Tribal Feud (Pokemon Gijinka) [REBOOT]

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    May nodded to Sona at her apology. The healer's statement about the others pairing up caused May to give a small chuckle that did little to hide the shadow that had passed over her features. "It does seem that way, doesn't it?" She offered a smile. "I think it's a good thing. Stops them having as much time to themselves. A bored gijinka is often a hazard to any nearby structures."

    The meinshao quickly shook herself out of her darker thoughts. She wasn't meant to let it get to her. She was over it. She had wept. She had thrown her tantrums. It was done. There was no time to dwell on the past with far more important matters at hand.

    She tilted her head as she looked at the general with and without the tie. She agreed that the tie didn't quite work, but without it the uniform wasn't complete. May's eyes widened before she dashed into the room. While she rumadged around, she answered Sona's other question. "Thank you for the offer, Sona, but we don't have any spare female serving uniforms. The reasons we had men's was because so few guys actually wanted to volunteer." She had buried half her body in a large box and was flinging various clothing items out of it. "Besides, you seem like you're on a shorter fuse than usual today. You would have to serve couples..." May stood up and looked at the healer for a few moments before coughing into her hand.

    "I will take you up on the offer for the Hypnosis if it should come to that. The humans will all be seated together and I will make sure you are near them." She flung the box she had been digging through to the other side of the room before starting on another. Once the healer had left, she called out to the general. "Drystan, go sit down. I need to get that mop you call hair in some semblance of neatness." After another few moments, she let out a triumphant yell and held up a piece of fabric.

    She walked over to Drystan with it in hand, a huge smile on her face. Her expression faltered at his question. She had known him long enough to know that it wasn't just segue into some casual small talk. "I'm fi-" She was about to go with her automatic answer, but stopped herself. She began wrapping the material around the genera's neck in a seemingly convoluted pattern as she thought. The cravat was completed before she spoke again. "I'm irritated. Mostly at myself." Every sentence was carefully thought out with long pauses between each. "I promised myself... that I was done. I wasn't meant to be hurt by it any more. I..." Her brows furrowed and her face contorted with her conflicting thoughts. "I hate him and what he did... but I miss him." She looked at her childhood friend. "Is that wrong? After all that happened?" Her voice portrayed some of the hopelessness that she felt.

    While Drystan answered, May busied herself with trying to neaten out his gravity defying hair. It was a surprisingly calming task for which she was grateful.

    @Kiroshiven @Jayus

Oi...first post is shit post...

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    The burning sunlight glimmered off of Natasha's chocolate brown skin, casting a glow along her natural tan. She ran her hands through her thick and coarse ringlets, cursing as her hairband snapped within her clawed fingers during an attempt of putting up her thick mane and getting it out of her face. She was busy scouting out the area around the Kiba gate, as was her usual day job to keep up on, before practicing some of her own self-taught fighting techniques of a specific martial art. Natasha looked up at the bright sky with a sigh as sweat rolled off her brow and ran down the side of her cheek. Her hurricane of hair was constantly battering her face and finding its way into her mouth and never ceasing to stay away from the intrusion of her eyeballs.

    A tasteful set of cursing had resulted from the tall woman as she had proceeded to extract a thick strand of hair from her eye only to poke a long off-white nail into said eye. Through her noises had she heard the voice of someone, the tribe alpha, to be precise. Natasha looked over in his direction only to soon seek the Mightyena out. Did he have something for her, maybe a quest or mission or favor of some sort? Her only real job was protecting the tribe via its entrance and exit gates, and that was fruitful and satisfying enough, but something different was always nice, Natasha thought. "Yes, Alpha?" she called out as she cast an arm out to evade nearby banana leaves that were face-level. Soon enough, however, had the dark haired canine come into her view, and she had greeted him with a respectful bow.


