Tribal Feud (Pokemon Gijinka) [REBOOT]

  • Dammit she was certain she had found the perfect spot. Sinking lower into her knees clutched securely at her chest she gave out a loud huff. She was fully aware how her position looked given her title, but she had only contemplated crouching behind this particularly large hut and had never given any indication she would actually do it. So in false confidence she hoped he wouldn't find her. Icarus would've made a much better scout instead of having to guard over the fact she may end up killing herself one way or the other. With a heavy, overdramatic sigh she rested her cheek on her kneecap and glanced over at Icarus; listening to him talk with a glazed over stare. He gave her the usual chat. How she was indeed strong, how much the village depended on her or rather her heritage as she had come to think of it as of late. When he pulled the Suvinay card she turned away from him with a very irritable grunt. Hearing his offers of what to do with their time she, with a vigorous shake of her long blonde curls, declined both. She looked directly in front of her now, over at a few gijinkas playing and some of the older ones working. How the village remained so peaceful was beyond her comprehension. If anything it was Suvinay's work. She often wondered if she was fit running such a large group of gijinka and being an only child she was never quite certain how her parents felt on the matter. And the potential threat of Kiba now looming over their shoulders sent her thoughts running a mile a minute. Could she really be able to be a good leader under even more dire circumstances? Remembering the words of her many mentors she decided it was about time she got up, after all; 'she would damn well have to be.'

    "No it's alright. I should be done acting like a child and focus more on preventing this threat. And I can't do it going over to help May or take a walk. I think I should be heading back to Suvinay."

    What she really wanted was a few more minutes to breathe and try to overcome the stress she was currently facing, but she had a reputation to uphold and having a nervous breakdown did not qualify for her position. This time instead of walking off she waited for Icarus to lead the way, hopefully buying her a few more minutes to think quietly while lagging behind.

    @Kayzo @Kiroshiven @KiKi Kitsune

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  • Kit stopped and stared in awe at all the adult Gijinka for a few moments as they collectively told the girls to go away. Kit went to protest, but stopped herself. If something was a big enough deal for Papa, Akane, and Luvien? something was very very wrong. Quietly, Kit nodded to Alik. "Y-Yah, will do Papa..." Fear and concern mixed in her eyes, and she began to back away quietly, trying not to attract too much attention to herself. She was still on guard however, and if someone attacked her or her sister...she'd fight as hard as she could.

    Ro however, didn't' see the immediate danger. She had come all this way to give her Papa a gift, and everyone was telling her to go away! "B-But...Papa I wanted to-" Ro's protests were cut off by her Father's glare, which made her quiet down in an instant. Ro wasn't used to such a tense environment, and the way everyone was acting was starting to scare the girl. Backing up, the beginning of tears coming down her face, she ran back to her sister's side, hiding behind the slightly bigger girl with a scared look on her face. She looked up to her sister, wondering what they should do.

    Kit and Ro slowly made their way back towards camp, away from the danger. Something was wrong...and they didn't want to be around for any danger.

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  • proxy.php
    Isaac nodded to Anaika's words "Yes mom, I'll keep the gate locked and tight for anyone and everyone unless you, dad or aunt May say that it's ok, I'll try to keep an eye out for any bad people as well" He then turned to Specks who seemed to have come to talk with him "Hi Specks" He said with a smile hidden behind his mask. Isaac like Specks, he enjoyed watching him soar through the skies as he scouted for bad people, Isaac wished that he'd become a flying gijinka in his next life. "What is it? Mom's already told me to keep the gate shut and not to let anyone in or out, but I guess I can't stop you now can I?" He said with a small giggle at the end. @Jayus @TerraBooma
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    May nodded with a smile. “You’d be a real lady-killer if you tried. I’m sure you in a tux will cause more than a few turning heads.” She gave a small chuckle. “Maybe even a few snapped necks from the whiplash.” However, her semi-serious mood quickly changed as she burst into a mini fit of laughter at the buoyancy of Drystan’s hair.

    She was still trying to recover from her lack of breath while the general shouted out orders. She would have been clutching her sides if her arms weren’t occupied. Even so, she calmed down fairly quickly with a smile remaining on her face. “How about I do one better? I’ll find you a tux and I’ll help you with your hair. I doubt you could tame it by yourself, to be honest.” She shook her head. “You make a pyroar look like it’s balding.”

    Any words of protest were cut down by May’s logical arguments. If anything, it would help with the stress. Monotonous and meticulous things always helped calm her down, like collecting seashells. That thought caught her off guard. She froze in place, the smile wiped off her face in an instant. Instead, her expression was completely blank, as if her emotions had been stripped from her, leaving her as nothing but a body.

