Trapped Underground [Inactive]

The steel walls also seemed to make people feel claustrophobic.. But the mining district was at least better than the residential
Sonnet crept through the city, her head twisting this way and that to see her surroundings. She could only see with one eye after all. With a nervous sigh the girl would dart into an alley, her back against a wall. She was silent for now, listening to the growling of her stomach.
Sonnet gave a low whine to herself, feeling helpless and weak. She has half-blind and in an empty -and dangerous!- city. Not to mention she was on the brink of starvation.
But finally you see a cracked door, light is shining through the cracks.

You hear talking on the other side...
Sonnet paused, directing her good eye in the direction. Tentatively she crept forward and tried to peer inside the small opening, seeming to hold her breath.
She could see three Girthans talking, they seem to be in the middle of a conversation.

The one in the middle is a female while the other two are male. They seem to be sitting near a table with various contents

"- wonder what's next for this potion, first the boss asks us to make a death potion.."

Said the male on the right

"Probably to poison the unclean water and finally kill these rebels..not that I don't mind them."

Said the female

"Well you've probably been going around with them, why else would the boss make it. "

Said the second male

"Hey you do realize that we are low on food here!"
Sonnet widened her eyes, swiftly stepping back, but probably a bit too carelessly. She nearly tripped over an empty can which caused a scraping noise to be heard in the silent city. Hopefully the Girthans had been too absorbed in their talk to hear her however, but Sonnet didn't want to wait to find out. She turned around and aimed to race down the messy street, however the littered roads and and her blindness would likely slow her down and the carelessness of it all would likely creature more occasional noise.
The female Girthan walked outside by the time you were gone.. Thankfully she didn't want to go hunt for noises..

But the city somehow had calmed down.. As you approached a, surprisingly, clean and well kept part of the town.. It looked so different you could swear that this isn't part of the town..

People were walking around in fancy clothes.. But sadly they were all Girthans.. They saw you and took no notice..

"Welcome to Thrensan" a sign said near you.
Sonnet stumbled into the area, jaw beginning to drop. What...? She thought in disbelief. Slowly she stepped further into Thrensan, trying to stay in the shadows. Her clothing was dirty and the inhabitants of the area were all Girthans.
The town in a town (townception), had a few shops who traded metal for food.. And surprising, a blacksmith!

Girthans notice ya and decide to take pity by giving you bits of scrap metal.

A clock tower is also visible in the town.. Seems to be the only working clock tower..time is 9:00 P.M.
Sonnet hesitantly took the scraps, holding them close as she walked up to a place where food was sold. There she would ask for food that she could afford.
Shopkeeper is a human, his store is lit up and kinda comforting, he looks as you and your metal, "hm.. You seem like you haven't eaten in days.. You can buy 1 fruit for 1 scrap.. Meat is out for right now. 1 cup of water is 1 scrap. I see you have 25 scrap..
"Ah, yes." Sonnet nodded, carefully laying out the scraps as she looked in her satchel to see how much room she had. "How about... 8 fruit and 2 cups of water?" She requested, planning to save the rest for a later time.
"Done deal miss." He hands out the items and takes the exact amount of scrap.

"The fruit feel and look fresh.. But don't worry, they won't spoil for a few weeks.. It's kinda neat, dunno why though.."
"Thank you." The half-blind girl smiled, taking her items and putting them in her bag. Then she would drink the water and be on her way to explore the city. Eventually she'd pull out a fruit and eat it as she became more comfortable in the city.
The city seems like a nice base to live in.. you catch wind that the town is owned by the mayor.. And learn about a place that is open to stay in for free.

It is now 10 P.M.
After hearing about this 'free place' Sonnet headed in the direction, knocking on the door of the place and awaiting patiently to be answered. This place seemed perfect to live in, and anyway Sonnet was exhausted.
"Oh hello?" The answer was a Female Girthan, she smiled "Oh hello there, you looking for a place to stay, sorry if i seem to nice, just that I'm trying to be helpful.. So you wana stay for night or home?"
"Um, yes actually.. Please." The girl stuttered, uncertain suddenly. Everyone else seemed nice however, so Sonnet figured she would be safe here. "Night...For now anyway." She nodded.
"Good, don't worry about me trying to do something while you sleep because I hate that as well."

She lets you inside and apparently.. The inside is a regular house.. No really. She leads you to your room and it has a nice view and a comfy bed..

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