    Kayzo said:
    Once again Elise was out in the Kiba woods attempting to train her body to become stronger than it is. Her dream was to become a warrior for her clan, a strong warrior. But she couldn't achieve this due to her parent's life choices for her. Not being allowed to do much physical activity as a kid really messed her up now and she still hasn't forgiven them. In fact this anger is what fuels her, pushes her to be better. She wants to do the complete opposite of what she was raised to be as a final rebellious act against her parents. The only problem was that she wasn't making much progress. Training by herself wasn't showing much success, but she was too afraid to train with someone else. The eevee was really skin and bones, and compared to almost everyone else she felt weak, or as if she didn't fit in. She didn't think that anyone would want to waste their time on the likes of her. Yes, training with a partner may be the best choice, but it was one she could t bring herself to do. So there she was in the woods, practicing her mediocre moves on poor trees. Luckily she didn't have to worry about the trees falling down as she took more damage than the tree. Her body already began to bruise from the recoil of her hits, but as much as she ached she had to keep training. Most days when Elise came back with visible wounds she always had to tell the healers that she got into a fight with a tribe-less warrior who happened to mess with her. It worked everytime.
    Elise's body ached yet she prepared another move. The girl rushed the tree, a small, thin barrier forming around her as she ran. Body Slam was her strongest move, but also her most punishing. Her body slammed into the tree causing a loud crack to ring out through the woods. Her breathing was heavy and she knew that she needed a break, and as much as she wanted to keep going she gave in. The young eevee leaned up against the tree she just attacked and rolled up her sleeves, staring disappointedly at her bruised arms.
    "I'll never become strong..."
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The boys turned to annie. "Who are you talking-" Nate began, only for the boys to jump up in shock at the nightshade, tanner jumping into nate's arms as they were surrounded by a fire spin. When everything was over, the boys were left shaking as they stared at the new gijinka in fear. Nate blinked and looked at tanner, who looked back and gave a sheepish grin. Nate gave him an unamused look before dropping him, causing tanner to let out a yelp. After tanner scrambled up, he grinned and gave nate a smug look at her answer.

"Awesome!" Tanner exclaimed, nate rolled his eyes. He'd only been out here for a few moments and already these two were gonna get him killed. He gave darren an uneasy look. Something about this guy gave him the creeps. Were dark-types on this island supposed to do that? Well, nate didn't care if darren joined or not, just as long as he stayed away from him and- "Hey, do you know the way to that cave system thingy? If you do, then you HAVE to come!" Tanner said, walking up to the guy, causing nate's eyes to bug out.

@Kiroshiven @minismurf
Luvien took Flora's answer at face value. He trusted her to tell him the truth, and she had never lied to him before, so why would he have suspected a lie? She sounded normal enough.

This was until he noticed a note in the book that she put the flower into, describing its characteristics. He noticed something that made his eyes widen:

"The Nivea flower is known to last for only a few days once bloomed, even if preserved, and it quickly withers afterwards, making its potent abilities as an antidote hard to use."

Flora closed the book, it was then that Fia knocked and walked in, wishing to talk to the two of them.

Acting as if nothing was wrong, Luvien nodded along with Fia's orders. They seemed simple enough, and though he didn't like waiting, he understood that her word was final, as he had already given her his opinion earlier.

"No questions from me. I'll get right to it."

Luvien promptly left the hut, making sure to act normally, as he strode through the cave to find a Xander to give his orders to Exacuere.

Search as he might, though, he was unable to find him. He continued his search, hoping to happen across him or anyone else that could relay the message. Perhaps Akane, if he were able to find her either.

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    Isaac tilted his head at Tidus's answer, "Well maybe you should go to Sona then and ask her to look at you" He reccomended, however Tidus's response told Isaac that it wasn't something she could fix. "Oh, well okey then, I guess you'll solve it yourself then, good luck Tidus" Isaac said as he let the Arcanine exit the gates.

    Soon after Isaac could both hear and see flames in the distance, "I guess he's solving his heartache, but doesn't it hurt his arm when he uses that? Won't that just hurt him more? Maybe I should go and tell Sona to go look at him?" Isaac's head became full of questions now, however it ended up with him leaving Tidus to whatever he was doing and ask the next person who'd go through the gate to maybe go check on Tidus.

Riel understood the glance at once. Something was wrong on the island, and Alik didn't want Kit and Ro to know about it. This was surprising; Alik usually told his daughters about anything that happened on the island. He thought about what could possibly be enough to drive Alik to hide something, and his eyes narrowed. War. Something had happened, and Kiba was preparing for fighting, and he had a sneaking suspicion that it had something to do with humans. There was very little else that Emrik and Fla would go to war over. There had been a tentative peace for a long time, and they weren't anxious to break it for no reason.

