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Realistic or Modern True Crime: Streets Of Detroit


Seven Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
A new Division has been formed in the Detroit Police Department and you have been handpicked by the Police Chief himself to be a part of it. Regardless of what division you worked in previously, because of your Skills, Dedication, Commitment and Loyalty to the Badge, you have been chosen to join the new Division as Field Agents, designated to tackle Street Crime and Sophisticated Cases that are considered too tough for the rest of the Department. Everyday is a Battle against Corruption and Decay. Will you, as an Officer of the Law, choose the Way of Honor...Or the Exit of a Hustler...The Choice is yours. Welcome to Detroit.

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*Friday, July 11th, 2014, 2:30 P.M*

It was just another day for Lieutenant Amaterasu Kawashima, a heavily decorated Police Officer and a four-year S.W.A.T Veteran. This Afternoon, she was attempting to talk to a Suicidal Teenager out of harming herself and others. Sadly, they were talking standing on a ledge, with concrete three-hundred feet below as her Teammates watched. Negotiations were about to start. This situation in particular, Amaterasu was taking personally because of a traumatic event in her past. She got ready to talk the teen down as the wind blew against her hair and Feather Earrings.

"Lina, my name is Terra...You don't have to talk to me...But I really like if you would. Can you start by telling me what happened today?"

The Female Youth trembled as Amaterasu stepped out by the ledge, next to her. "Why don't you ask them? I killed a girl today...She was coming at me. What was I supposed to do?" she began shedding tears as Amaterasu tried to find ways to reach out to her.

"You were defending yourself. Its alright...There was nothing you could have done differently. But you didn't kill her, she's being fixed up at the Hospital right now." Clearly, Lina was afraid and seemed set on jumping. "They think I lied to you guys...about Teresa's boyfriend...About what he did to me..."

"You were being honest. You shouldn't be ashamed for being honest. Those girls are going to go to Jail. So you have nothing to worry about." Amaterasu attempted to calm her down as Lina started crying more. "I can't go to school, I can't go to work. My Mom's an Alcoholic...What do I do? Who do I have? My Dad? He's not here. I don't have anyone." It broke Amaterasu's heart to hear what Lina was saying. "I know its been really hard on you, I know its been hard putting up with the bullying, but you're here. You're stronger then most. And its why I'm standing here. I want to help you, so please, take my hand and lets head back down."

As Lina grabbed Amaterasu's hand, she slipped and fell. Luckily, Amaterasu's fast reflexes allowed her to save the girl from falling to her death. As they were dangling from her Rappel, her Teammates rushed to her aid and pulled the two up. As soon as they were back on the ground. Lina was being examined by EMS as Amaterasu looked at her gun before holstering it, thankful that she didn't have to use it at all today. As she walked by the Ambulance, near where Lina was being checked out, she was stopped. "Why did you go so far for me?"

Amaterasu looked away momentarily before looking back at the girl. "You deserve better. I couldn't watch you throw your life away. And its part of my Job." She gave Lina a hug before joining her fellow Officers on their Truck. They were now headed back to the Station.
Mendoza was cruising along Almeida Highway silently with his Partner, Charles, until when they got off the Highway in the bad part of town. They were combing the area for dealers. They came across a couple of hoods having a good old fist fight. "Should we get involved or just let it slide? All their doing is fighting" Mendoza asked Charles. Then, one screamed "F*** you, I'm uncultured! I'mma kill yo black a**!" And drew a M9, aiming at the other and letting off three shots. The other fell to the floor, presumably dead. "Well, shit. Now we gotta get involved" Mendoza said, stopping the car and throwing on the internal sirens. The kid looked toward the car and dropped the gun, bolting. "Alright, I'll go after him on foot, you cut him off in the car!" Mendoza said, and he bolted out of the car after the hood. He chased the hood into a yard, and the hood jumped the fence into the backyard, which Mendoza kept following, the two now out of Charles's sight.

