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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Tossed Salad - Y2

How would you like your roommates designated?

  • Same Sex

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Opposite Sex

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Completely Random [either same/opposite based on chance]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Social(ly-inept) Butterfly

*~ Tossed Salad ~*



"Unlike a melting pot where all things blend to become the same,

we're like a salad -- sharing in our differences to be better when

we come together."


Welcome to Tossed Salad: Foreign Student Mingling Program! We are pleased to have you join our young program in its second year of business. We know being far from home in an unknown place can be daunting, but remember you're not alone. You are one of many students from another country accepted into our U.S.-based study abroad program. You will be spending a year living in the TS Complex among other students from various countries and cultural backgrounds while going through the American high school experience. You will not only learn to navigate your way in a new country and its academic culture, but also learn to overcome cultural differences among your housemates. We hope you are excited for all the people, places, and things that await you here!

What about school, you ask? The
local high school is in walking distance and students are responsible for getting to and from school. We hope the weekend gives the long road trip or jet-lag time to wear off and you're ready to get a fresh start on Monday! In the meantime, you and your roommate will be living in a dorm of this style and are welcome to decorate however you like; we encourage you to make it like a slice of home.


Tossed Salad (TS) Complex: Located behind the building is a small pool, a short path leading into the garden, and a smaller building serving as the recreation room adjacent to the pool.

Welcome to Tossed Salad!

Our doors are now open!

We wish you the best in your academic and social endeavors!

If anything goes wrong, the dean of the program may always be contacted, via #1 on the house phone or located two houses down. In emergencies, we encourage dialing 911.


  • Everyone should be moving in on a Friday afternoon.
  • I will make similar posts like this to cue events.
  • Remember: At least 5 sentences per post, please!
  • More questions? Message me or ask in OOC. Have fun!

@Suzette ; @callmenox ; @Vulcan ; @MatthewChastain ; @billthesomething ; @CoconutLeaves ; @SomatoToup123 ; @DaedAir ; @PenguinFox
Jomar sat on the bed and placed his hands on his face. He had two strong feelings within him, surging and fighting for dominance: the first was the wonder and amazement that he was now in America. The window outside the car gave him a glimpse of how different it was from his municipality and how the terrain was radically changed from what he knew. There were apple trees and trees that thrived in cold weather; brick buildings and skyscrapers were everywhere; people walked about on their phones in clothes that he would find odd if they were to wear it back home. He was amazed and astounded by it all, and he could only thank Doña Cielo de Lozana for this chance.

The second was the powerful effect known as jetlag. His body was adjusting from the difference in time and he was paying for it with a nausea that seemed to fill his head. He wanted to lie down and just let the day pass.

He had a feeling that the second one was going to overpower him, and thus he went straight for the bathroom and splashed his face with cool water. The refreshing drops of liquid seemed to ease his mind and lower his worries that he returned back to the bed and looked at the luggage that he carried. Rubbing his hand together, he began to unpack neatly placing his clothes and things in neat piles that wouldn't trouble the others. He also made a mental note to clean the room just to see if there was any dust that was missed.
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Jörmundur laid in his bed the first thing he did when arriving at the dorm was take off his sweater and just lie down on the bed. he was trying to adjust to the time change and the weather it was so much warmer then Iceland, Jor closed his eyes as he thought about his travel he just felt like he was on a completely different planet everyone here was different while he knew that America would be more city and less farmland, so in conjunction he also knew that the people would be different but the change just was so daunting to be completely honest.

Jor opened his eyes he just had to do something other then lie in his bed maybe find some food or maybe just walk and get to know his temporary new home. Maybe he could also find the others that came with him on this program.

Jor stood up from his bed and exited the dorm and into the hallways
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Kailaa was completely overwhelmed with everything, the surroundings and everything just seemed so strange to her. The place was so crisp and clean and nothing like her country and hometown, she bit her lip as she looked out the window. All she saw were buildings small and huge everywhere, an occasional tree showed as a landscape to whatever building behind it. This was something she needed to get used to, her country had buildings sure but she lived in a somewhat suburb area and actually preferred that over the busyness of the main town.