    As quickly as it came, it went. The meinshao was back to normal in a moment; smile and all, even if it was somewhat forced. If asked about it, she would simply wave it off and say it was nothing. She wouldn’t let that traitor affect her anymore. She had decided that long ago. May would do her utmost to stick to that decision.

    May shook herself out of it. She had work to do and there wasn’t much time to do it in. “Come on then, let’s get you in a tux.” She paused and looked at Drystan for a few moments, blinking owlishly. “I never thought I would say that to you of all people.” She chuckled, a hint of mischief showing through in it. “This is going to be fun.”


Riel was lounging in what used to be his bedroom in the Kiba caves. It still was his, but he just couldn't bring himself to stay overnight anymore. The agony of listening, knowing that there would be nights when soldiers would come back from skirmishes, bloody, mangled, and dying, was just too much to bear. Knowing that there was little you could do to help and that it might be you one day led to many sleepless nights.

And then Soren was murdered, and it all became too much for him to bear.

His mind involuntarily flashed back to that day. He had been training in a group with Luvien watching over them, and Soren excused himself early, to go get a previous wound checked out. No one had thought there would be much danger. They finished up their trianing, and Riel ran ahead in order to find Soren. He was the first one in the training group to see the body, mangled and bloody. He stood there for a long time, not noticing anything around him until another member of the group placed a hand on his shoulder. That snapped him out of it for a while, and he watched Dominik's banishment with a slight feeling of justice. His calm lasted about a week. Then the next group training session was supposed to happen. Riel walked into the room, and began to warm up. When Luvien came in and told them to pair up and start training, he looked around for Soren so they could start. That was when it really hit him.

He shook himself out of the past, and got up. Too many bad memories here, might as well leave. He was going to get depressed again if he kept thinking about that day. He stretched and walked out and was almost run over by Ro and Kit. "Whoa! Where are you two running off to in such a hurry?" He noticed the tense expression on Kit's face, and the sad one on Ro's. "Hey, what's going on?" Riel asked kindly. "You two all right? Did something happen?"

@TerraBooma @KiKi Kitsune

  • He had to admit she caught on pretty fast. From having no prior knowledge to what Kiba was to being able to discover exactly what it was in the span of five minutes... he had to hand it to her it seemed pretty impressive. But Adeliht would have his teeth ripped from his jaw one by one before he ever admitted that.

    His uncharacteristic respect for her wit was stamped upon and lost almost immediately afterwards. She just said so herself it was a suicide route and she still wanted to go? Was she stupid or just that ignorant.

    "'My mother always told me to be weary of strangers'. Did your mother ever tell you to listen to people? Because clearly you don't and that's exactly why you're in this situation arguing with yet another person who knows this island better than you."

    He could see right through her little game. She wasn't as slick or as convincing as she may have believed herself to be. Folding his arms over his chest he looked down at the girl. Raising a single eyebrow as if to ask her if she was being serious.

    "Perhaps I'll consider telling you my name if you can answer me a very simple question."
    He bent down slightly, stopping once he had just made eye-level with the girl and a small smirk on his face. His gaze flicked a moment to the Sylveon still held tight in her grasp and back to her bright green eyes.

    "Which direction is Azoth? If you can tell me that much so that I know you're stuffing off into the right direction I may consider telling it to you. That seems fair right? Or will I have to spell it out for a suicidal simpleton such as yourself."

    @Kayzo @KiKi Kitsune @Kiroshiven

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  • Akane clicked her tongue as Alik gave her an order. It wasn't unusual for the brother to tell her to do something, but at the same time she swore her fealty to Emrik, not Alik. The poochyena would need to be reminded of his place later. For now though, speaking with Kit and Ro wasn't too bad of a request. They were like daughters to her, though nobody other than the two would EVER hear her say that, and that was only on rare occasions. Akane had an image and she needed to keep it, lest someone use the two to get her to betray Emrik in some way.

    It didn't take Akane long to find the two being met by Ciel. Good, they found someone friendly to cheer them up. Akane slowly walked over to the three of them and subtly waved to Ciel. "Hey girls. I have to relay a message for you form Alik. He wants to apologize for the way he spoke to you two at the entrance, but there were really important things for him to discuss at the time. Mostly grown up things." She knelt down to eye level with the two girls. "So, don't be too upset. Alik still thinks the world of you two and I'm always around for my....." The words nearly left her mouth, but she quickly remembered Ciel's presence. "My wonderfully close friends." Akane put on an awkward smile to the two girls. Another very rare sentiment to Akane's character.

