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Fandom Transformers: Into Infinity (Characcters)


Lost Martian

Get in the robot!
Accepted Characters:

Lost Martian Lost Martian

This is the character sheet template for both Transformer and Human characters. Feel free to fancy them up with BBCode. Once the sheet is complete, post it in this thread and I’ll review it.

  • Name:
    Role on the Odyssey:
    Alternate Mode:
    Personality Traits:
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Role on the Odyssey:

Alternate Mode:

A medium size Transformer, Regulus is primarily red in color, with gold and black highlights. When in robot form the massive lion head of his alternate form sits squarely in Regulus’s chest, white the four legs become the arms and legs of the robot form. On the tip of both his hands and feet are sharp claws, able to slice through the metal frame of a Transformer. When transforming a golden head emerges out of the top, with a black frame around it, accenting his red optics and small smile. On the back of Regulus is two rocket boosters, that when active give him great speed and jumping ability.

  • Copy of the Covenant of Primus
  • Bio Healing Packs

  • Medical knowledge
  • Religion Savant
  • Martial Arts
  • Command and Tactics

Personality Traits:
+| Devout
+| Caring
+| Intuitive
+| Trustworthy

-| Dogmatic
-| Stern
-| Stubborn
-| Overly Verbose

Born into a planet already at war, Regulus became active in Kaon, a city deep in the sphere of Decepticon control. Regulus would find that there was no work for him, falling into the homeless majority of Kaon. Megatron would prey upon this, espousing beliefs that it was all the Senate’s fault that the Transformers of Kaon were suffering. For the most part Regulus would ignore this rhetoric, instead focusing on where he could get his next piece of Energon.

Eventually Regulus would become desperate enough that he would risk fighting in the gladiatorial tournaments. Surprisingly he would be a natural, quickly becoming proficient in the rough martial art known as Crystalocution. Soon all Regulus thought about was winning, ignoring all other aspects of his life. That included him being ignorant to what was going on around Cybertron, as the planet drew ever closer to a state of civil war.

It then got to the point where the few non-Decepticons left in Kaon were being forcibly recruited to the cause. Regulus would have none of that, so when a Decepticon commander came knocking at his residence, Regulus would have a violent reaction. However, Regulus would strike harder than he intended and accidentally kill the commander. Realizing that he would be executed by the Decepticons for this crime, Regulus would flee Kaon.

Ending up in the vast wasteland of Cybertron, Regulus would still be a nomad when the civil war officially began with the death of the Senate and Sentinel Prime. Looking for a new home, Regulus would eventually discover the Crystal City. In this bastion of knowledge Regulus would find a copy of the Covenant of Primus, an ancient text telling of the creation of Cybertron by a god known as Primus. This book would have a big impact on Regulus, as he renounced violence and became a follower of Primus.

As part of his new spirituality, Regulus would become versed in medicine, becoming a neutral medic for both sides in the war. That would be his status quo for a long time, until Cybertron ran out of Energon. Learning that the Autobots were abandoning the planet, Regulus would decide to go with them, taking a copy of the Covenant of Primus with him to ensure it survived.

As the Ark that Regulus was aboard began to leave, it did take significant fire from the Decepticons. This resulted in several systems failing, causing them to crash land on a primitive alien planet. Initially hiding from the Decepticons with his fellow Transformers, a vision would lead Regulus to wander away. Walking through a jungle for days, Regulus would discover an ancient Cybertronian temple. Waiting inside was a Transformer named Yoketron.

This old and wise Transformer would take Regulus in, teaching him the history of the universe and training him in several martial arts. Regulus would stay with Yoketron until the old master deemed him ready, allowing Regulus to take his small personal starship. Regulus would leave the planet, and immediately begin using his new combat abilities to fight Decepticons throughout the universe, officially becoming an Autobot.

