Tribal Feud (Pokemon Gijinka) [REBOOT]

"Heck Yeah, we want to go-"

Nate slammed his hand on tanner's mouth. He turned to the girl with a shaky polite smile and laughed nervously. "Allow me and my associate one minute." Dragging tanner out of earshot, he removed his hand from the boy's mouth and grabbed his own hair with a sort of bugged out look. "Are you crazy?!" He pointed to the girl. "You literally just accepted an invitation from a girl who jumped from nowhere!"

"Come on, Nate!" Tanner replied, smiling and putting his arm around his friend's neck. "I mean, it could be fun! Think of all the things we could see!"

"Yeah!" Nate replied as a sarcastic smile graced his lips. "Being lead to our death by a random stranger is a great idea! I'd sure LOVE to see myself get eaten alive by wild animals or die of poison!" Nate's smile turned into a frown. "Look. We may have been wandering around random forests back home, but this? This is different! We don't know what can jump out at us out there!"

"Look," Tanner replied. "You said yourself how you wanted to see why they didn't want us out there, right?"

"Yeah, but-"

"And the only way we're going to actually see what's out there is through the gate, right?"

"I know, but-"

"So, let's do it!" Tanner exclaimed. "Come on, dude! You know you want to get ouside as much as I do. And hey, if you get scared and wanna bolt, then we'll leave. And its not like we're alone! We got her to help us!" Tanner said, pointing to the girl. "So, come on!"

Nate looked down and mulled it over. This was incredibly stupid and was most likely to get them killed...but tanner was right. That girl was a gijinka, and he did say he wanted to explore the outside...oh, what the heck! "Alright." Nate nodded. "I'll do it!"

"Yes!" Tanner cheered and held out his fist. "Pokebuddies?"

"Dude, you promised you'd never bring up that name for us again."

"Pokebuddies?" Tanner trailed, fist still out. Nate sighed and with a smile, met his fist with tanner's.


Both of them nodded to each other and went up to the girl, causing tanner to clear his throat. "As I was saying...Heck yeah, we want to go outside!" Tanner continued, his confidence now rising as nate nodded in agreement. Nothing was ever fun without his best friend around, and being around the boy made tanner feel invincible, as if nothing could touch them. If they could survive the pokemon world, who's to say they couldn't survive this weird gijin-whatever world too?

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Luvien was unsurprised to see the two alphas had been sleeping before they let them in - Emrik seemed to be particularly fond of it. Then again, they were both strong enough leaders, so it made little difference.

He almost snarled at the news that was brought to them from Akane, the bastards in Azoth had finally got their play date with the same race that had nearly wiped every single one of them out. All under their noses, as well. Not to mention that they knew that Kiba was aware of the humans now, though they could have hardly expected to keep this charade up - it seemed as if they weren't exactly hiding them. He wasn't too concerned for Akane's minor slip up.

It was then that Flora burst through the door, charging into him. He almost toppled over, balancing himself on the wall as Flora readjusted herself and stood once again. He was too dumbfounded and embarassed to speak - Flora was the only one whose company he enjoyed, but she couldn't just... burst in here, could she? Luckily, Fia sent her away, her voice seeming to verbally shove her out of the hut with its very tone. She then asked him about the state of their combatant members.

"Our forces? As far as goes our simple troops, they are essentially ready at any time. The scouts are all at top performance, and Exacuere has been growing better at showing restraint. Training has been ongoing, but I can increase the intensity if you feel that a wise move would be to march on them soon. If I may offer my opinion, we need to strike hard and fast. Stop them from ever communicating with the mainland - with any luck, they'll have taken them over in some level of secrecy.

In fact, we should task our scouts to ascertain as to what level of communication these humans have, and what state the Azoth tribe is in, in terms of readiness for battle."

  • Drystan couldn't tell what he was more annoyed with. The fact he had let that idiot spy get passed him unnoticed or the fact that Specks insisted on calling him 'Sunshine'. Walking with May he tried his best to keep his objections from firing out at a rapid pace and instead shut his mouth into a tight, thin line. He could sense May was beyond stressed and he didn't want a fight with Specks to only add to that. His will to withhold his opinion causing his face to transform into an interesting shade of Fuchsia. Taking a deep, shaky breath he focused on the task at hand. He turned his attention to May.

    "You're still busy, May. This is an important matter, but the banquet is just as important right now. We need something to make sure the humans don't suspect what is happening. If you're still willing to come that's fine, but I don't want you to stress. I can always quickly give you the summary."

    Watching her beloved friends walk in Anaika's rosy smile bloomed into a pleasant welcoming. Noticing the combination of said friends, however, her eyebrows and mouth twitched slightly before falling into a light frown. With practiced elegance she placed her quill down and folded her hands neatly on the desk. Her Alpha role showing true.

    "Specks, it's so good to see you back in one piece. I'm grateful to Arceus. You come with news I take it?"

    Specks relayed the information with a laidback accuracy only someone like Specks could pull off. Hearing what he had to say, Anaika stretched out her hands, scrunched them into tight balls and released them. The palms of her hands now faintly red from the effort not to throw a fit that every part of her being was screaming to do. No, she wasn't Anaika the mischievous gijinka right now. She was Anaika the Persian who has come from a long line of Alphas so far back it was nearly impossible to truly date it. Once Specks finished she rose from her seat to pace around the room. Unable to think sitting still no matter how hard it was drilled into her.