    "Sadly, I have to go as well now. I have a feeling Lord Emrik will have orders for me. So Ciel," Akane finally turned to the flygon. "Keep them company and don't let anyone hurt them." She leaned in closer to the male and whispered in his ear. "There was a tribeless at the entrance to the caves and he had a very discerning look on his face when he saw Kit and Ro. Keep an eye on them for me okay?" She leaned back, nodded to the male and zipped off toward the alpha's hut once again for that day.

    When she arrived, she slipped in through a window and realized none were there. Her eyes lit up with worry, but she heard her lord crying out for the gate keeper. Eventually catching up, she knelt before him "Akane, reporting for orders Lord Emrik. Where shall you send me?" It was all business as usual, but in the back of her mind Akane couldn't help but worry about the two young girls.

    @SpicyLickiTounge @minismurf

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A watering hole? Huh...That actually seemed nice. Sure, the wild pokemon had put nate off a little, but he had tanner and they're pokemon, as well as annie. "Sounds like a plan to me!" He heard tanner exclaim as he began to follow annie. Nate, taking one last look at the village, quickly ran after them. He stuck close to the two, looking around cautiously in case anything decided to show up. Nate liked the village, and he was warming up to annie, but something deep in his gut told him that something seemed odd about this whole thing. ...Maybe he was just a bit tense from meeting a new species. He needed to relax a little.

And as they arrived, nate found the perfect place. The boy's awed as they view the lake in front of them, jaw agape as the girl had presented it to them. This looked better than the lakes at home! And the wild pokemon were just wide open in view, not hiding in tall grass or shrubs! "Well, there's only one thing to do now!" Nate watched as tanner began to sit and lay down, but nate quickly ran up to the boy and yanked him up. Tanner gave nate a look. "Hey! What's the big deal!"

"Tanner, whenever you lay down, you go to sleep. And whenever you sleep, you're practically a rock!" Nate commented, causing tanner to roll his eyes.

"That's ridiculous!"

"Tanner, why do you think I'm always the first one to wake you up whenever we set up camp?"

"I just thought you were a morning person!"

Nate sighed and rolled his eyes. "Tanner, just...whatever you do, Don't. Go. To. Sleep." Nate said, causing tanner to sigh.

"Fine." Tanner grumbled. They both looked down at the lake before looking at each other. "So, now what?" Tanner asked, causing nate to shrug and sit down.

"We can just sit here and talk." Nate said and had sat down, causing tanner to do the same. Twiddling his thumbs, he looked at annie. "S-So, what's it like living at the village?" Nate asked, looking around. "Things seem pretty peaceful so far. And everyone seems so nice." His eye twitched as a pidgey landed on his head.

"Yeah, I'm kinda wondering that too." Tanner said, scratching his head. His eyes were about to close, but a glare from nate caused him to open them quickly.

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    May greeted the two humans as they approached with a smile and a nod. She listened carefully to their explanation of what they intended to do. May tilted her head slightly as she pondered, but eventually nodded. "As long as it remains contained as doesn't do too much damage." She gave a beaming smile to the humans. "I'm sure there are plenty of gijinka who would love to see how you battle." She waved farewell to the two teens before carrying on her own path.

    She was about to greet Sona with her usual cheerfulness, but the woman's demands put her in a less pleasant mood quite quickly. "Actually, we are incredibly short on staff on all fronts. No one wants to be working when they could speak to the humans instead. If you want somewhere, try the dressing room around the corner. We were just heading there anyway." She gestured with her chin, her arms still full with various items. "I'll go put these down and then see how the kitchen is doing. You'll be done by then, I assume? I'll come through when I'm done then." She shifted the box's weight. "The clothes should be in there so you can change in the meantime." She explained to the red-haired general. She gave a nod to Sona before walking towards her intended destination.

    Once she was done with her tasks, she went over to where she had sent the healer and general. A firm, quick rapping on the door announced her presence. "Hey, Drystan, you done yet?"

    @Jayus @Kiroshiven

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  • Looking up from the two humans he glanced over and saw a familiar healer walk through the room.

    "Afternoon Sona, your looking twenty five today." The words hadn't even left his mouth when she began pressing questions onto May over why Drystan had to get dressed in a tux. She almost seemed to be accusing May of forcing him into work. May herself seemed shocked by the whole thing and to say she looked appalled would be an understatement. Eventually May answered her questions reasonably enough and the two were lead into another room. Drystan was fully aware Sona was not in the best of moods and decided he best not test her on it until she was prepared to speak. Sitting down, he was a bit sceptical as to why on Henshu she would need tweezers to deal with only the scar on his face. Taking in a quick breath of air he prepared himself for the worst. If it was anywhere else he'd be fine, but it was his eye after all. He needed that thing.