"You know my opinion on that matter, and it hasn't changed." Riel said quietly to Alik. "I don't want to seem rude, but my answer is still no." He hoped that Alik would understand that he was talking about his decision not to fight over humans. Suddenly an idea came to him. "I know what I can do though. I can take Kit and Ro to my place. It's out of the way, not too far, and very safe. I can set up a sandstorm to keep anyone uninvited from getting in without my knowledge, and I can still keep watch on the border from there." He hoped that Alik would agree, and he knew that the girls would. They were quite desperate to get out of the caves.

@KiKi Kitsune @TerraBooma
"Yep!" Tanner said, oblivious to Nate silently trying to signal him to get away. Nate face-palmed and sighed. Well, at least he didn't give away their- "My name's Tanner! And that's my best friend nate!" He introduced, pointing to the ten-year old. "We're Pokemon Trainers!" He said, causing nate to throw up his hands in frustration. How were they even supposed to go to this kiba place if he couldn't even trust his friend not to talk to strangers?! With a clap of his hands, tanner stretched. "Well, now that you know us, let's get-"

"Hold on a sec!" Nate said, walking up to his friend and pulling him back, staring up at the gijinka in defiance. "How do we know we can trust you?" Nate asked, narrowing his eyes. "No offense, but you don't look like you're with the azoth tribe. And you don't sound like you're with the Kiba tribe either. If you were from either, you wouldn't even be standing here! You'd either be trying to kill us or drag us back to azoth!" Nate knew that no matter what he said, they would still go to the Kiba tribe, but he at least wanted to get there alive! "You and annie may know each other, but me and Tanner don't know you at all!"

@minismurf @Kiroshiven
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  • Why was he doing this? With every step he took towards Azoth he mentally wished he could take another step back. He knew why he was though. If that human even so much as stepped too close to Kiba then the whole island would be thrown into choas and he was anything, but prepared to deal with the people during that time. So here he was now pushing through the evergreen forest towards his tribes sworn enemy all for the sake of the life of a human girl. The pale light casted the leaves into a grayish glow and the sky was being painted into may hues of soft pastel. Night would be closing in on them in a few hours and if he wanted to make it back to Kiba before that time they would have to pick up their pace. Could humans walk very fast? Come to think of it he hadn't heard Lexi speak for awhile.

    He turned around to make sure she was indeed still following him just as she asked him a question. He blinked, unable to register the otherwise simple statement.

    "... Eat? What do I eat? The most curious thing you could find to talk about at the moment is about my diet?"

    Humans are an odd bunch he thought offhanded to himself. He scratched his cheek lightly with his index finger trying to think about what he and other gijinka ate. Personally he didn't care much for food. It was irrelevant and as long as didn't starve he was fine. And as for other gijinka he didn't tend to notice them, much less what they ate.

    "Fruits, berries, pokemon. That sort. There was that one instance a gijinka resorted to cannabilism, but we don't discuss it that much. If the reasons aren't obvious enough as it is."

    Satisfied to see she was still keeping up he kept his pace as it was, speeding up occasionally. He was not going to be in the forest at night and that was that. He was a bit thankful for her lack of questions. Despite the rules he gave her she was keeping to her own space. It was a pleasantry that he had taken for granted when he interacted with gijinka. Perhaps he had misjudged her. She didn't seem nearly as talkative when they first met which begged the question. Was she not as talkative as he thought she was or was she actually being considerate of him. He tossed the latter idea out. It had to be the former.

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Kit frowned, a bit uncertain. It wasn't that she didn't like training with Riel, but she had really wanted to train with Alik....since you know, he was her papa. She'd been wanting to show him just how good she could be at controlling her new powers. She wasn't good at it yet, far from it. But Kit was 50% sure that 70% of the time she would be able to, with utmost certainty, control it 80% of the time. She wanted her papa to confirm it...but...well, Riel was pretty cool to. "Okay Riel...we'll train with you!" Kit did her best to hide her disappointment, but to Alik, it was unfortunately clear that the poor girl had just wanted to spend some time with her papa, but even without knowing about the coming war, or what the true deal with Darren at the gate was...Even Kit could tell something was wrong.

