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Fandom Transgressions: Flight to Utopia [NOT ACCEPTING]

Level 10 prison
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
"Do what you want..." Gyutaro hissed. "I don't care,.." He was to busy to stare at Zenitsu's empty cell. He didn't even care about what Sung was doing,which was a good thing.
120 monument,virtual room.
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Both Noctis and Ignis tensed as they heard the familiar name.
Tanjiro could smell fear and hatred from the king and his advisor.
A familiar figure appear as an hologram.
"Hello there,good day to you...and you,well met ladies and gentlemen of the 120!"
Ardyn Izunia's figure was seen,theatrically.
"Seems you missed serving a evil empire,that you now serve the Taskforce?" Noctis spat.

"Oh,dear Noctis,ah pardon me...your Highness!" Ardyn replied. "You haven't changed my friend!"

"We are not friends." Noctis spat.
"Ah,you sadden me dear Noct! After all I did for you on your journey to reclaim your throne!"
Tanjiro was not able to pickup Ardyn's scent as the former wasn't here physically,but he could tell that there was something sinister coming from the flamboyant former chancellor.
Noctis coudn't afford to give further accusation toward Ardyn as he was in the presence of the 120.
"What do you want Ardyn? " Noctis asked.

Phillipa's lab.
"Well,Miss Eilhart already gave you our conditions,am I correct?" Ardyn said before facing Phillipa. "I'm only here to advice you to accept our offer. Think about it your highness. I think your beloved would...
"Please do not bring Luna into this." Noctis replied,trying to retain himself from bursting in anger. He still glared toward Ardyn though.
"My sincerest apologies!" Ardyn lied.
Zenitsu could hear it from his inhuman sounds.He was lying. Other sounds coming from the chancellor seemed...demonic. On par with Muzan's.
Speaking of Muzan. He was only watching Ardyn's performance,amuzed at his fellow demon king's performence.

"It was nice meeting you again your highness! I hope we can meet again!" Ardyn added bowing again. "Miss Eilhart if you please."
Taskforce Prison Facility Underground Maze

Sung first looked at the young girl that Edgeworth was protecting. She was a strong fighter, and he could tell that she was different from some of the filth that was in this labyrinth. He smiled slightly at the girl as he looked up at Edgeworth. His protective and cautious glade was not something that Sung was not accustomed to. He had had his fair share of these kinds of glances. So it didn’t bother him.

“No need to worry. I am not here to hurt you or that child. So calm down. You need to rest Mr. Edgeworth. I am sure that you are tired from all of the running around you have done down here. That child has been the only one fighting the creatures.” Sung said as he shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.

“My name is Sung Jinwoo. I am also not from this world, but another completely different from this one. Yet, in a way it is the same. Though the people here are normal, and where I come from we have people called Hunters that kill monsters that come out of portals.” Sung said as he leaned against the wall looking at Edgeworth.

“I am here to just talk. What is your name?”
Taskforce Prison Facility
Philippa Eilhart’s Laboratory
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Chancellor Izunia handled things far better than Philippa expected. His diplomatic etiquette was on point, and he even provoked the Utopian king into making his gravest error yet.

An error so grave, in fact, that whatever amusement she once got out of his blunders was now gone, replaced with utter disgust as the 120 heads of state all roared in outrage.

"Seems you missed serving an evil empire, that you now serve the Taskforce?"

What simpleminded fool would mistake a TASKFORCE, by definition 'a unit specially organized for a task', for an EMPIRE? Or was he referring to the 120 individual nations that the Taskforce served? And even if it WAS the latter... the pretend-king of a tiny fledgling province, calling 120 entire nations 'evil' in front of the leaders of said nations?! Not even a drunk Henselt of Kaedwen high on fisstech would have done something so unbelievably stupid!

Even so, Philippa said nothing at first, taking a moment to calm herself while the Esteemed 120 continued lashing out at Noctis. Two things in life must always be partaken cold: sorrel soup, and politics. She had seen enough, and all the right pieces were now in place for her next move. By the time she spoke again, her composure had settled into an appropriately solemn look, and she signaled once again for the 120 to be silent.

Pact of 120 Monument
Virtual Meeting Hall
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"The Taskforce’s honor has indeed been tainted as of late. That much cannot be denied. Nevertheless, Your Majesty, I still hope that this exchange of information will help each of us to correct whatever errors we may have, despite our disagreements.” Philippa said softly. “The terms on both sides are now clear, and we at the Taskforce are prepared to accept. Should you be willing to accept as well, I shall prepare an official document for all involved parties to sign, once you’ve had sufficient time to read it of course.”

She spared a glance down at Tanjiro, who still looked as distraught as ever.

“But first, as a token of our good faith, I would like to grant one small favor to young Mr. Kamado.” Philippa said in a warmer, almost motherly tone. “Your friend whom you spoke of, Mr. Zenitsu Agatsuma, is here with me now. Would you like to speak with him?”

Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

The glare on Edgeworth’s part evaporated once it was clear that this Sung Jinwoo was not hostile to them.

“My name is Miles Edgeworth.” Edgeworth responded politely. “I’m pleased to meet you, albeit not in the most pleasant of circumstances.”

Edgeworth then stepped aside to start introducing the girl who had helped him. He couldn’t tell if Sung was being sarcastic or not, about him being tired from simply running about while this poor girl did all the fighting. But Edgeworth paid it no more heed than necessary. This was no time to start arguing with a potential ally over something so petty.

“I was locked in one of the cells here not long after my arrival. This girl happened upon me purely by chance and decided to help me. Then those creatures started pursuing us.” Edgeworth began to explain. “I’m a prosecutor, not a warrior, so unfortunately I could only do so much. But she was able to fend them off like flies; I’ve seen supernaturally gifted individuals before, but none quite like her. Unfortunately there were too many of them, and she must have finally worn herself out. This place seemed safe enough for her to rest, for now.”

Now that that was out of the way, Edgeworth turned his attention back to the metal gag still firmly secured around the child’s mouth. He’d still had no luck finding a way to pick the lock, and it was built too strong for him to simply break it with human strength alone. But perhaps Sung might have something that could help.

“Do you have anything that could help remove this?” Edgeworth asked, letting Sung see the gag. “She’s had it on since before we met. There’s a lock in the back, but I have no tools on hand for it.”
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120 monument
Noctis felt ashamed. It seemed Ardyn was here to provoke him into showing his true feelings...But then Phillippa talked again.
"I must apologise for my behaviour. Mr Izunia snd I have a complecated history. It will not happen again.I will accept your conditions and sign the document.