At some point Regulus met up with several other Autobots and begin striking Decepticon bases. It wouldn’t be long until Regulus led a sizable force of Autobots, moving from system to system, fighting for the freedom of all peoples. As such, when Optimus Prime sent out a message from Earth, Regulus and his forces were one of the first groups to respond. Regulus would then serve directly under Optimus in his effort to remove the Decepticons from Earth, an effort that was successful.

However Optimus would order Regulus to remain on Earth while he sought out Megatron. Of course Optimus never returned from that mission, though the war did end. In this new era of peace, Regulus would retire from the military, instead focusing on his spiritual journey with studying the Covenant of Primus. This would only change when Ultra Magnus asked Regulus to return to duty one more time, to captain the Odyssey on its mission to find Optimus Prime, which Regulus immediately accepted.

Regulus is a devout follower of the Covenant of Primus, and truly believes in the Cybertronian god. He has also sworn an oath of defending the weak and as such will do all he can for anyone he comes across. His alternate form being a biological being is a little rare among Transformers, but Regulus got the idea from the Covenant of Primus, as it states that on ancient Cybertron such forms were widespread.
Dr. Kita Emiyo



Role on the Odyssey:

Emiyo is quite short, standing at 5’3’’. Her diminutive build masks that she is actually well muscled and in great shape. Her skin maintains a perpetual pale color, giving her an almost ghost like appearance. She keeps her black hair to shoulder length, while making sure it doesn’t get in front of her brown eyes. Emiyo isn’t really one for makeup, only occasionally putting on some lipstick. Most of Emiyo’s wardrobe when she’s on the clock is professional, with blouses, skirts, and jackets. But when she gets a chance to just be herself, she wears bright colored shirts and pants, often related to some aspect of media she enjoys. Though she is past a half century old, Emiyo has yet to get any wrinkles.

  • Standard Issue Handgun
  • Tablet
  • Other various scanning tools

  • Doctorate in Xenobiology
  • Firearms training
  • Knowledge of Cybertronian anatomy
  • Cooking

Personality Traits:
+| Inquisitive
+| Patient
+| Friendly
+| Ethical

-| Too much energy
-| Gossipy
-| Headstrong
-| Has a temper

Born in Sendai, Japan, Emiyo would be intrigued by the various giant robots and alien beings she saw in media. Made fun of for being into boy things, Emiyo remained resolute, saying one day she would be a scientist and work with such things. Her parents would tentatively support her, but they believed it was just a phase. Perhaps Emiyo would have grown out of it if not what happened in 1984.

A volcano on the western side of America would erupt, awakening a battle from another planet. In the few years after this there would be rumors of aliens on earth, as massive disasters were covered up by the governments of Earth. That was until Megatron attacked the United Nations.

Tired of fighting in the shadows, Megatron and his Decepticons would openly attack the governments of Earth. This would be broadcast all around the world, as would the Autobots arriving to save as many Humans as possible. When the battle was done it left a lot of destruction, the general public unsure what to make of these two opposing alien sides. But all it did to Emiyo is intrigue her, so she decided to make that her focus of study when she went to America to attend university.

Emiyo would quickly become one of the first students of xenobiology, which revolved around studying the biology of aliens. With everyone now knowing aliens exist, there were calls for the government to remove them from the Earth. Emiyo, who had just attained her doctorate, would be one of the voices opposing this talk. In her mind they had to talk with the aliens, learn exactly why they were fighting.

Eventually sentiments like hers would win out as talks between the Autobots and the United Nations Security Council would begin in earnest. The Autobots case would be helped when Decepticon seekers would bomb several rocket facilities, in an attempt to prevent humanity from spreading amongst the stars. Following this attack, a temporary alliance would be formed between the Autobots and the people of Earth.

For her role in making it happen, Emiyo was given a place on the board in charge of the project. It was her role to bridge the gap between Humans and Cybertronians, to make humanity understand aliens better. It was through working together that the Autobots were able to send out a message into space, rallying other Autobots throughout the universe. It wouldn’t be long before the Autobots had themselves an army on Earth.