    Keeping stock still he allowed her to tend to his scar. There was no doubt she was the expert in healing by how little he felt from her medical instruments if at all. There was something eating at him though, but he decided to start off with a normal enough conversation.

    "Yeah, yeah no worries. Oh, but hey. I could never understand how someone who loves healing people so much could hate for them to find happiness. What's up with that anyway, Sona?" I mean yes there was a point where he was bitter about couples. He was bitter about them for a while. But eventually he had learnt to accept them as a normal thing. He didn't like Sona being so irritated at the mere sight of gijinka couples, even gijinkas that weren't even a couple yet.

    After a few more moments passed he spoke again. Keeping as still as he could to not interrupt her work.

    "And I know I've never been a waiter before, but if you think I decided to play 'dress up' for no good reason when we're on the brink of war you're mistaken. I need to keep as close to the humans and gijinkas as possible and not look like of the soldiers patrolling around. If the humans were catching on we were tense about something it could send them into a panic. A disguise is good enough to keep me close and allow me to seem casual while doing so. Oh and Sona just one more thing-"

    He held the instruments she was using in her grasp between two of his fingers and looked her in the eyes.

    "I know some time ago I wanted to get rid of the scar, but I've grown pretty attached to it. Is it alright if you could disinfect it, but make sure it stays? It hasn't affected my vision and besides... It reminds me what I must do to be the General of Azoth."

    With that being said he gave her a quick smile and waited, patiently enough for the very easily bored gijinka that he was, for Sona to finish. Once he was sure she was done he thanked her and asked her to leave the room for a while so he could be able to change.

    Looking over he slowly deduced which uniform was his and found it quite a mission in its entirety to put on. It was like assembling a giant jigsaw puzzle on his person. By the time May had arrived all five of his fingers on his right hand were knotted in the tie around his neck by some off turn of fate and he had finally given up. Not wanting May to see his predicament he quickly ripped it off his neck. It was embarrassing enough as it was. Going to the door he held the loose strand of fabric hopelessly in front of her face.

    "What is the purpose of ties. The outfit is fine on its own why do I need one?" He spoke irritably. Waiting for May to come inside he waited once more for her to help with either his hair or wrinkled tie that he had been fidgeting with for the best part of ten minutes. Looking at May his mind was still on couples and relationships that he and Sona had been on about. He hadn't actually checked on her for a while.

    "Hey, May. How have you been doing lately? Like honestly."

    @Kayzo @KiKi Kitsune @Kiroshiven [/color]

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  • Specks gave Isaac a smile, knowing there was more truth to his statement then anyone realized. Specks knew there weren't many people at all that could stop him from taking to the skies, it was somewhat reassuring at times. Still, he was on a mission for now...and he had some answers he needed to get. The rogue mole the Kiban had talked about must have met her outside the camp before everything went down, and if he or she was caught spreading false information to her contact...well, subtlety would have been shaken off for a much preferred speed. The Kiban scout was fast...if still slower than Specks in a dive. Whoever was running, if they existed at all, would probably have drawn attention.

    Specks held up a finger to Isaac, and waited for either the group to disperse or a point where they'd be able to sneak away for a moment. He knew isaac probably didn't want to be away from the gate for long, so he gave him a reassuring look that this would be a quick conversation. If Isaac protested, he'd speak quietly. "It's super secret alright?" Once they were alone, or at least out of earshot, Specks would begin to speak.

    "Listen, I know this is going to sound kinda weird, but I need you to tell me, have there been any weird people coming in today? Pretty much everyone's been cooped up in here with preparations right? I need to know if there's been any sort of people running inside, pr panicked. I'm on a grown up investigation, it's super top secret...if really boring. you got any info for me?"

    After Isaac's response, whatever it was, Specks would pat him on the shoulder and look towards the gate itself. "That's really helpful, thanks...I might have an idea now." He fired off a grin to Isaac and motioned to the door. "Anyway, the Alpha's want me to go on a scouting mission, care to let me out?" Specks knew that he didn't need to go out through the gate, but he knew it made Isaac feel better in a way.