Thrn Phillippa asked Tanjiro if he wanted to talk to Zenitsu. " Yes,I would love to talk to him please." Tanjiro replied.
Phillippa's prison.
Zenitsu heard it right. He would have the opportunity to spesk with his friend.
He started to cry. "Tanjiro..."
Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze

Finally Edgeworth let his guard down and calmed down. It didn't take long, but Sung was wondering how long it was going to take to get him to relax. He was not there to fight. At least him. He would like to see how strong the creatures that roamed this labyrinth were, but he would have to wait for that till later. For now he needed to keep his cover. Or at least not show his true strength.

As the man finally introduced himself he smiled at the man as Miles then turned his attention back to the young lady that was unconscious. Though the older man didn't catch his little remark. That he knew he didn't do any fighting. That the girl did all of the work. It made him wonder if he chose to ignore it or if he truly didn't catch it.

Though knowing he was a prosecutor he could see why Wright knew this man. They were from the same world, and on different sides of the law. Sung never thought that he would get involved with people that enforced the law. Since he was a Hunter he was above the law of normal people, but not above the Hunters Association. They were the ones that enforced the laws for people like him. Though still he was still not one that they could control.

Miles then asked if he would be able to remove the mussel that was placed on the girl. It was not something that he had thought about, but it wouldn't be hard for him to remove the object. He would just want reassurance that Miles would keep his mouth shut.

"I can help your friend. Though I need something from you in exchange." Sung said as he walked over to Edgeworth kneeling down and looked the man in the eyes. "I want you to not tell anyone what you see. If you can promise me that I will help, and then I can answer any questions you have. Do you promis?"


Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze Hidden Room

Fate had been tricked into coming to this accursed place by Phillipa. She had sweet talked him into following her to this place to talk. When he disagreed with her plans and didn't want to join her little group he was attacked. He had held his own for a while, but she got another involved and now he was here. He had been stuck in this room for a bit. It really didn't bother him other than the fact that Greed was taken from him, and soon he was going to have an issue with Gluttony.

He hadn't been able to eat in a while, and soon he was going to have a bigger issue. Soon he would enter starvation mode and that would be an issue. Especially in this room with nothing around him. He needed to get out, but he also needed a weapon. Too many issues he would need to take care of.

His first priority is to get out of this room. Then he would need to secure a weapon. From there he would need to find something to eat before he entered starvation mode. He picked himself up off the floor and made his way to a wall. He needed to find the door first.
Taskforce Prison Facility
Philippa Eilhart’s Laboratory
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Philippa bowed politely to the assembly before stepping out of range of the megascope. Once out of range, she turned to face Zenitsu once more.

“We and the Utopians are about to sign an agreement that will help to secure peace. I would warn you not to say anything to upset that. You’ve seen and heard many compromising things in this room, but I warn you not to say a word of them any of your friends. If you do, you’ll be sent to join Edgeworth in the Labyrinth of the Mejai, which houses six monsters so savage that the Taskforce had no other means to control them. Do you understand?”

Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

Edgeworth flinched a bit at first. He disliked keeping secrets. Concealing the truth went against everything he believed in as a prosecutor. But if there was a good enough reason for it, then perhaps...

"As long as you don't cause any harm, or give me any other reason to break that promise..." Edgeworth said firmly, but his tone softened as he nodded. "Whatever I witness will be kept confidential."
Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze

Sung watched Miles' eyes closely as he spoke and saw nothing but truth in them. He felt like he could trust him, and only because of that he was willing to break his cover a little to help them out.

“Just remember your promise.” Sung said as he got up and walked over to the girl. He placed his hands on each side of the lock and used his strength to break the metal. It wasn’t hard. He has pulled apart armor, and punched holes in metal before this was nothing. Once he was done, he removed the metal face plate and threw it to the side.

He stood up once more and looked over at the man. Nodding his head and returning to the wall.

“My lord. Was that a wise move?” Beru asked Sung in his mind.

“Don’t worry about it. If the worst comes to worst, I will begin the mission without the others.”

“I can see why Wright has such faith in you. He has told me much about you, Miles. However, I would have never expected you to be put in this prison. This must have been a shock to Wright.”


Central District

It took Pyo a little longer to get to Utopia than he thought. However, he was disappointed at the lack of security at the borders. Granted he had a skill that allowed him to just walk past the guards like it was nothing. However, now that he is so far in, and he undid his technique he was surprised at the fact that no one even flinched seeing someone they didn't know walking the streets.

“Are the people that lax?” he questioned under his breath as he moved among the populace. He would have thought his red eyes, and white complexion would turn some heads. But nothing happened as of yet. Though he was able to gather some intel from some of the residents. They were all too willing to tell him exactly what he wanted to know. Not even questioning his motives.

He may be hard on them, but the life they were living was the life he had before he was taken and turned into what he was today. Oh, how he would love to return to those times, but in this world. They attacked before even seeing that he was not going to do anything. That was when he decided that the Taskforce, and all of the 120 country rulers needed to die. It would be best for this world, and the people who have found themselves here not of their own will.

He continued to walk towards the building that he had found out that Wright, the person he was told to talk to, resided. Pyo didn’t pay any mind to anyone around him, as he continued to walk.
Utopia,Central district.

Two figures watched Pyo as he came close,both armed with sword. The first ,a young man with long black hair,eyes of different colors and wearing a black and white haori that made him look like a prissoner over his uniform and bandages covering his mouth was laying on a nearby tree,a white snake around his neck.
The second,a white haired young man with scars on his face and chest steped forward and stood in Pyo's way.

"You're taking us for fools,are you?" the young man spat with a grin. " You thought tresspassing though Utopia's borders would be a walk in the park?"

" Outsiders,both from the Taskforce or the ressistance are not welcome here." The black haired young man with the snake replied,pointing toward Pyo.
Phillipa's lab

Zenitsu nodded to Phillipa. He stared at the hologram of his best friend,who looked worried.
"Tanjiro..." Zenitsu cried.
"It's alright Zenitsu. I'm here." Tanjiro replied kindly.
"I'm sorry....I coudn't protect Nezuko!" he replied,crying.
"It's not your fault." Tanjiro replied. " You were both sent in this world against your will,like the rest of us but you both ended up in the wrong place."
"Yes,we did." Zenitsu replied.
"Listen,the Taskforce are treating us badly! They are making horrible experiments on us!" he added,crying."That witch here even said that she even wants you and the Hashira would surender to the Taskforce with the proper bait!"" Zenitsu added.
Chuntaro,Zenitsu's messager bird was hidding under Zenitsu's haori all this time.
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Pact of 120 Monument
Virtual Meeting Hall
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 & Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

All fell silent as Zenitsu and Tanjiro had their heartfelt talk together...

