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Fandom [Tokyo Ghoul] Glassy Sky

You know when I said that there was gonna be a possible future where I come back. Well guess what? The future is here, and it is bright. I'll submit an OC later tonight when I'm done with work.
Yeah... I can... See... How this... Makes you sound... So... Tired... But it works... If you... Are... Actually... *Yawn* ... Tired...
Quarantine said:
@JPTheWarrior They don't live there, they're just spare rooms, to my knowledge.
But isn't everyone there? For what I understanded, All the characters didn't get out of the club... Hm guess I'll read everything again to be sure. Ah no forget it. Yes two or more characters are out of the club
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@JPTheWarrior sorry about your post being ignored, I'm sure it wasn't intentional.

I thought I should say that your post gave me major Dae Ja Vu... (However the fuck you spell it >.<)
JPTheWarrior said:
But isn't everyone there? For what I understanded, All the characters didn't get out of the club... Hm guess I'll read everything again to be sure. Ah no forget it. Yes two or more characters are out of the club
Yeah. They're injured, and Tsuki was told to stay there. Asato and Ukii are at her home.

JPTheWarrior said:
@Quarantine Can I just say there is a room where the ghoul outfits are?
I dunno. You should ask @Thetas
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MiyaTheNeko said:
@JPTheWarrior sorry about your post being ignored, I'm sure it wasn't intentional.
I thought I should say that your post gave me major Dae Ja Vu... (However the fuck you spell it >.<)
It's kk. You three were focused on the heat of the rp so it's normal stuff like that happens :D And why did it gave you that? xD
JPTheWarrior said:
It's kk. You three were focused on the heat of the rp so it's normal stuff like that happens :D And why did it gave you that? xD
I have no idea xD I feel like I've seen you, or someone post a similar post...

It was weird... I don't like Dae Ja Vu
MiyaTheNeko said:
I have no idea xD I feel like I've seen you, or someone post a similar post...
It was weird... I don't like Dae Ja Vu
Of course you have seen me xD I am the co-gm of the zombie rp that was taken down due to multiple law breaking posts xD
That great feeling you get watching 22 jump Street

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/Ice-Cube-in-22-Jump-Street.jpg.7bc4db7a955e9fbd59a0e9ab260b1f67.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="149185" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/Ice-Cube-in-22-Jump-Street.jpg.7bc4db7a955e9fbd59a0e9ab260b1f67.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Ice-Cube-in-22-Jump-Street.jpg
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@Quarantine I change it up a bit. The actions are still the same but I said that he went to his house and then back to the club. Is that alright?

@MiyaTheNeko Sorry but I don't know what that is xD
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JPTheWarrior said:
Of course you have seen me xD I am the co-gm of the zombie rp that was taken down due to multiple law breaking posts xD
Obviously I know you xD how could I forget you and the zombie rp, I was taking about the post :3 it looked super familiar.


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