Emiyo was aware that many governments were weary of having this many aliens on Earth, so she convinced Optimus Prime to declare that as soon as the Decepticons were ousted from Earth, the majority of the Autobots would leave. The Autobot commander would be true to his word when he flushed the last Decepticons off Earth, before personally leading the leaving Autobots on a mission to finish the Decepticons.

Of course Optimus would never return from this mission, though the war would end either way. Victory was celebrated on Earth, as the alliance between Human and Autobot became one of cultural support and not martial. Still, Emiyo always wondered what happened to Optimus, even as she continued to be a major player in the alliance.

So when Emiyo heard word of a mission to find Optimus Prime, she practically forced her way onto the crew. While people had assumed that she would remain in Autobot City, Emiyo insisted that she become the head xenobiologist aboard the Odyssey. After all, she owed Optimus a lot, and thus would do anything to find him.

Emiyo had a prominent position in the Autobot-Human Alliance, but she accepted a lesser position as a xenobiologist aboard the Odyssey. Though that isn’t to say that she still doesn’t have pull in the alliance.


Role on the Odyssey:
Computer Technician

Alternate Mode:

Slightly taller than a regular Transformer, Firewall is almost completely red in color, save some white detailing. The front of the fire engine forms his chest, while the various wheels end up on his limbs while in robot mode. The emergency ladder rests on his back, while his various explosives are stored on a belt around his waist. Firewall’s head is a black cube with two red prongs sticking out the top. The face has no mouth, instead a red piece of armor, while his optics are a bright blue.

  • Standard Issue Energy Rifle
  • Freezing Bombs
  • Flame Retardant Bombs
  • Combat Hammer

  • Programming
  • Hacking
  • Disaster Relief
  • Military Training

Personality Traits:
+| Intelligent
+| Loyal
+| Hard Working
+| Humorous

-| Unsure of himself
-| Perfectionist
-| Micro Manager

Born on Cybertron before the start of the Civil War, Firewall quickly proved himself to have a faster processor than those from his batch of proto-forms. As such the ruling body of Cybertron would make him a computer technician, reviewing the core servers of Cybertron’s government and making sure no one hacked into them. Firewall would be pleased with this job as it meant he got to write a lot of code, which was his joy in life. He would be blissfully unaware of what was going on outside on the streets of Cybertron.

Firewall’s first taste of the unrest is when he and a co-worker were assaulted by Decepticon followers, who believed them to be stooges of the Senate. After this, Firewall began to feel unsafe as he now saw the turbulence on Cybertron. Eventually he would just stop attending his job, instead remaining in his meager quarters, seeing the fires in the distance. Then everything would change when the Decepticons finally marched on the capital, killing the entire Senate and wounding Sentinel Prime.

Fearing the downfall of society, Firewall would flee his home. Crossing the barren wastes, Firewall would end up in a refugee camp in Iacon, a city controlled by the Autobots. Firewall would be safe there for awhile, even as the Civil War began in earnest. However Iacon wouldn’t be safe forever, as soon Decepticon Seekers began bombing the city regularly. It was one such bomb hit his encampment, killing the others there, that Firewall decided to fight back. The next day Firewall would enlist in the Autobot Defense Forces.

After some basic training, Firewall would be sent back to the barren wastes as part of an effort to push the Decepticon forces back. Firewall would spend an exuberant amount of time out there, as both sides lost countless soldiers. Things weren’t much better in the cities as constant bombings and resource deficits were causing undue suffering. It wouldn’t be too long before the unthinkable happened and Cybertron ran out of Energon, the energy source that powers all Transformers.

Firewall and his squad would then be recalled to Iacon, where they would learn that the Autobots were abandoning Cybertron. Initially unsure of it was the right thing to do, Firewall would end up boarding an Ark and leave his home world. By the time that the Decepticons caught on to what was happening, most of the Arks had escaped the planet, though a few of the later leaving ones would be shot down.

Now traveling the stars, Firewall would be a part of keeping up the lines of communication between the various Arks. This would work for awhile, until Optimus Prime and his Ark-1 would go silent, the Autobot leader missing. After that the Decepticons would ruthlessly hunt down all remaining Autobots. Many, including Firewall, would decide to go into hiding, disappearing among the locals of different alien planets.