But when Zenitsu cried out his accusations against the Taskforce, the entire meeting hall was in an uproar. Even the 120 heads of state all looked and sounded outraged, some more genuinely than others.

“What kind of experiments?” Wright tried to ask, but Zenitsu vanished before he could answer.

“I must apologize for that outburst.” Philippa said, her seething fury well-concealed. “I had hoped not to have to reveal this openly, but Mr. Agatsuma suffers from violent sleepwalking episodes and is currently receiving treatment. Unfortunately he has no memory whatsoever of these episodes, and is therefore convinced that his treatment regimen is nothing more than some sort of elaborate torture."

Wright shook his head. "Sorry, Ms. Eilhart, but we need more proof than just your word that everything's fine. Not to mention he just accused you of conspiring against the Hashira!" If Lady Eilhart thought he would just let Zenitsu's statements slide, she was sorely mistaken. To his surprise, however, some of the 120 heads of state were openly agreed with him, including one who motioned for the 120 member nations themselves to aid the Utopians in an open investigation.

Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

Nezuko murmured in relief as the muzzle was torn off. Not quite waking up, she snuggled more contently into the jacket she was wrapped in, pulling the thick red fabric more snugly around her.

Edgeworth returned Sung's nod in gratitude, but then what Sung said next caught him completely by surprise.

"Wright? You mean Phoenix Wright?" Edgeworth asked, his eyes widening. He had briefly seen Wright during the meeting, but he never would have expected Wright to go to this much trouble to find him. That man could be bold to the point of recklessness at times, but sending an agent into the Taskforce's prison facility of all places...?!

Edgeworth shook his head, focusing on the matter at hand. This was their chance to save as many lives as they could, stop the Taskforce from spreading its corruption into Utopia, and potentially expose the Taskforce's corruption once and for all.

"It's a bit of a long story..." Edgeworth said in response to Sung's statement. "But the details can wait. The Taskforce is conducting inhumane experiments on its prisoners. I met one of the victims earlier, but there are others. And now the Taskforce intends to use me as a hostage to get to Wright."
Phillipa's lab
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
"Don't listen to her!" Zenitsu cried loud enough for his friends and the others to hear him.
"These were not treatments! These were inhuman experiments! Those monsters did them on Nezuko too! That nutcase,Hojo is the worse!" He cried. "I'm scared of what plan he has for us!"
"Will you shut up!" Muzan hissed as he went closer. He was about to attack Zenitsu when Chuntaro emerged from his master's haori and flew around him in attempt to protect him.
Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze

It was a little shocking to see the reaction that Edgeworth had when he mentioned that he knew Wright. It was almost like the man didn’t think that his friend would go out of his way to try and find him. They even went as far as sending a spy to the resistance to see if he was there. Though that didn't bear any fruit. Since the operative never got even close to the higher ups. Smiling he nodded his head at moles when he asked if he meant Phoenix Wright.

“The one and the same. He has been looking for you for a while. Though I am not sure how much the higher ups know of his activities. He is a man that does what he can for his friends.” Sung said as Edgeworth seemed to be in a light thought.

What was said next was no surprise to him. He had his shadows all over this prison keeping tabs on everyone and everything he thought was going to be of value. Information was power in any situation, and in this case the more they knew about their enemy the better. He had even been on the receiving end of some experiments. They were trying to determine if he was a normal person or if he was hiding his power. It was all he could do to allow them to do as they pleased and acted in a way befitting a weak person. He had been one at one time so at least he knew how it would feel. Even though he didn’t really have adverse reactions from the experiments.

“I know of the corruption and cruelty of this place. As for them using you against Wright, that was something that we were prepared for. Finding information is something I am well suited for. Though, getting this information to the right people is the hard part. I can’t just leave this prison at the moment.” Sung commented as he looked to his right.

“At times like this I wish they could speak in a human language.” He said in an off handed comment to himself. This one factor was the only downside to his ability at the moment.


Central District

A man with a sword had stepped in front of Pyo as he had made it quite far into the borders of Utopia. He just stared at the scared man as he spoke, as well as the man in the tree to his right. Each of them were powerful, but he wasn’t scared of them. He was powerful in his own right. He had killed two masters from his world and sent his province into chaos. Many lives ended at his hands that he earned himself the title of Reaper.

Now, was no different. These men didn’t know what he could do, nor did he know what they could do. It was a stalemate. At least that was probably what they thought. He really didn’t care. He was only doing what needed to be done.

“Are you fools?” Pyo sacked as he didn’t back down from the man. “If you are a fool, then why stand in my way? I am not here to speak to the likes of either of you. Now if you will get out of my way.” Pyo said as he stood his ground. His hands at his sides for now, but if they made a move then so would he.

“So, what? It is not like either of you could stop me.”
Taskforce Prison Facility
Philippa Eilhart’s Laboratory
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

That wretched boy was ruining everything! Philippa had been in total control of this meeting mere moments ago, but she had underestimated Zenitsu, who was now blatantly ignoring her warnings and exposing some of the most compromising secrets of the Taskforce's work. Now the Utopians were bombarding her with questions, and even more of the heads of state were now starting to agree with them as well!

The benefactor Zenitsu had called Muzan Kibutsuji was furious, and suddenly a little sparrow emerged from Zenitsu's haori to try to defend his master. In the process, the little bird knocked over Philippa's megascope, scattering the crystals within and permanently severing her connection to the Virtual Meeting Hall.

There was no chance for Philippa to reassemble the megascope in time to influence the meeting any further. But with the link gone, Philippa also had no more reason to hold back.

"Enough!" Philippa snapped, casting a spell that would push Zenitsu to the ground, as if the gravity around him had just multiplied. Chuntaro immediately flew at her to make her stop, breaking her concentration and the spell with it, but at least she got her point across. Perhaps if she had some free time, she could hunt down that blasted bird in her owl form and make a decent meal out of him.

"You were warned not to say anything that would compromise us, and yet that is precisely what you have just done." Philippa hissed, barely controlling herself. "Now I must try to undo the damage you've caused, but as for you..."

A portal started to open behind Zenitsu.

"Give my regards to both Edgeworth and Nezuko."