"Be good okay Papa! We'll be back later! You still gotta read me your new bedtime story? I was really excited okay! Kit hopped up and gave her a kiss on the cheek before running to Riel's side. "Good luck Papa!"

Ro meanwhile, was significantly less concerned. While she was looking forward to seeing papa as much as his next daughter, she had a long string of flowers she knew only grew over by Riel's house. This meant she had an oppertunity to go gather flowers without having to sneak out of camp! Which much less reservations than her sister, Ro gave Alik a big hug, before darting off ahead of Kit and Riel.

C'mooon guys! We gotta go! Think of all the flowers!" Ro's eyes gleamed. "We have to go! Now!

Always a ball of energy, Ro burst ahead of the group, running ahead for Riel's hut, but still within sight.

I am putting all my RPs on a temporary hiatus due to not being able to post and keep watch over them. Hopefully, this will only last the maximum of two weeks. I apologise for my absence up until now. I do not wish for this RP to die, so I ask for your patience.

Thank you.
I apologise profusely for not posting sooner. Kiroshiven has recently told us of his leaving RPN for the foreseeable future and thus agreed to let me take on his characters. Currently, Jayus and myself have decided to take them between us unless others offer to. Due to this, my post is going to take a little more time.I Ask that you have a little more patience. I will have posted before the weekend

Thank you
I am taking over Kiro's characters Akane, Nadia, Sona and Annie. I will post for everyone else as soon as I can.

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    May rolled her eyes. “Because I’m not busy enough without a hobby.” Even with how silly the suggestion was, it helped make her feel better. She silently thanked the general for his attempt at humour. The smallest smile played on her lips. It faded quickly as his Drystan’s next words caught her off guard.

    The meinhsao was mostly frozen in place as the words played over in her head several times. Whatever Drystan said next was muffled and incoherent to May’s ears.

    “What do you mean that he was devoted to me?” She finally asked after a long pause from both of them. Sure, Xander usually stuck close to her, but that had happened since they were kids. It was just a habit, right?

    The more she thought about it, the more she realised the reasons for how she felt. It was as if her own shadow had deserted her, which would make anyone feel alone. Even so, she waited patiently for Drystan’s answer. His words had only added to her confusion. She wanted answers. She wanted to understand what was going on. She hated feeling clueless.


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Hey everyone, since Kiroshiven has left I've taken control of Icarus, Xander, Flora and Tidus with permission from Kiki xx

  • Five minutes on the dot had passed since the girl last spoke and her question came bursting through the silence with as much intensity as a rockslide. He would almost find it funny if he hadn't taught himself to suppress his own laughter. He paused mid-step and swung his head over his shoulder.

    "I'm a lot of things, Miss Lexi, but I am not a liar. Far too much energy wasting in trying to keep up with lies." He declared.

    "Are you telling me that humans have not had their own fair share of cannibalism?" He asked and watched without as much as a widening of the eyes as she fell over her own two feet. She tried her best to laugh it off and her Sylveon showed with gentle affection her concern for her person. He rolled his eyes.

    "Are all humans as unstable on their own two feet or are you just a special snowflake?" With that being said he looked around the forest. The light was going way too fast for his liking. He could feel the familiar twist of his stomach tightening and his shoulders tensing. If he didn't get her back soon he was not going to enjoy the next couple hours. Slightly panicked, he instinctively touched his hand to his pocket and felt the nerves loosening slightly with the comforting touch of his lantern. Feeling calmer he directed his narrowing eyes back to the girl.

    "Alright that's enough fun and games. Time to pick up the pace and if you trip once more I'll have no choice, but to drag you and I would hate to resort to that. So keep up and don't be a Slowpoke. They are awful enough to deal with as is."

    With that being said his glare flicked quickly to her legs. Already they seemed slightly injured. Humans were weaker than he thought. He sighed.

    "But if you need a minute to check on your legs it better be the quickest minute of your life. I don't want an injury affecting how quick we move."