  • Annie was looking about for the creep of a ghost gijinka when the boys started talking about falling asleep. "I wouldn't pass out here if I were you. There's a certain gijinka that lives near here and he likes pranking and scaring kids." Annie put her arms behind her head as a pidove came swooping down. She lowered her arms across her stomach and the little bird nestled into the crook. It wasn't uncommon for the pokemonn here to approach any of the gijinka, but seeing the pidgey sitting on Nate's head made it impossible to hold back her wild giggle. Annie hated her laugh because it was kind of obnoxious. It could easily get started and then it wouldn't stop for almost anything.

    That almost anything quickly came about when the boys asked about life in the village. "I figured it'd eventually come to this." Annie sighed as she sat down and began petting the pidove in her arms. "I'm considered the troublemaker of the village. I don't like just staying within our borders as a lot of the cooler places to hang out in, like here," Annie gestured to the watering hole with one arm, "are outside of our territory." Annie wasn't going to hold back information from the two boys at this point. They were outside the ear shot of any of the Azoth adults.

    "By the way, Azoth isn't the only tribe on the island." Annie looked over to the two. "And currently we're on the other tribe's land. So sleeping would be a really bad idea. If any of the Kiba find us.....let's just say it's a good thing I know fire spin and you two can actually keep up with me at a run." Annie forced out a chuckle as she sighed. "I don't get why the tribes are so fussy over humans. You two are nice and if we can introduce ourselves to newer trainers, I'm pretty sure that we'd all be able to be friends." Annie looked off deeper into Kiba territory. There was the holy grounds of the Kiba out there. She'd heard it was beautiful to look at, but she'd never get to see it so long as the two tribes hated each other.


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Tanner, hearing about the gijinka annie mentioned, opened his eyes, trying hard not to fall asleep now. Noticing nate's smug smirk, tanner quickly glared at him. Tanner was really set on taking a nap here, too. But if there really was some kid-hating gijinka out there, he didn't want his eyes closed now. As annie began to tell the boys her life in the village, they slowly began to frown. After she finished, tanner looked at nate. "Way to go, dude." After glaring at the blond, nate scooted over to her.

"Ya know, me and tanner were the same way back at home. Tanner would always get us into trouble somehow and I was always the one who made it worse too." Nate shrugged. "But we didn't care because we were still friends and that's all that matters...and maybe you need a friend." Nate said with a smile. Tanner scooted close to the both of them.

"Or two." Tanner said, causing the both of them to smile at each other. The conversation began to get deeper though, causing their eyes to slowly widen. After she finished, nate was shaking while tanner was blinking. "Wanna go over there and check it out?" Nate would've done a spit-take had he been drinking anything. "Wh-What?! D-Dude!"

Tanner rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on! We HAVE to go now!" Tanner shrugged. "Besides, its not like we're gonna just straight up walk over there. We can take a little peek, ya know, sneak around a bit."

"Tanner, that's dangerous! We could get killed or worse!"

"What do YOU think, annie?" Tanner asked, now ignoring nate.

Finally, the scummy gijinka had buggered off. Good riddance, he thought, though he suspected that this wouldn't be the last of it. He was brazen enough to walk on in like it was nothing, then cocky enough to act like it was all a misunderstanding. Luvien bloody well knew that was a lie. No tribeless gijinka was smart enough to survive alone while being such an idiot as to walk straight into Kiba's main entrance. Not to mention, he was a ghost type. The ones that were still compos mentis always were tricky bastards.

That done, he let all the others disperse on his own. He knew Flora would bother him to no end if he didn't go to her hut to treat the scars beneath his bandages. They still bothered him from time to time, but her treatments helped. Luvien made his way to her hut.

When he arrived, he could swear that he heard hushed voices inside. He knocked on the door.

"Flora? It's Luvien."
Riel nodded respectfully to Akane as she greeted him. If there was a Tribeless at the front entrance who had his eye on Kit and Ro, he should definitely stay with them. "Will do." He responded readily to Akane's request. He turned to Alik as he approached and casually half-saluted him. "Sir," he said, a slight smile on his face. "Akane asked me to keep an eye on them. There was something about a tribeless at the front entrance. Do you know which one it was?" Riel waited for the answer, and then stored the information away for later.

Kit mentioned something about training, and Riel grinned. The girl had drive, he had to give her that. "If you want I can help you practice." He enjoyed spending time with the two girls; they were practically the little sisters of everyone in the village. He was pretty sure that she would take him up on his offer. Despite his refusal to fight in battles, he was a fairly respected fighter by most of the village, and he knew a great deal about controlling powerful attacks. "I'm assuming that that's all right with you, Alik. I'm sure you have some business to attend to, based on the way that Akane was hurrying around."

