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Trial By Fire - Exalted 2e IC Thread

Aredin pulled a flask from his pocket and took a drink. "Yep, the translucent sphere we're in now is just how it works while active, once we land it's just another item hidden in the amulet pockets. That said, Landing at one of the towers seems reasonable but... keep in mind our priority will be contacting Leeayta. We need the Dragon Kings on our side in order to restore order to the city. If we can make a covert landing at her temple I'll do so. Otherwise, we'll head to one of the towers."
The Transport Globe continues to fly unmolested, leaving the Exalts inside to amuse themselves as they wish. Finally, as late morning approaches, those with working eyes can see off in the distance two massive towers, rising up into the air thousands of feet, with a third one that has been broken off about half-way up the structure. The two towers that still stand have a domed top roughly two hundred feet across with a spire rising up even higher for the largest of airships of the First Age to be able to dock with. Three pyramids can be seen rising up from the jungle, the center one rising up at least a thousand feet.

Everyone, please give me a Perception + Awareness roll, sight based. Sorry Psychie Psychie . No roll for you right now.
As you are looking out at the ruined city, both Sirocco and Durke can see the tiny dots circling the southern-most Flying Tower are not large birds, but are in fact probably man-sized reptiles! Sirocco recognizes them as a half dozen Pterok breed Dragon Kings, probably from her time living with her mentor. The others are probably mistaken by the sheer scale of the Towers and must think that the flying figures are just birds.
"I can't see squat, which one are we heading to?" Aredin asks of those with better sight than he.
Viktor nodded absent-mindedly, ignoring the circling birds while he stared at the towers in the distance. I hope there are still some functional skyships in there. What a boon that would be to achieving our goals.
Durke's eyebrows furrow as he looks out the transparent globe. "Weird lookin' birds," he mutters. He blinks a few times, looking harder at the circling shapes in the distance. "Hmmmmmm...those things arn't birds, they're great flying lizards! Those them dragon kings y'all were talkin' 'bout earlier?"
Sirocco lets out a scream of joy "Yes! There are enlightened Pterok there! We should definitely make contact, as they can help us get in touch with the goddesses."
"You heard them. So, shall we head to the southern tower?" Annika asked Aredin, before a thought occurred to her.

"Hmm, no disrespect intended, but how can you be sure these Dragon Kings are enlightened? They look like they're just flying around from here." She asked Sirocco.
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Annika was wise to question this judgement, in Aredin's mind, so he draws his daiklave as a security precaution, but does decide to approach a landing at the southern tower. Even before landing Aredin would already be holding a defend other action over Darian. "I hope you're right, for their sake. Everyone on guard for contact!." Aredin urged as the orb lunged for the landing.
Though Annika had voiced the possibility that these Pterok were in fact feral Dragon Kings, she didn't draw her daiklaves as they approached the tower. If the Dragon Kings were enlightened, it wouldn't do to provoke them with drawn weapons. If they weren't...well, that would soon be made clear when they saw the circle.
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The moment they landed Sirocco was about to change her shape and fly off towards the Pteroks. But then she stops, turning towards Heaven. "I will go ahead to talk to them and ascertain whether they are feral or enlightened. I am sure these people will keep you safe" And as says this she looks at the other Exalts with a look that promises danger if Heaven comes to harm. "I will be back soon." And then she changes her shape to her War Form and ignites her Anima and flies off towards the Pteroks, trying to gauge their reaction.
There is an audible thud on Aredins forehead at the sight of anima flaring. "No! What are you thinking!? You're going to compromise our position to everything minute fucking one!? Stop flaring up your anima!"
Durke angrily looks at the Lunar. "What're ya' doin'?! We're all sittin' ducks in this bubble!" Durke whips his head about, looking for a different, safer landing spot. "Lets land 'fore we go callin' the lizards to us!"
"It's too late Durke, we've already landed and I can't afford the essence fo fire off another trip... On guard with gusto. If she just ruined this operation we may have to bail out and come back in a month or so... Last thing we need is become a beacon for hungry predators because someone doesn't understand subtlety."
"Hold on a moment." Annika said while looking at Aredin with disbelief. "Are you saying that you burned through your entire stock of Essence getting that globe to take us here? You're not even glowing!"
"No, I'm saying another trip will compromise my ability to fight at full strength without worsening our problem. It's not worth it, we hold ground here or we leave town altogether."
Annika nodded in understanding. "Ah. For a second I thought we wouldn't be able to fly back to Gwynnin for a long time."
When the transport approaches the Tower, the Pteroks that were lazily flying in the midday sun spot you well in advance. They scatter, with three of them flying towards the transport, one flying off over the city, and the last two diving towards the top of the Tower they were circling. The three that fly towards the group begin to buzz the globe but don't actually attack, screeching at you in a classic effort to scare off an intruder into their territory. Once they see that you are not being scared away, they follow you as the transport flies down to the top of the Tower for landing.

The once pristine Flying Tower has seen better days. Trash and debris are scattered about the empty landing cradles that used to house First Age flying vessels, and you can see that there are even a handful of ships still docked, but there is no telling if they are still flyable. Sirocco's keen eye spots that there are several piles of debris that have been gathered together to make several nests; probably the territory that the Pteroks are trying to defend.

Besides the three that are flying about, you can spot two of the others that have settled into the nests and show all the signs of being protective of eggs. There is no sign of the sixth one.

As you exit the transport, Sirocco can hear that one of the three males that are flying about is screaming in what you think is badly accented Forrest-Tongue. "Ours! Ours! Not yours! Go away! Go away or we fight!"

What do you guys do?

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