She telekinetically pushed Zenitsu into the portal leading into the Labyrinth of the Mejai. Her focus was not on Chuntaro at the time, giving the little sparrow just enough time to fly into the portal after Zenitsu right before it closed.

Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"You don't know the half of it." Edgeworth said wryly, in response to Sung's comments about Wright. In retrospect, Edgeworth really shouldn't have been so surprised. Wright always did fight for his clients to the bitter end, even literally risking his life once to save a child he barely knew. Still, Edgeworth had to wonder how on Earth Wright ended up in such a high-ranking position in Utopia in the first place. The two of them would have a lot of catching up to do if and when Edgeworth got out of this place.

But that could wait, as Sung's next point promptly reminded him. Sung already knew of the Taskforce's corruption, and he and Wright had already anticipated the hostage situation, both of which were a good start. Now the next step was to ensure that all involved were brought to justice, and for that they would need enough tangible evidence to prove their case in court. Edgeworth had a few ideas of where to look, but first they would have to find their way out of whatever dark maze they were in now.

"Unfortunately you're correct. If the Taskforce realized you were gone, it would give them time to cover up their misdeeds." Edgeworth admitted soberly. "But there must be some way to-."

A loud whooshing noise pierced the silence outside of the room, causing Edgeworth to tense up. Was that another of the monsters inhabiting this maze? Or could that have been someone else entirely.

"Did you hear that?" Edgeworth whispered to Sung. Depending on what Sung did next, Edgeworth could either look outside and see what that was, or stay behind to look after the young girl still sleeping on the embalming table.

Meanwhile, an exact replica of Zenitsu walked through the hallways outside. Holding a torch of his own, the Zenitsu replica caught sight of the real Zenitsu and stopped his approach, quietly waiting to see what Zenitsu would do.

Pact of 120 Monument
Virtual Meeting Hall
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Suddenly all contact with Philippa Eilhart was completely cut off, leaving Wright and the heads of state unsure of what to do next. Eventually the motion to aid in Utopia's investigation of the Taskforce passed, albeit barely, and so the meeting was adjourned with a promise to send King Noctis a copy of the agreement for him to read before signing.

As the chaos gradually settled back down, a blonde woman wearing red and silver armor discreetly approached Tanjiro from the side, staring at the empty space where Philippa's holographic form once stood. To the young man's keen sense of smell, this woman gave off hints of anger mixed with compassion.

"I heard what happened. I'm sorry for how that witch treated you and your loved ones." The woman said in a low voice, avoiding direct eye contact with Tanjiro so as to avoid drawing attention. "Philippa will be expecting you and your comrades, just like your friend said. But I have one thing she won't expect. Go home, and leave them to me."

The woman said nothing more for now, turning to leave without another word.
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DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight

Taskforce prison facillity
Phillipa's lab

Muzan smirked at the scene. The sorceress had sent that pathetic demon slayer to his demise. One less Corps member to worry about. He hoped that where ever Zenitsu ended up,that he would die a painful death.
"Where did you send him?" Muzan asked. The woman's portal powers rival Nakime's teleportation blood demon art.
"A shame really,poor boy." Ardyn replied. Muzan could tell that comment wasn't sincere.

Underground maze.
Zenitsu painfuly got up a few minutes after landing on the ground. Chuntaro landed on his right shoulder. The young demon slayer looked around. "Where did that witch send us Chuntaro?" Zenitsu asked his bird.
Zenitsu could hear strange inhuman noises all around him. He cried and shook like a leaf.

What he looked at shocked him.

The mirror image of himself,holding a torch.The real Zenitsu's eyes widened.
"Th....Th...That....." Zenitsu studdered. " Me? AHHH! WHAT IS A DOPPLEGANGER OF MYSELF DOING THERE?!" Zenitsu shouts,pointing toward his doppeganger in a Spider man manner. "WHAT DO THINK YOU'RE DOING?! POSSING AS ME,YOU FAKKKKKKEEEEEE!!!!! SAY SOMETHING!!!!"
Monument of 120

"It's a shame that Miss Eilhart is no longer with us." Noctis replied. " I will sign the documents once I receive them." Noctis replied.
Tanjiro looked at the woman who spoke with him. He could smell her emotions. " Thank you..." he said.
"You work for Utopia's defense?" Shinobu asked the woman.
Utopia,Central district
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
"Like Obanai said,we don't trust outsiders like you." The white haired scared man ,the wind hashira, Sanemi Shinazegawa replied,unshelthing his sword.
The black haired man with the snake, Obanai Iguro,the serpent hashira climbed down the tree and joined his comrade.
"What buisness do you have here? You stand against two of the most powerful Hashira of the demon Slayer Corps." Obanai replied.
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Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze

“I can leave whenever I want. However, not getting caught in the process is the hard part. My task requires me to keep my powers hidden from the Taskforce. If they found out I would be in a bad position. They do have a communication device. However, they have three levels of security to keep unauthorized people from using it.” Sung said as the the noise outside of the entrance caught his attention

However, he was not really concerned with what was outside at the moment. He gave a sigh, as he didn’t want to take any chances. “Beru, go and see what that was. Don’t attack it, just see if it is a threat.” Sung said as something sprung from his shadow. The insect-like creature turned to Sung.

“As you wish.” It said but it was in a language that Miles wouldn't understand. It walked to the door, and disappeared outside. To see what was going on.

“Don’t worry. He will not let anything enter unless it was not an enemy. He will keep me informed on what is happening.” he said as he moved from the wall. Walked next to Miles.

“Do you have any questions?” Sung asked, sounding relaxed.


Central District

Pyo tilted his head as he just stared at the man in front of him. He could almost taste the blood lust coming off of the man and his companion in the tree. Who just so happened to join his friend in blocking his path. His hands remained at his sides, but his fingers twitched a little. He has created his strings and set them up as a barrier between him and his opponents. These threads would be invisible to the naked eye.

“Trust is not something that is given lightly. As for my business. That is none of your concern.” Pyo said as he just looked at the two with serious eyes. He was waiting for them to make the first move, and he was not scared of them in the least. They were blind to the truth, and that was fine by him. If they wanted to die, that's their prerogative.



Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze Hidden Room

Feeling around the walls, Fate was trying to find a way out of this room. However, he had yet to find a door, and his Gluttony skill was starting to raise its ugly head. He needed to satisfy his skill, or soon he would be too hungry to control himself. He had finally found the last wall and prayed that he would find the door at this time.