    @KiKi Kitsune

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Riel nodded at Alik's response, even though he knew that others in the tribe felt significantly less charitable towards him than Alik did. It was one of the reasons he'd moved out of the cave systems. He'd seen people shoot dirty glances at him, overheard their pointed comment, and seen people outright shun him due to his decision not to fight against Azoth. He didn't get why they couldn't understand his choice. He couldn't fight in a war if he didn't agree with his tribe's beliefs. The only reason he stayed in Kiba at all at this point were people like Alik, Fla, Kit, and Ro who could respect his decision or else didn't fully understand it. "I understand Alik, and I promise that I will do everything I can to keep them safe." Riel said, completely serious for once. He saluted again, then smiled. "Don't get too busy now. Kit and Ro need their dad." With that he turned and began walking off. He noticed Kit's disappointment and grinned. "C'mon, I'm not that bad. Before I left the caves, Luvien himself was training me." He then caught a glimpse of Ro rushing off ahead. "Hey wait up a second!" He shouted as he began to run. He looked over his shoulder towards Kit. "I guess training begins now Kit. Ro's going to make us run to my place."
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I will post for Emrik and Akane as well before the end of the day.

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    If it hadn't been such a serious matter, May would have laughed at how flustered the general had gotten. Even so, she could do little to hide it on her expression. She clearly looked like she was struggling to hold back her laughter. However, Drystan's last sentence on the topic caused her to frown. "We were close, Drystan. Not anymore." She stated with all seriousness. No sorrow, just a fact.

    She had allowed herself to wallow again today. It went against what she had decided for herself. Now she had to get herself out of the rut and back into the bustle that was her current - somewhat stressful - life.

    She cracked her knuckles and stretched her back. "Oh, you are going to look like an idiot for a fair bit today. It takes a while to learn how to do the job that you've taken on." The meinshao smirked. She had no intention to make Drystan's life hard, but it would probably be better if he thought she did. Maybe it would get him some more reason to learn quickly. "Come on then, follow me." She led her friend outside and back towards the banqueting area.

    May smiled at the progress that had been made while she was gone. Almost everything was in order; only a few small things had to be arranged, but they took little time. The sinking sun did little to sink her surprisingly cheerful mood. She called over one of the top waiters that she had asked to help out and gave her instructions. The waiter returned shortly, carrying a tray that had a jug filled with water. It was handed over to Drystan before the waiter went back to work arranging chairs neatly.

    "Now Drystan, you're going to take that and walk in between all the tables. The less water you spill, the better. If the jug falls, we start again. While you do it, I'll explain all the other things you need to know." She pointed to where the general needed to start walking and followed a step behind. "So, we have an extensive menu tonight. Let's begin with the starters since there are only twelve of those." Since she was behind the general, it would have been easy for him to miss the somewhat mischievous grin that played on her lips.

    @Kayzo @minismurf


  • Noticing Luvien's gaze Flora quickly shut the book. She silently prayed that whatever he read it wasn't enough to give away the fact she was lying. To Luvien of all people. Why did she tell him she was going to use it as an antidote? Of course if she could find the right herb combination to use as an antidote perhaps she could keep up with this lie. Still the nawing feeling that she should apologize was eating away at her.

    Luckily at that moment Fia walked into the room giving her reason to ignore her racing thoughts. She was grateful for any distraction at this point. Fia began talking and sent Flora a very pointed stare. Flora looked back, grinning sheepishly. Her attempts at getting in the Alpha's good books had been her goal since she got here, but she wasn't very good at it. Still the thought of humans was troubling enough. Luvien left without any questions she called out a farewell to him, but she wasn't sure exactly if he heard. He always was too focused on his own mission.

    "Sorry Lady Fia! I know you're busy, but I have a few questions." She tried to keep the air casual, but the situation itself was anything, but that.

    "How many days until we attack? And I don't mind setting up a class for those who wish to learn some bandaging and healing techniques. With your permission of course."

    An idea sparked into her head and she was so pleased with it you could almost say she was proud.

