Transformers: Battle for Earth Character Thread

Name: Brink

Gender: Male

Transformation form:

Robot Mode: This guy

Dino Mode: This guy.

Side: Very light shade of Decepticon (Decepticon=Black, Autobot=White, he's a slightly dark shade of grey).

Personality: Unlike Grimlock, Brink is very cold a calculating. He thinks things through, which is unique for what he is. More than once he has been accidentally mistaken for his Autobot counterpart. Because of this, he has taken on a whole different persona.

All weapons: He is like the polar oposite of Grimlock. He's got teeth and claws, but his flamethrower spews blue fames instead of red ones. In robot mode, his weapons include a blue energy sword that makes place on his left arm's wrist. A riot shield like shield can also be seen on it's left arm. He also has two whips on his right arm, and a cannon on each shoulder.
Name: HotShot


Car Form:

View attachment 10314

Transformation Form:

View attachment 10315

Side: Autobot

Personality: HotShot is a fresh off the trainee field rookie who is far to eager to prove himself. He leaps first, shoots, leaps again and then maybe thinks about it if he has time. He can't wait to take down some Decepticon scum and show the Autobots what a valuable asset he can be. He loves speed and hates to do anything slow, thinking is for nerds!

Weapons: Carries twin high speed blasters, wire cable wrist launchers, smokescreen and can use jets in back and feet to do quick dashes and super speed kicks.

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