Lucky his hands found a door. It took him a bit to find the handle, but he was able to finally leave the room. However, this only led to a dark corridor, and he was starting to be able to see in this darkness. His breathing became labored as his hunger was beginning to take over. He needed to find prey now, or he would become a monster as well.

He began running in one direction. It was the direction that he could sense a power coming from. He needed to find a weapon, but he would tear them apart with his bare hands if he needed to. Luckily, he had some skills that could help him. He just felt lonely without Greed.
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Taskforce Prison Facility
Philippa Eilhart’s Laboratory
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

“I sent him exactly where I promised I would: to a level specially reserved for six creatures that the Taskforce could not control otherwise.” Philippa replied, while picking up her megascope and putting everything back together. "From what little we know about them, the six share an all-consuming need to kill, control over a number of lesser monsters, and an immortality of sorts. When slain, they assume a temporary spiritual form and then eventually resurrect themselves. On the orders of the Taskforce, I and a handful of other mages built an underground labyrinth to contain them. Only the most troublesome detainees are to be sent to that labyrinth, and must immediately be locked in one of the cells. Nowhere else is safe for them down there."

Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze - Embalming Room
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

Where to even begin? At least now they had a clear goal to work towards. With escape not currently an option, that communication device was their best chance of contacting the outside world, but gaining access to it without getting caught would indeed be difficult.

Edgeworth thought to ask Sung what he knew about this particular labyrinth, so that they could survive the creatures that lurked here until accessing that communication device would even be possible.

But then, in addition to the noise they previously heard, a familiar voice suddenly screamed. Edgeworth instinctively ran for the door, only snapping back to his senses when Sung stopped him.

“I know that voice.” Edgeworth said quickly to Sung. “That boy is one of Hojo’s test subjects. If those creatures find him-!”

“Ze - n-ni - tsu.”

Edgeworth looked down, seeing the little girl already at the edge of the doorway. She was not too much shorter than Edgeworth earlier, but now she barely reached past his knees, and seemed to have aged down to just a toddler. She must not have fully recovered yet, but she still approached the door with increasing concern.

“No, stop!” Edgeworth reached to try to pull the girl back to safety, but she stopped only to grow back into her original form and hold up a hand signaling Edgeworth to stop.

“S… stay…” The girl said, the look in her eyes sharpening as she moved to take off running down the hall.

Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze - Hallway
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

The Zenitsu look-alike merely stared at Zenitsu throughout his rant. The imposter did start to respond afterwards, but not in the way Zenitsu was probably expecting.

The false Zenitsu slowly whistled a cheerful tune, reaching for his sword as he continued to stare at Zenitsu. But then the sound of voices could be heard in the distance, and the fake Zenitsu stopped whistling. The fake’s eyes lingering on the real Zenitsu for only a moment more, giving him a cruel smile before taking off in the direction of the voices.

Pact of 120 Monument
Virtual Meeting Hall
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Saskia winced a bit. She had hoped to simply offer Tanjiro some comfort and a word of warning and then leave it at that, lest she give away her presence to that viper Eilhart. But Saskia should've known that the Hashira would not have missed the exchange between her and Tanjiro so easily. Still, there was no point in keeping any secrets from her own allies, so she turned to face Lady Shinobu.

"Not officially, but I will gladly defend Utopia with my life if necessary." Saskia said in complete honesty. "That's why I had to warn you. Philippa Eilhart and I hail from the same world. I know her methods firsthand. You are all formidable warriors, and your honor is beyond dispute. But Philippa fights on a very different battlefield, and she has no such honor."
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Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

Utopia,Central District

Sanemi smirked as he unshelthed his sword and smirked.
"Wind breathing...second form...Claws...Purifying wind!"
The wind hashira unleashes four sword slashes that mimic the scratches of a powerful beast,toward Pyo.
Obanai was ready to back up his fellow hashira as well.

"Serpent breathing...third form...coil choke..."

Using speed,Obanai strikes Pyo from every angle,as if a giant snake would trap the intruder.
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight

Underground maze

Zenitsu was still looking angerly at the doppleganger as he awaited an answer. He could hear the sounds coming from "him" They were human,but different at the same time.
The doppleganger started to whistle. Just where did that other Zenitsu come from?

Then,he heard familiar voices...."Mr Edgeworth...Nezuko? They were here? Before he could turn...Zenitsu noticed the cruel's smile on the other Zenitsu's face.
Seeing this expresion on his own face scared Zenitsu. He was too scared to move when the fake took off toward the direction of the voices.
Zenitsu understood what was going on.

He breathes heavilly.

That fake was about to hurt Nezuko and Mr Edgeworth.

He was first too scared to do something and his sword was gone. But he had to do something.

He continued to breathe heavilly.

Chuntaro was panicking.

Something inside Zenitsu told him to go stop this fake.

He blitzes at the speed of light,Zenitsu caught up to his doppleganger.
"I....won't...let...you...hurt....THEM...YOU FAKER!!!" Zenitsu attempts to tackle the doppleganger.
120 monument.
"We appreciate it Lady Saskia." Giyu replied. "If she's a powerful enemy we shall be careful."
"No honor at all uh? " Shinobu replied. " I would not want to be friends with her. But anyway,thsnk you for supporting Tanjiro as well. The poor boy went through alot,like most of us." She added despite the smile and tone of voice. Tanjiro could smell the saddness and anger coming from the Ins3ct hashira.
Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze

Sung reached out and grabbed a hold of Edgeworth as the girl left. She was strong enough to hold her own, but he was nothing more than a normal person. He wouldn't stand a chance. Though another thing that surprised him was that he had no reaction to Beru. Maybe he didn't see him? Well, it didn’t matter.

“You can’t go. Wright would never forgive me if I let anything happen to you.” Sung said as he shook his head. I know that he is your friend, but I am sure the young lady will be able to handle it.”

If she couldn't, he was sure that Beru would ask for permission to interfere. He is not one to give up on a good fight. Sung was a lot like him.


Central District

Pyo Watched as each of the swordsmen readied their attacks. He didn’t understand them calling out their attacks before executing them. Well even some of his attacks are the same way, but he rarely used them. Each of their movements aren't fast enough for him not to see. So, he easily dodged the attacks.

“Is this the best you can do?” He asked before disappearing. This wasn't speed. He literally erased his presence. He was the only one able to do this in his world. If another existed, he didn’t know. He stepped behind the Snake Hashira Obanai and reappeared as he sent his reaper threads to try and catch the man.