Before she knew it they had arrived to what was called the TS Complex, it was nicer than she originally thought. This was where she would be staying, around other students from different parts of the world probably going through the same culture shock she was at the moment. Kai got out of the vehicle and went to the rear of the car where the driver was removing her luggage. She thanked him, pulled up the handle and began wheeling it behind her on the path towards the complex.

Her nerves were making her crazy and she silently said a prayer to herself and opened the door, it was just the beginning she had a whole year of this. With that thought popping into her head she realized just how tired she felt and needed a moment to relax.
Unlike the other new arrivals, Asad was in line, ordering food. Yeah, he was a little sleepy, but the need to eat overwhelmed everything. He was at a fast food place close to the dorms, asking the taxi driver to make a stop there for him. It was a little extra money spent, but he was fine with it. Once he got his food, he hopped back into the cab and continued his trek towards the TS Complex. As the different scenery passed by, Asa couldn't help but be a little grateful that he could get away from his home. Everything was just so different here compared to Iran, but he didn't let his confusion show as the car ride went on.

Eventually, they made it to their destination, and Asad paid the man before grabbing his luggage and leaving. With one hand full of his food and the other carrying his bags, Asa walked slowly to his dorm room, taking in his surroundings as he walked. He was pretty sure every other exchange student was just as amazed, maybe more, although he couldn't see any there. Aha, there was one. A boy, with brownish-red hair and pale skin was standing in the hallway. What he was doing? Asad wasn't sure. He looked like he could be from America, but the was the TS Complex, so he probably wasn't.

Anyways, Asa made his way to his own dorm room, his roommate yet to show up. He took the bed on the right side of the room, closest to the window and spent some time unpacking his stuff, before sitting down to eat. And once he was done eating, well, Asad took a good nap.
Eli watched silently as the scenery whizzed by in the car. While it wasn't terribly different, being that he was from Australia, the season was completely backwards for him. It was strange for him that it was end of summer, beginning of fall, when it should be end of winter, beginning of spring. This would take some getting used to. The other nervous feeling welling inside of him was communication. He had no idea if he would be accepted as others would be. While there would be language barriers between the students, there would also be sound barriers for him. He had thankfully remembered to bring a large notebook so he could communicate slightly easier with others.

When the cab arrived he thanked the driver in sign and grabbed his duffel bag from the back. He entered the dorm he was assigned to to find another person was already there. Great, Already going to have to awkwardly communicate with someone, hopefully he doesn't mind too much. He thought. He quietly, or so he hoped was quietly, set his bag down on the free bed and took out the notebook just in case. He set the notebook on the nightstand and leaned back in bed and stared at the ceiling.

During the ride the the TS complex, Mathieu couldn't help but nod in and out of sleep. He was exhausted,fighting the the urge to sleep right now was hard but he could wait until he got there. He looked out the window at everything that passed by,this place was definitely a lot different than Marseille. The streets were a lot wider,most of the building weren't as close together either.

After getting to the complex,he got out,grabbed his bags and thanked the driver. He walked in to the dorm he was assigned,glad that his roommate wasn't there yet,he could sleep a bit. He unpacked his bags,putting his things away before laying down to take a nap.
“Aye, maw, aye… I be almost thar. I’m a’walkin’ up to the gates now.”

Abaynesh – typically known as “Nessie” by friends and others just to avoid the trials of pronouncing her Ethiopian name…and because they thought it was a funny coincidence that Scotland’s legendary monster nearly matched with part of her name, making it a cute play on words – trekked down the gravely path lugging a large suitcase behind her. They would send the rest of her things later. Her parents sent her by plane and train and then she had to figure out the rest. Luckily, where the train had dropped her wasn’t too far off from her destination, so she just walked the rest of the way.

“I’m hanging up now… Aye… Aye… Okay… No, I’ll talk to da later… Okay… Love ye too. Cheerio.” With that, she finally hung up the phone. Even short conversations made the fact that her accent went in and out a bit obvious, and even if she didn’t speak another language, she almost might as well have just by her heavy usage of Scottish jargon.