Firewall himself would end up on a space station where he would write code for a living. He made a decent life doing this, though he always kept an ear out for news of the Civil War. This would eventually work out when Firewall caught a transmission of Optimus Prime and his battles on Earth. Firewall would then immediately gather all Autobots that he knew where they were and travel to Earth.

Firewall would find that his group weren’t the only ones who heard of the return of the Prime, as many more Autobots reached Earth. Together with the locals of the planet, the Autobots were able to oust the Decepticons from Earth. This victory brought even more Autobots out of hiding, as soon there was enough to form an actual army. Optimus would take advantage of this and continue a crusade through space. While he would be successful in ending the Civil War, Optimus would then disappear alongside Megatron.

Following this victory, Firewall would help build Autobot City on Earth, create the advanced AI known as Teletraan-X, and then later design the computer for the Odyssey, the first ship built by a crew of both Humans and Autobots. Firewall would then be surprised when Ultra Magnus, the head of Autobot City, would task him with being a part of the crew of the Odyssey’s first mission, as he had designed its computer systems. This first mission, find Optimus Prime, would be something that Firewall was excited to be a part of. As such he is very optimistic as the mission is about to begin.

While more of a technical person, Firewall has proved himself in the war over the centuries, being both a scientist and warrior. Besides helping design the Odyssey, Firewall also created Teletraan-X, a prototype AI that is being tested aboard the Odyssey.
Name: Jettison

Gender: He/him

Role on the Odyssey: Emergency medic (small components surgeon) but listed as security detail

Alternate Modes: F-111 Aardvark (primary), A kenworth 18-wheeler that has been converted into a moderately fancy RV, though the bulk of the living space is interspersed with seemingly random jet parts, and all of the seatbelts are a five-point harness.

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Standing at a frankly absurd height for anything to be, even a Cybertronian (think the Cybertronian equivalent of a guy being 7'6"), Jettison falls into some category between "Markedly unsettling" and "completely unreal." While most bots pride themself on their battle damage, the only blemishes that seem to stay on Jettison are the ones on his face, specifically around the crest of his helmet and his faceplates. His armor is almost always completely smooth and spotless, an impressive feat especially as none have seen him even take the time to detail it.

Even just visually, it's obvious Jettison has gone through extensive modifications, and his armor sits almost awkwardly on his frame. His olfactory systems no longer work, and he has noticeable difficulty switching to his secondary alternate mode.

As with most Terrorcons, his energon siphon has been shortened, and no longer poses a significant risk aside from simply the visual disturbance of... his entire face.

-Camouflage matrix. Located on the inner chest plating, Jettison's primary tool is the camouflage matrix he... borrowed from Decepticon scientists during his default.​
-Charge shield. No one knows why it's called that, it does not charge things nor is it a shield. More aptly, it collects electrical energy when idle and discharges it while put under stress. It's fused to Jettison's protoform near his spinal struts, and upon activation, will send a short shock across his entire outer armor. He has seemingly been modified so that the charge shield does not affect his other functions.​
-Energon shock prod. Its electrical capabilities severely underutilized, its only purpose seems to be as a blunt force object.​
-A single air-to-air explosive.​
-Bastardized medical equipment plus some extra detailing tools.​
-Holoform generator (slightly buggy).​

Infiltration: Jet is, first and foremost, a stealth operative, and getting places he probably shouldn't be is his specialty. Of course, infiltration itself comes with its own subset of skills such as acting.​
Medical expertise: Before the war, Jettison was a medic... of sorts, and he maintains those skills mostly on himself. Granted, a lot of what he has learned since his early days is... inadvisable to practice.​
Melee/close-quarters combat experience: Nearly all of Jettison's combat experience has been close-quarters, and although his fighting style is not graceful or pretty in any way, shape, or form, he can be particularly vicious if sufficiently motivated. Because of his modifications, getting locked in close-quarters combat with Jettison especially is more dangerous.​
Human relations: Jettison is actually quite experienced when it comes to handling, and generally interacting with humans due to the Decepticons' kidnapping and subsequent keeping of one.​
General performance experience.​


