Trennace High: School for the Gifted


The Ultimate Enigma
Welcome to Trennace High!

You have recieved this letter because you have been invited into Trennace High! In order to make your registration complete for your child to participate, have them come first thing in the morning on any days of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday! Now, your child will be given a cabin with another student to bunk with. They will also be taking much tests, work, and instruction.

Note: If there is such a fight between students, they will be given detention for such days due to the damage they make.

Please fill out the forum below in order to participate at Trennace

Child's Name:

Child's Age:

Child's Gender:

Child's Abilities:

Child's Appearance:


If you are a returning teacher, please fill out this forum







Thank you for signing up to our school! After you have sent this message back after one day, the next day you shall come to our school! See you then.

My Character:

Child's Name: Taylor Ridly

Child's Age: 16

Child's Gender: Female

Child's Abilities: Taylor can transform into a dragon when she wanted. She'll Maybe rip your torso apart, Send you a Shadowy breath, or eat you. She can summon this beast when she's either angry, or showing off. The dragon will have 2 sets of giant horns, dark purple slit eyes, and ancient symbols enprinted all over the body. The talons will be about 6/2 inches long AND thick. Dare to compete against a beast?

Child's Appearance:View attachment 13644View attachment 13645

Notes: Also in human form, she has symbols down her right leg, symbols on left arm, smaller symbols on her neck, and a large symbol on her back. She mostly spends time making her own music, sketching dragons and mastering the power of the Shadows. But if she does good deeds, then she will become a Light Dragon. They are feathery, and on each feather it has a tint of black on the end. On the wings, they have 5 longer feathers that are tinted with blue
Child's name: Timid Hayes

Child's age: 16 (soon to be 17)

Child's gender: Male

Child's abilities: Timid is a fallen angel, and can transform to any kind of animal because of this. Many people do not know angels can do that. His eye colors change regurally, but his natural is grey. He is immortal, but only when he has his wings. If he doesnt, he can die, but it is hard to kill him. VERY hard. He is a good drawer and hates demons/vampires.


Notes: His wings are giant and feathery, but pure white without anything else outlining them.
He got in his red, chipped car. A ford, to be exact. Timid held a small envelope by his side while driving down the lone street. The envelope held his future. His life. Timid wasnt excited though, thinking he would just get kicked out of school. Even though he was an angel, he didnt do everything the right way, as some say it. He was kicked out of grade school for sending a kid to a hospital when he stole his lunch money. Of course, thats a little childish. Only a little. He stopped at a stop sign, looked both ways, then went on to his journey. A Hawiian dancer was swaying back and fourth at the car's movements. 5 minutes later, Timid pulled into the parking lot. He didnt live far, only 7 minutes the most. Timid stepped out, slamming the car door to see a circle of three people leaning against the wall. He gave a slight nod, walking toward the sign that printed: TRENNACE HIGH. He pushed one of the glass doors open, smelling air conditioning and seeing dark blue lockers at his side.
Taylor was obviously scared to go to a school enhabited of other people with abilities. She looked at her leg, which symbols where running down her leg. Her arm, and her hair covered part of her neck symbols. She walked down the school parking lot,to see people dancing partially, showing off minor parts of their abilities, and looking at me the most. I'm basically the 2nd weirdest here. The first weirdest person is a guy whom peirces himself. Apparantly I wasn't covered up well, since some people stared at my symbols. "Just keep walking..." I said, holding the envelope tightly, and made my way into the school. I headed for the office. I walked in the office, finding a seat and waited.
Child's Name: Winter Daye(yeah, kinda an ironic name)

Child's Age: just turned 16

Child's Gender: Female

Child's Abilities: Can fly(she has wings... But keeps them hidden most of the time), can use gusts of cold wind and ice and snow at her will, and it gets cold when she gets upset. She is kind but a bit shy, though she opens up a bit if you know her. She's a snow angel that was born into a fire-angel family, so she's not that trusting of people since her family don't really love her, they just keep her because they can't abandon someone under 18.

Child's Appearance: she had long golden-blind hair and bright green eyes with light white-blue wings. Her eyes glow ice-blue when she's using her powers though. (The picture may or may not have shown up >_<)
Child's Name: Tobin (Toby) Rosalia Carter

Child's Age: 16 1/2

Child's Gender: Female

Child's Abilities: Tobin is the demon king's daughter but she herself doesn't even know. As a baby, she was blessed by all the Greek God's and possesses powers she doesn't even realize she has. Her mother was a Faerie Queen. She can control elements, weather, has speed, high hand-eye coordination and when she sings, you're under her spell. When angry or sick, she immediately heats up and can burn anything that touches her. Her steps leave charred remains. There is no limit that she has.

