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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul RP

"Hello, I'm Yoru, Awai Yoru," he extends his hand in greeting while still spilling blood on the floor. "Sorry for the mess, but I'll stop bleeding soon so don't worry," he adds as if randomly bleeding on floors is normal.
Crow extended his hand and instead of being concerned or confused or even friendly, he just looked him in the eyes with a blank face and told him "Go into the bathroom and there are extra employee outfits that you can wear". He then pointed towards the bathroom and nodded slightly in the direction as if mentally nudging him forward towards the bathroom. (Thank you for responding, I want to bring this RP back from the dead x3)
"Okay," Yoru walks in that direction and then returns in the uniform, with his hoodie jacket instead of the standard shirt. He immediately begins cleaning the floor with a rag he found. "Thank you for your kindness," he finally says with his eyes on the floor.

(No probs this seems like a fun roleplay, let's make it a zombie)
Yoshiro opened the door leading out into the streets from his favorite restaurant. He had eaten to his fill, which he noted was a bit too much for even his hunger. He barely had enough yen in his wallet to get a bus ride back home. It was a shame the nearest bus stop was two blocks away, but what could he do about it? He started walking towards it, thinking about what meal he'd eat next paycheck.
Kohan smiled as she walked around 11. Ward 15 was getting borning to her. She looks around noticing a buss stop.
Yoshiro finally arrived at the bus stop, feeling a drop of rain hit his face. He put his briefcase in his left hand, and pulled out his mini-portable umbrella. He then switched the umbrella to his left hand, and his briefcase to his right. As much as he enjoyed the rain, Yosh wasn't in the right apparel for it.
Rohan looked up at the rain and quickly rushed over to the bus stop seeing a chance at sime food she stood beside Yoshiro getting soaked by the rain.
Yosh noticed the girl next to him getting drenched in rain, so he offered his umbrella to her. "Here, take this. You don't want to get a cold, do ya?" He said, smiling.
She smiled at him steppung closer so they could both be under the umbrella. They were no more than few inches apart. "Thank you." She took the umbrella. She looked at the ground before moving some wet long red hair from her face.
He cleared his throat, while simultaneously re-adjusting his tie. "I'm Yoshiro Ren, but most people just call me Yosh." Yoshiro said, holding his hand out for her to possibly shake.
She smiled warmly at him. And put her hand to his. "It is nice to meet you Mr. Ren. My name is Rohan (insert her last name here because I foregot it lol)"
Yosh shook it firmly. "It's a pleasure to meet you, can I call you Rohan? Or do you prefer formalities?"
"I do, every other paycheck I treat myself to some of the food from my favorite restaurant, which is two blocks down that way." He answered, pointing his index finger down the path he had come from. "I've been stationed here since my induction into the CCG, but now I'm hearing that they might move me to the 20th or 14th ward. I really don't want to move away from here, it's been nice to me." He sighed, his shoulders drooping a bit. "Anyways, what brings you here from 15?"
"I guess I got bored. Anyways your a do- your a memmber of the CCG? What is it like? Hunting thoes ghouls." She said ghouls with fake hatred and smiled warmly at him.
"Well..." He scratched his chin, closing his eyes to think. "It's not like how they make it seem on those shows. Ghouls are smart, smarter than most officers give them credit for. It's like fighting a demigod, they have powers and abilities that we can only dream of. I feel sorry for them, though. That doesn't mean I don't hate how easily they can just kill a person, but I respect their tenacity to fight for one more day of living. As a fellow fighter, I respect them, and offer my condolences for having to strike them down. That is something most CCG members don't even grace the thought of." He opened his eyes to look at her as he finished his thought.
She listened intensely. She was in deep thought and taken aback by the time he finished and took a step back from him as he spoke. When she realized he was looking at her she shook her head and smiled at him. "Wow... that is unusual. Especially for a CCG member."
Yoshiro smiled back. "I don't care what they've done, or who they were. On the battlefield, everyone is equal in their hearts. The will to live is strong, and it shows who we truly are." He held up his gloved hand, and gripped it tightly into a fist. "It is because of my opponent that I am able to become stronger, so they have my thanks and my respect." He suddenly opened his eyes, and then scratched the back of his head, closing his eyes. "Sorry, I started to ramble on. I do that sometimes." He smiled again.
"No it is fine. I have never heared someone so passionate about the ghouls before." She smiled deeply getting closer to him until there shoulders were touching.
"It's nothing, I just hold them in high regard, that's all." He scratched his chin again, thinking about something else entirely.
"It think it is good. Maybe one day we can get past all this and they can somehow be able to live in our society without fear..." she giggled.
"That would be nice, but a lot of humans and CCG members think such thoughts are impossible, thinking that Ghouls can never change their "animalistic ways". Really, we should just sit both sides down and talk things through." He chuckled.
She giggled with him. "Well in my thoughts it is really who is really hunting who... not to say your hunting anyone." She says slightly panicked.

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