If he succeeded, if the man struggled, he would get cut by the threads.
Pact of 120 Monument
Virtual Meeting Hall
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

“It's not just Philippa's power that concerns me.” Saskia told Giyu. “Her battlefield of choice is in politics, manipulating nations and rulers from the shadows. I suspect that's why she's chosen to align with the Taskforce, and why she's now in charge of these talks with Utopia. But what that boy Zenitsu said, that Philippa talked of making you surrender with the right bait... I doubt she'll move forward with that plan now that it's been exposed, but she'll think of some other way to get whatever it is she wants."

She gave a solemn nod to both Shinobu and Tanjiro. Despite their impeccable composure, the Hashira were all clearly concerned for Tanjiro and his friends, and Saskia honestly couldn't blame them.

"I should go for now. If we're seen talking together for too long, it could draw the wrong kind of attention." Saskia said cautiously. "But know that you and the rest of Utopia can always count on my assistance if needed. Farewell."

Taskforce Prison Facility
Philippa Eilhart’s Laboratory
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Putting the megascope back together was simple enough, but now Philippa had to make sure everything was working correctly. She'd already heard of one potentially fatal megascope mishap simply because of a minute flaw in one of the diamonds. And far be it from Philippa Eilhart to let such a small error slip by her.

However, as she carefully examined each and every crystal, she thought back to that disaster of a meeting with a noticeable cringe.

"So this is what passes for government in Utopia: childish, spoiled rabble hopelessly in love with a naïve little princeling." Philippa sneered at the mere thought. "This is the shining hope for otherworlders who seek only to live in peace? It's so pathetic it's despicable. Utopia will tear itself to bits all on its own under their rule.”

Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

There was no denying that Sung was right. If anything, Edgeworth would only be a hindrance to them if he rushed blindly into the open. And once the spur of the moment had subsided, Edgeworth remembered the shadowy friend Sung had sent earlier to investigate. That reassured Edgeworth enough to think more calmly about what to do.

“The torch outside can fend off most of the creatures, but if you hear chains rattling, put it out immediately and face the nearest wall. The one with the chains is more aggressive otherwise.” Edgeworth quickly explained. Even if he couldn’t help Sung and Beru directly, he could at least pass on to them whatever useful information he had for them.

Meanwhile, as Nezuko emerged from the embalming room, the fake Zenitsu slowed down for a split second to focus on her. This gave the real Zenitsu enough time to catch up and tackle the doppelgänger, who roared with a monstrous voice as his form burst into a puff of smoke, revealing a tanned, skinny, heavily scarred body with three dark-eyed faces on its enlarged head. The three mouths moved as one, shouting in a foreign language as more noises started to approach the group from down the hallway, including a thundering set of footprints and what sounded almost like boiling water.

With a feral growl and multiple swipes from her clawed hands, Nezuko hacked away at the three-faced creature’s thin neck. It didn’t take long to decapitate the monster, but as it seemingly perished, both its severed head and the rest of its body dissolved into the ether, forming a thick black cloud that would burn at any flesh that touched it.

Utopian Academy of Magic
Advanced Classroom
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"Your megascope is well-made, Hermione, but there's still a flaw in your diamond right over here. It's very minute, but unfortunately it's still enough to warp the teleport. You'll have to correct the flaw and try again."

Margarita Laux-Antille walked slowly down the rows of workstations, carefully supervising each student's work. Perhaps 'student' wasn't the correct word in this particular class - a short elective in which more advanced spell-casters would learn to build and use their own megascopes - but such semantics meant nothing to Lady Laux-Antille in this moment.

From the moment Utopia was established, it was clear that the magic users of this fledgling nation needed guidance and training. Margarita, who'd had the extremely good fortune to first arrive in Singapore, eagerly contributed to the establishment of what would go on to become the Utopian Academy of Magic: a choice she never once regretted. The Academy was no Aretuza; for one thing, it freely welcomed male and female students alike. But the male magic users were not like those of her world. They were every bit as eager to learn as their female counterparts, and didn't obsess over the impossible at the expense of overlooking what was already possible.

And so before long, Margarita Laux-Antille had comfortably settled into her new role as a teacher. Not a day passed by that she didn't think of her previous students: those poor girls whom Radovid and his witch hunters had burnt to ashes without mercy. These new students of hers could never truly fill that void, but they had given purpose back to her life and helped her to move on.
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Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
Utopia Central District

Obanai turned. His snake partner had alerted him of the incoming attack. He attempted another strike with his twisted nichirin katana.
Sanemi on the other hand attempts an attack from behind.
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Underground maze
Zenitsu watched in fear as the doppleganger changed back to it's true form.
Not only that,Nezuko came to stop the shspe shifting monster.
She was able to defeat it easilly. Tears fell from Zenitsu's eyes.
"Nezuko-Chan...you...you saved me!" He said. " Not only I am glad to see you,but I'm truly grateful!"
He then stopped and looked down. " You saved me...even though I coudn't protect you from those Taskforce soldiers. I'm such a weakling..." said Zenitsu. " If I was stronger,we woudn't be trapped here. Your brother is worried. I saw it during that broadcast in that witch's lab. He's here too! He's worried about you!" Zenitsu explained.
" The reason he joined the Demon Slayer Corps is to find a cure to change you back into a human again...I was suppose to help him protect you...but I failed." Zenitsu continued to cry." I'm just a coward."

Utopian academy of magic

Advanced classroom.
Rinoa Heartilly and Squall Leonheart were busy building their own Megascope.
A silver haired man wearing a blindfoild came inside the classroom.
" Don't mind me kids! I'm just here to say hello to your teacher!" The man Satoru Gojo said,waving at them. " Is that idiot really a sorcerer?" Squall spat.
"Despite his goofy attitude,he's a powerful Jujutsu sorcerer." Megumi Fushiguro replied,not bothering to look at Squall and focusing on his Megascoope instead.

"And...I missed you too Megumi!" Gojo replued sarcastically. "Sup Margarita!"
Phillipa's lab.

"The last heir of my bloodline is pathetic indeed." Ardyn replied. " Him being the ruler of this otherwordly oasis is an insult. I shall assist in dethroning h8m,but I shall be the one to end his life."

" I woudn't care less about a pathetic human ruler,even one from another world." Muzan replied. " I only want the Demon Slayer Corps to be destroyed."
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Taskforce Prison Facility
Philippa Eilhart’s Laboratory
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

”One need not exclude the other.” Philippa mused. “In fact, both your desires could soon be fulfilled with little to no effort.”