    "And perhaps if I have you and Lord Emrik's consent I could journey to outer Azoth? Just to grab some fauna and wildlife to make medicine or counteract poisons. Who knows Azoth might harness their plants for weapons and if that's the case we'll need a back up plan." The more she spoke the more excited she was for her idea. If she could do this she would have an excuse to harness an antidote from the Nivea flower and buy an excuse for Xander's flower! Not to mention it would mean she wouldn't be lying to Luvien. And that thought was possibly what was driving her the most.


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    Emrik nodded to both the females as greeting. "Since you're both her, that will save time."He glanced around inconspicuously. "Natasha, this is sensitive information. We should move somewhere a little less... filled with people." Emrik wasn't exactly a patient gijinka, so having to dodge around his own tribesmen was irksome. He led them to a less crowded area nearby before pacing. Akane looked between the alpha and the gatekeeper, expression as cold as always. Whatever Emrik needed Natasha for, she was sure she could do it better.

    "Natasha, you must not speak of what I am about to tell you to anyone. Understood? Only a select few are being told and it is best to keep it that way." His intense stare made sure the gatekeeper understood the importance of his words. Akane's crimson-eyed glare accompanied it, but it was far more hostile, daring the sandslash to go against the alpha's orders.

    "Azoth has brought humans to the island." His mentions of the other beings was venomous. "We are not going to let them get away with this, but have decided to wait." That decision was clearly frustrating to the alpha male. "There will be war, but we need to prepare first. Natasha, I need you to keep a close eye on the entrances. No one passes through without speaking to you first. Tell them it's a new rule we're testing out. I'll make some sort of announcement about that." He was still pacing as he spoke, clearly on edge about the whole situation.

    "Akane, Luvien is probably going to be looking for you. I'm not sure if he'll have some sort of system for the scouts. Go find him to get your instructions." The alpha told the teen that insisted on being his shadow. He had to admit that she was helpful at times. His jod would have been a fair bit more difficult if not for the umbreon.

    Akane knelt on her knee as she was given her task. "Yes my alpha." She dashed off without any further delay. She first went to the healer's den and looked through the window, but only saw Fia and Flora there. Without bothering to ask the two, Akane continued on her way. She was able to find the general without too much hassle. Jumping off a rooftop about a yard from the blastoise, Akane called out to him.

    "Luvien, Emrik sent me to you saying you may have a task for me." She remained blunt and straight to the point.

    @PlaguedWithInsanity @The J

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    May shook her head at Drystan's question as to why she was making him do the exercise. "It's not just jugs, but glasses and bowls. You can carry far more with a tray than with just your hands." Once the general had set off, May watched him carefully. He seemed to be doing pretty well for a first timer.

    May looked down at the broken glass scattered on the floor then back to Drystan with a deadpan expression. Her face slowly morphed into a grin that screamed "told you so". Her expression dropped at the redhead's outburst. She was worried he might scare off her other staff, which would not be helpful. However, he seemed to calm down quite quickly. If she was speaking honestly, she was surprised and almost proud about it. It seemed that Drystan was getting better at controlling his anger. May couldn’t help but smile a little.

    While he was gone, May set about picking up the shattered pieces. Someone had at least gave her a bowl to drop the glass into. As she sat on her haunches, she watched as the sunset glinted off every shard she moved. It reminded her a bit of the shells she used to collect when she was a child.

    A sudden pain in her hand instantly snapped her out of her nostalgia. At least shells didn't cut the skin as much. May cursed under her breath as blood welled up. "Can someone get me a damp cloth?" She called out. Once she had been brought the item she requested, she was able to clear the wound to see the damage which - luckily - wasn't much. Just a little cut on her palm.

    The mienshao shrugged. She would ask Sona to look at it when the healer got there. No use wasting time on it now. She still had several more pieces to pick up.



  • After much asking and deciphering a few stutters Drystan finally was able to locate the broom closet. Pulling out a mop he immediately walked back to the main hall only to find May haunched on the floor picking up his broken shards. With a small eye twitch and a quick intake of breath Drystan tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention.

    "Oi, I said this was my mess, May. You don't have to clean up what I already said I would do." Reaching for a shard she was holding, Drystan noticed a cut on her hand. It didn't look bad, but he could tell it was recent. His glare moved from her hand to her face.