Even though she was a bit tired and sweaty, Nessie was excited. She was a social butterfly and couldn’t wait to see who she could befriend and what trouble she could stir up. Afterall – there were practically no distinct rules here, no parents to dictate what she did and didn’t do. …Not that she had been too held down in Scotland anyway, but still! This new experience coupled with the freedom was priceless… Even if, yes, she still had to go to school.

Ahead, as she neared the doors, she could see others arriving on foot or in taxis and unloading their things to take into the house with them. She brushed her wavy locks out of the way – because even though she straightened it, they still insisted on forming some sort of texture – and lifted her dark sunglasses up onto her head to get a better look. She paused where she was, just sort of surveying the area and subconsciously stroked her nose ring as she thought. Then, she started on again, her short kilt – a Logan clan tartan -- swishing around her thighs until she reached the porch and made her way inside to find her room.
Asad woke up at the sound of the door opening. He went on high alert, before he realized it was only his roommate. Sitting up, he glanced at the other boy, taking in his appearance so he could remember it. Actually, Asa probably wouldn't, as he had trouble remembering things not that important, but hopefully he could. He watched as the boy set down his bag and pulled out his notebook, before sitting in down on the nightstand and laying back on his bed. Well that was weird, what would he need a notebook for? Just as quickly as the thought floated into his mind, Asad forgot about it. Oh well, it didn't concern him, so he didn't really care. However, the least he could do was introduce himself, so he stood up and looked over at him. "I'm Asad, your roommate, obviously, but you can call me Asa."

There, he'd done it. Now, that the formality was over, Asa sat back down and pulled out his books, getting ready to study for a bit before he went out to explore the building. Not that anything would interest him, he just wanted to be out of this room.

Eli noticed movement out of the corner of his eye and turned his head to see his roommate moving around. He noticed he was saying something but could only read the words "I'm" and "you can". Eli sighed in frustration, not at his roommate, but at his own difficulty in understanding others. "Woah, olt on thayw" he said. He had no idea what he sounded like but he knew what he was trying to say. He grabbed the notebook from his nightstand and pulled a pencil from his pocket. He opened to the first page and in small neat handwriting he wrote I'm deaf; I need you to speak very slowly, or write things down. Eli thought for a second then, skipping a line on the page he wrote I'm Eli. He then handed his roommate the notebook to read, and the pencil if he wanted to write a response back.

Nova Nia was sitting in the back of a cab. When it had picked her up at the airport the man didn't seem very nice. He didn't look her in the eyes and was awfully quiet. He only said "hello" and "follow me". Nova thought it was a bit rude, but she just followed him to the car and waited as he drove down the roads. She watched the town go by around her, wanting to ask the driver what everything was but didn't think he seemed to interested in any talking. So Nova Nia waited until they arrived, where the man grabbed her bags, carried them to the door and set them down, smiling at her. "Thank you." She said, as he walked back to the vehicle.

Nova picked up her bags and hauled them into the building. As she looked for her dorm she saw a few other people. She opened the door to the room and stumbled in with her bags. She noticed a boy (@MatthewChastain) out of the corner of her eyes and looked over, he appeared to be sleeping. She sat down on the empty bed, putting her bags down next to her. She began to take clothes out and unpack.
Mathieu slept for a good half an hour before starting to wake up,he felt less tired than he originally did. He opened his eyes quickly starting to feel like he wasn't alone anymore. He moved up slightly,resting on an arm as he turned around to see his roommate. // @Suzette //
Kailaa opened the door to her dorm room and slowly walked inside, her eyes moving over everything as she entered but no one was inside she had arrived before her roommate. She wheeled her luggage to the side of the left bed and dropped the heavy tote bag she had on her shoulder onto it. After sitting down she retrieved the cell phone from her bag to call her grand mother, she already missed her deeply and was craving a home cooked meal, she hadn't realized how hungry she had been. Kai ate on the plane but that wasn't a proper meal to full her, 'maybe I could get something while I talk to grandma' she thought standing up. She left her room in search of a kitchen somewhere and dialed the familiar number.