It was at this point that he caught the expression that Ro had plastered over her face. She had just as much determination as her sister, and he knew that she would eventually get him to come with her to collect flowers. He did want to spend some time training Kit, so he had to accept the inevitable while still getting his own in. "Why don't we do that on the way? It'll help calm you two down from all the excitement earlier today."

@TerraBooma @KiKi Kitsune
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Honestly, she didn't know why the hell she kept going with life.

While she knew now that her relationship with Dominik hadn't been healthy, she couldn't have stopped the hole in her heart. Nevermind the fact that her breaking it off with Dom had caused him to go on a murderous rampage and ... kill someone. She still felt a crushing responsibility for that. If she hadn't dumped Dom, if she had dealt with his craziness for maybe a day longer... It wouldn't have happened. Maybe...

Now, she could be seen wandering the caves of Kiba aimlessly, with no real goals in life. She used to have her life planned out. Live life as a soldier for Kiba till Dominik grew the balls to propose to her and then she'd probably become a stay at home mom while Dominik was off doing whatever crazy shit for the Kiba cause. She'd keep him calm because nobody else could, so he wouldn't go on some rampage and end up... killing someone.

Why does my mind always loop back to this? She shook her head and as she continued walking, she bumped into someone.



Jules is out of the house again. Mother insisted that he go and find her to bring her back.

He cared immensely for his frail little sister, so why would he ever refuse?

The young man in the pristine tailored suit made his way through the Azoth village with his hands tucked behind his back as he walked about casually. His eyes scanned the terrain for any signs of his tiny sister, only to see her small footprints in the dirt. With a small smile he followed the footprints to a flowerbush where the footprints ended.

"Hmmmm...." He said, looking around the flowerbush, "I wonder where my sister went?"

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  • The door swung open and suddenly she was met with the Arcanine Gijinka who seemed to be hastily leaving the room. Mallory was extremely perplexed now at this point. She tried asking Tidus what on Henshu he was doing, but he left without answering a single word. She looked between his back and Ellie. Today was turning into a very strange day.

    Remembering what he asked her to do she rapped lightly on the door.

    "Mala... It's Mallory. May I come in?" Waiting a few moments she looked around the room content to see none of the important vials were broken. When she met eyes with Mala, however, her concern came forth immediately. A light frown brushed her face as she approached the girl. An audible patter in her walk.

    "Oh, Mala are you alright? I leave for a minute and you look positively redder than before."
    She tut-tutted to herself and placed a bouquet of a hand under her chin in thought of the current situation at hand.

    "That's the last time I let Tidus be a nurse. If Sona were here she would be very disappointed in my judgement."

    Leaving to dampen a cloth, she arrived back and placed it on the girls forehead to reduce the redness on her face. Satisfied with her work she gave Mala a small smile to calm the girl down. She seemed to oddly be in shock over something.

    "How about some ice water? One of us can fetch it for you. And you can be honest now, Mala. Did Tidus do a decent job looking after you or would you like Ellie or I to check it for you?"


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  • proxy.php
    Isaac was a little sceptical about leaving the gate, if only for a moment, however when he said that it was something super secret his curiousity got the better of him. "Hmmmmm, alright, but only for a moment though" After he'd listened to Specks he though a little to recall todays events. "Well, I opened for aunt May when she came with the humans, but I think that's the only time I've opened for today, however I did go away for a short moment to see why you landed directly in the village so I might have missed something back then. I'd like it a lot if you at least land by me anyway when you come home, or at least send someone to tell me what's happened if you've got something very important to tell my parents or May. I-I mean it's not like I get lonely or anything but I just think it'd be nice" After he was finished with his report he shone up as Specks asked for him to open the gate. "Sure thing Specks" He said with a jolly smile, he then proceeded to focus his mind and use his Fairy Lock to open the locks and retract the chains, letting the gates open to let out Specks. "Good luck with your mission Specks!" He called after the Fearow as he flew away. And before Specks had even reached the treetops Tidus came walking in a very grumpy mood. "Sure Tidus" He responded with the chirpy voice that had remained from Specks's act of kindness. "B-but could I just ask, why are you so angry? It's not very often you're angry enough to feel like burning down the entire village" @SpicyLickiTounge

  • The two boys had closed the distance and were talking about being friends. Then they immediately got the idea of going to Kiba. Why on Henshu did these two boys seem like little carbon copies of her? Annie was about to answer when she was tapped on the shoulder. "About time you showed up Da-" Annie turned to be faced with a night shade. "Ugh." She took a deep breath and surrounded the three of them in fire spin. "Going to show yourself Darren?" Annie called out as she waited for the tribeless' appearance. It wasn't abnormal for the ghost to try and scare her, but still, it was a little tiresome. With Darren now present Annie lowered the flames and was surrounded by people, mostly boys. It was a little uncomfortable, but she shrugged it off. That's just how her personality was.