    "May." He glowered stretching out the single syllable a few seconds longer than necessary. He forced himself to bite back his tongue. Taking the mop with him to make sure May wouldn't clean any further, he went back to the closet and found a spare first aid kit lying at the back under a rickety shelf. Finally finding the bandages he hurried straight back to the room and started bandaging her hand. His face going slightly red for holding in his childish tantrum. With a hard tug he finished bandaging her hand, quite pleased with his work.

    "Dammit May you don't have to fix everything." He finally spat out. "Look at your hand. Honestly. You know believe it or not I do know how to clean. Suvinay wasn't the only one who did household chores." Standing up he shooed May away.

    "YOU, need to learn to relax more. If you have time to pick up a few shards you have time to sit down and relax." With that being said he picked up the remaining shards May was busy with and started to clean the floors. Grumbling to himself how May was far too kind-hearted for her own good. Or his blood levels.

    @KiKi Kitsune
Worry filled Luvien, as he looked for Akane. Flora had been lying, but why? Had she been just visiting the Azoth side to look at it, or check on those there? Maybe... she had someone she cared for there? He couldn't be sure, and he couldn't just... out her, to the alphas, he didn't know what they would do to her! He couldn't let her be exiled, not with all of the violent tribeless out there, and... he'd have lost her.

Suddenly, in front of him landed Akane, making him look up suddenly, and stumble slightly.

"Don't sneak up on me like that, damn it. Save that for scouting. I need you to take a message to Exacuere Vade, the Weavile. He's currently on this side of Azoth, observing the goings-on in their tribe. Go and tell him to come back, and you can take over scouting for him once that's done. Is that clear?"
Nate and Tanner both blinked in surprise as they saw that Darren faded away. Nate sighed in relief while Tanner aww'd in disappointment. 'Good...I think?' Nate thought to himself. Although Darren was gone, that meant that the Gijinka was somewhere around here...watching...waiting. Looking up at the setting sun, he couldn't help but shiver. If things were as dangerous as he had thought in the afternoon, then by dark...He looked back down after Annie spoke. "Well, Food does sound nice-"

"Nate. We HAVE TO go!" Tanner cried. He liked this Gijinin-guys, but all this talk about the Kibas were really making him curious! A whole other tribe of these guys? Talk about a plot twist! He needed to go and see it. "We're not going IN, we'll just take a little peek! That's it! After that, we'll book it! Besides, we're already kinda on their land anyway. And how are we supposed to know what to watch out for if we don't even know what they look like?" Nate sighed at this thought. Why did Tanner always make good points when he wanted to do something crazy? He just didn't have the heart to think of anything that could possibly put down Tanner's thoughts...and he had to admit, the Kibas were kinda making him more curious too.

"Fine." Tanner cheered at this. "But only a peak! In and Out! That's it! And as soon as we see something crazy or whatever, I'm out!"

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!" Tanner looked at Annie. "But we can't go if we don't have Annie with us! What kind of adventure would this be if one of our friends stayed here?!" Tanner asked, causing Nate to nod a small smile. Although the two boys didn't exactly know the girl for long, she was their first friend in...well...ever! It'd been always Nate and Tanner doing this and Nate and Tanner doing that, but never Nate, Tanner, And someone else. To have someone make this Dug-Duo into a Dug-Trio honestly made this trip a lot better, and if she didn't come, there was a strong possibility they wouldn't feel like going, she kinda knew her way around. They'd probably end up lost in a ditch without her. "I promise, we'll make it back to the banquet in time! Pinkie swear!" And with that, Tanner held out his pinkie, causing Nate's eyes to widen. Pinkie promise?! Promises were really hard to keep, but a PINKIE promise? Was Tanner really that confident that he'd use such a momentous seal?

@KiKi Kitsune
Hey guys!

I'm really sorry that this RP hasn't been active, but it is by no means dead, I assure you. I - and the co-GM, Jayus - have many plans. They are such plans that they make planny plans of plannliness look like badly organised chaos filled anarchy. 