The megascope was soon fully repaired, and so Philippa turned to face the two men.

“That boy Zenitsu misunderstood what I said earlier. He thought I was laying some sort of trap for the Demon Slayer Corps, but there’s really no need. The Corps have already set the trap for themselves. As for Noctis, how he deals with the aftermath shall be his final test as a king; by all accounts he’s likely to fail, in which case he’ll be as good as yours.”

She refocused on the megascope, the crystals of which crackled and glowed with power once again. For now she said nothing further, taking her time to think on these developments and plot her next move.

Utopian Academy of Magic
Advanced Classroom
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Despite Satoru Gojo’s sudden intrusion, Margarita didn’t skip a beat. The man could be a bit odd at times, but he had proven to be a fine instructor, and that was something she could respect.

”I’m doing quite well, thank you.” Margarita replied politely, but not before discreetly stepping out of the students’ earshot to avoid any undue distractions. “And how are you today, Mr. Gojo?”
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Taskforce prison facillity
Phillipa's lab
"Sounds good to hear my dear." Ardyn replied. " Noctis is inexperienced as a king, Victory shall be ours."

"For the Demon Slayer Corps I did plan something. I "hired" some help to get rid of them." Muzan replied. " All I need is the location of their hideout in Utopia."
Utopian academy of magic
"Well,just came here to see how your classes were going." Gojo replied."After all,some of my students are part of your class."
Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze

Smiling at the man he just shook his head positively. There was no reason to worry about the creatures that roam this labyrinth. If Beru couldn't handle it, he would take over. Though he doubted he would need to interfere in this. He doubted Beru would need any help either. Letting go of Miles and walking beside the man as he was speaking about the light provided by the torch.

"Thanks for the words of advice. We can wait for the others to arrive, after defeating that creature. Then we can decide on what we are going to do next.

Fate had made his way down a couple of halls. Killing everything that attacked him. Though with every creature he killed his hunger was only slightly satisfied. He continued the hunt for more souls when he came across a strange room. This room only had the door cracked open a little yet there was no light coming out.

His curiosity peaked. Even though he was half starved he still had his wits about him. So, he entered the room consciously. The room was pitch black, but with his ability he was able to see in the dark. The room looked like it belonged to a scientist. There were papers all over the floor, and there was a desk that had papers on it as well as some broken beakers.

He walked over to the desk and looked at the papers that were scattered on the desk. Deciding to collect the papers and place them in his clothing. He still needed to finish his hunt. He needed to curb his appetite as soon as possible. So, he returned to the halls and began once more hunting the creatures in the labyrinth.


Central District

Pyo wondered how he was able to dodge his attack, but at the same time it made this more fun. If he was serious about killing these two, he wouldn't have made his presence known in this city. He would have just stayed in the shadows and killed them without batting an eye. Yet he was not really impressed with their fighting. He disappeared once again and then appeared in the tree that Obanai had been sitting in.

“Neither of you are skilled enough to lay a finger on me. So, if you don’t mind, can you leave me alone, and let me finish my business?” He said as he just sat in the tree. He looked at them from the corner of his eye.
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Pact of 120 Monument
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

With the meeting officially concluded, it wasn't long before officials arrived to escort the Utopians out of the virtual meeting hall and back to the cars that would take them to the airport. There they were all to board the next possible flight back to Singapore, and in the meantime would be permitted to rest in the onsite hotel suites reserved for them.

Keira Metz, the newest advisor to King Noctis, wasn't exactly thrilled with all the rush, and secretly hoped there might be some sort of delay. Perhaps that way she might have some time to clean up and make herself more presentable in time for their departure. Well at least the company on the ride back was promising. Minister Wright and King Noctis may both be a bit naïve, but they each had a certain boyish charm about them. And who could possibly forget Lord Tomioka, whose brooding and mysterious demeanor had many a young maiden swooning behind his back? As the Utopians started to converge near their cars, Keira took the opportunity to speak up.

"Well this has been fun." Keira said somewhat sarcastically, but then got down to business. "We should begin preparing our investigations straight away, Your Majesty. No doubt the Taskforce is already doing just that. And Lord Tomioka, Lady Kocho..." She regarded each of them with a polite nod. "The final decision rests with His Majesty, but I must advise that the Demon Slayer Corps have no part in these investigations. The incarceration of two Corps members by the Taskforce creates a clear conflict of interest for the Corps. That fact alone would discredit any investigation in which the Corps is involved."

Taskforce Prison Facility
Philippa Eilhart’s Laboratory
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

When Muzan mentioned hiring some help against the Corps, Philippa took the opportunity to discreetly glimpse into his mind. That briefest of looks was enough for her to see EXACTLY what kind of help he was referring to.

A faint telekinetic pulse emanated from Philippa, briefly rattling the delicate glassware in the laboratory, but not causing any actual harm. Philippa was quick to calm down afterward, and even dared an amused smirk. Those fools believe the Demon Slayer Corps to be sorcerers? Their idiocy truly knows no bounds.

Still, Philippa wisely kept her thoughts to herself on that front, and focused on Muzan's other statement.

"A direct assault on the Corps' hideout is precisely what they would expect. They would be fully prepared for such an attack, like an army secure in its fortress. Not to mention the many powerful Utopian allies who would swiftly rush to their aid." Philippa noted, moving away from the megascope so she could face her visitors directly.

"A far better strategy would be to catch them unprepared. To strike where they least expect it, with not one of their allies able to interfere." Philippa continued. "That boy Tanjiro has already given us all we need to do just that, if the Corps itself doesn't do it all for us first."

Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze - Hallway
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Nezuko immediately ran to hug Zenitsu as the three-faced being was dissolving. Zenitsu was clearly distressed, and so Nezuko's first instinct was to try to calm him down...

But then Zenitsu mentioned her brother being worried about her, and Nezuko's lower lip started to tremble.

"Tanjiro..." Nezuko whimpered, starting to weep alongside Zenitsu. That man Hojo had put them both through so much, but what hurt most of all was not knowing where her big brother was, or even if he was okay. Now she at least knew he was still alive, but the thought of him being so worried broke her heart even more.

There was a loud, semi-human roar as footsteps thundered down the hallway toward Zenitsu and Nezuko. The latter snapped out of her crying and acted fast, effortlessly picking up Zenitsu despite her much smaller size and running with him back toward the torch.