"Hello ma, yeah ah reach." she proceeded through the hallway scoping out the complex whilst she talked.
A young man was sitting in a chair at the waiting area, staring out into the night through the huge windows - at the planes landing and taking off, luggage being loaded. He looked obviously bored, leaning his head on his hand, a rucksack in his legs. This would be a long flight and he was excited for it and at the same time feeling homesick already.

He hadn't taken much. In the old rucksack he had laid on the ground at his feet, there were some everyday clothes, a guide book of Victoria state to read on the plane, his notebook, a towel but also a tone of carabiners, draws, belay devices, slings and a harness, as well as just as many sanwiches and banitsa his mother had stuffed inside along with everything else, even against his approval. A long rolled kernmantle rope was tied to a strap of the rucksack and hanging from the side. He would buy everything else including toiletaries and school supplies once he got there.

Finally, the o so awaited melody in the speakers. They were ready to fly. One last check in and they were on the plane. He took his book out, then shoved the backpack in the storage above their heads and took his seat next to the window. He looked one last time at his documents and ticket. “Here we go”... He tought with a sigh and tucked them away in the inside pocket of his hiking jacket.

Only minutes later, when everyone had taken their seats, did a flight attendant appear, beginning to instruct the passengers of how long the flight would take, where they would stop, what to do in an emergency and instructions like these. Vulcan rolled his eyes and ignored what she was saying. He had flown too many times before and had memorized this speach already. He simply strapped his belt and looked outta window. It wasn’t long till they were finally off.

Once they were in the air, he took the book, beginning to read, eating and drinking from the food that was offered them from time to time as well. The book was interesting and he soon was able to ignore the noises of the plane and passengers, some loud kids among them.

A few hours later they had to stop in Frankfurt to refill. Vulcan walked out and took a few deep breaths. It was a typical German night - moist and cold, even though it was the end of the summer. When they were off again, he read for a couple more hours but eventually nodded off.

When he woke up again, he glanced through the window, seeing that the sun was rising above the horizon. They were almost there. Just a couple more hours. When they landed, it was about 11 am. He took his belongings, then quickly walked out following the long row of passengers.

Washington Dulles International Airport – his current location and the nearest airport to his destination - the town of Vienna. He had to admit he was quite amuzed by its name being identical to the capital of Austria. He was already looking forward to exploring it and see if it stood up to its name.

Not wanting to risk taking some bus and getting lost, Vulcan simply got into the first free taxi that caught his eye and told him the adress of the complex.

The drive from the airport to the school cost him a small fortune but it was money well spent. While the driver was making the trip longer than usual to get even more cash from the ‘tourist’, this also offered Vulcan a nice first look on the town. It was much like some movies he had watched when he was small. Pretty two to three story cottage like houses were to be seen, each with a porch and a big garden up front, lots and lots of trees and greenery, almost as if the town had been built in the middle of the forest and long narrow streets.

Finally they reached the complex. Vulcan quickly got off and after readjusting his rucksack and looking at the building he was going to spend one whole year for a moment, he walked down the paved path to the entrance, immediately heading for the office to fill up the needed form and get the key to his room.

Reaching the room he was assigned to, Vulcan put the key in and turned it only to find the door unlocked. Entering instead, he found another student currently unpacking his stuff. “Hi there.” he greeted while closing the door behind him and unstrapping his rucksack before leaning it on the wall next to the door. Then he walked over to the teen and extended his hand for a handshake with a friendly smile. “Name’s Vulcan.”

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"Oh, Jomar, Mayong hapon diha! Okay ra ka sa flight? (Oh Jomar, Good afternoon! Was your flight okay?)" The image of Doña Cielo de Lozana and her living room came through Skype screen. The early morning sky could be seen out of the capiz windows, and he could hear Marmar's voice shouting her hello's amidst the sounds of the shuffling of pots and pans. The early roosters crowed in the background and he watched as Doña Cielo started to mix the native coffee and added heapings of Muscovado sugar.