And so! To put these many plans into action, we need to keep this RP alive, which I have the full intention of doing. However, there are many problems with the thread at the moment. Pretty much all due to the change over to the new site. The posts all look rather unappealing. Honestly, it makes me dread dealing with it. However, there is a bigger problem being the missing posts that we've recently noticed. (I was told that posting again should recover them, which is another reason I'm making this. holding thumbs >-<)

Anywho, main point:

I just hope you guys can spare a little more patience until the big code update rolls around. I am really hoping that it will solve the tab issue and we can easily get back on track. If it does not.... I shall make another plan, even if it means personally fixing each post and then figuring out the best way to work new posts to retain the same neat and easy-to-read format that the tabs had.

Thank you all for sticking with me and this RP so far. I hope we can continue to make this wonderful story!

The young gijinka tapped her chin in thought. Despite that, there was little thought happening. She had already made her decision which was told by the grin slowly spreading across her face. 
"Alright guys, we have to hurry then if we want to get back in time." She began leading the way towards Kiba, easily dodging around the knotted tree roots covering the forest floor. "You definitely don't want to miss the banquet. I saw May speaking to pretty much all the chefs we have the other day. They're really going all out for you guys. There's going to be so much food." Her voice trailed off as she started to daydream about the smells that were coming from the banquet area earlier that day. 

She traversed the forest with the ease of someone who had done it many times, but at least had the forethought to stop every now and then to make sure the boys were keeping up. As they got closer, she slowed down more and more. Her previous enthusiasm was beginning to fade into worry. She may have done this several times before, but she knew her strengths and was able to escape quickly. Tanner and Nate were human. Humans weren't as agile or quick or strong as gijinka. Especially full grown gijinka who wanted all humans dead. 

Annie kept far more alert than usual as they approached one of the cave entrances. She waved the boys over, putting a finger to her lips. "Don't make a sound, okay?" Her whisper was barely louder than the evening breeze that - thankfully - meant they were downwind. "That's one of the smaller entrances to the Kiba cave system." Even as she spoke, all her senses were scanning for the presence of any other gijinka. 

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Tanner's grin widened as Annie's grin appeared, causing Nate to give the two an uncomfortable stare. Why did he always get the strangest feeling that something bad was going to happen? With a sigh, he ran a hand through his hair. Well, it was too late to give up now. The two boys nodded at Annie's words before following her as she began to lead, Tanner jumping over various roots surrounding the floor while Nate...tripped over these roots. As Annie told of the banquet, Tanner was nearly salivating while Nate's stomach rumbled a bit. Tanner, hearing Nate's hunger and small sigh, decided to distract the group with a question. "Oh, Yeah! This May lady is the one who was giving the tour of the village, right?" Nate blinked at this and nodded, scratching his head.

"Oh, Yeah. The Meinshao Gijinka...She must be some sort of event organizer if she's giving tours and making banquets..." Nate thought aloud. Wow. For a tribal village, the Gijinka were surprisingly organized. He didn't want to seem rude, but while they were traveling toward the island, Nate had originally thought they'd be sort of...wild. Now, he knew that although they looked as such, they didn't really dance around fires or sacrifice Miltanks to the gods for good least, that's what human tribes did way back when. As Nate began to lose himself in his own thought process, Tanner looked around excitedly. Everything here looked so AWESOME! And he bet that the Kiba's place would look even better! He turned to Annie in excitement, only to realize she wasn't walking next to them anymore, but behind them, and rather slowly at that. This caused Tanner to blink. What was wrong with her? She was just as excited as him a minute ago!

Before Tanner could question her, Annie had gestured them to come closer, causing Tanner to shrug before punching Nate lightly on the arm, who quickly shook his head and looked around wildly before realizing what was happening. Gathering in front of Annie, she told them where they were and instructed them on what to do. Nate frowned and looked at the Entrance, hair blowing along with the breeze. He started to sweat. Just looking at that cave gave him the willies...the thought of going into that dark abyss and possibly getting lost...or worse...He jumped when Tanner clamped a hand on his shoulder. "It's gonna be alright, dude." Tanner said quietly, giving the more Nervous boy a thumbs-up. "In and Out."

Nate Gave Tanner a look before giving the boy a small smile. "Ri-Right..." They both looked toward the cave entrance and slowly walked toward it, Tanner's hand still on Nate's shoulder. "In and Out."

@KiKi Kitsune

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