Charles sat quitely in the car as Mendoza drove through the streets, the silence wasnt the awkward kind just that of people who were together for most of the day. His mind wondered as he saw the street surprised on how similar the street was so similar to the one he was on: Run down and full of gangs. His thoughts were interrupted by Mendoza pointing out a street fight. " Oui, I think we should." He said in his native accent preparing to get out before thI er was gun fire. He went to get out quickly but his partner already bolted out after the shooter. He shook his head at his partner near recklessness after he shifted seats and speed of to the other side of the road the shooter was heading calling the shooting in on the radio.
Mendoza chased the hood onto the street that Charles was turning on to, but the hood saw the car and recognized it, turning and throwing a punch at Mendoza. Mendoza caught it with his right hand and put his left hand on the kid's elbow, forcing him to one knee, and once the hood was on one knee, Mendoza threw a jab into the kid's Jaw, putting him down on his stomach. Mendoza quickly put him in cuffs and he waved to his partner, keeping one hand on the kid's head to keep him down, after which he put a hand on his holster in case the kid decided to be stupid. "You are under arrest for murder or attempted murder, depending on the victim's condition, resisting arrest, fleeing from a crime scene, underage possession of a weapon, fighting in public, and attempted assault on a officer. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you, you have the right to a Attorney in The Court of Law, if you can not afford a Attorney, one will be assigned to you. Any questions?" Mendoza said, sounding like a robot after how many times he had ran basic rights by detained criminals. The shooter did not respond.

(Edited last post)
Charles stopped the car in the path of the gunner, ducking low and drew his gun just in case the kid still had a weapon. He got out the car and walked to his partner who had the matter handled. He holstered the gun and looked at the gunman and shook his head, wasn't older then 15 and could going to jail for most of his life and with zero prospects afterwards. He leaned over to look at the child in the eye. "I hope killing the kid was worth it doubt you will be home in a while. "
Will sighed as he brought his last box from the boot of his car up to his new house, putting his final box down he let out another sigh this time one of relief. "So this is Detroit." Will muttered to himself looking down the street from his houses porch. "Its different." Will muttered once again to himself, not that different was bad no the opposite different was good. Heck he came to Detroit for something different he hoped to get ride of his memories in the FBI or more clearly the serial killers memories that he profiled, he could finally have sometime to himself no more duty just some much needed R&R but for now he had a job to do and a house that needs to look like a home. Unpacking one box he began placing everything just where he wanted it. He got through three boxes rather quickly before stopping at the forth right at the top was a picture of Will with some of his old colleagues. Taking a seat in an arm chair Will began thinking about the old days, the good memories and the not so good memories but for a change they were no fully bad memories.
"F**k you, pig!" The kid suddenly yelled, Mendoza throwing a punch into his face for it. Mendoza then brought him to his feet and shoved him toward the car. "Walk" Mendoza said intimidatingly. "Agh, alright alright, easy!" The kid whined. Eventually they got to the car and Mendoza opened the back door, half helping half throwing the kid in the car. "Don't hit your head" Mendoza said, which the kid didn't. He then turned to his partner. "You drive. After this, we'll go get some coffee for a award. God knows we like our coffee" he said, laughing, considering he was Atheist. He got in the passenger seat.
Charles just sighed at the kids rudeness and walked back to the car. "Go easy on the kids, yeas he killed somebody but Un: its going to his level and duex: lawyers will have field day if we rough him up to much." He warned his partner concerned with his overzealous handling. "Besides what he did will hit him hard enough... Anyway no you go ahead I will go check on the victim until paramedics arrive."
"You sure, partner? Judging by the sirens there's already cops all over that place, and if we part, you won't get any credit for the arrest." Mendoza said doubtingly, staying in the passenger in case Charles changed his mind. The kid sat in the back, swearing and cursing and such, kicking the seat. "Shush back there and quit kicking the seat or I'll zap you! That's Government property!" Mendoza said scoldingly to the kid. The youth shut it after that.
Charles was indecisive for a moment both concerned for the victim as well as not wanting to disappoint his partner. He could hear the sirens from in the distance both police and ambulance, it made the choice for him."D'accord I am coming."He said getting into the driver seat and started the car and began to drive. The kid started with his swearing."Quite back there or we will put you in a cell with some other "I'm uncultured" tell the m what you did. Compris?"
(Haha. "I'm Uncultured")