    "Never mind how we got humans to the island it isn't important now. Drystan. How are our troops looking?"

    Recognizing Annie being serious right now he stood to attention, suddenly taller than he had been earlier.

    "All of our troops are ready and available. Having not much drama from Kiba lately they have done nothing, but do the training regime Icarus and I have thought up."

    Anaika shook her head lightly.

    "Double it. Make sure they have weapons. Make sure they have spare weapons. Have any gijinka with moves be prepared for a potential Kiba attacks."

    She was rambling now. Clearly angry at herself for letting something like Kiba get the best of her. How was she to lead an entire tribe as well as her forefathers if she couldn't protect a few guests? Suvinay stopped her pacing.

    "Annie, you need to breathe."

    Realizing she was near the verge of screaming she calmed herself down and repeated her previous statement. Drystan promised her he would inform the rest of the gijinkas to be on look out.

    "Yes, yes you go see to that." She was making a sound caught in the back of her throat to show she was in deep thought. Snapping her fingers she quit her pacing.

    "Alright so just to repeat everything. Drystan; go make sure the troops are prepared for a potential attack and make sure everyone is armed. Have May make sure the banquet is going smoothly. Drystan; if you're not busy head off to the healer's hut and go speak to Sona about the danger. The healers need to be prepared in case of injury. Better yet have Specks do it, but Specks the sooner you can go on patrol again the better. Alright everyone let's keep this running smoothly even if Kiba get word the quickest they can be here is within a few hours and that's still plenty of time. Suvin, have I missed anything?"

    Looking across the room, Suvinay spoke up. His voice firm despite the fact he didn't come from a family as powerful or known like Anaika's.

    "We need to monitor the perimeters and make sure none of the humans escape. Otherwise I believe you've covered everything, Annie."

    With a flick of her wrist she dismissed the group from the room, Drystan pausing for a moment.

    "Annie, are you okay?"

    With a worn smile she nodded and promised him he didn't have to worry. Once they were gone she turned to her mate.

    "I need to go check on Isaac to make sure he's okay. Or at least is aware of the danger"

    Suvinay agreed, but on the condition he went as well, although he much rather Icarus accompany them.

    Drystan stood outside with Specks now, the tension in the air slightly higher.

    "Do you want to go to the healer's hut by yourself or need me to accompany you?"

    @TerraBooma @KiKi Kitsune @Kiroshiven

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  • He listened to Sona scold him in absolute silence. He knew he was at fault here. Despite how strong Mala was, going 100% wasn't something he EVER wanted to do against her. But When he used outrage, the adrenaline had gotten to him. He decided he would win and show off. He felt terrible; he was no better than the Kiba that had scorched his arm. When Sona left, Tidus sat with empty eyes looking at Mala. He was a terrible person. He shook himself. He couldn't think like that, especially not in the healer den. If Mallory ever saw him get down like that.....she may never leave her slump. He started to finish up the work on his bandages, but he was out of focus. He was leaving exposed patches and couldn't get his fingers just right. He was a mess that couldn't be cleaned up.

    The smell of Aromatherapy brought him back to himself. He looked up just in time to hear Mallory ask him about the match. He put on his usual smile and scratched the back of his head. "Yeah. I got a little to excited because of the humans watching the show." He chuckled awkwardly as he lied through his teeth. "You know how caught up in the mood Mala and I can get when it comes to sparring matches." He looked at Mallory as she seemed a bit tired. As she walked over to him, he smirked and pulled her into his lap. "How about instead of treating my bandages you take a break. Between you and Sona, Mala should be fine." Tidus smirked as he then casually started to affix his bandages properly. This meant having his arms around her. However, he was moving a bit slower than usual, he really needed to make sure to cover it up. The only four people that knew his secret: the alphas, Sona and Mallory. He intended to keep it that way. For everyone else, it was just to prevent him from doing more damage when using flare blitz.


Nate blinked as Annie has asked him a question. causing him to chuckle and scratch his head. "Well, turtwig doesn't really have sleep powder, so our safest bet would be-"

"Knocking out this issac guy with a good ol fashion Verde right hook?"

Nate glared at his companion, who just stared back at him innocently. "Or." He began. "We can just make a hole...ya know, like people with sense."

They both listened to the girl's questions. "Being a trainer is the best!" Tanner replied excitedly. "You get to meet new pokemon, explore caves, battle other trainers, the whole shebang!"

Nate nodded to his partner's answer. "And as to how we found out about the trip? It was really weird. We saw this homeless man on the streets and we decided to give him some money."

"Then the next thing we knew, the guy gave us tickets and ran away." Tanner shrugged. "It was pretty weird. But hey, whatcha gonna do?"

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    Isaac listened intentively to May's words, and when she was done he nodded. "Ok, I will be on extra guard now, I'll make sure no human will leave. You can count on me aunt May" It wasn't often Isaac called May for aunt however that was how he felt deep down, that in some way he and May was also family just like with ma Anaika and pa Suvinay. Most of the time he called May aunt was when he felt like there was something very important in their conversations. As he turned around to return to the gate he saw Drystan approaching, he'd clearly already seen Isaac since there wasn't anything obstructing their view of each other, this also let Isaac see the expression Drystan gave him, it was impossible for Isaac to understand and he just found it scary, Isaacs entire body froze for a moment as he looked at the horrifying sight and quickly looked away and hastily ran away.

