Trapped Underground [Inactive]

Sonnet turned from the window and went to put her boots and socks on. So what if they were a little worn and dirty. The girl then grabbed her satchel and opened her door then began to walk downstairs to the door. She wanted to go explore the city a little bit today.
The city was alot bigger than you expected, couple of city blocks actually..

So here are the places you can visit:

General Store, Black Smith, Home, Scrapyard, Doctor, Library, Town Hall.
Tapping a finger to her chin thoughtfully she wandered a while longer, spotting a few buildings and areas she wanted to check out. First the scrapyard, there could be all kinds of junk there up for grabs. Sonnet started in the scrapyard's direction.
You pass by houses, each in very good condition..

it has been 15 mins later and you reach the scrapyard

You see a building with a sign that looks it was made out of scrap metal that said "Scrap Yard"

The building is small, like a one story house size.. but piles of metal surround it 
(im back
She entered the area, digging through some of the metal in hopes to find something really useful. Like a tool or blade... or just anything she could find really. Occasionally she'd pull out a random peice of metal and push it into her satchel carefully. Maybe other things in the city were sold for plain metal scraps.
You find a couple mishmash of items..

Pipe Wrench, X5 coins, X2 scrap metal, some tinware, unusable scrap.

Lucky find..
Sonnet was actually quite pleased with her find, though she threw the unusable scrap back in the pile then regained her balance, dusting herself off. She glanced up at the sky, it was probably after noon by now. Turning around she would begin to head for the general store. Might as well use the coins before they were stolen or lost.
The walk towards the General Store was uneventful to say the least. Not much happened outside of a drunken brawl once near the bar.

You walk into the General Store, the same man greets you and asks "What would you like to buy today miss?"
"Oh sorry. Umm... How much are your weapons?" She asked, examining what was on stock.
"Well... we have this in stock" he hands you a list

6 Shot Revolver (.234) 4$

Shock Knife 3$

Lever Action Rifle (.20) 5$

Iron Sword 2$

Wooden bow (X50 arrows) 5$
"Yep, those coins you carry is the currency we shops use, all shops use it all around this city."

"And before you ask, there are more towns in this city, each owned by a faction, right now this city is owned by the rich Girthans"
"Really? Why do they allow humans in.... Another question, Are there any human towns?" Sonnet questioned curiously.
"I see. By the way, Can I get a 6 shot revolver?" She asked, placing the money she had on the counter.
He hands the revolver with a box full of rounds, the box had around 50 bullets in it. "Thanks for your payment"
"Thanks." Sonnet smiled, taking the gun and bullets then began to walk back to the house where she was staying. She had somehow forgotten about about the journal, and didn't even give a thought about it as she neared the house.
"'Bullets..Great, I just hope she hasn't loaded the gun yet.''

After watching the shop for a patron that looked rather easy to rob, and as the day was ending, He had no choice but to go after this person.

And better yet, she had bought just what he needed.

Pulling out a single revolver, adorned with purple and pink tassels and a colorful rainbow like paint.

Copoi followed the woman a few minutes until she was out of sigght of random passerby. Being quite stealthy, there was a dismal chance at him being heard.

Until he whistled.

Aiming his gun up, now standing. non hidden, about 5 feet away, he whistled. To get her to turn around,

And she would be faced with a strangely dressed man holding her at (Colorful) Gunpoint.

''Sorry, but would you mind giving me all of your money?''
Sonnet spun around at the whistle, eyes widening at the gun. "Money? Got none." She replied, now very thankful she had spent it all. Except one coin, but she wasn't going to give that up. "And who might be you be? Mr.Colorful-shot?" She teased, trying to casually begin loading her own gun, which was black. If she wasn't stopped she'd pull the gun up and aim it right back at him, eyes narrowed.
A shrill laugh echoed on a nearby wall.

''Please don't think I'm not going to shoot you, I am, twice now. And then I might stab you a few times for not co-operating.''

His voice was still soft, but with an edge of violence to it. As if he couldn't wait to get to the shooting part.

''Everyone has money, You can't live without it. But I guess since I'll be shooting you, I'll just take that ammo you got, I've been running quite low.''

A grin was spread on his face, and his eyes were seeping Venomous enjoyment.

''Or you could give me your left ear. It looks good enough to string to a gun...I'd still shoot you, of course, so maybe I'll take that anyway.''

Another laugh.
"I just got to town. I found money and spent it. I have no money. Leave me alone." Sonnet ground out with a frown and a glare. She disliked fighting and the fact he probably knew how to shoot a gun better then her and probably had many more weapons then her didn't make her any more calm. Again she repeated, "Leave me alone. I don't want trouble."
''I don't either. I want your money and ear. And to kill you. Either order works.''

He sighed and then laughed again, grin still there.

''If it makes you more inclined to hand it over, 'Guess I could spare you Most of you.'' He frowned at this prospect before girnning agian.

''Last chance, I can't wait to get to the shooting part though, what do you say?''
"Fine. I'll give you the money I have..." She replied, unsure of what she would do with a single coin anyway. She reached in her satchel and pulled out a fist, making it appear full of something, probably coins. "Fetch." She suddenly said, flinging them away. When his attention was to the small pile scattered around the side of the road she would sprint down the opposite road, hoping to turn the corner into an alley before she could be shot or anything else harmfull. The pile of 'coins' had actually been a few bullets, a few small pieces of metal scrap, and a coin.

He had run over to the pile, the trick had worked on his greed.

And he was pleased to find a quite exquisite coin. And a laugh echoed once more. He jumped up in a bit of glee, grabbing the bullets as he stood, and dropping those in his belt pouch, He bit into the coin in pirate spirit before bounding up a nearby wall and heading back to his hideout.

Ï didn't get the ear though, a shame, it would have looked nice on my dismemberment bracelet...."'

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