    "So, what do I think about venturing over to Kiba? I mean, we could do it, but it'd also be really dangerous. I have no problem taking a quick peek into their cave system, but other than that, I say we leave them be." Annie was adventurous and loved to do risky things. But an encounter with Kiba wasn't a risk, that was a death sentence. "What about you Darren? I'm sure you'd like to take a look inside Kiba territory, for some reason or other." Annie looked at the boy. She wasn't exactly going to be surprised if he gave either answer. Darren was Darren after all.


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"...Thank you Flora. It's... it's fine, you aren't being selfish. I'll be..." It was then that Luvien looked over at one of the tables of mess in the healer's den, and placed delicately on top was a particular flower. One which he had never seen before... not outside of Azoth territory.

Luvien prided himself on knowing everything he could about the terrain in both territories. This flower was rare, and he was certain that he had only ever seen it in Azoth lands for the few times he'd been there before.

But how could Flora have gotten her hands on it? Only the scouts had his or the alphas' permission to even get near their borders, let alone cross it and search for an uncommon plant. How could she have managed it without detection, especially by one of the scouts? Maybe she had help? But from whom?

"Flora? Where did this flower come from?" he said, picking it up and holding it in front of himself, between the two of them.
Flora was relaxed that Luvien wasn't actually pressing any issues. That made it easier for her to deal with everything that was going on. However, when Luvien asked about the flower that incriminated Xander she felt the stress building again. "It's from my private collection from before I got here. I have been preserving it." It was true that the flower was excellent for use in antidotes and such. And it wasn't uncommon for Flora to store plants away for use later. "With the whole Humans being on the island thing, I figured I might use it to make a strong antidote." Flora put on her best smile for her friend. She didn't WANT to lie to him. She just didn't really have a choice if everything was going to play out the way that Xander had said.

Flora took the flower from Luvien and set it down. She then dug through a few of her drawers until she found a specifically heavy book that when she opened it, showed quite a large collection of different plants. Including a couple of that very flower. "I brought a lot of things with me from Azoth. They have quite the ample selection of flora over there." Flora put the flower in the book and closed it. She would create the antidote at another time. For now she was talking with her oldest friend and that was relaxing.

@The J

She scoured his gaze to see if he was joking. When she could see no hint of anything, but sincerity behind his offer she burst out laughing. A bubbly laughter that saw no sign of stopping, but was eventually halted by an imaginary tear she had to flick out of her eye for good effect. She shook her head lightly.

"Icarus, even if you know what you're doing you can't help me. I'm the Alpha so I have to oversee everything and give my stamp of approval. If I let you do that and the public found out I let someone besides Suvinay approve, well... I'd be more than likely stripped of any honour and faith I've built up over the years. So thank you, but no way in hell."

She was still chuckling a little over the fact he thought he could help, after all it was plain ridiculous yet something kind enough only Icarus would offer, but something ate at her that made her laughter fizz out to the last drop. She stared at the ground for a moment collecting her thoughts. Clearly she hadn't gotten her message through to him. 'Arceus likes him' what was he on about? Did he really feel that close to death so many times. Looking up at him a defiant spark in her scarlet eyes she made certain to stand her ground and fold her arms tightly in front of her.

"I don't think I made it clear so I'm not going to move until you agree with me. And if you even try to pick me up I'll scream. That's a guarantee. You shouldn't be so focused on death. If you have enough time in your life to think up some noble way to die then you should instead plan out a noble way to live. Focus on staying alive to see everyone another day, to see everyone alive another day. So that everyone can see you another day. Now say it with me; "I'm going to fight to stay alive and I'm going to make sure to come back no matter what." Go on, say it. I'm not moving until you do and I really need to get started on that paperwork."

To make full well her point, she shuffled her feet in the dirt to show she was getting comfortable standing and looked up to him, her head tilted to the side expectantly. If there was one thing about the Persian Alpha it was that she was a stubborn to a fault. And everyone knew that.


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  • gGn7Ft8.png

    Lexi looked between the gijinka and Lola a few time. After a moment, she decided to trust the male for now. Both trainer and pokemon relaxed somewhat. Lexi kept her hand near her pokeballs just in case. Despite her caution, she listened carefully to what the gijinka had to say. She almost commented on a few things he had to say, but he kept talking, making interrupting difficult. His statement about pokemon against gijinka piqued her curiosity. Lexi doubted that this particular gijinka would allow her to see how her pokemon would fare first hand, but perhaps someone back at Azoth would be willing to have a duel with her.