The kid shut his face again after that, and it stayed shut. "Good work today partner" Mendoza said, putting his hand out to Charles for a high five. Mendoza and Charles had only been together for two months but they were already good friends.
* East Oakland - 8:34PM *

' Easy Street ' the boys called it; because it was usually easy to score with a semi attractive lady here, for the low price of 50 bucks and an STD. Carlos wasn't wearing his uniform, hell, to wear it around this part of town was suicide in itself. He got out of his civilianized squad car and answered his cellphone; it seemed to be his contact he met the day prior.

" Carlos! Eh amigo, get your ass toward the balla's time now! If you want to keep this 'pension', they gotta go. "

Carlos simply hung up the phone; he knew it wasn't smart to reply to such discriminating phone calls, least risk a traced call from some unfriendly people from his department. He reached into his Hawaiian shirt and grabbed a pack of Newports, taking nonentity and lighting it. He started walking down the street again, micro analyzing the buildings; hoping nobody here would recognize him as one of 'Manny's paid off cops'. He just wanted to end this bullshit and be done with today. He reached behind him and re adjusted the Raging Bull tucked in his back. He simply started smoking his cigaret; awaiting that kid to make an appearance.
After preventing a suicide, Amaterasu could catch a break. The last two years have been very hard on her. When they made it back to the Station, Amaterasu took off her Vest and Tactical Gear (Elbow Pads, Knee Pads) leaving only her Uniform and her holstered firearm. Her team was concerned when they saw her walk into the Locker Room. She sighed before sitting down at a Bench. She wanted to cry after today's event. It was a little hard on her, because it hit her where it hurt. She started weeping silently...
Carlos was starting to get antsy, people were giving him looks. Despite being in civilians, he was incredibly out of place. Then finally the boy he was looking for peered the corner of the street block; he seemed to be looking for another gangster of his caliber. Carlos avoided direct contact, and took the sidewalk down toward the boy's position. A fire rose in Carlos' eyes. He flung his Badge-Necklace out of his tank top and pulled out his Raging Bull, slightly tilting it for effect. Holding his Bull with his right hand, and his badge with his left; he ran towards the boy, sneaking up directly behind him.

" Bobby Bryant; you're under arrest for potential drug moderating. Put your fucking hands behind your head, and fall to your knees! "

Carlos almost stabbed him the back with his huge gun, he wasn't messing around today. Suddenly; multiple pop shots in the distance could be heard, a bullet zipping passed his head. He couldn't ever forget that noise. The kid instantly started to bolt away; knocking people over as he ran. Carlos knew he couldn't call for backup, this was his personal operation. He fired 3 shots in the direction the bullets came from, in hopes of providing himself covering-fire as he ran to his car.

" You wanna shoot at a fucking cop?! "

