Transformers: Battle for Earth Character Thread

This is a Transformers Fandom RP about Megatron and the Decepticons trying to take over planet earth. Optimus Prime and the Autobots don't want the earth to share the same fate as Cyberton and are the only things standing in the Decepticon's plan for conquest. This thread is for posting character bios. I'd prefer fan characters, but RPers can also be Optimus, Megatron, Bumblebee, Soundwave, etc if they wanted to.

When posting bios pics aren't necessary. Bios aren't necessary for cannon Transformer characters.




Transformation form:

Side (Autobot or Decepticon):


and weapons (nothing to powerful):


1. No powerplaying.

2. Please no cussing.

3. Don't kill other player's characters without permission.

4. No G-modding.

5. Transformer characters can form bonds, but keep it family friendly.

6. There will be violence in this RPG, but also keep it family friendly.

Here's the link to the actual RPG page:

Name: Siren

Gender: Female

Transformation form: Police car (think Barricade, but a female Autobot version)

Side: Autobot

Personality: Believes in the Autobot cause, most likely to protect innocents, fallows orders well (if they're from fellow Autobots), and is easy to get along with (if you're an Autobot)

Weapons: Right hand turns into a pulse rifle that has a taser effect when she sets the voltage high enough. Both of her hands can turn into guns that are the equivalent of police pistols; she uses these guns a lot in vehicle mode. Blade weapons resembling Arcee's from Transformers: Prime come out of both her wrists. When using her blade melee weapons she sometimes uses kicks and punches.

Name: Crosshair

Gender: Female

Transformation mode: Motorcycle

Side: Formally a Decepticon, now Autobot

Personality: Even though she decided to be an Autobot after seeing how ruthlessly the Decepticons attacked the Ark (and her sister Siren who was in it) from space, she still fights like a Decepticon and is still roguish.

Weapons: As her name suggests, a sniper rifle. She also has two pistols. She uses kicks and her spiked knuckles as melee weapons. She has a holo-projector and uses a welder's torch to repair injuries (she became an expert after repairing her many battle wounds).

View attachment 9819

(Not my art)

Name: Roadblock

Gender: Male

Side: Decepticon

Transformation form: Ion Saturn. Robot form: (not my art)

Personality: One of the more loyal Decepticons, likes destruction, and considers Siren his rival.

Weapons: Right hand turns into a Gatling gun, left hand into a grenade/ rocket launcher. Vehicle mode weapons: same as robot mode. Melee weapons: Hands turn into swords or punches and kicks.

Name: Huntress

Gender: Female

Side: Decepticon

Transformation form: Robotic panther. She has black armor and dark purple fingers, midruff, and face, with red eyes.

Personality: Huntress is coy, catlike, and likes to "play" with her Autobot prey.

Weapons: Her fingers extend into claws. She has a flamethrower and shoots flames from her mouth in panther form. Her panther tail acts like a bladed whip in robot and animal form. A machine gun that is shoulder mounted in robot animal form.

Name: Stalker

Gender: Female

Side" Decepticon

Transformation form: Robotic panther. She looks like a Rumble sized version of Huntress and is the size of Ravage in her panther form.

Personality: She was built and programed by Shockwave to have about the same personality as Huntress. Stalker considered Huntress her 'mom' and wants to please her.

Weapons: Smaller versions of Huntress'

I RP as Megatron. Optimus Prime is open for use.

On Another note, here's a link to PyroWarriorZ's Beast Wars RP
Name: Thundershock

Gender: Male

Transformation form:

Side (Autobot or Decepticon): Autobot

Personality: Very respectable of his comrades and higher ups. If he has orders, he will follow them without question. His outlook towards decepticons leads him to destroy first and ask questions later.

and weapons (nothing to powerful): eight shoulder mounted anti air rockets, one gatling machine gun located on his left arm, two blades located under the gatling gun forming a claw, a twin barrel sniper rifle on his right arm and a twin tower radar jammer upon his back.
The pic is cool. Thanks again for joining.

Just to make the RPG page easier to find, I posted a link in the description above.
Name: Revenant

Gender: Male

Alternate Form:
Black minivan. Heavily (probably illegal) tinted windows.

View attachment 7863

This thing right here. Matte black paintjob,orange optics.

Faction: Decepticon.