    The brunette jumped slightly when the male called her by name. She had assumed that he had forgotten it after what he said about telling people his name. "Aren't I the lucky one?" She replied with a small laugh that hid the slight sarcasm she spoke with. She moved to follow after him, but was forced to freeze when he turned. She couldn't help the smile that split her face from ear to ear. It felt like she had won something.

    "Adeliht, huh?" She repeated the name a few times to get used to it. "I won't forget it, Adelhit. It's a really interesting name. Does it mean something? What does it mean? Why did your parents choose it? Oh, do parents choose names for gijinka? I'm not sure if it's different from humans. Do they-" Lexi stopped mid-sentence, mouth still open. She had let her curiosity get the better of her again and run off her mouth with far too many questions for anyone to keep up with. She had scared off many people that way as well. The trainer sheepishly rubbed the back of her head with a nervous laugh. "Uh... Sorry about that."



  • z36ndw9.png

    Alik carefully hugged the two children, concerned that if he wasn’t he might hurt them. To him, his children were as delicate as the flowers Ro carried. Alik’s nose twitched at the overpowering scent of them. There was quite a variety of flora smells radiating from Ro’s bag. The poochyena held back a sneeze. He accepted the flower band with a smile. He ruffled the zoroa’s hair.

    “It’s very pretty, Ro. These are rare flowers too. It must have been difficult to find so many. Well done.” He knew how ridiculous he would look, but knew that Ro had spent a lot of effort on the headband. He carefully donned the flowers, making his black and grey hair have a splash of colour. Thanks to his usual look of variations of grey, the flowers stuck out like a sore thumb.

    The poochyena stood again and faced Riel. “Thank you for watching them. The tribeless was a ghost type, a banette, I believe. I do not know his name.” Alik furrowed his brow. “I need to speak to the grass types. I also need to speak with you, Riel, but…” His eyes darted to his children, hoping the flygon would understand the intention. The last thing he wanted to do was scare his children. If they remained blissfully ignorant about the war that was going to break out, Alik would feel like he did his job well. They didn’t need to be worrying about those things.

    “Kit, Ro, I am sorry. I have work to do for Emrik and Fia. Riel will keep you company while I’m busy. If something happens, he can call for me. In the meantime, make sure to behave, alright?” He spoke to the children while sitting on his haunches, keeping eye level with them.

    @Runesage @TerraBooma



Question after question she fired at him one after the other. Before he could even deny the first one she would start on the next one and his discomfort level was rising sharply. He could feel himself trying to slip away, slowly taking a step back, but he willed himself not to move any further. Despite his better instince to leave.

A second passed where she wasn't speaking, and then another and another. Eventually he concluded she was indeed done talking.

"You done? Are you sure? Because I have all day now anyway." He spat out aggravated. Pinching the bridge of his nose and resting his hand under his elbow he muttered his own profanities at himself for being such an idiot.

"You're one of those." he groaned out loud finally amongst the incoherrent muttering and fell silent. He had had enough of questions. He got enough daily thanks to Nadia and the one day he was away from her he ran into another one of those types. Still he had to acknowledge this was his own mess. He had gotten himself stuck with her the minute he jumped down from that tree. He remained quiet for quite some time, debating internally what to do. If she was the talkative type she wasn't about to stop anytime soon and his usual method of 'get away from them' wouldn't cut it out in this situation. Going over his idea he eventually nodded to himself, unpinched his nose and glared up at her. Quickly he got to his point.

"If we travel together we are going to have some rules. First rule if we travel together; stay at least five feet away from me at all times. If I can stick my arm out at any angle and touch you you're too close. If you must insist on asking questions at least do it once every five minutes. Or ask yourself how necessary it is that you need to know it. And lastly-"

His voice faltered for a second. The words caught at the tip of his mouth and refusing to let go of their grasp. He clucked his tongue and darted his gaze to the side, angry at himself that it still affected him. He stayed like that for a while, his eyes following a few nesting caterpie swarming around an old tree. Finding the right words this time around he looked back at her, a different look in his eyes. Harder, but less threatening.

"Any conversation about my pa... my family is off limits. Try and push your luck if your confident enough. Alright? Understood? Fantastic." He moved to the side and swung his hand lamely in a gesture for her to start walking. He wanted this over and done with as quickly as possible.

@KiKi Kitsune


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