He couldn't get anymore than that out. Multiple bullets landing in front of his feet, one scraping his right arm; almost making him drop his weapon. He ducked down low and finally reached his vehicle, popping the trunk and skirting towards it. He plopped his revolver into the trunk, and took out his M4; firing multiple shots at the building where the enemy small arms was coming from. He then quickly took out four 30 round magazines and stuffed them into his pockets; violently slamming the trunk. More bullets made their way towards him, one hitting an innocent woman down the street, and another hitting a car next to him; sounding an obnoxious car alarm. He shot one round per second as he quickly made his way into the building; kicking down the door and attempting to clear the room by himself. He quickly shot a man holding a kitchen knife, and realized he was only cutting open boxes. Mistakes like that happen everyday, he couldn't linger on it for long. He bolted up the stairs; weapon at the high-ready. Once he made it to the floor where the shooters were; he quickly shot two shots through the door, then kicked it open; shooting every moving thing inside. There were only 2 kids holding junky M9 pistols. He realized he was bleeding a little; so he took off his Hawaiian shirt and cut it in half with his pocket knife, tying the wound closed. More noises could be heard downstairs, none friendly. He started freaking out; remembering past experiences. He didn't have any grenades to toss down the stairs, so he quickly made his way down; Pie'ing the corner of the staircase and pointing his weapon at the returning Bobby Bryant. Carlos spit toward his side and smacked the boy with the butt of his rifle; knocking him out. He then quickly carried him toward his car and threw him in the back seat, zip tying his hands and legs. Carlos quickly lit another cigaret and jumped into the drivers seat; driving off into the distance before his friends arrived to the scene.
KurtH6355 said:
(Haha. "I'm Uncultured")
The kid shut his face again after that, and it stayed shut. "Good work today partner" Mendoza said, putting his hand out to Charles for a high five. Mendoza and Charles had only been together for two months but they were already good friends.

"Merci, though I didn't do much. You got him I just blocked his path but I won't complain if you give me all the credit." He joked calming a little and returning a smile while giving him the requested high five. Soon they were at the station, Charles took the shooter by the arm and practicaly dragged him to be booked. Once that was done he moved to his desk. " I will meet you at the car just need to get something.." He said to Mendoza before reaching his desk, he took his undercover phone returning a call."Yay man,its me... " He said with a convincing Jamaican accent. "you ready to meet? Excellent man, will see you there?"
Mendoza wasn't suspicious, he trusted Charles. He went out to the car and got in the car, lighting up a cigarette as he waited. He looked around, not much going on here in Detroit Police District. His cell phone vibrated, when he looked, a text from his ex girl. "I know I did you wrong, took your heart and soul, but...Will you love me again?" He smirked. "Bi**h, I ain't fuc***g with you!" He replied. (Anyone getting them song references?)
Carlos sped through the streets; his siren on and rap music blasting. Bobby woke up in the back, squirming a little. He looked like he was on a verge of tears.

" Hey man... Your not gonna kill me are ya? Please man... I have kids bruh... "

Carlos chuckled a little; he wasn't going to kill him, but his friends might. He took another puff of his cigaret and smirked.

" I'm not gonna do shit 'Bobby Boy'... Maybe if you only kept your mouth shut; they wouldn't have sent a guy like me to tag your ass... "

They were nearing the drop point; he almost couldn't wait for his receiving and exiting 'pension' he was getting for a long and outstanding service with this gang. This was his last overtime watch job. Bobby started tearing up, getting a little more scared.

" C'mon man! You're a cop bruh! What the fuck if wrong with you?! Take me to the cops... Please! "

Carlos flicked his cigaret at Bobby, chuckling evilly as he did. The cigaret landed inside Bobby's shirt; but he couldn't move it due to him being tied up. He screamed a whole 5 minutes straight, trying to squirm and put out the cigaret. Carlos pulled into the abandoned factory and put the car in park; turning down his music slightly.

" Ah... You can shut the fuck up now ' Bobby Boy' ... Your friends are here! "

After a slight evil chuckle; he got out if his squad car and slammed his door. He then opened the backseat doors; flinging Bobby's squirming and yelping body towards the dirty ground in front of Manny, who was holding a small black backpack. Manny smiled.