    As he ran past the various buildings and huts Isaac focused his mind on the gate and his destination, trying to add even more locks to it with Fairy Lock. Over a distance it wasn't that hard to keep the gate up and the locks sealed, however if he wanted to add more locks, it required a lot of focus and was not very easy whilst running. Once he arrived at his "workplace" he was just in time to see Annie walking along the wall with a pair of humans behind her "Hi Annie, what are you doing with those humans? May's said that I can't let any humans out"


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    May just looked at Specks for a few moments, blinking slowly and waiting for him to say he was joking. Her jaw worked and her hands clenched and unclenched. "How can I not worry about this, Specks?" She said with a sigh. She was thankful for the hurried walk they took to the alphas' hut. It stopped her from pulling out her hair which was probably greying anyway.

    The meinshao offered the general a tired smile. "Thank you Drystan, but I don't think I'll be able to take waiting. I gave the others instructions, so it should be fine." The second part of her statement was more for herself than Drystan. Even as she said that, she went over all the things that still had to be finished in her mind, allocating times to all of them. However, it wasn't looking great. She was only one gijinka with two hands.

    Hand met forehead with an exasperated sigh at Specks' question. "You were told about this before you left." She muttered, keeping her voice soft to stop from showing her rising level of hysteria. The meinshao raised her head when her name was mentioned. She gave a nod of understanding. It was important that they do their best to keep this from the humans to prevent a panic.

    Once dismissed, May sprinted back to the banquet area. She skidded to a halt in her surprise. Along the ground, a winding path of glass beads had been laid out just the way May intended for it to look. In the evening, it would catch the torchlight and become a stream of colours. She couldn't help but smile at the sight.

    @TerraBooma @Jayus @Kiroshiven

  • Mallory didn't know what she was expecting, but for some odd reason falling into the gijinka's lap didn't surprise her in the least. Looking into his eyes she could recognize the same regret that often mirrored hers. She frowned slightly at Tidus and stabbed him in the chest with a bouquet of flowers that she had the strange fate of callings hands. If she had hands, a pointed finger it would be stabbing him lightly. And she still wasn't happy with the state of his bandages.

    "If you don't wish to tell me the reason you may just say 'I don't want to talk about it' and I won't question you further, but please don't lie to me I would never lie to you. And you should know better than if I should take a break when I should really be monitoring Mala and you."

    She could hear movement coming adjacent from her. Her gaze which was focused on Tidus was now on Mala. Hearing the girl's question she let a small grin graze her face.

    "Oh no Mala you were interrupting nothing. In fact we were just talking about you."

    Carefully she raised herself off of Tidus sparing him a small smile to show she wasn't upset with him over his offer to relax.

    "We can talk another time, Tidus, but for now Mala you're my priority. On a scale of 1-10 how bad is your side? Is the ice pack helping? Do you need another blanket?"

    Hearing her answers, Mallory nodded her head in understanding. She was about to reply when she heard the sounds of footsteps. Looking up she found a human staring with an inquisitive look on her face. It was funny how busy this place had gotten so quickly. She told the girl to go to the waiting room where Sona could answer any questions she had. Once the girl nodded excitedly and left the room she turned her attention back to her patients. She had noticed Tidus fixing his bandages.

    "Alright Mala I'll have you better than new in no time I promise. Meanwhile, Tidus. May I look at your arm? We can look at it in another room if it makes you feel more comfortable.


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Nate sitffened as one of the alphas had met up with the boy that stopped all three of them. This was bad! They hadn't even thought of a valid plan for three minutes and already they nearly got caught!

Tanner leaned in next to nate. "Nate!" He whispered, causing his friend's eyes to twitch. "That's that alpha lady; Anaikey!"

"It's Anaika!" Nate corrected queitly. "And Yeah." Nate whispered. "I know that. So, whatever you do, don't know what."

Tanner winked. "Gotcha!"

Turning back to the scene from their small conversation, they nearly jumped as she had now squatted in front of them, placing a hand on each of their shoulders and squeezing it. Nate launched a nervous smile her way, while tanner...just smiled obliviously like he usually did in these situations. Luckily, she had only wanted to know how their days was going and what they were up to, but unfourtunately, it sent nate's mind into chaos in trying to come up with a good lie.

"Oh, nothin' much!" Tanner interjected, causing nate to give the boy a look of eternal gratitude for saving him before he said anything stupid. "Just walking around the village, had a pokemon battle, watched gijin-people spar, ya know...stuff!" Tanner waved his hand dissmissevly. Noticing the alpha's warning for his new friend annie, he ran to her side and clamped a hand on her shoulder. "What? Her? Pfft!" Tanner scoffed. "In fact, we were actually planning to..." He turned to nate for help, but the boy shrugged. "...Play a game?"

