionage; the IISSE. From then on, they were able to uphold power through knowledge. One day, however, the trio got themselves caught up in a drug trafficking conspiracy right in the midst of school and were interrogated by the FBI. After Holloway pitched his story, the FBI decided to reinstate the IISSE as the International Institute of State Secrecy and Espionage. Once Sebastian finished his education, he became Director of the Taskforce.

As such, he moved to the US. He was based in New York City with his Vice, Yukimura, and with Jamie Fisher. However, he often moved around the country, expanding their network. For some time, Yukimura was Director of Operations in Texas, where he was born. during this period, Sebastian traveled to LA. Here, he met his soon-to-be wife; Sydney Miller. The couple had two children; a boy, currently aged 12, called Conor and a girl, currently aged 10, called Avia. Meanwhile, in New York, Sebastian's two younger sisters joined the taskforce, Maggie Holloway as a detective and Alice Holloway as a forensics scientist. Now, Sebastian has been pulled away from his duties as Director to serve under a new taskforce in Detroit.

On my honor,

I will never betray my badge,

my integrity, my character,

or the public trust.

I will always have

the courage to hold myself

and others accountable for our actions.

I will always uphold the constitution, my community and the agency I serve.

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Character Sheet

Appearance (No Anime):

Name:Mayson Flames



Weapon of Choice (Image & Name Required):Normal

When He's Pissed

Rank (Look up Detroit Police Department Rankings):Not Assigned

Previous Division:None

Personality (One Paragraph Minimum): Mayson is very rule oriented and headstrong. if he breaks rules without a reason he gets scared or sometimes angry! when alone however he's usally shy or depressed...

Biography (One Paragraph Minimum): Mayson had to be Separated from his two Brothers Alex and Marth. he's just joining the PD of Detroit so he has no rank.​

On my honor,

I will never betray my badge,

my integrity, my character,

or the public trust.

I will always have

the courage to hold myself

and others accountable for our actions.

I will always uphold the constitution, my community and the agency I serve.
[QUOTE="The Cobalt Killer]Appearance:

Name: Sebastian Holloway

Nickname(s): Seb, Holloway, Daddy (By his two children), Chief (When he was a Commander)

Age: 36

Weapon of Choice: Smith and Wesson Model 14-4

Rank: Lieutenant

Previous Division: IA

Personality: Sebastian is very wise. He is level-headed, calm, rational, and logical. He is also very knowledgeable about a variety of topics and well-versed in various genres. At times, he comes off as a bit arrogant. Despite the dangerous situations he finds himself in, he usually remains calm, but when he is angered, he will become very aggressive. He is seen by his co-workers as the "Brother-in-Arms" type of guy, but can sometimes act as a lone wolf or even just entirely separate from any official organisation.

Biography: Born on the 2nd day of August 1978, Sebastian Holloway lived a fairly standard suburban life. His father was a wealthy lawyer, who often discarded any sense of morality and justice for money and wins. He married Sebastian's mother, a beautiful housewife, not too long before they had their three children. For a long time, Sebastian attended the best private schools around London. One day, at age fourteen, he realised that his college held many more secrets than he could have imagined and set out to discover them with the help of a Scot, Jamie Fisher, and a Japanese-American, Yukimura Nagazawa. Together they formed the International Institute of School Secrecy and Espionage; the IISSE. From then on, they were able to uphold power through knowledge. One day, however, the trio got themselves caught up in a drug trafficking conspiracy right in the midst of school and were interrogated by the FBI. After Holloway pitched his story, the FBI decided to reinstate the IISSE as the International Institute of State Secrecy and Espionage. Once Sebastian finished his education, he became Director of the Taskforce.

As such, he moved to the US. He was based in New York City with his Vice, Yukimura, and with Jamie Fisher. However, he often moved around the country, expanding their network. For some time, Yukimura was Director of Operations in Texas, where he was born. during this period, Sebastian traveled to LA. Here, he met his soon-to-be wife; Sydney Miller. The couple had two children; a boy, currently aged 12, called Conor and a girl, currently aged 10, called Avia. Meanwhile, in New York, Sebastian's two younger sisters joined the taskforce, Maggie Holloway as a detective and Alice Holloway as a forensics scientist. Now, Sebastian has been pulled away from his duties as Director to serve under a new taskforce in Detroit.

You're missing a key component. Don't let that ruin your chance of getting into the Roleplay.

GoldenCharizard4 said:


Character Sheet

Appearance (No Anime):

Name:Mayson Flames



Weapon of Choice (Image & Name Required):Normal

When He's Pissed

Rank (Look up Detroit Police Department Rankings):Not Assigned

Previous Division:None

Personality (One Paragraph Minimum): Mayson is very rule oriented and headstrong. if he breaks rules without a reason he gets scared or sometimes angry! when alone however he's usally shy or depressed...

Biography (One Paragraph Minimum): Mayson had to be Separated from his two Brothers Alex and Marth. he's just joining the PD of Detroit so he has no rank.​

On my honor,

I will never betray my badge,

my integrity, my character,

or the public trust.

I will always have

the courage to hold myself

and others accountable for our actions.

I will always uphold the constitution, my community and the agency I serve.
Not accepted. This is not a Fantasy Roleplay. You have failed to meet any of the standards of this Roleplay. The Weapon of Choice is also very unrealistic. Sorry, but I think you're in the wrong place.
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[QUOTE="Shimakage Thunder]You're missing a key component. Don't let that ruin your chance of getting into the Roleplay.
Not accepted. This is not a Fantasy Roleplay. You have failed to meet any of the standards of this Roleplay. The Weapon of Choice is also very unrealistic. Sorry, but I think you're in the wrong place.

he switches his sword first off when he's mad. he dyed his hair and he recently joined so he can get used to a new weapon.
GoldenCharizard4 said:
he switches his sword first off when he's mad. he dyed his hair and he recently joined so he can get used to a new weapon.
It's still unrealistic. Police Officers in this day and age don't use Swords and there is no Anime Logic here. Even with the edits you made, you still don't meet the criteria I expect for the standards of this Roleplay. It's still too short and vague. I need details, so be descriptive.
[QUOTE="Shimakage Thunder]You're missing a key component. Don't let that ruin your chance of getting into the Roleplay.
Not accepted. This is not a Fantasy Roleplay. You have failed to meet any of the standards of this Roleplay. The Weapon of Choice is also very unrealistic. Sorry, but I think you're in the wrong place.

Done! Sorry... xD

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