"Oo, Madame Cielo, okay lang apan murang sakit akong ulo. (Yes, Doña Cielo, it was fine but my head hurts)" He answered as he placed the laptop on the table and sat before her respectfully, his hands on his lap and his eyes looking at her with a respectful gaze. Even with the distance between them, he can smell the scents on the other side of the screen: The fragrant smell of the Barako, the fresh mangoes being sliced in the kitchen ; the smell of the sea that came with the air; the fragrant heat of the pan de sal being peddled by Mang June in the streets. He didn't feel like he missed it, but the dissonance between the cold climate he found himself in and the pleasant morning breeze of the town he was all too familiar with was just jarring to him.

"Mawala ra man na, oo pa tan-aw, nay ganahan mag istorya nimo. (That will pass, now look, there's someone who wants to speak with you)" With those words, Doña Cielo turned the screen around and Jomar smiled in happiness as his entire family shouted at the sight of him.


"Good luck!"

"Pasalubong (Souvenirs)!!"

"Study hard!"

These were the words he more or less kept hearing and he listened and commented as his family talked about the events of the day before. His nervousness seemed to vanish momentarily as he listened to the voices of his loved ones and the way they described what they saw, ate, and spoke with people from around them and among them. Once the call had ended, he listened to the advice of Doña Cielo and then said his farewell. As the call closed, he put the screen down and returned to unpacking.

"Hi there."

Jomar stopped what he was doing and turned around to see a tall, slender boy, with hair the color of coconut husk, and a skin tone that made him dashing. He looked like a model to Jomar, and for a moment he felt uncertain. But Doña Cielo's words whispered in his ears and he remembered what he had to do.

"Hey Vulcan, my name is Jomar. I guess you're my roommate." He smiled the friendly smile that Doña Cielo said was one of his best characteristics. Shaking his hand, he shook it firmly before letting go and turning to his luggage, searching for the three things that he had placed in his luggage. He pulled it out, the three items. The three items, two rectangular shaped, one in the shape of a small cup, were wrapped in manila paper with typewriting print that had old news articles about his country in Tagalog; a product that Marie Lezama produced for Doña Cielo exclusively.

"These are gift," He said as he scratched the back of his head, not knowing how to say it better, how to make his words flow well, " Dried Sweet Mangoes dipped in Belgian Chocolate, Theo & Philo 70% Dark Chocolate, and Sampaguita Ice Cream from Illustrado, a restaurant in Intramuros." He explained, remembering the words of his teacher and admired person.

"I hope you will like them, and that we can get along." He said, a strong emotion of wishfulness that he unconsciously let out in the last part.

Hearing his roommate's name, Vulcan tried to remember it the best of his ability as this had always been a big problem for him. He repeated his name a couple of times in his head before speaking up again. "Nice to make your acquaintance, Jomar." he said and seeing Jomar returning to his luggage, Vulcan decided to do the same, only to stop in his tracks when suddenly three neatly wrapped packages were presented to him. When they revealed themselves as gifts, Vulcan held in a gasp of surprise, which emotion was quickly replaced by shame and embarrassment. He had nothing to give in return that was of the same value as these.

Purely out of courtesy, suspecting this could be common from where the boy was from, he accepted the presents with a "Thank you but you shouldn't have" and carefully carried them to his own bed, leaving them there and biting at his lip as he looked down at them with his back still turned on Jomar. "I'm sure we will get along just fine." he added as he dragged his own rucksack near his bed and sat down, starting to unpack his own stuff. He saw the food inside but decided not to offer it to Jomar as it was now over twelve hours old. Halfway through, he stopped, looked back at the presents and placed them in his lap, unpacking them carefully as just leaving them there was just as rude as not giving anything in return. "This looks amazing and I'd love to just dig in. Would you share them with me?" he asked, looking up at his roommate. He wasn't lying. They did look tasty and he was sure they would taste just as good as they looked.
America was big. That was the first thing Océane had thought to herself when she had stepped out of the airport, and that thought had followed her all the way to the gate of the Tossed Salad complex.

America was big; or, rather, everything was bigger in America. The cars, the buildings, the people. Bigger, louder, and, hopefully, funnier. Her native Brittany was all familiar and nice, but as the bright-eyed child had grown up to a somewhat educated teenager, it had started to feel a bit... quaint. The little she had seen of the US so far, through her taxi window, didn't seem quaint at all, and even less familiar. Or at least, everything was both familiar – Modern France was very much influenced by American culture, after all – and yet uncannily foreign.