@minismurf @Jayus @Kiroshiven
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Ellie Laidens

Azoth Tribe Medical Den

Out in the lush forests of the Azoth territory walked the Healers aid Ellie. The gardevoir was out collecting plants and herbs to restock the supply back at the medical den, and also took the time to take the beautiful world in. The day felt perfect in her mind; cloudless day with a sun that beat down upon their island and warmed it up to just the right temperature. The many trees provided a cool shade to rest under if the day got too hot and the rivers and streams were even more refreshing. But as much as Ellie wanted to sit down and take a nap or go for a little swim she had work to do, and the others came before herself. Plus she'd rather not get scolded by Sona on such a great day. Her satchel rested by her hip and was getting rather full, the flap at the top lifted slightly due to the herbs that were pushing out. She had decided that she had done good for a restock, and took one last glance at the beautiful scenery before turning around to head back to the village. Despite growing up in Azoth her whole life the nature of the place never got old, and everytime she saw it she felt as if it was the first time. I suppose that if we aren't busy today I can come back out here. But I also don't want to leave all the work for Sona and Mallory. They already do so much...

Ellie's mind was taken off her little struggle when she got closer to camp and noticed Tidus and his friend entering the medical den. Sparring injuries were a common thing here in the Azoth tribe, but this time it looked much worse. Perhaps he went overboard and had hurt himself? Or maybe the Kiba Tribe jumped him? She hoped more than anything that it was the first thing. Tensions with Kiba were already so high, and she hoped that a line hadn't been crossed. Picking up her pace but careful not to spill any of the herbs, Ellie arrived in the medical den only a few minutes after the two. The den seemed to be quite crowded today, which made it seem like her plans of swimming and napping would be a no go today. "I'm back from gathering Sona, and I've gathered quite a bit. I'll go sort these and then come back out to help you." She said, giving the head healer a warm smile before slipping past everyone. On her way towards the back she caught sight of Mallory and what seemed to be a human? How and when did a human arrive? Not that this was a bad thing. In fact, this was a great thing! This could finally be their chance to be incorporated into the human world. "Good morning Mallory. Who's your little friend?" Ellie asked quickly, smiling kindly at the human.

@Jayus @Kiroshiven @KiKi Kitsune

  • "O-Oh! It's no concern!" Harry said, bowing to Sona. "I don't want to be a bother, that's all. I hope you like your tea." Harry smiled, before remembering he'd given his incorrect name. "O-oh yah, if you get a chance tell Mallory my name is uh...well, it's Harry, not Henry. I was just kind of floundered and said it wrong. Sorry..." Harry smiled sheepishly, but busied himself sipping the tea and trying to relax a bit. He was trying to be a good guest, but Harry was kind of a hopeless case under much pressure. The aromatherapy coming from the other side of the hut helped him relax a little, and he seemed to be doing better than first anticipated. "You have a nice camp here...but you all must be so busy being the only doctors here, hopefully your not busy too often right?" Harry laughed quietly, and settled into his chair a bit further.

    Harry was doing a pretty decent job at relaxing until the angel walked in. Although many didn't think much of love at first sight Harry was hooked in a heartbeat, and he suddenly had become even more tense than before. "H-hey!" He said to Lucy. "My name's uh...I'm Henry! Wait. No!" Harry had seemingly managed to catch his nervous tendency to give the wrong name to strangers. "I'm Harry. It's just Harry. Nice to meet you too!"

    @Kiroshiven @Jayus

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  • The boy was a bit jittery at first, so jittery he said his own name wrong. She tried to hold back a laugh, but it kept slipping from her mouth until eventually it poured out after a few hearty sputters. She found it too cute. About to shake the hand he seemed to have forgotten by his side she was interrupted by another male Gijinka walking through the door. The sight of the man with wings was enough for her to have to blink twice to believe it. He asked politely if the two could leave and Lucia immediately stood up. Noticing Harry, if that was even the right name, still firmly seated she quickly reached for his hand and with a good-natured smile left the hut, Harry still being dragged in tow. She walked around for a bit trying to think of what else to do. The hut was the only thing that had really interested her. She pondered for a moment, but eventually decided she'd have to go with the bubble technique again. Reaching for her bag she had completely forgotten her hold on his hand. Letting go of her hold she smiled apologetically. He had probably wanted his hand back for awhile now. Noticing the two pokeballs on his side she excitedly pointed to them. There was a time when she wanted to catch them all, but now she found just as much joy meeting other people's Pokémon.

    @Kayzo @SpicyLickiTounge @minismurf @Kiroshiven

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  • Harry was worried, or at least concerned, when the bird-Gijinka had entered the room. He seemed serious, and the last thing Harry wanted to do was piss off any of the Gijinka, he was a guest after all, he was determined to try and be a good guest and not cause any problems. What he wasn't expecting however, was the ang- was for Lucy to grab his hand and drag him outside. Harry was much too flustered to resist at that point, and with a mouth agape he allowed himself to be dragged about by his fellow trainer. He felt a little sad when she dropped it, if he was being totally honest with himself, but he figured she hadn't meant to hold on that long in the first place.

    When she pointed down at his pokeballs, he figured out what she wanted pretty quick. "You want to see them? Sure I suppose." He pulled out and expanded his two pokeballs, throwing them in the air. "Come on out! Gunther and Shelly, it's about time I let you guys have a stretch huh?" He chuckled sheepishly, and his Donphan and Lapras appeared at his side. Gunther eyed the area curiously before letting out a content huff and setting down for a nap. Shelly however gazed curiously at Lucy before reaching over to the other trainer and giving her an affectionate pat with her head.