Jettison is often accused of "going native", as it were, seemingly perfectly fine with never leaving Earth, and especially never returning to Cybertron. Really, the only reason he's on the mission is to keep track of his human charge that he still feels some amount of responsibility for. Unlike many other reformed Decepticons, Jet is of the opinion that if he never fought again in his life, he would be happy. He holds a high opinion of Optimus Prime and his morals, but remains somewhat suspicious of his and Megatron's entangled past, as well as Optimus' place in the old Cybertronian caste system.

He has a distaste for hierarchy in almost any setting, and can be quite difficult to work with if he perceives any feeling of superiority from those he associates with, though his protest appears less in any catastrophic manner and more in the form of small, petty slights and itemized lists of why, exactly he does not wish to speak or interact with certain people. Jettison can easily swallow his distaste in service, and does so perhaps too quickly should he decide that the ends are worth the means.

Unintuitively, those that Jettison enjoys the company of—few and far between at this point in time—he would both die and kill to protect, and in fact would do so without question or hesitation. He generally thinks the best of people and treats them as such, but if it comes between a semi-stranger and his own, it would not be a competition.

Otherwise, Jet is perfectly amicable, and very friendly, if somewhat rigidly polite initially.


Jet was born into the caste system with a lithe, light frame. His original assignment was to the entertainment caste, where he spent much of his time as a novelty, and the rest as a gladiator. He was not in the Pits of Kaon, and as such never crossed paths with Megatron, but his initial promise to liberate the unsatisfied from the current, oppressive system entangled him easily. when sides were taken, he joined the Decepticons.

Early into the war, Jettison (previously known under a different name), trained under the Decepticon medics, where, to some extent, he began the arduous and confusing process of making an identity for himself that was beyond what was made for him. True to the old values of wartime medics, Jettison cared for both Decepticons and Autobots with the same attention, a trait that later got him reassigned to the Terrorcon unit, where he underwent many of the operations that shifted his appearance to what it is in the modern day.

The Terrorcon unit itself was half stealth-based, and half kamikaze. Initially it was a last-ditch effort to make use of untrained soldiers (or, in Jettison's case, liabilities), but it became a small squadron, made up of whoever survived both the procedures and the first few suicide missions, built to be dropped on top of Autobot forces to confuse and disorient them. Being similar to the mythological energon eaters, Terrorcons earned their name by the way they would take down an Autobot and siphon off their energon in the middle of battle. Terrorcons were later starved prior to being sent out, as it made them more efficient and far more desperate to make a kill.

It was on one of these drops he would meet his human charge and longtime troublemaker, Arii. Having stumbled away from combat wounded and bleeding energon, he managed to instruct them on how to contact the Decepticon warship so he could be retrieved and repaired.

Jettison would stay a Decepticon in the Terrorcon ranks until a spare few years before the war ended. He had been disillusioned with the Decepticon cause for a long time before, but never really had the means or an opportunity to flee. He kept some amount of contact with Arii—to some extent, they saved his life after all—which quickly lead to his commanders finding and retrieving this "distraction".

It was Arii's plan that got Jettison far enough that he could make contact with the Autobots and change his allegiances, where he used them as a sort-of "hostage" so that he wouldn't be gunned down on the spot. Needless to say, Jettison didn't agree with the plan, and the fact that it even worked mystifies him to this day.

By the time the war ended, Jet was approximately 110% done with this whole combat business, and with some assistance from the Autobot medic, could return to normal life... as normal as an alien lifeform on an unfamiliar planet can be. He laid low after the war had ended and during the reconstruction and became somewhat of a Southern United States street myth. For the most part, he simply kept track of his allies and friends, hid out in random parking lots, and mostly avoided contact with others of his species. Of course, when his charge applied to the human-cybertronian diplomacy department, he had to come out of his self-imposed banishment.