The accent was stronger than she expected, fashion looked way crazier than at home, even the coke she had bought at the airport tasted differently. Well, she knew she shouldn't be surprised – unexpected discoveries, that's what such an endeavour was for. But still, one year away from home... Oh, her parents wanted her to fly back for Christmas, sure, but that was still so many months away. There had been many tears at the airport back home; but that was now twelve hours away.

Océane had been too nervous to sleep most of the trip, and now was feeling a weird mixture of jetlag – why was it the afternoon? It was dusk when she boarded the plane – and excitement. This was it. The US. Tossed Salad. Her year abroad.

She was there. She was actually there. For real. There was no mistaking it – this was going to be great. She couldn't wait to meet all the new people, hear all the foreign tales and try all the novelty this chance of a lifetime had to offer.

With light steps, pulling her two bulky luggages behind her, she entered the complex, crossing the garden. She almost stopped to take pictures – she had snapped as many as she could with her phone on the way to the complex – but decided to unpack first. She'd have one whole year to take pictures of the garden, the trees, the building itself, the bedroom, the everything. But this was the beginning of a new adventure, and she knew how important those were. First impressions were key.

Stepping through the complex, she had a good look around. Everything seemed clean and nice, welcoming; but she had no idea where to go next. Well, it was time to meet her new neighbours.

Hello!” She called in a clear voice, her accent a sweet mix of French and school-learnt British, “Anyone home?

He was glad the Doña was right about this. The look on Vulcan's face meant that he liked the gifts. He sat down across Vulcan looking at the things he was taking out. It was odd, even if the things he had were familiar to Jomar it all looked so...foreign. Perhaps, that's how Vulcan saw him as well, which would be understandable.

"No, it's okay. It's yours so you can enjoy them." He said shaking his hands in a small little wave like motion. He didn't get it, the request for permission if the gift was already his. But then he paused and thought if perhaps this was a way of respect from wherever he was from. He certainly did not want to offend him.

"On second thought, I'll try some then if you're offering." He smiled and sat next to him, noticing the difference in height just then. It wasn't as if he was the tallest then in the municipality. But when everyone was more or less the same height, you stopped noticing or caring about the difference. This was different.

"Where are you from, Vulcan?" He asked as he looked at the three gifts. When Doña Cielo wanted to impress someone, did she pull out all the stops. He could just feel the pesos flow out of these gifts and knew the prices were not something he could afford by himself.

Cortez very casually wheeled his things up to the large building, the wheels loud but fairly smooth against the brick road. Having been here before, he wasn't as awestruck as the year prior; however, he was still excited to meet new people. He wondered briefly if anyone he knew from before would be back again. He doubted it, though. If he learned nothing else from his last visit, he definitely learned how much he appreciated home. Cuba wasn't always the cleanest and the government had its issues, but the free-spirited vibe and tropical atmosphere was priceless. Then again, he was sure most people probably felt that way about their homes, so his thoughts surely were nothing unique.

He pulled his suitcase up the stairs, the weight of the bag on his back helping push him forward. The orange tee shirt and khaki cargo shorts clad boy brushed his hair out of his face with a hand once he reached the top, then wheeled his things in through the door. Just inside the door, he paused, taking in the distant murmurs of many accented voices. His lips curved into a light smile before he proceeded on to find his room. Although, while on his way, he caught the call of a female's voice seemingly surveying the area, asking if anyone was around. Soon, he spotted her.

"Hola, chica," he greeted brightly with a smile. He'd have waved, but his hands were full. He stopped once he made it closer. "Cortez." He gave an affirmative nod as he introduced himself. "I take it your roommate must not be in," he suggested, acknowledging the now louder hums in the hall, but, well, how empty the hall itself was. He figured everyone was probably still getting acquainted with those they'd be sharing their room with for the year before they branched out to meet other housemates.