    "H-Hey! really should ask before just doing that." He looked back at Lucy. "I'm really sorry! Shelly here loves people, and she loves meeting new ones...she can be kind of hard to keep in check that way."

    @Kayzo @KiKi Kitsune @Jayus

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  • She had only seen a Donphan a few times in the wild and Lapras once in a small contest in the Hoenn area. The Lapras came up to her without the slightest hint of fear and started nudging her hand with her head. Lucy's caution was soon forgotten, scratching the gentle giant underneath her chin she became enthralled with the creature. She slowly began petting her head watching as the creature responded positively to her actions. Shelly was the name she was sure she heard Harry say. After a while she looked over to Harry. He was a little tense, possibly a bit worried about how Shelly and her were interacting and quickly she tried to reassure him that her and the pokemon were fine.

    "She's gorgeous. You're an amazing trainer." She said, feeling the pokemon nudge her for her attention she let out a small laugh and went back to giving the Lapras what she desired. Shelly was also an amazing pokemon herself.

    Looking back to Harry she nodded a small wordless 'thanks'. She didn't wish to disturb the Donphan from his slumber, but she didn't worry too much about his nature. After all Harry seemed like a very good trainer with a Lapras this sweet. Deciding it was only fair she pointed to her own satchel where her pokemon were kept safe and pulled out a pokeball. A stretch for them didn't seem that bad an idea either.

    Waving the pokeball in her wrist she spoke their names for Harry and released them of their pokeball.

    "Ash." Out of the first pokeball popped a rather sleepy Munna. Shaking the sleep off her she looked around when she finally found Lucy. Flying into her arms Lucy gave her a quick kiss on the top of head and Ash, noticing Harry, floated off into his own arms whether he was prepared or not.

    "Lele." An Altaria emerged from the ball and rustled it's cloud-like body. She puffed out her own chest and took to Lucy's side, bowing her head and using her signature squawk to greet the new trainer. Giving her a quick pat on the head she fumbled around in her bag and finally found her last pokeball. She was a little unsure if he would be surprised or not by Kelile, as so many trainers before were intimidated by the Garchomp and shocked 'someone like herself' was even associated with one in the first place, but she couldn't just leave him out of the introductions. After all Garchomp was her right-hand man in journeys and on the battlefield.

    "Kelile." A restless Garchomp stretched from the Pokeball and looked around the area with a glare sharper than any dagger. He snarled, unsure of where they were, but seeing that Lucia was calm decided to relax and instead stood quietly, a low growl still emanating from him. She gestured happily to her team and motioned for her two dragon types to go interact with Harry and his pokemon. Lele immediately went over to Shelly and began talking excitably while Kelile went over to Harry and knelt his head in front of Harry's hand.

    "Don't worry. He's saying hi."

    @Kayzo @TerraBooma @KiKi Kitsune


  • Harry was happy that Lucy seemed to like his pokemon. Gunther liked to laze about the place, but the Donphan was a proud one, and fierce in battle. Shelly was always a bit of a gamble around new people, as her over affectionate nature had gotten both herself and Harry in much more trouble than he really bargained for. Shelly's nature however, had prepared the teen to spontaneous acts of affection from Pokemon, so when Ash floated into his arm's, Harry adapted quickly.

    When Lele went over to Shelly, the Lapras responded amiably, the two pokemon seemingly striking up a quick friendship. Shelly liked new pokemon as much as people after all, Gunther blissfully sleeping away the whole time. Kelile however, intimidated Harry pretty quickly. It wasn't that he hadn't' seen dragon types before, but seeing one this close to his own self was a bit of a disturbing feeling mixed with awe, leaving him a bit confused. "Uh...hey there Kelile." He said, somewhat unsure of what to do. Realizing Lucy was looking at him, Harry knew he needed to decide on a course of action...and soon. Steeling his will, Harry extended his hand and patted Kelile a few times, one hand holding onto Ash with the other settling on a petting action of sorts. In the meanwhile he continued conversation with Lucy.

    "Your pokemon are amazing too! They're all really cool..." Harry smiled sheepishly. "This whole place is really, can you ever imagine these Gijinka people existing? Not even in my wildest dreams did I realize a place like this could exist. They have such a cool culture too...I wonder if there are any wild pokemon in the forest?" Harry cocked his head, curious. "It's a curious thought anyway. So uh...Lucy." he said, looking over to his fellow Trainer. "What do you um...think of the island?"


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    "Lola, please get back here." The trainer called after her pokemon as the sylveon circled the base of a large tree. Lexi sighed but went to investigate what her partner had found so interesting. However, once the human had reached the tree, Lola was already climbing it. "Lola, what are you..." Lexi stared up in confusion for several moments before finally snapping out of it. The sylveon was already fairly high up and climbing trees wasn't exactly something she did regularly.

    Lexi's curiosity spiked, but was muffled by her worry. "Lola, you know you're-" She was cut off by Lola's cry. The sylveon had realised that getting back down wasn't as easy. At times like this, she refused to get back in her pokeball as well. Her trainer took a deep breath, trying to stop from saying anything to worry Lola further. "Just stay there. I'll get you down, so don't panic." Lexi stated as she began her ascent.

