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Fandom Trespasser (Jurassic Park Rp)


The best moon you'll ever see.
Hello everyone, today I got this idea for a roleplay based off the Jurassic Park game Trespasser.

In this roleplay, we will play as the people on a tour ship in Costa Rica back in the year 1998, a year after the events in The Lost World. A storm will hit the ship that we are on making us abandon ship. On the next day, we will find ourselves on this unknown, tropical island. From there we will try to survive, but that will become challenging when a big hardship is discovered: dinosaurs.

It turns out that we, the people from the sunken ship, have landed on none other than Isla Sorna, "The Factory" as John Hammond once said. This is where dinosaurs were cloned, bred, and raised before they were sent off to Isla Nublar, Jurassic Park. Now it is an abandoned site where they roam free. We will have to survive against velocoraptors, dillophosaurs, tyrannosaurs, and other predatory dinosaur along with the regular difficulties of survival until we find a way to escape. Thankfully, some tools, weapons, and machinery is left on the island that can be used.

Now one thing that I want to have in this roleplay especially is the game's "Feels full, Hasn't been used" mechanic where you wouldn't be able to specifically tell how much ammo is in a gun (besides revolvers, you would know the amount left) until you actually run out of ammo.

Well, there it is. I just want to know what you think about this. I will probably have this be a casual-graded roleplay. If you have any suggestions as well, please tell me.
I guess that this means that we have 1 person for this roleplay. I also want to know if I should make an extra tab when the roleplay is created that would give out information on some of the dinosaurs that can be encountered such as Velociraptors and Dilophosaurs. I am thinking of this since there are some inaccuracies that were discovered after the series. For example, real Dilophosaurs were nearly as tall as regular people and didn't have frills nor did they spit venom, unlike in the movies where abnormal traits when cloning caused them to be smaller, have frills, and spit venom (Poor Dennis). I wouldn't want to have a scenario where one roleplayer visions the real version and reacts to it in that way while another roleplayer visions another version and reacts to it in that way. I assume that a tab with information on what these dinosaurs will be like (it will probably be what they would be like on in the movies, but I may have some that weren't in the films that will need information) will help make sure that everyone sees the same thing.
I might be interested depending on how you want to play it. Survival might be good, but our characters surviving might be very, very hard. I'm interested so far. I played the game back when it came out and it was epic. I'm a liuttle surprised someone else actually has experience in it.
Kaine said:
I might be interested depending on how you want to play it. Survival might be good, but our characters surviving might be very, very hard. I'm interested so far. I played the game back when it came out and it was epic. I'm a liuttle surprised someone else actually has experience in it.
So you've played it, well this will be right up your ally :) . Though I didn't play much of it, I find it to be really interesting despite the failure to reach some of its expectations. As for how I want to play it, I can say that it will start out somewhat what it was like in the game . The only real difference will be the attempts to find food, water, and warmth. The placement of hostile dinosaurs and passive ones will be different to make it more interesting.

Ok, I got it halfway done so far. I've decided to make an extra tab for dinosaur information when it is started. However, only what has been encountered will be posted, so it will start out with nothing on it until the first encounter. Hopefully we get more people soon.

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