It was entirely by accident he got wrapped up in this whole "let's go find Optimus and one of the most terrifying cybertronians still alive" business, and frankly he is not excited for it.

He can't swim. Like. Really can't swim. The more he tries to swim the more he sinks. Related, Jettison hates water, and it can really damage his systems.

His denta are so, so messed up on account of the whole "have to be built to latch onto bots and keep them still so he can steal their energon" thing.

The finials on the side of his head are not audio receptors but electrical sensors. They don't do much aside from let him feel the electromagnetic fields around things.

He doesn't like letting other people work on him, and does almost all of his repairwork himself.
Name: Officially, their name is Maive Raa, however they much prefer being called Arii

Gender: Dubious

Age: 18 as of a few weeks ago

Ethnicity: Mixed (Asian/European)

Role on the Odyssey: Human/Cybertronian relations "how to not kill, maim, or insult each other while stuck in the sardine-can ship" Will also do basically any odd-job people ask of them given it has nothing to do with cleaning

I hate drawing people but they'll have a proper ref here too eventually. For now you can have an image from a different rp.
View attachment 1168799

Standing at a solid 5'9", Arii is built something like a stork had a lovechild with a snake and the resulting human inherited only the skinniest of the two's bones. They're tall and lanky, but with the general constitution of a piece of wet tissue paper, and it's a miracle they're still alive after being around large metal organisms for so long, because a stiff breeze can and will knock them over. Their entire wardrobe is something like "chaotic" with a dash of "too many layers" and a little bit of "impressively disheveled" whatever they wear is whatever they found on the floor that day paired with their signature jacket whether it matches or not. Seemingly the only clothes they're willing to wear are long sleeved shirts and full length jeans, with the occasional half-sleeve when they forget to get out of their pajamas. They're never found without their earrings, unless they're asleep.


Technically, they're allowed to wield a short-barrel Cybertronian-made rifle under the stipulation that Jettison keeps it when they're not actively using it.​
Utility multitool.​
Human-sized datapad complete with Cybertronian script option.​
Space-appropriate vacuum-safe attire.​
Homing beacon earrings (can also double as a camera).​

Because half of their life was spent aboard the Decepticon warship, they can almost fluently read and write in modern cybertronian, with some amount of understanding of ancient cybertronian.​
According to them, they get along very well with most Cybertronians, in part because they've learned how to fall well and how to climb better, and in part because they understand how to be very clear about how they feel about being picked up, thrown, etc. Mostly, though, it's because catching someone of diminutive size that can hide under the average workstation is a pain. In reality, it's more like they are a veteran slippery bastard and can vanish in the time it takes someone to blink given the right environment. If Arii doesn't want to be caught, they won't be.​
Arii has quite an extensive history with SCUBA diving, and as such, has somewhat of an understanding of how spacewalks work. While going through the introductory training, they scored very well on both the water-tank spacewalk and the launch and landing tests. They cite their aptitude for the latter in being flown around, thrown, launched out of cockpits, and generally all of the things that happen when "your giant metal roommates don't understand the concept of 'squishy and prone to gravity sickness.'" Nine times out of ten, if the humans pass out from high gs, Arii is the first to wake up.​
Arii can't quite hack, but they can manipulate most cybertronian systems to do what they want, even if it wasn't really built to do that. They've never touched an actual firewall in their life, but you want that text editor to play a silly little animation? Yeah they can probably do that.​
They're a fairly good shot with their rifle, but any human weapons baffle them.​

Personality Traits:
Arii, to put it frankly, is a coward. They have some pretty terrible chronic anxiety, and a penchant for prey-animal fear. Nervous breakdowns are common, though they often take the form of angry outbursts more so than anything resembling the fear it actually is. Their best defense is sarcasm and abrasion, and despite their current status as a diplomat of all things, Arii is actually a very hard person to get along with when one gets down to it.