    She wasn't exactly used to climbing, so it was slow and clumsy work. After what seemed like hours, she finally reached the branch where Lola was crouched. Looking down, Lexi felt herself sway. The ground was a lot further away than she had anticipated. It was rather unsettling, to say the least. She had to force her eyes away to prevent her from also freaking out. "Okay Lola, I need you to come here." She held out her arms but the sylveon refused to budge. Lexi frowned. She was seated near the trunk, but the branch seemed sturdy enough. She could only hope against hope that it would hold.

    Her hopes seemed to fulfilled as she reached near the edge where Lola was crouched. What happened next went by too fast for Lexi to properly recall it.

    There was a loud snap, Lola was in her arms, and the world seemed to move around her.

    She hit several tree branches on the way down and landed in a non-thorny bush, letting her get away with no major injuries. Her hold on Lola also prevented the pokemon from getting hurt. It took a few minutes before Lexi could get herself to stand. Once she did, she noticed something that caused her to groan in frustration.

    She had landed outside the wall. "Well isn't that great~" she muttered under her breath. The warning from the alphas was still fresh in her mind. Despite her curiosity about what was outside the Azoth territory, she would far prefer to remain safe and wait until they offered an escort to show the humans around. "Come on Lola, we need to get back as quickly as possible." The sylveon wrapped one of its ribbons around Lexi's arm to make sure they stayed close. The forest was dense and the chances of getting separated were too high for comfort otherwise.

    As Lexi headed in the direction she believed to be the correct one, she paid close attention to her surroundings. She had no idea what she was meant to be cautious of, so she just kept her eyes and ears peeled for anything that seemed off. Such as the bright pink that moved slightly within the green of the forest. Lexi looked to her side to see that Lola was still right there, however the pokemon also seemed to be picking up something.

    "Uh... Hello?" She peered around some more, trying to decipher if it was friend or foe.

    @I think you know who you are


  • To say she was happy to see Harry so open with Kelile was an understatement. She was elated that he didn't question the pseudo-legendary Pokémon as part of her team and that not only did he accept Ash without surprise, but he was actually being rather friendly to Kelile too. She couldn't help, but think Harry was actually really cool. Kelile responded as well, raising his head and giving a small nod of acknowledgement towards Harry before returning to Lucia's side. Kelile was eyeing the area, still sceptical of where they were.

    She was about to inform what was happening with the island to Kelile when the boy began speaking, and excitably too. She agreed with him for the most part of it. Indeed the gijinka were amazing and it was incredible how vast they ranged from looking almost identical to a humans to having extra wings or plants for hands. The culture was indeed fascinating and she couldn't wait to see what was going to happen with the banquet. Would it be like a normal human banquet or did they have other traditions to go along with it? In truth she hadn't seen many Pokémon during their escort to the inner gates, but she was sure she managed to see a starly or two flying around when she went exploring. Hearing her name she realized he expected her to respond.

    She tilted her head to the side trying to think, her brows creasing ever so slightly and biting her lip down clearly taking great consideration in an otherwise simple question.

    "I think..." She started off strong, but her thoughts got caught in the air as they usually did. Kelile sighed exasperatedly and nudged his nose into the corner of her neck and shoulder to bring her back to earth to which she gently shoved him off.

    "I think it's amazing so far, but I haven't seen enough of it."
    She was a little curious with what outside the walls was like, but her father taught her better than to go against someone's warning. There was a bit of forest-like areas towards the edges of the walls she had noted when they came in that could definitely use some exploring, but there was also plenty of little areas they could see like the Gijinka equivalents of markets.

    She shrugged her shoulders.

    "I think we should see a bit more of the area. So what do you say, Harry? Why don't you pick what we do next."

    @Kayzo @SpicyLickiTounge [/color][/color][/color][/color]


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.0535befea4a1d177eb93f529905c8317.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121261" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.0535befea4a1d177eb93f529905c8317.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Ellie returned Mallory's welcoming smile with one of her own, the girl placing down her satchel of herbs in the back room before carefully dumping out the contents. One thing the healer looked forward to everyday was Mallory and her smile. She wasn't interested in the fellow healer in a mate sort of sense but she found the girl to be very attractive. She was like a beautiful, colorful, fully bloomed flower. In fact she was quite surprised that the girl didn't have a lover yet. "Ah, well it's a pleasure to meet you Henry. I really hope that the island treats you well. And yes Mallory, I'll get an ice pack for her right away." She said to the two before slipping away into their supplies only to return a few moments later with an ice pack. Walking over to Mala she placed one hand on the Swampert's back and placed the pack into her hands. "Hold that against whatever hurts and you'll be feeling better soon. Just don't press too hard, ok?" She instructed, patting her back gently before turning her head to Mallory. That girl just always knew how to make her happy, and she really appreciated that. "Thank you Mallory, I do try. Though I am quite surprised about how much is out there right now. It's as if nature gave us a gift."

Soon enough more of her fellow tribesmen began to enter the Medicine Den, and Ellie knew that it'd be a busy day. They usually saw a few people every day, but nothing like this. I can kiss that idea of swimming goodbye. She thought to herself sadly, but quickly cheered herself up afterwards. At least I'm making people's lives better. Helping people is my favorite thing to do after all. She was about to ask Mallory if she wished to help her sort the herbs, but when she turned her head the girl was gone. From what the Gardevoir could recall Specks had taken her outside to talk about something. But as curious as she was, the healer knew not to go prying into their conversations. However many thoughts went racing through her mind. Perhaps he saw something important that only she could know? Or maybe he had a personal question? Or maybe they were in love! Ellie couldn't help but crack a small smile at that thought. She knew that wasn't likely the case, but it was cute nonetheless.