"Friend." Nezuko explained very briefly as she pointed toward the embalming room, jumping inside just as a massive humanoid nearly blocked out the entire torchlight. The new foe slashed blindly at Nezuko and Zenitsu, but the intervention of Beru forced him to back off.

Once the two made it in, Edgeworth ushered them both safely inside and signaled for everyone to stay quiet. The humanoid figure outside stopped just outside the threshold, only occasionally shuffling about as if searching. The figure was distinctly male, but his muscular frame was covered in massive red boils and bony protrusions along his spine. His razor-sharp teeth and nails made him look all the more monstrous. His eyes, covered in a milky white haze, took no notice of the sight of anyone nearby, not even when Beru was directly in front of him. But with even the slightest hint of noise, the massive creature reacted quickly and ruthlessly, ferociously slashing at anything or anyone making noise nearby.

Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze - Laboratory
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

As Fate left the wreckage of the laboratory, there was a brief noise and a puff of smoke, and then the faintest rattling of chains could be heard from somewhere nearby. In the thick darkness, a ghostly white specter with a sarcophagus chained to its back stood eerily still, twin breathing holes and a seemingly perpetual razor-sharp grin on its otherwise featureless face. After a few seconds, the specter vanished, but then reappeared directly in front of Fate just as he was walking away from the lab. The moment it sensed Fate, the specter let out a semi-human hiss, then drew its long clawed hands as he attempted to pounce on Fate.

Utopian Academy of Magic
Advanced Classroom
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"Ah yes. Squall and Rinoa, if I recall." Margarita smiled a bit, in spite of herself. Now she stepped a bit further aside, making sure to avoid distracting them especially.

"Sometimes I have my concerns about their relationship, though I suppose that's just me still clinging to old traditions. Students at Aretuza weren't allowed to leave the school until they finished their studies, let alone socialize with boys." She cast a quick glance at the pair's work station. "But thus far those two have been working surprisingly well together, considering this is their first time even seeing a megascope."
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Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
Central district
"You are an intruder. You will not have your way..." Obanai started. Before Sanemi and Obanai could attack,a figure appeared in front of Pyo while facing Sanemi and Obanai. The tall muscukar man was wearing a sheeveless version of the demon slayer corps uniform,a silver headband with jewels and golden armbands.
"Stay out of this Uzui!!" Sanemi barked. " This is an intruder!"
"He DID say that he had some buisness with us,right?" Tengen Uzui,the sound hashira replied." Resistance or not,it's not flashy to greet foreigners like that. "
Tengen turned his attention to Pyo." I must apologise on behalf of my two idiotic co Hashira over here."
" HEY!" Sanemi barked.
"Don't you dare..." Obanai hissed.
"Anyway...if you comply peacefully, I'll take you to Lord Ubuyashiki. So state your buisness and don't try anything stupid."

Pact of 120 monument
Noctis,Ignis,Tomioka,Shinobu and Tanjiro followed Wright and Keira inside the car.
"Of course,right away Thanks for everything Keira!" Noctis replied. Despite being a king, he didn't lije formalities. Then Keira suggested that the Demon Slayer Corps codn't get unvolved.
"I wonder why the Corps involvement would affect the investigation?" Shinobu asked. " Keira does have a point. The Corps might attract to much attention." Ignis replied.
"I'll have a word with Lord Ubuyashiki on the matter when we return..." Noctis replied. Tanjiro stayed quiet. He looked sad.
Philippa's lab.
"Oh my,what seems to be the natter,my dear?" Ardyn asked Phillippa.
"The cat is out of the bag. Yes, I did hire them. But rest assure,they will not harm you. " Muzan replied. " I made sure to keep them in check by giving them my blood. I made them believe that it was a blessing." He added.
At first, Zenitsu was surprised as Nezuko cartied him to safety. " Nezuko Chan,where are you taking meeeeeee" He heard the monsterus steps behind him.

Fortunatly,he woudn't have to worry about that as Nezuko was taking him to a familliar face. "Mister Edgeworth..." he whispered.
Utopian academy of magic
"That's good to hear!" Gojo replied cheerfully. "It seems Megumi has been doing some progress as well." He added. "Nice megascope!" Megumi rolled his eyes. "Still on the subject of Rinoa,she suprisinglt exels in my Curse magic as well. She might become an elite Jujutsu sorceress in a few months!"
Pact of 120 Monument
Drive Back to Hotel
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

“Drawing attention is one thing, but a conflict of interest is much more serious.” Keira said. Despite her professional composure, Tanjiro would have soon noticed a tinge of annoyance in her scent.

“On the one hand, we personally trust the Corps to conduct a fair and thorough investigation into the Taskforce's practices. But on the other, two members of the Corps are currently rotting in a Taskforce prison, and Master Ubuyashiki is known to cherish each and every member as if they were his own children. You can’t deny that you want your friends back, nor can you deny that charging the Taskforce with misconduct would help you achieve that goal, and therein lies the conflict of interest. If any member of the Corps were to participate, the Taskforce need only point out that conflict of interest to have the entire investigation declared invalid.”

"That's absurd!" Saskia spoke up, an undertone of suspicion beneath her strong scent of outrage. "By that standard, all of Utopia would have this so-called 'conflict of interest' because each and every one of us has fled the persecution of the Taskforce. How are any of us to investigate then?"

"A good question, I admit." Keira replied soberly. For a moment she contemplated saying something, but decided against it, briefly giving off scents of unease and caution in the process.

"Fortunately for us, Utopian and Singaporean neutrality both give us some degree of leeway. The average Utopian or Singaporean has enough legal protections to ensure they have nothing to fear from the Taskforce. So long as whoever you choose has no ties to the Taskforce or to any of their victims, that would be enough to avoid a conflict of interest... although bias may also be a critical factor."

Taskforce Prison Facility
Philippa Eilhart’s Laboratory
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

After Muzan’s reassurance, Philippa relaxed even more, and even dared a bit of a smirk.

“Those fanatics are no more than pawns in the end, no different than the Demon Slayer Corps. Use them however you will.” Philippa let herself chuckle a bit. “Though I must confess. For trained witch hunters to mistake breathing techniques for true magic… I don’t know whether to feel amused or insulted.”

She would have to wait a bit longer before attempting to contact Keira, so for now she let the conversation continue however it may.

Utopian Academy of Magic
Advanced Classroom
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

”If she so chooses, then certainly.” Margarita replied, just as some of the groups started bringing over their megascopes for evaluation.

”We’ll be having demonstrations soon, if you’d like to see more of your pupils’ handiwork.”
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