Child's Appearance: Deep forest green eyes that turns black when her demon side comes out. Long black hair that's so black... it's red. But barely. 5ft 4 1/2

Child's Name: Goto Crone

Child's Age: 17

Child's Gender: Male

Child's Abilities: Voidwalker- can summon portals, Black flames

Child's Appearance:View attachment 13651

Notes: Goto has a pet crow, and also can summon harsume from his right arm. Kanin is his sister

Child's Name: Kanin Crone

Child's Age: 17

Child's Gender: Female

Child's Abilities: Voidwalker- can summon portals, Blue flmaes

Child's Appearance: (closest image, minus the knives and clock)View attachment 13652

Notes: Kanin has a sacred dog..very big but it only comes out when she wants it to, and also can summon Sumarse from her left arm. Goto is her brother

(Nice both of you! [MENTION=4706]Hanabusa Aidou[/MENTION] and [MENTION=4709]AllieKatRawrXD[/MENTION] ! Accepted! You may now RP. And if you happen to have a Skype, then you can message e privatly if you'd like a faster response. Sadly we will not be calling eachother, just chatters in the chatbox. only IF you have a Skype account! RP!)

(And [MENTION=4039]GoddessOfGod[/MENTION] ! BTW, I saw you in the Dark Falls RP! xD RP!)
*Stands awkwardly outside of the large and Gothic looking building. Looks up at the sky and leans against the stone steps as her ride drives away*
Winter timidly walked up to the school. She hoped this would be better than the last school... Well, anything would be better than the last school. Full of fire angels, she was a complete outcast.... Maybe there would be someone nice enough to be her friend at this school? Even if not, they wouldn't taunt her like the did last time... Would they? She sighed, pulling one of the glass doors open and stepping inside. There were already a throng of people's milling around, chatting and showing their powers. Should she show her wings? No... It was too risky now. Could there be any other angels here?
(Notes: Tobin has "shadows" that follow her around. Sometimes they come in the form of animals, people or just senseless blobs. She talks to them and can touch them and send them to do her will. She thinks she's crazy*
( Nice...)

A person behind the office desk called me up. "Hello... Miss.... Ridly?" The man asked. "Yeah, Taylor Ridly." "I'll be right with you, take a seat." I sat back down, waiting for the man to call me up again.
( Yess, you are accepted)

I sat nervously, hoping that no one would freak out over me wince basically I'm an ancient beast.
Tobin entered the building and was soon met with the soothing smell of jasmine and cinnamon. She glanced around, finding the corridor empty. She stood around... lost.
(You said they had dorms, right?)

I had registered at the office and walked out. Looking at my sheet, I saw that my dorm was room 303. Hmm, hopefully I wouldn't have a mean room mate... Hopefully they'd be nice. Maybe we'd even be friends. I quickly went to the dorm and put my stuff down before grabbing my backpack and going into one of the hallways for school. I had to find my first period class.. At least there was 10 minutes before school started.
Child's Name: Vanice Adler

Child's Age: Seventeen

Child's Gender: Female

Child's Abilities: As a Spirit Reader - she can feel, touch, hear, and talk to Ghosts. She can summon any dead or alive spirits to her. She can change their dreams into nightmares (Active spirits of course.). She summons portals to unleash the ghosts into the surface.

Child's Appearance:


Notes: She's a real good archer, and she has this black cat.
( Accepted [MENTION=3487]totherescue[/MENTION] ! And yes, [MENTION=4706]Hanabusa Aidou[/MENTION] )
In a black ford suv the two sibling sit side by side with each other. The black crow sitting upon Goto's shoulder as knaing's hand was under her chin. Both looking outside the window, the car begins to slow down. Quiet the two both looked down beside them at the opened evelpe. The crow from his shoulder jumped off and landed on the seal. Sighing Goto looked away toward the driver then toward his sister. 20 minutes later, The car pulled in fornt of the school. The man stepping out then opening the door for the two. Goto was the first to get out. His hands in his pocket as he looks at the school, the crow cawing at the people standing by the gates. The next was Kanin who stepped out brushing her skirt and shirt. She looked around then up toward the school. Both walking side by side the walke toward the sign TRENNACE HIGH. Poth pushing opend the door and wlaking through the school, Goto was already annoyed while Kanin was lookig around.
(Okay, cool.)

Sukai sat down at the desk in the back of the class. The teacher wasn't in yet, but the door said their name; so she must be in the right place... She sighed, getting out a book and opening it to the page she was on. There were several other students in the class, but Sukai didn't really want to talk to anyone right now. This was nerve-wracking as it was.
I walked out from the office, looking at my paper assigning me that my dorm was room 305. Hopefully I had a good roommate. I walked back to the main entrance from where I walked in, then down the hall to find my room. I dodged people running around, and making fireballs in their hands. Surely I was annoyed too since The symbols on me were showing. I just popped on my headphones and listened to my own music.

"Time for claaaass...." I muttered, stuffing the paper in my bag then rushed to class. I saw several other people, I got nervous as other people started to look at my markings, they looked like dogs tilting their heads to a bone.

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