Not long later Mallory returned to Ellie, who was mostly done with sorting everything.
"You want to help me? Perhaps you can make up some remedies for Tidus and Mala while I finish sorting these herbs? Then we can both take care of them." She suggested, placing herbs of different textures and colors into their respective baskets. "That'd be a great help!"

@KiKi Kitsune @Jayus @TerraBooma



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Luvien could see already that this was going to be bad. Lives might be lost, maybe... but it would be better than allowing the humans to go back to the mainland. It would spell disaster for all of them, almost certain death, and had to be avoided at any cost. He would gladly lay down his life for such a cause.

"Yes ma'am. I'll get it done right away."

Luvien's eye twitched momentarily when he was reminded to go to Flora's hut, and he turned away to hide his blush as he walked back out of the door, closing it firmly behind him. Why was he so embarrassed about that simple idea? He was confused but set it aside. He had just heard a commotion emanating from the mouth of the cave.

Arriving at a brisk pace, he took stock of the situation. Akane and Alik, both circling a Banette gijinka, but a moment later the two children appeared beside Alik, spelling more problems.

Readying his cannons, he approached the group.

"Children. Leave, now. No arguing." He said to Kit and Ro, turning to face the ghost once he had sent the two off.

"A tribeless gijinka? I don't care what you're doing here, I don't like ghost gijinkas. Untrustworthy bastards, all of you. Now get out of my tribe's territory before I fire on you."

  • Akane wasn't one to deal with pleasantries or flattery. The ghost tribeless was already standing on thin ice, but trying to compliment her was like starting a fire on top of that thin sheet. "Don't waste your flattery on me ghost." Akane stuck one of her blades towards the ghost's throat. "You don't seem to be of importance however. Just a foolish child." Akane lowered her weapon as Alik approached. "We have other issues to discuss Alik." However, it seemed they wouldn't get the chance. First two kids that were rather attached to Alik appeared and then there was Luvien, who seemed to still have avoided going to Flora's based off the time lapsed. She felt uncomfortable.

    "Kit, Ro, go back inside the caves please?" Akane put on one of her very rare smiles. Children were a soft spot for the usually stone faced scout. She knelt down and pet Kit's head as she looked at them. "I have something very VERY important to discuss with your papa but it's only for adults to know. Okay?" She tilted her head as she looked at Ro. The two were really a cute pair of innocents and Akane didn't want to frighten them more than the annoying ghost had. Akane looked to Luvien with no trace of the smile from just a moment ago to be found. "Don't YOU also have something important you must be doing? I'm sure the healer is going to nag your ear off if you're any later than you already are."

    With everyone else gone, Akane finally could deliver her message to Alik. "Alik, I have bad news. There are humans on the island. The Azoth snuck them in this morning. And worst of all, they know that we know. That stupid fearow saw me on my way out of Azoth territory."



  • Mallory was grateful to have a co-assistant like Ellie. It made faking her own optimistic so much easier with someone as positive and full of life like the Gardevoir healer. Carefully sitting herself near the other healer and the herbs she began sorting them into the piles Ellie had requested, colour coding them was indeed easier and placing them further into sizes would definitely make them easier to find under an emergency. As she was creating these sections she pulled out a very few herbs and put them in their own separate batch. A kaleidoscope of colours began forming and eventually she had to explain to Ellie what she was doing.

    "If we grind these ones up and put them into an ointment I think it might help Mala... or maybe Tidus' arm." Mallory faltered on the last part. She had never quite seen something like Tidus' arm. Sona had eventually called her in thinking that two heads would be better than one and if Aromatherapy could do something for the boy. Since then she's been making different ointments and handing them over to Sona for her approval and to test. The herbs and small flowers would definitely reduce scarring, inflammation and create a cooling effect onto Mala's own wound, but Tidus was another story. Looking up for Sona she realized with a heavy sigh that she was indeed gone. She wasn't sure why though. She must be use to Tidus' antics around her and Mala's small crush was only slightly obvious on the few times she managed to show it with Tidus none-the-wiser. In fact she wasn't sure how Mala was going to behave with Tidus taking care of her which she was monitoring very carefully from the corner of her eye.

    "Ellie if Sona doesn't show up and you have to meet her at the Banquet could you do me a favour and tell her I may not show?"

    She was aware the words aloud with no background made it sound as though she was being lazy. She didn't want to have to worry them as there were the few occasions she didn't have the vitality to do work so she thought it would be best to elaborate.

    "Specks doesn't want to go to the Banquet. He wants for us to have tea instead. I'll do my best to be there as quickly as I can, but I'm not entirely sure how long I'll be."


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Tanner and Nate blushed as the girl began to hug them, tanner's blush seeming redder considering he was booped by one too. It was kinda weird. Girls never were near the two for more than two minutes, considering them both to be...well, themselves actually. And things hardly changed for them when they had left for their pokemon journey.