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Vulcan let out an internal sigh of relief as Jomar agreed to sharing the food. It would make it way less awkward for him to eat there on his own, especially since they were still mostly strangers. He would just feel like eating in public - something he wasn't too fond of doing, mainly because he always felt as if people were judging him. The moment the other sat next to him, Vulcan quickly made room for him by moving farther down the bed and placed the packages in between them. Even though he was eager to try some, particularly the chocolate ones, being the small chocoaddict as he was, Vulcan would let Jomar try something first.

"Bulgaria." Vulcan replied simply to his question, glad to have something else to talk about. "Won't blame you if you don't know where that is. Few do." he added with a small shrug before asking in return. "How about you?" The moment he had laid eyes on him, Vulcan knew Jomar was somewhere from Asia but couldn't quite pin down his exact origins, so he was quite curious about his answer.

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"Argao, Cebu, Philippines."

Jomar said as he opened the plastic cover of the Dried Mangoes box. Personally, this wasn't his favorite as the dried mangoes were much too sweet for him to consider it as a snack. The tourists seem to love it however, and the local government always advertises it for the, but for him nothing could beat the taste of a fresh mango that had been cubed and eaten with a sprinkling of salt to enhance the sweetness to a more memorable taste. It was that or the unripe mangoes. The sour delight had him mentally salivating as he imagined the sliced fruit with salt, cane vinegar, and fish paste and eaten by hand. He wasn't sure if he was staring at Vulcan for a bit too long but he figured he should start speaking.

"This one is from my island." he said as he opened the box. The dried mangoes were lined up in neat little rows, the bright yellow color on one side in contrast with the rich chocolate flavor of the other which was dipped. But he decided to open the Theo & Philo as well as the Sampaguita ice cream to give them a good look of what they'd be sampling.

The Theo & Philo chocolate, seemed like a normal semi sweet chocolate, so there wasn't anything that can be said. But the wrapping itself was attractive to Doña Cielo, and that made the taste more memorable to her.

The Sampaguita ice cream looked like that of vanilla, but Jomar noticed that the Doña Cielo must had added a special request for the ice cream cup had small sampaguita flowers in it that heightened the smell of the jasmine flowers. He had tried it before, the tangy taste and the smell of ice cream something he wasn't used to but grew to love it.

"Bulgaria," He repeated but then shook his head, " I really don't know where that is. Europe?" He guessed as he went back to his luggage and took out two intricately designed metal spoons with floral patterns and small lizards made on the end of the spoons. He went back and handed one to Vulcan and one for himself for the ice cream.

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Nessie made her progression through the house much more slowly as she looked around, just feeling even more good about this. She was definitely taking her time to take this all in. She decided to wheel her one suitcase to the right of the hall where she could see the numbers increasing. Focusing on the doors, she glanced from one side of the hall to the other, until she caught site of her name beside another girl's. "Kailaa." She stated, and her mind began coming up with all of these ideas about this girl just based on her name. However, that was short lived as soon as she let herself in. She could see that her roommate had already been here and apparently left. She didn't seem to get around to unpacking either - no pictures or anything of that sort, so she'd be left with her curiosity and a fabricated idea of her roommate until she returned. She went over to the vacant bed and dropped her things there. She decided she'd begin unpacking the important things now - clothes and the sort - and leave the rest to wait for later.
As Nova was unpacking she noticed her roommate sitting up on his bad. She immediately set down the clothes she was putting away and walked over to the boy. She stuck out a to him in a greeting. "I am Nova. Vhat is your name." Nova put a big grin on her face, waiting for the boy to shake her hand.

//These posts are so long omfg *Dead*

Saint Alexander Pierce

He was so angry with himself because he missed his first flight so he would be arriving late, He hated being late.

He soon was near the TS complex, The cab driver driving quickly but he could still see all the buildings, It wasn't much different from Australia though it was quite a bit hotter, He was dressed in a white t-shirt, grey skinny jeans, black converse high-tops and his plugs had black widows on them. Soon he was there, He stared at the building in awe for a moment before getting out of the cab and thanking the driver, Grabbing his bag and walking in with a slightly nervous look on his face​

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