They are, however, far better at mellowing out their own personality and becoming someone tolerable for however long they must be socially acceptable.

Under what is essentially the personification of the fear a squirrel fears when faced with a dog, and their raging inferiority complex, Arii resembles somewhat of a handleable cat. They're typically perfectly fine being picked up, and will lounge on top of bots for however long they please. If they don't like something, you'll know immediately, and why, something that served them fairly well on the Decepticon warship.

The persona they put out to most people can quite simply be summarized as "well-meaning brat," because as it turns out, most adults love feeling smarter than Arii. This provides them a perfect environment to do... whatever it is Arii wants to do, especially when they put on the "pretend to be smart" act. People like good people, and people also tend to like stupid people. With the right balance, they can worm their way right past most of the barriers put up to them.

Arii was fairly normal as a human being until, at around the age of nine, they were very abruptly kidnapped by giant metal alien robots. Now, surprising as it was that they didn't immediately die of fright, what became more surprising that, as they settled in and managed to secure things like food ("organic things need to eat a lot, and every day."), water ("Not salt water that will kill me."), and some amount of protection from getting squashed, they actually began to thrive. Having a curious mind, the propensity to ask "why" as many times as physically able, and the common sense to escape before people got too frustrated, as it turns out, opened up a lot of avenues.

Groundbridge control was their favorite of their "supervised tasks" (really just making them watch for hope that they would not somehow find the airlock and fire themself out of it, thus losing the Decepticon ranks the leverage they needed them for), and through that, they learned the basics of the modern Cybertronian grid and numbering system. Thus, any willing bot became their teacher, because what else is there to do when trapped on a warship but learn the native language. Of course, modern Cybertronian is completely unpronounceable to human mouths, but their ability to recognize minute changes in complex shapes carried them well through the frankly absurd makings of modern Cybertronian. Reading material was sparse, but hey they got really good at math.

And quite frankly, the Decepticons' math wasn't mathing. Save the planet is a good goal of course, but hey there's always slow rehabilitation instead of beating the other side into submission, and hey maybe stop spreading your war everywhere if you really do want peace.

As it turns out, when the superrace of giant metal robot people think you're stupid, it's really easy to cause a little havoc without getting blamed. Easier still to help someone escape in that time period while everyone's distracted.

Now, Arii was much older when they met the Autobots, and their experience in the Autobot base was something to the left of pleasant. For the most part, they found they didn't like the battalion of Autobots they and Jet were stuck with, but lesser of two evils and all, and once they stopped picking fights they couldn't win, the threats of getting stepped on stopped happening, so that was nice.

Arii mostly took the role of scribe, translator, and diplomat during the tail-end of the war, though diplomat was something of an exaggeration, as for the most part, they spent their time scrubbing the internet of things such as videos of energon explosions and blurry pictures of whatever bot had gotten themself caught on camera. It took nearly all of their time, and they didn't stop until well after the war was over (taking pictures of people without their permission is rude), but that gave the police or whatever some time to handle the whole "hey yeah it's been like six years since I vanished off the face of the world but I'm alive, so I kinda need my legally alive status back" thing.

Too young to take the GED exam to even attempt an estimate of a highschool diploma, they took a gap year that was filled mostly with free college courses and picking up old, human hobbies they hadn't been able to touch in a while. And also the whole... haven't so much as interacted with another human in multiple years thing.

During the start of their studies for the GED, they were offered a position on the Odyssey as one of the only people to have spent significant amounts of time both on a Cybertronian ship as well as interacting with them on, essentially, technology built for them.

Arii is actually quite smart, despite the appearances they put up, and have a remarkable capacity for pattern recognition.

They've broken bones before, and most of them were due to being on the Decepticon warship.

Their vision is so, so, so bad. Like. With their glasses off, they can't see shit.

They are a very picky eater, but luckily, if food is dehydrated or freeze-dried, they are far less picky, as both of those things eliminate most of their texture concerns. Though, they loathe the astronaut favorite of oatmeal with a distaste seemingly borne of nowhere.

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