"I-It was all tanner's idea!" Nate quickly said, tanner looking at him as if he were betrayed. As she stopped, nate put his hands in his pockets and turned away, but not because he was still embarassed (Okay, a little bit), but to hide his relieved smile at having their plan exposed, not wanting to have died and make the gijinka look bad. "Well, looks like the whole plan's over. What do you say we just-"

And then the girl led them to the hole.

Nate sighed. They were really doing this. Out of all the things he's ever done, this was, by far, the most reckless. As he leaned down and began to crawl through it slowly, tanner wasn't having any of it today. "Move your butt, slowpoke!" He exclaimed with jokingly, kicking his friend in the bum, causing nate to yelp as he crawled through the hole faster and glared at tanner, who was already making his way from out the hole. He looked around curiously, his worries seeming to fade. Now that he looked at it from outside the gate, the outside didn't really seem intimidating.

"Huh. I expected" Nate put bluntly, kicking a rock. Tanner laughed and put his arm around nate's shoulders.

"See, dude?" Tanner said. "They were just putting on a show! What's going to attack us now? A bunch of pinecones?"

Nate chuckled, causing tanner's grin to grow bigger. Turning to the girl, who seemed to be jumping as if she escaped jail, nate tilted his head a bit. "So...what's the plan now?"


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    May halted in her mad dash as she passed Drystan. She gave him an obviously fake smile at his words. "Yeah, I have everything under control." Her voice was strained and her eyebrow twitched. Her body tensed as she heard some of the gijinka she had working for her laughing at some thing or the other. "I am going to lose it soon." She muttered, shaking her head. However, the mention of soldiers patrolling the area perked her up. "Yes! Please do! That would be great!" She was almost bouncing in excitement before abruptly stopping.

    She looked over her shoulder to the "working" gijinka then back to the general. She spoke in hushed tones. "The others are freaking out. They say that the bead paths lay themselves. I thought it might be them making something up to get out of work, but they already did it, so it doesn't add up. I checked everything. There were no damages." She looked around again. "I don't know what it may have been, but having soldiers may help calm these guys." She nodded once.

    The meinshao snapped her fingers with surprising volume. "Right! The humans... I don't know how comfortable they will be with a bunch of soldiers running around. Perhaps some sort of camouflage for them? Get them wearing their normal clothes or something." A somewhat mischievous grin spread across May's face. "Or even have them help the servers at the banquet." She shifted the box that rested in her arms. "I have a few spare uniforms." May looked over Drystan momentarily. "You might be able to pull off a tux pretty well if you brush your hair."



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    His ears twitched and his eyes widened as he heard a very familiar voice. His head snapped towards the sound of the two girls he called his children. Rage boiled in his belly at the possibility of them being injured. He didn't trust this tribeless gijinka half as far as he could throw the bastard. Luiven then showed up as well, cannons at the ready. Alik was somewhat conflicted as to whether he felt relived about that or not. While he trusted the general's strength and want to protect the tribe, Alik knew how Luvien was in battle. Those cannons were powerful and had a large area of effect. Kit and Ro could be caught in the cross fire.

    Right now, he didn't care that he had "other issues to discuss". Preventing his children from any harm came first. "Kit, Ro, listen to them. Go back to the caves. I'll find you as soon as this is sorted out." Even the children would have been able to hear the anger mixed with panic in his voice. If they refused to listen, he would shoot them a glare that left no room for arguments. Alik turned back to the tribless once the children were gone. "Leave now, or death will be the best outcome for you." His want to attack was clear. His stance had changed from a defensive one to one ready to leap out and rip the ghost's head off. "Akane, we'll deal with the rest when we're done here."

    @TerraBooma @minismurf @The J @Kiroshiven


  • Ellie looked up

    Ellie smiled warmly as her fellow assistant helped her sort through all of the freshly picked herbs. The two were only taking half the time it would've taken for the gardevoir to do it herself, which would let them get back to the injured as well as help free up both of their days. Her green eyes took notice of Mallory taking certain herbs from the piles and putting them into their own little section. She believed her to be taking certain herbs for some sort of remedy, presumably for Sona or Tidus whom were the only two in the medicine den. "I can't thank you enough for helping Mallory. You're truly a blessing." She said, smiling at her again before finishing her job of sorting. However before she could tend to the others her friend had something to say.

    A small smirk grew onto her lips as Mallory asked her to tell Sona that she wouldn't be at the Banquet tonight due to her having tea with Tidus. It seemed that her little suspicions of the two being a thing were true, and that filled Ellie with joy. Mallory deserved everything good in this world, especially a mate. However just because she was happy for her didn't free her from teasing.
    "Sounds like a date to me! That's so cute." She teased, standing up and patting her head being unaware that it wasn't a date that they were going on. "Hopefully Sona won't get too jealous of you. Thanks again for the help." Speaking of the head healer, she was calling Ellie over to talk, and that's just what she went to do.

    Ellie smiled at the head healer as as she spoke, nodding her head to show that she understood her instructions.
    "Don't let Mala or Tidus leave yet, you can count on me!" She said, bowing slightly as she left. The assistant healer then turned around and faced Mala and Tidus. Almost the instant Sona was gone the two were going off about her, and the gardevoir couldn't help but giggle slightly at what he said about her hating couples. "I may be off by a mile, but I think she's just jealous of you. That or she just hates couples. And no Tidus, I can't just let you wander around. Let me and Mallory take care of you."

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