" Well esse'! You fucking pulled this one out of your ass, no? "

Manny tossed Carlos the bag and started dragging the body away. Carlos waved sarcastically and went back into his squad car; turning it on and driving off. As he was driving; he opened the backpack as looked inside. There was at least 70 grand in cash stacked inside; not bad. Carlos drove toward his house; the moving truck still parked outside. He would be moving to Detroit tomorrow, apparently he qualified for this new unit over there; and he needed to ghost Oakland for a while. Carlos exited his car and slowly walked inside his small house; dropping his badge on the counter, making his way toward the sink to wash his arm.
Amaterasu opened her locker, and took a nice, long look at a Photograph of her late Boyfriend, who committed suicide just last year. That got her thrown off the Force for six months because she shot an unarmed man because her focus was impaired and she panicked. She smiled at the photo as she wiped her eyes. She later went to her desk to go write a Report on today's incident. Midway through her Report, she was told that the Chief wanted to see her. Crap, was she getting fired? Hopefully not. She walked over to the Chief's Office. "Hello Lieutenant. Glad you stopped by. Sit down a moment." He said, smiling.

Amaterasu did what she was told. "You wanted to see me, Chief?" She asked.

"Yeah. I wanted to talk to you about moving up in your career." He said. "But first, I need three other officers and we got a new Officer transferring from Oakland. You'll be meeting with him tomorrow night."

"What was it you wanted to talk to me about, Chief?" She asked, curious.
Carlos awoke to the kind sound of the flight pilot.

" Welcome to Detroit people; may you find what you seek. "

'Whatever the hell that was supposed to mean' Carlos thought. He wasn't really looking for anything in particular, just some closure maybe. He looked at his arm; it was healing pretty nicely, despite the massive amount of bleeding it was doing earlier. After about 40 minutes; the plane landed, and everyone departed. Carlos was carrying his black backpack full of the money as his only carry-on, it wasn't against the law after all. He walked outside the airport and lit up a smoke, sighing in relief. It smelt like shit over here; but there was slightly less yelling going on, that was always nice.

" One shithole to another... "

Carlos hailed a cab and they drove off into the distance; Carlos wanting to sort out his living conditions as soon as possible.
"Well, I'm forming a new Unit and I want you to be leading it. The Officers in it are going to be handpicked by me and only me. So far, only you and five other people qualify." Chief Noland replied as he sat down at his desk. "So tomorrow will be your last day in the Special Weapons And Tactics division, because you're transferring to S.T.A.R, the new unit I am forming."

"What's the Acronym?" Amaterasu asked.

"Special Tactics And Response." Chief Noland replied. "I'll explain more when your fellow officers get here."

"Alright. Well, I think its an honor. I had fun in S.W.A.T these past four years, but I think its time to move up." Amaterasu said agreeing with the Chief on 'moving up in her career'.

@Bills352 @Kai Ghoul
Tavien sat in his squad car with his feet kicked up and had a or at least what he thought was a "beautiful" view of the local Detroit park. He took a minute to observe the people that where there. There were several basketball courts which the gangs would occasionally shoot a few hoops. Each basketball court belonged to a different gang.

"Ah gangs are pretty strange in what they do." Tavien chuckled a little bit.

Suddenly dispatch contact him.

"Officer Shemlock there's been a 211 (Robbery) over at Jim's liquor" the dispatch said calmly as always

"any additional information dispatch?" Tavien said as he lowered his feet to the bottom of his car.

" 2 suspects potentially armed" dispatcher responded

'10-4 (Message received) I'm on my way now dispatch"

Tavien flicked a switch and his cars sirens came alive with sound, he proceeded to start his car and head on his way. as he got closer he hopped on his radio calling to any and all officers.

"This is Officer Shemlock, I'm running Code 3 (Emergency/Sirens) to Jims Liquor for 2 possible armed subjects and a robbery in progress. Can any free units give me a additonal help?"
Mendoza heard the call of robbery in the radio and replied. "This is Officer Mendoza, Copy on that possibly armed 211, may be able to assist, please stand-by" he said, and he then turned off the radio and honked the horn. "Let's go, Charles! We got shit to do!" He yelled. (You can decide to either wait for @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki to get on and get in the car for Mendoza and Charles to respond to the robbery, or go ahead without them @Octavius)

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