Personality: Revenant is cold. He detaches himself from his work and does everything he can to paint his comrades and enemies as things;objects that can be disposed of and replaced as needed. He has no qualms with orchestrating a coup if he believes someone else is a more capable commander. When he works with others,he works as an advance scout,spotter,and assassin. Alone,he gathers vital intel,assassinates targets of opprotunity,and indulges in a spot of sabotoge.

Weapons and Systems: Revenant sheds armour for firepower and support systems. Revenant's substitute for armour is a combonation of optical camouflage and a sensor scrambler,which renders him invisible and creates countless false signatures,respectively. Aside from that,he has an omni sensor suite,which penetrates all forms of counterintelligence. To assist in supporting his compatriots,he has Target Acquisition Gear (TAG),which allows him to laze targets for snipers and artillery. The TAG is mounted in the head. His weapons are collapsible for easy storage,which allows him to carry many of them. His primary weapon is a fusion blaster which is a high-yield,if short ranged,armour penetrating orgy of destruction,wielded one-handed as demonstrated in the image above. Used for anti-intallation work or if he really,really wants to "terminate" someone. He carries a seemingly endless supply of timed and remote charges,kept in various compartments on his chassis,and finally he has a pair of retractable Energon blades in his forearms. His Spark is housed in his head,aside from the almost universal torso mount. This makes "killing" him seemingly impossible until you figure this out. Just like Waspinator.

Battlefield role: Scout,assassin,special forces.

Note: I'm sorry ot say that my sole exposure to Transformers,outside of Bayformers,is Beast Wars.
(Not a problem, he will have strength but his downside is he will be very bad at controlling and end up just hurting himself)



Transformation Form: Tyrannosaurus Rex

View attachment 7965

Robot Form:

View attachment 7964

Side: Undecided, formerly Autobot

Personality: Grimlock has become very aggressive due to the damage to his central processing unit as well as his new alternate form. He feels animalistic and uncontrollable with his feelings taking over his core thought processes. When he gets upset he just wants to destroy everything in sight, but part of his original Autobot programming still trys to surface every now and then.

Weapons: He carries a large blade for melee combat that can burst into flames. He also has machine gun cannons on his shoulders as well as rockets stored in his chest. He can breathe fire in his Beast Mode. His strength is above that of regular Autobots at the cost of his intelligence.
Name: Kanjo

Gender: Male

Transformation form: Motorcycle

Side: Autobot

Personality: Emotionless, but not cruel. Thinks logically, but tries not to stray from the Autobot code

Weapons: Pathblaster and energon katana
name: autoclock

alt-form: praying mantis

alignment: insectacon

personality: hopelessly insane, once he decided that to be one with his other for he had to rip off a somebodys head and eat it. he only got as far ripping of their head. even though he is an insectacon he doesn't really have a side, in his words "i'll go with the team with the better tasting cookies." his is especially skilled with hand to hand combat and "throw-able" explosives.

weapons: blades that go from his wrist to behind his elbows, a large samurai sword, a varying amount of robot sized frag grenades, and a single lazier hand gun that makes the most delightful pew-pew noise.

alt-form weapons: can use praying mantis arms and legs as sharp blades and can shoot his abdomen as a large re-usable missile.

i have some pics but i'm haveing trouble getting it uploaded on my computer i'll try and add it later
Name: Haywire

Gender: Male

Transformation form: Jet

Side: Decepticon

Personality: Very unstable and insane is a comedic way. He prides himself in doing the missions no one else would think of doing.

Weapons: Rocket launcher and detonation packs.
Name: Nightshade.

Gender: Female.

Transformation form:

View attachment 8061

View attachment 8062

Side (Autobot or Decepticon): Autobot.

Personality: Nightshade is very fierce and intelligent. She always knows what to do in battle, and usually wins. She is also very sweet and caring, and loves to help out. She has a strong hatred for the Decepticons, and will do anything to stop them.

Weapons: The two yellow swords that are on her arms, and a cannon that appears out of her shoulders.
*Reads second page*

Dang it.

Anyway, I would gladly join this, but Grimlock has been taken. I would've joined this (Big transformers fan, and probably one of the biggest dinosaur fanatics you could know). I'll come around again if I find something that's more original, because two dinosaur transformers is a bit... Strange. Anyway, cheers to the roleplay, I'll watch from the sidelines, but you have my up vote on it.

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