Trapped Underground [Inactive]

(I gtg after this) Sonnet blinked, eyes widened as she asked about the room, "This is for me?"
Sonnet took her satchel off, placed it near the door, then with a smile she would face-plant into the bed happily. Then she would roll over and stare up at the ceiling with a sigh. This was definitely a good place to stay.
The bed was creaky, the room was obviously big enough for two to sleep in, it had a desk and a drawer, a regular bed, lights. All the stuff In a typical bedroom.

How ever there is a journal on the desk.
After a while Sonnet pushed herself off the bed and began to explore the room and after a minute, spied a journal on the desk. After only a moment of hesitation she picked it up and examined it, going to the first page to look for a name if it wasn't on the cover."Hmm..." She mused to herself curiously.
The cover had no name on it, just blank.

How ever there was writing on the side

"Day:1 Im glad i found this house, very nice and pretty, even the owner is nice. Food is good, suprisingly!"

"Day:2 Well, how odd to find a broken arm under my smelled foul and reeked.. even the owner noticed and got it out before i could puke"

"Day:3 the soup tasted off today, could be the arm...even then it isnt that bad..though i probably shouldnt have eaten it.."

"Day:4 Oh!" the page just abruptly ends..and more visitors seem to repeat the same process...

You hear a click near your door..
Sonnet flipped through the pages then abruptly put the book down, spun around, and stared at the door. Of course, her head was slightly tilted to one side so she could see better. Warily she would step closer and call out, "Hello? Is someone out there?"
"Its me dear, Glendas my name by the way, just checking up on ya, making sure you were comfy, would you like some meat?"

The door cracked open, but she didnt enter, only looked in like she was peeping.

You could see she was carrying soup with her.
"Oh um, yes please." She replied, opening the door so Glendas could enter. She would then eye the soup, trying to hide suspicion with a small, friendly smile.
Glenda set the soup on the desk, not noticing the journal or any suspision, you hid it well.

She walked out of your room quietly and closed the door..

The soup was bubbling hot, it looked like it was soup with meat in it.. there was a spoon also near the bowl.
Sonnet eyed the soup, though before nearing it, she hurried over to the bed and slowly looked under it. She held her breath, eyes widened as she peered under the furniture. She doubted the whole arm thing, but she was just curious.
Really i wonder why she'd put the arm ther- oh sorry.

The room was clean, no foul stench.. just the soup, and quietness.
"Hmm." Sonnet murmured to herself, slowly pushing herself back to her feet. She went over to the soup again and took the spoon. Eyeing the contents she would begin to stir the soup with the spoon, slowly pulling out a chunk of meat to examine on the spoon.
The meat on the spoon was like any other meat, no bones, just a chunk of meat, and the soup was not too thick or thin..

See seemed to prepare it well.
Sonnet finally put a spoon full of soup into her mouth and would try to find out what type of meat it was.
It was actually Grothen (Girthan version of pig) meat.

It tasted sweet with tange to it, its liquid tasted kinda like chicken noodle soup..

mm..i could go for soup right now.
Sonnet found the soup quite delicious and she quickly ate it all, licking any extra from her lips when she finished.
It was now 12 PM and the house was quiet...

It was as if you had a moment to rest finally..after so much struggle
Leaving the bowl Sonnet yawned, rubbing her eyes sleepily. Might as well sleep now... She thought. She took of her boots and placed them by her bag near the door. Then she turned off the lights and crawled into the bed, snuggling into the pillow and closing her eyes contently. This place couldn't be all that bad.
*Next Day* You awaken at around... oh.. 10 AM..

The city is lively again and your door remained closed, thankfully, and the journal was still there.

There was some pancakes on the desk and the soup bowl was gone.
"Ooh!" Sonnet cooed as she saw the pancakes, not caring what time it was. She didn't seem to remember the journal's insides much either however and she got out of bed and sat down at the desk, beginning to scarf down the pancakes. This place really did have good food.
The pancakes were pretty good to say the least.. not only were they good but fills the stomach.

The room also seems livelier than before. Not to mention the town is also..
Sonnet put the silverware on the empty plate neatly then went to look out the window and peer down at the city curiously.
the city was busling as usual even the Girthans seemed happy and cheery...

Which ironically is in a hellhole city, but no of the less they were still happy and friendly.

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